The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 28, 1902, Image 1

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One o! the Most Exciting Foot Ball
Games Ever Witnessed on the
Franklin Field.
The Game One of Uncertainty from
Start to Finish Pennsylvania's
Supporters Apprehensive and Full
of Anxiety tit the Stint Spectacu
lar Huns, Sensational Tackles and
Terrific Plunges Follow in Rapid
Succession Other Thanksgiving
Day Gaines.
By Exclusive Wire from The As-ocuted Pres.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27. The UnUjfrslty
of Pennsylvania, football eleverS'&od.iy
defeated the Cornell team by a score of
12 to 11. The Ilhncans kicked a goal
fiom placements and scored a touch
down from which a goal resulted In the
Ilrst half, while Pennsylvania scored
two touchdowns and kicked two goals
In the second half. Never has a more
intensely, exciting and uncertain con
test been witnessed on Franklin. Field.
Pntll the final blast of the referee's
whistle announced the cessation of hos
tilities, there was a painful uncertainty
in the hearts of Pennsylvania's 'sup
porters. Cornell had thrice cairled the
ball dangerously near Pennsylvania's and once carried it over. Another
touchdown or an opportunity for a sec
ond goal fi'om placement would probab
ly mean defeat for the local eleven. Hut
;-. th time drew near for the close 0f
the- contest Pennsylvania's play be
i nine more fierce while that of Cornell
grow correspondingly weak and the
game ended with the ball In Cornell's)
possession on her Ci-yard liner
There was scarcely a moment during
the seventy minutes' struggle that
there was not something occurring.
Spectacular runs, sensational tackles
mid terrific line plunges came with such
frequency tha.t the spectators were kept
almost continuously bobbing up nnd
down In their seats. Both teams played
brilliantly. Pennsylvania's offense was
superior to that of Cornell, and her de
fense, particularly within ten minutes
of the close of the game, has never
been excelled, by .1 Pennsylvania eleven.
When the two elevens trotted on for
the second half, the score stood 11 to 0
Jn favor of Cornell, and there were few
Pennsylvanlans who dared hope for a
In the first half, Tydeman scored a
touchdown for Cornell, on which Coffin
kicked a goal." Coflln also kicked a goal
from placement on the 30-yard line.
Tn the second half, Dennett and Tor
rcy scored touchdowns for Pennsyl
vania and Gardiner kicked the two
ItnnK About 22,000 persons witnessed
the game.
The Line Up of Teams.
The teams lined up as follows:
Pennsylvania. Cornell.
Richardson (Thomrm) Larkln
Left end.
Torrcy I.ueder (Costello)
Left tackle.
Hoffman Left guard Warner
McCabo Davitt (Lies)
riekarskl (Mitchell) Hunt
Right guard.
Unird Wand (Smith)
Right tackle.
Metzgar Right end Tydeman
Hale Quarterback Brewster
Fortlner (Woschlcr) Purcell (Sheblc)
Left half-back.
Gardiner Snyder (Burns)
Right half-back.
Itennett Full bark Collin
Touchdown Bennett, Torrcy, Tydeman.
Goals-Gardiner (2). Collin. Goal from
placement Collin. Referee U. N. Wright
lugton. Ihirvnid. Umpire Paul J. D.ish
jrl, J.ehlgh. Timekeeper Pearson, Prince
ton. Tlmo of halves 35 minutes each,
The Pennsylvania team disbanded to
night for the season, Before breaking
training, Solomon Mctngnr, right end,
was elected captain for next year.
IndinnB Defeat Georgetown.
(Washington, Nov. 27. The George
town football team went down before
the Indians from Carlisle on the George
town campus today and suffered defeat
by the score of 21 to 0. Tho visitors'
rlctory, however, did not commence
Rntll tho opening of tho second half.
I'he whole twenty-one points chalked
lp tn tho Indians' credit wero made
In this half,
Fine football weather greeted the 3
r00 enthusiasts who went out to see the
imc, The grounds, however, wero
Somewhat slippery from the rains of the
last few days, rendering tho play tin-
ertalu and problematical. In tint ilrst
mlf tho Indians after the Ilrst kick-off
carried tho ball down the field in a rush
hvlth apparently no opposition. The
list touchdown was made In seven
Inlnutes by Pat Iter, who, substituting
ror Ynrlott, was fresh from tlio side
lines. In the pl.iy that followed, Parker
iroved himself superior to any of the
nthor Indians, cuirylng the ball for-
kvard at will, and practically shunning
till Interference, Johnson, tho quarter-
tacit, anil Charles, the full-back, got
110 the play at this point, carrying the
laii forward In three and five yard
inrdles, making another touchdown hi
o minutes. Charles failed to kick
lal nnd tho score stood ten for the
Idlans to nothing for Georgetown.
Iter this the Carlisle men continued
Mr excellent woik without difficulty.
Ming jwo more touchdowns and kick-
If one goal. With seven minutes to
lire, the game was called on ucpount
Columbia-Syracuse a Tie.
New York, Nov. 27. Colombia's foot-
ball team played n tie game today with
Syracuse, at the Polo Grounds, the llnAl
score being G-U. Syracuse escaped de
feat only by a narrow margin, as, with
the score (j-li for Columbia, In Uolnnd's
attempted goal, the ball hit tho eros
bnr, and, fortunately for Syracuse,
lolled over the stick of wood, for the
point that tied the score.
Columbia played a brilliant game and
sin passed the holies of lti admliets.
Its defense was the best shown by the
team this season. Tho Columbia ends,
however, were woefully weak and Syr
acuse again and ngain sped around
them for big gains.
Franklin-Marshall Defeats Gettys
burg. Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 27. Before a
ciowd of several thousand, the Frank
lin and Marshall this afternoon de
feated Gettysburg in a desperately
contested game, by n score of 12 to 6.
In the first half neither side scoir-d,
though Franklin and Marshall twice got
wjthln ten yards of their opponents'
goal. All the scoring was done In the
last ten minutes of the game. Kilhef
fcr, of Franklin and Marshall, made a
sensational thirty-yard run, and Hill
played brilliantly for Gettysburg.
Fnston, Pa., Nov. 27. Lafayette
wound up her foot ball season today
by defeating Dickinson on March field,
by a score of 23 to 0. Three thousand
people witnessed the contest.
Swarthmore Plays Around Lehigh.
Bethlehem. Pa., Nov. 27. Swarthinore
played all around Lehigh in tho first
half, then slumped and Lehigh won out
by tho score of 41 to 0. Andy Farn
baugh was rp-electcd captain of the
Lehigh team after the game.
Other Games.
At Chicago Chicago. 11: Wisconsin, 0.
At Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan, 23;
Minnesota, C.
At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 0; Athletics
(Philadelphia). 0.
At Watcrtown, N. Y. Hueknoll, 0;
Watertown Professionals, G.
At Richmond, Vn. University of Vir
ginia, 12; University of North Caro
lina, 12.
Nearly 500 Citizens of- the United
States Dine with English
Friends at Hotel Cecil.
By Kifhisht! Wire (rom'Jhc Acoilated Press.
London, Nov. 27. Nearly 500 Amer
ican citizens nnd a sprinkling of dis
tinguished Englishmen and women par
ticipated in tho annual Thanksgiving
dinner held at the Cecil hotel tonight
under the auspices of tho American so
ciety in London,
The company included Ambassador
Choate and Mrs Choate, all the mem
bers of the embassy staff now here,
Robert MeCormick, American Ambas
sador to Russia; Consul General Evans,
the Right Hon. II. II. Asqulth, I.oid
Reay, Lord Fairfax (tho American
peer), Field Marshal Lord Roberts and
Sir Henry Norman. The speeches were
numerous and abounded in good feel
ing and reciprocal compliments. Toasts
in honor of King Edward and of Presi
dent Roosevelt were drunk with equal
Mr. Asqulth, proposing the health of
Ambassador Choate, Jokingly alluded
to tho "dreaded American Invasion,"
and then referred to the long line of
distinguished ambassadors that the
United Stales had sent to England, each
of whom, ho said, had largely contrib
uted to the present happy relations of
the two nations and none more than
Mr. Choate.
In responding to this toast, Ambas
sador Choate happily replied to Mr. As
qulth's reference to the "dreaded Amer
ican Invasion and combines," by say
ing: "There Is one combine which meets
the approval of the people of both na
tions; that Is tho Atlantic combine,
which Is now existing and which unites
the people of both countries, America
finds herself now the happy recipient
of good will from all nations. Columbia
finds herself In tho enviable, but em
parrusslng position of having hultors
lrom all countries In the world, but,
ladles and gentlemen, Columbia does
not mean to give herself nwuy; sho
means, llko your great Queen Eliza
beth, to maintain her Independence to
tho end. At tho same time, It can not
but bo conceded that she best under
stands tho overtures from,her kindred,
from those of her own race and tongue."
Referring to the origin . of Thanks
giving day, Mr, Choate alluded to Pres
ident Itoosovelt, whom, he said, was so
strong, nnd biave, nnd true, that he
might himself have been the leading
spirit of tho Mayllower. It was his in
fluence and example, continued Mr,
Choate, that was responsible for the
Interest that young Americans were
now showing in politics nnd the vigor,
courage nnd human sympathy with
which Mr, Roosevelt biought tho coul
strike to a successful outcome was the
admit utlou of all countries In (ho
t IHclu.Hc Wire fromTlie Asttcliteil Ptesi.
Berlin, Nov, 27. Three hundred Atncil
cans celebrated Thanksgiving day by
dluliiK' together tonight at the Kalsorhof,
Retiring Ambassador White, who presid
ed, proposed tho health of tho German
emperor and President Roosevelt, who,,
he said, wore In many respects alike.
Consul General Mason proposed u toast
to Ambassador White and also to Secre
tary J, 11. Jackson, who leaves for Ath
ens In u few days.
A tolctram, of good wishes was font by
the assembly to Preildcnt Roosevelt.
Bishop Brent's Significant Thanks
giving Day Address.
By Exelush Wire from The Acit(il Press.
Manila, Nov. 27. The first general'
observance of Thanksgiving day by the
Roman Catholic church In thePhllin
plnes look place here today. Bishop
Or.icla Issued a letter culling attention
to the proclamation of President Roose
velt nnd Governor Tnft, mid directing
the observance of the American holi
day. A solemn high mass was held In
the cuthedtal, the apostolic delegate,
Archbishop Guldl, giving his benedic
tion to the worshippers. Governor Tart
and many Americans were among those
The other churches held a united ser
vice, Bishop Brent delivering an ad
dress, and the Rev. George Pentecost
reciting the prayer. Governor Tuft and
u majority of the American colony also
attended this service. Iti the course of
his address, Iilshop Brent said he had
opposed the United States' assumption
of authority In the Philippines, but he
added; "We must return and face our
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson Is
sues a Sweeping Order to Hail
roads The Mouth Disease.
By Kxclusie Wire from Tlie Aociited I'rttt
Washington, Nov. 27. Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson today Issued a
sweeping order, directed to the man
agers and agents of railroads nnd trans
portation companies of the United
States, stockmen and others, notifying
them of the establishment of a quaran
tine of cattle, sheep and other rumin
ants, and swine In the New England
states, and prohibiting the exportation
of such animals from the port of Bos
ton until further orders.
Recent investigations by the depart
ment of agriculture disclosed the fact
that what Is known as foot and mouth
disease, exists to an alarming extent in
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachu
setts and Vermont. The expert of the
department, Dr. Mohler; Dr. Leonard
Pearson, of the University of Pennsyl
vania, and Dr. James Law, of Cornell,
visited the Infected districts and united
In a recommendation that In order to
prevent the spread of the disease n,
quarantine should immediately be es
tablished. Secretary Wilson said today that this
Is the most serious matter the depart-
.ment has had to bundle fun, some time,
but that all the resources of the de
partment would be employed In stamp
ing out the disease. He declared that
If It should spread west of the Hud
sun river it would be nothing short of
a, national calamity.
Littleton, Mass., Nov. 27. Fully half
a hundred cattle In this vicinity are af
fected with foot and mouth disease. The
trouble broke out less than a week ago
and has spread rapidly. The contagion
appeared among cattle which had come
In contact with no other animals of
their kind for months. In some cases,
however, it is claimed that the disease
can be indirectly traced along a line of
cattle brought from the Brighton stock
New Haven, Conn., Nov. 27. Secre
tary II. C. Averill, of tho State Cattle
commission, said tonight that not a
single case' of foot and mouth disease
among the cattle of this state had been
reported to him. A statement touch
ing upon this subjec; which was issued
by Mr. Averill on Tuesday last was
merely a warning to the farmers and
horse dealers In the state and was In
tended to prevent, if possible, shipments
ot cattle from other states in New Eng
land, where the disease Is known to
Cervantes Is Held on Charges of
Sedition Victims of Street
Car Strike Dead.
B EiUuthe Wire lrom The Avociatod Preu.
Havana, Nov. 27. Two of the men
who were wounded yesterday evening
while on a street car by shots fired
from neighboring houses, died today.
There have been no further disturb
ances. The mayor has ordered the
police to nrrest all tho occupants of
the houses from which the shots may
havo been fired at the street cars yes
terday. The special Judge In charge of tho
rioting cases, has ordered the arrest of
Arnauto Cervantes, tho editor of tho
Recoucentrado, on charges of sedition.
By Kxcliuive Wire from "Hip Aso'cliied l'r'i.
London, Nov. 23. Tho morning pnpeis,
here, commenting on yesterday's Thanks
giving benullt, In addition to speaking of
tho customary compliments to tho United
States and to Ambassador Choate, talio
occasion to call attention to the rapid
disappearance of old animosities and hi
thlH connection allude to the change be
tween conditions now and those existing
previous to the Venezuelan baundary
It Is universally tuken for grunted that Is no need to fear under President
Roosevelt a repetition of anything like
the manifesto of former President Clove
land. Killed by Trolley Cats.
B r.ic)ule Wirtf from The AtocUted I'rtji.
Trenton. N, J Nov, 27,-Osoar B. Ray
nor, of West Hampton, L. I., aged 19
yearn, a student ut the Lawrenecvllle, N.
J., Preparatory school, was killed In Hits
city tonight by being taught between
two trolley cars, one of which ho was ut
tempting to board, lttiynor was return
ing to Lawreucavlllo from Camden whero
ho hud pent tho day ut the home of a
fellow student,
The "Goat" in Evidence.
By Eichnhe Who fionillio Asw);iJtcd Press.
Charleston, S. C, Nov, 27. The second
trial at Yorkville, H. C, of tho case of
S. V. Mitchell ugalnut tho Woodmen of
tho World for 25,0u0 for alleged Injuries
received during the Initiation ceremonies,
resulted today In another mis-trial. Tho
"Boat" used In the Jnlllutlon of Mitchell
wus ugaln produced In evidence-
South Carolina Politicians Object
to the Appointment of
a Nearo.
Mr. Hoosevelt Declares That It Is
Not His Intention to Appoint
Unfit Men to Office He Will En
deavor to Fay Regard to Wishes
of the People of Each Locality,
hut Cannot Consent to Take the
Position That the Door of Hopo
and Opportunity Is to Be Shut
Upon Any Man Purely Upon
Grounds of Eace or Color.
By i;du-.ic Wire fiom The Aocljted I'rws.
Washington, Nov. 27. The president
has sent the following communication
lo a prominent citizen of Charleston,
S! C:
White House,
Washington, Nov. 2tf. 1902.
M Dear Sir: 1 am In receipt of your
letter of Nov. 10, and of one from Mr.
, under dato of Nov. 11, In refer
ence to tho appointment of Dr. Crum as
collector of tho port of Charleston.
In your letter you make certain specific
charges against Dr. Crum, tending to
show his unfitness In several respects for
tho ofllco sought. These charges are enti
tled lo tho utmost consideration from mo
and I shall go over them carefully before
taking any action. After making these
charges, you add, us a. further reason for
opposition to him that he is colored, and
after reciting the misdeeds that followed
carpet bag rulo and negro domination In
South Carolina, you say that "we havo
swoin never again to submit to the rule
of tho African, anil such an appointment
as Dr. Crum to any f-uch ofilco forces us
to protest unanimously against this In
sult to the white blood," and you add
that you understood me to say that I
would never force a negro on such a
community as yours. Mr. puts
the objection of color-first,- suylng "First."
he Is a colored man. and that of Itself
ought to bar him from tho offlce." In
view of thee last statements, I think I
ought to make clear to you why I am
concerned and pained by your making
them nnd whnt my attitude Is as regards
all such appointments. How any one
could have gained the Idea that t had
said I would not appoint reputable and
upright colored men to ofilce, when ob
jection was mado to them solely on ac
count of their color, T confess I nm wholly
unable to understand. At the tlmo of my
visit to Charleston last spring, I had
made, and slnco that tlmo I have made a
number of such appointments from sev
eral states In which thorr Is a consider
able colored population. For example, I
mado one such appointment In Mississippi,
and another In Alabama, shortly beforo
my visit to Charleston. T had at that
tlmo appointed two colored men as judlc- mnirlsfr.itpa tn the TITMtrlnt nf Pntnm-
bln. I have recently announced another j
such appointment for Now Orleans, nnd
have Just made one from Pennsylvania.
The great majority of my appointments
In every state have been of white men.
North and South alike It has been my
sedutous endeavor to appoint only men of
high character nnd good capacity, wheth
er white or black. But It has been my
consistent policy in avery stato whero
their numbers warranted It to recognize
colored men of good repute and standing
In making appointments to office. These
appointments of colored men have In no
state made more than a small proportion
of the total number of appointments. I
am uunblo to seo how I can legitimately
be asked to make an exception to South
Carolina. In South Carolina to the four
most Important positions In the stato I
have appointed three men and continued
in ofllco a fourth, nil of them whlto men
threo ot them originally fjobl Democrats
two of them, as T oni inrormed, tho sons
of Confederate soldiers. X have been In
formed by tho citizens of Charleston
whom T have met that these four men
represent a high grade of public service.
The Door of Hope,
T do not Intend to appoint anv unlit
man to olllce. So far as I legitimately
can, I shall always endeavor to pay re
gard to the wishes and feelings of tho
peoplo of ench locality, but I cannot con
sent to take tho position that tho door
of hope tho door of opportunity Is to bo
shut upon nnv man, no matter how wor
thy, purely upon the grounds of uico or
color. Such an attitude would, according
to my convict Ions, lie fundamentally
wrong, If, as you hold, tho great bulk of
the colored peoplo ar not yet fit In
point of character and lnlluence tn hold
such positions, it seems to mo that it Is
worth while putting a premium upon tho
effort among them to achieve tho charac
ter and standing which will lit thnm.
Tho question of "negro domination"
does not enter Into tho matter at all. It
might a well bo asserted that when T
was governor nf New York I sought to
bring about nero domination n (hat
stato because I appointed two colored
men of good character nnd standing to
responsible portions ono of I hem to n
position paving a salary twice as largo
us thut paid In tho olllco now under con
sideration one of them as a director nf
tho Buffalo Exposition, The question
raised by you and Mr, In the
statement to which T refer It simply
whether It Is to be declared that under
no circumstances shall any man of color,
no matter how upright and honest, no
mntter how good a citizen, no matter how
fair In his dealings with all his follows,
bo pcimltted to hold anv olllce under our
government. I certainly cannot assumo
uch an attitude, and you must permit mo
to say that In my vlow It Is tin attitudo
no man should assume, whether be looks
nt It from the standpoint nf Die truo In
terest of tho white man of the south or
of (ho colored man of the south not to
speak of any other ectlon of tho union.
It seems to mo that It Is a good thing
from every standpoint to let tho colored
uuin know that If he shows in maiked
degree the qualities of good citizenship
the qualities which In a whlto man wo
feel aro entitled to reward that ho will
not bo cut off flrom all hope of similar
reward. Wlthouunny rejsard as to what
my decision may bo on the merits of
this particular applicant for this particu
lar place. I fcoljthnt I ought to let you
know clearly r(y attltndo on the far
broader question) talsed by you and Mr,
'- : on nttltudc from which I havo
not varied during my term ot olllce..
Faithfully yours.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Hem. , Cliai lesion, H. C.
Cigar Meichnnts Who Kept Open
Sunday Suffer Penalty.
Ily llti'ludw' Wire from 1 lie AirocUttil Pi ess.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27. Rather than
close their cigar and candy stores on
Sunday, live out ot sixteen merchants
brought beforo Magistrate South yes
terday, charged by the Candy and
Cigar Store Sunday Closing association
with keeping open on that day, paid the
fines and costs, $630 in all, and walked
out of tho court laughing. The others,
upon promise of keeping their stores
closed on Sunday, wero allowed to go.
but their fines were only suspended and
In ease they break their promises they
will be liable to a double fine.
Those who paid their lines say It pays
them belter to keep open and they inti
mate that on effort will bo made by
the Retail Cigar Dealers' association to
have the Sunday closing law repealed.
With About 10,000 Men Under His
Command, Nord Will InsiBt Upon
Election of His Candidate.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Port-au-Prince, llnytl, Nov. 27. While
the situation heie today Is calm, scil
ous disturbances were apprehended yes
terday In the chamber, which, at the
request of the president, was surround
ed by government troops.
On the demand of the provisional
government, General Alexis Nord, the
war minister, recently left Gonalves, at
the head or S,000 men, for the capital,
and arrived last night at St. Mnrle. He
can reach Port-au-Prince early next
week. There Is no confirmation here of
the report that General Nord has the
Intention of proclaiming himself presi
dent, but the rumor Is much discussed
and the people here are awaiting his
arrival with interest in order to learn
his exact intentions.
Cape Haytlen, Haytl, Nov. 27. It is
impossible to ascertain the real Inten
tions of General Nord. At present he
is marching on Port-au-Prince with
about 10,000 men. Ho declares that he
Is not an aspirant for the presidency of
the republic, but that ho will Insist on
the election of. his candidate for that
ofllco. The identity of the general's
candidate Js not' kpown. " '' ""
The press of Cape Haytlen is in favor
of General Nord.
The Political Situation Complicated
by Revolution in Northern Part
of Hepubllc.
Ily Kulihlvr Wire trom The Asoiiited Pien.
San Domingo, Republic of Santo
Domingo, Nov. 27. The political situ
ation In Santo Domingo has been com
plicated by revolution disturbances
which have bioken out in the north
ern part of tho republic. The govern
ment has taken severe measures to sup
press tho movement. Many arrests
have already been made. General Wos
Gil and J, D. Pichardo, a former min
ister, are prisoners here.
Quiet prevails In this city, but busi
ness is stagnant.
Minister Powell had another Inter
view yesterday with the domlnlcan min
ister of foreign affairs regarding the
claims of the Improvement company,
and insisted on u settlement without
any further delay.
A Haging, Steaming Torrent nt the
Ease of the Mountain Completes
Destruction of Sugar Works.
Ily Uxtlushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Kingstown, St. Vincent, Nov. 27.
Yesterday's eruption of La Soutrlere
occurred nt the head of tho dry river,
Rabacci, where huge quantities of vol
canlu deposits had blocked tho water
course since the eruptions last May,
In spite of the heavy rainfall,
After tho eruption of yesterday, a
raging, steaming torrent (lowed from
tho base of La Soufrlere and swept
down the Rabacca, completing the de
struction of the sugar works there.
Sand at the same time fell on George
town and other places.
Hy i:elusie Wi(o from Tho Associated Pi ess.
Wilkes-Barro, Nov. 27. It is an
nounced that John McNIsh, a miner,
employed at the Phoenix colliery, Dur
yeu, has fallen heir to 1,000,000, hlb
hharn In the estate of ti iclutlve, Rlsh
uid Tigue, of 'New York, which has
been In litigation for eight years past,
McNHh l.s fiC yeuis of age and has
been an Industrious worker till his life,
but has not been able to accumulate
much of this world's goods,
Tho estate is estimated at 11,000,000,
tho other heirs being residents of llyde
Pjrk, Set an ton.
Killed by Gs,
Dy KTChuite Wire from The As-eclated Press.
Indianapolis, Nov, 27, Two men sup
posed to bo J2. W. Pollock ind Minion
I'lerson, of Iliidgoport, Ind., wero found
dead in their loom at the Arlington ho
tel today. They came' to the hotel at 2
o'clock and retired Immediately, Death
uis caused by escaping gua. Tho gus Jets
wero tinned on and tho gas was escaping
when tho men weie discovered.
Steamship Arrivals,
ny IJxcluth o Wire from The Asfoclitcd Press.
New Yotk, Nov. 27.-A (lived:' Celtic,
Liverpool und Queeiihtowu. 1 lamina g
Anlved: Deiitschlaud, New York,
YorkQiieenstown Arrived: Cymric, New
York. Sailed: Teutonic (from Liverpool),
Now York. Genoa Arrived: Apsuste
Vlctoila. New York for Naples, llavie
Ai lived; La Tourulne, New York.
A Boy Killed and a Score of Other
Pet sons Injured.
Ily Kulushe Wire trom Tin- Aocl.itil Prfs.
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 27. One boy
was Instantly killed and a score of
other persona were Injured by n car on
the Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley
Traction company overturning as It wns
rounding a curve today ut Hatfield,
about twenty-seven miles north of this
city. The dead boy was Wallace Crou
thummel, of Hutlleld, aged It years.
Tlie most seriously Injured are:
Joseph Detweller. aged 1!' years, of
Souderton, who Is Internally Injured
and may die; und John Ksser, of Soud
erton, tho motormun, who had throe
ribs broken.
There weie seventy passengers on tlie
car, among them the Perkaslo High
school football eleven, which was on Its
way to play at Liinsdalc. In rounding
a curve the brake failed to work, and
the car made the turn so swiftly that
the body of the car was snapped from
Its trucks and fell on Its side. Crou
thummel, who was standing on the rear
platform, was thrown heavily to the
ground, breaking his neck and causing
nlmost Instant death. Excepting Det
weller and Ksser, tho other passengers
escaped serious Injury, although some
of them were severely bruised and cut.
The members of the football team were
not injured.
Report of Miss Estelle Reel Shows
General Improvement in Con
dition of Schools.
By Inclusive, Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 27. Estelle Reel,
superintendent of Indian schools, has
submitted her report to the commis
sioner of Indian affairs. She notes a
marked advance In industrial training
and says that the course of study pre
scribed has materially assisted Indian
youth in learning agriculture , as a
means o self-support, while the girls
rfaviTbeneritted by the class-room cur
riculum, which fits them for tho duties
and responsibilities ot the home. The
outing system and the systematic trans
fer of pupils is strongly recommended.
A plea Is made for Improved and better
equipped day schools, these latter to
give way to district schools attended by
both races. The enrollment In 1S02, she
says, was 28,610.
Miss Reel refers to the gradual dis
appearance of the blanket Indian nnd
the general improvement in the condi
tion of the race.
Brilliant Thanksgiving Day Func
tion at United States Embassy.
By Inclusive Wire fiom The A'-rfclaUd Press.
Rome, Nov. 27. The Thanksgiving re
ception given nt the United States em
bassy today was a brilliant Inaction.
Five hundred guests attended, includ
ing the whole diplomatic corps, the
court of this place, several members
ot the government, Including Foreign
Minister Prlnettl, St. Louis Fair Com
missioners Crldler and Ives, and Mon
slgnor Seton of St. Joseph's, Jeisey
City: Monslgnor Dennis O'Connell;
Dean West, of Princeton university, the
chairman of tho AmerlVun school bote,
and William Potter, brother of Rlslinp
Tho presence was remarked of Count
ess Peed, nee Bueno Guzou, ot Huvann,
the wife of the pope's nephew. The lat
ter, himself, created a sensation last
year by appearing at the Thanksgiving
reception given by the American am
bassador, that being the Hist occasion
on which a relative of the pope has
appealed at a reception given by a dip
lomatist accredited to the It
Is even said that the pope reprimanded
his nephew, so this time his wife, who
says, as a Cuban she Is American, went
nlone to the leception.
Remarkable Gathering at the Detroit
Opera House Yesterday,
Ily llvilmlu- Wile (rmu'llie Ai'odjted Piem.
Detroit, Nov. 27, At a union Thanks
giving service In tho Detroit Opera house
today Itabhl M. Franklin, of Temple
llethol: Judge A. (1 Murphy, nf the le
cmder's court, .i Roman Catholic, and
clergymen of tho Hpl-copal, I'nntjreg.i
tlonal, Ilaptlxt, Methodist, CJulhtKin, I'nl
vorsallst and I'lohlbttlon churches occu
pied sials mi the stage and took actho
Mayor W. c. Maybury, who Is u mem.
bor of St. l'etei' Hplscopul church, mado
an intiodiictory address, In which, allud
In? tn iho union set vice, lto said:
"In nil the ones, religious thought has
mil on parallel lines, sometimes couveig.
Ing and sometimes erosulng, Wo can see
the parallel lines wliun. in iccognltlon nf
a common tiilth, we comu touethor this
way to lilvu thanks '
Commits Suicide After Firing an
Odessa Institution,
Hy i:cluih lio horn The .WcLted pre.,
Odessa, Nov. 27. Tho wutchmnu of the
museum attached to the University of
Odessa today set lire to the building ami
then committed suicide by hanging him
self. The edifice, containing a vciy valuable
collection, was dentioyeil,
Ily Exclusive Wire lrom The Associated Press.
WUkes-Purre, Nov. 27. Rev. J. J. Cur
ran, pastor of Holy Saviour church, thla
city, tendered President Mitchell u ban
quet at tho Hotel Hart tonight. Coveis
were laid for sixty. The choir of Holy
Saviour church furnished tho music. Ad
dresses wero made by Mr. 'Mitchell and a
number of the luvlted guests.
Notliinti Transpires Further Thar
an Afternoon Gonlorencc of the
Miners' Representatives.
Nothing Definite Known as to Who
Will Succeed Dr. Roberts on the
Witness Stand, hut It Is Likely
It Will Be District President Nlcll
olls Lively Tilt Expocted Oven
the Question as to Whether or Not
Recognition of the Union Is Before
the Commissioners for Considera
tion Statement of Hon. Wayne
Thanksgiving tiny saw little activity
In mine strike matters. The only par
ties to the controversy who were ut all
active were the miners' representatives.
Late hi the afternoon Attorney Clar
ence S. Darrow, Henry D. Lloyd, Rev.
Peter Roberts, Ph.D.. and a number' of
the. United Mine Workers. Including
National President Mitchell and Dis
trict Presidents NIcliolls. Fahy and
Duffy, had a conference a I. the Jermyn
to piepare for the resumption of tho
hearings before the commission nest
Wednesday morning.
That the conference was more than
casual is attested by the fact that Dis
trict President Nicholls was imexncct
cdly summoned to it from Carhondnle,
where hu and his family bad gone to
spend the day with friends. The only
thing clven out regarding' the confer
ence wlis that it was for the prepar
ation of testimony.
The Next Witness.
Attorney Darrow could not say defi
nitely wliqthe next 'witness will be,
after tho crogEJ-examinatlon of Rev. t)r.l
Roberts Is completed. The likelihood Is,
however, that it will he District Presl-
dent Nicholls. This was the programme
before the ten-day recess was tuken.
The operators promise some interest
ing figures regarding wages. One com
pany. In anticipation of a controversy,
kept tnbs on Its contract miners for
five months, just preceding the strike,
to ascei tain how much time they actu
ally spent In the mines, and will show
to the commission that the average
hours of labor for n contract miner are
not quite six a day. This will be In
the nature of a surprise to tho miners
of the company in question, ns they
wero not nware that tabs were being
kept on them.
A lively discussion can be expected
almost any day after the hearings are
resumed. It will be precipitated by the
operators directly or indirectly asking
the commission to make an announce
ment that the question of recognition Is
In no wise befote the commission for
Miners' Contention.
Tlie miners' representatives will con
tend that the uuestion is heroic the
commission, because it was imu of the
four matters In dispute between the
companies and their employes and they
agreed to submit to the commission the
mutters In dispute between themselves
and their employes.
The operators confidently expect the
commission will unhesitatingly "do that
the question of ii-cii'-tnitlon of the union
was specifically exc-pted from tho mat
ters to be dealt Utli by the commis
sion, nnd that a t'.ir as the ommls
sion Is concerned It does not care tn
hear anything further on this particu
lar subject. Kven hough the commis
sion decides the qu rfiinii as not befoic
it for a decision, fie miners will con
tend that It Miould be discussed so thut
thp commissioner, may be enlightened
as to its merits, and thereby be In post
Hon to recommend or dls.inpiove It a;
a means of preventing further con.
Got on the Record.
At the very outlet of tho hearings
Attorney Wolveiti-ii, In an incidental
way, got It on tho iccnrd that tho oper
ators insist that the question nf recog
nition is not before the commission,
This having been dune, the operators
proceeded, as they view It, securely, tn
combat the contentions In favor of
iccognltlon ns advanced by President
The purpose of tho operators, sup
posedly, in doing this was to put their
side of the caso before tho public. It
was a matter of general comment that
nil the lengthy discussion on this sub
ject, ns far as the operators wero con
cerned, was addressed to the press bos
rather than the commission.
Ilnth sides are preparing for a lively
battle when this point Is raised, and, II
Is a pretty safe gyess, the commission,
era are also preparing to deal with It
National President Mitchell, nf th
Continued on P.igo 7.1
Local data for Nov 27, 1S02:
Highest tempuratuie ,,,.,,,,,,, H degiees
Lowest temperature .,,,,,.,.,,. 3S dcgieea
Relative humidity:
S a, in. $2 per cent.
S p, m ., 74 per cent.
Frcclpitdtlon, IM horn's ended t p. ni.,
,00 Inch. ,
T-r-r V
V Wnshluslon Nov. 27. Forecast
for Fiiday and Saturday: Kastein
4- Pennsylvania Fair and cooler Frl-
day; tialiuduy fair; dlailnlahlne -
4- northwest winds. -f .t
i i