", I -A ' "S. LHE SCRANTON TIUBUN1 THURSDAY, XOYEAltildU 27, 1902. ) sb : vwrnmsay r i- i&WwrW&PJ I K 'V - '.. '?'f$t ' r. . yr, rs?2C:v-'.iur1o Z-Wv--:.JW5BBr rfiMr "v,."'..'v .. !, ! ' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONISSDALE, ! Ppctl.il to lite Suatitoii Tilhune Honesdnle, Nov. '2G -The congi cgu- 1 tions of the Methodist .mil Baptist i:huich(.f, w III unite In ThunksKlv'ing tjivice to be held iti tin- Baptist church. "lie Minion, will be by Kov G. A, Pluee Woi'lc on the nc In Use ovei lite I.ickawuen i!n on Main stioit has hot been commenced, .is was e pec ted Evidently another lee lie-.hct will have Iinbsotl by In foi c the wniK of innsttue- Itlon will be commenced. J. Ram Jli own. Di. K. W. Powell and (Millie1. Kiune u'tuined lioiu the Hloomlnt; Uiove hunting c,iiiunls Sut- imlny liif-lit with two ilcet The out-ot-toun ptiosts who hae been usshtlne; i: Futlici ll.inle, of St John's ihuitli, In tin foitv hoius' deotion, me l!cv Mi Mantis, of Gieen Kldge: W: Ileuley, ot Ple.T-n.nl Mount, llev. O'Donnell, ol Ol pliant, Rev. Ltr tus of fit con Ridge: llev. 'Wlnteis of Hitttley: llev. Snunilter, ol Hoi It Like; Rev. Movlnn, of Piovidclite. A veiy inteiestln pioRiaiiiine has been inep.ued by the little Kills who hae auaiiKCd lor u louteit to be ghen In Music hull on Filday menliifr for the benellt of an ned Geiniiiu lady. An application will bo made to the gin pi nor of Peunsyhanla b a number of IIoncMlale gentlemen foi n ihaitet for a (Oi poiation to be oallnl the "Pennsjhuulu Pioduie eoniiiin,' t lie obleiL of whiih l- to liuj all Kind of iiiiin pioduii-, fiom th- Waine niunlj fai mm s anil inaikel .uili pioduits in the lalge cities. This Is reittilntv a mine In the light dlneilou. and must insult in good to both the tunici and the business ot Horn siUiIe. Piiimi'is will have an oppoiluulti to lomtit the faun piodticp Into tash, ueai home, and In till u i an pa rash tot nit u huiidlse III their honie tow i The Kile excuis-ion to N( i'mU Wednesday nioinlng tool elglny-Ms ji ihsengcts fioin the HoncMlale I'nlon btjtlon Mi. and Mi.J. lloiaie ('. Jland aio spending Thanksgiving with llieli hops In lliooldvn, X. V Kupeiliilendeut and Mi.s V. U. llovvoi me visiting tlie p.uiuts of Mis, I lower, iuur IMttKbutg I low aid Kit h has been inomotod f i oni the nid eiiklne to lit email on thn i ttiseiiBcr englno on Coiuluctoi PIpico'h tialn .Jins Kathdlno ('Iiumboir! Is .spending Thanksgiving w lilt ft lends lit AVIlkeH Jiaiie. 'I'he maiii.igo of JIHa Uaulet H. Huh fell and 1: Ilitiiv ('. Money wa.s tiol omnlzed at the homo of the In hie on Wednesday morning. Mi and Mis, Money vveio dilvcu to Foilenla, wlicio they took the noon Delaware ami iliul on tialn tor n wedding tour, Mi.s ThumiiH Haiku k Hinlth, who .1,1 been vifltlng her mother lor .-uv-t'lal weeks, Minted foi her home in H.tn rtancco, California, lust Hunduy, The wmk on Mr, .SIiupmhi's new ies liluncu Is being lapidlv Jiuaheil by Con tinctor i:. S. Wllll.inis. Itev. Mi, Clatk bus vacated the Bap tist pntponago and moved Into the ius ldence of Mi?. Ueinolds on Depot uttcit, Uenty Watts, .on of Thomas Watts, Mho met with an accident while out A Djugglst's Advice. Mr, i', h, Thompson, u diugglst of Dunvllle, Intl., fives the following wholesome advice to lits customeiR; "Jf you Bliould eyet need u lemedv for -roup or whooping tough, get Chnin- 'tlalu'ti I'ougii llemedy. It absolutely ua no 'iimi for the prevention and I? of itoup, and If taken In time and ullng to dtttctlons, it la a most ws remedy tor whooping cough and it and lung tiotibles. I would knd that a bottle of tills medl- fept In the home oi all times, whom tneie aro ihlldren in For mile by all dtugslats. fidi-st Acts st tj Syrup of Figs .appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable '. Sw v Vw-i VT T. I v.? VA ;-lA f i r miFORrinfio' Louisville-, Ky. For cala, by &1I drurfi'ata. Rrice hunting f-ome tinip ago, is letoveiing as i.ipidlv a s could be expected Thanksgh iut. sen Ices will be held at the Methodist c hutch. J lev. Mt. CI ul. will (ill the pulpU. The Kennedy piopeity on Depot stieel, ncently puiehahed by Theodoie Stone, Is undei going thoiougli lepaiis TUyKI-IANNOCK. Spdlal to the Sciantoij X'llbuuc. Tunkliannocl;, Xov. i!G. Llntoln J. Cuter .mil hi. eLellent toinnanv ap peal id In the diamri entitled the "Knst .Mail, ' at Piatt's opeia. house, on Mon di evening. The plav was well aitei'. and itiiit.Ii appieclated by the l.ugi atidieni" in attendanee. The spectacu lar Ceattues included two rallioad tinins iiuiinlng at lull speed, and a steamboat evuloslon. The1 following inairiage llceiihes have been Issued by the eleik of the Ol plums' couit within the past few davs: John Jay Swetland, of Mehoopany, and Martha. May Harding, of Tunkhannoek: Amos C. Iiliike.slce and Julia A. Ken nedy, of Nicholson; Franklin E. Brink and Otaoe M. Snyder, of Nicholson, and Darwin Bailey and Kdlth Hullock, of Nicholson. Addison f. Caiey, who has been veiy ill with tphoid fever at his home on Thlid .stieet, is much Impioved, Lilies II, Hoss will on upy the Teal piopeity on Second stieet. A game of fool ball will be plaveil at Triton jmiIc on Thanks-giving day at .1 p iu between Tunkhaiiiioik lligli Sehool team and a team fioni Plttston. Attoiuey Joseph AV. Plait was doing business at Monti oe on Mondn) I'nlon Thanksgiving services will be Ik Id ut the Presbyteiluu thuich on Tlunsilav inoinlng at 10S0. llev. AVlll iam P Mile, ot the Haptlst chuich, will puaeh the siimon. Mis, Judsini AVoodwaid, or Olenbuin, was thu guest ot Di. and Mis. A. H. ASoodvvaid on Monday. Won! bis been iccelved fioin tho p.uty of Tunkliannocl hunleis who ate hunting deer In Pike county that they have killed a line buck, whlelt they aie hilnglng home. Wilbur l.ulcs and W. V Hi own, of -M)i n, weie in town Titesdii) on busi ness AVQCA. Thanksgiving sen vices will be held this f Ui noon at I'.SO o'tlocl; and In tho evening at 7 ;!0 o'clock at the homo ot .Miss Mniy Hustle, Speakus PMieitcd mo Hev. James I.elshnian, of Hciantou, and llev. Ilowaid Hmltli, ol Soudan, Afilca, J'.voivbodv Invited, Miss Esther Davis and bister, Mis, s. K. Klshb.iugli, ot Pleasant Hill, ate vin Itlng at tho homo of their patents, Mr, and Mis. John U. Davis, of the West Side Miss Josephine OlbboiiH aeted as bildesmuld at the Walsh-aallugher wedding yesteiday at Duumoie, Mr. and Mt,i. tiallugher wete former tesl deuts ot this town, The following piogiumnio will ho len deied tu the Pilmltlve Methodist chuich this evening; Address, Itev, Jatnea Mooioj selection, choir; duet, Lamia and Aithur Button; lecltatlon, I.ydla CoIp; lecitatlon, Albena Hosley; polo, Martha Deeble, levltatlon, M. J. Meurte; bnss solo, ThoiniiH Deeble; lecltatlon, JAao Johns; lecltatlon, Albena Uosley; se lection, choir, duet, Anna Uoas and Anna Jones, letllatlon, fleorgo Hosley; selection, male inuiittme. Cake and eoflee will lie suved after the enter talnmeut in the lectin o. loom. Admis sion, 10 nud & teats. MUs Maigaiet Alkman Is visiting fi lends in Kciantun Walter, tha JI.-)iMi-old son of Mis. Anulu riuslmniona, Is sulfeing Horn a litoken anklo bone, caused by being set upon by a Plttston bov ut the nimo n. foot ball a few du)s ago. Tile luueial of Michael Hutko took pluco jesteuiay morning ftopt the homo of his pments. A letiuleiu mass was pre'&s'aKt'Iyv Brxeii'cis&liy lyasa - Laxai i ve quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy tha genuine manufactured by the 9 HeWjYorkTN'.Y - fiftyccAtspewbotUd celebrated In St. Mail's ihurch. Intel -ment was made In St. Mary's eemeteiy. FOR INVALID CHILDREN. Unique Chaiacter and Helpful Woik of a Chicago School for Young Pei sons Held Back by Misfortune. Possibly the most uniiiue education al institution in the eountiy today is the sehool inr Invalid chlldicii out on COM. Diexel avenue, Chicago. The schsol was oiganl.ed three years ago by Miss Maiy Campbell, who was do ing speeial woik In psyehology at the Unheislty of Chicago. The Institution Is a combined hos pital and bchoo!, piovidintr nursing, medical cue, and special education for oung chlldien who Ihiough illness or (oiigcnital Inlbn iti"s aio not piogiess ing noimallv. U is a semi-philan-llnoiilc institution, and up to the time ol the (lie in Apt II, it ha- been self stippoi ting. . Dm In? tho lomlng eai, sptilal at tention to developing speech in voting ihllilien who UhoubIi .nr.intllo Illness, such as seal let fever, biain fever, .spi nal meningitis, diphtheiln, etc., have lost speech, or w hen speeih has been t etui iled. Miss Campbell with Miss AVllllanis, one of her assistants, has wot Iced out a method lor the development of speech. The method Is based on the general method of voice placing, com bined with that ot the oial method with the deaf The school wotks eo-opeiallvely with the Unlveislty school of education. As soon as a child has developed sufficient ly, he is permitted to do clay school woik at the school of education. Uack watd child! on and chlldien of letaided mental or physical ability, children of dlspiopoitlonato development uie given a stait In thltl little laboiatoty school, and aie then passed on to be perfected. Instiuctloit Is ulven In music vocal and Insttuniental dancing, medical and otthopoedio gymnastics, .slo.vd and man ual ti dining, voice and speech develop ment. The school has a coips ot eight teach eis, thiee giadtiate muses, and a. staff of consulting physicians. Lectin es aio given to muses and teachcis bv tho different ph)slclans. Dr. Nicholas Sonn, who has been one of the most enthusi astic stippoiteis ot tho school, has le cently equipped a pathological Inbota tory with all tho modem appliances and appaiiitus for making blood and mili ary analyses. Last ear some Inlet estlnc food ex periments weio conducted. The food wus analysed befoto eaten and each of the (fceieto. was eaiefully analyzed to llnd out just what foods weie being digested pioperly, In somo Instances It was found that a child was getting too much meat, another not enough. Somo chlldien hnd too much starchy food, otheis again not enough, Tho blood was submitted to liiiein. scoplcal examination, to find out If a child's headache and lassitude wero due to anaemia or indigestion. Careful lecoids of the chlldien's teni pei attire, pulse, und lesphatlou aio Kept and diagramed, and then compari sons nio tnndo to show the conelatlon of tho child's mental condition and Physical condition for a certain clay and hour. Tests aio mado In the psychological laboratoty n older to corroborate by scientific expeilment the obseivatlonal or empirical knowledge. The Institu tion Is well adapted for psycho-patholo. gleal leseaich. and will probably make valuable contilbutlcms to the scientllU? education of sub.noimnl chlldien. MODERN SPORTS DESCRIBED. Lucid Terms Employed to Tell How the Events Piogiessed. Fioin tho Kansas City Independent. Description of a Unse Dull dame Four wide ones In thu thlid nud Hognn paraded. Dooley tilted the pellet to the outer most poit pieclnct for a hassock and Invested second citadel tlnough Oioo gau'u Insane heave. Jones' agile inltt engulfed Smith's tovveter to left gaiden.t but failed to leiry It In befoio Hogan's extremities soiled the tttbber Donovan Jabbed a sollltilre to left pasture, stabling Dooley, but met his death putlolnlng a bag. Ilttgglns nuiita threo rrnnllc lunge'? at tho leather, but tluff'fl saffron muff let him ttmble down the ti nil to the Initial roost. Duff's steaming giasscr to right meadow Incinerated aunt's Jliigets. Doyle dunked safely to latboiuil, but Brown's swift return of Hie clotinln contributed to Hugglns' demise ut the plate. A Pilze-Klght Both bo)s showed the effects of fast going. Muggsy hnd smoky lamps, a bum beak and dismantled grocery store, while the Kid's dining loom was shv somo furniture nnd his wqiks looked like a poor rut of chuck steak. After ti brace of flddllngs the Kid un hooked ti brace of chops, planting one, but getting a dug on the slats In te ttn n from Muggsy's dexter mnutle. The Kid learned things and gicw cngpy, his ramrod left putting many a Hock of swings to lllght. Suddenly he unleascd a wallop that gave Muggsy's obscivatlons an asttn nouilcnl tinge and also donated a cauli flower ear to the Llineilck lad's tout ensemble by diooplng the good one over. It went to waste nest time nothing doing. Then a. left to the blood pump a swift right ciossl Stint's out! A Foot Ball CSainc Sault mn the spheroid back twenty yards. A fake pass contributed live moic, nnd lam Jams at centre and savage Jabs at tackle netted ten. Close foimatlou nnd massive smashes then piovcd futile, and Ponnston took the oval. Fleice plunging and needlo llke, piercing tore off five and ten-ynid chunks nt a clip, and then the end3 were cleverly boxed for a thlity-yaid sDtlnt. Fuither onslaughts met a Chinese wall and Ynlevard was awarded the porcine skin on downs. Doe booted the leather forty, but Ovetl.ind received exquisitely nnd a punting duel followed, with Doe the gainer. A tevolvlng wedge earned Ponnston five and brazen Inlet feience aided Gib let lu acciulng six. On a fumble Biide con ailed the pig skin. THEATRICAL. "Mis. Jack" Last Night. A blight, wholesume.bteezy mantlet has Alice Flsihcr, and when this Is added to a. plenitude of stage piescntc It will be seen that a good stait has been made In farcical comedy and a farcical comedy that Is often vciy much like ti.ivesty or liiulesquo Is "Mis Jack" which was sen at thu Lvtctim last night Mis. Jack Is a voting widow Hum tho west, who Inhciitcd Horn hei late husband an estate valued at $W nw.uiJO When she comes to New Yoik and takes possession of her estate "-he meets with the opposi tion of her husband's relatives and is sub jected to all sous ol schemes designed to scp.ii ate hei liom hei inoncv. She falls Into them leiulllv enough whenever she thinks she is eiiivlng out the ileslies of the late Jack Baiiastu. She "stakes" a tlii.itilc.tl tioupe, backs a piiA! lighter In his facial icstouitinu business and be fi lends a humble t dative, J ick's little Itislt aunt. 71lghlv diverting episodes aie her flisl meeting with the ti.igedliu, tho automobile accident It) which she con nives to ill! hei self of mi tmv.eleomo Miltoi and bet btillesipio ot ii buffalo hunt bv which she tutus the tables upon so cletv which has dubbed hei the ' t'ran manche" because ol her western manner. Miss risclici Is not of the subtle school of comediennes She is big, luge and fioneioiis in htt methods as in hei pet .-on and she Just compels attention and acl mliation. Her snppott is veiy good. Mis. Then nil) kc Bouclcatilt does a thankless p.ut most clevetly and Douglas E Paii banks mado the little cad he was Itupci soniillng seem most lite like. Miss Alice Leigh did a small comedv pail excellently and Thorn is Ivans in the lulu of an ex-pugllist with a beattti tul line of modern sling ciultn captivated the audience. Jacques Kiugcr and James C.uevv weie other meinben of the com puni who handled lmpoilnnt loles ad inlialil). '.Mrs. Jack" will be lepeated this attet noim and evening at the L)ccum At the Academy Today. Two uiuisuallvsttoiif, altiaeiions aie ot tered at the Academy of Music today h) .Inlln Tllmivi.ilnlii'i .'lil..rlu H'lil. .r teruoon "Canni's Crossioad"," u heart story of tho Kentucky hills, will be pie- beitceci. Mins piny nas nevci been pio- fllinnrl t. f , nm lll. n nnmiuinir l.nlnin ........ .... . .b,v..u..Li UII..1,J U..U.U Tonight "In tins Hemt of tho Stoim" -will ul mo uiiracuon, unu il is saio to .say tllflt tat l nil .in r i i.nin iH I lm nt . ,ml. v iiiitiiuiHr, (i ii mj (ik b I'ltlllllllll as pike bus alwavs been popular In Seianton At both pel loimiinces soveial additional librh irimlf. mih.i In ItU.u i,,,,v t.r.ul r,.,. ,.. "T." c....... . -,'. ... . . . ..u,3 ,J, ... till V nillV XL III lir. i.i,f.i, lnliL,i.,i ,1... ,t Howson's Twentieth Centuiy band and OKinsita will ul-i) lender espetlally se lected musical pi ogi amines both aftei- iiuiiii nun eeiuiig. Another Fiohmnn Pioduction. Tlioso who hue nuvei had a glimpse of tho 'Ml. own. mill" In high social lilt, tieatcd on high comedy methods, will be given a chanio of giatllilng the It ciul os(ty at tho Liceum theater uet Monday ovcnlug, Dei. 1, when "Tho Two Schools," Chillies Pi oilman's latest com edy suiccss in Now yuik ,i im )1(.. sentecl by tho oilghtal cast fiom tho Mndlsou aquaio theater, New Yoik. Thu oilglunl cast which will bo seen In the ptoductlijii heio has among tho ptln tlpals Jameson Leo Finney, M, A. Ktn nedv, Wlnthell Smith, Ida Conquest, ,b s slo Huslei, Ida Wulttmun, Be.itilce Moi giin, etc Seats on sale Pild.iy moinlng. Special Matinee Satuiday. jjjjlio beautiful steueiy and nnis-.lv u nto (l.Tilcal effects used In tho elaboiatu sieuli! pioiluetloii of Joseph Ai Una's diiima, "Lost lllvei," aio conceded to be tho most costl) and eliibouito over given u pindiielloii ot this kind, 'Ihlitv uetois and nili esses beside a huge staff ot mechanics, a qu.ii tottto mid a cnuutii oiehcstia, a ihovu of sheep and other llvo stock aio used to make this stoiy ot Indiana llto tlio tln.tticl.il nnd iiithtle sun v It has pioveu itself to bo dining Its sl inonllm' iiiu In Now Yoik. "Lost lllvei will lm the attrac tion at thu Lvceiuu Satuidiiy nfteiuoon and ovening Heats on sale I Ills nioinliig. The Wild Rose." (ieoigo W Ledeiei's latest siicceHstiil fuutastlo iilllshal giilet), "Tint Wild Hose," will bo tho nttiactloa nt the Li ceum Filday night. In "Tho Wild Itosu" Mttituger Ledmer has ,etfec ted un elab cuoto levelntlon of inodeiu stage.cialt, to tho continuous sti.ilu of not-to.be.forgot. ten melodies of Ludvvig Liml-iiidei Tho company indmlis sUt).lvu play pis, headed by Ldwlii l'oy nnd Lena Beiilley, and hit hiding Albeit Hint, Hose Ueuumoiit, Juiilo MtCiee. (iuln I'ei l.lns, I.vnlin Nesblt. Louis Kelse, AVIH lam Wallace Black, Geoigu All and ninny othcis of llko pioiulneuce 'I he pioduc tion Is "n ilot of color and ciaco," wth tho Ledeilun uitlstlc lnokoii Hues ot An Old and Well-Tiled Remedy. 5IHS VINSLOVS SOOTHINa SYHUP foi chlldien toothing. Is thu piescilptlou of onu of tho best fumule plijslcluns und muses In tho United States, und liau been used sixty e.tiu with iievci-fnlllng sue cess by millions of iiiothois for t licit clill drcn. Dining tlio proce&s of Icotlilng Its vnluo Is Incalculable.. It lellevru thu child roui puiu, elites dluirhoea, gilplng tu tho bowels, and wind colic. My giving health to tho child It I cats tlio uiotlici. Pi Ice, tuantv.flvn cents a bottle THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" R Only Half a Cent a Word. Beat Estnte. A Rare Bargain Tu a good home that has all modern conveniences, in cluding electric light. The house will bear in spection. Kull lot and loca tion is assured, as people on either side own their own homes. Tlin nroncrty Is valued at $2,500, but It can be purchased for $700 un der that figure. A 12-Room Single House Can be purchased for $7,500 Good location full lot on Ottincy avenue. The owner values' it at $10,.10(). M. H. HOLGATE Real Estate, Securities Mortgigas, Loans Negotiated. - Commonwealth Building, SCRANTON, PA. For Kent. 18 I'or Kent Tcn-ioom house; excellent neighborhood; all mouetn improve ments, on avenue Apply to It P. Ham iltoti, 42G Sp. uce stieet. For Sole. Jl'ST AllHIVKD with foity head ot homes; good woikeis and dilvets; weight Horn HOil to VM pounds; ievet.il eloselv matched He ims can bo teen ut u3t lt.iniond couit. J Jf. Colib. UIAMONDS Itlng llkt. ntonntlng, .stone neatly H etint, $10; one ttille l.tiget, 112; one a lull (. e.tt.tt, .s; one i cm at, $10, fine gvjisv, two cllitmonds, und nibv, $21 Half cunt oni scievvH, JIU; half euiut i or droits, J2s; line white dlumund ling, .i'i p.nats VM Lots of othei Dl.i nionds. Sipphiies. KnietuliK. Uubies, l'ciiih), and OJ lis ut lock bottom pi Ires Sallsfnc tlon given, of "vout inoiiev bacl without iiigiunciit " Walter V'. W'lnion, Diamond I'atloi, No. W7 IMcius building roil SAM? Kilt llsli, wholesale ot te tall. AV. II. Pleice. (,l Wjomlng htteet, C'aibondnlo. Old 'jihotte. l-'OIt SAt.n-Oalc innntel S feet high, with mil loi. Slo in. MO Washington avenue rOU SALI-A pair ol well-matched geld ings at wo Giecn Ridge street, city. Furnished Booms for Kent. rOP. ItENT An extia. lingo ftirnlshed limit loom. All lniiuovenicnts, uw Adams iivenuc roit RuNT A nicely fiunislied loom; all model it conveniences at W7 Gieen Itldge stieel. I'OR IU2NT A fiunlshed room on second floor ftont. $1 50 week. 0J3 Adams ave. Wanted To Rent. WANTKD-TIueo fiunislied looms with or without boaid lor family of foui. II., Tiibuno office. Rooms and Board. l-'OU HUNT Fiunislied looms foi gentle min, with or without hourd. Inciulto nt C10 Adams avenue. Till: I.INIHJN, .W Linden .stieet, lint, a number of deshublo viicancks; light loouiB and choice table bontd IU.13ASANT looms with boaid foi foui or live joiutg men. Jmiulio J1J Wiihh lnglon avenue. Business Oppoi Utility. 8'IOC'K AND WHI.AT THAnnitS wllh out delay. Wiltii for oiu special mm -Ket letter. Wieu on applliatlolt. S Af llil)b.nd iV. Co., incmbots X V. Consoli dated and Stock Ui hunge, .1 und Hi llioadwa. New Yoik, Established lSil Long Dlsilanco 'Phone 21SS llioud Lost. LOST llv my wle, cm e'lay avonuo, or on Pi'toishiug cur, or on Orecu Uldgo Subtil ban cur, a lieni t-Hhiiptd gold belt liuelclo uttiiihed to black Mitlu belt A siiltalilo lowatd will ho given If uituimil to John It, Jones, Attoiuey at Law, J' 127 Council Imlldlng Strayed. STUAYUD To tho L.iekavvauna Stables, lln l'onii avenue, a white Iioiho. Owner can huvo t-.uun by paMiig epeuseH nud luovlug iuopeit. LEGAL. NOTIC1J Is lieicby given that an .ipplica tion will he Hindu to tho (lot u nor of Pennsjlvanlii on the Itli day of December, 11102, by Chillies dill'oilt Uieek. T C Von Stoich, II II Cunuc'll, Aithur Dunn, (Iiuigu II, Hlce and Kiank 13 Donnelly, under the Ait of Assembly, entitled. "An Act to piovlda lot tho iuioipoiatioil ami leguliitiou of ci'italu euipoiatloiis, np pioved Apill -"', 1S7I. unci the MippleuientH theieto, foi a rhuitCr of nn Intended loipouttlou to be culled the Moiilsou Silk Wiiuiifiiituihig Company, tlio chiiinetei and object of which Is the nmiiutiictuio and sale of textile tabids, and tor that puipoMi to have, possess uud enjov all tliu lights, benetlts, poweis mid pilvlleges conteiied b tho Mild Act and its sup plements 1UCI. & DONNELLY. KolltltoiH chmiis, said choius us plentifully dotted with beaut as ovei "A New Yoik Qiil." Tho attiactlon olteicd ut thu Star foil the balance of tho week, borInnlng with niutlneu this nfteiuoon, is l.ultiliu In con junction with tlio "A New Yoik Gill" roiiipmo Tha peifoimuucu lucludes un excellent imiblf.it fuicu entitled "Piullc fcomo Plo Pl,v thu piettlest gills and sweetest slngcis now on thu load No show has as many pictty women, tunny comedians, uud tho musical numbeib thioughout tlio eiilli'o peifoiiuaueo hiva nut been sui passed by unj similar oigan U'ltlou pltohig Scranton this bc.ibon, Today being 'ihaiikHlvluu, the tegular oveiiitig pikes will pu'vull lr tho mat luco this nfteiuoon No Order Accepted Tor Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Officss. Want Advertisements Will Be Received nt Any of tho Follow ing Dnig Stores Until 10 P. M. Centinl City Aiiiiiiui' Bcmnrz. romcr aim. beny stieet and Webster uvo. Ol'STAV PiCItlJL, iU Adami tivenue West Side OLO. V J1LVKINS, Slnln nvcniii', 101 South Sotttli Scranton l-'ni.D L. TnilPPL', 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton CII.O W. DAVIS, coiner North Mnln nvcntiu and Jlniltot stieet. Gieen Ridge CILUtLuS P. JONL"?, rr,7 Dick. sou avenue. I'. J. JOHNS, 1)20 Gieen Uldgo street. C LOniIN55, coiner Washington avonuo nrtd Mai Ion stieet. Peteisbuig w. ii. KNt:pri:i 1017 living avenue Dunmoie J. c. honi: ,t son. Help Wanted. WANTCD-AgcntH to sell ton .tucTTor'. feo to consumeis Positions nermo. ncni. Grand Union Tea Co .3 I La -wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTLD-Bookkeepoi , olnlg iuan?AX lilv at once. Jonas Long;s Sons. AVANTKD-Gopd loom li7c "o"n lilnin bioad silks In nnnev In lingo i Itv Pei nanent position with advancement tor wR TV1','. ,AtJlrCSSl stutlntr epeileuce, 1'Koi. Cull ofllce, Pateison, X. J. WANTJJD-Good loom IKei on plain bioad silks In annex in laige cltv. Pti- inanent position with advancement for is "J?",, A1l'ess, stating expetience, "v. -un uiiice, iatcson, p,. j. DRUG CLIIKIv WANTDD-Rcglsteicd. D .....i . 1,,,10mls co,w 'Wyoming avenue and Mulbeuy stieel. Help Wanted Female. LADILS with sowing inaclilncs to woik at home: materials fiunislied anv dis tance. Good wages. Send stamped ad dies&ed envelope foi paitlculais Anchoi MlgCo . 1!) Tedcral ht , Pittsburg, Pa. Agents Wanted. LARG13 COftPORATlON wants eiteigetle Oeneinl Agent tot this lounlj. No books, Insuiancc, ot canvassing. At (liialntance wllh meiehtnts and manii l.ictmois neccsstiv. Pcuminent. P.0111I. tatato nge, expcilence icfeienees Hist let '''' ,l'!u?V- Sulto 572, No 1001 Chestnut St , Philadelphia Situations Wanted. smnoNAT??; dTi lyTTTrTg ci.il housowoik In Mitiill tnmllv, tltoi -oughK expiilenecd, best lefciencis Ail hess It. S, Ttlbiuie oflhe SITUATION WANTMD-luTmimrmaT lied mm as enielinuin or dilvci; ecu ftuulsh good lefeiences as to abllltv and chaiacter. Addiess 20ti' Noi th Main ave. i:xpi:iui:nci;d i.vundui:ss would like woik. Adduss L li., 110 S AV.tsh inglngton avenue, city. SITUATION WANTCD-llv miug no. man as , h tmbeimald. Addiihs It. McG , 410 S 'Washington itvonue, cltv. SITUATION AVANTUD-To go out the Ihst pait of the wed; unfiling ami Iioiilng: washing and iionlng taken homo nlso Unll 01 addtess A. It, 3il N Sum ner avenue lOUNG LADY would llko woik evening as copjlst, Ivpewtltlng nnd take cue of business couespondence At llbctty lifter I! o'clock evenings Can luinlsli e eelleut lcfereneis. Addiess Ptactlcal, Wanted. AVANT13D Two looms, Ihst lloor, m Mulbeuy stieet, between Madison and Piescott avenue, 101 phvsic lap's oftiee. Addiess Phjsicliin, (117 Adams avenue Vv'ANTKD-Siiiall furnished house chess Box- aoo, city. Ad- PRqF-ESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C SPAUI.DINf!. C. P A. 2! TuiduiH' Uunk Iliilldlng Old 'phone l'jl Aiuhitects. rui:Di:wcK l iihown. aiicmi- it. Heal i:stato i:xchaiigo lildg , l.u Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineeis. II L. HARDING. SI. CONNIU,!, BLDU. ST1.VI.NSON Hell bulldlni.'. cv KNIGHT, 7-L. CON- Dentlsts, dr. i: c i:ii,lnbi:rgijr. PAPI.I building. Spilieu stieet, Seiituton. DR. C C LAUBACIl, ll'i AVYOMI.SO uvu Fiie Insurance. SCllLAC.nR ,V: CO, 40 Couitell Building Patent Attorneys. P AT E N TS KS?b Tho only licenced and eeiulpped Mlcnt f-olliltoi lu tlio cltv No c b irgo fui hi toiination on puteutubllli , ovei tin jcuis' expoilenec Rcplog-lc & Co,, Wears Bldg-, Hotels and Restaurants, thu i:i,ic cai'l 1:3 ami 127 ciianFc- Un avenue Rates leasuiiuble. P, XIUGLUR, Piopiletor SCRANTON HOUR... NHAll D , L ZW, Passenger depot. Conducted on thu Lu lopeail plan. Victor Koch, Piopilutoi. Scavengei, ,rirnRiaascLnANri piu vy'au"lt.s uud cess pools; mi odor, only impiuved pumps used A B Bllggs, piopiletot Leave oieleis 110 Noith Mulit uveliue. or Licku's drug stoic, comet Admits and Mulbeuy Both telephones Wiie Scieens. JOSL'PH KUKTTUI'. HUAK 511 LACKA. ave. Seiantoii mlj.sof Who Seuens Miscellaneous. Mi:GAiuu;n hros, printurs' sup piles, envelopes, piper bags, ivvhiu VV'aielioiibC, li') Washington avenue. TI1H WILKLS-BARRH RHCORD CAN bu hnd lu Seiantoii at tho news stuud of Relsmau Bios, 400 Spiuco und 50.J Lludeu; M Noitou, .122 Lackiivvanua ave; 1. S. Schutei, '211 Spiuce stieet. DIRECTORY. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REAL ESTATE Only Halt a Cent a WarJ, Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OK MON11Y TO LOAN Quick, stinlglit loans or Hullclliig and Loan. At from I to 0 per ecnt. Cull on N. V. AVnlkcr. .IM-llu Connoll building. Employment Agency. RJJMAltLI. help win bu pioctlled nt Mm. . , . ".;. JV . S,IU kJ ' l'inplo.v meat Ofllce, in. Washington nvenuo, looms 2 and ,. Tnlco elovittor, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. , , in nrrert June i. mo. Tinins leave He inn ton for Now Yoik At 1 50 3 20, rtOS. 7 50 and 10 10 a. m.; 12 10. J 40, ail", n. m. Por Now Yoik and Phila delphia 7 50, inio a. in., und 12.40 and atr; m'. I'or Gouldsboto-At l,.ln p. in Tor lliilTiiln-l.lu, fi 22 and !)00 n. in ; Km. (! ro ami 11.10 p. m Por Ithighiitnltiii, Lhnlia and way statlons-10 2.". a in, 10", p in for Oswego. Sviacuso and ltiica-1 1,', mil "" . n:..ln,i I,r-' '' "' Oswego, Smucus" and Utlca tialn ut (.22 a in. dull., except Sunday. Por Monti oso-fl 00 a m; I 0" nnd fi M p. m, Nicholson nccomuiodatlnii 100 and ii -, p m. iJloomsbuig Division Por Noilhumbei land, at iin and 10.10 u. m.; IV) nnd il IC '' .nU-.lor Plymouth, at 810 a. in.; Sic and 9 0i p m. Sundiii Tinlns-Por New Yoik, 1M. a 20. 0 0., low a. in.; a 40 nnd JIT, p. m I'oi nuffnlo-ir, nnd (,2.' a. in.: 1 :,;, 0 50 and il 10 11. til. rni Plmlfii nn,l ..'.. DlnMnno- 10 2", u. in. Por Tllnghnmtou nnd way sts- iiuii-., , m, n m. Hloonisbuig Division Leave Scranton, 1010 a m. and 610 p. m Lehigh Valley Raihoad. In Lffect Xov. 10. 1'I02. Tialns Leave Seiantoii - II. II. II., at 7.11. tlnough Puiloi Car anil Day Conch Cm bonditle to New Y01I: and 9 47 a. m, with L V. Couch Cntbon lalo to Philadelphia, and 2 18, I r, (Blacic JJlnmntifl 1'vm ..uU .....i 11 ,,1 .. . a..... l,i-M'. n U " -' lr'V '' '" ' 1JS " '"' .w. . ,im- jiuen, iiuzietou unci puoci pat points in the i o.il legions, la D .Vr I 11 11 7 II .HO .,,! in- '.. ... ,... Pottsvllle, 7 II .1. 111 for JJethlcliom, lias ton, Heading, llai risbuig and pilnclp.il intet mediate sta tions ia D. & Hi K u 7 947 ,, m . 2 IK. A 'I fTl1i.nl. Tilninn.l Pirnnn 11 in .. m. Sundavs, D & II. II. n. q us a. m and 1 58 und 1 17 p m. ur 'iiinhimnnor k, rovvanda. Ilmlia, lllinnn flnna. n n ...I n 1.. .!... 1 1 1. . . A.l t .. . .. stations v ia D , L ,V: W. R n , 0 31 a nt. " ." .... nutiiL".H'i, iiiiiiiiiw, .Nlll- ai.i luills, Chlcdgo and all points west vlu D & II. Tt. R. 12 ai p. m.: :;S (Black Diamond r.xpiess). 10 II. 11 n p m Sun- ri .. Vil " Jt l-', ll P HI Pullman jinilor and sleeping or Lehigh ,.?.! !pv I'-'t'oi cars on all ttnlns between wllkes-Biino and New Y'oik. Philadel phia, Ituualo nnd Suspension Bildge ROLLIN II. WII,13tTR Gen. Stipt , 26 Coitland street. New Yoik. CHARLES S. LDH. Gen Pa-s. Agt , 2i Coitland stieet. Now Toil.. A. "W. NONHMACIluR, Div. Pass Agt , South Bethlehem. Pa. T'oi tickets nnd Pullman ie-eivallon ap P.'.V,.10 clty ticket ofllce, CD Public Snuaio, WIlkes-Bano, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Centinl Railroad of New Jeisey. In caect Nov. 10, 1002 Stations In New Yoik, foot Libeity stieet and South Fertj, N R. Ttnlns leave Scranton for New Yoik, Philadelphia, P.aston, Bethlehem, Allcn tovvn. Munch Chunk, White Haven, Ahh lej, Wilkes-Baite nnd Plttston at 7 jr a. in , 1 p m , and 4 p m. Sundavs. 7.1", a. m. and 210 p in Quaker Cltv Kxptess leaves St lantern 720 a. in. with through solid vestibule ttaln with Pullman Buffet Pailoi Cur for Philadelphia with onlv one change ot eais for Biltlmoio and Washington, D C, and all pilnclpal points south and west and has tluougli coach foi New Yoik l'"o Avoca, Plttston and Wllkcs-13.il ic, 1 p m. und 1 p m Siindtiy, 7.13 a. m and 2 10 p m. Por Long Biuuih. Ocean Giove, etc, at 7 .10 a. in and I p in. Foi Reading, Lebanon and II.u ilbbm" via Allentnvvn at 7"!0 ti in, 1 p m and 4 p. m. Stind.tv. 7 1" a in and 2 10 p m I'or Tum.iiiua and Pottt-villo at 7...0 a. m . 1 p m. and I p m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. Por i.ttes and tlekcts iipplv to agent at station W G BUriShUR. fiencial Manager. C M. BURT. Gen Pa-s Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Sihedule In llfitit Juno lo, l!iu2 Tialns le.tvn Seiiinton (,"s u m , tteik cluvs, tlnough vestibule Main limn Wllkes-Haiie Piilhnau buffet pailoi cm uud eoache.s to Philadelphia, via Pott vlho; stops at pilmipal Intel niedlale sta tions. Also i linnet Is foi Sunbiliy. Ilin llsbuig, Plilladelplila Balthnoie. Wash ington and foi Pitthbutg und tho West. 0 17 a. m . week d.tvs, tin Suubiuy. Hui ilsbuig, Pliiludilplilii. Ilnltiinoii', Wash ington and Plttsbmg und the West. 1 12 ,) m, week ilavs, (Siindajs. 1 "S p. in.), lor Siinbinv. lliiiiNlmi, Phll.iilrl phl.t. Biiltlmoie Waslilngtoii ii'id Pitls imirT uud the West .! 2S p. in, week dujs, tliliiugh vtsllbiilo I i iiiu fi rim Wilkes-B n 10 Pullman buffet pailoi i ai ami coaches to Phil idelpliia via Pottsvllli Stops at ptimlpil iutennedl ale stutl.'i.s I .", p in week davs oi lliirlelon, hun blil.v. Iluiiisbiug, Philiidelplila mid Pitts billg. J li HUTCHINSON Gen Mgi. .1. It WOOD Gen Pass Aqt Dolawnie and Hudson. lu l.itn t Nov 10. 1)02 TialllH foi Ciillionil.ila leave Seiniitem nt (.41. 7 l., !. 1'1'i " m '-''"i I.'-'. 2 11, ;, IA e,2-., 7 22, S.il. '!.,, 112.) p. m ; lj.'.l n in Por i)oiu -al tie fi II 10 1J a in.; 2 11 and 6 2J n. ni For WIlkes-Biiiie-i! is 7 11. S II. 'i 17, Kill 11 111 12 HI 112 2 IS i.s. I3, hill, 7 4s. Opi, in 41. 11 D l in Pur I, V It R Points 7 II, i 17 a, in.; .is i.i", and II l' p in Fru Peiiii'-jlviiiili il R Points-i; :;, ') 17 a in 1 12. ! 2S and I S5 p ill Fm Albiuy and all points uoith 7.M it. in und J v; p in SUNDAY TRAINS For Ciiiwiidiilr Sro, III! a m; 2 11, ; r i, r, .2 nnd B 17 P m Pin WllkiS-lluie-0.!s a m . '12 0.1, 1 .VI ;;2s. 0.12 and 0 17 p.. m Fm Alb inv nnd points iimtli-3C.ii p. in .. (in....u.lr.l.. U rJ) n . .! ". ' ., , I III I ,1,11. (-. ' J "' , ' ,- ... J W BUltUICK, G V A. Album. N Y, IV I, I'll J IV, i' i . , ri--iiii,iu,i, ,., Eile Railroad Wyoming Division. In 1. licet Septembci 15, 1(102 Tialns leave Seiiiutoii loi New Voile Newbuigh and lutunudlnlH points, nisc ioi lluvvlev and local .stullooH ut 7 20 a, in and 1 ai p. in Foi Ilonefdal.e and AVhlto Mills at 1 ;; '''I'lPlns iilllvo nt Seinutoii nt IOCS a in and 91 "i P in. j New Yoik, Ontniio nnd Western, Time lublu III cftect Sttndiv. Sept. 23, 10)2, 1,1 NORTH HOUND TRAINS Leave Leavo Atllva Tialns Hctunlon. C.iibondiilo. C.ulosia. No 1 .. .10 30 11.111 11 10 a. ill lain, ni Mu 7 o 10 p iii Ai.Cuiliiiiidulo ti W p.n: " ' SOUTH BOUND Leivo Leuo Autvt Tuillis. Citdoslu, Cuibondulc. Seiantoii. Kii i, li 50 u. m 7 25 it. m N'n 2 . .2 1" 1 ! 4 00 p m 4 1 1 p in. SUNDAYS ONLY. NORTH BOUND Le.Ue Leavo Airhe Tialns. Hei.inion Caibeiiulale. Cadosl i No si .. 8 JO u. ill 9I0U. in 10 13 a, in v0 5 "OOP in Ar.C.ilbondulo 7.43 p ir Leave Leavo Alllve Tialns Culpalii Cat bond.ile. Seiantoii No u ... . OBOa m 7.23 n. m No 10 . 4 .10 1 in (j Oil p in 0 43 p in Tialns No- 1 on week dujs, and 9 or Siliiel!ia louncit lot Now Yoik cltv. Mid illotown. Walton, Notvvich, Oneida, Os wego uud all points west Ttulu No i, with "(.linker City l. pies-s" at Seiituton. via C R R of N. J toi Philadelphia. Atlantic City, BUtlmorr. Washlnetou and Pennsjhanl t sfitt points. E3UO lllllU-IUDlU Ullll VUllbllll Ill'lvQC Hg?tll for connections with other lines J. C. ANDBRSON. O. P. A . Now Yoik. J. K. WIXSI1, T. P. A , Seianton. Pa,