The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 26, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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vf? , ' f i
Mil '
The News of
City Superintendent of Schools Elmer
E. Onir, A. M,, Hns Pioctucd Soir.o
' of the Best Initiuctois hi the
County to AUl TenrheiH In Their
School Woik The' Pin pose In Ai
.nnglng "e Week's Programme
nnd the lectin e Course.
With t'no hope nml piiipic of deriv
ing every bciieilt possible thfio is In
Institute wink, primarily thul the
teuehor limy bo iclufoireii In her
Knowledge mid simpllllrd lit her meth
ods mid llnom-li lier the chlldien of
the school district bo nldul In thu
i Jin-su of their (iliic'iitlan, city Superin
tendent of Schools niini'i- H. Onif hni
Hliov n the utmost tllsiilmlmitlcm In his
r holer- 01 li.siitiotois mid has gheii the
mot fnlthfiil intention In piepuriiiR
tin' piogiumnio for this you-'s institute.
The im-tltuto will open i't Monday
mo-iilng, In the assembly loom of the
High t-choolj mid irom llio pilifiilloiml
material, In tin speokois, which Super
InlendPiit Omr hns been foitunale in
picrmlng, tin1 prediction Is .Instilled
Cnt wllb the wonted spirit of ( o-op l -.ptlrm
on the pint of tln truoheis, i:iu,
listing losiilih will nutk tli" week's
meetings. Tho public, lite p.ueiits or
i-oliolms, n'l wliu aio InteveMed In the
tiuf of education, mid thW iiifimn
tveiy I'lthten. should iiidlcnte mi Inter
nt In this nipmic of wliieatloii. by ut-1-ndhiK
tlip Institute nit clings, to which
toiy one will be he.utllv welcomed.
During tin- weilv tlioie will be four
Mwla! lines ol stud.,, r.umely. )un
Kii,iK', linitheiiiuUi , psviliiiloBy, di aw
ing. Then will be eight lu till rs on
I.Higuagp mid lhmllsh, eight on inulhe
nnllts, lour mi psj ho!og., four on
hawing, twenty-lour in 'ill. Aside
It om llipsi MM- tlic It-limes' It; the en-
ti'i taliiiiiem loui't- .it the tlu'.ud. Tlicsp
have bei-ii m landed not with the Idi.i
ol pielii bin solely tor tin- public good.
Last ,o.u's ciitiisi netted notliiniv. and
It Is nol ixpeetoil that iliis season's will
bo mi oceptlun. it is it-It that If the
public be buiefitied, it will be a miIII
t J"tsl ici ompen-e
'flu- Instuietois wlm h Superim nd
i'tit lmi has second an-. MKs J.aui.i
it Hog.uty, IJufl.iki. -N. V Miss Mmy
F. II.mIh, limghamiou, X. V Oi.
Thompson, Jeisi-y ct . 1'iof Ceingc
Hull, Milleisrille -eliool: Plot
K L ICcni), of Hast Stiotlil
bins Noinial si houl. All, with tin hv
rvptioii of .Miss H.ig.uty, air mttliois
ot oim or mm i text-hooks and all li.ixe
wide evpei Ii'iite in lntltult woik
tlnoushout the countij
Mls ..una D. lliisaitx. who wilt
Kle the lectur s nil laumiai-e, Is an m
ftiuctoi of wide exuei It-nco in iiisilttite
woik, h. liijr It'ctuicd ill-inn ifai'liis
nil oer tin cnmitiv. She is In , liaise
ot the I'liiiulu 'iialnliiK i-chool fin
teaehi-is In liulfalu, X. V.
Di, Thompson, instiuetoi of di.iwlm;,
is Louuciteii with the public i-i hooN In
Xpw Jei.siy. He 1-. the aiillioi ol Hull''
estom ot ibawin1,'.
11 ol. Hull', who will be In ihaiue or
tin. ni.illiein.itical msii nulim, has ,i
lliKh Ftandbw .unum- cducatois lie 1,
an InstHRloi (: lillei ,lle Xuimal
flIiooI and i tin auilim of iiltlnuetii ,
mental and pi.utlcal, alirebia and -.e-onii-tiv
lJiol. C. I. fM'inp 1- --ii well known to
Omboiiilnll.nis that he needs no inuu
dmtion. lie is ol i; ist
ytioudsbuiK' Stale Xoi inal si buol, mid
the author o," a book on !, i IioIokv, oh
Willi li lie will talk to the ieailiii'.
The piomanune ol the w lcK lb a.'
follow s.
December Tiist.
1 W-Mii-I,-.
1 !u-l'piii! Mlai I. uiKll.iKe,
.llss I..HU.I ) llaunlx
; Jfr -Diawiiifr i '1 Imtiii tin
.!i) Miic.
" lrt.-A(b .lined Mutlu ni.itn.-s
I'mr. Cioibv Hull.
i.r-Coneeit . Sla ton's Juhllp,. sinueis
December Second.
Ma AiImiik i d Malheinatli s,
J'nil linage linn.
PU-liiiiwhis In -Thoiru'-oii
11 fl-.ruslc.
ll.1l- l.lenienlan,
Jlisj tuu.i j. JlaL'int' .
.V FAIjSK iieakt.
Docs Not Let It Bent Tine.
"Coffee whi'iI nie a eij hard tuin
nbout two inn (iso My donor wild I
bad chionie d-pep-la wllh soiious
In ml and neivous iiouble and nothlriK
would ciuo me I jao up inlfei,"
Mild MIbs Ilattiu Williams, of itli ndnt
Ii.iiu, Alnbmua.
"My h Kot hi bul ih.a I could
Mil rut any solid mod without Itt'iiau
heatliiK; me, and J was s-o nenous I
lould noi sleep mid iny hi-.iu itab in n
dieadlul eonditiou. I hail hc,mi a deal about Postum I'ood ColTee,
a. id how much good people hud deihed
fioni cliaiiKlntr noin eolfee to l'ostuin,
un one day i .sent to the mocei- lot a
"Tho i up r dtaiik helped me, for
It removed all the k-is fiom my,
or perhupu the inilttliiK m coffee
4iiodiieed that result, at any uite, in
Ilej.s than a week then wan u wonderful
tihniiBei mi uioio u-slless nlshts; no
nioie pnliih about my hem t that inadu
,iii(i think i: hud lu-nit trouble: no moie
Jhlck Btomnch. This -a as two yenis nj-o.
1 mn now entlieb well mid l'ostuin
cuicd me, I found It wus not medleino
I needed, but piopei food mid nourish
ment nml to quit corfe& entirely,
".My brother-in-law (a coiu-o dilukei)
was very bck it !th Btoipach tiopblo una
all ho could cut the vhlln of mi
cffg-, I Insifjted on hlo trying I'oMinn,
Ilosnld tho Jliut cup he dunk soothed
his stomnch mid was noui lulling; in a
fevr days ho was able to e.u Fold tood
tigaln, and now lie uses It altoKether
find does not use coffee.
- "My next door neighbor, another t-of-
Tee drinker, tind surfered wltli rutin ih
tf; the stomnch, nnd for niuiuhb could
not ent anything- was Just IIvIiir on
beef tea, I carried her boiiib Po&tuni
tpd gavo her directions for niakinu It
ii nd' now sho can eat anythhie she
. vantij and it does not hurt her, Sho
fcnys eho feels better than she has for
, ten years.
"I could tell you of dozens of people
folio have been benefitted by leaving off
toffee and drinking Postum. It has
nono me so much good I tell every
liody to us,e )t. I liuvo been using it
now for two yenis nnd my dlgeatlon Js
fine, my complexion clear and everyone
says I look ten yeats younger."
1."W1 Mlisli',
l.l'l-iiiuwlim' , Di, Tlintnpmn
I .'O-laetiicitiuiy I.tinnilnRe,
Jll's J..U1IU D. llitRnily.
.10) -.Musk.
.l.ti'-AilVniiUMl Mntlipitfntlt'i,
Pi of. (Iriitur Hull.
S.UO Oil llUHtlll,
S.tO-Vocnl solo ,,.. Mlh Iti'Khia Mi Cube
S.i:,-I.(.-ciuip, "The .Man of clalHee,"
Hon, (IporAo It. WimllliiB,
Derember Thlid.
y.-V-Ailvaiii-cil Mnttunmlli's,
I'lof, iteolKu thill,
10.10 DiawliiK Hi, Tltonip'on
1 1 . l-.leinriitii.-y t .fiiiKHiiK'
Mlsi l.iiuia H. tliiRiuly.
l.,il-M lisle.
I.ID-l'ii.M'hoUiyv Prof. 12. 1,. Kemp
.'.W--I21eineiitiilv Ailthinollc,
M -ii l.-iuin 1J. Hii-iiiil.s.
;:.1i-I2iikIIsIi MIh. Mai V 11 de
$ W-Oichi'-'ljii.
MO-Vocal Solo .. MNHNiibcllc Mid liell
SJVI.ecHllc, "Hod Hock III AiirIo
SlIXOIl'L'iVlllS'lUloll," , aciicral Sw policy.
December JTointh.
i ro -Music
i'.IU Cli'iii'iilmy Aillliinelle
MI'S l.nui.i U. HiiKinty.
10 9i:iiRl!sh .Miss Mary V Ihilo
il.10 Psvi halo-;: . .. Piof. 12. I,. N't nip
1 Vi Music.
i.wj:imiisii mi- Minv r. itjiie
J.'.ii-1'iviiIioIimv . . I'lof 12. 1 Kemp
JO'i Mil-li.
K.T- J .lonit tittti v- . Ilium tic,
Miss 1). ThlKMll.
S lil-Oiellislin.
l"i Piano ihlel
MN-i s Mills ami l.lttle.
v Lil-l.i-clnie, "The .li"-h inlc its."
111. DwlRlil IIIIIIh.
December Fifth.
1 'il Music
' I2li v Arltlllllitli.
Miss l.nina O Huk utw
J0Ji)--J:iik1I-1i II-s Alaiv J'. 11 de
11 mi Mtiolc.
A Man Named Adams. Who Is Vis
iting at Home of Son-in-Law,
Eivin H. Stone, Stiicken with
Deadly Tetanus.
An aj-pd man luim-d Adam-, who is
Mllim on Pink -tu-cl at Hie home of
his dtiURhlei, Mis. Stoii". wire ol Ki vlli
II. Stoin loi om.iii of the oil dupait
nieni of the llendiitk Mnnulftttuiiiig
icimpany, is siifteilnc iioiu Ihp deadly
tetanus, cr lock-jaw.
Adam-, whoso home I- near riiin
ihilla, was Injtlied a week ayo Monday.
Whll" about tho bun or ills son, he
fell, sustaining n j-''"-!! on his nose. He
did nol appear to be .niv the wois-e as
:i i oti-PiitieuiP of tin aoiidenl, except lu was somewhat nenous. A few
dan latei, lie tame to (.'.irboiulale to
isit al the Sione lesidpncc S.ituulav
he was taku siik and on Monday his
ja bei anie locked. A- the tetauui
genii, which causes loik-lnw. Is touiid
in th p.iith and about, stables, it is
supposed thai the old man was inocu
lum! with the f-ei m that was in the
din on the Hum of the bain, and yot
into the gus-h on his nus
Or. O. 1,. Ualley was tailed lo attend
the puieiit. The tetanic .inli-toin has
been adininlsiPicd i-lntc Monday, and
seems to Jiaie toinu etfoct As the tatf
lucr has lost his It-c-lh on account ot
his pMieine old ae, boint, about SO, ii
was not a haul matter lo k1c him
until islmifciit by means of n tube. This
has been a Rieat factor in sustaining
him. Yestt-iday he was able to open
his mouth jusl a little. While this ghes
some hope, et this is not tajlng a
Kient deal, , as lock-jpw is legatd-'d as
Columbia Company Abandon It and
Another Company Organized.
The hook and ladder project, which
was first taken up and developed by the
Columbia hose company, was aban
doned by tho organisation at ,t meeting
held lu llic? hose Iiouhc lust night. The
matter was thoiouglily canvassed and
the Judgment waii unanimous that theic
mlghl be a possibility of tiiction with
both appliances under tho one loof.
Sooner than to interleii in any -way
with the .success of the pioject, the
Columbia lueiubeis lightly decided to
leie the new oignnlzatiou to be fotuied
along independent lints. Pi evident Boy
l.iu, of tho company alterwauls called
a spi-Ual meeting of the company fin
Sunday jiiernoon, to consider somc
ihlng cfc that ran be dealt with with
out any contusion and which will be ot
immeasuieably bettet beuellt to the
lonip.iuy and community than a hook
and ladder truck.
In the meantime, the hook and ladder
piojecl was taken up by Abe 1 Suhni,
who was also active In the Ooliiinblas
inovenient, It was undei .stood that tho
Columbia company was to nbandon the
piojecl, so at this meeting, which was
u cominnii council chamber, teinpoiaiy
oiganlzatloii was directed as follows-:
Pu-.sldeiit, A. 1.. Sahm; sen etui y, John
Hni to lliiik; tieasuiei, Albeit lluddy
Next meeting will Ik Tuesday night
when peimaiiiiut organization will tnke
plni e,
Annie Oakley Tonight.
Mu-i Annie Oakley, who for scieial
5 purs was the bUr attiuctlou ot Buf
falo nill's "Wild Went," will be .seen
al the opeia hoiiso tonight, ns "Xance
Baviy" 111 tho "Western Gill." .Miss
Oakley has astonished her mot-t anient
sulnilruife by the foicu of her peisonn
tlon of a ilmracter pecullaily suited to
her tenipetamcnt and ability. She has
been suiiouiided by an oxeellent com
pany which Ineludes suih well known
plajeis ua Kiodeilck Moslny, lloboit
lieuip, Jllthaid O. Williams, Umiuet
lleoy, H. A, Moicy, Uluules II. Phil
lips, .Tullu Harhelder, .leaiietlo l-'euell
mid l.o Sydmeth,
Thanlisglvlng Day nt Postofflce.
Tliankbglving Day (Thmduy, Xo.
27, l'JOJ), legiil holiday Postollke lob
by open fur genes al business tiom 7
a. m. to 13 o'clock, and fiom S.w p. m,
until 6.30 p. m. fo,' lock box owners
only, Ono general delivery of mall by
rarrlern. No mono older or leglstry
business done on this day,
J, H. Thomas, P, M.
Should Be Well Pationized.
Tho Woman's Auxiliary of the Emer
gency hospital will conduct a cake sale
today in tho Palace cieameiy, Salem
avenue and Church sheet. The enter-
pilse Will give opportunity td hliy an
ncceptabie delicacy fat- Thnilkisglv'lng
day, The dainties will bo homo-made,
thui tisstirliig their iiunllty. Thu sale
should be well patronized, ns It is for
tho beuellt of Carbondiile's splendid
charity, Emergency hospllul.
Cmshetl to Death Under His Coal
Coudiiutor Frank 12. Moigan, of the
Dehiwaie and Hudson, whose death
wus briefly mentioned In yestordny's
Tribune, met his fate by falling through
the trap door of a gondola, which was
open unknown to him. After the train
hft the yard of Xlnoveh, Morgan start
ed oi'cr tho train to get tho train ordeis
which would be tecelved at the tclp
giaph station nbout. n mile away, lie
way about on the seventh or eighth
car when he fell tlrough the open
door. When the telegraph station was
reached, Morgan, was not to be seen,
Filled with apprehension, the trainmen
went back and found Morgan lying
dend between the tracks. He was
ciushed lo death by the biakc beams.
The car wheels did not pass over Ills
body. The fatal happening toolc place
between 9 and 10 o'clock. Tho deeeuspil
leached this oily about 5.30 o'clock and
was taken to the icsldence lu South
Ten ace street.
Mr. Moigan wus bom at Welsh Hill,
Susquehanna county. Februniy ::, 1800,
and lived In Cnibmiilalc since he was
11 eais of age. He was u railroad
lialmnait about nineteen ycats nnd was
iiachai te member of the Brotherhood
of ii'ialmueu mid was conspicuous in
tho older of Hnilwu Conductois. Ilo
had the lespect and conlldtnce nt his
associates on the uillroad. Ills qtiiel.
unaffected manner and Ills kindness of
heai t united him to a wide elide of
lilond-. Ills deatit wus iccelved with
a tone of sud l egret throughout the
clt. Ills gilof-stilcken wire has Iho
waini-heaited sympathy of the com
munity, Mr. Moigan Is stinhed by his son,
At chip Fi.hicIk Mm gnu, the following
liiothpi", Waller Moigan. of Luzerne,
William J. Moigan, traveling oh dila
tion agent for The Tribune, Oscar and
Edwin, of tills iity, mid D.utd Moigan,
ot .Minneapolis: and n half slstei, Mrs.
finny Self.;, of Scranton. Mi. Mor
gan's biothei, Thomas Moigan, died a
year ago this month
The will take place Thuis
d.iy alteinonn at .! o'clock. Spi vices will
be lu the First Presbvtei Ian lunch.
lte. Chin le1! l.fe, the pastor, will of
llcl.ite. will lie In HiookshK
l Pllietel.
Boaid of Health Issues Warning
Through Secietary Shepherd.
The following notice to the public
which was given out at Monday night's
meeting of the boaid of health was In
aihertentl ciowded out of jesterday's
Issue. Tin notice, which is aneni the
piesent so-called epidemic in Catbon
dulc, leads:
To the Oeneial Public: Tin city is
alinojt PiitliPly fiep ftoni contagious dis
eases at Hie pioscnl time, and while
then Is about the noimal amount of
other sickness which Is usuallv expri
ieiiced this time of the ca:. It Is thought
that conditions could be Improved to a
greet extent f eery one would take a
peiscmul Interest hi the umltri' and clean
up and have lemoied all g.uilen rubbish,
iishe., etc., that may hao nc uiiiuliited
on their piemlsis. The unusual fall of
lain that we have had (lining tho pat
summer has no dnubl had a tendemy to
make uiisaiiitniy the heaps of lefuse that
have been standing fur any great length
of time; and while theio Is no great
cause for anslety from that souiee dui
Ing the winter mouths, when the weather
stay? cold, yet If time should be a con
tinued open winter, the effect would be
about the same as during the summer
months; then fue. it Is bet to be on the
safe side, and ou mo asked to co-operate
to that end. Stall today.
All nibbNIi that Is taken nv.av now
will be just so much lrgs to be disposed
of net spring, w hen a Igorous i rusade
will bo made to havo tho city given a
thoiougli houspc leaning trom top to bot
tom, so thai the dinners for diseases
spiliiRlng from tint souiee will bo re
duced to a minimum.
Do not wait to be asked, but tnke a
ppi-onnl Interest in this, and see It we
cannot make Carbondnle ono of the
healthiest cities In tho Hlate.
Yours tiulr,
B. M. Shepherd,
Secretary Boaid of Health.
Caibondale Medical Society's Topic
for Tonight's Meeting.
The Caibondale Medical society will
hold a legular incpting in tho oiliop of
Dr. V. W. Fletcher, lf Xoith Mnln
stieet, tonight.
"Typhoid Fovei" will bo the topic of
discussion, a timely selection In the
face of the widespiead prevalence of
feer cases In the city at the present
time, An element that contributes to
the niue of this discussion Is the
doubt, or dlffeiencp of opinion, that ex
ists ns to these rasps being genulnp
The piogiamme Is us follows:
Tho Diagnosis" Dr. J. S. Xlles
"Tho Nursing' Dr. W. ,T. Lowiy
"The Pitncnilon" Dr. D. 1,. Bailey'
"Tho Tieiitnuul" Dr. S. S. Shields
"The Haclllus" Dr. Ii. II. Jackbon
"Souico of lnfepllon"..Dr, II. C. Wheeler
"Complication, and Senudao"--
Dr. J. Q. llarppi.
Ilncli paper to occupy llvo minutes only.
Follow pi! by gcueiol dlscusston.
Unclaimed Letters.
The following Is u list of letteis ip
maiuiiig In Iho Caibondale postoillce,
November 2C l!'0-', for poisons un
krowu Patiick Biuietl, Mint ,T. Cnf.
To y. .Master Claudlo Calfrey, Oeoigo
Hauls, Aithur Hollenbnck, Bobei t II,
Kane, Albeit Johnson, Dr. T, J. Lamb,
M. M McCiuni, Joseph McDonald,
Itlchurd J, Ilosemngy, Louis itudler,
When Scott's Emulsion
makes the consumptive gain
flesh it is curing his consump
tion. Exactly what goes on inside
to make the consumptive gain
weight when taking Scott's
Emulsion is still a mystery.
Scott's Emulsion does some
thing to the lungs too that re
duces the cough. More weight
and less cough always mean
that consumption is losing its
influence over the system.
Scott's Emulsion is a relia
ble help, sarf (or Vxxt Suupla.
SCOOT .J)0WKE, CbcnUt. Vail St N. Y.
fc -
, So says Mrs. Josie Irwin, of
325 So. College St., Nashville,
Tenn., of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Neror in the history of medicine Jias
tho demand for one particular remedy
for female diseases equalled that at
tained hv I-ydia K. Pinkham's
Vegetable .Compound, and never
during the lifetime of this wonderful
medicine has the demund for it been
so groat aa it is to-day.
From the Atlantic to the VaciUe,
and throughout the length nnd breadth
of this great continent eomu the glad
ti'linps of woman's Mifferinps relieved
bv it, and thousands upon thousands
ot letters are pouring in from grateful
women saying that it will and posi
tively does cure tho worst forms of
female complaints.
airs. Pinkluuu imites all' wo
men who are puzzled about
their health to write lier at L.ynn,
Mass., for advice. Such eorre
spoudence is seen by women only,
and no charge is made.
William Seely, Muthew Sheridan (spe
cial delivery), Henry Swedler, Mis.
Margin et IJrennan, Mis. Small Hull,
Mis. 13. M. Mason.
J. II. Thomas, lotm.i-tei.
JAMU.S CAUDKX, one of the ploneeis
ol Carbondale, father of Pattolman
Patiick F. Caiden, died early yesteiday
moinlni? at the residence of his son,
Thomas Cudeu, at Mayfleld, whither he
went fiom this city a few months apro.
Death was due piincipally to mlneis'
asthma, whleh followed Mr. Carden's
half eentuiy of employment In the
The deceased was a nntie of county
ot Mayo, Ii eland, hut came to this
count! y in his boyhood, s-eUlins In Cur
bond.ile, which has since been his home. weeks ago he took up his l evi
dence wllh his fon, Thomas Caiilen, In
laydeld. Ir. Cm den a promin
ent type of the genial and htimoious
native of Ireland. This made his com
pany always entertaining and enjoy
able. Ills f i lends weio all those with
whom he e.ime In contact, for his
w.nm-heai'tedness and geiitlenP!s weie
sine to .ittiact and letaln friendships.
He w.ik a member of St. Rose ehuich
and was ever f.ilthtul to his devotions.
His i ailing away will be letlected
among his numeious ti lends. This is
tlje second death In tlie Carden family
within about six months, the son .T.imes
having preceded his fnther. The de
ceased lived In this city on upper Tall
in ook city.
The survlvois aie one daughter, Mrs.
Thomas WuKh and (He sons, P.xtiol
man P. V. Cat den, Constable Mnrtin
Caiden, Joseph Carden and John Car
den, of this city, and Thomas Caiden,
of Mayfleld.
The funeral will take place Tliuis
day foienoon. A high mass will be
sung In St. Rose climch, commencing
at 10 o'clock. will be in St. Rose
A Unique Offering at the Berean
0 Baptist Chuich.
The ladles of the lletean Baptist
church will hold a musical entertain
ment at the chuich this evening that
will be something of a novelty. An
entertainer from Pcinnton, C. E. Webt
on, will have an impoitant pail In the
piogramnie. Ho will play selections
on musical glasses and to stoiy-telllng
will add Imitations ou the piano. Local
talent will Include Mls-s Isabel Mitchell
and of the Mozart oichestui members,
Walter Hlsted and IJ. J. lily.
The proginmme Is as follows:
Piano solo, Leon I- Illy; clnilnet duet,
Wallace Hlsted and 13. J. Oly; selec
tions on tho musical glasses, C. 13,
Weston: vocal solo, Miss Isabella Mit
chell; htimoious stoiles, C, 1"3. "Weston j
vocal duot. Mis. Whaleii and Mr. Will
lams; stoiles and plnno imitations, C.
1'3. Weston, pi.uio duet, Mis-e,s Hall nnd
Watt-Atheiton Nuptial Announce
ment. Mr. and Mis. William Wallace Watt
yesteiday announced tho wedding day
of their daughter, Miss Isubello Kioc
man Walt, who will bo man led to
Tliomns S.iyie Atherton on Thuisilny,
December 11, The Invitations which
weie Issued to tho fi lends; of the inni
llles iinuomice the nuptials to take
place In the First Piesbylerlan ehuich,
this city, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon
of tho eleventh. Tho neVB of the nup
tials will bo iccelved with eaget delight
by the fi lends of both families, who
are among the oldest and most con
spicuous In tho history ot this valley,
Olyphant Man nt Conlbiook,
The Hiiccessor to .Tames Williams, as
iiHslstunt foiemun at Conlbiook bleak
er, under Km email John J, Scott, Is
Thomas Cut ran, of Olyphant, who was
a foi email at one of the Delawaie and
Hudson mines lu that borough. Mr.
Williams, It will bo lecalled, was pio.
incited to tho vucancy at No, 1, caused
by the death of James Clarke.
Mr, C'uirau assumed his changed
duties yesteiday. lie will lie wel
comed to Carbondale, wheio ho ulicady
has numerous ft lends,
The fai nuns' Instltuto will be held
this year on December U und 10, begin
ning at 1.30 p. m. on thu Uth, lu the
Methodist chinch.
Mis. Chailes Dallcy ami two ehildicn
visited friends heie last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dymoiid, of
Connolly & Wallace
Scran ton's Shopping Center
If you see something now
that will make a good Christmas
gift, you can buy it and have
It held until you want it delivered.
An ' Early . Christmas
And a good Christmas!
Good times means good wages and good -wages
means good holiday trade. We felt the pulse of business
and got our Christmas goods in .early. Lucky we did, for
the crowds are coming already as they never came before
Now is the best time to shop. Said an editorial in a
paper a few days ago ' "The prudent holiday shopper
will visit the stores and make his purchases before! the
eager rush and crush of the season fully sets in; when
salesmen are not so busy as they will be later, and when
the selection ot gifts can be made with comfort and
Mr. Editor should have further said : Shop early in
the day before 10 o'clock, if possible.
And buy your Christmas gifts from the store that
has your confidence and that has never abused it.
Tailor-Made Suits
$10 to $50
Beautiful and unusual suits,
made of novelty materials, such
ns hopsacking and dotted effects.
Some are of simple cheviot nnd
bioadcloth, nnd have nil the
novelty in the vests and tiim
mlngs. The cut is very good, and the
skiits aie exceptionally well
hung and tailored.
Most of the better ones have
silk drop skiits.
UelouT Wraps
Next to ulsters, the beautiful
Velour Wraps blouses nnd coats
that camo fiom Palis have
bvought us moie prestige this
year than anything else.
When we weie choosing' them
wo tried to get nue with this col
lar, another with that; one with
thi3 kind of fur, another with
that; until we have one of the
greatest assoitments of exquisite
Velour Wiaps ever bi ought to
this city.
But the imported Wraps sell so
fast thnt n short time ago we had
our thiee best makers come nnd
take from our stock samples to
copy in some big orders wo gave.
Theso wraps aro here now.
Prices for Blouses nnd Monte
Carlo styles,
$25 to $75
" -
I Conno
nr TC
O 143 - iLD
inn,i,t le'l.itlves lieie a few
days last week.
Mr. Schloos,, of the ia-h store, lias
(Inputted for paiH unknown. Another
company has cIuuko ot tho stoie imw.
A fair will ho held In the Hapliht
011111111 the week hetoio Christmas-, lor
the beuellt of tho chuich.
Sirs. Monls Holmes' mother died last
week, and was taken to Michigan for
hm lul on Friday.
The Indies' Aid society of the Metho
dist HplM-opal climch will servo dinner
nnd supper In tho church on Thanks-
BlvlnB. ,.,
Tin thlid uuarteily confoienco will
ho held on S.iuuday at - p. m.
toily meetliiK Sunday nt U p. in. Hi v.
A. Clilllln, P. !.. will piejeh.
To Cine a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative liionio-Quiiilne Tablets
This Hlgiiutuio iyijt,
ov.-i v hox. "-ie'. v9 tfjh
Tho timet nl of the Into IMtrick K.'ii
neily took place yesteiday alteinoon
and was attended h luiRo number
of i chill ves and it-lends Horn item by
towns. Theio was a number of (Intal
Klfts, tho principal pleco helnt? a m.itt
nlllcent hook and ladder of tin nations
and toies, tho jjift of tho Aite.sinn Ilnso
company, Iho inembeis nt whom at
tended in a body, llilef tei vices weio
held In the Chinch of the Kacied Heart,
and Intel meat was mudo lu St, Thomas'
cemetery, Aichb.ild, Tim pall-be-aiois
wm a I'jetl Ii.itteiibeiK, P.i!d 111 in c.
James Mulhoilu, John Dougher and
John, mid tho llowei-lieaieis were
Flunk .MoAiidrew, Albeit, Anthony
Mulheiln nml Frank Moon.
Tomoirow tolntr ThaiikteUIiiir day,
tho stores of hotliy boronf-hs will bo
closed. The Jciinji) posColIiio will bo
open from 10.30 to 1 und tiom 2 until
4 o'clock for the dellveiy ot mull.
Thanksgiving sei vices will bo held in
St. James chinch tomuiiow inoinlns at
10 o'clock.
Mr, and Mis. J. 1). Piltehtud and
daughter Fein, Miss l.uolu Itennlo and
In the hurry of Christmas
shopping you haven't time to
stop and examine the goods thor
oughly. Buy at a store you can
Silk Petticoats aie one of the
things we've learned fiom. the
French. As soon ns a new idea
breaks out in Paris it flashes over
hero our makers take hold of it
and tuin it into on American al
most befoio you can say Jack
Of course, American Petticoats
cost much less than imported.
All kinds heie beginning with
good sober black on'.s for $0.00,
made with a deep pleated ruffle,
edged with a narrow gatheied
one, over a near silk, foundation
going up to tho $25 Petticoat,
which is brimming over with
dainty lace and pleats.
Some nie cut with a deep circu
lar luflle nt tho bottom to make
the new diess skirts hang cor
lectly. Wo have about twenty very nice
plain colored Silk Skiits that we
aie closing out at
lly & W
H-B7 H-5 Wnohinrvrrm Air I
- iM -17 vv damns
S. .T. Uvans, of Sheridan. Wyo, left
yeste-nlny morning to spend ThutiUbKlv
iii!,' lu Now Yorit iity.
Tho oticlne party to he conducted In
the auditorium of Sneicd Heoit i huicli,
TliunKsBhlntr eeiiliiR, piomlses to lie
n ver pleasant afi'uii. Theio will bo
tin usual prizes for lilsh and low
si oies, and a iceeptlon will afte'iwiudi
ho held In Assi-mlil hall.
Tho luneiul of 11,-usul, the lli-mou Uns
old child of Mr. and Mis. Thomas 13.
iluivey, tool: plaeo ycstenlu. aftei
noon, Servlees weio held nt the house'
by Itcv. M. !-. Fuller
Miss Coru Mmils fjilllln, who appuaii
at tho Methodist llplseopul I'huich on
Tliunksslvlntr evening, Is tin elocution
ist of unusual ability. Hm peisoualitv
Is i banning, her voico tloxiblu and well
tu ilued. Her ropoitolio Ineludes gems
liotn standard uuthois and those of to
day. Tho ndmlbslon .to hear this tul
on ted elocutionist Is only llfteen et'llt.i
for adults and ten eeuts for chlldien.
Itiiui'mber the oyster supper at tho
Kilfer building tonight.
Many good ai tides or clothing and
tuinlturo uii) to be had .it tho i urn
mage sale in the Hull building ou Mnln
blle-e't, Ulukely, lit n low pilee.
John Fcttigiew, of lllukelj, has pur
chased a liumhomo new upright piano
tor his home.
llayden, the joung son of Mr. and
Mis, T. D 1 Ivans, of SiisiiuWmllll.l
htiect, met with a painful accident In
Hddy Cicek colliery ychtetduy inoiii
lug. Ho was I'liiployud as a drici and
was riding on a trip, when ho slipped
between tho cuis nnd hioKe his aim.
Ho ias taken to his home, wheio he
iccel(d medical attention.
Wultei Hloekljeigfi', a nienihei of
tin Fiftieth company, Count Aitlllei,
was called heio lioni Foit A'adsMirlh,
New Voik hai lior, on aecouut of tho
curious Illness of his father, C. H.
Miss Maine Sat go, of Ulakt'ly, !
rjulte HI
Mis. Fiupk Stanley, of Hell stieet,
Silk MulTIers
$1 and $1.25
Up to $3.50.
To cover up the crack where
cold creeps into your neck.
Mostly black and white, of
brocaded silk.
Leather Goods
Of all the styles adopted by
Paiis this year, the wrist bag is
not only the most feminine but
tho most pionounced. Women in
this country have taken it up
willingly, for the wrist bag gives
them the comfort of a chatelaine,
a great deal of style, and a
pocketboolc in one.
Prices stait at 50c and rise by
easy stages to S5 each.
What would you think of us if
we couldn't sell Furs, as well as
everything else, for less than you
can get them elsewhere.
We buy three times as many as
most anybody else for this big
stoic of outs.
Wo aie especially stiong in
neckpieces in all giades of fur,
langing in price fiom
$4 up to $50
tun flvu
who has been ill, is able to be out
A union Thanksgiving s-enlce will bo
held In the IllaUely Friinlthe Metho
dist chuich tomoiiow nioinliig at 10.30
o'cloik. tli!. James Hey, the pastor,
will bo assisted by J lev. David Speneer.
1) D nml Hew George Hague.
T. V. I'owdeily, of caibondale, wai
u culler In town yesteiday.
Tho luiuie'is' Institute will be held in
tho Hnpllht chuich, Decunber I and 5.
A spicy pioBimnmo hus been in ranged
for each sessloii, and u good atteiidani'e
Is hoped for The ladies of the Metho
(list Ilpiscopal ihuicli will seio mcali
In tho basement of their church tho
second day of the In.stltuti!.
The Fleetvlllo giungo euteilulnod thu
Fouionii lodge on AVedlU'bdny of last
u. F (iiiiuliei, an aged icsldeut nl
tills place, died at his home Sunday
meiilng, Xo ember 10. Funeral t-civlrert
weio held lu tho Huptist church Wfd
ncsdii ut 10 a. in. Hev. .Mr. Thoippson
Paul tiunthe'i- has puicliased the faun
and loot.0 jiropeity that belonged to O.
F. ("iiintlier, ilei eased, Hi will have an
miction sale ot tho looso piopeity on
neecinbci -', Tlie sale ho ndverllbed fni
Novembei 1 was postponed because nl
tho death of O. F. liuniher.
The new house Hllus Fuiiiham hua
been building will be completed thin
w i ek
The ladles of the Huptist ehuich will
bono a ThunksgMiig supper at tlm
homo of V V I'utteisou, Thursday
eenlug. All niu loullullj Invited. Tia
pi lie of the suppei will bo tweuty-lisu
They Pny the User,
If oti wlbh a half-tone or line cut,
let tho Scranton Tribune make It for
j on. Our equipment for this work In
completo and up-to-date. We have
facilities for doing the finest sort of
work at lowest prices and what's more,
wo do It. A tiiul order will convince