The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 26, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Published jftiiy Kxcc-pt Runrtujt by The Tribune
rubllshlng Comrny,i rifly Cents a Month.
MVV R' JttOltAltl)
o. r. JiyxiiKU
lltnlKEM MANAimn.
i:nterpd il' the I'oslofTlca ni RernMofi, as Second
tlnsi Mull Matter.
When tpneo will permit. Tim Trllmno I
nltrnjn Kind to print hortlrttern from Iti
frlnmta bnnrlne n current topic, but lta
rulo It tlint IIicsii muni lio alcncd, far pub
ltmitlon, by tho writer' ronl nnniol nntl
tbo condition iireVcilfcnt to neeeiitnnro li
tlint nil contribution ilinll bo aubject to
eilltorlnl revision.
The following table shims tlia price per Inch each
Insertion, ;pac to he inert within uno year:
pwtL J ''"Per I g Poslllon
1 rsi than 60 Inches . .60 ,M 1 0
'0 Inches 40 .tl .4
100 " 30 .li .30
250 " 15 .275 ."0
MO " M -.-J .21
1009 " 16 .17.1 .19
For cards of thanks, resolution, of condolence, anil
similar contribution In tho nature of advertising,
'Iho Tribune makes a charge, of 5 cents a lino.
Says Rlshop Potter, very Duly: "Or
Kiinlzed hodles of lubor are making' a
mistake In trying to fotce men Into
their membership and In committing
acts of violence and I hope that they
will learn that their crusade Is only of
value when It Is can led on along great
moral lines." It will take more than
.hope to stop these mistakes.
The Inquiry to Continue.
Tim HALTING of compromise
proceedings In the strike In
iltihy Is not necessarily a
misfortune. If only ii com
piomlse was sought, could have
been effected at any time dining the
past five months, on teims ceitalnly as
liberal as those now suggested. When
the strike commission was appointed,
the American people accepted it as a
guarantee that the whole matter would
be ventilated and all the facts eltell
id for their Information. Nothing less
than this will fulfil their jtibt expecta
tion. Anything les-s would he a reflec
tion, ih st, upon tho commission, whose
charter Is not limited by ex parte law-
jers' agreements, and, secondly, upon
the good faith of the piesldent of the
United States.
There can bo no unlahness to any
Interest in a full and open hearing. To
.say that It will take time and cost
money is tiue, but peimanent peace is
worth both. We hae had thiee years
of secrecy and Intilgue .ind.mlsehlet In
the coal business, with two main strikes
and a host of little ones, involving
eveiy conceivable phase of lawlessness,
persecution and intimidation, and en
tailing upon both individuals and the
.state Intense annoyance and veiy con
siderable bin dens of cost. These ate
not to be brushed away lightly, nor
solved by a veneer of compromise.
Their leeuiienei' can be prevented only
by a thorough pioblng and a settle
ment which will settle.
Introduce piofessional agitation
among persons without a sense of hu
mor and send at mire for the cot oner.
Witness Cuba.
The Stitch In Time.
ONSIDERARLF: space has been
taken in the pnpeis of late in
lecltal of labor dllllculties at
Schenectady. That eit is
undeigoing about the same kind of
netful tut moil on tho pait of men
in labor elides, newly upheaved into
positions of power and lesponslblt
ity that Scranton has undergone. The
ferment Is on nnd must woik off.
Doubtless the labor movement in
Schenectady, as we expect of it In
Scranton, will then become sane, con
servative and regardful ot the fact that
there are otheis.
! It is lnteiesting to note the starting
point of tho labor exeeBses in Schenec
tady. As in Scranton, tho fltst fault
iluy with the employers. In Schenectady
the big employing concern is the Gen
rial Ulectilc company. It Is a llbri
rtlly managed institution as such insti
tutions go, but it has its shaie of sub
ordinate officials moie intent upon the
mathematics of economy in pi eduction
than upon the ethics of the wage ptob
lcm. What happened may best be told
In tho language of a Schenectady cor
lespondent of the New Yoik Sun, a
paper which will not be accused of pre
senting the employets" side in terms of
unjust criticism:
Tiado unionism never got a really s(1-
tire foothold In this elty until after tho
big btilko lat spring. That It Is so
stiongly eutiencheil now Is p.utlallv duo
to the course puisued by the Ui'-ucial
IHectrlo otllclals when that tioublo be
gan. Tho stilko usulted fiom a iletet
nilnalion to cut down the wages of a few
men-less than twenty In the polishing
depaitniont. Tho cost of living hcie Ih
iNcecdlngly high, almost as lilhli U', In
Tow Yoik, la fact, and tho men pro
fstvn 'vigorously against tho ic'duetluii
illegltig that' t hey rould not suppoit
heir famtlios on less pay than they vvero
cceivlng. Tho mnmiger.s vvcio obilurute,
lowovcr, and tho men In the polishing
IH'!i1i'-?.lt H'rUL'lc "CTlnst tho i eduction.
'1 heTci Wore Hum .somuthlug les.s than 3.0uo
union-men In tho entire plant, but the
non-union employe, fearing a reduction,
went out, too. In nil ne.uly s,cmn men
Shuck1, eomplhtoly thiir up tho plain hi
a vory Iniby season. Tho lesult was that
the employes won a hIhiuiI vlcloty. Tho
stiikn was shoit Jived, but It (might tho
lneu.lhclr povver. Then began tho union
Ixliwr.of Hclicutct.idy, Most of tho bkllleil
wotltmcn tumbled over ono another to
olu tho labor niganl.iUon, Otheis were
forced to eomo In by the usual methods.
Tod.ii- theie am JUtj-llvu dlutlnct unions
Irl this town, r.ven the bootblneks and
the cleikH In tho iliy goods stoics uto
Tho blunder of the fieneiul Klettile
Diuemis In giving a eiiuso for giieviiuces
alul 'a soil for agitation Is ulmost n,
dlrfecf pauilh'l of tint stupidity of tho
mqnuglng Inteiests of the nnthraclto
iuuVch p 1000 Ip declining to Jieed the
ndylco of far-seeing men In tho coal
llejdp who uiged voluutaiy tonectlon
of the powder overcharge, an IneicuFo
Df wages- before commanded by main
force and the aiiungcment of n mu--hlnery
of' adjustment of loenl gilev
intes wheieby the Individual miner
ould feel assuied of fnlr tieatment
.vlthout mnnlng lsk of icysngo ftom
m unprincipled foi email. All of these
things are being foieed upon the big
wmiuuiiles at incalculuble money and
Boclnl cost, Ineluillnrr n delirium of vlo
lence nnd Incipient anarchy whlolt will
lonrr lenvo a ilntk nlulu upon this tin
hhIm of the anttnnultc Industry, when
till Of tllCRC! OXCCHSdH nlltl CX)CIIB04 I'Olllll
linvo lieni avoided unci averted b.v n
policy of cutullil honesty tit the. Ik'kIii
nlnj;. If llioie Is nny leaeoii fioin the vurl
oti4 pliasci of sttlfo nnd turmoil now to
lie neon In the IndiHlilnl woilit which
mcciIh einphnHlH above tmothcr It It thai
the stitch In time huvch nine. Let tho
employer who fears n ptilke make surcs
that lio'l rIvIiik; no JitHt provocation
for one, ami then If It comtt he can feel
pretty sine that It won't put him out of
huslnrpq. Thete uie times n.f exclto
menl nnil ferment when the jusl suiter
alike with the unjust, both anions tin
pIoyetH anil amoiiK employes hut tho
olil rule still liolcla rooiI In the long' nut
that honesty Is the licit poljc.v. Tho
man who hullils upon It can await the
passing of the storm.
In other words, the Moinoo doetilno
Is not n South Amcilcaii licence to
Two Interesting Predictions.
N 1S9 1 Herbert Spencer, the great
Ungtlsh philosopher, wiote to a
friend In Brooklyn his opinion
that tho world-wide movement
toward the dissolution of existing
social foims and a reorganization
of society on a socialistic basis was
"Ineslstlble" and ho added this cheer
ful picdlctlon: "Wo have bad times
before us nnd you have still more
dieadful times before you civil war,
Immense bloodshed, and eventually mil
itary despotism of the severest type."
Others have piedlcted similarly.
Lyman Abbott Is a scholar having
some points of computibon with Her
bert Spencer. He also offeis a pre
diction on the same subject. He, too,
looks upon reorganization of social
forms us irresistible, but expects It to
come to pass by evolutionary i.ithcr
than levolutoinury processes, and ho
sees this evolution at work today.
Listen to his view, as expi eased in The
la the pilmllivo state each Individual
himself conducts nil forms of industry
necessary for his comfoit. He kills the
game, skins It, makes of the skins moc
casins for his feet and a cloak for his
body, digs out the log to serve for a
ennoe, erects his wigwam, cultivates his
little patch of corn, makes and strings
his own bow and lashlons his own at
rows; Is, In short, butcher, tanner, hoo-
m.ikoi, tailor, boat-bulldcr, house caipen
tcr, fanner, ai motor, all In one. This is
Individualism, puie atn simple.
(Jindually ho lenins that In- Is moio
skillful In the chase than his neighbor,
and that his nclifhbor can mnkc a bet
ter bow and anovv than he. So one slns
at homo to eonstiuct, the other goes
foi th to hunt, and tho two exchange
their pmducts to mutual advantage. As
this exchange ol products glows more
extensive and complicated, u medium for
the exchange is lmented, and thus money
i iiraos into u and baiter becomes
trade. It is discovered that different
communities have different advantages In
soil and climate, or the taste and temper
of tlie people; so communities as well
is individuals begin to exchange, .ltd
trade becomes commerce. Steam Is tlls
coveied and maehlneiy invented. With
steam and machinery conies a necessity
for a laiger organiatlon. Com
bination, of capital is now required. Cap
ital Is what a man muUes b- his in
iltistiy mmo than ho consumes In bis
suppoit or his j)leasiucs. When the in
dividual housewife spins tho wool 'and
weaves it In her loom into a homespun
gaimenl, u single man in a single life
time can easily accumulate, tho capital
uicessaiy for such housdiold industiv.
Hut when a. thousand spindles me i evolv
ing and a bundled looms aio clanking
under a single roof, one man cannot hi
a llletlme accumulate the capital for
such a nvmufacturlng Industry. Viulous
individuals must combine theh saving:?.
Thus the. coipoiatlon Is created. When
a slngli) housewife spins and weaves tho
wool, no industthl otganlzatlou Is neces
sary; she spins and weaves as sho
chooses and as other duties to her house
hold permit. Hut when the bundled em
pln.vos aio winking under a single roof
In the manufactuie of woolen Raiments
for n widely t xlcnded maiket, the for
mer individual llbeity Is no longer pos
sible. These live bundled woikeis must
woik togethei. Thus labor (OiganlsMtlon
Is cieaUd.
Organized labor Is as essential to iuul
em civilization ns organized capital. The
onlv question is, Shall laboi oiganiza
tloiis bo autocratic cu democtatle; shall
thev be organUed under capital and
wholly subject to Its will; or shall they
have something to say respecting the
foi m. uatuiQ and spirit of the oiganlza-
tlonV Shall they woik under the condi
tions wlili h capital pttscilbes, dining
tho bonis which capital chooses to pay,
or shall they havo a voice in determining
the tondltlons, tho wages, the houis?
Tills Is the hist and fundamental ques
tion involved In our Industilal problem.
The mliio, the factoiy, tho railroad, aio
prlvato enteipilscH, owned by tho capi
talists, who buy their labor as they buy
their machinery, nnd dlschaigo tho ono
ns they discard tho other when It censes
to be piolltnlilo: this Is one vluvv. Tho
mine, tho rallroul, the factoiy, aio a
Joint-stock onteipHse, to bo can led on
b.v capitalists and Uboteis as partneta
who shoio the control and the pi outs,
neither being Independent of the other,
each fulfilling an iipproprlato tuuctlon In
a haimouioiis organization, for mtitunl
piolit and luspiicd by a, splilt of mutual
i expect: this Is the other view. Which
of the two Is mnro In haimony with tho
principles of ilii'iiocnuV.' To ask this
question Is to urswer it. Whatever may
be said of tho Old Woild, In tho New,
whoie the plain people control tho gov
ernment of city, suite ami nation, vvheio
they dliect and ( dmlnlster tho public
educntlou, whent tliey aio Iho final au
thoitty In thilr celtnlastlciil Institutions,
It Is not possible tha they will peiman
ently consent to a system whhli allows
them no voice hi their IndiiHtilal oigan
l7titlnus. Tho eoiinttv which Is ilemo
cratlo In polltlci', educdtlon, and leliglou,
will not bo automatic Jn industry.
Tho nrguments tho organisa
tion of labor uto plausible but not sound;
they an derlvul from an obsoivallou
of Hiipuflcliil Incidents, not from a study
of fundamental piluclplcs. "Labor unions
nre hu sponsible uigiiiilzailon3 " AVo
doubt tho until of the statement; vvo
are Inclined to believe Unit In law a
labor union Is nothing bit a gieut pnit
neiship In which every member Is person,
ally responsible for all the pecunlaty oh
ligations of tho organization. Hut If it
Wtio otherwise tho lomedy would bo lu
cniporatlon, not dUsolut on "They
rnuso sulkes," On tho conliai, they
have i educed; It would bo moio
ttuu in say that,, unions
liuyu Blown out of stlkt.s -111111 thai;
stiikes luivo ginwn out of uulom. "They
bunk contracts." Sometimes, but on tho
whole they huo kept their ngrtemeuta
qute us loyally as capitalistic orcunU.i.
tlous. "They vlolato tliu law." Then
punish them; no one pioposes to ills
pensei with combinations of c-uplliil by.
diuso In souiu cubes they have ilo'ated
jaw, in moio cases havo evudul It, and
pot lnficquently Jiuvo conupted It nl Its
spilng and source. "They aro led by
bosses ami demagogues." So huvo polliU
cul organUatlons been led by bosses and
demagogues; they aio moio nppaient In
politics than In Industry, and me 1101
wholly absent from tho churches. AVhai
then? Wp will Bet lid of them; we will
not tako tho counsel of tho anaiclilsta
and dissolve society Into Its otlglnal elr
incuts. "Thoy destioy Individual ucIIok.
dood laborer and poor laborer nre pilld
the same vvngo!. nnd both, follow the die
tntlon of their wnlklindelegnle." Thfc
aliroWd buslnern man nnd tho unbind
nessllkn widow Invest their earnings In
the same company and both gel tho same
Intel est on their Investment, Hoth lenv
their capital ot the absolute disposal ot
trusted dhectors, J 'or they havo learned
that In combination under chosen lend
uts both got nn mlvutuiiRit which neither
cntlld get acting nlone. The skillful iilul
the lcs.t iiklllful laborer, acting on tho
saino pilnclple, unite tuul put, their labot
hi the conttol 01 ch'oden leaders, because
they hellevu that by coniblniitloii both
can gel an advantage, which neither oaii
got It ho aels separately.' And they ate
right. In Industries whcio labor Isullsor.
ganged, conditions mo bud, hours tun
long, wages 'are poor sweatshops, for
Instance. Willi rate If any cx'ccpllom(
the organization of. labor has been fob
lowed by Improved conditions, lessoned
bouts, better wages.
The light ot a liihoier not to Join a
labor ntgiinbntlon Is absolute. The right
of the Individual to work untedntea and
Is the neicssnry foundation of the rigid
of laboieis to unlto In thel." work. It Is
lllio the light of tho capitalist not to
Invent his money In a corporation, but
to conttullo In nn ludlvldunl cntorprjse.
To foi co n fnctory Into a ttust, to force
11 lnborcr Into 11 union. U to vlolnle tho
fundamental rights ,of man; 'for no right
Is more fundnmeutul tlfan that of an
owner to his ptoperty und that or a
workman to his labor. Tho labor unions
which try to cocico liib'orois to Jptit
thcmwcakon their own cause and delay
that organization of labor which tliey
Imntilm llml tlwiv ni n MUiimotlnEr. Hut.
more than that, they violate tho rights
of labor and give excuso for Its viola
tion by others. Theio hnvo been eases
In which capitalists' havo stood hfuvcly
for tho light of the Individual laborer
against tho attacks of labor unions
which, however unconsciously, were be
ttnjlng their own cause. All honor to
such defcndcis of ficedom. Rut too of
ten tho right of the lnborcr to employ
ment so valiantly defended by capitalis
tic organs means only the light of the
capitalist to pav lower wages, require
longer hours, and Impose worse condi
tions than would bo possible If labor
wcro organized.
Combination both of proptily and of
Industiy, of cnpltal and ot labor. Is In
evitable, because It Is tho dlvlno order
of human development. It would bo no
more possible to go back to tho Individu
alistic oiganb.iliou of the Ilrst part of
the nineteenth ccntuiy than to go back
to the feudalism that preceded It. To do
so we should luiie to forget the invention
or machinery, the dlseoveiy of steam,
the utlli.itlou of elcctiielty, division of
labor, the ml of co-opcratlon. The lem
edy for tho evils Incidental to the com
bination of capital Is not ptohlbllion of
comblratlon, but 11 wiser and moio ben
eficent combination; Iho remedy for tho
evils incidental to Iho oiganlzitlon of
labor is not its disorganization, but its
more efficient oignnlzatlon.
Theie- can be no question as to
which is the moie houeful and reassur
ing view Spencers or Abbott's. In the
main we Incline towntd the latter. Rut
if Lyman Abbott could have lived for
the p 1st tin eo years In thr nnthiaolte
coal fields, in daily touch nith the dis
till bed conditions so gr tphically de
picted in ceitaln now famous letleis
contributed to his admliable magazine,
it would have taken 1 uge faith and al
most superhuman iatlence to uphold
confldenue in the pioposltion that the
violence, Intimidation and ncouiage
ment ol" anaichy then pievalent were a
necessary pi ice of labor's evolution or
that in all eases the end justified the
Just think ol it: Ono day last week
there stood on the sidings of a single
lallvvay In the vicinity of Pittsbuig,
0,000 loaded fi eight cars stalled owing
to a jam. This was equivalent to a
tiain of cms leaching fiom' Scranton
to Hoboken, and almost back to Pat
leison. No wonder .such iiiteinpeiatc
piospeiity Is ulaiinlnrr.
It is now guild ally admitted by those
qualified to testily that banishing the
canteen has injuied the army. Yet tho
well moaning people who laboied to
accomplish the unpleasant lesults may
congiaiiihite themselves that they acted
on pilnclple.
The fact tint the joint assembly of
Oklahoma is Demociatle by one vote
may have a dampening eflect upon the
statehood movement in Washington.
The voteis In those ambitious. South
west totiltoiles ceitalnly won- not po
litic. in the event of a war between Ven
ezuela and Colombia, It would conduce
to civilisation to have the annihila
tion mutual and complete.
It Is piobably loitunate Unit Mr.
"Jones, he pays U10 tielght," was not
called upon to settle for the accumu
lation at littsbuig.
To an oiillnary luyniau It would o sn
that about tho most lmpiobablo pliuc
for u dlsastious tire in New York elty
would bo ut tho top ol a steel bildge
lowei. Unco bundled fi el fiom tho
gi omul. And yet, th necessary elements
woie all llieie, namelv, 11 lot ot loose
linnlei, a wooden sluintv, filled wlt'i
laiiols 01 coal tar, and a gang ut wnir.
pion lighting their pipes pieparntory to
pihi,r homo tor the day. Hiidgo bulldeis,
like the lost ol us, muse leain vvIdom
hi tho bitter school ol expel lence.
Kaiser William, among his accomplish
incuts, which 1110 uumuious nnd vailed,
seems to bo n cinik shot, During the
leceut shoot at K.indi Ingham, ho Is said
to have lugged about 1.00 pieces of giuno,
having Unco assistants to load for him.
Tills may bo good spoil, but to a plain
Ameilcau ( It looks moio IIUo mi
ni cissary slaughter. It' the Kaiser
wished to show his maiksmaushlp ho
i ould do It equally well with clay pig
tons, Jt Is also slated that ho luu kept
a recoid ot his "kills" sluco ho com
menced shooting mid that it figures up
17,-l'i"i (icatuies, Including IS.i'.d hates.
J'cihtips the iccoril Is something to ho
pi 0111I of, but 11 good iiiiiuy peuplo will
ant look at It In that lluht.
Tho neoid or fnlallltes on Iho font ball
Held this year is somowhal still tliug, no
less than eight deaths lesulllug fiom
injiules ifcclud In tho game; and pin
slblv some weio not upoited, These
deaths weio not all those of uuscusouci!
young players, but Included somo epu
fenced men of tho umnl ago for the lust
pluyeir. Hesldcs tho fatal lujuiies, theie
weio somo twenty or thirty seilous outs,
some or which mm cause death lata
Ol limine It Is well for ouug men to
develop physical pinwess, strength and
couiuge, ii good loot hall players must,
but It looks us If It was at u protl ,
near cost, mis ear 11 1 icasi. 1110 game
1 4 necessuilly dungerous, but It Is feiuid
thut nianv playeis mo unuectssailly
rough against their opponents, and in
line them without Itgaid to consequence
In older to aid their side to win. This
feature ought to bo ellmiuuteil In sonio
Some government ilciks hnvo voluu
tecicd to imdeituko 11 diet of adulter
ated food In detetmtuo Just to what ex
tent It may bo detrimental to health.
It Is hoped they may survive and bo of
somo set vice to the public. Hut us a
matter of fact, adulteiatcd food should
not bo allowed to bo sold, whether lmi in
fill or not. The puichasur who bus
Blight's Disease
Kidney Trouble
Of Loup Standing Cured by War
ner's Safe . Cure Many Cnso3 In
vestlgjitca ' by tho editor nnd
found to Be Completely Cured.
SAl'13 CIJUI2, Tim f?ltl2ATi;ST KID-
niiv ftinniciNn known to hciuncu
will hi: shnt ausolutulv KJtnu,
An Investigation by the Ldllor of Ihls
paper or tho inanv mluicitlous cuies mailo
b.v Win tier's Hnf. C1110 hns so linmesscd
tH with tho dilutive poweis of this gieat
medicine thai vvo publish two of these
letters for tho bencllt of our leadcis. Mr.
J. William, of 7s Columbia St., Deliolt.
Michigan, IIx.-UiIr.-iIcii. Older Sons ot
St. Oeotge, mijs: "l-'or yeuis I sillTeied
fiom kidney nnd bladder tioubles und
tiled ninny doctoi . but 110110 of them
seemed to help. Klnallv my doctor hud
1110 tiy Wnitier'H Sale Cine, which help
ed mo fiom Iho lhst dose, und after 1 had
taken thieo bottles I wus completely cur
ed My general health Is 'better and I
have not had tho slightest attack of kid
ney or bladder Unable kIiico. If nny ono
has weak or unhealthy kldncvs I henitlly
iccommend Wni net's Safe Cine."
Mis. Lucy Baxter, of Newpoit News,
Va.. who la c2 irni.s old. navs: 'Almiit
twenty yens ago I was given up by
doctois, who said I was so far gone with
Plight's DIse.iso that 1 could not 1 mover.
Dropsy was well developed. Dr. Mai tin.
of Syiacusp, .N. Y piescilbcd Wninei's
Safe Cuio In conncetlon with Safo Pills
After taking Unco lioltlcs 1 was ablo to
esumo woik, and by degiei's ciued. 1
huvo to tliuuk Winners S tfo Cuio for
being ullvo today."
If j oil have pains In your back or side,
pain vvhllu passing mine, difficult v In
passing It, dizziness, nausea, torpid liver,
your kidneys iue diseased.
I'ut somo urine In a glass or botllu. After
It lias stood it bonis if It is n 1 eddish or
blown color, If particles Uoat about In It.
or It1 It Is cloudy, ou can lest nssiued
your kldnes aio diseased and unable to
do their woik. and If not attended to im
mediately Plight's dlscasc.dl 1 botes, ihcu
in.itlsm, gout, uiic acid, lull imatlun of
tho bladder, gall-stones or miliary tiou
bles, will develop and prove tatal In a
shoit time.
AVainei's Safe C1110 Is the onlv absolute
cure lor ah these fotms of kidney, liver
and bladder tioubles. It has hi ought tho
blessing of health to thousands upon
thousands of suffcieilng men and women.
AVuinei'.s Safo Cuio Is ptuely vegetable;
fico fiom naicotlcs and other liaimfiil
diugs found in many so-called kidney
cuus. It Is pleasant to lake nnd fiee
fiom se'dlmeiu. (Howaie of so-called
kidney lemedies which aie full of sedi
ment and of bad odor: they aio h 11 mini )
It does not constipate. Warners Sale
Cuiu can be puichased at nnv chug stoio
or diiect in two sizes r.0c. and Jl 00 a bot
tle. He sine von set "Winner's."
bowels gently and aid a speedy cuio.
Refuse Substitutes: thev aie daug
geious. Ask for Warners, it will cute
Il theie aio sjinptoms In jour case you
do not undei stand, send a sample of mine
10 me mccucni aep utment anil tlie doctors
will analyze it and send you lepoit and
advice fiee.
To convince eveiy suffeier fiom diseases
of the kidnevs. liver, bladder and blood
tll.lf rn I lini '- Slnt., iit.r. ,.111 nut.-. ,!..
a bottle will be sent absolutely liee!
postpaid Also a valuable medical book
let wiuen lens an nnouc tlie disease i or
tbe lllrltievs. llvnt 'mil lln,1.1.,i. ., m. .
picscilptlnn for each disease, and m.inv
,r !, ... . . -. , , . . , .
"' .iiiiuaiiiiu- ui icsciiiioiuais lecetveu
dally fiom gi.ileful patients who have
been ciued by Wainci's s ifo Cine. All
vou have to do It to wiite Wiirnci's Safo
Cute Company, Hochester. N. Y. and
mention Paving nnd tills libeial offer In
this paper. The genuineness of this offer
is fully guainnteed by the publisher.
sugar. Hour, cofioe, tea or spice, or any
other aitlcle should bo entitled to get
just tlin-n ai tides nellhcr moto nor less.
Tho millennium will not bo heio until
The labor convention down at New
Oilcans objected to a losolution which
spoke of Ihuvaid as a leading unlvcislt,
and amended It to lead "piomlnent."
Hut slnco that little game ut Now Haien
last week It isn't even piomlnent; It h
actually obscuie.
A iiu.ailer of a million. 11101c or less,
to build a (h.illeugei for that cup, unci
as much more to build a defender for
It. And the cup Is fifty cais old and
vvav out of fashion, and didn't cost over
a thousand, any way. Some people have
money to bum.
Hut bear, ho jes' fool Jlassa Koosc
velt completely. Obsciver.
25 English Box Coats of imported zibiline cloth, in black
and oxford; a 35 value for the low price of $27.
Interesting, is it not?
SO Monte Carlo and English Walking Jackets, in ker
sey, Montenac and all good cloths. They were
made by a good manufacturer to retail at $30. Our
capacity for quantities enabled us to buy the lot and
put them out at $25.
250 Jackets, in addition to the above, all new goods, for
we did not carry any over from last year, ranging in
price from $8.50 to $40.00, are placed on sa'e at
prices that can't be undersold, when the quality is
taken into the consideration.
I Host 0! Mighty Values
Every Item a Bargain
Every Bargain is Genutne
... s . n t n s t h
Always reliable.
I & Grain Co
Scranton and Olyphant. .j
Slanufacturoi's of
Old Stock
I. Scranton, Pae
.. 43St0 45
n. sevenin
Old 'Plione, 233 1.
New 'Phone, 2P35.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
323-327 Pcnn Avenue.
Tho Tribune will guarantee to print
your paper book quicker than any oth
er prlntliiE house In tho city.
l His is
PISCO 0D Scllfe1 H1S1 & Connel!
.:. liiU MUUn
P Who J
1 ft
Twenty Christmas Presents
To He Given by The Scranton Tribune (o the Children of
Scranton and Northeastern Pennsylvania.
One Present $20.00 in do;d $20.00
One Present 10.00 In Gold 10.00
One Present 5.00 In dold 5.00
Two Presents 2.50 Each 5.oo
Five Presents 1.00 Each 5.00
Ten Presents 50c Each 5.00
Total Twenty Presents
Junto Educational Contest
A Contest in Word-HiiildiiiK. ""
Who Can Make the Most Words Out of the Letters in
T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R.
'HIS IS much easier than last
Drigntest coys and girls will
making the largest number of
lots of fun to think of the words and hunt them up in the dictionary, and
besides it will help you with your spelling. You will bo surprised at tho
number of different ways these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents or guard
ians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of
words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper."
No letter must be used any more times than they appear in these
three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but thero
might be two "H's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Webster's Inter
national Dictionary" (edition of 1898) will be allowed. Any dictionary
can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRIBUNE will debar all
words not found in Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appearing In the "Appendix" will
not be allowed.
Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can bo used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
flow to Write. Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at tho top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
Who Is a regular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly answered. Ad
dress your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We . Invite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Nob
Syracuse, N. Y.
OITKHS, lieplilo tin) icffiilur CollOK"
Coulter), Mcihuukul, Klcctilc.U ami
civil rnLrlin'Citnt.-. Ale lillccltlio. Music.
I KiliitluiT. l.uw, Medicine, Sociology
! and I'ctltlKUKN . ..
OVJIll KUHTV nl" tlio loading unlvcr
hUIch of tills rouulii mid Kin ono ura
icpunc nli'd on Iho lucidly of lliu Lll).
cml AitK C'ollLtfo 'llilllim cwponics
nro o iiiudniatu Unit lliuy uto U'h3
than tlio teis In somo uilleges whcio
fieo lultlon Is bIvpii
Send for Catalogue.
T .1, KoaU r,l'un Klliior It. Uiwull.TlCuU,
It. J. I'ostei Stanley 1 Alton.
Vice Picsldcut Suciolaiy
Rooms 1 nnil 3
Commonwealth Bldg,
Hade at Moojlc ami lluihJile Worki
Lafllix & Rnnd Powder Co.'a
LUutrlo llattciici. Ucdrlo Kjrloderj, L'
pluding lilasti. bjfcly t'utc.
For a
In sold
year's contest, and twenty of the
seenre Chrismas Gifts In cash for
words out of these letters. It Is
? Washington Avenue
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Kot a riioft course, nor an tuj court;,
nor a clieap course, but the best education
to be No other education li wortb
(pending time and money on. U you do,
write for citalosuo ot
Easlon, Pa.
whlcb cfTcu thorough preparation to tha
Lnjliicerln. and Cleinlcal l'rofeaoBi u well
a) the ntulir Colleei) counei.
Hcuulnr Stato Noinml Courses and
Ppccial DciuitiuontH or Music, Ulocu.
tlon, Art. l)t.iuln', Stenography and
TjpouiUInK, htioiiu Collect) I'loiuru.
lory Pcpaitment.
no 11 dint: expenses W50 per week
Puplh admitted at any tlmo. Winter
Ti'ini opens Dec, ,.'9tli. Wilto for cata.
E. L. KEMP, A. M.,