', tTHE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902 quantity of wrtlor given In tho accom panying recipe, Unless the weather Is very cold and clear and the Jelly Is to stand over night. When ready to servo tho dessert turn the Jelly out carefully! scoop out enough Jolly with a teaspoon dipped In hot water, to make a cttp of the Jelly; fill this up with vanilla or strawberry Ice cream, or a fruit whip or charlotte nisso inlxttue, and serve on lace paper dollies on fancy plates. Tito scooped out Jelly may bo Bctved with whipped cicam for dessert the next day. WKv Bee 4i ti VIZ: How often have yon ld that yon wlihsd yon contd make thla or that taite at It did at home In the old 'dajiT la mince pie one of tbeie thing! 7 If to there li away to lattlfy the old longing hundred! of thonianiU ( of other! have found It, TIZt NONE SUCH MlNCl-Ml-AT Thli li the oondenied mince meat celebrated for making plea " like mother nied to make." NONE BUCII la a home-made article In every ienie of tho word, for onr kitchen li aa tidy as the ono at the old home, and all tho care of manufaoturo underlie! It, the only difference being tho raitnoiB of our output (19,000,000 10-ccnt package! aold last year.) NONE SUCH la good to eat In fruit cake and pudding as well as In pies. All grocers sell It, Merrell-Sonle Co,,8yrncnse,N.Yinako It,, A thing apart from vjtl or li ,, miner meat. Don't ilk jAMdju,J Sum a1,, nfi TABLE AND KITCHEN. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS ABOUT WHAT TO EAT AND HOW TO PREPARE FOOD CONDUCTED BY LI DA AMES WILLIS, MARQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO, TO WHOM ALL INQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. SUGGESTED MENUS. ' Saturday. rillHAKKAST. Ccic.il. Stowed Trunin Frizzled Diied Uocf. Hgg Cicam Sauce, L.junnalo Potutocs. Rolls. Coltcc. LUN'CII. KfTS Cutlets. Scalloped Tomatoes, Brown Dread. Pi Hit. Tea. nixxun. Vegetable Hoiilllon. rsr.ilfeil Uncle. .Mii&hed Sweet Potatoes, Glazed Tutnlp Outage Salad. Chec-c. Wilfeis. ltlee Pudding. Corfee, Sunday. IIIIBAKKAST. Balied Apples--. Cie.tm. Samage. Creamed Sweet Potatoes. itilddle Cakes. Coffee, DINNT-R. Clear Soup. Fricassee of Chicken. Dumplings, Illce. Baked Onions. Caullllowcr Salad. Chocolate Pudding. Coffee, srppiin. Ci.ili Stew. in Chafing JJMi. Nut, Oiniige. and Celery Salad. Cocoa . Monday. Fmlt. Cereal. Cieam. l,'i earned Salt. .Mackerel. Potatoes. Coin Bread. Coffee. I.UNCii. Puritan Uggs. Potatoes Hushed In Cieam. Apple Cake. Cocoa. DIXNHR. Black Bean Soup. BrcndPd Veal Chops. Tomato Sauce. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Ci earned P.u snips. Egg Salad. Piune Souffle. Coffee. Tuesday. BHKAKKAST. Sliced Bananas. Cream. I.ler Rolls. Goim.ui Piled Potatoes. Bntlie Wheat Mulllns. Coffee. l.UNCH. Vegetable Cioqtiettes. Mushroom Sauce. Lobster Salad. Stewed Prult. Coffee Cake. Grupo Julee. uiNxnn. Vegetable Soup. Beef Bouillc. Mnblied Potatoes, Buttered Carrots. V.kk Slaw. Apple Cubtaul. Cofiee. A Box of Compacted Sweats. IJvery housowlfe a taloes pilde In her table, feels her dinner is h.udly worthy of the name unless t-amo dainty in dessert form may Bruce the least to make the end most sweet. Her piov ident mind, or ulse the necessity for I'loseit economy, will not allow ltor to IndulKO in what may bo wahtetul ex tiavnKunce. She knows that the hearty sustalnlt g f.md cimipilslng tho IiJain meal of meat, bread and vege tables Is really all her family needs for liate inulnioniiiicf of health iwl Htiongth. She therefom vejn esses that Innate Ucsiie or every "bom housewife" for some of tho more Hum lea which rIvp tho artistic finish to tho repast. it you have a tiny plat of kiuuiuI suit nblo for a garden, It is more practical to plant It with vegetable than (lowers. Nut there is no reason why you should ' not make your gaidon attiactlvo as well as profitable, and to tills end brighten It with a fow Inexpensive ' blooming plants. It Ja Just as possible for tho house, kerper of limited means to add that touch of beauty and iclliieiueiit to her Pimple meals, which dainty, but not necessarily expensive dessert will give. ( Desseit Jellies. .Among all the desserts, thcie are none moie beautiful, moio healthful or paU , ntablo tliun tho.e made from a gelatine preparation which is known to be abso lutely free from all Impurities and per fectly wholesome. Such defaberta are so light and easily digested, that they may be partaken of by oyen tho most dollvittu person and children without tho Ictibt fear of re sults from ovur-eatlng of too much hearty food. They are nootliing and as gratefully cooling to the palate as arc tho ices, while they do not make buch a sudden transition from the high tem peratuie of the hot foods au the very low and chilling temperature of the fiozen foods. Easily Made Desseit. Nothing appeals moie strongly tu the busy housekeeper, especially If she has but her own to hands to icly upon in the loimd of household duties, than a food piepaiatlon that will save her time and anxious thought. The substantial viands she knows she must provide but how much she would like to sur prise her family with some pretty little kickshaws at the end of the meal. This lias, been made possible by home of our enterprising food manuf.ictureis who study the question nf domestic economy mote closely than the average housewife; and aie therefoio able and ready to help her In carrying out many little pet ambitions relating to her table, very small cost and almost no labor or expenditure of time. Gelatine Jellies have always been pi Hue favorites with all clashes of rooks as they lend themselves to Mich a var iety of forms and combinations, from the clear spaikllng lemon jelly to tho elaborate and artistic moulded creation which the chef delights In. Instead, however, of the old unceitalii and laborious method of making even the plain wine or frull-llavoied tte.-.ort jellies, made from calf's feet or even the plain prepared gelatine, and juices, which she must piep.uo fioiu ftesh or pieseived fruits, the housewife can now purchaue a package of whateer kind of dessert jelly she may debit e, alieady sweetened, flavored and coloied with natural fruit juices, lemon, mango raspberry, stiawbeiry, cheny, etc., and by adding a pint of bolllnu water to dissolve the powdered jelly; pouring It into moulds; adding fresh fruit if de sired and setting It at once in a cold place to sot again she has a most de licious and attractive dessert, suitable to giace the table in the most modest home or for the enteitalnment of a grandee. Housewives who aie not blessid with a "jewel of a cook" will llnd such "helps fon over hard places" a great blessing; for if her cook cannot be safely trusted even to boil the water which la added to these prepared jellies, it will take but a few minutes of the mistress' time to do it herself while it will give her immense satisfaction and relief to know that she can depend on the dessert being a success at least. Cherry Jelly with Roast Tin key or Game. Cranberry, giape or currant jellies ate generally served with roast tin key and game. W1k.ii one tltcs of these or they are not obtainable, a very delight ful change may be had by using a package of ell known jelly ptepar atlou, flavored with the natural juice of the cherry and sharpened a little with lemon juiio if considered too sweet to accompany meats. This Jelly may bo poured In little fancy moulds or small cups and when cold and tlrm, tinned out on Individual dishes on little lace paper dollies and setved, Do not servo on the heated plate with ' the meal, as the Jelly will melt. Cluut reuse of Strnwberiies. Thl.s Is a beautiful dish quickly made by adding a pint of boiling water to a package of the prep.it cd strawberry Jelly and moulding it In a fancy border mould. "When set turn out on a chilled glass dish; till the renter with iJpe ftesh strawberries, sugaied If they ate not sweet. JJask tho berries with sweetened whipped cream and decor ate tho base of the Jelly with roses nf whipped cieam made with pastty tube and bag or a spoon, Bouchees of Jelly and Ice Cream. If ono desires a dainty little fancy for a little dinner or lunch which can bo easily made at home, use either tho cherry, raspbeirj or stt a wherry Jelly, pouring It into small moulds or cups which have Mat bottoms, making It unite stiff, adding a little less than mm A Delicious Combination of Fruit and Wheat INQUIRIES ANSWERED. Mrs. M. CI. wilted: I urn vciy fond of reading the recipes In the household department. Coutd you let me know whether It is good for preserves when ii scttm comes on it, and whether thla should bo taken off? We do not know just what you mean by scum; If you are preserving fruit, the scum which arises while It Is cook ing should bo carefully removed of course. Jf you refer to mould which forms on preserves It shows your fruit Is not nlr-tlght and while the fruit will not ferment or spoil, the mould, IT left too long, will spoil the ilovor of tho fruit. Thirded Bread. Mis. T tequests a leclpe for thirded bread. Take one cup of white Hour, one cup of rye flour, one cup of yellow corn meal, three tnblespoontuls of su gar, one leaspoontul of salt, half a cake of compressed yeast, dissolve In a scant hair cup of luko warm water. Mix these IngiedletHs with milk scalded and cooled, until you have a dough stiff enough to form Into a loaf. r,ot the loaf rise until It cracks open; then put it Into a pan and when light bake In a moderately hot oven for an hour. Cocoa Syrup. Mis. 'I'. D. writes; Will you please tell mo how to make cocoa syrup to serve as a beverage? Mix four lurge tnblespoontuls of co coa In just enough cold water to make a smooth paste, then add a pint of boil ing water and let tho mixture boll up, then add a pint of sugar and boll three minutes. Then set aside until cold and add a tablespoonful of vanilla. When serving, put two tablespoonfuls of the syrup In a glass with two tablespoon fuls or crushed Ice and fill up with milk. Place two tablespoonfuts of cream on stop and stir down well. Canned Cauliflower. 11. !'. S. wiltes: Will you kindly tell me if cauliflower Is ever conned and how it Is done? We cunnot give ou a tellable leclpe for canning cauliflower: owing to the notuio or composition of the vegetable the success of such a ptoeess would bo very unceitain. You might try the cold water piocen ip-ed for lhub.ub, asp.u agus and such fi ults If you do not In tend tu keep the vegetables long. TO BEAUTIFY THE ARMS. The gltl whose arms ate Ion stout must ti.lhi on' tliH flesh. She must use them lg oiously and must go thinugh aim exer cise that take oft' the fl.'sh. The gill whose aims arc too thin' must wot It In a conttaiv illiettiun The aims must li nibbed nightly with hot oil of a kind that will .sink into the flesh, iiv best oil lor this nut pose Is melted cold cicam. This can be massaged Into the skin In such a way that It will leach the tissues anil lif ahsoibed by them, thus plumping out the aims. Olives will fatlcii out the aims, it is said, because they ato halt oil. So al.so will pecan nuts and nuts that aie heavy with fattening siihstanres. Do not eat them after a meal, or as a delicacy, but make an entne luncheon of them. Nuts aie a food and the only tiouble with fat ing them is that they mo taken as it deli cacy when the stomach is full rather than as a puie food. The tesult In that they Injtue the .stomach by giving it too much work to do. To fatten the aims thcie ih a cute that is taken In Germany. The patient lies upon a couch and leads nil day. Poi a bueiago she dilnks cocoa, taking it! whenever thlisty. it Is sometimes, hot' and sometimes cold; usually plain, but occasionally flavored with vanilla. This is all tlieip Is to the famous cocoa or choiolato cute, which is talked about on two continents. The giapo cine Is entiiely dlffuent, for It consists in taking the juice or the grape and dilnkiug It in quantities. This does not fatten, but merely stimulates tht nerves and the digestion. The aims fat ten up so leadlly that the patient Is in danger of getting them too plump. Her must slop nt Just the tight tint". Uur w lists must tnper and the danger Is that they will foiget to do so when once they begin to put on fal. Lines that give thu effect of a tin cad tied mound the arm will appear and the wil.st.s will crease and roll like the wilnts of a baby, and lit a grown pet.son this cannot be called at tiactlvo. The matter of tu..y aims, oi aims that aro positively hairy, must bo con sldcied. To tul-o hair off tho arms l.s a thing most difficult. It can ho lemovcd, but It glows ugnlu and tho patient must leslgn heiself to fieqiiont opetatlons. Tho glow th Is too thick lor the electric needle, To leinovo It would lako too loin;, Tho pulling out of the bails Is a thing that Ih lesotted lo, hut this Is painful and tedi ous and the hair glows In ngaln, two now halls laming to every ono lemoved. Tho salvo stick is another possibility, but think of tho trdliuu of heating a salvu stick, and plating It when halt-melted upon tho hair, :nul of the agony of pull ing It of when It has cooled! The stick is clasped on when hot, then pulled off, and the. hair comes with it Tho quickest, safcHl and best lemedy for hnliy ttims Is powdered pumice Moisten tho anas Itub them htlskly with tho lluest powdeied slono oit can find and Kiep on stttihblng until the hair Is nil off. Tho opeiatlon Is inuglienlng to tho skin ami you will need to apply cold ream attetwanl. It must be done ouco a foitulghl. for tho hair will slow again. There Is another lcnjcdy and this Is tho noticeable. Tile ammonia hi the paio n few dt ops of ammonia In tho poinsido. Tills bleaches the hall and makes It less noticeable The ammonia In tho peilv lile Injuies the hair and so It gtadually lulls out, as tho toots dlo off. Por an obstinate case of hair on tho anus this Ih best If used cautiously. The aims can be whitened with lemon Juice and cucumber cieam, mixed Now Voik Hint CM i Efl II Syrup.of Fids w u,ix ia It is pure, , It Is gentle. It is pleasant. It Is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business meu. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances." It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. fck!&?!44'"""' ".'"Sa 3&SS323ESJT5ET&tf -""-r tj toir'TaToi ffimr wMiTirTiT Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant aftcr-eiTcctfl. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants, It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which arc agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All nrc pure. All are delicately blended. All arc skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. u Manufactured by LIFORjfia pAVRilP San Fra.ncioco, C&I. Loviicvlllo. Ky. Now York, N. Y, JT0R SALE ST ALL LZJMINO DRUGGISTS, reffiggateadi -m&J NO.m &n n . This is a copy of the Label pasted on each piece or the GENUINE AgateNickel-SteelWare as a guarantee ot HUSUIUIB mmy. XABEI( Sustained by UJ3. Olrc alt Court. WAMETOPUTENSIL. Patented hi IH WihWwwa vo-" Feb 12.1S9H. COST TselT Analysis No. 73,839. New York, Dec. 7. 188. We hive mdao a careful oxamlnaUon of a ample of "Agate Nickel Steel Wore " received trom Tho Lolanoo ft Groejoaa Mfg. Co.. Nov 80. ISM. The enamel coating la homogenooua. of oxtra. tblokncsa, unci great purity. It la entiniu frtt from orwntft fcJ ana onti. moui-metalaso often found In enameled goods. Very respectfully. Obemlsta to the Now TorkProduoo Exchanges wum i. p. rjunik t m, rb d. jcu n n..., tM . fj a tnalyala No. 14,180. Nsw York, May 8, 1BS7. ALXNCK& OU08JBAN MFO. CO. Gehtliugn : As requested by you. we pun. chased In the open market a sample of " Agate Nickel Bteel Ware n and have mado n careful chemical analysis of theenamol covering of tho Eatno. We find tblaenamel Is abinHMv pure and free. from ATKnic, Antimony, Ltad and otwr juo itanca OtfurtoiM to fteajin. Wo can therefore) recommend It for all culinary and drinking purpceos. WkjM Cbomlsta to the B. Y. Metal Exohanye. fluruteeil'M&le Coated tid ALsoiutel? Firt OcpyrlBlitoa. NO POISON Has Ever Been Found in the Enamel of Agate Nickel-Steel Ware, Solii ly Firit-clast Dtfartiitcr.t and Ifcuse JurmshiHg Stores, iei.itor new Booklet. Lalance & Grosjean Mfg. Co., JiCW YOHK BOSTON CHICAGO FOOTE & FULLER CO., 140-142 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCKANTON, PA. Complete line of the genuine 1. & O. Manufacturing Company's Agate Nickle Steel Ware. allies. Ho.it om cKtf anil ailil a qii.ut oC milk ltli ii pinch ot K.ill. i'our this ntl tine over liionil ami I'hoobo, anil let It souk tintll ovi'ty ullco Is thnimighly tnol.s tineil. Hnko thlity-ilvo lo foity-llve mill iitc.i until lit own on top as In In rail pinl rtlli!,'. Soivo on hot pUtix anil ijnli'kl, the hotter thf hotter. Miti por'n ll.tzni AMERICAN PROJECTS ABROAD. HINTS TO HOUSEWIVES. A tiavclor conti Unites that on a ro. rent ocoait'CiiiiMiiir lalslns pioveil hi hta ami Htlinulant ilniim; a i.tthcr bail attack of Hea-slekness, IJo sat them with difficulty, ho says, a fow at u time, by feeing tho Htevwud, ami advises Uana atl.ilintlR tiuvelcia to put a biiutll box. ot n leu plump tuhlo iiiIuIiih In their state loom kit A bit of kitchen ccoiiomj la thut tola frleil or scramblert cBB. which would bteni to bo no Iohrcc iihufnl, may ho ' rnoppeu aim nuxeit witii inliicii moat, to tho lattor's linpiovomcnt. A poached I'Bjjr, too, that was not needed may, If It Is not broken, ho i etut tied to tho wutor and boiled haul, and used to gaiiilsh or mix witli a Mtl.id. A delicious cheet.0 pudding vouched for by tho houscheeper at whoso table it fie 'lucutly appeal b, Is mado Horn ono flvo ccnt loaf of baker's In end with a half pound of good Ainotlcan chceso about tho sticngth of thut used in making u Welsh iniebit. Cut olf tho liaid cittstu of tho btead, slleo and butler, layliifi slices loosely In tho baking dish with ul toinatu luyeis of chtese. cut hi thin Tor Tho Tubulin by Walter .1. liall.ttil. Opeiatluus hao boon coninn'iKed on thu lut'toiy of thu Diamond ltubber iomp.in, to bo built at llla-Kow, Seollaud, Anur lean inai'hlnery Is lo lm Intnlled. Among tliosn Intei istLil In tlin piojeil In ling Kind Is y. AleMtnder Smith, vice pie.-l dejit of tho Diamond .Mutrli i'imp.tn Tho ofllelals of the. Dominion tin', which is Included In thu toiguu Atlanih chip comhlno, iiiiuouiieo that alter ,lau u.ii y ncNt they will extend their lines up tho Mulltciruncnn, by addlun In tluii Ikut which inns to Cuuoa ami Naples tho Rteamers Couinumweiiltli ami New Km hind, now on theh Huston liui, and thai during tho lout tst scu-oii lo the MctUl eiiaueitli Ihov Inleiiil fo run eseui.'-lon steamcis tiom H.iston ami extend iho voyages of thelt essels us fur east as Alevaiiiltia, i.illng nt .Malta, Mai.selll.-s, Naples, Cieiioa and other pin ts On ,Momla, rieptembor :"', tho Fow ler Canadian company, packers of poiK missed Into tho htimlk nt' Kivlft ,V ln rt Chicago Swift also took over thu stom ).iiu L'oniioiieii iiy inu eowier inmp.in) It Is said thut thu capacity of thu plant will bn Ini'ieusrd to maUo the business thu Kiigcst In Camilla. Ftaul: (1 Catpenter, willing fiom abui.iil. nles some inteiestinir runls. mn reining France's most Inipoitan m pott uuvie. i ins uiy. lying on ino cniei n.ir-hot- of luiitlieiu Fiunce, Is the g.itewa Into whleli Arm! iiMti ironds for tli. iiwr ot tho Fieuch peoplu ato being ponied no s.iys; i am sutiuisuii ai tne umniiui lt A mm lr't n intinhlniii'i' I tiir nlmni llm if iivniitii luuviuiii'i; ti.i it irif it v Illo docks. Tho warehouses uie full of It aim me Burets ouisuin uto uiockcii li it In addition to futm Implements Iheto aro packages of caipet sweepers, meat Blind, era and Ico cieam fieezert-. Theio urn also Juigu tmpoitatiotis of eleutiical mu chlueiy, und within the past few yeata Ihu WestluBhouso company lias esttlb llshed a factory ut Ilavto lo supply tho Fimch maikct. It has a luigo building on the edge of thu illy wheto u uunibei of blight young Ametlcaiis supetluteud tho Fienclimen who do the lough wink. The company lias u Fiench name, being: en titled the "Soclete ludUntlielle il'Kleitll cllo, I'joiedes V'stluBllOllo., Ilk capital l iiinnijai) fuiuua. or about J.'.iw.oW. 0 ..Friday end Saturday Special.. D q THE JHYCE STOISES y Ks &fo&' J m&Wmwr&r MHmf i WBs5:''"-Sl A Seasonable Recipe (Cut p This Out) The human body is built out of the food eaten. A weak ness in the constitution means that one or more elements of the body have not been nourished sufficiently or have been over-nourished at the exnense of other elements. Shredded Whole Wheal Biscuit nourishes all the different ele ments of the body in correct proportion. Here is one of the many delightful ways in which Shredded Whole Wheat Bis cuit 'is used: ate, core quarter -I larje apples ; cook tender with 6 SjgstclK h ' cup of water; add f Jg&fe.. ,,.&) V. mm nf mirr.-ir :nirl s,.lV -Ssr I-, AJ t KSffl y !' -. mivi -, - ' iv -w-s,'W""-'- (i mj; 11 awav to cool. Make a liZZyrm' ih of any Relaline jelly, SplitM Nwf jflSW MimMca Wheat Bisattt, till with --,-';1!; the stewed apj)les; pour )i of an men or me jejiy imo a long, Mianow - M-H ,Uh pan, let harden; then place the biscuit u, sandwiches end to end on the jelly and cover with the remaining jelly, Set away to harden. Serve with cream. Any seasonable fruit can be used instead of apples. -.ma're.svi -.(i' ,- r fiJij... i .,... . , Tm&mil&: isf and JfsWs&s:: jSBffiMWS MfflWj ssie;. :'mmwwsz wMmjriy mmmmmF- i:iwr .s" ''? Wl'?! f l) Zir--mi lgr Jellied Sandwich Split SiraddeU Whole Wheat Biscuit unit toatt It for breakfast, SHHEDDKI) WII0f.K W1WAT 11I.S0U1T fSKold by ull Bioecrs. Send for The Vital Question" (Cook Hook, illustriitcdiuiolori,,) Kr e, Address The NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y, SHREDDE W WHQLEJ I BISCUIT