. J THE -SOLlANTOtf THIBUNE-SATU11DAY, jSOVEMBER 20, H.902. INTERPRETER AS A DIPLOMAT (WON HIGH ENCOMIUM FROM THE TURKISH OFFICERS. An Incident of Renr Admiral Klrk lnnd's Visit On the Snn Francisco to a Turkish Fort During1 the Ex citement Following the American Mftssncres. lotn tlio New York Hun. "When tlie Arincnluti trotiblen were nt tliolr IicIkIiI a few yearn iiko," cnlil a nitviil paymaster, "my ship, t lie Han 1'VaiiclHOO, tliignhl) ut tho Mertltet run on it squadron, cnrrylnir Admiral Klrk Innri'a bit of htmtlm;, dropped her anchor In the harbor ot the iiiimt Im portant seaport town In oiif of the main provinces of Turkey In AhIh The Idea. In nnohoillit,- tlieie wai . . nlono to kill time, but also to glui the onclncerH a chance to do some over hauling required by the machinery. "After the ship bad bepn hwIiirIiik to her imiilhook for nn hour or so, a gay ly caparisoned Hbore-boat came off from the beach, beating a messenger from the Vail, or Turkish governor of the province. I to was In mil Turkish uniform, this messenger, and he jab bered at the gangway for some time before the officer of the declc thought of sending for Lieutenant Ward, the champion linguist of the American navy, who was then attached to the San .Francisco. An Expert Interpreter, "Ward had orten exhibited his skill ns a linguist and had won renown for Ills knowledge of the obscure lan guages, What Ward couldn't do with any old language, living or dead and buried, from ancient1 Carthaginian down to the coon French of Louisiana, wasn't worth doing. "So the officer of the deck sent for "Ward to see if he could pick any toll; out of this violently-gesticulating per son in the baggy, gilt-etnbroldered trousers at the gangway. It was something easy for Ward, talking Ara bic was, and In no time he had the Vall's messenger reduced to smiles with his Turkish jokes. "The messenger's message was the Fimplest thing In life. He simply bore the respects of the Vail, who would be pleased to visit the San Francisco himself on the following day, with the gracious admiral's invitation, etc.. etc. "All of this was carried aft to Ad miral Kirkland, of course and also, of course, the bluff old gentleman replied that he'd be delighted to receive his Vali-shlp ou board thu San Francisco on the following afternoon. The Vali Comes Aboard. "Well, the Vali, gorgeous as the Kiistcru star in his clothes and jew Who $ Wants F 20 ms Twenty Christmas Presents $50.oo To Be Given by The Scranton Tribune to the Children of Scranton and Northeastern Pennsylvania. One Present $20.00 One Present One Present , Two Presents Five Presents Ten Presents 10.00 5.00 3.50 1.00 50c Total Twenty Presents Tllfi TRIBUNE'S SECOND ANNUAL Junior Educational Contest A Contest in Word-Building-. Who Can Make the Most Words Out of the Letters in T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R. THIS IS much easier than last year's contest, and twenty of the brightest boys and girls will seenre Chrismas Gifts In cash for making the largest number of words out of these letters. It Is lots of fun to think of the words and hunt them up In the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your spelling. You will be surprised at the number of different ways these twelve letters can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents or guard ians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper." No letter must be used any more times than they appear In these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there might be two "H's" or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Webster's Inter national Dictionary" (edition of 1898) will be allowed. Any dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not found in Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing In the "Appendix" will not be allowed, Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once, Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O," How to Write Your List,. Write on one side of the paper only, Write very plainly ; If possible, use a typewriter. Place the words alphabetically. Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top of your list. Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who Is a regular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE. Fold the llstDO NOT ROLL. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20TII at 5 P, M, All letters of Inquiry for Information will be promptly answered. Ad dress your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR. SCRANTON TRIBUNE. , SCRANTON. PA. elled decorations, came off to the Snn Francisco, attended by his suite, on the following afternoon. The Vail was it good looking Turk with a. shrewd pyo In his head, and he was the quin tessence and tintype of courtesy and grace. "He spoke only In Turkish, and of course (lieutenant Ward had to bo summoned' to Interpret his talk to the Admiral. At the gangway the Vail expressed his appreciation of the no bility of Admiral Klrklnnd as exhib ited by the admiral's gracious Invita tion, and got off a lot of other taffy like that, which Lieutenant Ward faithfully translated. Then the Vail was conducted aft to the adinlruPs cabin, where, with the assistance of Dragoman Ward, the bluff old sea dog and the Turkish governor settled down for a talk. "'ow, I ought to say that Admiral Kirkland didn't have a bit of use In the world for u Turk, and he was also pretty sore at. this time over the Ar menian massacres. He would havu liked to have permission from this isoverninent to waltz Into the harbor i'r Constantinople and to blow that town Hat to the ground, and, what's more, he often snld so right out loud, so's he could bo heard. So that ho didn't feel particularly honored over this visit ot the Vail man, big gun as the latter was. "The Vail, Admiral Kirkland and Lieutenant Ward sat down nt one ot the admiral's tables for a talk. Heart to Heart Talk. " 'Ward,' said Admiral Kirkland to his Interpreter, 'you can tell that heady-eyed Individual across the table he. looks as if he had murder In his heart, like all the rest of his tribe that It 1 had my way about It 1U1 keel haul every blithering mother's sou of a Turk that wears hair; you tell him that, Ward,' and the admiral gazed as graciously as you like at. the pleased looking Vail. " 'The august admiral,' translated "Ward to the bowing Vail, 'desires me to tender to your excellency the assur ances of his most devoted and solicit ous consideration.' "Hereupon the Vail bowed his thanks and smiled. "'Did you tell the curmudgeon that, Ward?' Inquired the bluff old admiral --'Hod MM' Kirkland, as the sailors affectionately called him. "All right. Now you can just tell him that 1C these massacres continue, I'll be swuz zled If I won't some day forget my or ders, or,, at any rate, get away from cable communication, and find some pretext to hammer a few Turkish towns. Tell him that, Ward tell the black-browed runt that, lieutenant, If you'll be so kind,' and the admiral, with his face wreathed in gracious, mellow smiles, bowed respectfully In the direction of the Vail. " 'The most august admiral,' trans lated Lieutenant Ward, 'desires me to convey to your excellency the hope that your present station Is one 6t un ending happiness for you and your or family, and to express the earnest .00 For a Christmas i gold Present in Gold. . $20.00 In Gold 10.00 In Gold 5.00 Each 5.00 Each 5.00 Each . 5.00 $50.00 ? ISO 7 hope that yotir shadow tnny never, Jit, never prow less.' "Which the Vail received with mur mured expressions or gratitude. Not Translated Literally. "Oh, It was pretty good talk, that talk of the admiral's and the Vall's. Ward said afterward that It was tor ture for him, he wanted so fiercely lo yell, to roll on the deck and shout, "With a countenance that was the very picture of amiability, the line old admiral said the most terrible things right to the Vall's face, and pretend ing that he expected Ward to trans lute them just that way. Now, Admir al Kirkland wasn't exactly what you could call a piratically profane man, but ho did permit himself to drift Into few harmless swear words as ho pleasantly conversed with the Vail. "The conversation went on In this way for about halt an hour, and then the Vail rose and, with ninny expres sions of nppreelnllon and gratitude for the good time that had been given to htm, ho departed from the ship. "On the following duy lieutenant Ward went ashore on some personal business, lie ran smack Into the Vail a. short dlstunce from tno Vall's pal ace. The Vail beckoned pleasantly to Ward to approach him. " 'My boy,' said the Vull, In perfect, liquid, burbling English the most perfect Kngllsh for a Turk that AVard had ever heard 'My boy, will you be good enough to say to the gracious Admiral Kirkland for mo that J regard you 110L only ns an Interpreter of In estimable value, but as a gifted diplo matist as well?" THOMPSON. SpeclHt to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, Nov. 28. The winds and the snow this morning assured us that It is after Thanksgiving. R. M. Cole, of Scranton, visited his father, Rev. I,. Cole, Wednesday. Mrs. A. O. Salesbury und son, Floyd, are In Scranton for a few days, visit ing her brother. Mrs. W. T. Roskelly, of the township, spent Thanksgiving with her husband at Plttston, who has charge of a har ness shop there. Mrs. T. M. Smith and her son and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Smith, or C'ar bondale, and her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Tower, and son Robert B of Alton, N. Y., spent Thanksgiv ing day at Rest cottage with her brother-in-law and wife, Rev. and Mrs. V. R. Tower. Dr. L. M. Gates, of Scranton, called on his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. "W. Gates, yesterday afternoon and re turned last evenliiK. Mrs. R. M. Pascoe returned from a ten days' visit in Scranton yesterday morning. Mrs. Fred 1'ease is visiting her mother, at Starrucca. today. A jolly company of nine came up from Herrick Centre last evening and enjoyed a Thanksgiving supper with Mrs. Smith, of the Jefferson house. They were all in their youthful vigor, and they enthused In their merriment like a real wedding party, kissing the bride and scattering rice. But as they returned on the 0 o'clock train, it is inferred that it was only a rehearsal for coming es'ents. AVe extend hest wishes, and come again. C. Li. Clark, of Montdale, Is here pre paring the foundation for a house on his farm on Starrucca road. The union Thanksgiving services nt the Baptist church yesterday morning were appropriate and enjoyable, nnd the sermon by Rev. Pascoe hud to do with the affairs ot the limes, and was altogether wholesome. The Delaware and Hudson train yes terday morning brought hunters armed to the teeth, and dogs galore, to this neck o' woods. Nine of them took din ner at the Jefferson house. The Rev. J. T. Brewster has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Bap tist church, at Starrucca. Kgbert Witter is on the sick list. Kll II. Bloxham returned from his trip to Saratoga, X. Y Wednesday evening. PECKVILLE. Presbyterian church, Rev. S. II. Moon, D. D., pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p.m. Subject in morning, "Joy in God;" evening, "Joy In God's Service." All welcome. Peckville Baptist church, Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 11, m. and 7 p. 111. Morning sub ject, "Bringing a Man to Christ." In tlie evening, an object sermon, "Bible Lessons from a Lump of Coal." Every body welcome. A dwelling house owned by Mrs. Davis, of Carbondale, and occupied by Frank Camelctlo, was burned to the ground at midnight Thursday. The structure Js located on the RIdgo In Archbald borough. Cameletto kept boarders and thero were In the houso at the time about a dozen Italians. The, fire originated In the kitchen and had great headway when discovered. Cam elotto and his family, along with the boarders, made their escape In their night clothes, by jumping from the up stairs windows. They escaped injury, but lost all their personal property. An alarm of lire- was sounded from box ::;!, but owing to there being no lire plug in the vicinity of the lire, the llre inen did not respond to the alarm The building and contents were insured, G. M. Pierco spent Thursday in the vicinity of Unlondale hunting. Mr. Pierce returned that evening with a well (Hied game bag as a result of his superior marksmanship. Mr. Jay, foreman for the Peck Lum ber Manufacturing company, spent Thanksgiving day with his family at Afton, N. V. J. F. Gllroy was a business caller at Ilonesdale yesterday. An entertainment and supper will be given at the Hose house hall ou Tues day evening, Dec. 2. It will be under tho auspices of Warahpa tribe, Inde pendent Order of Red Men, of Peck ville, for the benefit of Samuel R, Jones, who lias been 111 for the past three years. Admission, twenty-five cents. IlIOSCOW. Mr, and Mrs. T T. Peltou enter tained the following guests at dinner, on Thanksgiving; Row and Mrs. G. II, Prentice, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Adams, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Van Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Borlree, Mrs. George, Amusu Bortree, from this place, and Mr, and Mrs. R, Foote and daughter, Frances, of llolllstervllle, Tho KpwortU League will give their monthly literary entertainment next Wednesday evening, Miss Mamie Bortree Is visiting Tay lor and Scranton friends, Messrs, Churles Brown, of AVest Pittston, and AVIIIIam Brown, of Toby, hannu, spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. Fnnnle Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Otto lOhrhurdt and baby, of Scranton, visited the former's parents this week. ? Dr. Holtss, or Gouldsboro, wus u culler lu town, Thursduy. DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Disease and Do Not Know Until It Has Developed Into Bladder .Trouble, Rheumatism, Diabetes or Bright's Disease, Which Will Prove Fatal if Not Attended to at'Oncc. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS! A TRIAL HOT'lTiH OK WAUNKU'B BAKU CtJKH. TIM', AVOULD'H OrtKATKflT KtllNHY CI'RK. HUNT AHHOLPTKLY KItlJK TO KVHHY UHADKK Of.' TIIIH PAPKIl WHO SI'I'l'llRH FHOM KIDNKY, LIVUK, IILA11DKR OH BLOOD if to i Pains In the small of the back, painful passing of urine, iiillaiiimutlon of tho bladder, torpid liver, cloudy urine, pains In the back of the bead and neck, rheu matic pains and swellings all over the body, eczema and jaundice tell you your kidneys are diseased and are not able to do their work properly. K you have any of these symptoms great care should bo tnkon to stop the progress of the dis ease and prevent It becoming chronic und pregnatlng the entire system. IF IN DOUBT MAKE THIS TEST Put some urine In a glass; after it stands 21 hours if you find a reddish brick dust sediment In It, or particles floating In tho urine, nr If It is cloudv, you wilt know your kidneys are in a diseased condition and arc unable to perform their work, the lesult will be tho bladder nnd urinary origins will become inllamed, uric acid will poison the blood, thu stomach will become affected and uiiabln to digest tho food, tho system will become weak and thu result will b a break-duwn of the general health, with Blight's disease or diabetes, which will prove fatal If not treated with promptness and great care. WARNER'S SAFE CURE will purify and strengthen the kidneys and enable them to do their work; It will ; cure rheumatism, rheumatic gout, diubulcs, Bright's disease, uric acid poison, in flammation of tho bladder and urinary organs, and restore thu patient's health und vigor. The free trial bottle has often been sufficient to euro cases of kidney disease when the simple home test described above has been made in the earlier stages of the disease. , If you decide AVnrner's Safe Cure is what you need you can buy it at any drug store, two sizes, TiO cents and $1.00 a bottle. , REFUSE SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS Be sure you get AVarner's Safe dire, substitutes contain dangerous drugs. There Is none "just as good" as Warner's Sato Cure. ' Tho following are samples of thousands of unsolicited letters received from grateful men and women who have been' cured by AVarner's Safe Cure: Sir: I am 02 years old and a Western Union Telegraph operator. Last summer I was seized with an extremely severe attack of kidney trouble. My physicians gave me up and 1 was about to prcparo to meet my Maker, when a friend advised AVarner's Safe. Cure. Six bottles cured me and 1 am now at my instrument in AVestern Union service. JAS. MeDOXNKLU Baltimore, March 21, 1902, Wit Forest Place. CURES KIDNEY DISEASE Mrs. Albert Angle, of AVelsh Hun. Pa wrote on March !, !H)2, I have used AVar ner's Safe Cure for kidney and bladder trouble, it cured mc and did me so much good, especially through thu chungu of life. Jt has kept my kidneys, bladder and liver In a healthy, normal condition, and 1 am now b: years old. When I began using it I was all run down. I had pains In my back and was wasting away. I weighed only SO pounds, t now weigli 1C0, so you see. am a. living testimonial for what Safe Cure can do. If everyone who has kidney trouble of any form only uso AA'uriier'n Safe Care, they would bo cured und prolong their lives. AVarner's Safe Cure is purely vegctablo and contains no narcotics, no harmful drugs. (Beware of so-called kidney cures 'full of seriment and ot bad odor they aru harmful.) ft does not constipate; it is a most valuable and elTectivo tonio; It kills the disease germs; it is a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver. It is prescribed and used by doctors themselves in tho leading hospitals ns the only absolute euro for nil forms of disease of tho kidneys, liver, bladder nnd blood. Warner's Safe Pills move tho bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE To convince every sufferer from diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, that AVarner's Safe Cure will cure them a trial bottle will be sent abso lutely free, postpaid. Also a valuable medical booklet which tells all about thu diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder, with a prescription for each disease, and many of the thousands of testimonials received daily from grateful patients who have been cured by AVarner's Safe Cure. All you have to do is write War ner's Safe. Cure Company, Ttoehe.stor, N. V., and mention having read this liberal offer In this paper. The genulness ot this offer Is fully guaranteed by thu publisher. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Tall Trip to New York. New York Is Interesting whenever you visit it, but the fall days in the great city is" always delightful, The parks are at their best, The theatres have attractions which time have niude perfect. Tho stores show a wealth ot ney and up-to-date merchandise, and thu weather is comfortable. Old Kll'th avenue, tho pride of tho city, Is one ut tlio features no visitor should miss, and Central Park and ISi'onx Park will Interest everyone. Xo matter where you go, something worth seeing will be found and for a riiace where the hours arc like minutes, Xuw York leads. A trip to New York does one good, and the opportunity to visit New York under favorable circumstances comes ou November itf, when tho Now Jersey Central runs its Fall Kxcurslou to tho great city. Tickets are good going on any train ou above date, and good to return to and including November ,'!0. The rates have been reduced, anil for further information consult your local ticket agent,. California. Fully described and Illustrated In an artistically arranged and beautifully printed book just Issued by the Chicago and Northwestern railway. U de scribes fully its commercial, Industrial and transportation advantages, und the delights of out-door life lu the beautiful climate of the const; of special interest to those contemplating a trip to this wonderful state. Semi four rents In postage to AV, H, Knlskern, passenger trafljo manager, 'ii Fifth avenue, Chi cago, MOOSIC. Miss Margaret Law, of-ticrauton, Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Marjorlc Itobertson. Miss Isabella McMurtrle, or Forty Fort, wns a caller In town yesterday. Miss Alice aurduer, of ibooklyu, N. Y and Mrs. U. CI. Hull, of Scranton, spent AVednesday afternoon lu town. Miss Nina Dl- entertained a few of her friends on, Thursday evening In honor of Mrs. Powell, of West Scran ton. Miss Stella Le A'uu was a caller In Scunton Friday. Miss Ititu Jenkins Is visiting her cous ins In Peckville this week. ! When in Need Of anything in the lih of .j, optical goods we can supply it. .. I Spectacles t i and Eye Classes! .j. Properly fitted by an expert .j. optician, 4. j From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrip- tion work and repairing, t Mercereau & Connell i 132 Wyoming Avenue. Oneita (Elastic Ribbed) . Union Suits For men cover the whole body like nn additional skin, fitting1 like a glove, softly nnd without pres sure. No buttons down the front. Special price, $2-50 Worth $4.00 412 Spruce St. NEW LINE OP SMOKING JACK ETS, HOUSE AND BATH ItOBES- &? --t.;.. x t uentlemen: We're running a pretty good clothing store here -want you to come quote you some prices. This ijRL & I mmKm n '! ll I I ! Don't forget our Men's and Boys' Shoe Department, on the first floor. It contains all the new Winter styles at prices which please our customers. KRAMER BROS. Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys. We Give Green Trading Stamps. 4.jfr.g Money If You Are In a Hurry Call on Us. Making New Friends Every Day Are yon In need of monc., ? WV loan nny iiiiiount from $M up, on household jjoods, pianos, The Roods remain in your posses-xlon. Money In your liunds two hours after upplk'titlon. I.01111H made for one month or one THERE IS IMO EXPENSE to you unless we make the loan. We do business on a plan to make friends. Once a friend, always a friend, and friends upbuild any one's business. You can have any amount here from $10 up on household goods and personal effects. Easy payment plan. SCRANTON LOAN GUARANTY CO. Near Corner Spruce Street. Open from 8 a. 111. to p. in. Advertising Space is so expensive That it would be poor business judgment for us to exploit the merits of Green Valley Rye, unless we were positive your exper ience in using it would justify our claims and cause you to repeat the order. '? 1 . Kour full quart bottles of (Ireen Vulley coil five dollnrs Carrlugo prepaid nuy ' where earn of the MlsaUsipjil. Old l5RZ Job Printing Phone XrS n '. ''"one , 2162 ry'.SLEjDEMRmem''rit, 2974 r in Lackawamna AvcScramton.V 'Phone orders are time savers, W!99 store sells what it is pleased to call better clothing than you will secure elsewhere for the same amount of money. Men sWinterSuits $8 to $15. In all the choicest fabrics of the season, and the best things of the kind in the city. Men's Overcoats $8 to $20. In all the various lengths and popular cloths, silk or satin lined, made up by skilled tai lors in the highest art. You will say these are the best values anywhere in this city, VVVVVVVVVV.VVVV; to Loan. We Will Lend You Money on Household Furniture. year, nnd at maturity loan eaii bo ex tended without additional rost. No extra chnri;'" for paper. T'ay ments win he made ou instalment plan: so niueh per week or pur month. We deal honestly and fairly with nil. Come In and tulle II over or send for onti of our ronlldentlul nuents. 207 Wyorainp Ave Scranton, Fa. ? vBrnx New "IlfM, l! of Every Description, Neatly, Promptly, and Ac curately Done at The Tribune Office, . , , j , t.iiKf , .