ii 1 ,4. '' l THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE RAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 11902. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. POWERS PROCEED AGAINST VENEZUELA important SteDs Are Taken in Lon don with a View to Satisfying Claims ol Bondholders. UNITED STATES WILL CONSIDER PROPOSITION Details of the Proposed Settlement Will Phst Be Made Known to Our Government and Then Submitted to the Other Powers It Is Sus pected That President Castro Has Sent Secret Delegations to Europe with a View of Accomplishing What Had Been Hitherto Consid ered Impossible. By Eiclusivr Wiro from The AsaOciatcJ Pri London, Nov. 28 Tho Associated Press learns that Important steps were taker in London todav with a view to satisfying all the ttnanci.il and dip lomatic claims by foreign powers and bondholders against Venezuela. It Is maintained that If the contemplated notion meets with itppioval, Germany and Great Britain will have no cause to take the vigorous, steps now con templated. The details of the suggest ed settlement hae not been communi cated to the L'uropcan governments as ; ci. Their gist first wjll be made Known to the United States govern ment, ptobably tomorrow. The med ium of such communication Is one of the most impoi tant Anglo-American lianhci s. Venezuela's propositions were mentioned to Ambassador Choate to la:. , but pending the result of the dl ii U representations at Washington no action will be taken by the embassy towards suggesting that Venezuela be glcn time to submit her proposals. The new development in tho crisis, which Is regai ded as hourly growing more serious, is duo to the arrival in Hut ope of a secret delegation from the Venezuelan government empowoied to deal with the outstanding liabilities of that republic. Until a suitable plan dotild be arranged it was consideied in ffoviabl' to cotnmrnleit'B with 'h" lorcign ministers at Caracas with whom relations have become 10 strained Such a plan has now, in the belief of the delegation, been arrived at and unofficially, thiough the Anglo American banker, the attitude of the United States will bo ascertained. Besides the state depaitment will be put In a position to be able to judge of the value of Venezuela's offer and faith in the matter. Castro's Plans. It is suspected that Piesident Cas tro has hlthei to had no oppoitunity of taking up the question ot national ilnaiues, but while he himself was en gaged in suppressing the ieolutlon he sent to Ilurope the seciel delegation leteued to, with the view of accom plishing what was regarded as impos sible ol execution at Caincas. Scene y was icgai ded to bo imperative in view of Piesident Castio's belief that it it had been known that Venezuela con templated a now financial settlement he would hae been inundated with claims 01 eeiy dc-cilptio.i, ami tho dealings with the bondholders would hae presented ninny moie difficulties. Tho details 01 the plan, which will be communicated to the atate depait ment are can fully gunuled, hut the Associated Press is In a position to announce that tho main Jeanne Is n unification of all the outstanding gov ernment and government guarantied loans upon a basis of s-c entity much gi eater than has been hitherto ofioreel. It Is strenuously denied that the pies-i-iit movement Ik duo to any desire on the part ot Venezuela to spar for time with Gieat P.iltuln and Germany and in proot ot this it is pointed out thai Hip beer tit mission left Venezuela, bo foie her itlatlons with Gteat Britain and Geimnny had assumed tho pteseiit acute aspect. Should the United Slate-, government give its mat ul support, the plan will be submitted to Auicilcau bankets. The Venezuelan delegation believes that It Is not too lat to secmo the necessary facilities from Uurnpe to btlng about a settlement sntlsfui toiy to all parties lonceiued. Pails, Nov. 2S The Pieneh toielgn otllco has not considered the ciuestiou of French liiiittclpatlon In tho Biltlsh Oeimau naval dcmnnMiatlon against Venez.uela, as the Fiench claims aie making leasonnblo progiess towaids adjustment. Tho otllcinls hero tuke u favorable view ot the Hilllsli-Gciniau Ilan as being likely to sei ve tho lntcr ehts of nil the powei.s and at the same time moie fully deilno the teal mean ing of tho Monroe doctrine, Asphyxiated by Gas, By l.tcliuho Wire fiom The AcwtiatC'l I'lim Alb-rny. ,N', l' Nov, Si -William and Maiilu Hogelioom. aged about u) jeais, weie tound dead In bed In a hotel heiu today, h ivlng been nsphyxluted during Inst night by Illuminating gas They woro lesldents of Kust Coblesvlllo nnd 01 lived In (his ity jeHtorday to meet their two sons and their daughter-in-law, who weie to bo dierharged fiom tho Albany coun ty penitential y today after having scived n term ot bit months." Impilsoiunent for potty laiceny ami buiglaiy. Postofflce Robbed, By Kuliutu1 W Ire (rom The Associated I'h.h, Boaver Palls, I'a Nov. 28 Bobbers broke intp the postofilco at New Brighton, Pa., somo time last night and it is esti mated carried otf between M and $70) In stamps and suvcial hundred dollars In cash. Tho robbers blow open tho vault with glvcerlrte, Them Is no cluo V. y . V. NO ?E POR MAOY. 1 The Steamef. 3 Gone Down with Crow oY Aurtecn Men. By Inclusive Wire- fiO V AsochUd I'rus. Detroit, Nov. f HI. 0. Ralph, of this city, inanagl l owncr of the Steamer Sllvanus e.vvhicy, which Is supposed to have foirS?, twd early Mon day morning In LaSllrie, carrying down w Ith her a crew of fourteen men, said this afternoon that he had given up all hope ot the nteamcr's safety. Mr. Ralph says that Captain James Gotham, of the tow barge Mabel Wil son, the Macy's consort, told him yes teiday at Ainherstbutg that ho could see tho lights of the Muey for some lime after the Wilson's tow line was cust oft. His attention was called away for about five minutes, and when he again looked for the lights they were gone. He supposes that the Macy sunk duilng this interval. EDWARD P. CROKER IS DISMISSED The Pire Chief Pound Guilty on Charges of Pailure to Safeguard Park Avenue Hotel, etc. By LAclusne Hire from The Associated Prc. New Yoik, Nov. 2S Udward V. Croker, chief of the fire department, who recently was tried on a series of charges today was declared guilty by Commissioner Sturgis and was dis missed from the service, the tllsmlssal to take place on December 1. Chief Croker was found guilty on tho charges of "Failure to enfoice the re quiiements ot law for properly site guarding the Park Avenue hotel; of the conversion of public propel ty to his pri vate use; of conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline in persecuting nnd unjustly discriminating against certain members of the uniformed force, and of conduct unbecoming 1111 officer and a gentleman and prejudicial to good order and discipline." On the chaiges of "Incompetency as chief of tho depaitment in the manage ment of great fires" and of "sending "false ropart," he was acquitted. Chief Cioker declined to make any comment on the sentence, but It Is known that he will fight tho matter to the end. On being informed of Com iitisslnne Sm-gis' action, Major Low Issued .1 statement, sustaining the com missioner and expressing the belief that he had acted 'In accoi dance with law and with the dictates of his conscience. In his statement Mayor Low sas: The ch.ii tor places upon tho (he com missioner and not noon the maor, the clutv of conducting all tiials in the fiic depaitment, and it l.s the sworn duty of tlii" commissioner to make his finding on the evidence according to his conscience It Is duo to the piovlsions of the charter itsdt that the commissioner lias ltcen obliged both 10 tormultte the charges, nnd to tiv them. The circumstances in this cise have been such that I have thought It Incumbent upon tho maMr to assuif! himself that the chief has had a fail tiiil, and that eveiy oppoitunity was given to him to make his defense in the fullest wav. Being satisfied as am on tin so points, theie seemed to be no re.r son whv this tiiil should not take Us course like any other trial held by the lommis'-ioners iho discipline of the elt putment In fait, lequliod that tlil-i nut ter should bo disponed of In tho usual wa. Chief Kdw.erd I'. Croker is 35 vi.us ot age, and has been connected with the dc-pii tmout for eighteen years. He Is a nephew nt Richard Croker. In lSfJS he lit (Mine deputy elder, and on May 1, li.09, he succ ceded Huqh Conner as chief ot the department. He ulho lb presi dent of the National Association of Fire Chleis. Deputy File Chief Chailes D. Pmioy, who will become acting chlel, Is a biother of Henry D. Puiroy, a toimer lite commissioner, and piesident of tho board fiom ISSj to 1SSI, JUDGE MITCHELL RESIGNS. The Governor Declines to Indicate Whom He Will Appoint, lly rclu-inj Wire from 'ihi. AsmjUjUiI 1'riM. Iluuisbuig, Pa, Nov. 2S. The ics iKiiation of Judge- Mitchell, of Wells boio, a member of the Supeilor court, wnb received by Governor Stone today and will be accepted. Judge Mitchell letiies under the judges' retliement act passed by the last leglslaturo on half pay, or W.7WI annually foi the lerualn dr of his teim, which explu-.s in liuo, He is the first judge In tho Htntn in 'Zietlro under this net. A medical com- mibsion nppoiuted itHoutly by the gov ernor to cMimine Judge Mitchell re ported his health was such that he would never be able to resiuno his du ties. The gounnor declined to Indicate whom he will appoint to the vacancy, DEATHS Or A DAY. Bjr Kjihuhf Wiir from 'Hie .soiUtM Pro. London, Nov, 28 Pi, Joseph I'.ukui, mlnlstir of tho City temple, who had bcou salously 111 for tome timu pat, died at 5 o'clock this nlteriioou. Allentown. Pa., Nov, 21 Hannah Young, the widow of Joseph Young, died suddenly today, aged & jeais. Her pa ternal giandfuthoi, Hev, Abiaham Uln nici, ioiualed the Ubcily Xloll undtr thy floor ot KIoii'h Itefotmid church In Allen, town during the Uiltlsh occupancy of Philadelphia in l)77-7! and bur maternal giuudfatfier, John Jacob Mieklcy, hauled tlm bell hei e, Now ton, Knu. Nov 2S Kate Vunw, a coloied woman, aried JJ3, dlod hciu today, She had a daugliti r ninety yours of ago and her husband died at tho ago of IK. Sho claimed to havo remeinbeied ery distinctly tho war of 181 Middletown, N Y. Nov. 2S Itov. Sam uel W. Mills, I). I) , ouo of tho most piomlnont clergymen of tho ltefonned church in this Mate, Is dead at his home in I'oit Jen Is, at the ago of SI ears. Ho was graduated frpm Itutgets college, in JSIS and Horn tho Theological bemlnary of Now Hiunswiek, N. J., in Mi CHOKED ON CHICKEN BONE. Charles Albert Has a Narrow Es cape from Death. Special to tho SctatUon Tribune. Stmudsburg, Pa.. Nov. 28. A pa it tit the chicken for the Thanksgiving sup per came nenr causing the death ot Charles Albert of this town, lhtt for the timely nrflvnl of a physician, Al bert would havo suffocated. Hidden under the miuhcd potatoes was a piece of the breast bone of the chicken measuring three-quartern of an inch. Albiit swallowed the bone, but It got no farther than the tipper pait of Ills windpipe. Several means weie tried to remove the bone und the can opener was suggested. The inti iimmit caught In Albert's thro it and hud to be literally pulled out by his wife, all of which time his bre ailing was gi eatly Interfeied with until n plslclan ur ihod. MACEDONIANS ARE TORTURED Turkish Government Adopts Barbarous Methods of Crushing Peasants. By Exclusive Wire from Hie Aawci.ted Prm. London, Nov. 2S. Mail advices re ceived hero from Constantinople, under date of November 24, say: In spite of all official denials, the porle is adopting barbarous methods in ctushlug the Macedonian peasants. The winter has set In and the danger fiom levolutlonary bands Is over, -et the Turkish authorities seem to think the time h.is rome to act. In the face of piomises of free paidou to those who returned to their homes. Christian vil lagers have been shockingly toi tured to make them betray alleged concealed depots of arms or give Information re gal ding the walking of the Macedonian committees The bastinado has been fiequently employed until the victims were crippled for life, their feet being beaten to a pulp by Tuiklsh soldiers. Peasants were also hung by their heels to the celling and boiling hot eggs weie put In their armpits. Even priests weie not spared, while the troops openly plunder the peasants, who are being dilven to despaii. PHILADELPHIA ARRESTS ILLEGAL Police Receive a Decided Set-back in Woik of Prosecuting Dia- "01 derly "Houses. By Inclusive Wire frf.m The Assoclilfd I'resi. Philadelphia, Nov. 2S. The raids of vice dens last week by tho police under Instructions from headquaiters weie shown to be Imptoperly conducted, when Judge Audenield toduy dis charged Louis Zlmmeimau and nine women captured in the wholesale swoop of disoideily houses. The dis charges weie on the ground that the arrests had been Illegal. With the judge's decision a decided set-back was adininisti-'ied any attempt to piosecute the remainder of cases. Zlmmeinian was alleged to be the pioprletor of a disreputable resort. Two of the women weie captured theie, and the others were taken into custody at another house. All weie commlttid to prison in default of ball, but seemed writs of habeas corpus thiough counsel, which were today ui gued betote Judge Audenreld. Counsel for the prlsoneis merely at tacked the legality of the anest, which, the evidence disclosed, WPie made made upon warrants containing none ot the names of the poisons taken Into oustodv. "it seeiis to me that a moie equal anil regular enforcement of the law would achieve more tow aid weeding out db m derly houses in the city than occas ional spoiadic raids," Judge Auden reld said. "Accoullng to the testimony, these police officials have repeatedly seeii women commit Indictable ouenses, If they had airested them at the time they eoiild have been punished, as 1 have no doubt they deseive to be; but the opportunity was allowed to pass," Increase in Freight Taiiff. Uj Kxilii'lu' Wile hum Hit' Assoc Uleil I'icu. Washington, Nov. '-S.-Otllclal notice of an ineruu.se of two and a half cents pur hundred pounds In thu freight tariff cat grain fiom Chieuo to Now Yoik was filed with tho intei state coiumerco com mission today. Thu now grain freight basis which will be oKsuivcd by thu lines east-bound out of Chlcugo, and otlioi points hi tho territory east of the Mis sissippi ilver and north of thn Ohio, Is 20 cents per hundred weight. This Increase la tho grain schedule usually follows tho closing of navigation on tho Gieat Izikes. Deadly Duel with Pistols. By Jvuludve Mile from Tim As-uHlatcW Pu., Knns.is City. Nov. 2S At Armourdule, Kan . near here, Urnest Damns and Chin lea V. Tuekor, packing house em plojcf, lotight a pistol duel toduy over Mabui Itaudall, a waitress, Damtu was nun tally shot, but befoio he died ho shut Tucker twice, fatally wounding him, Tucktr Is still itllvti. Tucker had met Damns and thu till on the stieet and without warning tlicd two shuts at him, the wounded man reiiirnlng tho file as ho lay on the ground, m 1 Another Poot Ball Victim. By fcxcludrc Wire from 'fb ttocUttd 1'rcw. West Chester, Pa., Nov. iS-Ohailes Cair, colored, 21 seats ot age, of Willi delphia, died at tho Chester County lios. pltul tioiu IiiJuiKs li;cUed dining a foot ball game ycsteiday. Cair's neik was Injured In a miss play and ho was rondeied uncnnsclouM. Sugar House Burned. By Uxcluslt Wire frcinTtie Associited Frui New Orleuiuj, Nov. 2S. The magnlllcunt sugar houso at laillnlm, l.a., fornuily owned by John A. Morris, and now tho pioporty of Chaileu A. Paiwill und others, burned euily todaj. Tim total loss on sugar house products In JI30.WJ; Insurance, SCO.WO, DEVELOPMENT OF THE NAVY Interesting Pads Goncernlna the Most Important Brand of the Government. PROGRESS IN WORK OP IMPROVEMENT An Era of Training' Both in Ship and Marino Service Tho Schools of InstructionNew Battleships in Course of Construction Tho Ves sels That Have Been Accepted. Ships That Havo Been Sold Prices Received for' Condemned Boats. By I xclnslv,' u ire from 1 lie Assochted I'resi Washington, D. C, Nov. 28. The an nual report of the secretin y of the navy for the year 190-', furnishes interesting data upon the most linpoitant depart ment of the government service. In re ferring to the eftoits at development of the service, Secretary Moody says: The task which Is employing the high est eneigles of the navy, and leeching the gieatest attention from the heads of bureaus, tho commanders hi chief of stations, tho commanding and subordin ate officers of squadrons, divisions, and single vessels everywhere, Is tho work of training. To the development of tho gieatest efficiency In oil bianthes of tho scivlco the attention, zeal, and thought of those In thnrge Is mainly dhtcted. This is an era of tialnlng. The reports of tho several buieaus me laigely made up of criticisms upon and plaits lor tho lm piovement of ptoscut systems of practice, drill and insti action ;. Tho training of apprentu c boys and landsmen entering for tho first time the enlisted foico ot tho navy In all that is comprehended by the term "tho sea habit"; tho tialnlng of seamen who have acquired this, but need greater fa miliarity with tho specialized work of a modem ship of wai; the training ot ot flceis and men of the Mtulnr roips In tho military and naval duties of that organ ization; tho training of ofliceis and men, ballots and mnrines in tho essential mat ter of marksmanship with all aims, great and small, including machine and rapld liie guns, In tho care and handling of ord nance, nnd, p.n tlcularly. In "gun point ing"; tialnlng In developing and main taining tho efficiency of the main engines of Bhlps, 11s well as ol all auxiliary ma chinery and devices, steam, electrical, and other the tialnlng of yonr.g officcis nl it 0 tuff corps in the specialties of their profession, as well us In Its goneial obligations und duties; tho training of Junior officers In toipedo woik ot all kinds, and in the handling of the smaller vessels, and the training ot more c: pctleueed officers In tho capacity to mlng out and utilize tho full powers of tno vessels under their command, whether operating singly or in squadions, appeals to bo the impottant piesent business of the nuvv. Schools of Instruction. For theso purposes schools of lnsti no tion have been established wherever prac ticable, among them being tho bchool lor petty otflceis ot tho seaman blanch at Nowpoit, and lor tho artlfU.11 branch at the navy vuids, Poitsmouth, Va , and New Yoik; the school at the medical mu seum, and the torpedo school at Now port. At the same time the work of the naval war college has uteived Increased attention. It is needles', to say that t lit purpose of all this instruction and tialnlng is to make the navv fit lor Us ultimate de sign ns an Instrument i?f waitnre. Tho navy scrvts manj usotul purposes In linn's ol pence which should by no means be mlnlmlcd. Nevertheless It would not e: 1st In .instiling like Its present loun if tho possibility of war veto not In con templation. It Is bedleved to be tho duty of tho deptrtmept to employ the means which congress has pi iced at its dis posal to doveiop every latent power ot material and personnel and suo that nil bianchos ot the service opcintu In Intelli gent harmony. This constitutes that pro paiedness lor war which Is the Inst guai nnty of tho ontlnu.ince of pence. It has been icmeiiiboied at every step that tha people ilc-lro pence and not w.n, and that the navy should bo potent that peace may be preserved. This piupatcduess for wur should be complete; a partial or half-way preparation will not Insure us dualist av ta,ek, may even Invite It. Ships Under Construction. At the close of the. last fiscal yeai theie were under eonstt notion for thu navj, by contiact, tho following vessels: Ulght baltlo ships, u urmuicd eiulseis. 1) pto. tutted eiuKeis, -I inonlloi, 11 torpe do bout destioveis, 7 tutpedo boats, and 7 submit! Ine torpedo boats. Tho geneial piogies.s of woik upon tin sa vessels, pai tlculatly those of tho luser el is, bus not boon tound to bo s itlsfae tory. The battlo ships weie, on the JOth of June, IV.', fiom 10 to ."J mouths behind tou tiact tlmo; the nimored ciulsers from 1 to 13 months; the pioteeled ct niseis fiom el to is mouths, whllo the monltois weio from IB to I'l montliB In airetus. In tho eases of tho larser vessels tlm cause's assigned ior slow piogress aio tho iiou-dellvety ot stiiicliiial material, tho Inability of shipbuilders to obtain n sufficient supply of skilled labor, and In somo casec, strike. Other causes nave contributed to tho lesult, Tho ilopatt ruent has recently taken steps to iemoo, ns fur as piactlcablo, any giouuds ot de lay over which It win eoielse contioi, ami has notified cemtmctois that thoy will bo held to accountability foi falluio to push forwnid the woik of construction with duo diligence, It such failure shall occur, nud pattloulurly fur any dclay.s which may at any time be caused by pietoioncii blng Ivon to prlsato over public Willi. Ill tho enso of toipedos and the do stioers, tho conn actors havo assigned as an additional leabou for delay that tho contiaets for their const! notion woio so eaetlng that compliance with thein has boon will nln'U Impossible, Vessels Accepted, During tho ilscul year tho following ves sols havo been finally luccptc-d; The battleships Alabama, Wisconsin and Illi nois; the toipedo bouts Ualloy. llagloy, Darney, Piddle, gliubilck and Stockton Tho toipedo boats Thornton and Wilkes, anil tho ik'stioiis Poontiir, l'oiry and Preble have been prulhnhiniy accepted Hotween July l ISoJ, and November J. ISO.', the Thornton has been finally, and tho follow lug vessels ptelhninmlh, ac cepted1 Tho monitor Aikansas, tho tor pedo-boul dc3tioet.s Itirry, Chauneey, Dale. Paul Jones, T111M011, Whipple and Weiielon. and the toriKslo boat lie Long. Tho monitor1 Catsklll, Manhattan and Mahopnc and the t evolving ship Vetmont havo been stilcken fiom tho navy u-g-Isltir during the fl-u.il jwir. These Ves sels, condemned as unfit for fuithcr ser vice unilet tho provision'' of the law, weie advertised and sold as follows; The Cat skill, Htuglo-tuiieliHl moiittoi, iipptaWd value, Kilo, was sold December 4, 1901, to 1. 13. hunt, Mehoso, Mars , lor $11,763; the Munhattan, slngle-tiu toted monitor, up pnilscd value, $S,7M, wns Fold March f, 1P02, to Henry A. Illtner's Sons, Phil adelphia, Pa., for JIG.JIH: the Miiliopou, sltigle-lutre'ttil monitor, appniled at ?8, fit;, was sold March f, l'Ml, to A. V. Kaiser & Co, Philadelphia, Pa., for $1', 21S. The United Btutes ship Vermont was twice advertised for sale, tinder the Hist nelveitlseinont no bids weie received nbova the appraised value of tho vessels ($l!, IXXO. A renppralsemetil was made at $1-1,000, und( under a second advertise ment, the Vermont was sold on April 15, 190-', to L 13. Hunt, of Mehoso, Mass., for J15,Ct. MR. KELLr ARRESTED Speaker of St. Louis House of Delegates Nabbed in Philadelphia. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tim. Philadelphia, Nov. 2S. After eluding at rest for several months, Charles F. Kelly, the former speaker of the St. Louis house of delegates, who is wont ed in the western city In connection with the bribery cases unearthed there some time ago, was arrested in this city at 1.10 o'clock this afternoon. Kel ly arrived in New York on the steamer Celtic this morning from Liverpool and had just stepped from the western ex press in the Broad street station of the Pennsylvania railroad here, when he was taken Into custody by Detective James Tate, si., of the detective bu reau of this city. He ndmltted his iden tity and Is now locked up in the Cen tral police station. He will be given a hearing tomorrow by Magistrate Koch crsperger and will bo held to await re quisition papers from the state of Mis souri. The fii.st infoimation the police of this city recelvd that Kelly was on his way here came from Chief ot Police Klely, of St. Louis, who sent the following tel egram to the local authorities: "Arrest Charles F. Kelly of this city, formerly speaker of house of delegates. May be on Baltimore and Ohio or Pennsylvania train from New York, reaching your city about 1 p. 111. Want ed here In bribery case." Detective Tate was sent to the Penn sylvania station and another man was sent to cover the BaUjmore and Ohio depot. Gaciriia'clrgobel description Jf Kelly, which had been sent out from St. Louis some time ago. When Tate reached the station the train had al ready arrived and passengers wei e com ing tnrauglr the gate. He then feaied he had missed his man and the rrett moment Tate saw a familiar face In the crowd. He remembered the man as Kelly, whom he had met during the Pan-American exposition. "Hello, Kelly," said Tate, approach ing the St. Louisan. Kelly nodded, looked at Tate and an swered the salutation. "Who are you," asked a voting man who accompanied Kellv. "Tato Is my name, of the detective bureau," was thu leply, "may I auk who you are?" "A reporter lor a New Yoik pitpei," replied Kellj's companion, who hap pened to be a loimer Philadelphia newspaperman. "Well, I want you. Mr. Kelly," said Tate', and the St. Louis man and his companion weie eooited to the city hall across tho stieet nom Broad stieet Station. The St. Louis authorities weie imme diately notified and a reply was re ceived to hold Kelly until the ueces'-aiy ltgal papers ar 1 Iv eel. Kelly was'ciesttnlleu whim he reached the police station. In an Interview, he said: "I was em my way back to .St. Louis and meant to announce my nrilv.il theie Monday and give myself 1111 to answer whatever charges have been laid against me. I had been absent In I3u rope for several mouths and spent most of my time In Ireland. On my arrival In New York this morning, I received word that my eluveu-yeai-old buy had died in St. Louis. As soon as I stepped from a steamer It was suggested to me by an old acquaintance that I come to Philadelphia for a few day". I came here nnd now T find my-olf under ar rest. That's all there is to it." The accused man was diessed In .1 dark blue suit. Jin can lid lonsldeiablo baggage, und the labels on It Indicated that he had been hi Naples, I'aiN, Lon don, Billn, Dublin and Kill. 11 my, ------- Negroes Sold Into Slavery. By EiUu.iit VVIte fiom Die AsiocUtM !'ra Lant aster, Ky Nov. 2S -Sheriff Law suu, attiatted a lit go ninwd btifoie the com l house dool todav by the salt) ot throe? negroes, two women and a num. Tho bids wore- lively, but small. Tho mini, Charles Anderson, sold ior twulvo months, brought J7, nnd the women, Hello Ci If iltt and I3mma Rciid, sold lot 0110 and thiee jeais respectively, biouglit ifj each. Tho three wiie convicted of vagrauiy and oiileieil sold to the highest bidder, John L. Sullivan a. Bankrupt. By Kxclti.lvc Wire frutit I he- .UvicUtml Pcmj. Now Vonc, Nov. 2S.-John U. Sullivan, toiiucr champion heavy-weight piUo lisiitcr of the world, filed a petition In liankrtlitc In tho United States district court today. Ho said his liabilities wero $ju"s and his nsvets us fro worth of weal ing apparel. State Reveuues, ll J.xiliisl.e Hire1 (ruin The it.ocitttd 1'ieM. llarrlsburg, Nov. Ii. Tiro stuto it. venues for tho pust twelve months weio 2,'JI7,SWM and tho expenditures, 17 77. 10J1S. Tho fiscal ear, which 1 loses Sun iluv, has been ono of tho most prosperous in tho history of tho state. Steamship Arrivals. B r.xUiHho Nlie from Thy AtxJiUtvil Tims. New Yoik, Nov. 2S. Cleared, Pots dam, Kolterdim; Kit in la. Mi ei pool; Kroonlaud, , Alltwcip. .Qiueitstowti Al livcel: lalennlii. Now Yoik I.lveipool Arrived; Cymric, Neevv Yoik SCRANTON SINGERS ARE AT HOBOKEN MONEY GIVEN STRIKERS. Moie Than S2,00O,000 Contributed During- Anthracite. Struggle, lly Kvoludie Wire fiom Tito Aoclatiil l'rc'J. Indianapolis, Intl., Nov. 2S. It was olllclally announced today nt the na tional headeiuurteis ot the Mine Work ers that when the inlneis meet In na tional convention here In Junuaiv to prepare a new wage scale, Secretaiy Wilson will report that the amount of money given by them for the stilke was more than $2,000,000. The convention here last January changed the constitution of the otgan isriitlon, so that the oillceis aie elected by the referendum plan. The locals make the nominations, nnd eveiy mem ber has a vote on tho candidates. A list of the nominations has been received, but Secietniy Wilson wns not picpnied to give it out. It Is not likely that Piesident Mitchell. Secietaiy Wil son or Vice-President Lewis will have any seilous opposition, although it lias been rumoied for some time that W. D. Ryan, secretary of the Illinois miners, and J. P. Reese, piesident of the Iowa miners, might bo brought out for Mr. Lewis' place. It was .also officially announced that the assessment of inlneis lor the stilke ceaed November 13. QUARANTINE AGAINST AMERICAN STOCK Causes Excitement in Liverpool, Where Revenue fiom Slaughter of Boston Cattle Is Derived. By I vchiiivc Who frcnt Hie YswcUUil l'u. London, Nov. 2S The announcement that the United States department of agriculture had gh en notice of the es tablishment of a ciuaiantliie of cattle and sheep, etc , In the New England states, and prohibiting the exportation of such animals fiom Boston until fuithcr or del s, caused excitement In Liverpool. The Mercy dock boaid de rives a large revenue from the slaugh ter of Boston cattle at Birkenhead. Manager Laliages of the board, says tho rostilctlons will have far -reaching consequences and that possibly the cargoes ol cattle now on their way to Liverpool from Boston will be eiuainn tlned. v - The- e.cluion of American cattle has caused n feeling almost amounting io consternation in the shipping and meat trades. Fetus are expressed that the Intervention may be extended to ex poits fiom United States poits, which would result in a great raise iir the pike of meat, tis only a lew steameis have huge relrlgeration space for dead meat. The board of agriculture i& t"c eicKIng the utmost precaution. The steamer Sachem, which ai lived in the Mercy fiom Boston yesterday with a cargo of cattle and shetp, was not al lowed to discharge. The animals weie all scrutinized by experts nnd no dis ease was tound among them, but they will nil be ie-enmlntd arter an inter val of toitv -eight hours GOVERNOR TAMAVO'S rvcSIGNATION IN At Special Meeting- of Cuban Cabinet It Is Accepted The Strike Situ ation in Havana. Be I vilushc Wui, fruit flu A-muitcd l'ui Havana, Nov. 'S. At a special incit ing of the cabinet, presided over by Piesident Palm.t, It was unanimously decided to accept the resignation of Governor Tamavo, Secietaiy of Instruc tion Yero assuming the duties of the vacant post until a new secietaiy Is nppoiuted. That Piesident P.ilniu did not ifciulie Tarna.vei to reconsider his resignation was caused by the Nation alist party, which hltheito has been In the 11 out or Cuban polities. The Re publicans ate jubilant :tt the practical leiuoval of the president of ihe Na tionalist party fiom the most Impcnt ant cabinet position, nnd claim Ui.it this step meads the Insulting up ot tho jj irtv. The 1m111ielp.il ptuty has p.it-sed n ote of thanks to Mrivnr (J'liiicll tunl approved his conduct dining the stilke, The pi ess points out that thu new -eo-letaiy ot guv ui 111111 nt will lemovo rho mayor anil leinstuto the chief of police wiiuiu ui'-aiien uiseiuigeii jor acting vlgoiuusly against the stilkeis, The cigar muiuifaetuios have sub mitted rations monosilious to their Avoikineri, which the latter will vote Lilian next isiiiiday. 11 no agreement is 111 Keel at the elLraiiiiakt is will en. deaviu to tall anoihei gtriicuil .stilke. Fatal Hunting Accidents, lly l.xtlu.lve Whv ftoiitll "i.Kl,itul Pie-. Kansas City, Nov, 14 llaiold If, Moi 1 lei;, axed 14, a high tuiiool student of this ilty, iieeidilitullv shot and killed himself todu whllo hunting mar Woi cotl, Kan Jiums Gist ur'ed II, w.u shot and killed ut CKt'onl. Kan . Ii his biuthei while the weie hunting Tho lloctti-old sun ut tl. N. Html, of Hollo vllle, Kan, was killed while hunting his gun being discharged while ho was pull ing It iluoutih a feme Inheritance Tax Unconstitutional, lly I'ulti.iie Wim fioinllii' UwUp J I'm. St. Paul, Nov 2S Tho Supremo couit rodav. ) upholding u decision of thu JUimoy county piobato loun, decided the mheiittiuco tux law to bo uncon stitutional. m 11 Pensions Granted. B fieluslve' Wire from The AtsOtialeJ I'rcs. Washington, Nov. 2l Pensions grunted. John Cnrey, of Shtckshlnny, $10; John tV, Klclntob, of Huntington Mills, W; will lint G. Mooro, of Lackawanna, i:, (tc'Oigin 12. Hcrrlntoir (widow), of Dale vllle, Ji Fnllll Five Hundred ol Our Vocalist? and Friends Will Attend Brook- lun SlnoinQ Festival. DIRECTOR WATKINS IS VERY CONFIDENT Not Concerned Over the Failure ta Have a Rchenisnl Piospects That Thiee Chief Pilzes Will Come to Scianton The Singers Loud in Their Prnise of Excellent Arrange ments for Their Enteitainnrent. Special to the Scianton Tilbune. New York, Nov. 2S Fully flN0 ilun dred Scianttmlans aie here or heie abouts, bent 011 taking away some sev eral thousand dollars of tho mlr-ei which the Arlon society, of Biookljn, is ofteiing at It., singing festival. The Scianton Unlteel Choral society, two hundred and fifty strong, and about two bundled otheis, who took aelvant age of the Lackawanna's excursion late, ai rived heie on a special train at 11 o'clock and sought ciimrtois nt the Meyer, Bust and Naegll's hotel in Hoboken This 111 toi noon the singers lepairccl to the Caimgle llbiary In Hoboken to have a rehearsal, but tho absence of a piano pievcuted a re hearsal of anything except the mule choi us Tomorrow the thieo choruses will 1 cheat so finally in Ailon hall, Brooklyn. Director Watlclna W not much con reined over the failure to havo a le hearsal of all the competitive pieces to day. It was only a case of making as surance doubly sure, he said, that all three of the chief prbies will come ta Scianton, or that some other chorus will do marvelous Bulging. ldo not wapt to say I am onfl(J,enl we win win," he said, "but If we lose In any event, I will be greatly disappointed." Ilavden Evans, who directed the chorus which won tho $5,000 pilze at tho World's Fair, declared to your coi -respondent today, just befote the t hoi us left Scranton, that Mr. Watklns is a sine winner. "I heard tho ie-hcat'-al at the armory, Thanksgiving day," said he, "and I am satisfied none of the opposing choruses can possibly ecel the Sctarrtonlarr". I will be clis appointed if Mr. Watklns does not ic tin 11 with the thiee big prizes" The singers are loud in their piaises of the excellent anangements made tor their entertainment by the executlvo committee of the society, thiough Chairman David l'litchard. INDIANS MEET PRESIDENT. Mr. Roosevelt Receives the Membeia of the Cat lisle Poot Ball Team, lly 1 vrhiibc Wire from 'Ihe AiweUteJlTMi Washington, Nov. 2S. Piesident Roosevelt today lteelved the numbers of the Carlisle Indian school football teiini, who deioaltd thu Georgetown university team .vesteulay. The In dians weie introduced Individually and the piesident had a pleasant woid tut each, asking him about his tribe or some urinous Imll ui chief. To one tha president reforifcd to the Cai llsle-IIai-vrud game. The Indian, who was n Sloux, 'aid that they had been ilefe.it eil 21-0 "Thu wits better than Iliuvaid did Willi Yule," obs-tived tho piesident SlllilillU Another stiappliig big Itilmv, whoso ee .showed the ie-ult ot a bad collision, In 1 espouse lu the president's Intenog-' atoiy, said that he played left tackle. The last of the jiui ty was an Esquimau and the piosidelil detained him to put -eVeial llUestlons ttbuUt ills people. Coibett-McGovera Eight. ll I xilu-ne lie flout lite A9-Miatcil l'tcsi. San rr.intlseo, Nov. 23. Mollis I.ovy, of tho Hayes Valley Athletlu club, tod ly 101 winded to J. It. McLean, of Cincin nati, it certified chock for $5,UOO, which the dub posts for a guarantee that It 11111 pull off the Corbelt-Mugovern light It Is proposed that the fight taho placa In this city about Christians. Welsh Coal Sent West, lly I'xiluslw W ire from 'flie VModaUd I'rti Ogde nsburg, N. Y Nov. 2s Welsh coal, oideied duilug the stilke for mer chnnnts, Is being liuiiitrlit rip tho St l.iwri'iicp river lu lame ipiuntltles, goljig to westuin points, Unlets aio anxious to gel It off their hands, its It Is 29 per com dust. ..--11.. . . i.M. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. v Highest temperature ,,,, '.0 degroea Lowest teuipoi-atuio So cdegriiea Itelntlvo humidity; S 11 111 ,,,,,,,,,. 76 per cent, Sp 111. ,,,,., iiih 61 per cent tiace. lieclpttatlon, 21 bouts ended 8 b, m4 W lutli, J -r -r WEATHER FORECAST, WivMnairu, Nov, 28. Forecast for S.iliiidii and Sunday; Eastern Ponm.vlviiula lrlr Saturday with increasing cloudiness In afternoon; Sunday tuiu and warmer J diminish ing northwest winds. 1 .t.tv.t.tt.ti:;t.t:frl 1.! . &wai, ) mimJMimJ. iv lw-tat. As, j 55- & t