The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1902, Image 1

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Steamer GItu of Panama BrliiQs
Late News from the Devastated
Reaions of the Isthmus.
That Damage Has Extended Across
the Mountain Is Evidence of Ter
rific Activity of the Volcano.
Refugees Are Making Their Way
to the Seaside Ashes and Pumice
Stone Fall in Showers All Over
the Surrounding Country Abso
lute Ruin Threatens Planters.
By Kxvluslve Wire from Tin- Asioculcil Press.
San Francisco, Nov. :!. The volcano
Santa Maria was In violent eruption
when the Pacific mail steamer. City of
Panama, left Champorico for this port
nine clays ago.
The City of Panama arrived from
Pailama and way ports today, bringing
late news from the devastated regions.
While the steamer lay at Champorico,
the mountain far away was spouting
ashes', and smoke and pumice stone,
the flakes falling in showers ail over
the country.
The city of Quesaltenango has been
visited by ruin. Tills place Is located
at the base of Santa Maria, on the east
ern slope and no fears hotfitofore have
been entertained for the Iowa's safely.
All the damage reported has been on
the western side, reaching from the
mountains to the seashore, thirty wllefc
That the damage has extended across
the mountain is evidence of the terrilllc
activity of the volcano. Hefugees are
making their way to the seashore, trav
eling either to Ocas or Chumporioo and
from the ports proceeding south by
steamer. From the officers of the city
of Panama. It was learned that some of
the planters are of the opinion that, the
ashes may be benetielnl to the soil, and
tlmt the damage to the Tineas may be
oilly temporary.
Ruin Threatens Planters.
Absolute ruin threaten. many of the
planters and the livelihood of thousands
of natives for many months to tome
has been shut oft' by th" destructive
work of the volcano. The work of ro
habitatlng the Fincas probably will be
tlmt of others than the present owners
for so great has been the damage that
the majority of the plumeiv; may never
recover from their losses.
M. S- Otis, of New York, was a pas
senger on the 'ity of Panama, having
come through I rom New York. Mr.
Otis gives a vivid description of the
appearance of the laud and sea in the
neighborhood of the spouting mountain.
"As far as the eye can reach, from
Champorico," said he, "there is noth
ing to be seen but ashes and pumice
stone, AVe sailed for miles through a
sea of ashes. From the sea to Santu
Maria, the country looked like a boiling
Caldron. At short Intervals, the vol
cano vomited smoke and ashes-. At
"" times the discharge would bo carried up
n short distance Into the air and then
it would spread out like an umbrella
and fall to the earth, covering trees,
hushes and hills with a whip! sluoud.
"At other times the discharge would
seem to leap high Into the n!r as If
propelled by a shock that could be felt
all the way to Champorico. Karlh
qunktis were frequent and the people
felt that their country rested on a
very uncertain foundation. The pen
plo In Champorico seoin unable to foiin
any estimate of the number of lives lost
but they all agree that the wot It of de
vastation an far as the coffee nhintu-
tlons are concerned, Is complete, With
out having familiar knowledge ot the
country. I should say that, this state
ment wns not at all exaggerated.
Family and Guests Will Share Hor
ace Vose's Annual Gift,
Ily KulualirMVlie from The imoeuled I'uw,.
Washington, Nov. L'O.-Whon the l'icsl
tltin and Mrs, Jloosovolt sit down to their
Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow thev will
bo surrounded by practically all the'moiu.
bors of their Immediate family. All the
children will bo present except Konnlt,
who. Is hi school at Uroton, Mass, Thero
aio sovcrnl hoaso Bursts of tlio President
'ind Mrs. Hoo.-ovclt to dine wim tha
family. It Is not unlikely 'that tluee or
four other Inthnnto friends of the Pro.
dent and Mrs. itoosevelt will bo at tho
Tho feature, of the president's Thanks
giving dinner menu will b ti tlilrty-lwn-pomul
chestnut fed turkey, It was sent
by I lorn ca Voso, of Westerly, It. l who,
for a mnuter of a century, bus supplied a
linn specimen of tho noble American bird
for the Thanksgiving dinner of the
dent of the United Mates.
President Greets Tutila Chiefs.
By Kicluh Wire from The Assocltted Prm
Washington, xov. W.-ln consequence
of tho voluntary act of loyalty on tho
part of the people of tho Tutila in codlng
to the United States the sovereign rep.
M'seniutlvcs allli 0f tt,nt lluJ 0,n(,,. 3),
amis, President itoospvelt has sent them
a message, of greeting and In addition has
presented each chief who signed the In
Btriimcnt with u silver watch and chain
and a silver medal.
Texas Bank Dynamited.
Vj Exclude Wire from Tho AuocUted Vttt.
Dallas, Tux.. Nov. M.-Tho First Nation
al bank ut Morgan. Dossuu county, was
dynamited by robbers early today and
R.000 In gold, sliver and currency secured.
Ihe first Intimation of tho presence of tho
gang believed to be three in number was
Wlien ft loud pvnlnalnn it no I.. ....! o
, citizens could reach tho bank the ban-
-- " miuni iiiu money in tno outer
mrv unu uiuue men' cscupu
Hunters Mak.
he Most o the Few
Days of Set.
Special to the Sen
That Remains.
Stroudsburg, Pil ' v. l!C Only a few-
days are left in w "vto hunt deer In
this anil Pike counties, and hunters are
making the most of them. 'More deer
have been killed this season than for
several past. The first Pike county deer
that was shot this fall was by Oershoin
I'.unnell, near Bushkllt. Five large
buoka have been killed In the woods
about Silver lnke, and full bags of small
game have been brought In by the local
A wounded deer from Pike county
swam the Delaware river to an Island
opposite Port Jervls, where It died. Its
carcass, with a bullet wound in It, was
found later. lUohard Nlllls, while driv
ing a herd of cattle' to Stroudsburg, n
few days ago, was surprised to see a
four-pronged buck come down from the
woods and mingle with the cows.
In Iiushklll the residents are annoyed
by bears, which come down from the
swamps and Invade their farmyards.
Hunting parties have been actively en
gaged for several days In hunting bear.
Fred Townsend succeeded In getting In
two shots, but bruin escaped. The peo
ple are hoping that President Hoose
vell, who is expected In a week or two
to visit nutherford'Park N. J. to hunt
both moose and other big gallic will try
bear hunting: In Pike, county where
they ate plentiful.
Only three bears have thus far been
reported killed In Pike county this sea
son and one of those was caught In a
trap by Churli's Ratael.
Recently a large eagle was shot in
Pike county by a New York city man,
who mistook it for a hawk, and last
Saturday Howard lOrk. a lad In his
teens, living at Seeleyvllle, Pa., killed
an eagle with a rille in the outskirts of
Gill's woods in Wayne county, which
measured sixty-five Inches from tip to
tip of wings. Tt was. prettily spotted in
colors of gray and brown.
SPEND $10,000,000
Many Improvements Are Contem
plated on the Various Lines of
the Company.
Ily r.xe!uHe Wire from The Atmjililcii l're.
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. ill. The board
of directors of the 'Pennsylvania Kail
road company at its. meeting today cre
ated the ollhe of general counsel and
appointed General Solicitor George V.
Milssey, of Delaware, to the position.
Francis I. (Joweu, formerly president
of the Choctow railroad, was appointed
genera! solicitor to succeed Mr. Mas
sew Other promotions announced were
those of P. I). Prluci and George Stuart
Patterson, assistant solicitors, to bo
assistant general solicitors. It is stated
that the directors also authorized the
bridging or the Susquehanna, river at
Shocks .Mills, and the construction of
new freight yards at Marysvllle, i'j
near llarrlsburg, and in this cltv at
West Philadelphia.
The directors of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company and the Pan-IIundlo
road today authorized Improvements
which will cost nior- than $10,000,000.
Th; Pennsylvania Railroad company
will expend nearly J3,000,u00 on improve
ments between tills city and llarrls
burg, which will include surveys for a
new low grade line from Cressville, Pa.,
on tho Columbia and Port Deposit
branch across Lancaster and Chester
counties to a connection with the main
Mil at Atglen, Pa., a distance of thirty
The Pennsylvania company author
issed the expenditure of $0,000,000 for
Improvements on the Northwest sys
tem, to lie completed within the next
two years. These will Include the
double-tracking of the Kort Wayne be
tween Pittsburg and Chicago, the work
to be done In that direction being prin
cipally upon the western division, be
tween Crestline und Chicago: also for
double-tracking the Cleveland and
Pittsburg between Hudson and Ravena.
The directors also approved tho surveys
for a contemplated new line to extend
from Lawrence Junction, on the Fort
Wayne, to Red Hank, on the low-grado
division of tht. Allegheny Vallcv.
Of the SI.500.0U0 authorized to be ex
pended for improvements by the Pan
Ilandle director!?, a considerable por
tion will be used for second track work
west of Columbus, third track work
west of Columbus, third track work be
tween Pittsburg and Stuebcnville, O.,
and double-tracking a portion of tiio
Chartlers railroad. The directors of
both the Pennsylvania company and
the Pan-Handle approved the plan for
establishing savlncr funds, imvinir ait
per cent, interest upon deposits, to go
Into effect on January 1, and also the
action of President Cassatt In advanc
ing tho wages of the employes ten per
cent,, dating from November I,
Mr, Barkus Would Regulate Trusts,
My llxi'hiilvi' Who Irom The AtiocUlcd I'rws,
Indianapolis, Nov. W. James S. Dar
kus, state senator-elect of Torro llauto,
will Introduce a resolution during tin
coming session of the IcslHliiturt-j re
questing congress to call a national ton.
stltutlouul convention to amend the laws
for tho regulation of trust. The call
must bo Issued on request of the legls
la tares of two-third of the stutes and
Mr. Barkus would have Indiana take tho
-" 1 1.
Theodald Is Discharged,
liy llxclucht' Wire (rem The AksocialeJ ITcs.
Washington, Nov. 2G.-'Wllllam II. Theo
bald, special employe of tho treasury de
partment in connection with tho New
York .custom house, has been discharged
by direction of the secretary of tho treas.
ury. It Is charged that Mr. Theobald
bus been over zealous In the dlschaige oi
his duty and has brought tho derwrtnunt
Into disrepute b.l III advised actloiflu con
nection with seizures of Imported goods.
BRINGS $18,000.
Other Valuable Paintings Sold at
Auction in New York.
By I'.xoltislve Wire from Tlio Aociatftt l'ie. '
Now York, Nov. 16, Verostchiigln's
picture of Sail Juan Hill, "Come on,
Hoys," showing Colonel Roosevelt
charging nt the head of his men,
brought SlS.000 at public auction to
night. In all, thirty-one pictures by
Verestchagln were sold without reserve.
The total amount realized was $43.04u.
The twenty pictures representing Na
poleon's disastrous campaign lit Rus
sia, which were included in the cata
logue, were withdrawn from the sale.
It was announced that they had been
purchased by the Russian minister, by
order of the czar, for tho museum of
Alexander 111, nt St. Petersburg. The
price paid for the twenty canvasses
was said to be $100,000.
Kaiser William Indignant at the
Accusations That Caused the
Gunmaker's Death.
Bj Kiclurl'.f Wire (rum The Assuciitrd Prtts.
Essen, Prussia. Nov. it!. The presence
of Kmperor William at Ilerr ICrupp's
burial today was designed by his inaj-;,
esty-to show his absolute disbelief of
the accusations that caused the gun
maker's death. A statement was Is
sued that the emperor wus Indignant
at the cruelty and malice of the social
democratic charges, and he Is said to
have personally expressed his feeling
In the matter to the Rev. Mr. Kllng
mann, who delivered the first of the
two funeral orations.
By Kmperor William's side was the
deceased's cousin, Arthur Krupp, and
General Von .Biasing. Then came Bar
on Von Rhelnbaben, the tlnunce min
ister; Herr Moeller, minister of com
merce; Admiral Von Tlrpitz, secre
tary of admiralty: 'General Budde,
minister of public works; General Von
Plessen, General Von Lowenfcld, Gen
eral Von Huelson-llaeseler. Dr. Von
Lacanus, chief of the civil cabinet;
Admiral Von Senden-Blljran and a very
largo company of other distinguished
persons, Including the burgomasters of
adjacent cities and great manufactur
ers from all parts of Germany.
About 14,000 of the Krupp's workmen
were drawn up on either side of tho
route. Prince Henry of Prussia was
represented by Commander Schmidt
A'on Schwindt.
Liveried servants bore behind the
hearse, on velvet cushions, the orders
conferred on Ilerr Krupp by sovereigns
all over the world. The city was hung
in blade and the street lamps were
alight and hooded with crepe.
At the cemetery, as the collin was
lowered lnt,o the vault, beside that of
the deceased's father, Kmperor AVil
llDtn saluted and a great chorus of
workmen's singing societies chanted a
requiem. Then followed two funeral
Last of the Individual Operators
to Make Terms with Their
Ily l!i'liilte Wire Horn The .Unjil.itnl I'ri"'.
Hazleton, Pa.. Nov. i-'C Coxe Bros. &
Co. and their striking ompioyis settled
their difllcnlties today, and work will
be resumed at the seven collieries of
the company on Monday. All the men
except those under Indictment for mis
demeanors, alleged to have been com
mitted during the strike, and the slate
pickers, whom improved machinery has
displaced, are to be taken back at once.
The slaleplckers, who are no longer re
quired In the breakers, will be put at
other available work anil tho time
divided between them, If the indicted
men are acquitted of the charges pre
ferred against them, they will bo rein
stated In their former positions.
The Coxes arc the last of the Indi
vidual operators to conic to terms with
their employes.
Negro Pays the Penalty for Double
Murder at Bridgcton.
fly Kvi'UitlVtt Wiui ti'om The A.oiialeil I'ro,
Bridgcton. N. J., Nov. !. Job Williams,
colored, was hanged in the Jail hero p.
day for the nitirdur of John S. Holmes,
an aged farmer and his housekeeper, Miss
Cathariao .'Unite, on August ;' last.
Williams' neck was broken by the full
and death was Instantaneous, lie showed
remarkable nww.
The. niotlvu for the murder wus robbery.
After killing the two persons Williams
carried tho bodies to tho barn and sot
that Structure on file. He was arrcdlcu
ii few days later and confessed to Jho
Treasurer Charged with Larceny.
tf Kxclunlve Wire tioiii The Anoclittii I'reu.
New York, Nov. tU Lawrence Murphy,
'formerly truasurr of the Journeymen
Stono Cutters' association, of New York,
was arrested tonight charged with the
larceny of Jio.oua, There was a change of
officers last August when Miuphy was
asked to turn his funds over to the new
treasurer, It Is alleged that ho hud to do
so and that ho then left the city, Murphy
was supposed to bavo gone to Knglaiid
but tonight he entered the meeting placo
of the association und was arrested,
Wire Syndicates to Combine.
Uy Eicliulte Wirl from The AfsacUttd Prru.
Berlin, Nov, W. The Vosslehe SColtung
confirms tho report that the United Stales
Stcol corporation Is negotiating with tho
Austrian and German Wire syndicates to
ward dividing up tlia neutral markets so
as to avoid competition therein.
Verdict in Miller Case.
)y Kxcluihe Who from 'ihe Associated I'rut.
Uellefonte, Vd.. Nov. 20. Tho tiial
David Miller for the shooting of bis son
In-law, Itobert Itoach, nt Osceola last
July ended today. The Jury after being
out two hours and forty-flvo minutes ru
turned a verdict of murder In the second
Th Arbiters Give Her More, but
flroentina Receives Much Mori
Valuable Territory
Expert Witness for Chili atXondon
Expresses View That the Santiago
Government Is Sustained in Gen
eral , by British Arbitrators.
Chilians Take the Verdict With
out Demonstration.
Ily Kxeliishc Wirt- hum Tlic .Uwcbti'd Press.
""'Santiago, Chill, Nov. 26. The decision
of the British arbitration commission
in the boundary dispute between Chill
and Argentina was received here calm
ly, but with little satisfaction. The
new demarcatory lines have no scien
tific basis, and, although Chill gets the
larger share, Argentina gets the best
London, Nov. I'C. A. Bertrand, a
Chilian expert, who testified before the
British boundary commission, said to
day that ho regarded the decision as
generally rather favorable to Chill.
More than half the disputed territory,
although not the most valuable por
tion, is awarded to Chili.
"1 do not believe," he added, "that
we could have obtained so much from
Argentina by direct agreement. I sail
for America tomorrow to participate In
marking out tho boundary."
One of the North American's ''Bright
Young Men" Is Arrested on the
Charge of Criminal Libel.
By Kxclmhc Who flout The Associated I'less.
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1!6. The case or
William It. Draper, a newspaper corre
spondent or this city, who was arrested
yesterday on a warrant .charging him
with being a fugitive from justice, came
up for hearing In the court of criminal
correction today and, by mutual con
sent, was postponed to December 1.".
Draper's offense was the authorship
of un alleged libelous article, written at
Witehlta, Kans., concerning an Indian
by the name of White Buffalo, of Okla
homa Territory, and published in the
Philadelphia North American last July.
The article in question stated that
White Buffalo had been sent to the gov
ernment school for Indians at Carlisle,
Pa., where he was educated: that ho
had returned to his tribe imbued with
a deep hatred for the white race: that
he met May Andrews and after court
ing her for a while, bound her to a pony
and when found she wus dead; that ho
then met Annie Dennis and after a
shoil courtship, her throat was cut;
thai "White IJuffalo then met Maud
Kills, and in a short time she was found
with a knife In her heart.
The article stated that White IJuffalo
was under arrest, charged with the
Mr. Van Valkenberg, editor, and
Kmory Foster, Sunday editor of tho
North American, accompanied by White
Buffalo, Colonel It. II. Pratt, superin
tendent of tlie Carlisle. Pa Indian
school, at which Institution White IJuf
falo was educated, and Judge James
(1. Gordon, of Philadelphia, canio here
to prosecute the case. J
The Fifth Outburst Since May 7,
Occurred Yesterday.
Ily UxcludtP Wire from The Afwi Uteri Pros.
Kingstown, St. Vincent, Nov. t'u', A
violent eruption of La Soufrlere, the
fifth big outburst since the catastro
phe of May 7, took place today: George
town, and the village of chateau lielair,
situated on the west coast of St. Vin
cent, were ugaln evacuated by their In
habitants, Telephonic, cnimiiuulcutlon In these
districts is interrupted owing to the
fierce lightning. Subterranean rumb
lings can be heard and volcanic clouds
are seen from this city. The crater had
been smoking constantly since the ter
rlflo eruption of October ID.
B Kicliulre Wire from The AuocUted I'jtM.
Canton. O., Nov, W.-Mnjor Millar,
I.'nlted States army, quartermaster of the
department of the lakes. Is here to In
vestigate tho matter of Increasing the
guard at the temporal y tomb of the lute
President McKlnluy.
It is expected to put the garrison on tho
basis of an army post. Hospital and dis.
punsary facilities tiro to bo Increased ami
ii pew site selected to accommodate sixty
llvo men,
War Agaiust (Federation.
ij Eiduihe Wire from The Assoclited I'rtei.
Denver, Col., Nov. fa. The executive
board of the Western Kcdeiatlon of
.Miners today Instructed tho Untie (Mon.
tana) union of engineers, affiliated with
the Federation, to Insist that every man
in that locality eligible to membership,
shall join the union. This action is re
garded as a declaration of war against
tbu Aineilcan Federation of' Labor, which
lecently organized an engineers' union at
Valuable. Museum Burned.
Ily Kxcluslve Whe from The Aswclated l're.
Odessa, Nov. 2'i. Tho watchman -of, tho
museum attached to the University of
Odessa today set fire to tlio building and
then committed suicide by hanging him
self. Tlio edifice containing a very val
upblo collection Wjia destroyed.
The Strike Continued in Only One
District of the Mining Regions.
Ily i:xcluir Wlic (lorn The Ao'oolnlcil Pre.
St. Itlelinc, Franco, Nov. Si). The
committee of the coal miners' feder
ation or the Loire held a meeting to
day and resolved In favor of the re
sumption of work ut till Hits mines In
the district next Friday.
After the decisions of the miners' fed
eration oi" the Nord and Pas dc Calais,
November 18, to abandon the strike In
those departments, the only coal region
of importance still holding out was that
of the Loire, and with today's decision
tlie general strike ot the coal minors of
Franco, which was declared on October
9 and which at one time Involved over
ino.ODO men, came to an end.
Mournfully Picturesque Funeral
the American Church in Paris
Demonstrations of Sympathy.
B Exclusiie Wire fiom The Aisoclxted I're.
Paris. Nov.' 28. The Ellen Gore
drama reached a fitting climax today In
the mournfully picturesque funeral at
the American church lu the Hue Do
Herri. The occasion was marked by a
notable demonstration of sympathy not
only on the part of the Americans, but
by the French middle classes, students,
artists and other habitues of tlie Latin
quarter. At 2 o'clock the street lu front
of the church was packed with stud
ents and as the cortege approached
they uncovered their heads. The hearse
was preceded by a uniformed function
ary wearing u blue sash and hat. The
hearse was hung with black and bore
the monogram of the deceased. Tho
oak casket was covered with u pall. It
was followed by tluee state carriages,
b.ut excepting the first they were empty.
The first carriage was occupied by M.
Pacqtlet, representing Consul General
Howdy. There were no pallbearers and
mourners. The Interior of the building
was crowded, chiefly with women. Ar
tists filled the aisles. One of them stood
sketching the scene.
The casket rested on a high cata
falque. In front of the altar and was
covered by live superb wreaths, one of
them being from Mr. Gowdy. The
others were from anonymous donors.
The Ke Dr. Thurber officiated. The
service included a reference to the
proverb: "Evil communications cor
rupt good manners." Dr. Thurber re
frained from mentioning the tragedy.
The cortege after the services, pro
ceeded to Hagnoux cemetery. where
there was a similar brief and simple
Mr. Gowdy is continuing the taking
of depositions in life capo and will for
ward his first report to Washington
next Tuesday.
The Buffalo Slugger Has Lost His
Hold On the World's LighW
Weight Championship.
By Etchulic Wile from Ihe .WoiUted I'ltax.
San Francisco, Nov. I'C Frank Erne,
of Huffalo, lost his hold on the world's
light weight championship in his con
test with Young .llmuiie Brltt. of this
city, who knocked Erne out In the sev
enth round at the Mechanics pavilion
tonight. The contest was the fastest
ever witnessed In this city. Brltt, while
not so clever as the Duffumlun, was
tlie more aggressive and landed the
most telling blows. The men went at
It from the sound of the bell in tlie first
round and for nearly eight rounds It
was a nip and tuck contest. Brltt
proved himself far the cleverer in the
clinches ond never missed a chance to
use his right or left to advantage. The
eastern lad showed his superior gener
alship in many tight places and kept
Brltt off with straight lefts during tlie
early part of the battle and later in the
contest discovered that he could upper-
cut the Callfornlan .successfully. On one
or two occasions he had the San Fran
cisco boy at a disadvantage. Erne was
in a bad plight several times, but fought
back with superb gumeness and suc
ceeded In hoping the Callfornlan off at
the most critical periods, in only one
run nd did Erne have a decided advan
tage, the fifth. Erne In this round land
ed a straight left on Brltt's Jaw and
followed It up with a terrllfle right to
the heart. He continued to play for
the Callfornlan's heart and at the close
had his youthful adversary In an al
most groggy condition, lu the sixth
round both men fought furiously, Brltt
trying to regain the ground he lost in
tlie last half of the preceding round
and Erne endeavoring to secure a, de
cided lead over llrltt. The latter played
for the nuffalonlan's stomach mid heart
and during the last half minute of the
round placed his left one on the solur
plexus. llrltt fought fast and hard,
mul rushed at his man landing territlo
punches administered by Brltt was not
to bo overcome by the minute's rest.
and when Erne stepped to the center of
the ring In what proved to bo the final
round, It was scon he was almost gone,
Brltt was not blind to his advantage
and rushed at his man landing terrlfiio
rights to the face and head. A left up
perctit caught Erne on tho solar plexus
und ho went down for a count of seven
but his dominant energy asserted Itself
and he gained his feet only to go down
ti few seconds later from annther ter
rific one to Ihe same place, Ho reeled
over and did the best he could to rtguln
his feet, but could nut do II.
Fourteeen Thousand Miners Idle.
Ily i:&tlulre Wire fruni The Associated 1'iu
Hhainokln, Pa Nov. L'C.-.U tho Ninth
district United Mine Woikeis' headipiar
tera today, It was statcdothut 11.000 men
and boys am of 51,0m) former initio em
ployes are still Idle. No money has been
received for relief pui poses since Novem
ber C. The miners' stores .have n small
amount of provisions in stock.
Corporation Chartered.
Uy Kxi'lu!ic Wire fim'ilic AnwUli'd l'ic...
llautsbiirg, Nov. St!. A charier wan
Issued by the statu department today to
tbo .I'aiksliUi Water Supply company,
1'Hi'ksldv, Monroe county; capital, Ji.ow.
Individual Honors Go to
A. C.
Bowen, of TT. P.
B.r lixeliulie Wire (rum The Aoo!ateil 1'resi.
New York, Nov. Ut!, Cornell won the
Intercollegiate cross country cham
pionship today and the Individual honor
went to A. C. Bowen, of tho University
of Pennsylvania. The race was decid
ed over the steeplechase course of the
Morris Park race track In Westchester'
The runners, or rather all those who
finished, covered the course live times,
the entire distance being about six and
one-halt miles. Bowen's time for the
run wns thirty-five minutes, and Fran
cliot was just one second behind him.
It. E. Williams was third at the finish,
and in fact all through the contest the
race was between these three. W. B.
Scltrett, Iv. Woodward and T. Newman,
all of Cornell, finished fourth, fifth and
sixth respectively, and won tlio cham
pionship, ns the first three to finish
were from different universities.
The score by points was counted on
the positions in which the men finished.
White, of Cornell, was ninth In the
order nt Ihe finish, so that Cornell had
the lowest total, :M points; Yale was
second with Un; Pennsylvania third
wltli r.3; Harvard fourth 'wltjli C!t;
Princeton fifth with 75, and Columbia
last with HI points.
The course was wet and holding, so
that the time made was very good
considering these conditions. The order
of the first nine men at the finish was
as follows:
A. C. Bowen, University of Pennsyl
vania, first; D. W. Franchot, Yale,
second; K. E. Williams,, Princeton,
third; W. B. Schrett. Cornell, fourth;
K. AV. Woodward, Cornell, fifth: T.
Newman, Cornell, sixth; A". P. Wal-
drou, Yale, seventh; AW A. Colwell,
Harvard, eighth, and C. A. AVhite, Cor
nell, ninth.
Awful Results Follow the Collapse
of a Furnace at Birming
ham, Ala.
Ily KxchMte Wire fimii The .Mjvi.ited Pin,,
Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 26. One man
was burned to death, two were fatally
Injured and a. third wus seriously hurt,
while two strangers are reported miss
ing, as the result of a sudden collapse
of the furnace of the AVilllanison Iron
company, lu Birmingham, this morn
ing. The dead: Thomas J. Edwards, gen
eral manager of the plant.
Injured: James K. McAunalley, store
man, fatally burned; Allan Maw, col
ored, foundry man, fatally burned;
Charles Sampson, son of the secretary
of the company, severely injured.
Tlie break in the furnace caused a
mass of molten Iron to gush forth, and
Edwards and the injured men were un
able to escape from the fiery stream.
The two strangers who are missing, and
whoso names are unknown, were" talk
ing tu Edwards at the time tlie explos
ion occurred, and may be under tlio
debris and Iron which has since hard
With Exception of Cigar Makers All
Classes of Laborers Returned to
Work Yesterday.
Uy Kzcluthc Wire fruin'fhv .Uvn.liUcl I'irsi.
Havana, Nov. ill. With the exception
of the clgarmakers, all classes of labor
ers returned to work this morning and
the city generally has resumed Its nor
mal condition. The clgarmakers Mill
have a few minor points under discus
sion. The authorities had begun in think
that there was no fear of further dis
turbance, but there still remains a
feeling of animosity lu tlie hearts of
tlie more demonstrative strikers against
tlie motormon mid car conductors, who
are blamed for breaking up the gener
al Mrlko. by their refusal tu go out.
Threats were- made during the afternoon
in outlying wards to do these men In
jury, and these menaces culminated at
dark this evening in an assault upon
several cars, Hliots were llred from
house tops In liolascualan street and a
intitorman and two passengers were
shot, the niotorniaii being fatally In
jured, m
Steamship Arrivals,
Uy Kii'ludtv Wlru Hum The AfncUtnl l'ri.
New Voik, Nov. -'!. Cleared: l.u (las-
ennup, Havre; I'Vlcditeh Der t'irossc, Un
men, Sailed: Majestic, Liverpool: SI.
Paul. Southampton. Hamburg Artlved:
lllaeher, New Vork. liri'iucu Arilvcd;
KrouprliiK Wllhehu. New Vork. Liver
poolArrived; Oceanic ami Noniadec,
from New York. Koyal-IMssed: Lahu,
Genoa and Naples, for .New York. Honlll-,
banipton Arrived: Philadelphia. Now
York. Arrived: .Slalendaiii,
New A'ork via llonlogiie, Snr Sler.
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Ily Cxi'hitlie Wile from The As-ocijp'd Pico,
Washington, Nov. SI. I'eiisloiis granted:
l-.'dwlii It. Ileckeiis, of Plymouth, tIL';
Elizabeth Carils (wldowi, of DKksou
city. s.
0 Kichube Wile fioui'lhe Asodatfil I'reu.
Mt. Clemens. Mich,, Nov, -'ti. Sheriff
elect James M. Eahnstock, of 1'lttsbiirg,
Pa,, died at the Agnew hotel here today
after a brief attack of pneumonia. His
sister, .Mrs. McHrlde, and Dr. J. M. Jfc
Lance, of Pittsburg, were with him when
he died.
Loudon, Nov, W. Tlio Most Itov. John
Macvilly, Hoinnn Catholio archbishop of
Tallin and prlinato of Couaaugiit biuco
issi, died today, at tho age of b5 years.
Representatives of the Miners rM
Some Pointed Remarks About
President Baer.
Messrs. Darrow and Lloyd Point On
the Fact That the Same Man Who
Told Judge Gray the Operators
Agreed to the MacVeagh. Idea ofl
Amicable Adjustment, Signed tha
Telegram Calling Off the Peace'
Negotiations Independent Oper
ators Feel Jubilant Over the Sue.
cess of Their New York Trip.
That tlie miners' representatives ara
decidedly piqued at tlie experience they
encountered in AYashington can bo
gathered from the following statement
Issued yesterday afternoon by Messrs.
Darrow and Lloyd.
Tlie commission adjourned for ten days
lu pursuance of an arrangement between
the parties to give opportunity for con
ciliation on account of a telegram which
we understand was written by George K.
Baer in the presenco of and with the con
sent of every railroad concerned and wan
falgned by Wayne MacVeagh. Tills tele
gram was written after a careful read
ing of tlie lenatlve agreement which hud
been prepared and written by counsel of
both parties and which had been submit
ted to the commission. At the rniiuest of
Mr. MacVeagh, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Darrow
and Mr. Lloyd went to AVashlngton to con
sult upon some minor details of tho agree
ment. There was no friction or Impor
tant disagreement between the parties at
tho meeting in AVashlngton. Later In tho
day and after tho conference In New
York with the independent operators, Mr.
MaoA'eagh received a telegram calling oft
nil negotiations a'nd advising that tho
matter bo settled by the commission in a
regular hearing.
The man who wrota. tho telegram to
.Tiulvo Ciay stating that the main fea
tures of tlie coiltiact were acceptable,
was tlie same man who signed tho tele
gram to AVayne MacVeagh three or four
days later stating that negotiations must
A copy of tho tentative agreement is
In tho bands of Hon Wayne MacVeagh,
Mr. AVIlleox, of the Delaware and Hud
son company; Carroll D. JVrlght and
probably Mr. Baer.
AVe can see no reason for the expression
of any opinion, the facts speak for them
selves. AVe have been leady at all times
to consult with any ono in Interest and
make any reasonable adjustment, but
we have no anxiety whatever over the
case or Its results and shall be ready for
business when tho commission meets.
Clarence P. Darrow.
Henry D. Lloyd,
The best explanation of the sudden
and somewhat surprising turn which
the negotiations took Is given by u
frank member of tlie independent op
erators' committee.
An Operator's View.
"Mr. Morgan was influenced by
Wayne MacVeagh to believe that an
amicable adjustment of the contro
versy was desirable. Mr. Morgan, prob
ably had not given the subject a half
luuir's consecutive thought, and, ot
course, wus easily Influenced by tho
well-meaning, but too enthusiastic; Mr.
MacA'eagh. When, however, the coal
road presidents nud Mr. Morgan came
lo consider the thing soberly, they were
not long lu arriving at the conclusion
that whatever authority had been given
Mr. MacA'eagh lo negotiate a settle
inent (out of court) had better ho held
In abeyance.
"Accordingly whwi our independent
operators' committee arrived we found
the coal presidents ready to agree with
our lino of reasoning. There was really
no controversy between the coal pres
idents and us after Tuesday morning.
How much power, If any, they delegated
to .Air. .MacA'eagh, 1 do not know, but I
know that whatever that power, If any,
was, it was withdrawn for the very
reasons we had to off or.
"Tho public does not want the con
troversy settled out of court, tho Inde
pendent operatois would never consent
to settlement out of court, und the besl
thing for the' big companies is that It
should not be settled 'out of court.' For
the best Interests of all concerned,-th
miners Included, the commission should
hear the whole case and render a de
cision. The question of wages could ho
adjusted amicably, no doubt, but the
question of wages Is not by any means
the main question at Issue. There
should a manifesto from the commis
sion and a strong manifesto, at that
on the matter of boycotts, on the mat
ter oC an employer's right to hire and
discharge and the matter of "workmen
having the right to sell tils labor when,
where and bow he chooses without let
or hindrance from a labor union.
Can Prove Assertion.
"We stand ready to prove what wi
(Continued on Page 1,1
Local data for Nm ember 28, VMl:
1 Ugliest tcmperatiuc .,,,.. II degrees
Lowest temperatiii'i ..,,.... 30 degree
ItclntlVH liimildity:
s a. m. ... 8S per cent,
& p. in S3 per cent.
I'rrclpitatlon, Si hours ended 8 a. iv.
u.'.'S Inch. , ,-j
4- --ii
AVashhigton, Nov. 16. Forecast
for Tmidi. aid Friday: Eastern "
Pennsylvania Clearing and colder -f
Thursda) ; Friday fair; brisk 'yest 4-
10 noriuweai winua. ,
ttt.t t-$
I V.'. ,
k. ,7 'I
A. ''4
. j-"?;. . '