The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 29, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
Carbondalc Medical Society's Discus
sion of Imnoitnnco and Vnluo fo
Cnibondale Residents In race of
Disease Epidemic In Tills City.
Xnck of Sewers In Dlstilcts Where
There Is Typhoid Fever Comment
ed Upon Valunblo Hints fiom
Physicians to the Public.
Whether or not the widespread pioia
leuee oi (11piimi In Curboiidulrt be an
epidemic or whethci the ntmiurouM
eases of lexer in i' tvuliuld, this niui'h
seems iiKs'iiit'd, I lutl out of the dlscii
slon or thei' conditions fiuttful icsults
will follow
The Ciilboiidnle Medical society,
which includes nil of Ihu plivshli'iis of
Cnibondnlc and vleinltj. took up the
question of typhoid fovei at Its mcel
lntr YVednc-ihiy night ami gave It a ven
lllatlon that might (citnlnlv to nwuken
the public lo an nppieclntlon of the
iipgl'-cted conditions In ('',
which uir- n lneniiie to health, a de
( Ided luclor in t.inold liw, and which
inn ho lemulicd without estruoi dlnary
r tfnrl or (ittrntlon.
ruiiMiioM ainmit? Hum' vitally nee ch
s.ny i auditions lo the pood health of
the loiinniniiiy Is an ncie'tpiate Hewer
jtriii Til" dhcus'-loii anions Ihu
phyli 1.111. Inought out tin fur! time
when lyphnld fee ci genuine t ptioitJ
1. p'ifvaluit, then no mum sjtim can
b- I'jllnd Tin Identity nt tln-e ills
t licit fan h. i -tuhlisln d b- citina n
pnilinti hi thi llelninnt stuct section,
luilc :i i i tio ,iiid (iiovc stu'i't Hen
tihiild ol-i' . ' d hi' .in thi-ie no
t ,,!- A- i i h it condition Is pio-
(llll'tlM O" lpllClltl, till' lief l-sll. -e'in)
impci.ili-.c- to lon-uui'i. sewer systems.
Po.vt cays that
one pound ot
Gtnps Kuts
fin nl-hes moie noui-l-hnitMU
thai the .-s.
tt'in will ,ib-orb than
tn ptiumls ot
V, O lt 01 1)1 ''.111.
Ho 1m- a iimviii tin thu smuiuent. Tin
White llcilll 111 .l.t is i-Mieil millions nl
il'iiil.'i- tlf.iiiiuiK hm; him lui the -talt -inont.
I'o-t till lilt I MJs the cco-'sie ll-e uf
White hi Mil ',111-es fti-,11-' o in.
l(iu(!s 1 1 . ijiioutlv iiidli'g ill pi iliiuiltb
and tpiieii.'.ii 111-.
I'liui millet tin slii II id llu wheal Hi
the pbu-pli.iU''. put.tsli nut' otlni elc -iiiiilts
.ih-iiliit. l, dfnmml'il h the
hitdt tin-it, piuiu Ici'dliin. p.u tkul.iily
f 'ji- t'n' tiiiw i'iiuis and the liialn.
AI-o i'Iiimi iindi I III shell II" tin.' cle-IllOnl-
l til" (li ICl.l-le ll'lllllll bv tilt
body in thiuiM' the stiinhv p.nt of th"
wheat lulu ili'ipi Sugar dining the
punt til' dlCMiltll,
But the white
Hour miller
tluovs out
buenii.-o tiny dm Ic
on tin limn, Tho
wliltt Hour of tint
liit'-eut day is al
these impoitimt nio! oiui.ely coin
1 IKi-ed uf Mm ill,
elements ami th i leinents
Unit will help di
gest that stall h lilt- l'tt out; thtiofoiit
when much stnich, even In tho Hhupo
of while hi. mil, Is put Into the .smni.ich
It passes Into tho Intestinal tract -whole.
Instead of bf-lug digested it loiments
and c.iii-es ti nihle,
It was to lemedy was Iinenteil, for
this trouble that n.wtlo.iHy tin.
MiinoniiMlioils that
Grape-Nuts .Nmuio uses to di-
g-'st tho atateli ate
used In the iiuiuifaeUuo of Urnpo-Xuts
no that the famous loud goes Into the
I body In the toun of Grape. .Sugar that
la, tho starch has been changed and thu
Hrst act of digestion has taken place.
The result Is that the human body is
furnished with valuable food elements
In the most perfect form.
Now cornea aloug- to question Post's
Hie Mnlne Ex- U u ' m etulng
, tn Mntne tho vuluo ot one
, J.ieriment Station pound of Grape-
Nuts. They learn-
Mly dlbCURS thu subject unci produce
h. statement showing' morn calories of
, food vulue in ten pounds of bread than
In one pound of Grape-Nuts.
That Id not the ciuestlou at issue. X.llte.
'many other pseudo.sclentlflc dabstcis
they befuddle tbemselveD and become
lost In the imue uf isclentlflo effort.
Cat bondale.
This Itt not saying that the sonic? or
oilgln of these tjphold eases Is to be
found In thu ab'tcnco of Howots, but llils
Is such a bin factor, and in the face uf
the piesont methods of living, the close
ly built-up conditions of city life as
I'oitip.uod with ihu earlier tin:,) of Oar
bondale, Unit thu Introduction of new
el m would gie.ttly minimize the danger
or a tphold otitbieak.
Another fact brought out, which Is
even moie deploinhlc, Is the fa 1 hue of
piopcity-holdets to establish connec
tions with newel i when1 theu
ipady u system nnd Iiiih been for a
long tlni". That lax spit It, that Is too
often louiid and pcimltlcd oven when
attention Is dhected to lt-i piesence, has
pcnultled inopeity-owner.i heio and
llieic lo do as they pleased with lejpeel
lo making sewer connection. The evil
i oiiietiueiic" of this, is Hint oven ulong
the main portion of the city there aie
he.tlth-men.'ieliig vaults, that one physi
cian lightly named as one of the "Inst
eentui.'s abomination!."
These aio some of the condltloi.s
whleli endanger health in Caihoud.ilc
and which should he abated if lite
physical well-beliij; of the community
Is to ba com-ultcd. Theie Is a piodlgl
oiiri woik before th bontd or health, In
which the co-operation of the public Is
a necessity. The law oC self-picsei v.i
tlon, If nothing else, should be sulll
tluiu, It seenis, to awaken the iltlzens
to the duty bet-n e them.
The discussion bv the physicians
hi ought nut many points of value to
the public at all timet., but doubly valu
able thcu days when disease, In which
the c Is undoubtedly a good deal of
typhoid, is pitwalent mid epidemic In a
Dr. .John S. Nile, who had the sub
ject of dlngno"!--, emphasized the point
Unit the feer i n-e- should not be con
founded with c.iti.ihnl or bilious fever,
which though alike to tjphold In sj mp
tomr, runs a shorter course and Is less
How much food absoib, take up,
value will the m";.k e ,.u s e J f'
that s the iiues-
systeui tion.
Suppose ou teed
a man 10 pound- of, (which is
ucailj .ill pine iioiiilshmentj. Would
his sjslein .ih.-oib HI putimNV He
would piubably he made sick and leally
lou weight and .stiength. Hut tupjio-e
,(ni pi'ep.neil tho .siigai so lie eould
iulikl digest and .is.-lmllate It and ab-
soi I) Into his system the nouilsliliig
piopoillos of It, Is it not clear that 'i
pound of such load would furnish him
mine uuiiil-luncni that his system
would absoib than the 10 pounds, or
oven ."0 pound ot raw sug.u ;
Thai Is esactly tho case , Ith (Jiape-
Xtit.-. Tho elements of wheat and bin-,
ley in. sclontltlc-ally tionted in exactly
the way tlu human body tu-nts them to
actoiupllsh the 111 st ait of digestion,
that Is the change of still c It Into (ii.tpe
Siigur. The Makets of hi older to keep
white, flour sacil- ," Horn- Miiio. A
' mini tod on white
flee the most hi cud filouo will
valuable pint of Uiiily hecome
a siiatleied noiv
the wheat mis wreck nnd
tlic. Ho can't pos
sliily ll uiiltss ho Is furnished with
the food oluuients ioiUlied by n.ituiQ
to sustain lite, and some of tho most
poweitul aio uiulioly absent in white
luond. llveiy element In llio wheat and
b.tilcy Is kept In Giape-NutH, and man
or animal inn live Indefinitely on that
pcifect food, Wn huvo iccords of sev
eial thousand cises where people liuvo
been uuahUi to uiaiutalu health, weight
nnd stieiigth on meat, wheat, oats or
hioad and have boon ablet to luiieasa
weight, Utility nnd sticimth on tho
lltllo pontons of ciinpo-.N'ins taken as
a ponlun of each meal.
M .
We will place against $10,0uu.Imi
ijilO.OOOloO In. any , b l-leil
T ' J tho .Maine i;peil-
designnted bank nifjii Hcleutlsts(;.')
and thu total .'0,
O'jonu less cost ot opeiliiienl, to bo
paid to them for their tioiiblo and woik
if they pioyo our claim tiiitiue. If they
fall, ihu amount lo lu paid us foi our
time and laboi of demonstration,
Common earth and air contain tho
raw elements noeessaij for man's
food but even it u solentlllc stato olll
tial should tell J on mat, would you
therefore cut 10 pounds of car tit and
expect lo extinct ts uoiu IshinentV It
lequhes tho cutlous and wonderful
manipulation of the laws of tho vege
table Kingdom to select and combine
and piepare theie food elements of the
soli lu such a wuy ihm men ami ani
seveio. Of these, Ihcro are a number
In tho c!lty,
Dr. Lowry pointed out the llnl ltn
pot lance of a capable nuiro In typhoid!
one wlio has lite courage to defend tho
patient undet her euro against visitors,
nnd who has the taut and firmness to
carry out the regulations of diet, ex
cludluit solid foods, when demanded by
tho sufferer.
Dr. Wheelei'H discussion of the
sources of Infection was especially
valuable. Typhoid, he said, Is pilmiti
lly a water disease. Hut equally dan
gerous as the contamination of the
water supply Is tho pollution of the.
in f 1 It suinilv.
Dr. Wheeler condemned the practices
of allowing men to fish from the banks
of No. 1 leservolr, which silpptlcB Car
bondalo; and he urged the Inspection
of dnhy farms that supply Carbondalo
with milk. He pointed out thu dnuger
of eating unwashed fruit, as It has been
proven that this has been a means of
conveying contagion In certain parts of
the countiy. If the public, he said,
would boll milk and water, the danger
of sicklies would be minimized.
Dr. Shield) and Dr. Harper piesonted
a number of polnls of value to physi
cians In the (lentmont of typhoid.
In the geneinl discussion that fol
lowed, the conditions pointed out In the
beginning' of this nitleie weie brotnjht
Tjphold fever, which has Invaded u
number of homes In Carbondalo the
past lew months claimed a lctlm yes
teiduy. The sufferer who succumbed
Is Dcnne Homy Jlorgan.the 15-months-old
fon of Ml. and Mis. Thomas Mor
gan, Xo. S5 ("Jiove sttucl.
The fuucnil was yesterday afternoon
and was private. Kev. A. F. Chaffee
conducted .seivlces, and builnl took
place In Mnplewood cemetery. Thu
rlrctinistaneps of the nffllctlon nio
made doubly sad by the sickness of the
father, Thomas Moigau, who Is down
w 1th tin nmo disease, typhoid,
At the Euchre In Jermyn.
Mis. George W. Keeiie, of this city,
took the ladiis tlrs-t piizu, anil Mr.
ICeenc also secuied a piizu. ut thu St.
mals can absoib and make use of them.
Hence we have egetallca and ginln".
So It still further requbes the intelli
gent e and skill of man to cook and pre
pare tho vegetables and cereals to make
them digestible and lit.
The gieatet the lu piepaiation and
intelligence and the moio neatly
b the H.iws of dlge.s-
skill displayed tlon of food me
I allowed ihu moie
pel lei l the lt-ult. Wi the
tine sclonlillc! tacts for the basis and
the eory day usults with
i poding millions of people for our pi oof
and tho statement stands on the solid
link ot tact one pound of Grape-Nuts
will supply moie nouiishment that
the system will absoib than 10 pound.;
of meat, wheat, oats or broad,
Wo aio at homo every day, come and
see in, it you aie a .Scientist (?) from
Maine bling our wallet.
The "Loudon. '-The basis of
Lancet," one of nomenclature of
this preparation is
the gieatest med- vldently an .m-
icnl nuthoiities "'''- Pleusamry,
since 'Gj ape-Nuts'
in the world (lt., V(1)l H0f lv
has to say: fiom cereals, Tho
piop.iratoiy pro
cuss umtoiibtedly conveits the food con
stituents Into a much moie digestible
loudltlou than in thu law ceioal. This
M evident troin tile lomia liable solubll.
H of tho picpiiiatlon, no less than ouu
hult of It being Holublo in cold water.
Iho solublo poitioh contains chiefly
desttln and no stnich. lu appeniaucQ
tfiapu-.Vuts' le.-emblcs tiled bread
(iiiiiibs, Tho giulns aio hi own mid
cilsp, with a pleasant taste pot unlike
slightly Inu nt mall. According to our
analysis thu following is the composi
tion of 'fiiapo-Xuts'; moislmc, 6,0i per
tout.; miueial matter, L'.Ol per cent.;
fat, f.tiu per cent.; ptotelds, 15 00 per
icui., soluble cat bobydi ales, &c, -IB.-IO
pei cent ; and unaltered carbohydrates
ilui-olubla), -i3.79 poi- cc-iit The features
wot thy of note In this analysis tiro thu
CNcollent piopottlon of pioteld, mineral
mntleis and soluble carbohydrates per
cent. Thu miueial matter was rich In
phosphoric acid 'Gi-npe-Nutt' Is de
scribed as a bialii and neive food,
'vhatever that niuy mean. Qui- analy
sis, ut any rate, shows that It Is a
nutrltlvo of a high order, since It con
tains the constituents of a complete
food in a very satisfactory and rich
proportion and in an easily assimilable
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd,,
Battle Creek, Mich,
Mary's choir euchre In Jermyn, Thurs
day night. Amotiuf Iho Carbondallans
nt the event wore! Mrs. 13. Ji McHnlo
nnd daughtei', riorencei Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Keene, Miss Mary mention
nnd Messrs. Joseph Cllennon, William
Conncrtoii, James Connerton, Frank
lidckley nnd Patrick MrDofKitiRh.
Mis. Kate Tlgho PnsseB Away nt
Danville Hospital.
A death, sad beyond the ordinal y
was the passing away of Mrs. Kate
Tlghe, of upper Kallbrook street, at
Danville Hospital for the Insane.wheic
she was i ocelVrd as a patient on Tues
day. She accidentally strangled her
self shortly after being udmltted, nnd
was found dead Wednesday morning.
The deceased was temovod to Car
bouilala Thursday, and was laid nt lest
In St. Hose cemetery yostetday after
noon. Mis. Tlgho Is survived by tho
following: Tin ce datighteis, Mary,
Adeline nnd Genevieve: one son, lJor
nard; throe sisters, Mrs. John Clune,
ot this city; Mrs. Huff, of St. Louts,
Mo., and Mis. Harncs, of Scinnton, and
one lit other, Joseph, of Scranton.
Thetu weie numerous faintly io
unlotis or dinners In Carbondalo on
Thanksgiving:. Among tho number
wore- the following gatherings:
Mr. and Mis. Frank Smith cntpr
tnlned nt their home on Gaillcld ave
nue, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Clifford, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Clifford, Maurice Clif
ford, Miss Edith Bailey, Miss Lois
Smith, of this city, and Mr. and Mis.
Fred Edwards, of Scranton.
Mrs. Juliet A. M. Reynolds had the
following as her guests: Mr. and Mrs.
13. W. Reynolds and daughter, Lois;
Mr. nnd Mis. Chillies Drainer, Mr. and
Mrs. w. J. Roberts, of this city, and
Mr. and Mis. Clarence Rose and son.
Clarence, of Dunmoro; Mrs. B. T.
nut ns, of nikdalo, and the Misses
Delta and Florence Reynolds and Beat
llce Burdlck, of this city.
Mrs. Thomas Orchard, of John
street, gave a dinner, at which the
members of T. G. Smith's nnd N. L.
Moon's families were entertained.
Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Abbott, of
Spring street, entertained Dr. and Mrs.
W. Ci. Weaver and Miss Helen Abbott,
of Wllkes-Barre, and John F. Abbott,
of Hoboken, N. J.
One of the most pleasant family din
ner parties was that at the home of
Archibald W. Burdlck, on Lincoln ave
nue. r. W. Mills and wife entei tallied the
members of the Mills and Moore famil
ies. Twenty-two sat down to the
Mr. and Mis. C. W. Seaman, of No.
62 Wyoming street. gue a dinner, at
which were present Miss Lottie Sea
man, manager of the Postal Telegraph
company's Honesdalo branch, and Rob
eit Brennemnn, also of Honesdalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncev Hunter weie
entei tallied by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ptu
ple. of South Washington &tieet.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilght, .of
Giavity avenue, gave a dinner to the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mis. John U.
Haley, and other members of tho fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gunsauls and
daughters, Hazel and Gladys; Mrs. L.
A. Adams, Edward Sharp, Arthur
Knight and Miss Myrtle Sharp spent
Thanksgiving at" a family reunion at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Truman
Shnip, at Steeno.
Mr. and Mis. C. Mlttnn, of Canaan
street, had as guests, Mrs. Mtttan's
grandmother, Mis. Mary Seats, and
Mrs. Frank Benjamin, of Maplewood.
After a Quarter of Century.
Mr. and Mrs. 2 Pieico, of Gerieseo,
III., ate visiting in Corbondale, after
an absence of twenty-five years. Mr.
Pierce, who is a brother of Henry
Pierce, was born and raised In Carbon
dale. The appearance of Carbondnle
and surroundings have changed great
ly since he left, causing him no end ot
surprises. Ho will leave on Monday
for his western home, where be is in
pi osperous circumstances.
Made Employes Happy.
Superintendent Frleder, of the Kluts
Bios.' silk throwing mill in Simpson,
gave further evidence on Thanksgiving
clay of his thoughtful regard of the
several hundred employes under bis
charge by having a geneious lunch of
turkey, with seasonable delicacies, to
the night and day foices, at their
luncheon. Ills thought fulness and gen
eious sphlt were fully appieclutod.
Professionally Engaged.
Miss Maiy ft. B. Jenkins, tialned
muse of this city, is piofesslonnlly en
gaged In Olyphant, attending Mis.
James O'Mulley, wlte of Attorney
James ' J, O'Mulley. Mr. and Mis.
O'Mulley, who luuo numerous irlenils
in Carhondale, aie lejolelug over tin
nulval of a son at their home.
Funeial of William Thomas.
The funeiul of the Into William
Thomas, who dlud at his home, May
Held yard, Wednesday night, will take
place thi? afternoon, thu piocesslon
leasing the house at 2 13 for St. Itoso
chinch. will bo in St. P.o-to
Back to Carbondnle.
John Unylan, of Pike stteet, who was
employed at Claiku Bios.' stoic In this
city, and later at the Sciantou store,
has leslgnud, and Is now back lu Car
bondnle, nt tho Jlfkltis' maiket on Park
Miss Kittle Godwin, of Sciantoti, Is
tha guest or Miss Miuy Quiiiti, on Full
biook street.
Mts. J. 13. Watt is entertaining thu
Misses Josephine! and Ituth Cotutilght,
ot Wllkes-Baiie.
Miss Maty (luughau ami Miss Ilug
gorty, of Sciantou, weiu Caihoudalo
visitors on Tbuisday.
Miss Minn Funk, a student at Sjia
uusei tipiveisllj, spent Thunksgivlnir
with her piueius lieie,
Hon. James .1. O'Neill spent Thanks
giving at the liumo of hs slsior, Mis.
T, J. Kelly, In Gruen Ridge.
Martin Flynu, pioprlutor of tho Val
ley house, Scranton, vIled Ju Carbon
dnle yesterday, his former home.
Miss Mnty Byitie, a student ut Mi.
St. Maiy'H seminary, Sciantou, Is vis
iting relatives hero for n few days.
.Mr, and Mis, Charles r.oler, of
nonesdnle, spent Thanksgiving at iho
homo of Oeorgo W, Hughes, on Wayno
John Downing, of South Park stieet,
who has been conllned to his home -by
Illness for sounul days past, Is lm
pioving. Ulsttlct President TIioiiiiib 1). Nlcli
oils, of tho United Mine Woikois, ana
family, spent Thanksgiving with
bondale fi lends,
Sir. and Mis. V. C. ltogei-. or IMt
eisou, .N. J., aie (siting the Litter's
iiiiiiiinM uf fri-.-r mimi v f
Scranton's Shopping Center ji
- " ' ' III I1IIIBI ! S
'Keen K'utter" Shears, 25c for
any size from 4 to 9 inches long.
Not many left, but enough for a
day or two.
To Men
You haven't much time lo lead ndvcitlscmciits wo
know, but you miss soinuthtiig If you don't look ocr
this page every day.
I'oihaps you wonder where your neighbor got that
now shirt, or new tie, or suit, or how ho can get things
so uheop and you can't.
He leads the advertisements.
Twenty three shopping clays aud nothing in the way to turn your mind
from the one thought gifts.
"Why do you advertise now?" asks a friend. "Isn't your store crowded
Why, advertising isn't only to fill the store with people, it's to help thenx
shop to keep you in touch with the world of goods to tell of new things
what they're for how they'll wear where they're to be found. Our ads
are as necessary all the year around as a daily uewspaper.
More necessary now because the crowd is greatest. You can shop more
quickly and more satisfactorily it you read our ads every day.
Winter Underwear
For Ecu and Women
Some people want wool or nothing; soma wouldn't
wear wool If they got it for nothing ho wo have every
kind of good undorw'enr that's niaele; and because we
buy direct and in huge quantities
under the maiket.
Men's Shlits and Drawers, Mc to
Men's Union Suits $1.00 to $j 00.
Ladles' Union Suits, $.1.00 to 5C r,0.
Ladles' Vests and Pants. 25c to J3.S0 a garment.
Blankets for the Horse
You won't forget your stable on Christmas, will
and Stable Blankets at prices under market values.
the horse a3 well. Lap Robes, too.
Holiday Handkerchiefs
Men's and Women's
The handkei chief stole that lles up to its ideals
all the year round is the stoic Hint's going to get the
cream of the holiday tiade. '
And wc'ie ready lor It.
Plain hemstitched Hamlkci chiefs for women be
gin at Sc, 12VjC: for 25c you enn get one tlno and
sheer enough for the most particular woman that
ever lived.
A 15c plain hunibtttolied Ilandkenhlof for men;
and a 2Jc kind with boms In three widths quarter
Inch. half-Inch and inch.
Every glil wants scalloped and mibioldered
Ilandker chiefs just now and tor :ir.c she can get doz
ens of pietty kinds. But cen the best of scallops
won't wear ns well as hems, and you'll find the
embroideied and hemstitched Ilandkei chiefs for 21c
much more serviceable. Home lace ti limned.
123 - 125
paients. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lath.op,
on Gin Held avenue.
Ill- and Mis. A. S. Lewsley and pon,
Delos, of High street, went guests at
the home of Mis. Lewsley's parents lu
N'lneveh. Thuisduy.
Thomas, Michael MiOany
and John Ciimeion witnessed tlie pio
duetlnn of "Mis. Jack" ut the Lyceum
In Sciantou on Tbuisday.
Mis-s Maiv liiown. a student at Mt.
Saint Mary's seminary, is spending a
few days' vacation nt the home of her
paieius on Fiillhiook street.
McMlunns II. U. Lathiop, .Mary L.
Cuiiie, und M, Isnbello Latluup, and
M. 1). Lathiop. spent Thanksgiving
with W. V. Lathiop, of Sciantou,
siiiiiuel IHigliano and sister, .MIs
Lottie Pugllano, spent Tliunksglvlug
with their sister in Seinnton, Mis. Vin
cent, Who was leeently wed
ded Mis. Frank l'leice. of Belmont stieet,
Is suffeilng fiom flu en fractured libs,
the coneeriueuco of a fall down a lllght
of stahs at the lesldeneo on Thuisdiiy
Mr. and Mis, James t'lctgan and
family spent Thnriksglvliig at tho
homo of Mis. Cieegnn's paients, Ml.
and Mis, Patiiek llellly, at l-lea-aiit
Miss Alice Oliest, (if P.m llle, was
tho guest over Thnnksglilng of Ml-s
Xettlo Hurdlck, Hlie Is tho sister uf
Mam Ice K. finest, a toinnr I'aihon.
Mr, and Mis. Daniel Seuuy ami
dniiKliter, Helen, of AVa3hngtiiu stieet.
npont Tliniiksglving ut thu homo uf
Mi. Homo's sister. Mm. P.u sun '
Mis 15. I1. Bums, who uttc-nd"d tin
family i (-union in the home of her
slstcl, Mis. Juliet lte nobis mi Thniik.s
givjug, leUirned to bet lnmin Pi Elk
dale iisteidav
Mts.s Alice Haines, who nited at ihe
. fti r"a fbi. IB"-.
h Mr nv ta ia m La u 4 ri
TS I.UUiltlTWUVI,ll ..t..,..w ,
7'trVysym$it reu.celr itiut ciuc u lofil ouo -Jay
A Belfast linen maker's samples
are here at 33$ less than regu
lar prices. The lot includes Nap
kins, Table Cloths and fine hand
embroidered Sheets, Spreads,
Lunch Cloths, etc.
o Vkmm
Do yon care for Fashion? for new gowns or wiapn
or dress goods or silks or laces or for bin gains?
Will you let some one clt-o find those things ilrst?
Hut what's tho use of tisklng every woman knows
our ads. nnd leads them Hrst, nnd yet they arc only
I asA
1 (L j
vwili I9L
Knitted Gloves
They are line for bchool-lmvs and girls, good for
women to illp on over kid gloves fen- uxtia waimth,
and cveiy si.tli man you meet on a nipping day Is
wealing them to business.
All me woven without seams and have tlbbed cuffs
to lit tight mound your wrists.
Men's 4 Joc to S1.75 pair
"Women's l!,'cj to 51.00 pair
Children's -.'Oc to tiOc pair
in ices aio even
?T.uO a garment.
Men's and Women's
Initial Handkerchiefs
Women's, In both medium weight and fine sheer
lluen. 25c each, or $l.r.S for a lo: of half dozen.
Men's, in medium weight linen, 25o each or $1.38
for :i boc of halt dozen.
Finer ones for men, beautiful fine quality linen,
EOc each, or ?L'.75 lor liox of half do.en.
Enough all-wool French Flannel for n waist, with
silk embiolilercd pieces lor tiont, cuff-., collar, etc.;
alt colors.
A Connolly .t Wallace b,u gainat dress goods
f? "tf C 17
ft. f -.SC.
- 12M29 Washington Ave.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Oiosj,
In tho countiy, ictuim-d to her home
in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on the
Eite flyer on "Wednesday.
MI'S Lena Chapman, onu of the cinps
of nsslstnnts nt tho International Coi
i ospenidenci' Schools of Sciantou, vis
ited her paients, Mr. ami Mis. Alfied
Chapman, on S-outli Washington stii-ot,
William J. U-.1HO, who recently dis
tinguished himself in tho Immense
giaphllo combine, relumed Thursday
fiom New Toil; city, and 1st spending a
few dnys In this vicinity on business
connected Willi his enterprise.
J. . Hughe?, mmviger of the Car
hondale Telephone eompnny, and fam
ily, spent Tliauksqlvlug ut a family
gntheilng at the Hughes homestead In
Wilkcs-Uaiio. Mis. Hughes anil ihll
dmn iciniilued to spoifd a wetk with
tolatlves theie
JIl-s Mary Slltiy, of Notth Scinnlou,
and Miss Hopkins, of IJuumoit. uicut
tois in tho O i feu Eldge station of tho
I'onnsvlviinln Telephone, at
tended the dniiro of tho lion Tun
club Thiiuksslvlng night. They weio
guests, dm lug their stay lieie, nt the
homo of c.':-Heeet Couiiilliiiiiii Tliinnas
Eeputv Internal Hoenuo Collector
W, 11. Evans left yesterday with llio
Sciantou United choir, which Is to
compete in tho Ar Ions' festhal In New
York c-lty today. Mr. Evans Is a mem
ber or tho choir. Call Kocslger, man
ager of tho Krauta bu-weny, also left
yestenlay for New Ymk city to iitiuid
the festival, lie has a number of pet
souai f i lends among thu Arlous,
AVhlbi updating a s-uu in tile
I'ai-pentei shop al No. .' hteaKer. ,!!,
tt'ulay, Joan Slieildan bid one if his
lingtis toiiipli tcl situil anil a Hither
I'.ully uit
ThU sljnaliiro li on every los o! fhe gcnnnn
I nvnfivn Up-!Vinnilirtit1f'rahlet3 '
you? All kinds of Street
Waterproof Covers for
ifaist Patterns
Were SO. Now $iJ
ace I
i-'pits's building, mi Lackawanna stieet,
caused nn aim in to be sent III fipm Box
U at 5 o'clock last night. Hos-e com
pany Xn. -.' i expanded and extlnguislied
tho lilt A lain'e riuniitlty of toal which
was tftoitd in Uie cllur w-as binning
Heiee-h win n tin firemen ai lived.
A "peciil meeting for men will bo
held In the l'lcliyt-'ilan chinch tomoi
iow utteinooii at .! o'clock, He v. John ot Plttston, stcietury of tho
Young Men's I'hiistlnii association, will
tlcllter an nddiess.
The usual Episcopal serMces will bn
held lu St. Ocoigc's Episcopal mission,
mi Scott stieet, tomoiiow nfteinoon at
;: ,'i0 o't lii.-!..
Services will be hold In tho Pilmltlio
Mt-ihodlot chuuli tomouow at 10,30 a,
in. nnd li.V) p. in. lu the morning the
pastor, Ecv James lley, will preach on
"Emblems in iho Spirit." The themii
in tho evening will bo "How a flovern
meut Olllclal Wus Saved."
Services at tlie usual time In tho
nialiol) Baptist chin clt tomonow moru
ing and evening will be lu chargo of
Itev Dr. Spencer, the pastor
The Junior baud of the- Blakely Bap
tist chinch Is lnepnilng a cantata
whh h they will lender TilUwi evening,
Beceiuher J2. Admission, IB cents.
Kih -aid King, of Tlsor A'alley, had
one of bis vlbs broken while ut work
!u iho mines yesterday afternoon
Aldeit Benedict's line spectacular per
formance of "Itip Xmi Winkle" will hn
tlio in tun lion nr tho Father Mathew
opera house ufxl Monday night.
1'iof. T. W. Watklus, .lames Jordun,
Misses Maigatet Evans, Jennie Batten
ami Cluulotte Lloyd were mnong thosn
who won with the Serntmm Clioml
society to Iltookiyn esteiduy.
The Young Mens diilstlnn asoela.
lion gospel meeting tor men will ht
licit! In tlio I'rtsbjteilan church Hun-
day altcinoon at a o clock. Tlio meet
Int, will be lu thai go of Young Men-
fhilnilau as-oci uion woikois, a cor
dial linltullon is extended to eveiy mail
In Olj pliant to attend.
'I'honuis Mechitu has accepted a plaul
wlih the Ciy.-ttal Laundiy ioinpan.
and will look after tlulr buflness heul
ami lu Ulckson City