THE SC1UNT0N TlUBUNE-SATUilDAV, NOVEMBJER 29, 1902. ai RELIGIOUS NEWS Child, en Made Happy. One of the most lntc'testlng sei vices mi Thanksgiving iluy wan the Child rrn'a recoptlun hold at the Penn avenue Hilptlfil chinch. J'ustor iitul Mis. Pleice Kiivu nn unnuiil leceptloii to thu outitr people ot the chinch niul Sunday school on the uf tot noon oC Thanksgiving1 dny, mid the Iiouh wctc illicit with Kiitnes nnd songs and the julllest fun which young people cm have. This chinch Is noted for Its ttuiiuiil ieeopliins to the "Tlueo Score and Ten" mc'inbcis, but the younger people lmvo their mcn.v tlnio on Thnnk'RlvinB till J P. Religious Notes. The Methodist nilnlstcis will meet In Hint Pat It churth Monday, December I, lit 10W. Kev. JT. D. Fuller wilt pre sent it paper on "I'uilltablo Prone hlng." Ilev. Dr. Pleico has unnminccd to preach a sermon at the Penn avenue Baptist chinch toinonow- evening on "Thu Gest Life Iimui.ttiLe" and how to get the Imgest letuins for Miiall In vestments. Tho union meeting of the Wonmn's Toielgn Missionary Hoclety, ot Sei an ton and vicinity, will he held In Elm Park church Moniluv, at 3 o'clock p. m. The meeting Is to he mull ossed by Mrs. Clink, late of India. Another enjoyable Sunday evening Is piomlsed nt Guernsey hall by Rev. Thomas 11. I'ayne, pastor In rluiKo. The set vice will open with tho ten inlnutu song sen Ice that Is piovlng so acceptable; thoie will bo u leading bv Mls Edith Mny; and Colonel L. A. Watrcs w 111 be present and speak on "Making ot a Good Soldier." The public Is coidlnlly Invited. The monthly missionary exercises at Elm P.nk Sunday school toinonow af ternoon will be In charge of Plot. Ruck's class. In addition to scleral solos and special selections by the m ehestra, Pi of. Milton M. Bitter wilt recite. Mr. Bitter was formeily .in In stiuctor In the Cutler school, New Yoik, fiom which Piesldent Theodore Roose velt was one of tho eaillet graduates. Tho city union of the Young People's Society Christian Ende.nor, will hold a peclnl meeting on Monday, December I, at S p. m.. In the pailois of the Kplscopil church, on Wyonihif, ave nue. Representative finin eoiv so ciety in the city should bo --elected, if not 'iheady appointed for that v.oik nnd it is uigently lequested that ovoiy oincei and member of the union be pres ent m m iltei s of inipoi t-int w ill Iih con sidered. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS nv m.v nonrr.T r y rimci:, n n. from Author's o(.ts 1 cson Illiistiiloi," Reel a. Co, in "rii" SimI iv School 1'iilillflitd l' I'. II anci.o. in i l.c mi IX Gideon nnd the Tlueo Hundred Jiids. vh.l-s Victoiy Thicutgh I-'nlth. fioldeli 'IVst "It 1 bitur to tmst in llic Loid than to put ennililonce in man " Vh rviil:s. Gnd is nlwis piepirlng gieat men lur gieat emeigencle-. When Ii.iol was to be (Jellvticri lioin L'gv pt, God picpiicd Mo"C5 lor the task. When Clod's people weiij to bo doliveied fiom tlio lavages ot tho Midianttes, God bid Gideon ready to k ad Ills people to vlctoij. The "tluiKtli of Gideon's Hie nnd le.ul eishlp lay not In tho tact of Ills noble biltli, industrious h ihlt.s and patiiotlc lovo ot conntiy, but In liN be iiitltul ohai aetor and film lrllance on God. When enlled for a niightv teivicn for nod and bis countiy, Gideon leaned not on the aim of flesh. Ills fiist sti p vv.u bumble obedience In icsponso to tho call, nnd u Muling ot himself with the power tit tiod. Gideon, called to general an iiray, might look well In i new uultorm nnd .1 glutei lug suoul, but ho well knew tint vlctoiv lay uol In outwnid loims. I. tying hold ot tho arm or Jehovah, mid the swoid of tho Spliit. Gideon went lorth with God to conquest. not r in HON IM'T VJOD. Tho nini clous successes of Gideon were due to his sublime faith In Clod. Whqn lulled to be liaels lender, like other nn p called of urnl In hiunblo pheies ii life, Gideon miidn sine that it was the will of the Loid. that God called him and that ,etoiy should be ghen, Stepping out on tho promises ,of God, ho marshaleil the hn-t of Isuul, and (lift ing them l most se itching lists, ho chosa thu men ol uudniuitcd eouiage, who had faith In him as ho had rnlth In God. Lamps, pllcheis nnd ti tiiupeti-, humblu Instiumentb ot wnituio, but back of them nil weio men of coiuago and tho hoots of God, Wo in ci to use divinely appointed means la lighting the battles of the l.oi d, but leinoniber thut "faith Is the letoiy thut oveicume llio world " Suggestions Draw thrf lepreuenlutlon If It's Catarrh, Here is a Cure Uclicf in 10 Minutes. Too many people dally with imiiiiiIi It btilkCH opo like a ihumlcielup tbiidops with a rapidity that no other illseusu docs. 111. AKiiew'b Caliiulial Powder Is the. ludknl, fiuick, Halo and pleu.saut euio Hint llio disease demands 1 &u tlio liicans, pi event It's deep-seating and yeais of dlstuss Uon't dnllj Willi ia innli. Aunuw's sHcs lolltf In W pilnuti-s. Dr. ABntw's Oiitmtnt cures salt rheura., ' tetter, eczema. 21 Bold bj Win Ci Claik uiul II ( .Sniw duson. of tho lunisliotn, the lamp nnd tho btoken pitcher, nnd speak of tho uso which aideon mndo of theso Instuuneiits hi put tho Piicniv to Illght. Arraugo theso emblems, or a pnit of them, In tho foi in nt a cios, ns Indicated In tho sketch. Application Wo have enemies to eon quel, both strong and mighty. Against tho adversiuy wo uuinot prevail In our own strength, but with Christ we can win lctoiles over welt and sl.ii. Draw tho outline of tho cross and ap ply tho ancient motto, "In llou Slgno Vlnris" by this sign compier. St I iinton, 1'a , SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR NOV. 30 GIDEOW AND THE THREE HUN DRED. Judges vii, 1-8; 10-21. Societal y of Ameilcui Society of ll liglotis Education. THE ENEMY. Tho Mldlanltes deccnd ed fiom tho fourth son of Abiaham by Kolurah (Gen xv, 2), his second wlf". Thoy Inhabited n. countiy ot couslderablo extent In tho Slnnltio peninsula to which Mocs lied for n plntu of safety, wheio ho leslded until called to lead Ills peoplo out ot Egypt (En. Ill, 1). They seemed to lmvo cherished somo 111 will townids tho Isiaclltes dining tho wandeilng, for what leason Is not known, and united with tho Monbllts In tiylng to induce Ilalanni to cut so tlio Ilubiews (Numb. j:dv, 0). To avenge their doings on that occasion tho Loid directed Moses to send a stiong mllitaiy expedition against them and many thousands weio slain (Numb, xwl, 7). Thoso who escaped thin destruc tion afterward greatly increased unil for seveiat years griovously opprcss-ed the Ilobiew.s after their settlement in Ca naan. Rt'fcldlnpr at tho southeast thoy frequently made Incuislons, distuiblng tho peoplo la their peaceful pursuits. To day's lesson shows how thoy weio finally conquered, the Lord woikltifi' mliaculous ly for their destruction. TUB OAMI-(Vorse 1). Reference to this particular invasion Is mudo In tho sixth chapter. In answer to tho popu lar ciy God luised up Gideon m a de ll vei or, and gavo him assinances by a llotu signs (Ch. vi, Kn-10). When all doubts were icmoved Gideon summoned tho people who pitched theii tent1! besldo thu well of Herod, That well is bc'lcved to have been tho same as n fountain now called Ain J.iiad, which Is neaily oppo silo bluiiicm, ubout a mile east of Jea reel (I Sam. i:, 1), near tho center of Palestine Robinson Identifies the place, sajlng that tho water is erellent and abundant, nnd that It "flows a cav ern in tho lock which loims tl.o base of Gilboa." Tills stntegle point was mndo the scene ot manv sanguinary conflicts In Jewish and Giecian history. Thu Ciu sadeis and Sai.itens encamped theie. Gideon's .mny took up a position in the valley south ot the Mldlanltet. beUuon them and their homes, thus pieparlrg tor a dispel .ito stiuggle and an utter defeat lor ons ot thu combatant-. Till! TIMID (Veises L' and ul. Tilts battle vsas not to be a tila! of stiengtli between Isi.iel and Midian. God Intend ed to ovti throw the enemv oven nt ho hid (lono In all contllets in whlih His peo ple had been engage I. He w is not will ing th it tlicv should become valn-jorl-ous. for in tint case their hoaits would bo tinned away Horn him (Deut iii, 17). That tln-y might not bo leet into such boasting and self-comldcnco ho deter mined to l educe tho number, so that It should he evident to nil that the victoiy was not din to human poweis. Ol tho thlity-two thousand in the in my of Jsrnol all should be sent home who weio timid. Somo douhtlcj considered tho multitudes of tho Midi.inites and theli toimer achievements (Judge i, 3), nnd tiembled with tear, while others, apprehending pel II ot their position, felt that tho enemy with det-p"rato onslaught would over whelm them in .an attempt to pass tluough tho valley homeward. Theretor., Gideon was diiected to pioclolm "In the eirs ot the people" that all who were afraid might return. Theio lematncd ten thousand bravo hearted men TUG TRIAL (.Veises 4, .1, uj These, weio still too many for God's put pose. It may bo that some who had declared their biavoty wcie after all of that kind who tiust In themselves and think little ot an overwhelming Providence. Ten thousand men might boast In tho hour of victoiy and claim themselves to be heroes. Tho nimy must bo f miner ledueed. until all should Know that tho battle won by Dhlno power U Sun. lv, i and God should have all the gloiy. A course) of Divine selection was appointed. The poo plo weio ordeicel to pais dor n by the hpiIngaVd God would designate to Gideon the men whom ho had chosen. Tho gieat seal oher of ull bonus might thus seeiuo tho-o who suited his piuposo lAets i, 21). A hlgn wns ameed upon, known only to God and Gideon tho men who Japped like dogs In diinklng weie to bo taken. That nil was a hasty one indicating tint tho peisoiih weio not wuny or that thej did not litko much tlmo to satisfy theli thlisl, tint In fact they weie eager to en gage In the conflict, unwilling to delay long tin their own comfoit. Tlnce bun dled sueli men woio found THE CHOICE (VeistH 7 and S). Tlio Lonl lias dtecovoiod Ills thosci ones. Tliito huudied men bj whom a host Is to bo subdued! Tlueo handled men, out of nil who III. st lesponded to tho tall tmd Milled about tho lendui I ! these "I will envo you," paid tho Almighty. "Lot all thu other people go" That was elec tion, ThousindH dismissed, intthor ui their belongings and depait, tho second great body sent away ft om tho batllo liuld. Well might It bo liuiulieel why any who lotalncd. With somo suddon buist of mitmiil foiccs theso inultltudeh sprnul over tlio plain, might havo been anni hilated. Hut It pleased God to Join mop In the athlevement. Ho would suvo by menus of men. Ho would mako thern pailner.i with him (f. Cor. Ill, 0). Threa bundled men shall bo tho witnesses of Divine display of power, nheui.sing to their follows what God did. Uy their lips It shall bo known In lsinel, not that men conqueiod. not that uatuio over whelmed, but that God intoi posed in bo half of his peoplo and dellveied them fiom their foes, THE PLAN.-iVeisu Hi) An interest ing story, told hi veises nine to fltteeu, its omitted fiom, out study, lly thia It ap peals that after Gideon hail seouied his Ilttlo band hu went by God's diiectlon to tho .Midlnnitlsh camp and ovoiheaul ono of (he soldleis who told a dream to lib, fellow which wun intuiprotcd as an open vlttoty for Israel. Without fiiithor delay Gideon planned nn attack, tho eiueoust ever Known In wuitaie. eltlim nniiein, or modern. There weio no speais oi swohIh or other Institunentb given to tho men, Hiub as worn used In thu battle of thoso times, Insteud t-nih man ro coived a ti umpet and an empty pin her In which (ho was placed And then tho Ilt tlo a i in v wun divided Into Ihreo paits, one bundled to n division, with something of milltuiy nppenianco (1 Sam, jl, L'), after the fashion of gieat milltuiy achlovu nieiits Sueli pluming W iiiemgh to pro voke a smile In om dny It would sub ject tho cnmnmndci lu rldiculv, Iiiduid, a (ompany of ls would not conduct themsolvoj on thlj wIjo even In theli play. Hut tho plan was a fuither pioof that tho battle would bo tho Lord's THE ORDKP.S.-(Vntf 7 und IS) E cry modem at my la well chilled In llio manual of arms, In marchings nnd conn tor-marchings. Weeks nro somotlmes de voted to tho most careful preparations. Then como tho Instructions from tho commander-in-chief, given to division com manders nnd repeated to subordinates, Until tlio eiitlro force. Is under ono com plcto set of directions, charged to woik out tho plan und gain tho victory. What wlso nnd careful dolull there was In the oidois of (taint and Loc! Ily theso ntont, thoy expected to succeed, Hut what ininmands did Gideon Issuo? First, ovory man must tnko his notions an tho Mile ntid do likewise. "Eollovv volir loader," was tho prlmaiy requirement. Upon him, upon his Judgment, upon his promptness, depended everything, and ho depended upon God. That mndo the three bundled a unit. When ho blow tho ti umpet tnen nil weio to blow a united blast that should i ouso tho camp. Second, with ono volco all should cry out on ovory sldo "of tho camp, sijlng, "Tho sword ot tho Lord and ot Gideon " Tho design was to an luuinco tlio supernatural nnd by tl to stllko tenor to the henits ot tlmo who lieatd, THE HATTTLE.-(Veises 19, i, SI). Tho dcclslvo hour camo about midnight, Tlio Mldliiu host wns asleep, all except tho watch that had been sot, testing in seeinlty. Tho lino of tho tlueo hundred moved steadily forward until It caino to tho outside of tho enemies enmp. In tho right hind of ouch mnu was tho trumpet, and In his left hand his pitcher. Sud denly tho signal was given by Gideon. Tlueo bundled timnpots blew, nnd tin oo hundred pltchcis were hiokcn, lighting up tho scene. Tho nolso awakened tho slecpeis who weio further altumed ny tho glinlng light that shone about them. In tho midst of the confunlnn thnt fol lowed thero fell upon tho ens of all tho shouts of the Israclltlsh waulors, "The swoid of tho Loid and of Gideon." That cnrrled dismay to every heart. The stoiy of wonderful vlctoilcs nthlevcd In other years by Jehovah, and tho knowiedgo that Gideon had been chosen ns the cap tain of tho Lord, prepared all to bcllcvt. that another onslaught was near, mean ing death to all who woio ni rayed against tho God of Isiael Panic Issued. Mldlnu fled, and In tho lmsto men turned upon each other. Thero was a fearful slaugh ter, Mldlanlto against Mldl.inlte. REFLECTIONS.-WIicn God sees men Inclined to oveilook Him, nnd through unbelief to shrink fiom perilous service, or through prldo to vaunt themselves against Him, Ho lays them aside and does Ills work by other Instruments. Many profess thomsclven to be followeis of Christ, prcpaied to fight whllo tribu lation is at a distance, but in prospect of danger fhey desert tho cause. A religious society is stronger when all such havo detmitcd from it. Somo who havo leal faith are yet unfit for real service, unable to bear peculiar trials, from which there fore tho Lord will exempt thorn, and to whlrli Ho will appoint those who nro of firmer spliit. The united efforts of bravo men, led on by a. seivnnt of God, may accomplish marvelous things. Ono tre mene'ous movement of a small band, all uf whom believe in God, will lnlng con tusion to the foes of llghtumsiuss, and win a battle for the tiuth which bv manv ot faint beau would be lost ( John v, I). SERVICES IN THE v VARIOUS CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Elm Park chuich-Dr. a M. Glflln. pastor. Praver and praise meeting at i !U n. m.: sermon by the pastor at 10 .',); Siuidnv school at 2 p. m. ; Junior League at J 30 p. in.; Senior League at 0 20 p. ni. Tho ThanksgUing song servlco at 7 '50. Special music and a short address by tho pastoi. Stiaii,eis ine welcome. Simpson Methodist Episcopal church Rev. II. C. McDermott, D. D , pastor. Pleaching at 30 "5(1 n. in. and 7.P0 p. ni. Morning topic, "Dwarts oi Men, Which"" evening tuple. "Money AtMvtietli All Things." Sunday school at 1" in.: Junior League, at '! p. m : Rpwoith League, at til.) p. m. All invited. Ad! Street Methodist E)Niopa.l chiiroh Rev. J. It. Austin, pastor. Morning preaching at in JO, siiMfet, "Intcrcessoiy Prayer." Clas met tins1 at lLIM a. m., Chillies Cioup, leader. Suni'av school at 2 p. m , R. Yv". Stone, supeilntendrnt. Epwoith League, at C 4" p. in. Evening pleaching at 7 30, subject "Cord of Sin." Pleaching in tho Nay Aug Methodist Episcopal chinch at .5 p. m. A cordial Welcome. Embury Methodist Episcopal chuich Rey. James Benulngor. pastor. Preach ing at 10 'ia. subject "Tho Vindication of a, Falsi Charg", or Joseph fiom Prison to Palaie." Class meeting nt 11.30; Sun day cbool at 2; Epwoith League at 0 30, leader llolen Powell. Evening preaching bcrvice at 7.'H subject. "A Romance of Love lu Three Parts." pait third. "Tho Waiting Groon and tlio Happy Wedding." The lust In the series. Providence Methodist Episcopal chinch Rev. George A. Cine, pastor. Tho Brotheihood of St. Paul meets for ptnjcr at 10 a. ni ; preaching at 10 30; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; Epwoith league, 0 13, topic: "A Cure for tho World's Woe," W. S. DeWitt, leader; ptenclilng at 7u0, subject: "Hearing Ems." Miss Davles, of New Yoik will sing nt tho moinlrg seivicc. Tlio usual 1,1 minutes of song to open tho meeting at 7.'M. Aslmiv Methodist HpNeopal chinch, coiner Delawaro street and Mousey ave nue Brotherhood at P.I.0; preaching at 1010 a. in. and 7,30 p. in., by Kvnngellst Reiknup; Sunday school nt 2 30 p. in.: League nt (5 30 p. m. Seats freo and all am welcome. St. Paul's Methodist Kpls-copal church 1 P. Doty, pastor. Speciil evangelis tic sei vices all daj. The pastor U assist ed by Uv.ingellst Van Goidei. At 10 n. "To say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible." "I wns troubled with femnle weaWuess for eight curs , mid suffered more than 1 can tell," writes Sirs. Glut. Mow ot Ovanilo, Deerlodce Co, Mont. "My disposition was affected to such uii raictu iiiui tu hny n pleasant word to anyone was almont inipcaiible. "I bad two opera tlous performed by oneof the most t. Willed iirgtons of tlie West, but did not get relief. Then, against my doctor's itrict ordeu, I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's tutorite Prescrlption and 'Golden Medical Dis. coverv. and also fol. lowed the advice given In the Common Sense Medical Ad vher. 'I coutinued tills treatment for Wiree moullu, and to. (lav am a healthy and welt at a woman tan be, I cuntiot thank Doctor Pierce enough for his Liud letters to me," Womanly dis eases, as a rule, spoil the "disposi tion," because of the extreme nerv- ousness and suffering they cause, Hop plnesa as well as health is restored to the woman whose diseased condition is cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After eight jears of suffering and two fruitless operations, three months1 use of "Favorite Prescription" restored Mrs. Moser to perfect henltli. This gieat remedy foi woman's ilU, establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inllauitiiatioii ami ulceration and cures female weakness. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, loof large pages, in paper coverc is sent fiee on receipt of 21 one-ceut stamps to pay .expense of hi liling only. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, V m 8eP 4 S I .4. By purchasing the entire lot offered, we recently se cured a line of Inlaid Lino leums of a quality never be fore offered in this city for less than 1.35 per yard. We offer it to you at a price in keeping with that at which it was bought. in., prayer service one-halt hour; 10 30 a, m., sermon and revival meeting; noon, Sunday school; 3 30 p. m, Junior Rp worth League meeting, led by Mrs. Dotv; 7 p. m evangelistic services. Tho meet ings continue throughout the week everyone welcome. Court Stteel Methodist Episcopal chinch Rev. G. C. Lyman, pastoi. Class, J H, O D. DeWitt. leader; pleaching, 10 ",0, subject: "Our Nutlon;" Sunday fohool, 11. n, G. P. Cl.itk, supeilntendent; Epwoith league, 0J0; pi caching, 7..U. Seats flee. A. M. R. chuich, Tfuwaid place Dr. T. S. Hentley, pastor. Picaehlng. 10.50 n. m , subject: "The Seciet of Success in Church;" Sunday school. 2 30 p m. A. Potter, supoiintecdent; pleaching, 7.1" p. m , subject: "Apostasy or the Sins of Unbelief." A cordial welcome to all. BAPTIST. Penu Avenue Baptl-t Chuich, Penn avenue, between Spiueo and Idnden sti cots Preaching, morning at 10 SO and evening at 7 10 by thu pnstot. Rev. Itob cit V. Y. Pierce, D. D. Slraiigeis nlwavs welcome. Morning prajcis In tlio lower templo at 1 ; theme of tho seimon, "The Chm lots ot God." Sunday chool at tho home school at 2 o'clock and at the Amcimin mission nt "30 p. in. Young People's Society of Chi 1st! m i:n de.avor meeting at 1. SO. Themo of tho sermon at the tiening "Bright IIoui service, "Tho Best I.lfo Insiuance Laige Iteturns; Small Investments." rii-,t Baptist chuuli, South Main ave nue Pi eaclilng at 10 u0 a. m. and 7 SO p. m. Soimons by Huv. 12. II. Palmer, D I" , ol Philadelphia dlstuct secietniy of tho Baptist Homo Mission society; Sun day chool, 2 p. m.; Baptist Young Peo ple's' union, CS0 p. m. Regular monthly business meeting, Monday at 7.43 p. in. Wednesday at 7.43 p. m piajer nnd covenant meeting. Dr. 'VVrlglitnour, tho pastor-olect, desires tho attend mco ot every member of tho chuich. All wel come. Seats freo. Jackson Stieet Baptist chuich Rev. Thomas do Gluey, D. ID., pistor. Morn ing, men's pi aver meeting at ) 13, leader, Brother Ben Smith; pleaching service, 10 30, tlio pastor will preach In tho morn ing service, topic. "Tho Blood Atonement, or Without the Shedding of Blood Thoto Is No Remission of Sin." Sundav school nt 2 p. ni John Idojd, superintendent; evening service, nt 7 sharp. This meet ing will bo of special Inteiest to nil; wo will have with us Rev. Chailes Soais, ot Philadelphia, who will pi each. At this session tho offenng for out-statn mission wnilt will bo taken. Tlio sou Ice will bo lull of long and Bvangellst 1J. H. Wells will favor us with a selection. You mo nil coidlallv invited to attend all tho set vices of our chuich. Seals aio flee and we begin at seven Munp Ciieen llldgo Baptist chuich Tho pas tor. Rev. Memy Steillng Potter will Pleach at both foi vices, Tim evening subject will bo "Steadfast," and will continue tho soilcs to thu jouncr. Sunday school at tho closo ot tho morning sci vlce. North Mnln Avenuo Baptist chinch Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith, pastor. At 10 SO n. in., theme, "Christ's Tin co-fold Offer to a Young Mnn": 7.W), theme, "Solomon's Conception of Muii," the fouith In a series ot studios In tlio Book uf Kcclcslastcs. Violin solo by Mr. John Stopford nnd vocal solo b Mis, John Stopfoid. Sabbath school at 2 p, in,; Christian nndeavor, ti SO p, m. First Welsh Baptist church, West Mar ket street Rov. J. V. Davles, pastor. Preaching sei vices nt 10 a. m. nnd C p. in.; Sunday fcIiooI at 2 p. m. Tho even ing bcivlco will ho conducted In Eng lish. To follow tho evening somion, tho Lord's supper will bo eeleluated All seats freo. PHESBYTERIAJST. Pilot Piosbytetian church Sei vices nt 10 SO a. m. and 7.S0 p. m In tho old build ing, Dr. MoLeod will preach, moinlug and evening. Mid-week sei vice, Wednes day evening nt 7 13 o'clock, hi tho now V, 51. C. A. Entrance on Washington avenue, Sti augers welcome. Second Piesbytcilan chinch, Jefteison avenue, bolvveen Mulbeiiy nnd Vino streets Joseph II. Odell, pastoi. Morn ing worship, 10 so a, pi ; Sunday school, U m. ; y, P. S. C. V ii 10 p ,m ; ovonlng wniHhlp, 730 p. in,, subject" "Tlio Judg ment of tho Pieseiit by tho Pant" Rt v, Joseph II, Odoll will picnch at both bci vices, Piovldenco Piesbyterlan ohiiich The pastor. Rev, Dr. Glulld, will olliclnto at 10,30 n. ni. and 7. "50 p. ni.; Sunday school at 12 m,j Ibulcnvor society set vice, Ct.", p. m, The seats of tho chuich aio alwajs free. Wushburn Stieet Piesbyloilaii chinch Rev, John P Mortal, 1). D, pastoi, Ser vices, at 10 SO it, m und 70.1 p, m ; Bible school, at V m ; Clulstlan Kndenvor, Junior, at 3S) p m ; Christian endeavor, oung people, nt uso p. in Special ser vices euili night dining tho week. Tho pastor will pieaeh moiiilus: und owning. Decision Day" will bo ill Biiliject at nil services All welcome Adams Avenuo chapel, New York stieet-Men's piujep meeting at mi, which will bo conducted by Mr. (I Tiaub. Tim Ituv. James Hughes will preach at 10 uO und at 7.S0; Sunday school at :) o'clock, Mr. Chandler, supeilntend cntj Clulstlan Endeavor tocloty at bSd p. m. Wcdnosduy uvenlng seivlce at 7.i0 Thero will bu a grand conceit of vocal nnd instiumcntu) music on Thursday owning, which will be given by thu . TOv jt. V 1 i Williams & McAnulty, Furniture, Carpets and Draperies, Green Ridge Presbyterian choir nnd or chestta. AH vtelcomo to these services. EPISCOPAL. St. Lubo's parish Rev. Rogois Isiael, D. D, rcctoi; Rev. Edwaul Hatighton, senior cm ate; Rov. Robot t Ewell Roe. junior curate Fiist Sunday in advent, i St. Luko s church 7 lo a. m , holy com munion; lO.'O a. in, moinlng piavci and seimon; 7"0 p. ni , evening pinjer and seimon; 9 1" a. m., Sunday school and bible classes. Salt Maik's. Dunnioic S a. m, holy communion; 10 ?0 a. in, morning jnajor and pennon; 7"0 p. m, evening piajer nnd seimon: 3 p m , Sunday school and blblo cl isses. nait Ibid Mission. Piescott uvenue 3 p. m , Sunday school and bible classes; 7u0 p. in., evening prayer and seimon. South Sldo mission, Pig street 2 "0 p ni , Sundiy school arc! bible classes. Saint Geoigo's, OIj pliant-2 SO p. m, Sunday school and bible classes; S 30 p. m , evening prayer and seimon Saint James, Nicholson 10.J0 a. m , moinlng piajer nnd soiipon; 030 a. in, Sunday school. Chrht's church, Washington avenuo and Patk street Rev. V. S. Ballentine. lector. Morning piajer and sermon, 10 TO o'clock; evening piaj-er and sermon, 7 30 o'clock. All seats free. All welcome. Mi. Ballcnllno leturned Thanksgiving Daj- fiom a tiip tluough tho West as far as Lincoln, Neb, and tho Northwest at, fur as St. Taul and Minneapolis. Ho found the people eveiywnero very much lntci ested In the nnthraclto strike situa tion. REFORMED EPISCOPAL. Grace church, Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry street Prayer and praise ser vlco at 9 30 a. m.; Divine worship at 10 "0 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Charles W. King, of Saratoga. N. Y., will preach, both morning and evening. Sundaj" school at U in.; Young People's Society of Clulstlan Endeavor nt GS0 p. m prajcr meeting, Wednesdny evening at 7 1 1 o'clock. Scats free. Evorj bodj wel come. Bianch church, Hoso House, Tripp Park Services at 10 30 a. m. and 7..W p. ni. Hcnrj' Cardew will preach at both services. Sundav school at 12 m. Prajcr meeting, Thursdnj- evening at 7.43 o'clock, conducted by Mr. C. I'. Hcs. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Evangelical Euttheran Chuich of tho TIolj- 'Jiinltj", corner Adams avenuo and Mulbnirv street Rov. E. I'. Rttter, A M., pastoi. Services, 10 30 a. in. and 7.3) p. in,; moinlng subject, "The Coming of the King." , Granco Evangelical laitlieian churcti, (Genoial Sjnod.) coiner ot Mulberiy street nnd Proscott avenue Rov. Iaither Hess Waring, pastor, 0 "0 a. m Sunday school; 10 SO a. ni. Divine wot ship with seimon by Rev. S. W. Yoiiiik, of tho Mooslc Piesbytcilan chuich; 7(0 p. m, Y. I. S. C. E; 730 Divlno woishlp with t ci niou by tho pastoi and special nui3lc by male quintette. Eveijbody welcome. Elon Evangelical Euthein chinch, 225 Mllllln nvenue Itev. A. O Gullencnmp, pistor. Moinlng seivlce, 10 30, subject. "Bo Ready tho King Is Coming" Sunday school, J p. m, i client ml of Cliilstmas pi ori ammo; Geiman Satutdny school, U noon oveiy Situul.iy; evening seivlco in Get man, T.'A p m., subject: "tlow tho Lost Son Came Humoj" Junior Iraguo, December 2, 7 SO; Ladles' Aid, Doeomlx r 3, a p. ni ; Y. T S,, 7 JO n m. St IMul'a Evantrellcal Lutheian chuich, Short avenue Rev. IT, A. Kiui Mo, pastor. Moinlng soivlco at 10 30; Hibjoct, "A Tuno to Awako"; evening sei v ho at 7.30; subject, "Sweetness of Divlno Meditation." Sunday school at 1J.J0 iu m. Como to urgo tho Cliilstmas woik. Chuich council meeting, Monday evening, Dec. 1, at S p in MISCELLANEOUS. All Soul's Unlveisallst chuich, Pino stieet, between Adams and Joffeison nvo lines Rev, Tlionuis B. Pajne, pastor, Divlno seivlce, with seimon, nt 10 30 a, in , subject, "Giatltude;" Sunday school, at 12 m, Seats fiee fit! angers coidlnlly welcomed. Evening servlco ut Guernsey hnll. Culvuiy Itotormed chuich, Mmuoo ave nuo and Gibson stieet Rov, Motion L, I'll or, pastor, Sei vices, 10 30 a. in. ami 7 .to p m.; Sunday iichool, Jl JO a, in; Christian Endeavoi, 7 00 p m. I'rajer meeting and catechism, 1'ildaj", beginning at 7 13 p. m. Ilellevuo AVrlsb Calvlnlstlo Melhodlst chinch Rov, William Davles, pastor. Services dining tho week as follows; Welsh seimon, tomoirow nt 1ft a, m,; ilass meeting, 11,30 a. in,; Sunday school, 2 p, m , English seimon, ii p. m , pleach ed by tho Rev Hugh Davles, Hydo Juk; tho Rov William Davles, Bulluvuo, will fxrupy tho pulpit of tho II"do Pail; Welsh C M chuich Pi.iyoi meeting, Monday ovunlng, at "30; Clulstlan Ihi deavm, (con"e'ciutoii uicetiug) Tuesday evening, at 7.30; Mis. Davlo'n lllblo diss, Wednesday evening, at 7 So, Ladles' Mis. sinniity sncletj", Thursday uftMiioou at N, class meeting, Thursday evening at 7 3u, meeting sewing c I its, Satiudij ufteiuoon at ?M , Gospel Tabcinacio chuicli, lliinmoio, Jilfoison avenuo Rev. James Lelshman, pastor. Sundiy punching by tho pastor, 1030 n. m und 7?0 p. m, Mr. Arnold foimcily of Boston, will sing; Bible school, 12 0) noon; Young JVwjpio's meet ing, t, 10 p in ,Sntuiduj ovtiiilug, i p m, - -iv K 1 TftX B " - 1 a 129 Price TeiMofaflo r Our specials this week are tempting, not alone be cause of their low prices, but also for their unusual good values and wearing qualities. Our first special represents the best baigain that we have ever offered in ladies' Shoes. Special No 1 Ladles' Gimdjcar Welt, Io Calf, Lieo Shoes, eti,i heavy sole1!. Not ono pair in the lot that wo have ever offered tho eepial of bcfoio for less thnn 2 30 and $iC0 'Ibis week, $2 CO a pair. Special No 2 Infants Button Sboci, 10c to 7"ic. a pah. Positively woith ono-tlilid more. Special No. 3 M-n's and Bovs' $123 and $1.00 Shoe at tOc. LEWIS, RUDDY. DAVIES MURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Next door to new First National Bunk Building, if $ f,, ; ! I.FT IIS SFNfl OIIR RFPRFSFNTJITIVF Tfl TPI I vnn jiii rraiit 1 . -.-...-.,........... ibu iviunLLnuuui v I . Ehret's 4. - v & hj - jig.& GUARAMECU WARRENEHRET COMPANY, J 321 WASHINGTON AVE. 4, 4, .J, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. . 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. .j, stuilv of the Sunday school lesson nt tin home of tlio pastoi, ji,j Uidlfiin avenue; Tuesday, legulai montblv ull-daj meet ing of the Clulstlan nnd Mission 11 y al ii nice, '-os-ilans ut 1030 a. m, L'SO and 7 30 p. m. Rov. A. H. Tbonipioii, of ICi-ti-wood, under appointment as mls-dimiu..1 to Jeiualem, will speak Welsh Calvlnlstle MethmlNt 1 liureh, Wajno avenue Rev. 13 It Robots, pas tor. At 10 o'clock 11. 111 , Welsh pleach ing; theme, "Meditation and Life", 1 p. m Sunday i-rhool; ii p m , thome, "Whj Should Wo Pialso find." Phmouth Cciiigicgtitloiiul ihiiich Kev T. A. )lumphie:s, pastoi. I'renehing at 10 30 11. in. and 7 p. in. Subject ot tho morning sermon, "Tho MIt.Ion of tho Church", evening topic, "Sell-o,iniluii-tlon," Sunday school nt 1J in , nnd ut Sherman avenue at i 13 p m ; Senior Ihi douvor at (1 p. m.. Junlnr Undeiivor at 1 P. m.. Mondaj , pi iit meeting ut 7 I" p. in. Thiirscbij ; tcaclicis' meeting at S 1j p. m , Tliuisday, Pllht Cliuich ol Clulst. (Scientist) MO Adams avenue-Sunday service, at 10 10 a m. and 7.30 p. m subject' "Clod the Only Caiiho and Cicitor." meeting, Wodnesdav at S p, in. Tho pub lic aio coidlnlly Invited to attend these set vies. Oospi 1 hall, 501 Lac Icaw anna avenue Sunday school, l.'l" p. 111; Mr. Altlch will pieaeh at 730 p 111, also conduit a Bible Class for tho study of tho les-ou and tho "Book of Romans" on Monday nt 7 1"i p. in. All 1110 welcomo OLD FORGE. Miss Kvtt Lano Is visiting with fiiends In Jeimvn, Mrs. William Allen spent Tuesday with fiknd.s In Wtlkcs-Baue. Mis. Stanton, of Oncontn, N v., Is visiting at tho Methodist Kplcopnl paisomigo. Mrs Mcyeis, of iSiookljn, N, Y, spent Sunday with filendb In town. Miss Muy Jones, of West Plttston, was a visitor at this pluco on .Sunday, MUs Virginia Wells, of llubsell mil, has leturneil homo nftcr a week's visit nt tho home of Thomas make Master linn Kilwards is conllnert to his humu by iheuiiiutliiii. Miss Maigniet Uiodheild wns ti visltot In Plttston 011 Tuesday. Thomas JJ. Cnuly Is slowly linpi liv ing after undeigeilng .111 upei.itlon foi appendicitis nt a Si 1 anion hospital a few weeks ago. The ioniums of Mis. Miles Smith, of Wyoming, weie Inteiieel In llio Matey cemeteiy on Wcdnesdu). Mis. Smith was ft teniucr lesldeni uf this plaeo und was well and invouiblv known by the nblci U'sideiits. Miss Iva L.iilsh, (( llloomsbuiy, Is the guest of Mrs. M, H. Kellot. Mrs. Thin lo Coolbaugh and funilly uie ptrp.iilug to leavu for Hheildnn, L'ale Commences Monday Horning, December I,nt 9 A. M. (Linoleum Department in the basement. Take the elevator.) Wyoming Avenue. 2 .; .;. $!., . i . 4, . ,,,,, - Ryj'jfl.Jifli'k IO VCAICS. 4, 4, .j, ,j, ,j. ,j. 4, 4, 4, ,j, ,j, 4, 4, 4, 4, ,-, .j, , , .- NEW YORK HOTELS. ldTIe'Ijotel niUMmi'Mirjua I'lll VV.IJLIW LI .N-JliniAMIillimlN. CV VORK. i:UUOIllA PLAN. MiW. Ill hl'UOlin Convenient to I'licatres ami Shopping Dlstrictn. Take 2.rd sr. cross to vn cars an.l truii-jter at Uli ave. ilireci to hotel, Beoins ultli tlath ) fbiilts with llatii V-'-nri ) I y.xnu W. H. PA(4KG, Proprleto.-. WESTMlJXSTBJt HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth it. and lr ins VUqi, NEW YORK. American Plan, fJ 50 Per Day and Upwards European I'lmi, ?1 00 Per Day and Upward fcpgcial ltatca to ramlliei. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -fiH-H-ir.-H-H--H"--f-ff-f-r-f-f-f -f-t-t l-'OP lltlSilH'SS Mkii 1 In tho heuit of tho wholesale ells, v- tilct 1 For mIii)im 3 minutes' walk to Wanamakers; V" " mi,tnln, lr. mm-.)l ,rtrt, u 1,1, -- -f- t Stoic Lasy of access to tlio great I)i y Clooels Stoics, I-'or ftifrliheois Ono block fiom R'wuv Oais. giv ing easy tinnspoitatloii to all pciintb or miercst, ALBERT .NEW YOIJK. t Cor lltli ST . UNIVERSITY PU 4- T Only ono IHock fiom Dioadway, -- Pnnm? 'fil Hn kksiaukani - f IlUUIIl), 41 UU pfC8J Keajoiubls Wyoming to join her husband, whtio he has sec in I'd u luciatlvt position Appioprlai ThanksglMng servltes weio held ut No 1 bi hool lu Miss Iliud Uenil's iiiaiii on Wcdiittselay nfteinoou. A large nuiuber of patrons und lticnd.s wcie picseut, Uveiy number op th prograimuo wan well leutleicil und en joyed by those luescnt. William Nnylor, who closed his butcher shop dm lug the strike, his re-, opened. Ct Fh ( m innTifliflr HOTEL 4-