r t, v. . , ig & -j i "i ' f, "ij.tt't Vr5" 1 x - i 1 7 W T r - -, . - tT.n M ' t ! 4 i , M -IP?! ' ' "V 5f -iAfcfT,' 'V 9'A,"'?nrAS Tfc .-vVW Tri& " ri. t t e j "f nT ' - X ' s. "i U .. A A l,, V, i ."' THE S0RA3STON TKlBUJNJir-n'J!JJLNJL:SDAX, NOVlSALHHIt 20, 15)02.' ?J -., ifi,,'' v I' Free Distribution FOB THK BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO HAVE NOT TESTED THE YIHTUES OF Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy ntiil nir unfamiliar with Its merlin, iiriuiigenicntH havo been made lor n FREI3 DISTRIBUTION of SAMPLE BOTTLES, flom Mm thug stoics of thhl city. Ask your druggist for u FREE BOTTLE mid convince youtsolt of the wondorfttl value or this uroii t cmo for Kidney Disease, Female Weakness nnd the other conditions for which It Is icconmiondcd, nml for which It litis boon UWII W til HUCIl BUCCCBS 111 II IB meuiii. Mil l-imli ilcM rice ni mo loiiovwng ciniK biuiiti. S II. Ilonwood & Co., Matthews Bieis. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. Special to tho Bcrnnton Tribune. Plttston, Nov. 25. Filends nnd iel atlvcs of Ed. Schussler, foimeiiy u member of tho Hi in of Schussler & Hcchtold, of this city, of Into a resi lient of Now York City, have leccdffili umiotmcpinoiu of his muiiiiige iHft jounjg ludy of Unit city. Tho wcdggtii; took place on October lb. Mr. nnd Mis. Schussler ulo expected to nittve heie AVednesdaj evening for. a tew days' visit. .folm Dunn, who conducted uu up holsteilug nnd fuinltuiu lepniiing es tablishment on South Main sttort, but Mho lias been wotking in Chnilc.ston, Virginia, for the past few month'-, Inn l etui nod to this city and has ecuiid employment as a carpenter with the Lehigh Valley CouJ company. Mis. Maty A. Ddnnellnn, ngod about sixty yeais, died Wednesday evening at her il'ome on High .tteet after a Inlef Illness. Tho funeral take-, plate Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. H. II. Hauls, esq., of Tujloi, will officiate as conductor of the even ing session of an eisteddfod to be held in the Welsh rongiegatlon.il chinch Thanksgiving day. William Motgnn, ot Tompkins stieet, has gone to Ullsvvoith, Pa., wheie he expects to secure employnipnl. A handsome granite shaft bus been ejected In PIttbton cemetery to maik cite last testing place of the late Au di ew Bijdon. In the West Plttston cemeteiy a monument of the finest gtndo of Quitrcy granite has been ereet id oer the giavc ot the late Thomas Fold. The vuilous chinches of the city will hold a union Thanksgiving seivice in the Broad street Presbyterian chinch On Thanksgiving morning. While fooling with a llobeit i Ulo Sat in day, the discharging of the gun thiew a bullet into the foot of Roy Iluntei, of Wyoming aenue. West Sitdo. It lodged in the joint ot the big toe. Hi Dively lemoved the bullet anil it is thought theto will be no seiiuiit i on senuences. CJeoige Ivapulka was -epielv limned by an pplosion of gas in the Mt. Look out mine last Friday. JIis Ne,ttie Coleman, aged 24 ye.ns, a well known young lady of this cit , died Satuiduy motnlngnt her home on Bioad stieet, after an illness of tv pholfi fever. r.einaid Alulroy, an aged anil well known lesident ot Stuimerville. was tound dead in bed Wednesday moiniinr. lie had been In usual health up to the time of dentil. Yesleulay moinli.',' he was ai mind the house foi a few houis and about 10 o'clock lie went back to lied. The funeial took place this moin Jng, Mis. Anna Paines Smith, aged Tn yenis, a lesident of Wyoming, was found dead In bed Monday moinlng when lelathcs went to her loom to awaken her. The funeral will take place this Wednesday morning at 12.30 iclot k. Chkf Co-giovt-, of Duiyen, l etui nod fium Plillail"lpliia whore he had gone In sifirch ol the Knhlrr child, which w,is kidnapped fiom the poich of the high school building of Durjta ,i few-week- ago The child was a six months old boy and had been adopted liv a lcsppptnhk family in nuiea Te.me diateU upon the little one's dlsippear nTe It was suspected that the hoy's mother, Mis. Knhler, 'as the kidnaper. .Slio wus dually tuuM to Philadelphia and Chief Ci)-,Rine letmned with Mis. Kalilei and the child tills i cuing about G o'elodi. TUNISIANS OCK. Fpclal' to the Roianton Tilhuno Tiiukhaiinock, Nov, li." The Monday tlub met at the home ol Mis. " On im Dei shinier, vesteulay nfteinoon, nnd lendeied ihe lollowiug piogranime. "Tnought Is the pioperly of him who in onteitnln It, and of him who can idi'iiuntely apply It " Imiei.son; i oil iall, quotations liom contompoi.uy poets; "The Polish Plot," Mrs, T. II. (lu'iivllle; chaiacter bketches, "Isaac Newton" (Isaak Walton), Mrs. .1. W. Piatt, "Itoblnsuu Ciusoe," Mis. Diaper Hillings: music. Tor the first time In jeure, the Wy oming (.utility jail is without a single luniuto, Mr. uml Mis. James Day spent Sat uiduy nt Wilkes. ljuire. Miss Until Loomis, of Monti ose, Is visiting Iipi fileiid, Miss rtuth Biough tou, on Hlocum stieel. .John AVatsou, of Pittstou, .pent Kun da with ft lends In town. .Mr. and Mis, James lllght nie en tertnlnlng Miss Jessie Cable, of AYII llamspoit, this week. Newell A. Poty, of Mehoopany, was in tow n on btislness, Monday, The case of Duutel II, Carey vs. La moreaux & Johnson, assumpsit for wages of manual labor. In whU li a ver- Dealness Cannot be Cured by local applications ns thoy cannot reach tho diseased poitlon of tho wir, Tlicio la oiilv onu way to cmo dcufness, uml tint Is by constitutional lomedivu. Dcafuevs Is caused bs an Intlumed condition of tho mucous lining of tho IJustULliluu Tube. Winn this tuba Is Intlumed you have u tumbling sound ot linpoifect heating, mm when It uttltcly dosed. DcjOiumu is the tesiilt. nnd uiileitri tho liiflnntatlon can can bo taken out and this tubo loatoreil to Its not mill condition, hem lug ll bo destroyed foievet: uinu cuses out of ten uio caused by Cutatrh. which Is nothliig liut an inflamed conUltloit of thu mucous hct vUos W will lvo One llundtcd Dollats Mr it iy case of Deafiuss (caused by i.ituuh) Uvtt cannot bo cutcd Vy Hall's C.ttatilt i'uip. Sond for ilrculnrs. free. F. J. C5I1ENKY &. CO., Toledo, O. Bo)d by Druggists. 75e. Hair ritmlly Pills uio the beat. ,.,. 1t .,,,, t ,r ,,, "inimii ,.. .............. ... -. ... ..v.,..-, diet was lendeied lit' favor of the plain tiff tit the October term of court, has been appealed to the supctlcr court. Tho Walker fetty, located at Keeler huig, has been leused by parties in Eaton and will be bi ought here this week and sot In motion at the end of Win ren stieel. The roadways are now being gtaded. Mis. Thomas Pttidon, of Dalton, spent Monduy and Tuesday with her patents, Dr. and Mis. A. U. Wood wind, on Second sttcet. Miss Kyte, of Plttston, who has been the guest of Miss Margery DeWItt, i etui ned home the latter part of the w eek. MONTROSE. Special to the Strantan Tilbttite. Moult ose, Nov. 21. Iletny Smith, of New Milfoid, was In town yesterday. Miss Madeline Loomis is visiting ft lends In Tunkhannock., Fied Amsbry, of Pott Dickinson. N. Y., lias been spending seveial days In town. II. S. Conklln was in Cieat Bend the. latter putt of last week. The schools heie will be dosed tiom Nov. 1! to Dec. 1, on account of Thanksgilng Lewis Loomis eaptuied a fine gray tox alive whllo hunting Inst Friday. The animal was dug from his den, af ter having been chased theie by dogs. Adelbett O. Danow, of Halistead, was a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mi s Geot ge A. Dart ow, Sunday. Miss Julie 13. Ctuser was a visitor in Binghamton the latter patt of last w eek. Mr. and Mis. W. W. Amsbiy and daughter Helen,' will go to Pasadena, t 'til., to spend some time in that region. A small attendance ot our cltls:ens pnjod the excellent pi ogt amine len deied bv the Ktnpiie 13nlei talnment company nt Village hall, Saturday night. Chandler Stephen-- and daughter, Miss Jennie, of AVllIIams' Pond, will lesldo-In Monti ose tills; winter. Do not fail to attend the entct taln ment at Village hall Thanksgiving night. The Junto.' Auxiliary of St. Paul's I3piscop.il chinch, always pio tluce a llt.st class performance, and this will he no exception. Clutilpo H. and John S. Dean, of New Yoik city, lelurned to that place Satin chiy, after spending a couple of weeks at the Tat bell house. They weie pi evented from hunting, as was their intention, by the Illness of J. S. Deano, who was confined to his loom durliur his entile stay in this place. Selden Munger has lpturned from'a visit in New York city, THOMPSON. Special to tho Sctanton Tribune. Thompson, Nov, 23. Frank Stnibltd, who has been on Mis. Mont Wrighter's fat m for tho past year, has closed out his business and will go to Newark, N. J., to live. Fted Tjlei, of the township, who was taken sick while In IClk county and re turned home, Is having a rim of typhoid fever but is doing well. It Is thought. Itev. 11. M. Pasco was in Avoca, on business, yesterday. An addition has beer, put on the school building', and Miss Jennie Wat son, of Halistead, took charge in the finished loom this morning, It cannot be said any mote that 'our school rooms aio ciowded." Pi of. 13. M. I'ompton is the ptincipal: Miss Jennie Watson, intermediate, and Miss Vlrgle Curglll, primal y teacher. Union Thanksgiving set vices aio to bo held in the Uuptist church at 10.30 a. in. Tluttsduy. Rev. It, M, Pascoe will pieach the seinton. Mr, and Mis. Yale Ittelimoitd, of Car bondale, are callers In town today, Jtnld (leltitt, ii representative of the Scrautoti International Correspondence schools, Is here today. Mis. L. J. Witghtet, or the township, left this mottling for Whitney's Point, wheie she will visit her uncle, who Is sick. Tho Kev, AY. II. Fiench, of tho Free Baptist chinch, lias been holding evan gelical services at Mud pond, Hast Ararat, with encouraging lesults. C. C, Wilmarth, of our lendy pay htoe, and Oeorgo A. Pickering leaves lor New Yoik city this evening. F. M. Lewis has bold some ofhls ie.il estirto to ills hi other, C. M. Lewis, and tumor ItnR it that outto material changes will titko place. Our coal dealer, Iluuy nioxham, has a good supply of coal on hand. Miss Heba AVllinartli has nmti (di luted as a scholar in music at Keuka college. Sho Is the second pupil Thomp son lias in that institution, NEW MILFORD. BprclM to the Scrunton Tribune. Now Mllford, Nov. 25. Miss Nell Qulnn, of Blughumtoiij is spending a week with Iter mother, Mrs. Cunduco Qulnn. Union Thanksgiving services will bo conducted at, thu Uuptist church on Wednesday evening. Miss Mugglo Hayden, who is employed in Binghamton, is home for a few duys. Miss Nettle Stlluell and Miss Lettle Woodhouse wl'l spend the remainder of this week with their parents at Dim ock, Miss May Bradley entertained the W. nnd O. club Tuesday eenlng. Tito Sigma society met with Miss Bessie Lewis, Tuesday evening. Fred Hayden, of Foster, wus home over Sunduy. Jilts Mlldtcd Cook will spend Thanks giving wllh her mother, Mrs. D. B. Cook, nt Stevens Point. Dr. nnd Mrs, E. A, Snyder were In BlnRhitinton, Monday.' Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Clark, of Cntbon dnlo, weio calling on friends In town Sattirdnv. Fted Badger, of Ulnghahiton, visited tit the homo of K. S. tinrrutt, Monday. 10. A. Benson will conduct tho ser vices at the Methodist rlnirch Sunday mornlna. Mis. II. It. Carpenter Is fonllncd to her home by Illness. TAYLOR. Tho funeral Bervlcos over the re mains ot David W. Powell took plneo yesterday afternoon from .the family residence on Tuylor street, uml was largely attended by friends and rela tives. Bev. Dr. II. II. Harris and Itev. D. C. Edwards officiated. The former spoke In English and tho latter in Welsh. Both spoke In a feeling man ner ot the deceased its a kind nnd generous neighbor and a modest hus band nnd loving father. The llornl offerings were many and beautiful. At the close of the service the t cumins wore borne to tho Forest Home ceme teiy, wiiero thoy were laid to test. The Taylor lodge, No. GGS, Independent Or der ot Odd Follows; Lackawanna lodge, No. 113, Ameilcan Protcstnnt association; Temple of Love lodge, No. ", American True Ivorltes, and Pyno Mine Accidental fund, of which the deceased was a member, attended the obsequies. The pallbearers were: John .1. Ftnncls, John T. Jones, John J. Jones, William Iteese, David Kossar and David Thomas. The condition of Rev. M. J. Wntklns continues to improve dally and bright hopc-3 ate entertained for ultimate re covery. V. J. Davis and O. L. Timlin will leave next week for Philadelphia, wheto they attend the convention ot the Undertakers' association. Mr. Davis is an applicant for membership. The regular monthly meeting of the Firemen's Relief association will bo hold on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, nt the Hose house of Hose company No. 1. All members are requested to be ptesent as business of importance Is to be transacted. THEATRICAL. "The Christian" at Lyceum. A good bized audience saw "The Cluls tlan" presented at the Lyceum last night by a company that brought out till tho stiong points of tho chamo. consti acted fiom Hall Caine's powerful story Clara Blandlck gaVe a vhlcl poitrayal of Glory Qunylo and tho character of John Storm was most admirably handled by Stanton Hliot. Tho other Important lolos -weio also in most captblu bands. Fine Show This Week. Kveiy sent on the lowei flooi of tho Dixio was taken Inst night and the lute comers had to be satisfied with tho bal cony scats which aie now becoming nulto popular. Tho bill this week is tho best by far flint has been seen heie this season. The famous Tcn-Ichi tioupe of Japanese won der workeis ate a muivelous attiactlon. Onci which is sutr to draw ctowds to the capacity of this little theater at each por fotmance. Nothing so goigeous has eer been seen heio befote and tho marvelous feats pet foi mod by Ten-Ieh! me astonish ing, thumb tuck, the enchanted toun luin tiick and thu hamuli volcano baffta the closest obsei vor and can only bo seen to be oppieciated. James Richmond Olcn loy, "tho Man with tho Gieca Gloves," keeps tho audience in a toai of laughter fiom statt to finish. Rea and IJtoscho piesein an uptoatiously funny comedy skit entitled ' Too Much Woman." Flood Bios ate pienuer aciobath nnd their mui plou.s teats ai c a delight to all behold cis. Mi. and Mis. Aitlntr Young pie sent a laughable sketch lit which they do soma lery clever tiick violin plajlng. 13ddle Mack Is the most artistic on the stage today his dancing Is a delight. Clai.i Douglas is ,i dainty dancei and sinss well. Mrs. Jack Tonight. Miss Alice Fischer whothiough her successful depiction of tho tuimo purt in tho Gtaco Liilngston l'utniss comedy, ".Mis. Jack," finds herself established as "Amei lea's foiemost comedlotino" Is al most mote pleased at her emancipation from the enacting ot "adventuress" lolos than at her elevation to the position of a star In a night, notwithstanding that this is a distinction never previously con ferred on any playci. Like tho tragedian wgho sighs for comic roles and tho comedian who eniles tho lot of tho tt.agedlan, Miss Fischer had always a stiong prodillctlon for comedy Impersonations and whenover assigned ouo dcmoustiated her aptitudo In that lino of endeavor. Miss Futnlss became convinced that weto the light vehicle ptoUdcd for Miss Fischer she would at onco take her position in the foiemost ranks of comediennes. This conviction was shatcd by I lent y 11. Han is, who had noticed her skill In comedy. Their fair has found justification In tho buccebs won by Miss Fischer In "Mis. Jack" The Wild Rose. It is the aim of till musical coinposms who dovoto their efforts to the composi tions of that ptesunt day most popular stylo of entertainment elassllled ns mu sical galtles, to wtito ono particular num ber with a lov of making it tho "whist ling tune." Ludwlg Knglnnder, who is tc sponslblo for Gcotgo W, Ledeier's latc-bt successful "gaiety." "Tho Wild Rose," which comes to tho Lyceum Fiiduy has stiuck tho light cliotd In "Tho Little Gjp py Maid," sung by It ono Iientiuy In thut pi eduction, Sho does not come down to the foot lights and throw it at tho audlenco, but sits under a ttce at ono sldo of tho sliigo uml languidly cioons the graceful air. It is in a gypsy camp in a wood that seems Infested with drowsiness. In an apparently chanco spot, a swntthy skimted Ind emotges fiom a bioken down wagon, and, bitting on Its steps, whittles a stick whllo ho sings tho leftuln, uml tho gypsy girl lies back wltl closed eyes. When hfi bus flnlhcd iiu slides buck Into tho wagon ns though unsuspicious of listeners "A New York Girl." Manager Ileiriugtoit, of the Star, pie bents for his Thanksgiving attraction, "A New Yoik airl" company. Tho cast con tains tho names of many well known cloor people, and a huge cltorub of twenty pretty ellis, "Frolicsome Flo Flyuwny" Is the churncter portrayed by tho cleverest woman In burlesouo, viz; Bttlalle, and this dainty chlo comedienne hus no rival in this particular lino. Tho stugo, nettings, costumes and scenery ate truly resplendent. The large chotus of hundsomo young ladles conttlbute In no small way toward making tho entertain ment a buccess, and it is u combination which deserves patronage by all. Owing to tomorrow being a holiday, tho regular evening prices will prevail for the mattieo performance, An Old and Well-Tiled Roniedy. MRS. WIN8LOW8 SOOTiUKCI SYRUP foi chlldt en teething, Is tho nivsciiptlati of one ot the best fomule physicians and nurses In the United States, and has been used sixty years with lie vet. fulling suc cess by millions of mothers for their chil dren. Dining the process of teething Its value is Incalculable. It rclioves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In the bowels, and wind colic, liy Riving health to the child It tests the mother. Price, twenty-flvo cents u bottle. Mnscngni and His Company. Mnscagnli who appeals nt tho NeW Ar mory on December 8, brings with him to America only soloists who have stood tho lest of appearance beforo tlio moat critical iilldlcnco of tho old world, tlioso of Italy, 'Dvory singer In his company has been approved of In such theaters as La Bctiia In Milan and the Custatilz In Rome. This Is pei Imps tho blithest tribute which cotlld bo paid them, but It may bo added they aio especially fitted to como tb mfrlca with tho famous composer as each has scoted great successes in tho operas of Ills, Jn which thoy tiro to sit here,' "Ciivnloiln Rnstlcann," "i5nnptto," "Rntcllff" and "Iris." 3TAOB NOTES. Rlcliuld Hauling Davis' novel, "Captain Macklu" Is to be duimatlzed by Piank II n Fylcs. I3lslo Do Wolf leccntly seemed tho Amciican tights for tho latest London comedy, "Mis. Wllloughby'B Kiss." Merrl Osbotn has been engaged for tho rolo which I3tta Butler was to havo played In "Tho New Clown" In Dan Daly's company. Henry Miller has bought Richard Hat cl ing Davis" diamatlrutlon ot ono of his own novels nnd will piesont It about thu Hist of tho lear. Bhcrrlo Matthews, the former pai titer of Ilarty Bulger, has suffered another par alytlo stroke and Is In a sanltutlum at liidlnnapolls, Ind., his homo. Juno Vnn Btisklik leslgncd fiom tho Louis Muiin "Iloch, tho Consul" com pany last week, giving ns a reason that tho stnr was "too cccenttlo to" got along with." "Lost River" depicts Ulo In Indiana In dramatic and sequent foim. There are sovernl sensational scenes and mechanical surpiises lit the play, notably tho lido for llfo on bicycle during a leallstlc thun der storm. The types of Hooslcr char actor arc, vividly diawn and "Bluo Jeans" has been outdone on its own ground and It Is own locality by Joseph Aithur's big sccnlo melodrama, "Tho Groat DoPieau Case" was tho ottering ot the Hlmmeleln's "Ideals" at tile Academy of Music last night to a laigo and well pleased audience. Tho play is a diamatlzatlon ot tho popular nos-el of tho same title. In tho afternoon "Cap tain Impudence" was lcpcated to a ciowd ed house. This afternoon "A Child nf tho Slums" will bo piesontcd, and to night that beautiful Itlbli diatna, "Gatty Owen." LEGAL. TUB ANNUAL stockholder meeting ot tho Consolidated Water supply co , will bo held at their ollico in tho city of Sctanton, Pa., Wednesday, November X. 1902, at 9 a. m , tor tho election of of tlceis for the ensuing jour and for tho tiunsaclion of any other bushiest tint may como befoio the meeting. GL'ORGU B. J13RMYN, Sect elai y. THE ANNUAL stockholdeis meeting of the Panther Cicck Water Co, will bo held at their ofilce In the city of Scran ton. Pu., Wedncsdnj-, November 2ii, l'JU.', at 0 a. in., for thu election of olhceis tor tho ensuing jenr and foi tho tiau-actlon of any othei business that ninj' como befoie thjB meeting. GUORG13 U. JDRMYN, Societal V. THi: ANNUAL .stockholders meeting of the Lackawanna Valley Water Supply Co, will bo held nt their ofilce In tho city of Sctanton, Pa , AVednesdav, November 2t., 1!K)2, at ! a. m for the election of of llceis for tho ensuing yeat utfd for tho ttaiibactlou of anv other business that maj' como befote the meeting. GEORGI3 IS. JI3RMYN, Sectotuiy. TIII3 ANNUAL stockholdeis meeting of tho Cnibondale AVntet Co, will be held at their olllce in the cit of Scinn ton. Pa , AVednesdav. NovembPi 2i., lMJ, nt a n. m., foi the election of otllcui.s tor tho ensuing jear and for the transaction ot anj- othei business that m.iv come befoie the meeting. GCORGI3 B. JDRMVN. Secielniy. Till! ANNUAL stockholdeis meeting ot tho Fall Biook & Newton AWitei Co, will bo held at their ollico hi tho city uC Sctanton, Pa , AVedncsrtay, November 2ij, 1!WJ, at ! a. m , lor the election ot of flceis lor the ensuing jc.ir and for the tiansactinn of any other business that may como befoio the meeting. GI30RGB Ii. J11RMYN, Secielniy. Till! ANNUAL stockholdeis meeting ot tho Uunloud.llo Water Co, will bo held nt their otlico In the city of Scian tuu. Pa., AVednesdav, November 2'j, UKtJ, at !) a. m., for tho election of ofllcois for the ensiling jear nnd for tlte transaction of anv other business that maj' como be lot o the meeting. GBORGf! B. JI1RMYN, Secretnij". THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot the Bock Cliff AVater Co, will bo helu at their ofilce In tho cltj of Sctanton. Pa , AVodnesdaj', November 2ti, 19u.', at 9 a. m., for tlie election of ofllcers tor tho ensuing j-car and Tor tho ttnnsaction of anj- other business that may come bo foio tho meetlmr. G130RGI! B. JI3RMYN, Secietarj-. TI1D ANNUA Ij stockholdeis meeting of the Vouching AVater Co., will be held at their olflce in tho city of Scrantou, Pa AVednesday, November 2C, 1902, at 9 a. in., for tho election of offlceis for thu ensuing jear and for tho tiansactinn of anj- other business that may como be foie tho meeting. GEORGl! U. JDRMA'N, Secretin y. THE ANNUAL stockholdeis meeting of the Fell AVater Co, will bo hold at their ofilce in tho cltj- of Scrantou, Pa., AVednesdaj', November as, 1902, tit 9 a. in , for tho election of offlceis for tho ensu ing j-ear nnd for the transaction of any other business that may como bofoto thu meeting. GEORGE B. J13RMYN, Secreturj-. THE ANNUAL stockhnldots meeting nf the Crystal T.nko AVater Co, will bo held at their odlco In tho citv of Sciau ton, Pa Wednesday, November 2U, 1902, nt 9 a. m., for tlte election of ofllcois for the ensuing joar and for tho transaction of nn' other business that maj- como bo foto tho meeting. GEORGE B. JERMYN, Seerctnrj'. THE ANNUAL stockholdeis mooting nt tho Joimyn & Rushbrook AVater Co. will bo hold at their otllcn in the city of Sctanton. Pa., AVednebdaj-, November 2i, 1902, nt 0 a. m , for tho election of ot llcers for tho ensuing jear and for tho tiansncllott of any other business that may como befoio tho meeting. GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secrctarj'. THE ANNUAL stockholdeis mooting of tho Jcinijn AVntor Co, will bo hold at their ollico In the cltv of Sctanton, Pa., Wednesday, November 23, 1902. at 9 tt, m , for tho election of ofllcois lor tho ensu ing jear and for tho tinnsnctlon of nny other business thut may come befoio tho QEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretnty. THE ANNUAL stockholder!! meeting of tho Rushbrook W'nter Co . will bo hold nt their ottlco In the city of Scianton, Pa , AVednesduj November 2h, VM, at 9 a. m , for tho election of ofllceis for tho ensuing jear and for thu uansaetlon of any other 1 iislness tlt.it may como bofoio tho met- itlET. GEORGE B, JF3RMYN, Senotnty Till! ANNUAL stockholdots mooting ol the Clinton Water Co.. will bo held at their ofllco In tho city of Scianton, Pa, AVednesdaj', November 2(3, 19J, at 9 a. in , for the election of ofllceis for thu uiisiiiiir year and tor tho tiansactiou of any othei business that may como befoie tho tneoi Inff. GEORGE 11. JERMYN, Sectetary. THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting n( the" Glonwood Witter Co.. will bo held nt their olllce in tlft city of Sctanton, Pa., AVednesday, November 20. 1902, nt 9 a. ni., for the election of ofllceis lor tho ensuing yo.tr und for tho transaction of any other business that may como befpto tho meet, ing. & ' OEOrME U, JERMYN, Sectotuiy. THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of the Muyfleld Water Co. will bo field nt their office In the city of Scianton, Pa.. AVedne&e! u November 2ti, 1902, nt i) a, in , for the election of ofllceis for tlte ensuing year und for the transaction of uny othei business that may comu befoio tho meet ing. QEORGE n. JERMYN, Becretaiy. THE SOUTH SIDE BANK A special meeting of the btoikholders of the South Sldo Bunk will bo held at tho bank ing liouso on Monduy, November 2lth. 1902, between tho hours of i and 4 o'clock p. in., to take action on utipioval or dls. apptoval of the proposed lnctease of the capital stock of the bank from 150,000 to fCO.000. FRANK HUMMLER. Sectottiry, T- 'II'1"1!" THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 'I I Ull lllilll V Only IIMf a Ont a Word. Real Estate. See Hackett IF YOTT WISH TO BENT A PROPERTY IF YOTT HAVE PROPERTY FOR RENT . IF YOU WISH TO BUY A PROPERTY IF YOU WISH TO SELIi A PROPERTY ' IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE A PROPERTY a IF YOU WISH TO APPRAISE PROPERTY IF YOU WISH TO INSURE PROPERTY IF YOU WISH PROPERTY OARED FOR IF YOU WISH TO SEIiL A BUSINESS IF YOU WISH TO BUY A BUSINESS IF YOU WISH TO BORROW MONEY IF YOU HAVE M)NEY TO XOAN IF YOU WISH BURGLARY INSURANCE" IF YOU WISH ANY KIND OF INSURANCE IF YOU WISH TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY, AND GET WHAT YOU SEE HACKETT, Real Estate Exchange Building, For Rent. $1S For Rent Ten-ioom house; excellent neighbothood: nil model u Impiovo ments. on avenue. Apply to R. P Ham ilton, 42G Spruce street. For Sale. DIAMONDS Ring llkt. mounting, stone $12; ono a full V& caiat, ?2S; one - carat, nearly cntat, $10; one tiipe lurget, $40; lino gvpsj-, two diamonds and runv, $21. Half cntat ear sctews, $40; half catat ear diops, $2S; lino white diamond ring, 0 carats (slightly Impel feet), $330. Lots of other Diamonds, Sapphltes, Emeialds, Rubles, Pearls and Opals at lock bottom pilces. Satisfaction given, or "jour money back without atgument." AValier W. AVinton, Diamond Pallor, No. t.07 Meats building. FOR SALE-Ouk mantel. S feet high, with minor, 28x40 ill. l10 AVashington avenue. FOR SALE One pair of giay mates, welt matched, weight 2J0O, sound and gen tle, good di Ivors and woikets, singlo or double. Inqiiho of Majming Gillespie, New Mllfoul, Pa. FOR SALE A pair or well-matched geld ings at &20 Gtoen RIdgo stteot, city. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FOR RENT An etta huge furnished front loom. All impiovomonts, Mh Adams avenue. FOR RENT A nicely furnished mom; all modein conveniences, at &27 Gieon Ridge street. 1'OR RENT A furnished loom on second floor float, $K.0 week. CV, Adams avo. Rooms and Boaid. FOR RENT Fui nished looms for gentle man, with or without boaul. Inquire at 010 Adams avenue. THE LINDEN, S09 Linden htteet, has a number of dcsltnblo vacancies; light looms and choice table board. PLEASANT looms with bond for four or five j-oung men. Inquho 332 AVash ington avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND AVHEAT TRADERS Wttll out delay. AVtlto for our special mar ket lottor. Fteo on application. S. M. Illbbatd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange. II and 4ti Broadway, New York. Established lSul. Long Distance 'Phone 23S8 Broad. Xost. LOST A yellow leather pmse containing sum oi muiic-y uuu fiiw'i ,,"'" " stamps." Kindly leave at Smith's Diug stm e. 1001 South Main avenue and receive towatd. Strayed. omn-rai-Tn tlie Lackawanna Stables. 410 Penn avenue, a white hotso. Ownor can havo samo by pajlng expenses and ptovlng ptopeitj'. LEGAL. ESTATE OF Chllstina R. ZlJemnn. dc-ceased-Letteis testameutmy upon tho above named estate having been granted Hi tho imdoiblgiied bv tho ujgister ot wills of Lackawanna roiiutj'. all poihons having claims against tho estate aio ni c tested to ptesent them, mid thoso in debted to tho cstato ato icnultcd to nuiku Admlnlsttatot, Scrantou, l'a. R, L LEVY, Attomej Branch WANT Ota, Want Advertisements Will Be Recolved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Centml City ALBERT SCHULTC, comer Mul bony stteot and Webster avo. UUSTAV P1CHEL, 630 Adams nventie. West Side GEO. V JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue, South Scianton PRED I, TERPPE, 729 Cedar avenue. Noith Scianton GEO. W, DAVIS, coiner North Main uvenuu nnd Market stieet, Gieen Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1137 Dick son avenue, P J. JOHNS, 920 qieen RlcU;o stieet. C LORENS5, corner AVashington n venue and Mailon sttcet. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmoie J. G BONE &. SON, l".a,tflteuf-iia.W ''LTSJ No Order Accepted for Less Tlinn 10 Cents. Real Estate. 1 WANT THE BROKER Help Wanted. AVANTED Agents to soil tea nnd col fee to coiisumeis. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co , Jll Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wonted Male. AVANTED Good loom fler on plain bioad silks in annex In laige city. Pei manent position jvlth advancement lor light man. Address, stating experience. Fixer, Call office, Paterson, N. J. DRUG CLERK AVANTED-Reglstered. D. J. Thomas, corner AVyomlng avenue und Mulbotry street. Help Wanted Female. LADIES with sewing machines to woik at home: matetials furnished uitv dis tance. Good wages. Send .stamped ad chessed envelope for patticuluts Anchor Mfg Co . 19 Federal st . Plttshuig. Pa. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants cnetgetlc Geneial Agent for this county. No books, liisuinme, or cinvassing. . Ac citiaiutaiico witlt metchants and mnnu lactuieis nocessatj-. Peimnnent. Bond. State age, expeiience, lelotenccs Hist let ter. Addtess, Sulto 372, No 1001 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITUATION AVANTED-By jouug mar- iled man as coachman or dtlver; can furnish good lefcieiices as to .iblllty and clinraetci. Addtess 2ai9'Noith Main ave. EXPERIENCED LAUNDIU3SS would llku work. Addtess E. K., IIU S. AVaali lnglngton avenue, city. SITUATION AVANTED-By young wo man us, chambermaid. Addtc-s B. McG., 41D S AVaslilngton avemio, clt SITUATION AVANTED-To go out tho first patt of tho week, w.ushlng and Ironing; washing and iionitig taken homo also Call or addics A. B, 331 N. Sum ner avenue. YOUNG LADY would like work evening as copjlst, tjpewilting and take cam of business coriospondence. At llbeitj lifter 0 o'clock evenings. Can furnish ex cellent icfeiences. Addtess Ptnctlcal, Trlbuno ottlco. Wanted. AVANTED Ono pair of good sound hoises, weight nbout 2,300 Economy Fiirnlttito Co. AVANTED Two looms, flist lloor, on Mulbetty 4110014 between Madison and Pioscott avemio, for phjblclun'x ofllco. Addioss Phj-slclun, t)17 Adaiiib avenue WANTED-Small fin nished house. Ad diets Box 200, cltj", PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. 8PALTLD1NG. C. I. A, 2i Tiadets' Bank Building. Old 'phone ISM, Architects, FREDEltlClc" L. BROWN," ARCH ll7. Real Estate Exchiiugo Blclg , JJU Wnbh Ington itvenue. Civil nnd Mining Engineeis. II L. HARDING, St". CONNELL BLOC STEVENSON A: KNIGHT, 720 CON nell building. Dentists. DIt. E. C. 131L13NHEUGEU, PAULl building, Spiuco btteot, Scianton, DR. C C LAUBAt'H, 113 WYO.MING iivu Fire Insuinnce. SCHLAGER .v; CO, 4)1 Council Building Patent Attorneys. PAT E N TS MiSKfcff Thu only licensed and equipped patent solicitor in tho cltj-. No chuigo for In lotmntlun on patentability; civet ten ycaiB' cMieilcnce Rcploglc & Co., Alcars Blclg. Hotels and Restaumnts. THE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK lilt avenue. Rates teasonnble P. HIEOLBR, 1'iupiictor SCJ J ANTON HOUSE, NEAR D , L. & AV.' Passengei depot. Conducted on the En i oiican plan. Aictor Koch, Ptopiielur Scavengor, A. BBRU1GS CLEANS PIUVY VAULTS und cess pools; no odor; only Impioved pumps used A. II Bilggs, ptoptletor Leave oidets 110 Not th Main iivenuo. or Elcko's chug stote. coiner Adams unci Mulbettj Both telephones. Who Sciecns. JOSEPH KUI3TTEL. REAR Cll LACKA, "Vg-j-My'il!!1?"11 wtlH "t Witu Seieens. Miscellaneous. MEGAROEK BROS.. PRINTERS' Sup plies', envelopes, pnncr bags, twine. Warehouse, U0 AVashington uvenite. THE AVILKES-RARRE RECORD CAN bo had in Scrnnton at tho news stund of Rclsmun Bros, 406 Spiuco and &u Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lucktiwaimu uvc.; 1. S SchuUer. 211 Sprue u sttcet. ilk- rtiJ-fJlrrfiftiHlftrf'r ;i J-'J; .iLAiiA '. FJHJL'; I imU?LJri 2JX- DIRECTORY. DUSINES80PP0RTUHITIES. REAL ESTATE Only Half a Csnt a Worl. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN Qulck. strnight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom I to ii per emit, Cull on N. Ar. AVnlker. ;il.,lir Council building, Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo ptocuicd at Mis, A. II. Sturkey's Employment Office, Et! Washington avenue, looms 2 and 4. Tnko elevator. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnie, Lackawanna nnd Western. IN Elfect Juno I, 1902, Tialns loavo Scianton for Nuw Yoik At 1.30. 3W, 03, 7.G0 nnd 10.10 ti. in.; 12.10, 3 40, 3 33 p. m. For Now Yni k und Phila delphia 7 GO, 1010 a, in., nnd 12.40 und 3 33 p. m. For Goiildsboro At U 10 p, in, For lltiffalo-l.in, 0 21 nnd noo a. In.; 135, U ',') nnd 11.10 p. m. For Blnghiiniton, Elmltii nnd vvaj stations 10 23 n. m., 103 p. m. For Oswego, Hyincuso nnd Utlcu 1,15 and 0 22 a. m.; 1.55 p. m Oswego, Sjiucuhu unci Utlca train tit C22 n. m. dally, except Sunday. For MnntioHP-tMlO n. in; 103 and 0 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation I 00 and 0 15 p. m. , Uloomslmig Division For Notthumbcr- 1 md, nt 0 35 nnd 1010 n. m,; 1.55 nnd 10 P. m. For Plymouth, nt S 10 a, m : J 10 nnd fl 03 p ni. Stmdny Trains For Now Antk, 1 50, 3 20. 0 03. 10 10 n. m.i .1.10 und 3 35 p. m. For Burralo-1,15 and 0 22 n. in.: l.Ki, 0M ntvl 11.10 ii. m, For Elmira nnd way stations 30 2, a. m. Tor Bltmhamton nnd way stn flons, 'i 00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division Letivo Sctanton, 1010 a. m. nnd 0,10 p. in. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Nov. 10, 1902. Trains Leave Scianton lor Philadelphia and New Yoik via. D. II. R. R at 7.41. thiough Pallor Car and Day Coach Cnibondale to New A'orl: and 9.47 a. m., with L A'. Coach C.aibon dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2 IS, 4,15 (UlncK Diamond Expiess), and 11,49 p m. Sun days, D. &. H. R. 15S p. m., 9.38 n. m. For White Haven, Huzloton and prinei Pil points in tho eoal teglons, via D. Ai 11. R. R, 7.11, 218 nnd 4 35 p m. For Pottsvllle, 7.41 a. m. For Betlileliom, Eastou, Rending, Har llslnug and ptlncipnl Inteimcdluto sta tions, via D. . II. R. R., 7.41, 9.17 a. m.; 218, 135 (Ulnck Dlnnumd Enpicsh). 11.49 p. in. Sundays, D. & H. R. R,. 9JS n. m. and 1 M and n 17 p ni. i or 'i unitliuimcii-U. Towniula, Elmltn, Tthaca, Genova nnd tnincipal Intel medluto stations via D , L. & AV. R. R 0.15 n. m. and 1 35 in. Tor Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlng nia Fulls, Chicago and all points west vli D & II. H, n, 12 at p. m.: 3 2S (Black Diamond Expiosyl. io II. 1141 p, in. Sun days, D. & II. TJ. It . 12 03, 0 17 p. m. Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh A'nlloj' Pailor cats on all tialns between AVIlkcs-B.mo und New Ymk. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bildge. ROLLIN II. AVILBUR. Gen Supt . 20 Coitlniid stieet. New A'oilc. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt , 2i Coitland stieet, Now Yoik. A W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets nnd Pullman ic.seivatlon ap ply to city ticket office, CO Public Square, AVIlkes-Baiie, Pa. READING 'SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. 10, 1902. Stations In Now A'oik, foot Llherty .stieet und South Ferij N. R. Tialns leave Sctanton lor New Yoik, Philadelphia, Kaston, Ucthlehom, Allon lovvn. M.iuch Cinink, AVhlto Haven, Asli ley, AVilkes-Bmio and Plttston at 7.30 a. m.j 1 p. m , and 4 p m. Sundaj's, 7.15 u. .m and 2.10 j. ro. Quaker City Expiess leaves Scianton "0 a. m. with through bolid vestibulo tiulu with Ppllmnn Buffet Puiloi Car for Philadelphia -with only one change ot cats for Baltlmoto and Washington, D. C, aneV all pilncipal points boutli nml west nnd has thiough coach foi Now A'oik. For Avoc.i, Plttston and AA'llkes-Bai re, 1 p. in. and 1 p. in. Sunday. 7,15 u. m. und 2.10 1) m. F91 Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc, at 7.'0 a. m and 1 p. m For Reading, Lebanon and Uniilsbur-; ii Allontown nt 7..S0 u. m, 1 p m and 4 ). m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m and 2.10 p. m. For 'f'amaipia and Pottsvilln at 7 30 a. ni . 1 p m. and 4 p m. Sunday, 7.13 n. in. For iaus and tickets npplj- to agent at station. AV. G. BESSLCR. Genei ill Manager. C. M. HURT.-CIpii Pnt.s Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Sehcdulo in BIToet .luno 10, 1902. Tiitlns le.ivo Scianton OJS u. in, week d.ns, Ihiough vestibulo tinltt fiom Wllkes-B.uie, Pullman buffet iiailnr c ir and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops at pilncipal lliteimedleite Bta tlons. Also connects foi Sunbuij. Ilui lisbuig. Philadelphia Haltltnoie, AVasli lngton and for Plttsbuig und the AVVst. 9.47 a. m. week dns, tot Siiiibiuj. lliu llhbuig, Pbiladnliiliiu, Haltimmc, Wuslt ington und Plltsbuig and the West , 1.42 p. m, week (lavs, (Siiudujs, 15s p. m.), for Siinbuiy HiiiilHluiig, Phlludel phla. Haltimoie, Wusliliigion und Pltts butg and the West 3 JS p m , week dn", thiough vestlbiiln tialn fiom Wilkes. Ituiie t'ullmaii buffpt tut lor eat and coaches to Phil idelphla via Pottsvllle. Stops at pilncipil Intel merit ato stations . , , , , 1.35 p m.. week (lavs, for Hnzlelon, Su l bui.v, Huitlsbuig, liillnilclphlii and Pitls- bmtr' J It UUTPHINfeON, Jen Mgr. J It AVOOD, Gen Pass .gl. Dolaware nnd Hudson. In r.lfeel Nov. 10, IJ02. Tinlus for Cniliouilalo leave Setuiilon at fill 7.Ki. N-s. hlli a in . 12 05. . j, J.ll. ;M. r.2'l, 0 23. 7 22, b !J, 9 50, 1120 p. 111.; "For iIoucMlale 0 41, lull u ni ; 2 11 mul CroV' AVIlUo-Baiie-tj.'.S. 7 II. 8.1k 9 17, MM u. in, 12 . I 1-'. 2 IS, ,;u.v. I Xi, t..M 7 h. ii.lii. 10 II U l0 P ni Foi I. Y R R Point s-7 41. 9 17 n. mi 2 is. 135 and U !' n m , . . For Pfiinsjivtinl.i R It Points 1!3, s 17 a m ; 1 I-1. ' -s ',n'l ' ""' l' "t. "For Albany and nil points not tit 7.30 n. in and 3 50 p ni in. aim '.nAV TRAINS For Citlliimdiilo-SVi, H'll a. in; 2 11, 3M,, 352 and 1117 P in For WllUes-Hiiilei-S IS a in , IJIli, J..I " Vor "lhnnv and points north "1 50 pTin For Iloni wliilo-S Ml a. ill , :132 p ill ?. . j W. Itl'milCK, O P,A .Albany. .StM'. W I. PRVQIS. I P A BcijiUuii. fjj. Etlo Rniliond Wyoinhig Divisfon. In Eltect September 13, 1902 Tialns leavo 'Sc untou 'fur New "jil: NevvbUIgh and InteimedlaH polntK '0 tor Iliiwlu and locall'btictloiis at 7 2a. "For'nonebilaio and AVhlto Mills at'l.'J ''t'iuIiis artivo at Sctanton tit 40 J$ ,u-m, and o 13 v. ni. 'r New Yoik, Ontniio nnd Western. Tlnio labia In ettcjet faimility. bept 2J, 1IKJ2. hiuo NOUTJ, Hound trains. LeuvM L'ltvo Altv ... -... (Jii niliin r!! i Itritiiln In Cii(ln.fii No" J030U. m. ll.ltta, 111 100p;pi m' 1 . , t! hi ii. m Ar Cui liondalo ClO-p tf r,' ' SOUTH BOUND HCl.tu ,,..iu ,,,p.,, Tinlus. Cai osl.u Cfirboudtile. ScraiiCju No b ..... own. m 7.23 a jm Ro a . 2.13 n m. 4 00 i ni 4 45 p 'an Leave Leave Artv( BliNI'AlP iuij, unui huuhu K Loavo Lsave Ariiv i'lalns. Scianton Caibgndale. Cadqsta No ' .. . k win nil 10 in 10 13 aim No' ti .. . 7-i'd P. m A Cailiondnlo 7.43,p in Le-itvp Leave Atrlvi TinlliH. C.adoslii, Cuiliqtuiulo. Scianou No. 0 . . , 0 50 a, m. 7 25 a; 111 No. 10 . I 30 p 111 0 00 p III. U 45 p, pi Tialns Ncs 1 on week clajs, and 0 or Sundays t mined loi New Yoik city, Mid. dlctovvn, AValton, Noivvlch. Oneldu, .Os we-eo nnd all points west. Tialn No. P. with "Ouakcr City Uv pi ess'' nt Scrantou, via C. R. II. of N. J, for Philadelphia, Atlantic C'ty, Baltlmoio AVashington und Pennsylvania stuti points. '" See tlmo-tablo and consult ticket ugenti for connections with other lines, , J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A . New Yen!?. J. Ii AVELSLL T. P. A., Scianton. Pa. JKvv i.u - K" w,Jsi. 4-t. 1-mm-t