"4rV .j ts? ' ,: .;. i 'A Hr .- " " n , - tu : mwtmt THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. 11 TEN PAGES SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. TEN PAQBS TWO CENTS. .w ) t- , Vr;7, SERIOUS HITCH IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR A SETTLEMENT Tin Gontroversu Between Coal Operators m Miners Uninn Up to Strike Commission. MR. DARROWS TALK WAS PREMATURE All Prospects' for an Understanding Between Operators and Miners' Union Outside of the Coal Strike Commission Come .to a Sudden Termination CoaJ Operators De cline to Meet Mr. Mitchell in Washington In the Judgment of the Operators It Is Best for the Present to Go on with the Hear ings Before Commissioners. lly lixcliiiive Who from The Associated Picm. New York, Nov. 2j. A serious hitch occurred today In the plana for a set tlement of the coal controversy by con ference between the coal operators and the miners' union, and It is now almost certain that the final adjustment of the paints at issue will be referred again to the Gray commission. At a meeting today of the presidents of the coal roads and a large number of independ ent operators, a strong protest was en tered by the latter against treating di rectly with the miners. An invitation to meet Mr. Mitchell at Washington on Friday was declined peremptorily and it was agreed unani mously that In the judgment of the operators it was est, for the present, to go on with the hearing before the commission. A Sudden Termination. Washington, Nov. 23. All prospects for an understanding between the Unit ed Mine Workers and the coal oper ators, odtside the Anthracite- Coal 'Strke,- Commission, came to a sudden termination late this afternoon through the reply of a dispatch to Wayne Mac , eagh, representing the Pennsylvania ,Coal company, .and the Hillside .Coal company, notifying him that at a meet ing of the anthracite coal road men in New York today it had been decided not to grant an Interview to Mr. Mit chell and his associates, which had been suggested for Friday next. The an nouncement, coming as it did after an all day's conference In this nity, be tween Mr. MaeVcagh and Mr. Mitchell, and his associates, attended part of the time by Carroll D. Wright, in an en deavor to adjust some details of the n-oposed agreement between the oper ators and the miners, completely sur prised every one here. From a reliable source it is learned that the proposition that the operators meet Mr. Mitchell on Friday nest was made at the Instance 'if Mr. MacVeagh, who was no less sur- jiised than Mr. Mitchell himself at the urn affairs took today. Mr. Darrow's Statement. From statements made by Mr. Dar ,'ow early in the day, the Impression had spread that a complete agreement would be effected at today's conference, but when the meeting broke up, Mr. Darrow road to the newspapermen in the corridor outside a statement which made it clear that no dual agreement had been reached and that no further conferences were likely. The statement was as follows: The main featiues la the controversy have been agreed upon. Minor details are unsettled. What these main feature and minor dotails are, 1 am not at liberty to stati'. The main features, I tuny say, have beeif , correctly or nearly correctly Stated In the public press (a ton per cent. Increase In wages and a irino hour day), There are so many Important neonle In. forested that It Is dlfileult to como to an' understanding quickly, as further In formation Is needed, My own view Is that a settlement will bo reached In all he details, As far as Mr. MacVeagh Is imcerncd ho nominally represents only he Jhie Interests that is, the Peunsyl Vanlu Coal coniany and the Tllllsldo Coal company-hi this mutter, Broadly speaking, ho represents more. W'u have been going over the propositions buck and forth and have not yet concluded, A'o will meot again at 2 p. in, If wo can agree nn all the points at Is sue and I believe wo can the work of tho anthracite coal strike commission will be made much easier. Their work will go on, however, and our agreement will become a part of their award, Mr. Mitchell was shown the dispatch from New York, telling or the action of the operators. He simply smiled rind said that ho had not asked for the con ference, hut that when It was suggested to him if it would be agreeable- to meet the operators, he said it would, Mr, Jlnrrow and Mr. Lloyd, however, wero outfcpoken regarding tho action of the operators, Mr, Par row said that It was now "up to tho operators," and that he would return at once to Scrnnton, and on Tuesday nex would oppear-'beforo tho commission r ndy to go on with tho hearing. Mr, Lloyd, holding In his hand the Associated Press dlsputch, referred to the fact that Friday's conference had been suggested In order to adjust some matters on which there was still some disagreement, "Yet," said Mr, Lloyd, "these "same men, who only last week wired the commissioner their assent to the gen eral provisions 'of the tentative agree, nient, and upon tho strength of which tho commission adjourned for a week In order to glvo the parties time to como together, now go completely hack on their former action and call It all off. we are satisfied to go before the com mission and continue tho hearing," I Messrs. Mitchell, D-airow and Lloyd , v loft here nt ovcr the Pennsylvania railroad for t Yiton MITCHELL NTERVIEWED. s Ho Expresses Mnion That the Strikers Will V -Mr. Darrow and Mr. Lloyd Sarcastic. Hy Reclusive Wire from TlicA-isou'iled I'rens. Philadelphia, Nov. 23. President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, accompanied by his coun sel, C. C. Darrow and H. D. Lloyd, ar rived here from Washington at 10 o'clock tonight. The three gentlemen engaged rooms at a hotel, and will leave for Scrnnton tomorrow morning. Mr. Mitchell was questioned concern ing the status of settlement of the mine workers' strikers. He said: "Counsel for the operators and some of the operators have laid before the presidents of the railroad companies a tentative proposition which had. been drafted jointly by the representatives of the railroad companies and counsel for the miners. The railroad presidents wired tho strike commission that tho general terms of the proposition were satisfactory, so that the minor details could bo adjusted later. This message suggested that tho commission adjourn until December 3, In order that these minor details might be adjusted." Mr. Darrow here interrupted by saying the initiative was taken by the operators. Mr. Darrow said: "When the commis sion adjourned It was understood that a satisfactory adjustment of the differ ences would be made. The commission ers were so confident of this, that a substitute committee, consisting of Messrs. Clark, AVatkins and Parker, was appointed to adjust the minor de tails. Attorney Wayne MacVeagh, counsel for the Hillside Coal company and the Pennsylvania. Coal company, requested Mr-. Mitchell and ills counsel to meet him in Washington today, for the purpose of working out the details ot the strike settlement. While we wero in conference with Mr. MacVeagh, it message was received -from" the coal road presidents, announcing that the first provision was n'bt satisfactory and that the coal companies would prefer a continuance of the hearings before the arbitration commission." Mr. Mitchell declined to" express any opinion regard ing tho attitude or the coal road prcsi dents. Mr. Darrow, however, said: "They have gone squarely back on their word." Supplementing this, Mr. Lloyd said: "We have no knowledge of the cause of the action of the railroad presidents, except the announcement followed u conference between tho independent operators and the coal road presidents." Mr. Mitchell was asked If lie consid ered that the action of the coal road presidents had weakened their cause befoie the commission. He said: "I don't want to say what they have done, but I will say 1 think we will win out." ROUMANIAN ATROCITIES. Letter Written by Ambassador White Regarding the Hebrews. Il.v Dxolmhe Who irom The Afeoi-laluil J'reas. Berlin, Nov. 25. A private letter written by Ambassador White to Ileiiiv Seligmau, of Fraiikfort-on-the-Main re garding the treatment of Hebrews in Jtoumanla, appears In the Frankfurter Zeltung today. The letter which was not intended for present publication, Is In part as follows: The Roumanian atroohles-nre simply monstrous and startle the civilized world. I have just received the Rou nuinlun bulletin. No document equals It in cruelty; since the series of laws with which Louis' XIV persecuted the Huguenots. Hut even these, which have hitherto been regarded as the acme of cruelty, are exceeded by those in the bulletin. 1 cannot believe thnt right thinking Roumanians or the civ ilized Powers can illlniv tlila ,nn.lltli.n of things to continue. It appears to be open defiance of law, Justico and com mon decency, .Mr. White will present his letters of recall to Kmperor William Thursday at noon, and afterwards, with his wife, will take luncheon with th mnor,. and empress, Ex-President Cleveland to Spenk. l)y llKohnhc Wile irom The Associated I'rus, Philadelphia, Nov, 'J5. Former Presi dent Cirover Cleveland has accepted an Invitation to pieslcle at a public meeting to be held hero on December 11 in tho in terests of tho Manual Training and in dustrial School for Colored People, .Mr Cleveland will make an, address. Among tho other spoakeis will bo former Post master Ciencral Charles Emory Smith, Colonel A, K. McCluro anil Hooker T. Washington, ii. Steam Boiler Explodes. Bj Eicluiive Wire fiom The AisocWted I'rm Lebanon, Pn Nov, 23. A steam holler used to run farm machinery on one of tho dairy farms of a, Dawson Coleman, near here, exploded at noon today. The barn ISO feet long, was set on flro and de stroyed. Abraham Pecker and Adam Boyle wero badly burned. Tho live stock was saved, . Willlamsport Development Co. lly Excludie Wire frurn 'flip Associated 1'iess, Dover. Del., Nov, .-Certificates of in corporation wero today filed as follows: The Interstate Development company, of Wllllamsporl, Pa., to acquire telegraph nnd telephone lines, etc. Capital, 2w.. 000. m ii Steamship Arrivals. 0 Eicluitve Wire from The AJsocUted Piai. New York. Nov. 2o.-Arived: Tq'urlc, Liverpool. Cleared: Majestic, Liverpool. Sailed: Cevic, Liverpool. Poulogne Ar ijfccd: SUtcndam far ' Rotterdam and proceeded. BRITISH EMPLOYERS COMPLAIN Say Americans Hire Away Their Men and Get Better .Work. lly Knelwhe Wire irom The Awclitcil 1'rcfs. London. Nov. 25. The American plan of paylnggood wuges and encouraging employes to Increase the dally output, which was Introduced by the manager. of the American .electrical works nt Manchester, has been protested ngnlnst by the .Employers' Federation of that district. The federation asserts that the labor market Is being' demoralized and their works am drained of their best men by the Americans. The Americans pay their laborers twelve cents nn hour, against nine cents paid by the Hiitlsh employers, and get double the amount of work accomplished. The Americans intend to Ignore the protest. They say the British work man Is capable enough, but he Is de moralized by low wages and the domi neering of tho English foremen, ngnlnst whom they have no redreRS. The Urlt Ish employers blacklist the men their foremen discharge and are attempting to prevent the American concern from employing them. The Americans, how ever, propose to stand aloof from the Employers' Federation and carry on their works in their own way. ALT00NA SHOP MEN ARE DISSATISFIED Wera on the Verge of Striking, hut Finally Submit Grievances to Mr. Duborrow. By i:i'lii;lvo Wire from The Afoclateil 1'iew. Altoona, Pa Nov. 23. The employes of the Pennsylvania railroad telegraph shop were on the verge of striking this morning. Their grievance Is that they have not received the ten per cent. In crease in wages supposed to have been granted to all employes east of Pitts burg and Krie recently, but Instead have been cut in their earnings from twenty-five to seventy-fjve per cent. They say tho unfair methods of the foreman of the shop are responsible for this reduction In the wages, and as a result there came near being a walk out this morning. After a more thor ough discussion of the matter, how ever, it was decided to see the higher officials before resorting to a strike in order to get their demands. Accordingly, a committee of five union men was appointed to call on It. N. Duborrow, superintendent of motive power, and state to him the grievances the men in the telegraph shop complain of. Mr. Duborrow received the com mittee in a very cordial maimer and promised to investigate the matter and see that the wrong the men complain of was righted. ELLEN GORE CASE. Doctors Are Strongly Inclined to Accept Accident Theory. By Kxc-liiitc Wire fiom The Assodatul l'ies. Paris, Nov. 23. In spite of the rigid censorship which has been maintained by the oiiicials and by ihe commission of American doctors concerning the re sult of the autopsy conducted by the latter on the body of .Mrs. Ellen Gore, it is learned t ro'ni an authoritative source that the doctois tend individual ly to the acceptance of the theory ot ,an accident or the probabilities are that their official report will strongly incline to that theory if it does not positively assert It, thus bringing the French and American doctors into agreement and relieving the ease of any International significance. It is clear that tho American doctors are Impressed by the thoroughness with which the French surgeons Inves tigated the case and they are not In clined to raise a professional Issue, At least two nf the American doctors hold an outright accident theory that they will seek to have that view ineor pora ted into the official report. FLOODS BAGING IN TEXAS. Strawberry Belt Washed Out Many Ballroads Tied Up. By Inclusive Wire irom Tho Axoekteil l'iea. Dallas, Tex,, Nov. 2,"i. As a-result of continued heavy rains throughout north and northeast Texas yesterday, the situation is more serious than ever. Klvers are overflowing their banks in many places nnd railroads aro almost all heavy sufferers. The Trinity river at Dallas is rising ut the rate of one toot per hotri-, and the other streams are In like condi tion, The Texas and Pacific tracks are washed out both east and west of Dallas, and the Shreveport branch of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Is tied up. Trains on the cotton belt are seri ously delayed, and the lied river, near Texarkanu, Is on tho rampage. lie ports from Tyler say that the straw berry growing district has been seri ously damaged. In some, Instances en tiro fields have been ruined. Country roads are damaged to tho extent of many thousands of dollars. Prizes for the Ninth Begiment. Uy F.ichwlu' Wire fiom The Anuihted press, Wllkes-Bnue, Nov. 2..-At thu Ninth regiment armory this evening several companies were awarded prizes for the good showing they made at the last an nual Inspection. General (iobln and stuff wore piesenl. Oeneial CJobln presented the prizes, After the presentation don' eral Gobiii uud staff vwuv banqueted at the Westmoreland club by the Ninth reg. Imont officers. .... . .mi. , i , I.,., mm Legally fianged for Assault. lly Ktclume Wlie from The Aic-laled l'res. Llncohivllle, N, O,, Nov. L3.-Calvlu Kl. Hot was legally hanged here today for criminally assaulting Mrs. Caleb Drown, near here, about two mouths ago, After lepcated unsuccessful attempts at lynch Ing, a special term of court was called and sentence of death passed, i Target Practice. in Pacific. 0 Exclushe Wire from The Associiled l'rei. Santa Barbara, Cat., Nov. 23. The cruiser Boston has arrived hero from southern waters. It Is said that tho Pos ton will remain hero two or thrceo weeks for target pracilco and that the New York and Marhlehcad aro under orders to Join tho Boston lu Santa Barbara chan. nel as soon as possible. Protest of INDEPENDENTS Individual Goal Operators Object to the Proposed Plan to Settle Differences with Miners. STATEMENT ADVANCED BY MR. SIMPSON To Consent to a( Settlement Upon Basis Suggested, It Is Declared, Would "Forever Establish the Power nnd Perpetuate the Injus tice Perpetrated by the United Mine Workers" Independent Coal Operators Desire an Opportunity to Present Their Sida of the Case Before the Public, nnd Deplore a Proceeding That Would Effect a Compromise Reflecting Upon Their Integrity. He Kxclusivc Wire fiom The AsscHudril Pies. New York, Nov. 2.1. The Independ ent coal operators protested today to the coal-earrying railroads against the proposed plan to settle differences with the mine workers' union. One of the reasons advanced by the Independent operators is that such a settlement upon the basis suggested would "for ever establish the power and perpetu ate the Injustice perpetrated by the United Mine Workers." Tho following statement was given out this afternoon by C D. Simpson, representing the Independent operators: Scranton, I'.i,, Nov. 22, line. To Messrs., Baor, Thomas, Trueulalc, Olyphitnt, ' Fuwler and AValler, presi dents. Gentlemen: The undersigned Individual coal operators whose pioduct is carried over one or the other of your respective railroads, having learned that efforts aio being made to effect a settlement of the questions now befoie the Anthracite Coal Strike conAniisIuu, of which the individu al coal operators have been made a party at the request of the commission, and a number of your corporations, beg leave respectfully to enter their vigorous pro test against any such settlement to lie made at this time and set forth the following among niiiuy reasons: 1. We believe that such a settle ment at this time and upon the basis suggested would forever establish the power and perpetuate the injus tice perpetrated by the United Mine Workers. 2. That such settlement would be in the eyes of the public, a confes sion that we have heretofore been guilty of all the offenses charged against us by the said mine workers. 3. That we have, and believe that you liave, such a perfect and com plete defense to the allegations made by the complainants before the com mission, that nny money award the commission would render would bo far less than the amount we under stand that it is proposed to concede, especially to miners and their labor ers. 4. That aside from any money considerations, this commission, com posed, as we believe, of men that are absolutely fair, unbiased and of un usual experience and good judgment in their findings, will make such declaration as will for many years put a ban upon unlawful practices, oppression by non-union men, un justifiable demands and other griev ances that we have been suffering under since 1000, when the union first took possession of our property. If on the other hand this settlement be made now when not a single wit ness has been called on our part or on your behalf, it will be an absolute and distinct surrender to the miners' union nnd the troubles nbove object ed to will not only be continued, but so magniiletl as to be absolutely un bearable. The healings before tho Anthracite Coal Strike coiiimhslQii present the best op portunity that the coal operators have over had of presenting their case before the general public who are really an im portant thlid party, since abstracts at jeast of tht'se proceedings are published nil over the I'niled Stales and It is a duty that wo owo to ourselves as well us to them to prove that the continued and lepoated charges of Injustice, barbar ity and extortion are absolutel;- un foiiuiU'd: all of which the individual operators at least propose to do. Tlie case as prcsentrd already shows such weakness that we believe they were almost disheartened when the sug gestion fur a compromise were made. Wn believe that any surrender on our part which would bo practically what this compromise would amount to, would be by far the most serious mistake ever made In the anthracite coal business. iHIgned) Clear Spring Coal company, by .1, U Cake, general niana'gur: Clear Spring Coal company, by W. If. Genr hiui, secretary; Jerrnyii & Co., Joseph Jerinyn; the Mountain Jossup Coal com pany, limited, W, W, AVatson, treasurer; The Alooslo Mountain Coal company, V, W, Watson, treasurer; The West Knd Coal company, by C. B. Simpson; IVo. pie's Coal company, by J. L. Crawford, president; The Stevens Coal company, Henry Kingsbury general malinger; Klllot McCluro & Co., Itlversldo Coal company, J, N. Ttlee. vice president and general maiiiiserj Tho I'hiu Kill Coal company, Kdwnrd Sturges, president; Tho Clarcnco'Coal company, by Edward Sturges; Robertson & Law. the Dolph Coal company, limited, by K. H. Dolph, fecretury; Austin 'Coal company, by W. G, Robertson, president and general manager; Carney & Brown, Black Dia mond Coal company, by AV, (I, Thomas, president; Tho Raub Coal company, by. J, L, Cake, vice president; Tho Knter Piiso Coal company, per V. II. Gear hait, president; Tho Green Ridge Coal company, by AV. h. Council, treasurer; T)io Wyoming Coul und Ijind company, by H. C, Reynolds; Tho Nay Aug Coal company, by AA', J. Hand, president; William Council & Co., AVIIllani Council. Mr, Simpson's Kemnrks. ' The .protest was presented by" Mr.' Simpson, w)io said: lu iuaklmr our 'protest against us;', present settlement ot the question' at lsue, we desire to emphasize Certain points of material Importance. 'During the last live months no consistent effort has been made to Inform the public of tho true state 'of affairs. Consequently It has uccepted the miners' version and believes we nro treating our1 employes fairly, defrauding them of tholr earnings and preventing them-from muklng a dc cont livelihood. It Is our opinion, anil one upon which wo aro very determined, .that we owe It to ourselves to hnve this Investigation continue In order that testimony may bo taken- which will prove clearly to the public at large that the wages wo have paid nnd the treatment accorded1 our men have been fair and that tholr earnings have been largo In proportion to the In telligence required uud their willingness to work. To common labor, the dally wage has been small, but no loss than It receives fiom tlie same class of work In any Indus try, and more thiin on your railroads. Wo do not give mechanics' wages to the man to handle a pick or wheel a byrfow. As to the miners, It can be shown that their annual earnings arc more than the amount called fair wages, which was specified by two witnesses called for thu plaintiff. Their wages per hour are great er tliun those of skilled mechanics work ing and, living lu the same region, and they work less hours per day through the year and consequently, through their own choice, less days per year, since the op erator must employ a large number of men In order to secure the output which might be produced by a fraction of that number. This Is very readily suscepti ble of proof by our books and those of other mining companies You will llnd that the men ho have the largest earn ings are those who have worked steadily. Just as a mechanic must, while the small earnings have Invnrlably been to those who have given little time or care to their labor. The advantage given by nn un usually good chamber Is temporary and has a relatively, small effect upon the average yearly earnings. Miner and the Mechanic. Again, It must bo remembered, when comparing u miner with a mechanic, that the latter must start as an appren tice, receiving posMbly sixty cents a day during his first year. Jn tho second year ho may earn a little more, still more In tho third, ad during tlui fourth about $1.23 a day. After that his wage Is from $".ri0 to i a day, according to his skill and good fortune in seeming a desirable position. Compare this long period of work and small earnings with the apprenticeship of tho miner. An Immigrant, just landed on Ameiiean soil, speaking one or two words of Kngllsh, utterly ignorant, is eligible, as a miner's laborer, to a position which gives him the opportunity to learn and to acquire his miner's certificate, while earn ing between $:.' and $.'.40 per day. Is there nny comparison'.' Let the commission bring out these mat ters. Tills testimony can costly be se cured. Its presentation and the publicity which can bo given to It will be of Inllnlte service to every mining company. The public will have an opportunity of seeing the other side. The men themselves will talk about it, about how much a miller can earn. Tho mechanic who finds that he Is working more hours for less money than the miner will talk. Unemployed labor will learn of the opportunity for comfortable earnings, and will talk, and the minors, when they enter Into u dis cussion with other workers, will not bo long In seeing that they have bad the opportunity and have made good, earn ings, and become Jealous that their field will be entered by others who wish for equally good fortune. Such testimony will clear the atmosphere of much of the maudlin sobtiment which Is apparent. Thus for the general effect of the tes timony presented has given undue prom inence to Mr. Mitchell. In the four and one-half days In which he was kept on the stand, tho only point of value ascer tained was that he was In sympathy with the miners and was not familiar with an thracite mining. Half an hour would have answered the same purpose, and prevented many sympathy-creating generalities. Ho said that oth ers knew tho situation better they would be called. Probably these poisons nro to bo the next witnesses fur that side, and If they are men with u good record for faithful work, cross examina tion will show what we have alreaaj stated that thefr earnings are sufficient and this could then bo supported by our own witnesses. But our local attorneys, and the superintendents nf tlie collieries nro best fitted for such questions. They are familiar with the ilel.ills and can bring out the pi oofs. Should Be No Compromise. AVo think it highly desirable that any attempt at a compromise should imme diately stop; that the investigation should continue, and that one or two of the In dividual operators, with your representa tives, should collect and tabulate tiguri's of earnings for the purpose of presenting them lu evidence. After that our wit nesses can appear. After struggling through the last live mouths, with their losses and annoyances, it is a little matter to wait a short time more. A good tight Is never useless, and If lu thu end wo should not win, It would he better lu liavii ended with tho dignity of a strong effort than lo weakly go on our knees now, when we know the other side has practically eiiausted It.i icHoureos. Statement by Mr, Baer. Now Vurk. Nov. i!o, The meeting: of the Independent operators 'and rail road officials lasted about an hour und at Its dose President Fowler, of the New York, Ontario and Western, said that President Baer, ot the Heading, was preparing a statement, Later, the statement was issued and Mr, llaer left at once for Philadelphia, After mentioning, at the outset the names of the private operators pres ent, the list being the same as set forth In the protest of the Independent operutors, together with the naiiio of John Murkle and a few others, tho sui(.enieut given nut by Mr. Itaor says; "They (the private operators! met the coal presidents who had signed the leiinesl of the president of the United Stales. "They presented a protest against any adjustment being iiindo 'at this time, insisting that the principles In volved were so serious und affected so inaiiy interests that it was necessary lio w to have the commission bear all the facts and puss its judgment upon the whole controversy, "Mr. Simpson, tm chairman, read a paper expressing their views, and oili er gentlemen expressed decided opln Ions, "In tlie midst of tlie conference, the request came from AVashliigton to the operators of. both classes to meet Mr, .Mitchell and his associates next Fri day morning lit 10 o'clock, The parties-present,, without dissent, Instruct ed Mr. Hjior to make the following iinswer: ' j ', " 'Tho conditions ure such that no substantial progress cau'be mudu by HOLD UP ON the suggested meeting. The general judgment of the operators is thnt it will bo best, for tho present, to go on with the heating.' " The list of operators present besides those who signed the protest, Includ ed, according tto the stufeinont Issued by Mr. Biter, Lewis Kellly, president of the Lehigh Coul it nil Navigation company, nnd Mr. Taylor, of the St. Clair Coal company. They are calljd "operators from other regions." HAVANA STBIKE TO BE DECLARED OPE. A Complete Resumption of Work Tomorrow. Dy llvrliiihe Wire from Tlie Aoci.itcil Pi ess. Havana, Nov. 2.". Tho Central Lab6r union tonight decided to call off the strike and committees were appointed to Inform the various unions of this decision. There probably will be a complete resumption of work tomorrow. NEW BOYCOTT INDORSEMENT. Albany Railway Employes Offer to Assist Schenectady Men. By Dxelmlve Wire from The Associated l'le.-n. Albany, Nov. 23. There is a new complication In the Schenectady boy cott by reason of the action last night of the Albany branch ot the Amalga mated Association of Street P.ailway Employes. This resolution was adopted: Resolved, That Division No. 14S, Amal gamated Association of Street Railway Kmployes of America, Indorses the action of the Schenectady Trades assembly und pledges Its hearty support as far as it is In their power to maintain the same. A committee was appointed to visit Schenectady, report to the Trades As sembly there the action of the associa tion, learn if the local association will bo a. factor in a movement to induce people not to patronize the road under the existing circumstances and report to the Albany members at once. The Schenectady railway runs into Albany over the lines of the United Traction company. It was said this morning that the probabilities are that the local organization will not report In favor of any radical action. Six days' notice must be given the railway company of an intended strike, and it Is understood that the Albany branch tit least Is thoroughly equipped to meet any emergency and that the men are aware of it. Schenectady, Nov. 23. The news that the Albany division of the Amalga mated Association of Street Railway Kmployes had indorsed the boycott was. received in this city today without any accession of interest. The more' con servative persons In the Trades assem bly do not think that it will affect the decision tit the regular meeting tomor row evening, when the question of rais ing the boycott will come up. There will be another meeting this evening of the committee of citizens that was organized last week for the purpose of protecting, as far as pos sible, tlie interests of the city. ARREST FOR KIDNAPPING. ' Police Take Woman with Newburg Child in Custody. Br Ku'lnsive Wire from The Aasoclittd Presi. Norwich, N. Y Nov. 23. Mrs. Susie Ward was arrested here today at the request of the chief of police of New burg, charged with kidnaping the eighteen months'-old child of her sister-In-law, Mrs, William Schultz, of New burg. - . Eire This Morning. A fire broke out at is o'clock this morning ill the dwelling house at 1217 North Washington avenue, owned and occupied by -Mrs. Mary .Ionian. An alarm was sent In from Box 04, at the county jail, and soon after the fire men arrived the flames were subdued, The fire was of Incendiary origin and started in the cellar. No one was In the houso ,at the time, Mrs. Jordan being a patient lu one of the hospitals. The Interior of the house nnd con tents were quite badly damaged. Tho loss could not be ascertained. Wanton Shooting. U.v Kkdutlve Wirn from The Aswiiited I'rMi. e Jamestown. N. Y Nov, 23. Today AVII lls 3 J. Duncan, a farm hand employed at Maple Springs, Chautauqua Lake, fired a shotgun tit Kdgnr Lewis and his four-year-old daugiiter who wero passing. Tho child was seilously Injured. Lewis' Injuiles are not serious, Duncan was ar rested while hiding In a burn and was lodged lu J.ill, There Is no known eaiuo for the act. Mr. Baer Denies Rumor. lly i:elude Whe pom The Asioeiateil 1'ie.r, New York, Nuv. '.'3. President Outgo F, Baer, of tho Philadelphia and Read ing, today denied tho report that he has been elected president of the Lehigh Val ley to take tho pluco of President Walter, who resigned last week, Aualn Mr. Baer was asked whether lbs report was true, ho replied: "No, and I never will be.'1 Jenkins Defeats Carroll. Ur Kitiuilrc Wire Irom The As.otttt,l I'riw. New Yoik, Nov, 23. In a cl'ivrr wrest ling bout, catch as catch can, Tom Jen kins, of Cleveland, defeated Joe Carroll, of , Ireland, tonight lu Madison Square Garden, Jenkins had a decided iidvuntago lu weight as he scaled U'J pounds while Carroll weight only 170. The mutch was best two out of three falls. Jenkins scored the Hist two fulls, A Bay Sta,te Commission. Busy. Uv Kicluslvr Wire from The Auochted. i'rcti. Boston, Nov, 23. Although tho .entire force of inspectors of the Massachusetts cattlo commission has geeu working hard for tho pasttwo weeks, hoping to stamp out tho foot and mouth disease, It was ad mitted today that the disease has become almost cpldcmlo in this stato. Many new pases have been reported- in town of tu$U'ru uud central Massachusetts, IHE CANAL TREATY The nUiturie of the Colombian Gov ernment Removes All Hope ot Quick Action. MR. HAY CANNOT REPORT PROGRESS No "Ultimatum, but the Colombian Minister Says He Cannot Adopt Our Last Proposition as a Basis of! Negotiations Chances of Renewal of Negotiations Are Not Very, Bright. By ll.xeVslio Wire from The Associated rhei. Washington, Nov. 23. Secretary Hay, in presenting the subject of the canal negotiations to the cabinet today, was not able to report that any progress had been made during the past week. In fact, it appears that the negotia tions had conic to a dead stop. AA'hlle no such thing as an ultimatum has passed, the present situation may be described in tlie statement that the Colombian minister here, Concha, had distinctly informed the state depart ment that he cannot in behalf of his government accept the Inst proposition of the United States as the basis ot a canal treaty. The slate department has. already let it be known that It has come to the end of Its concessions, so the chances of a renewal of the negotiations In the neai future are not very bright. DR. SCHAEFER'S REPORT. Recommendations by the Superin tendent of Public- Instruction. tj Kielusive Wire from Tbt AuocUted 1'rew. Harrisburg; Pa., Nov. 25. The annu al report of Dr. N. C. Schaefer, super intendent of public Instruction, for the school year, ending th first Monday ot last June, waa today submitted to Governor Stone. ' 5Ch report recom mends that tho number of school di rectors in townships be-reduced from six to five to avoid the frequent dead locks in the election of teachers and the selection of text book's. ' ""' The report also suggests local legis lation to avoid the clash between the compulsory educational bill and vac cination laws so that parents may be required to i have their-children vac cinated. It also suggests that one enu meration instead of two, during' the odd years of all children between six and sixteen years for school assess ment purposes would be a saving of money in every county. Dr. Schaefer commends the teachers who spend much of their time at sum mer schools. He recommends some provision for summer training for those teachers who . cannot afford to attend summer schools a great dis tance from their homes. He thinks a modest appropriation for the mainten ance of one or more summer schools where ambitious teachers can combine study and recreation jvould be wisely, applied. The appropriation of $30,000 has stim ulated; tho establishment of high schools in a number of townships. Dr. Schaefer recommends that this 'appro priation be doubled by the next legls, lature. He says something should bo done' to raise the minimum salary of teachers. Good work cannot be expect ed from teachers who get less than $30 a month. Increase of the appropria tion lias not increased the salaries ol the teachers. TRAIN WRECKED NEAR UTICA, Thirty Coal Cars Jump the Track. Brakeman Injured. By Kiclushe Wire from The Assoolited PrMi. Vllca, N. Y Nov. 3. Extra No. S37, a coal train on the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western railroad, was wrecked at Clayvlllo tonight. About thirty cars jumped the track, and seven or eight wire demolished, The track was torn up for a considerable distance. The accident was due to a defective wheel, Hrakeniau Smith, ot Utlca, Is slightly hurt. It Is not thought the tracks will be cleared before morning, All trains on the division hayo beet abandoned for the night. Colonel Ochiltree Dead, lly i:diMf Wire from The Associated i'rc.. Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 23. Colonel ThomaH Ochiltree died here at 1 o'clock today ot heart trouble. He had been In u sinking condition since yesterday, morn ing and it Is a surprise, to Ids physicians' as well as to other that ho lived until to" day. He was conscious this morulng'but soon grew much worse, Pension Granted. Br Prlulif Wire from The Atxielitnl Trui. AVashliigton, Nov, S3.-- Andrew Ulntz, nf Wyoming, has been gianied u pensloe of K YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. ; Local data for No ember i'i, ij'n; Highest temperature .,,,,,',,,,,, V dr-grvtn Lowest temperature ,, 10 degrtea ItulRtlvu humidity! ii a. m. .,,,,,,.,, , , 5S percent. S p, m 02 percent. Precipitation, 'Jt hoiirs ended 8 p. rn.g pone. H fH H v-r-f ft-H 3 1" WEATHER. FORECAST. ' . V 'f Washington Nov. 25. Forecast for A'cdnesda. and Thursday; Eastern Peiinn.vlv.inla Rain Wed nesday; Thursday fair and b'me what cooler; brisk northeast winds becoming west. t.-fc ti .t.t-ttt-fet. tH v -jGs. A w I- ? .ArK ' -.VSh- a. j