tjM TT V ' jnr5 frpW ,srFT5r tttjtp A ii v-Sf-i rf THE SCA ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1902. ? siBT T1 Comfort in Reading If your present glasses fall to give you ease and comfort, there's something wrong Is It your glasses or your eyes? Either Is bad enough and should bring you to me at once, DR. B. A. BAER EYE SPECIALIST. MAMJPACTL'HINU OPTICIAN 331 Washington Ave, scuamon. pa wmmw Coiinfy Savings Bank and Trdsf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives ! -4 and Deposits J) I Up in Sums of r M wards and pays per cent, in terest thereon. L. A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON", Vice-Pies. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Wm, F. llnllsteail, Hveiett Warren, r.. P. Klnsslnuy, AtiRUt Hobln-'oii, O S Jolnioii, .To. O'Hilen, I,. A. Wattes. DFFER 30 TRADING STAMPS GIVEN THANKSGIVING WEEK Wc invito yim to ionic and look over iir new lino of novelties In WALL I'Al'KH. PICTL'HHS AND PICTI'llU PHAMP.S. IH'RNT -WOOD AND LRATIIKR NOVDLT1NS. liiing In your plenties to In; fiamed jol'oie the Untidily Tiade. Cut thin out ami piexfiit it at our stoic, pincli.i.-e sooilf In the amount of Sl.uO or more und you will lccehe .'M .Stamps irro. mm i now, SOS Washington Ave. 00000000000000000, 0 "They Draw Well." 0 Morris' Magnet Cigars o TIip P?st value for Z cents. 0 Try one anil you will Mi:olco no A other. X All the IfMilliiB brands of ."c. .V 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dsars at per nox, or t ror .'.)C. The larpest vailety ot Pipes and Tobaccos in town. E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Man 325 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo BOOK SHOP The following Xraas maga zines now ready: Ladies' Home Journal, Woman's Home Com panion, Success, Smart Set, Harper's, Century, Strand, Pearson's, Ainslee's, Soribner's, Frank Leslie's, Broadway, Ev erybody. New 'phone, 43. 407 Spruce In and About The City XMiX yt Infoimatton Wanted. J A sulicfilljcr nakt) us If a SI i;nM pine of tlio .M'ar 3S7I Iuih any picuiluin value. nCun any render toll'.' '" Contributions for Thanksgiving. iiutillnitlons of pmiltry und prnvl.lons ;'for"tlio poor on TtmukisKlvliiK day may I)n sent to the rear door of the Pmlnli liuiiM-, sjs Forest court, any Hum Tlwr.i- day. Nov. S3. L, L. & W. Mine Pays,. Tlio employes of 'the HullMciul, Pnlto- ; bono, Woodwaid, Avoudal", Aucliluclosa nud lllli-H wine-) weiu paid yesterday, cuuiplctlUK llio mine pa lor llio tlist half of .ocnilicr. Permanent Man Appointed. Louis' Sdmier, u cull man, wits yeMer- day appointed pennuiiout man of lloto company No. li, vice Fi.inU Uomliaclier, lcslKiied, The appointment talih efieU tomoiiow piurnlni; at f o'clock, Laiceny of a Stove, i'llnirf 1'olien, ill' 117 i'oiili avenue, lam ' nUIn cmued tlio nir'st of Jilcjiael Tioil, whom ho churned with tlio larceny of u stove. Aldeiiiinn Handy hold him under ?!ij b.iil lor lii appearance at court, Babcock Was Discharged. Oltu Rtikllu yoerday canned tlio ar rest ot J, C. Hiibtocl;, mi the elmrau of assault ami battery. The i'uko was one tKlowlui; out of tliu recent foal Htiikc. ' Alderman Uuddy dUchurKed llabcnck I owlnjf to a liiek of uulltck'iU uvlUoucv. Iujured oa tlia RaiUond, Frank yali, of Uattou, a co'iduotor on intest I REISMAN BROS I one of lite Lacltnwaium ttallroad com pany's fatt frelRhlfi, na sovrroly In jured on Saturday by the nverliirnhur nf a car, which fell on hint. Me was taken to nit hospital In lllmlra. The arcldottl hnppcneil near that city. i Boy Still Missing. The police have been mi far tumble to locate little i'aitl Hltoda, the -kvciir-uM bny wltn wandered away from hi' home In the llthbiti patch on ThtiiiMlay luct. Stephen Reap Not Dead. Htoplioti Heap, who wai leporled ye.s ti'tday at huvltifr tiled al tlio Lackawan na. lioKpllnl on Saturday, It Mill alive and will tecovor. Ho was Injitiod on the new Cannon Hull road. Lecture by Dr. S. A. Knopf. On Hoc. 11, under the nllp!oos of the board of tiade, Dr. S. A. Knopf, of Now York, the famou HpteliilMl on constimp. t Ion. will deliver an uddtoua In which ho will tell of the pruuices that Is bolnu made In flKlitiu:.; thai dlxcitHo. To Sing Competitive Pieces. On Tliankslvlnn' aftornoon. at the Now Aimory, tlio public will have an oppor tunity of heatlntr all the selections which tlio .Sirauton voealhlM will render In tho ltrnoklyu coinpotltlont next 1'rlday and Saturday. The InaltiK will continue throURhottl the whole afternoon, being In tlio mi t in c or it Until Was His Son Killed P Silpoilutondent of Tolloe Day yohlcr day received a telegram ftom Charles Wiley, ot YouiiitHtowii, O., aidtlnjv for information ifpui iliiitr hit pun whom ho hud lirntil was killed on the railroad bore looontly. 'I'lili 1h the m'coiiiI tolnKi'itiu nf a like iiatuiv which the ."Uporlntemlont ban lately received but bo has been un able to learn anylhltifr about tin- death of any youns ninu n. lined Wiley. Horse and Buggy Stolen. Select Councilman John K. ItcKiin, of tho Sixth waid, utoppid at the Lacka wanna Valley house late yosteiday af ternoon and left it miall black mare, at tached to a llslit bllKK.v, itauilluB out Hid". When bo came out n few minutes later he found that both hoice and bug sy had boon stolon. The police all over the city wcio notified last nlsht to be on the lookout for the outllt. Mr. llisau said last ntaht that he had tinced It as far as Mlnookii, but lost trace of it there. Summoned to Washington. I'loMdotit Alt r. Claike and his on dlieetors of the Correspondence Institute of Atneilea woie yesterday siinimoiiod to aiipear at the postotlloe departniont in WashliiKtou on Deo. 3 and dofepd a. ohaiKc of U'-linr the mails for the pur pose of dcliatidliiK. wlileh has born bioiiKht nu.ilnst them by t'o-toflico Tn spretor (Jonnan. Claike and bis fellow dlioeturt have nlreaily been indicted for this offence and their cases will come up for tilal at the Febmary session of the t'nlteil Slate- com I to be held In this illy. Old Bill Piesented. At last nlKht's mocthiff of the auditing committee Select Councilman .lohn 1. Quliuiiin presented a bill of .). C. Moran for tiil.sS for services remleied In scrv Ihk: subpoenas In the election coutett ca-o of former Select Councilman James ,T. Mauley against .loin; L. Carney In 1Si. Mr. Qultiuan leniiostort tli:i the hill be loi'erroa to the city solicitor for an opinion as to its legality. The commit tee decided to comply with Ihl.- request and the blltMvlll be sent to the solicitor for siieh iiu 'opinion. Historical Society Reception. The meiiibeis of the Catholic Historical society will tender ,i inception tonight to lit. Ttev. lilnuop .M. .1. Ilov. Dr. .1. J. Loushran and Hov. Di. J. W. Malone. in the Kuif,hls of Columbin club bouse, boginniim; at S.:W o'clock.. A'lce President J. .1. Murphy will pieslde and will deliver tho openiu;; addica. There will be remarks by nil thioe of the dis tinguished Kiiest1- of the night and vocal solo-j by Walsh and MI-'S Alberta O'N'lol, of Wilkot-Barrc. The Sehuheit Quintette will also lender a Mieotion. Bauer's oichestra will furnish music be tween the boms of 10 and 12. They Return Their Thanks. The SMors of the Home of the Good Rhepheid wl"li to express their heartfelt appreciation to tho generous people, who so geueially pattonlzcd the lecture given for their benefit by the lit. Kev. J. L. Siialdlng. bishop of Peoria. 111. The sum leallzod, ?72'1. will aid In lessening some of the standing' bills of tho Institu tion. Tho sisters also wish to express their sincere matltude to Mr. Itels, who so kindly donated the Lyceum for tho lec ture and to A. .1. Duf.'y for active ser vices, and to the generous puiebascis of the boxes and logos, One Cent Too High. Onlv one bid was received yesterday for tiiu laying of five-foot flagstone side walks) on both sides, of Scran ton street between the Lackawanna railroad tracks and South Main avenue, and that was too high. Tills was tho bid of John Flanagan & Co., of River street, who offered to lay tit" sidewalk for sixteen cents per square foot. The engineer's estimate illcd with Director lloohc Is fif teen cents per scptaro foot. Dlioctor lloche will endeavor to have tho llrm reduce its bid one cent, and failing in this will re-advertise. POUR LISTS OP WORDS. Tribune's Junior Educational Con test Is Attractive to Young People. Four ninro llhts of' wouls were te celved yesterday In The Trlbune'H Jun ior Kdui'utioiinl contest, front the fol lowing; Kntniii lloldt'i'iiiuii, Klinliurnt, Pa, Kstlter Hopewell, 17'7 Sanderson ave nue. Heed CrMder, Ualnbrldgc, Pa. 11, P. Cimon, S"J Madison avenue. Tills contest has now been running three weeks and theie are four more weeks left before Its close. Since ltn beginning a large number or boys mid glrlfc have sent In ll.Ms (n The Tribune nlllce, some nf which tiro very coin iiu'iiilable specimens of spoiling ami wilting. Parents should encouiage their child ren to enter the Junior F.duoutloimt contest. Thero are twenty prizes) of I'eied to the twenty young people, who, under llio titles of the contest, get the latgett number of cotreet words from the phrase, "Tlio Homo Paper." Or com H3 all who send In lhln cannot ob tain one of these prizes, hut tho effort to do so wilt Iki beneficial to ilia word builder In many ways. Tho rules of tho Loutest are pub lished on the font th page of this morn ing's Tribune, GRAIN-O J THE PURE V 1 GRAIN COFFEE I?ven children dilute Grain-O because they like it and the doc tors say It U good (or them. Why not? It contains all of tho nourish ment of tho puvo grain and none of the poUous of coffee. THY IT TO,DAY. At fc'rort everywhere ; 15c. and Mc. per Pekj;e, OPENING OF THIRD WEEK ONLY ONE CASE WAS TRIED YESTERDAY. It Was That' of Mrs. Ida Campbell Against L. A. Lange nnd Con stables Ira Mitchell and W. S. Bartlett Verdicts Were Taken By Agreement In Two Other Cases Judge Kelly Declnres There Must Be a More Specific Declaration In the Sklvington Case. Only one rune was called for trial In Common Pleas court yesterday. It was tliut of Mrs.' Ida Campbell n&alnst I A. Lange and Constables Ira Mitchell and W. S. ttartlett. Mrs". Campbell rented u house from Mr. Lunge In 1900 mid tatriutUi the close of that year left the house und moved to Adams avenue where on IJcc. :i, WOO, the constable levied on her goods for rent. She al leges that the selauro ot her goods was without warrant, but this Is denied by the defendants, who nllege that they wen- well within their rights in the matter. The case Is being heard before Judge K. C. Newconib In No. 2 and was In trial when court adjourned for the day. in the case of the German Build ing association, No. S, against Mary A. Sweeney, executrix, a judgment In favor of the plaintiff In the sum of $4,731.71 was entered by agreement. In another eae between the same parties u Judgment In the sum of $:!,7Sr,.41 was also entered by agreement. The trespass case of Peter Llpowloz against William .Teryls was leferred to Former Judge J. W. Carpenter, by agreement. There was no appearance for the plaintiff when the caseof Tun stoft & Wolf against the city of Scran ton was called, and a non-suit was al lowed. When the list Tor the week was called after court opened In the morn ing, eases were acted upon as follows: Continued Connor Carriage company against William Mcllilde, appeal: C. II. Welles against A. Vrllhlngli.ini. assump sit: J. J. Neil ni.'iiiii'-L M. Y. P.iull and otbeis, tiespass; J. L. Jones against AY. Wll Williams, appeal ; A. Klchnrds against A. llolenback, appeal: Hicks & Johnson against Henry Shaffer, assumpsit. Settled Mary Gavin against Sci anion Hallway company, tiespass; Mary !!. Martyn against Henry Miutjii, dlvoice. Must Declaie More Specifically. In the ease of 11. W. Sklvington against It. W. Palmer, and others, ex ecutois of John Ilandley estate, Judge Kelly yesterday handed down an opin ion In the matter of tho dennirier to the plaintiff's statement. Among other llmigs ho said; It is not clear fioni a leading of the statement; that the .plaintiff seeks to hold tin, estate of John Hundley responsible for his Injury; or that ho seeks to hold the exeeatois iesponuible individually, only; or that he attempts to hold the exeoutois liable as Individuals, jointly Willi the estate. Then should li no am biguity about a statement. It should set foi th clearly anil distinctly the facts of the plaintiff's complaint so that on de murier the court may pass upon Its suf ficiency. We aie not now reipilied to decl.iie t lie law iis to whether the estate can be held legally liable for the accident complained of. When the plaintiff declares against tho eslate as such, distinctly und iine iiulvocally. If he so desires, we may be called upon to do so. Or, If It is the Intention to seek loeovory from the ex ecutors 'as individuals, let tho plaintiff so declare. Tho fact and circumstance;) of the ac cident, should be set forth with reason able certainty, and wo think tho state ment Is insufficient In this regaid also. In older that no Injustice may 1)0 done we will allow the plaintiff to Ille a more specific statement, within thirty davs, otherwise Judgment will bo entered for thu defendant on the demurrer. Di voice Is Refused. Judge J. P. Kelly handed down an opinion yesterday in the divorce pio ceedlngs of Agnes Ilallock Barry against Thomas Barry, a rule to show cause why a divorce should not be de creed. Mrs. Barry seeks a divorce on the gtouna of desertion, which Is alleged to fX c-'. ijlv li t lm g-1 w f-X tJU ej- M-t-JU i-2 4 4 8c 3 Special Sale of Ivy Collar Buttons Made from one piece of metal, gold filled and warranted unbreakable. This is the first time these one-piece collar buttons have ever been offered for less than twenty-five cents. Haying bought fifty gross of these excel lent buttons, we are able to offer you this special low price, while they last, "2 ji u1 A, At 8c Tavo 8c BT'WAMIlNaTOrfV AYE V SPRUCE JTT r ? i "t l' t' ? f "f f ? A PLEASANT SURPIMSB In Store for Those Who Doubt. When you read that it sufferer of many years' standing has been com pletely restored to health by using Smith's Cure-all, you ate Inclined lo doubt the stntement and, In fact, have no belief In It whatever. Tho reason for this Is that so nittch Is claimed for the Cure-all It Is Impossible for any one lo believe It; If the advertiser con fined his claims to tho curing of one disease, as do tho proprietors of Pyra mid I'llo Cure, readers would have much more faith In published testi monials. Those familiar with this great remedy know that testimonials as lo Its merit may be rolled upon Implicitly, nlso that the rttrcs brought about by Its use mo little short of marvelous. Tho genuineness ot tho testimonial here given Is vouched for and Is but one of thousands received. "I had it friend who had used one box of r0 cent Pyramid Pile Cure that en tirely cured her. t saw the good effort on her, and thought I would try It, as I had got so I could not sit down with out extreme ptiln und getting tip was Just os bad. The fliftt box nearly cured me; I got the second box mid have hud no trouble since. Pyramid Pllo Cure docs all that It claims to do, and I never miss an opportunity to tell Its merits. I speak from observation, and personal benefit. Two boxes cured me over a year ago, mid no return of the trouble since." Mrs. M. Mooney, fiOUO Sangamon street, Chicago, 111. ryramld Pile Cure Is sold by drug gists for fifty cents a package, or will bo mailed to any address upon receipt of price by Pyramid Drug Co., Mar shall, Mich. Write this firm for their book describing the cause and cure of dies. have taken place in Albany, New York, In 1S94, while the parties were domiciled there. The requisite one year's resi dence In Pennsylvania, of the llbellant previous to the presentation of her libel was shown, but the respondent was never a resident ot Pennsylvania, so far as the testimony disclosed, and had not been served personally. In his opinion Judge Kelly says: "This decree must be l of used for want of jurisdiction, regardless of the strength or weakness of the proofs. This court has already passed upon this question more than once. We do not doubt but that if a. subpoena was duly and legally served upon the te spondent we would have Jurisdiction lo decree a divorce, even though the cause arose outside of our own state. What we hold Is that for cause occur ring outside of the stale, the domicile of the respondent being outside of tho state, mid there being no personal service upon him, we have no jurisdic tion. The rule to show cause why the divorce should not be decreed is dis charged and the libel Is dismissed at the cost of the llbellant." Marriage Licenses. Kdw.-ird Kelly ... Delia Collins John T. Mullaney Anna Hundley .... Sciiiuton Scranton Seiantou Scranton Notice. On account of the death of the wife of Mr. ISbcnezcr AVIlllams, our several stores will be closed Monday and Tues day. J. B. Williams & Bro. Let s Talk It Over.... This Xmtis question that everyone is beginning to think about. Everybody is either buy ing or making gifts in Burnt Leather or Burnt Wood. We Care for Both A complete line of Leather Goods ready to se lect from, and classes where you can learn to do the work yourself. Griffin Art Shop 211 WASHINGTON AVE. e-X fl t-l r) Jj, cl ej cfci -l J t-i. p'Jj (.Jj 8c 2- for ISc 8c ? f t ? t "X X ? fc SUBURBANS STILL WINNING THEY TOOK THREE MORE GAMES LAST NIOHT. Mado a Grand Total of 2,007 Against the Orange and Black Ragged Bowling Between. Electric City Wheelmen and Arcadians Hampe Team Goes Into Second Placo in City Bowling League Race Backus Team Still Heads tho List Stand ing of tho Teams. The Suburban tiiin has found Itself. It again demonstrated Its superiority to most bowling aggregations hoi o ttbuuts by taking three straight games from the Orange and Hlacks last night mid making n total of U,(!07 In doing so. The score: Suburbans How Ison, r."2 : Pond, 4S?; Hitchcock, WC,; Sliennan, r.7n : Nleol, GIU. tlamo totals, Mr, S.",S, JiOO 2iW7. Orange and Hhick Northiup, 421; LIU, r,2il; Simpson, 117; Stulr, nil; Hoynolds, 4.11. Game totals, ?!). &t.",.1-3(!l. High score Howison, 'M0; high aver age, Shoiinan, li!. The bowling In West Scranton was rather ragged, the Arcadians winning two mediocre games from tho Electric City Wheelmen's team. The highest score made on either side was ISi. The score: Dlcctile City Wheelmen IS. Davis, !S:i; Williams. 4K!: A. Davis, aTU; Wettllng, 4S3; McCiackou, Hi (Janio totals, 711, 771. 7;tl-22l3. Arcadliin-Owons. 4S2; Morgans, 117; Chatflcld, 4:!!); DePue, 471: Stover, 4t. Game totals, 7W, 781, 7022233. High score H. Davis, 1S2; high aver age, Wettllng, 101 2-10. The games which were lo have been rolled between the Bicycle cittb team and the Green Hldge Wheelmen ilve were postponed because of the Hits lec ture, but will bo played tonight. The standing of the teams ,ln the Bicycle Club league Is now as follows: Won. Scranton Bicycle club 0 Electric City Wheelmen... ii Aicadlaus 5 Suburbans ii Orange and Black " ost. B.C. a I.OflO 4 .-,:,(; i .nr.o l! ..'.10 !l ,2."0 Oiieen Ridge Wheelmen. ...2 7 .222 City Bowling League. t The llampo team made Its best show ing of tho season last night in three games with tho Cambrians, who rolled miserably. The Ilamplo players made u grand total of 2,51!), and several high Individual scores were made. Tho score: Ifampes Wharton, 4'.)ii; Lvaus, lu'J; Me Wllllams, .".23; Piiuo, G10; Murphy, Ml. Game totals, S71, Sin. SKJ 2J19. Cambrians A. Davis, 4i; Fcldman, 101; Gillespie, r.O.!; Henry, HH; W. Davis, olio. Game totals, 717,051, 7iiS 21 US. High score, Murphy, 209; high average, Murphy, 1S7. On the West Side aljeys the Backus team took three games from Conns' five, making a grand total of 2, ISO. The score: Weat Side Dais, 42.'!; How-lands, -ISO; Jones, 12i); Beynon, 401; Coons, KO. CJnmo totals. S07. 7.17, 770-2J3I. Backus Fabrenholt, 1"0: Moore. D02; Yogelzang, 470; Pcekham, ,r,19; Hopkins, u'ili. Gamo totals, M0, SI3, S.'o 2is. High score Coons, 11)7; high average, Coons, 1E3 1-10. The Independent players are rapidly coming forward. They defeated the Arlington team last night three straight and did their best work of the season. The score: Independents Schrlefer, fiCO; W.ildner, (Continued on l'age S. mMmjmmmiti 1 You'll Buy 1 m A! McConn w GIVING EVE. A New In nn Art HRSfrfWf?3C;'irii " ''sStKS'.'l of Thursday's feast of thankfulness you will have occasion to test the ex tenslveness of your dinner wnro service such as china, cut-glass, table silver nnd tho like. Each year thero are n great many housewives who, when all ready to serve, discover, much to their embarrassment, a scarcity of plates, or the only largo platter terribly chipped, or that the silverware stock should have been replenished. But then it is too late to be remedied. MORAL: PREPARE TODAY. Dinner Sets, Trays, Table Silver, Platters, Gandelabras, Carving Sets. WALK IN AND You Have a Silent Partner for It works (or you day and night all the year round. The Third National Bank, JJ8 Wyoming Ave,, Scranton, Pa. Pays 3 per cent Interest on savings accounts whether large or small, and compounds the inter est Jan. 1st and July 1st. Accounts can be opened by mail. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:80 TQ 8:30. ISESCE A Man's Xmas Is so hard to plan for. We are glad to help you with this perplexing question. If he is an artist or musi cian, a business man, stu dent or a home man with a love of the pipe and home amusement, we have the gift for him. COME IN AND LET US TSLL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. PRICES RANGE FROM SOC TO $lO. All exclusive line of Burnt Leather Goods. I GRIFFIN'S II SHOP, I? 211 Washin&ton Ave. iggsz25r7,,,;.'-',;,,&.;tT,'Ji.:-.',Mtr;A.Ti fNJf.AiTMV.f4.. ri HI "1 n n iOViS4Sic.i'V tvWi2SrVWWWVWWVW999..iSr ors ell & Co.'; If you aro a judge of values and styles. A magnificent show ing of Neckwear, in all forms. Jackets and Muffs awaits your In spection at prices that defy competition. Just a sample value to. day: , ISABELLA SCARF, WITH CLUS TER OF SIX TAILS; FULL FUR AND GUARANTEED PERFECT. ONLY.. That Silft Waisi Sale Has proved a trade magnot of extraordinary power. All sizes, all colors and iimiiv stylos to cliooso from, in Waists worth from $0.0(1 to $10.00 each. .' YOUR CHOICE TILL THANKS- Our Busy CloaR. Department Attracts now faces daily, and ultliough II is largo, bright, well stocked, has tho largest lorco of first class help in the city, it is tnxed to Its utmost. Hero is an illustration ot tlio reason why;" , FINE KERSEY MONTE CARLO JACKETS, IN LADIES' ANO MISSES' SIZES; FULL SATIN LINED FOR ONLY 5.69 The Children's Stoxe On tho second lloor Is deservedly popular. A this week ahoulil command much attention from CHILDREN'S WORSTED DRESSES, PRETTILY MADE FROM GOOD MA TERIALS, FOR 1.45 L,iae Added Depnitment. Fur Kugs. and Robes Buggy or Go-cart. A SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY BARGAIN THIS WEEK AT 2dJji3 Pillow Tops In 011111088. variety Navo ulso shown In this depart, mont. Ilavo you been tho Scranton liiKh School on a pillow top. yet? It's lovely. A Cozy Thought A beautiful now lino ot 25c tho yard Domots will go on snla this week at 18c. THE LINEN SALE CONTINUES TILL THANKSGIVING EVE, WHEN DO YOU BUY YOUR UN DERWEAR? A LITTLE PERSONAL THAT, BUT SAY, YOU OUGHT TO SEE OUR STOCK. MftNNFII S TO THE SATISFACTORY STORE. and 402 Lackcwanna Avenue. WN&w$mm$mwNWHA In the Serving Geo. V. Millar & E 134 WYOMING AVENUE. LOOK AHOt'ND. When you have money at Interest. . It does more than your friends can do, i n ITi P i fl ffl 1 1 M ffi i1 1 n Ii fc (1 A t iiuTT special offered mothers. for tho Baby. 0 h ,