The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News, of
The Bon Ton
Social Club
Admission, afternoon, 20c; oven
ing, 50c.
Miss Nellie V. Fnrrell and .John J.
McNulty, Chief of the Cmbondnle
Plie Department, Wedded Before
large Gathering In the Beautiful
Sacred Edifice Yesterday Forenoon.
Marriage of Miss Sadie Wisely
and' John Kelly Later in the day.
Thanksgiving" 'V was niniked In
."iirbondule by two weddings, whluh
lure MilemnlKcil in beautiful Si. I lose
At ! o'clock In Ilii- forenoon the nup
tials of .Mi-s .Willi- V. Kurrell, of tin
Went Side, tinil John .1. MeNult, chief
nf the t'lirbniulitb- Fire department,
were celebrated. At o'clock MI'S
Sadie Wls"l. and John KeU., liotb of
tho Dundufl section of tin- i Ity, weie
The Furrell-McNulty wedding an
event which tin- prominence of t lie
'piincipals caused to lie nf wiilepieud
interest. Happy evidence of thin was
in the largo mitbei.hiff of friends that
was In St. fio-ie church for some time
before the hoiir !i o'clock awaiting
with either anticipation the coining of
the bridal party.
Miss Alice lliidgett was at the oi-k.ui
filling the church with .the joyful
strains of the wedding inarch 1'ioin
Lohengrin as tin party enteied the
church 'find proi ceded to the sanctum y
mil, where, before the beautiful ultal,'
and In the pre.-euu- of tin; Huong of
fervent, .well-wishing friends, the Im
pressive marriage was observed
by the pastor. .Very I lev. T. F. Coffey,
V. i. While tin- vows weie being
plighted, Miss llridgett played a plain
tive melody, and when the ceremony
iis o er I'emiered Mendelssohn's
march, that sounded the Joy that should
symbol the lives of the weddrd couple.
The nuptials weie not m.nkeil by any
splendor of ceremony, but beautifully
simple anil Impressive.
.Miss .Margaret F.nrell, sister of the
l-ilde, was the inaiil, and Patrick Con
nors, ol ("ioidon avenue, was the
groom's be-t man.
The bride and her m.ild were similar
ly attired. Each was most becomingly
gowned in tallor-miide suits of blue
liroadeloth. ,effeetlvi!ly trimmed with
illibon velvet. Knell wore hats to
match. The btlde eairlrd lirldal rose-
and the maid had n bouquet of I .a
Fiance ini.,
Th" ri-ceptloii followed at the home
of the hi Ide's mother, Sirs. Catheillii
Fin i nil, ill Sunt street. Only the mein
bfis of tlie t.imllb'S ol" the parties
joined In til" felicitations. A wedding
lueaUI'ast iolloned, and at 11,21 Mr.
5inl Mis, -McXtilty left via the Deln
.nre and lfud-oii for I'lllliKleliilila,
They will he ab-ent tbiee weeks, visit
ing, also, New Yin k city and Washing
ton, T. ('. Thej illl lie hinne after
Pec. "0, at the ivsldence owned liv the
iJloom at l.'ii I'lke street.
The wedding of .Mr. and .Mrs. MeNul
ty will awaken the sinceiest cougriitu
la lions of a legion of friends, not only
In Caibondale, but throughout the val
ley. The bride vls u gracious young
lady, who-io gentleness and forbearance
have made friends of all who como
within her acquaintanceship. She Is a
graduate of St. Hose academy, and has
-upplemented her education with mi
Microns accomplishments, 1'ntll recent,
y sho was employed tit .Miss Clullaghy's
(Millinery pailors, whpro her courteous
yiaunei- won her new friends.
!! FJt". fWeLM-XiiJly.-lH not e.colled
IUJfafcp 'Tii
tl -. Ill
j Bad Food Is One of Them.
( traveling Is rather hard on
tfidewupu, Irregtihir huuiH. liullffeieut
hotels nrul badly cooked food pluy
smaslvwlth tltelr digestion.
r. .QjiU'Jiiliulelphlu tia,vler tells how
Jto got the start of his troubles by us-
Jnu drape-Nuts, "For years I was
troubled ; wth, .p, had (stomaeh, which
pavo jne'cunataut pains all throtlgh my
body, caused by eating Improper food.
$ spent 'considerable money on doctors,
jivho'sald I hart Indigestion, and after
fakinu medicine for a year and It dnlng
pio no good,, I decided to go on a diet,
put tho dlffcrpnt; cereals that I ate did
jiot help me. , K It hadn't been for tho
lidvlc&o a.fiflertd to try Crapo-Nuts, I
inlghtfoe'alHrig yet. "
V "I commenced to feel better In a short
llule'afier uslnp the food my Indiges
tion left mej stomach regained Us tone
to that I could cat anything, und heart
(iclies, stoppedi I have gained In weight
und'hnVo n better complexion than I
1iad for years. At many hotels, tho
Salesmen will have nothing In the line
lot cereals but Grape-Nuts as they eon
lclder It not only delicious, but also
lif-HQflclul for their healh In the Ufa
hey lead, " Naiua given' by J'ostum
Co., Uuttle Creelf, 'Mich.
lit popularity In Ciirbondale and vicin
ity. For years he wits n mine forptnun
unller the Hillside font and trim com
pany and has been In the. public eye for
u long time. He was select council
man rrom the Fourth ward for two
terms, and has been chief of the Urn
department of Curbondule since the
time former Mayor KllpatrlcU took
nlllce. He Is n member of Columbia
Hnse coinpnny and Is active In Its eoun
ills, us In all his connections, tie en
joys the highest icspect and coiindenco
of his fellow- clthtctis and hns their
heartiest wishes on this eventful occa
sion of his career.'
Very I lev. T. F. Coffey, V. ri sol
''tnnbu'd the wedding of AIIms Sadie
Wisely, daughter of Mrs. Margaret
Wisely, of Urown stieet, and John Kel
ly, foimerly of New York city, but now
n Ciirbondale resident. There was a
large feathering to witness the cere
mony. The , wedding marches weie
played by I'rof.'stockinun.
Miss Annie Hums, of Hcranton, wn-
tho ifiald and .Tiitiiei l")iiggitii, or thU
cltv. was izioomsmnn. The bride wore
a gown of castor shade, with hat to
match, anil carried initial ione. .auss
Hums was gowned In navy blue, with
headgear to mutch.
A f lev Ihn rtw-mittmi mill itllltlMt' lit the
AVisely residence, the couple loft on the
Delaware, and Hudson train lor New
York city. They will reside on Duuilulf
.street. Mr. Kelly Is employed as a
diamond driller under the Delaware Hudson company.
Among the guests at the wedding
weie: Miles Mi-Andrew and wile,
ilck Norton and daughter. Mury, of
Aichbald; AIlss Sarah Kllkonlu, of
Sirantou: .John Klikouin, or imnaio;
Charles Norton and wife, of Arehbald:
Mrs. Michael I'.urns and ramlly, of
Su-uulon: .lames J. "nan. of Xlagara
Falls: Flank Kniwn and wife, of
lirooklyu. X. V.: Tim l.nvelle. of hui
falo: Charles McC.raugh, of 1'lttsburg;
I'.itilel: Kellv and wife, of Xew York;
and Mii Mary Duffy, of Boston.
General Beligious Observance of
This National Occasion of Thanks
Offeiing- The Union Services.
Secular Observance in Socials, the
Theaties, etc.
As customary today 'I'h.inksgh ing
Day will be geneially obseived In a
ii liglous way. There will be union ser
ices lu the nerean Hapllst church, In
which the First Piesbyterlan, First
Mt thodlt and the Baptist congrega
tions will pal llclpate. Thole will be
special set vices at Trinity Kplseopal
and St. Paul's I.utlieian chinches. The
usual dally devotions at St. Itoje
church, the celebration of mas-, will
give oppoi Utility tor .special thanksgiv
ing. Itev. A. J-'. Clialfefi, pastor or the
Methodist church, will preside lit the
union services, which will commence In
tin,- Jtarenn chinch at lii.::u o'clock this
forenoon. The seimon will be preached
by llev. Charli-s pastor of the Fhsi
l'resbytei-lnn cliuich. Miss dace Hall
will bo organist and the Jleieau church
choilster, Hugh Wllllmns, will direct
the singing. '
Itev. Dr. 11. .1. Wlialen will make a
ph-n for fiinds for Emergency hospital.
Hint Is a thank offering of ?10t. This
sum can surely be raised in the large
congregation which 'will assemble In
the Baptist church this morning. Those
who do not worship elsewhere are ear
nestly Invited by the pastors to Join
In this Thanksgiving service.
The programme Is as follows: lnvo
(allon, with laird's prayer lu concert,
Itev. .1. F. Warner; hymn. "Praise the
I.yrd", leading of the president's proc
lamation, Itev. Mr. Wood: anthem,
"Piiaise Ye the Father" (Gounod), by
the church choir; Scripture lesson,
Itev. A. F. Chaffee; solo, "Tho Heav
enly Song" (Gray), Mrs. George Mills;
prayer, Itev. ,W. IS. Grow; offering,
with plea for the Kmergency hospital,
by Itev. 11. J. Whalen, T). D.: duet.
"Love Divine" (Smart), Mis. Whalen,
Mr. William.-; seimon, Jiev. Charles; hymn, "God Bless Our Native
l.niid"; benediction, llev. A. F. Chaf
fee. The -ervlces at Trinity will be as
tollows: Holy communion service at S
a. in, At in.So o'clock, morning prayer
and sermon, by the rector, llev. Itollln
A. Sawyer. Theie will be special
thanksgiving anthem and prayers. Tho
offerings, as usual on this day, will bo
for the benellt or St. Luke's hospital.
South Bethlehem. The usual Thursday
evening services will be oniltted.
Thanksgiving" services will be held lu
St. Paul's Lutheran church, South
Church street, this evening at T.IIO, llev.
James Wittke, of Scranton, will deliver
the Thanksgiving sermon. If no unex
pected pastoral duties .should prevent
the fulfilling of his pionilsn to do so,
A Thanksgiving offering will lie taken
Theie will be a number of attractions
to make tho social observance of tho
day a pleasant one,
Tho Grand will have an attraction for
both afternoon and evening. "Ilupert
to the "Prisoner of Zenda." This fus
to the "Prisoner of Kendnu." This fas
cinating lilt of notion dramatized will
appeal particularly to thoso who have
lead either in- both books. To those
who have not tho play will appeal us a
means of enjoying the day, Frank
Lelghtoii, a forceful actor, who was
accorded geneious tteatinent by the
press of Scranton on tint occasion of the
company's nppearonco at tho Lyceum
last week, heads the company, nig
houses aro expected at both perform
ances at tho Grand this afternoon and
The Bon Ton Social club will enter
tain with dancing; both this afternoon
nnd evening. In tho Hurke building.
There will be a matinee dance, com
mencing at 2.30 this afternoon, contln
ulnty until o'clock. Tho night social
will begin at S.SO. Tho Mozart orches
tra will provide inuslo for both occasr
Ions. Tho Bon Ton's cordially Invito
their patrons and friends to partici
pate In tho enjoyment of cither occas
ion, The admission for the ufternoon
will be twenty-five cents; evening, fifty
In Hazleton Today,
The Indians foot bull eleven will go
to Huzlcton this morning to meet the
eleven of that town. This Is tho only
game the Indians are to play this sea
son, und they ure leaving with a de
termination to win out against the
Uazlctonltcs and retrieve the defeat of
last year, when they lost by the stnajl
score of 6-0.
The llne-iin will be us follows: Cen
ter, Thomas; right guard, Brown! right
tackle, Collins! left guard, Gorman!
left tackle, MeGlynn; left 'end, McHtile!
right end, McLnlnj right halfback, Mc
Andiew: left halfback, McDonald; full
back, Hadglns! quarterback, Crane.
The Smith-Singer Entertainment
Enterprise Has Closed Contract
with the Brockwny Bureau.
It. W. IltighFon, of Philadelphia, rep-,
resenting the Hrockway Entertainment
bureau, of Pittsburg, was in lite city
yesterday and closed the contract with
Claude H. Smith and Isauo Singer, of
the Smith-Singer entertainment com so,
for this season's numbers,
Owing to the extraordinarily largo
number of solid week bookings at the
Grand for the coming winter, and the
fact that the Urockwuy people, thein
rclvcs, hav.e. made most of their book
ings for the season, there were only a
few of tho 'best attractions at the dis
posal of Messts. Smith and Singer.
Theie weie a number of less meritori
ous unus. but the Ciirbondale men pre
ferred to bo content with u smaller
number of high-class entertainers, even
though the chances of prollt be less,
llian to offer anything to their patrons
that might bo classed as mediocre.
Therefore they decided on three num
heis. ,
The three entertainers. It can be as
.suied, are of tho higher class, each one
worthy of appearing before the biggest
audiences that the Grand can accom
modate. The numbers ure Maro, the
magician: Hon. O. W. Chandler, a
leading member of the Xew Yoik city
bar: and a lectuter, or rather a demon
strator, of liquid air, the scientific
Main was hcie lust season, but will
be none the less welcome. He made one
of the greatest hits of the season, and
as he itnnears In a new programme
this Is assurance anew that ills ic
appeiirance will be a go. He has an
entirely new feature this season, as
suming the lole of an East India prince
of made.
Hon. O. W. Chandler has been beard
by Carbondulluns, patrons of the Smlth
Hlnger course, who warmly recommend
him as a speaker who will be worthy
ol the elfort to hear him.
The liquid air demonstration has been
requested by fully a half-hundred pa
trons of the course, and Hint It will In
tel est and more than satisfy I'nrbou
dallans there Is little doubt.
The opening date of the course, nor
none of the dates, has as yet been fixed.
With the three numbers engaged tin;
cour.-e charge can be fixed at $1, with
out extra charge for reserved seats.
Diagram Will Open at Reynolds'
Drug Store Friday Afternoon.
The dlnginm for the lecture com. so In
connection with the sixth annual Insti
tute of Carbonflale city teachers will
open ai Reynolds' drug store tomoiiow
afternoon at "i o'clock. Checks will be
given ten minutes earlier. The- num
ber of seals that check-holders are en
titled to Is limited to five. This will be
strictly observed. The price of course
tickets is $t. The price of single re
served seats is fifty cents; general ad
mission is twenty-five cents.
Tills course has been-secured ut gieat
expense, with no Idea of profit; the
only purpose was to provide the best
means or entertainment and education
for the public. There should be a ic
sponse by the public that would fill the
Grand on each of the four nights. Hon.
George Wendllng and Dr. HIHIs are
speakers of natlonnl renown, and will
undoubtedly be received with true ap
preciation. AMUSEMENTS.
Annie Oakley Last Night.
Annie Oakley, who when seen last
year was displaying bet- expertness
with the ilfle, doing all sorts of te
matkablo shooting stunts with Buffalo
Bill's show, was at the Grand lust
night lu a somewhat new role. She
was in the leading star'.s part In "Tho
Western Girl." Miss Oakley proved
her versatility by appearing quite at
home lu her changed place. Her acting
was full of spirit, her voice was suited
to the spirit and she won new admirers
as the dashing border lass who was
always on hand at opportune times to
banish danger and harm to those whom
she loved. Lest we might forget her
as an unexcelled rllle shot, she gave an
exhibition of breaking glass balls as
in the days of Hurfnlo Bill. The com
pany was very callable and the play
was splendidly staged.
Lost River.
Joseph Arthur's big scenic melo
drama, "Lost Itlver." comes to
the Grand on Friday night
Lost Itlver. Ind Is tho place of nc-
THF M If r tugest steel
mmmm " becomes dulled
by constant use and must have a new
edge if it is to do good work. Constant
work dulls a man as it does an ax, makes
him sluggish of body ami dull of mind.
He needs a tonic.
bomething that will
restore the keenness
of mind and activity
of body.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
puts new life into
weak, worn-out, run
down men and
women. It strength
ens the weak stom
ach, purifies the
blood, and effect
ively stimulates the
liver. The whole
body is built up with
sound, solid flesh by
the use of "Onldrn
Medical Discovery," .
" I wm confined to my
ucu iui iuur wonm
from January in, 1E09,
and commenced to take
your medicine January
36th. 1849," rites Mm.
Sallle L. Bltepparil, or
Poplarbluff. Mo. "I
took eight bottles ofUr,
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, four of
favorite 1'rescription,'
two vials of 'Pleasant
Pellets,' and one bottle
of Doctor Pierce's Com.
uouud Kxtract of Smart
weed, us a linimeut.
iuuikciiiuu, uu9. uuic
constipation, and hardening of the liver was my
trouble. I 4iu at this time able to do almost any
kind ef bouse vtorL Your medleiue saved me
from snygrae. TluuV. to ou for the benefit,
My rase was hopeless when 1 began taking your
Don't be fooled into trading a sub
itance for a shadow, Any substitute
offered as "just as good" us "Golden
Medical Discovery," it a shadow of that
medicine. There are cures behind every
claim made for the wDiicovery,w which
no "just u good" medicine " can how.
HiliousucM U cured by the use of Dr.
Pierce' Pleasant Pellets.
J4t i " K
Hot Necessary in Order to Cure Ca
t tnrrh.
The popular Idea that the only uuro
for chronic catarrh is a change of cli
mate, In a mistake, because catarrh Is
found lu nil climates lu all sections of
tho country) and even If a change of
cllmnto should benefit for a time, tho
catarrh will certainly return.
Catarrh may be readily cured In any
climate, but the only wny to do It Is to
dlstroy or remove from tho system the
catarrhal germs which cause nil the
The treatment by Inhalers, sin-ays,
powders and washes hns been proven
almost useless in making a permanent
cure, as they do not reach the scot of
disease, which Is In the blood nnd can
be reached only by nn Internal remedy
which nets through the stomach Upon
the blood and system generally.
A now discovery which Is meeting
with remarkabln success In curing ca
tarrh of the head, throat and bronchial
tubes und also catarrh of the stomach,
Is sold by druggists under tho name of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets.
These tablets, which' are pleasant and
harmless to take, owe their elllclency
to the active medicinal principles of
Hlood Root, IU-d Gum and n new spe
cific, called Gttalucol, which together
with valuable antiseptics aro combined
lu convenient', palntablo tablet form,
and as valuable for children as for
Mr. A. It. Kernbank, of Columbus,
Ohlo.tays: "I suffered so many winters
from catarrh that I took it as a matter
of course and that nothing would cure
It except a change of climate, which my
business affairs would not permit me to
"My nostrils were almost always
clogged up; I had to breathe lluough
the mouth, causing an Inflamed. Irritat
ed throat. The thought of eating
breokrast often nauseated 1110 and the
eajarrh, gradually getting into my
stomach, took away my appetite and di
gestion. "My druggist finally advised me to
try n fifty cent box of Stwyt's Catarrh
Tablets, because he said he had so
many customers who bad been cured
of catarrh by the use of these tablets,
that he felt he could honestly recom
mend them. I took his advice and
used several boxes with lesults that
surprised and delighted me.
i always keep a box of Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tablets lu the house and the
whole family use them freely on the
first appearance of a cough or cold in
the bead.
"With our children, we think there Is
nothing so safe and reliable as Stuart's
Cataiih Tablets to waul orf croup and
colds and with older people I have
known of cases where the hearing had
been seriously impaired by chronic ca
tarrh cured entirely by this new rem
edy. tlon. The characters are fashionable
visitors to a famous health resort near
by and the uncultivated natives or that
remote region. The scenery depicting
Lost Itlver Valley is superb. The pan
oramic effect shown in the bicycle ride
for lire, as well as the beautiful view of
the Baden toll road with its massive
tollgate, arc scene in which two of the
most thrilling- episodes 'of the play take
place and which aroused the utmost
enthusiasm from New York audiences
and critics.
Daughters of Hebekah Officers.
Lucretla lodge. Daughters or Ue
bekab, elected officers on Tuesday night
for the ensuing' term as follows: Mrs.
Frank Price, noble grand: Mis Dora
Ludwlg, vice grand-, Mrs. Itobert Weir,
financial secretary: Mrs. George W.
Hughes, corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Kvn Dlx, treasurer. The installation
will take place Friday evening, Dec. f),
and will be conducted by Mrs. Kdwaid
G. Davis, Scranton, the district deputy.
Lockjaw Patient Improving.
William Adams, the aged man who
is at the home of his daughter. Mis.
Ervine Stone, a sufferer from lockjaw,
showed a slight Impiovement yesterday
under the persevering use of tetanus
anti-toxlne. However, the only thing
that can be said In favor or the patient
is that his physician Is hopeful.
Ladies to Attend.
The ladles of Lackawanna council,
Xo, 11", Degree of Pocahontas, and the
Companions of the Foresteis will meet
at their respective hall at t! p. m, today,
to attend the funeral of the late Frank
Jonas Stone, West Plko street, Is on
a business trip to Xew York city.
Frank .McDonald au'il William Kltss
patrlck arc visiting In New York city.
Miss Josephine lllnslaud, of .South
Main street, Is the guest of her brother.
Dr. Ulnsland, a dentist, in Philadelphia.
Miss Hoy, the designer and chief
trimmer at Miss Gallaghy's millinery
parlors, returns today from New York
city, whero she has spent a week ob
serving the now styles lu Indies' head
gear in the fashion centers of the Me
tropolis. ARCHIBALD.
A pretty wedding ceremony look place
in St. Thomas' church yesteiday after
noon at 4 o'clock, when Miss Agnes
McDonnell was united In mutrlage to
William Glldea, Itev. T. J. Comerfotd
performing tho ceremony, Tho bride
was attended by her cousin, Miss Nellie
Mullen, and James Ruddy acted as best
man. Tho brldo was very becomingly
attired lu pearl crepe de chene, with
medalluus and jewels. The bridesmaid's
dress was Jlesld.a green whlpcoid with
laeo trimmings, Hath wore picture
lints and carried aim bouquets of
chrysanthemums. Miss Kate Galla
gher, of Peckvllle, played tho wedding
march and during the ceremony ren
dered "O Promise Me," Hoth brldo and
groom tuo popular young people of the
town, and a host of friends Join In
wishing them .1 happy wedded life,
There will be no preaching lu the
Presbyterian church next Sunday,
Mr, and .Mrs, Thomas Collins, of
Ulngliamton, N. Y are spending
fThanksglvIng with relatives In town,
Mrs, William Callaway and daughter,
Bertha, are visiting relatives lu Scran
ton. Miss Rdna Klees, uf Scinnton, Is vis.
Itlng In town,
Miss Jule Dottgher Is spending
Thanksgiving with friends In Herwlck,
Ofllce hours at tho postofllce today
will be 8 to 10 a. m. and 5 to 0 p, 111,
No money orden or registry business
Prof. F, I-J. Downey, of Dickinson col
lege, Carlisle, Pa., Is spending a tew
days with Attorney J, F. Gllroy and
Ira Jenkins, Charles Jenkins, Miles
Dlkemun, Fred Pratt and W. J. Hroad
''Keen K'utter" Shears, 25c for.
any size from 4 to 9 incites long.
Not many left, but enough for a
day or two.
If To Men
jr mil navcirt muen time to read advertisements we
CJ know, but you miss something If you don't look over
this page every day.
!c Perhaps you wonder where your neighbor got that
Srf new shirt, or new tie, or suit, or how he can get things
St so fhoim nnd vrni Miin'i.
Ho reads the advertisements.
Twenty three sboppiug days aud nothing in the way to turn your mind
from the one thought gifts.
"Why do you advertise now?" asks a friend. "Isn't your store crowded
already? ,
Why, advertising isn't only to fill the store with people, it's to help them
shop to keep you in touch with the world ot goods to tell of new things
what they're for how they'll wear where they're to be found. .Out ads
are as necessary all the year around as a daily newspaper.
More necessary now because the crowd is greatest. You can shop more
quickly and more satisfactorily it you read our ads every day.
Winter Underwear
For Mori and Women
Some people want wool or nothing; some wouldn't
wear wool if they got It for nothing so we have every
kind of good underwear that's made; and because wo
buy direct and In large quantities prices are cYen
under the market.
Men's Shirts and Drawers, DOc to $7.r,0 a garment.
Men's Union Suits, $1.00 to $."..00.
Ladles' Union Suits, $1.00 to $fi.50.
Ladles' Vests and Pants, 23c to $3.30 a garment.
You won't forget your stable on Christmas, will you? All kinds of Street
and Stable Blankets at prices under market values. Waterproof Covers for
the horse as well. Lap Robes, too.
Holiday Handkerchiefs
Men's and Women's
The handkereliief stem that lives up to Its Ideals
all the year lound is the store that's going to get the
cream of the holiday trade.
And we'ie ready for it.
Plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs for women be
gin at !(-, 12'ic; for -3o you can get one fine and
sheer enough for the most particular woman that
ever lived.
A li'o plain hemstitched Handkerchief for men;
and a L'.V kind with hems in three widths quarter
Inch, half-inch aud inch.
"Even girl wants scalloped and embroidered
Hnndkei chiefs .lust now and for 2."i- she can get doz
ens of nretty kinds. Hut even the best of scallops
won't wear as well as hems, and you'll find tho
embroidered and hemstitched Handkerchiefs for USo
much more serviceable. Some lace trimmed.
Connolly 6z W
123-1 25
aro spending the day hunting at llcr
rlek t 'en tie.
D, D. Hecor has been granted a gov
ernment pension of $fi per month.
The turkey dinner given by the ladles
of the Methodist Episcopal chinch to
day will be icady at 1'J o'clock noon,
and supper nt 0 o'clock; entertainment
at S o'clock; dinner, 'S cunts; ohlldien
under ten yeais, I." cents. Entertain
ment free to all hnvlng dinner or sup
per. Entertainment without dinner or
supper, 10 cents,
The entertainment to be given in the
Methodist Episcopal church this even
ing by .Miss Cora Morris arllllu, the
well known elocutionist, is deserving of
a largo pationnge. Miss flrlflin Is en
dowed with great power nf Imitation
aud has hud a thorough I careful
training lu her art. 'i'lt .rtulumont
is one that Is highly recoiiimendcd and
thoso who fall to attend will certainly
miss an evening's pleasure. Tho elmrgo
of admission to adults Is lli'teeu coutc,
children, ten cents.
At the lecent civil service examina
tion for rural messengers held hero u
week ago, T. lu Depew jecelved tho
highest percentage, obtaining U7 pet
cent. It is therefore probable Mr. De
pew will recelvo tho re-appolntmcnt.
A special meeting of the borough
council will be held ne.t Monday even
ing, when otllclals of the Lackawanna
Valley Heat and Power company will
be present to answer the ciltlclsms
regarding the Infetlorlty of the pew
enclosed arc. lamps compared with tho
lamps formerly lu usu and to answer
enquliies. All citizens Interested in tho
light question ate Invited to hehneseut.
Mis. William MoDcrmott is confined
to her home on tho East Side by Ill
ness. The oyster supper given by the uu-fi
ot St. James' church in tho flelfer
bulldiiig last evening was largely pat
ronized and a very cnjoyahlo affair.
The church will be enriched by a neat
little sum through the men's successful
ScrantoiVs Shopping
To Women
for Ch
kets for the
s cinr,
nitial Handkerchiefs
- 12M29 Washington Ave.
Special Train and Special Low Kntes
to New York City and Return.
For the accommodation of the Keran
tou L'nlted Choral society, the Lacka
wanna railroad will furnish a special
passenger train to leave ftoin its Lack
awanna avenue station at 7.U0 a. m.
Friday, November is. scheduled to
reach New York city about ll.'.!U a. in.
Special round trip tickets will be on
salo at the station nlllce good going
only on this train, and for return on
any legulur passenger train up to and
Including Occeinber r.. Further Infor
mation tm application to Mr. David
I'tltchaid, clialiman of the transpor
tation committee, or A. '. Mclnek,
ticket agent Lackawanna railroad,
Scranton, Pa.
Fall Trip to Now York.
New Voik is Intel e.stlug whenever
you vUlt It, but tho fall days in tho
great city Is always ilellghttul. Tho
parks nto nt their best. Tho theatres
have attractions which tlmo have mado
perfect. Tho stoles show a wealth of
new and up-to-date merchandise, and
tho weather is comfortable.
Old Fifth avenue, the pride of tho
city, Is one of the features no lstor
should miss, and Central and
Hi mix Park will Interest everyone.
No mutter wheio you go, something
worth heelng will be found and for a
place where the hours ure lllo minutes
New York leads.
A tilp to New York does one good,
and the opportunity to visit New Vurk
under fiivorablo Urciimstnuces imues
on November liU, when the New Jersey
Central inns Its Fall Exclusion to the
gieat city. Tickets are good going on
any train on above date, and good to
return to and Including November SO.
Thu rates have been induced, and for
further Information consult your local
ticket agent.
A Belfast linen maker's samples
are here at 33 ,ess than regu
lar prices. The lot includes Nap
kins, Table Cloths and fine hand
embroidered Sheets, Spreads,
Lunch Cloths, etc.
Do you care for Fashion V for new gowns or wraps
or dress goods or silks or laces or for bargains?
Will you let some uuu else find these things llrst?
Hut what's the usu of asking every woman knows
our nils, and reads them llrst, and yet they arc only
They are fine for school-boys and girls, good for
women to slip on over kid gloves for' extra warmth,
and every sixth man you meet on a nipping day la
wearing them to business.
All arc woven w Ithout seams and have ribbed cuffs
to tit tight around your wrists.
Men's L',"c to $1.75 pair
AVoinen's , li.'ic to $1.00 pair
Children's 'Mc to HOc pair
women s
"Women's, in both medium weight and fln staeei;
linen, 25c each, or $1.3S for a box of half dozen.
Men's, in medium weight linen, 25c each or $1.38
for a box of half dozen.
Finer ones for men, beautiful fine quality linen,
f0c each, or $2.7." for box of half dozen.
Boxed Waist Patterns
Were $G. Now $3
Enough all-wool French Flannel for a waist, wltH
silk embroidered pieces for front, cuffs, collar, etc.;
all colors.
A Connolly & "Wallace bargain at dress goods
itii av.,iiiu'vi;i:n 2otu ANuaornsTrf.
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars ami transfer nt 1th nve. direct
to hotel,
itoonis with llatli ) fSulH with Hutu
S'j.oii ) $
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Siitctntli bt. nj Ir Ins I'Uco,
Amctlcan Man, 3.60 r-er Pay nd Upward.
European Plan, ?l,00 Per Day and Upward.
Epcclal Kites to Famille.
lor Hiislncss Men
In the liciut of the wholesale ills- -
For slioupow t
n minutes' walk to VVauuiiiakers,
! minutes to Slegel Coopor's lllg J-
Stole Uasy of access to thu groat
J)rj Goods Stoies. ;
For Sislilseer.s
Ono block fiota IT way Cais, glv- 4.
lug e.ib.v tiansportatloa to all I
points or Intel uit. 4.
Only ono liloeit trom JJioaUway.
Pnnnn 1 lln . RU.SIAURANI'
iwvuw, v up. iviccj Kcaiuna
4 "M- " ff-f-f'f-f-fffj
ir 5- T
i i n