s. , 'it if I r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1902. 8 GHOST IN A , SNOW STORM UTRANGE TALE RELATED BY A SUSQUEHANNA LAWYER. A HAllstead Pastor Will Resign Potatoes Aro Being Shipped Into Susquehanna County Miss Whit ney's Narow Escape The Man Who Jumped the Freight Train Personal and Other Topics of In terest. Special to fho Scranton Tilbune. Susquehanna, Nov. 28. "Formerly 1 was a hardened skeptic In matters f psychic phenomena," said a prominent Husquohanmi county lawyer the other day, "but I was converted by an exper ience that has made mc an ardent be liever In thlnga supernatural. One night last winter I was on tny way to Towanda on horseback. While passing along a stretch o woods, I suddenly Haw, Just ahead of me, the figure of a man. He seemed to bo surrounded by a fierce fall of snow, which was appar ently hurled against him by a terrific Kale of wind. As the man struggled along feebly against the storm my horse, stopped Middcnly, and pitched up Its ears, and pawed the Kiound Impa tiently. All aiottnd except In the smull space surrounding the figure of the man, was clear and calm. T rubbed my eyes and made up my mind that the man was bomu drunken fellow on his way home from the village, and that the storm was an optical Illusion. r called out to him and no answer came back. I shouted again, and ngnln, louder each time, but the struggling llguro gave no response. "At last the man fell as If exhausted, and the fierce gale whirled the snow around him. Knowing that If the fallen man was drunk he would freeze to death If I left him lying there. I Jumped from my horse and run to help him up, Intending to take hint to the nearest place of shelter. As I reached the pros trate figure I saw the face was turned upward. I started back and almost fell fainting in the snow. The face was revealed in the darkness as clearly as if It had been broad daylight, and it was that of my brother, who lived In Dakota. AVhen I recovered from the shock and turned again to the body, it was gone. There was not even an lin piesslon in the snow wheie it had lain. Bewildered and much unstrung, I final ly mounted my horse and rode on. "I gradually recovered my compos uie, and at last convinced myself that 1 had been the victim of a strange and unaccountable lialluclnation, but a strange foreboding of evil haunted me. A few days later I leceived a letter from the town In Dakota where my brother was, which informed me that he had been caught In a blizzard while on his way to his cabin and was frozen to death. "The letter gave the date and time of his death. It had occurred at the very hour and night that the appar ition of the man struggling against the storm appeared to me on the Towanda load and I recognized my bi other's face as he lay dead In the snow." In Susquehanna Courts. Rev. S. S. Jones, pastor of the Hall stead Methodist church, has resigned on account of ill health. The Third District convention, of the Susquehanna County Sunday School M'jsociatlon, was held on Fiiday even ing and Saturday in the I.anesboro Methodist church. Late advices from Jamalcla are to the effect that the health of W. D. D. Ames, late of Montrose, Is much Im proved. They are still Jabbing- the earth for oil at Steam Hollow. Hallstead is growing once moie. The Montrose and Tunkhaunock road is being widened. Thousands of bushels of potatoes are being shipped Into Susquehanna coun ty from Chenango county, New York, In a Paragraph. After an illness of three weeks,, Mrs. Patrick Griffin, an old and respected resident, died at ner home on Kuclld avenue, on Friday night. Several adult children survive her. The funeral will take place from St. John's Catholic church, on Monday morning, when re quiem high mass will be celebrated, and the remains will he Interred in Lauiel Hill cemetery. The prominent Erie railroad yards are congested with freight and coal trains. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY WBLMNDDOraNOra CRIRM imwfl!iJ To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of the Scranton Tribune May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Weuk luid unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness and suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other cause kidney trouble is preinltted to continue, fatal rciults arc sure to follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most and need attention first. If you are sick or "feel badly.", begin toking Dr. Kilmer's Swuinp Root, the great kidney , liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as younkidncys are well they will help all the other organs to health A trial will convince anyone. order as kidney, bladder and uric acid diseases, poor digestion, when obliged to pass your water frequently night and day, smarting or Irritation in parsing, brlckditbl or sediment in the mine, headache, backache, lame back, dizzi ness sleeplessness, nervousness, heait dlstui hance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eiuptions fiom bad blood, neural gia, rheumatism fiom bud blood, dia betes, bloating. Irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or Blight's disease. If your water, when allowed to re main undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty-four houis, forms a sediment or settling or lias cloudy appearance, It is evidence that your kldnejs and blnd der need immediate attention. Swamp-Koot Is the rfreut illscoveiy of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful succehH in both slight and seveie cases. Doctors lecomiuend it to their patients and use it in their own families, because they recognize in Swamp-Root the greatest and must suc cessful remedy. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and Is for sule the world over at diuggisls in bottles of two sizes and two pi lees fifty cents and one dollar. Remember the inline, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the address, Bing huiuton, N. Y on eveiy bottle. KDITOR1AL XOTICK. If you havxe the slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder tiouble, or if theie is a trace of it in your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Blnghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mall, immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-ltoot and a book containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial let ters received from men and women cured. In willing, be sure to say that you read this generous offer In the daily Tilbune. The mild and immediate effect of Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Hoot, the gieat kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distiesslng cases. Swutnp-Ro l will set your whole sys tem light, and the best pioof of this Is a. trial. 14 West 117th St., New Yoik City Dear Sil : Oct. ."ah, 1901. 'I hjd been sufiViliitf seveiely fiom Kidney tiouble. All symptoms weie on hand; my foimer stienKth und power hud left me; I i-oulU haidly diag my self along, liven my mentul rapacity was giving out, and often I wished to die. Jt was then t saw an advertisement of youis In a New York paper, but not have paid any attention to it, had It not pioinlsed a sworn gnaiantee with every hottle of your medicine, asset ting that your Swamp-Hoot i.s purely vege table and doe.s not contain uny h.'U in fill dings. 1 am sexenty years and four months old, and with a good i oust Iem a I can lecommend Swamp-Hoot to all Miffeiers from kidney tiounles. Four membeis of my family have lx.cn using Swamp-Root lor four cllffetent kidney diseases, with the .same good icsults." With many thinks to you, 1 lemaln, Very truly your, ROBERT BKKNKH. You may have a sample bottle of this famous kidney remedy, Swamp-Hoot, sent free by mall, postpaid, by which you may test Its virtues for such dis- Woik Is rushing at the Susquehanna shops. Over fotty locomotives nie awaiting repalis. There fire ten candidates for the pas torate of the Susquehanna Presbyterian chmch. The former pastor. Rev. 12d ward Ellsworth Riley, left on Friday, to assume the pastorate of Grace Me at Johnstown, near mortal chinch, Philadelphia. Just Between Us. "A good man gone wrong," is usually a bad man found out. You don't need to put salt on the tall of a big cow. It is far better to buy a Good Garment on Easy Payments at a fair price than a Poor Garment for Gash. Thursday Is Thanksgiving! Buy New Winter Clothing Tomorrow &m If you want new Clothing for Thanksgiving wear you must buy it tomorrow. Suppost you come and 'see our splendid stock. We'll show you styles none can surpass, qualities unbeatableprices no store can cut under and terms easier than any other. Clothing, Hats, Shoes Men, Women, Boys and Girls How can we sell on Credit at cash store prices? Simply because we are the Largest Credit Clothiers in the world, operating a Factory and 34 Stores. r Ave. At lNVtVij ? 'HI wi i: f-.'A I r '' rw P7 It 'I Credit 3' Lacwa,,na CyHiNGG First Floor. Store Open Wednesday Until 10 P, M. A lato writer remarks that "our happiness depends on little things.' This Is ttue. A man who comes Into possession of n plugged quarter can never know true happiness until he succeeds In passing It off on some oile else. . It 1b ciuel tu "fire" a man In this weather. It Is well to trust In Providence. Uut there'B Plernout. Where there's a "Joint discussion" theie's usually a bone to pick. Little News Mentions. Brooke's Chicago orchestra gives a "sacred" concert In Susquehanna this evening. The second charity entertainment was hold In llogun Opera House on Saturday evmlnir. Hev. Dr. "Wilbur K,Stowe, of Sait gertles, N, Y has accepted the pas torate of tho Oakland Congregational church, and began his tlutlcH today, Misses Lena and Mnbelle Whitney, of North Jackson, nurrowly escaped death on Saturday morning. While driving across the Delawaie and Hudson crossing at Lisbon, just south of tho station, tho vehicle was struck by the north-bound express, und they were hurled from tho track. Both young ladles escaped Injury. The wagon was wrecked, and the horse was unharmed. The train was running at a high rate of speed at the time. It was a miracu lous escape. A Sabbath School Tour. A tour of the western part of the counts In the Interest of the Pennsyl vania State Sabbatli School associa tion, under tho management of County President E, 10. Jones, of Harford, will be made beginning with Monday, De cember S. A convention will be held each day up to and Including Friday, December 12, at the following pluees: Upsonvllle, Forest Lake, Rush, Auburn nnd Spiing vllle. The following Is the personnel of the tour party and the subjects which each will present at the several conventions: 13. K. Jones, Harford, "Norma i Woik;" Rev. Henry J. Crane, Union dale, "The Business End of the Sab bath School;" C. F. Whitney, North Jackson, "The Heart Lake Summer Normal;" Miss Eva Sophia. Susque hanna, "Prlmniy Woik;" Miss fler trude Ressegule, Susquehanna, "Home Department Work;" Prof. J. A. Sophia, Susquehanna, "Sabbath School Music." Wholly Unpremeditated. A farmer went Into a Susquehanna store, the other day, and asked the pio prietor to show him an overcoat. "Cer tainly; ve are Just putting down de biices on vlnter shtoek." Suddenly there was a terrific ham mering and a general hubbub In the i ear room. "For heaven's sake, what's that?" asked the customer. "Oh, don't get vrlghtened. Dot's only my miii Isaac knocking down de biices on fall Boots!" A man In Great Bend made a bet that he could jump on a freight train l mi ning eighteen miles an hour. Ho lost the bet, but he had an elegant funeral. The game of life is played with a limit. It Is haul for u man, who has been a toper all of his life, to find u watery giave. An ounce of good cheer Is worth more than a ton of melancholy. Matters In Brief. John Alison, the Swedish machinist. of the Oakland side, who leceutly at tempted suicide for the third time, was on Friday taken to the Danville asylum for the thiid time. Hairy, son of Jiiie Engineer Michael Kane, was on Friday successfully op- A THAlSRSOWtNG THOVtytT. ' No home tuble so humble Hint if, Hhould not groan like a imliu't! table with tho flood things ol' thlrt life. Among tho blessings of the ago for which wo jrtvo tliunhs, tti'o the ways of lightening the labors of modern housewives. It Is no longer to Ite said that womun's work Is novcr done. Take NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT for examplo it's the kitchen thnukofl'erlng to the progress of Time. It makes plum pudding a tiling indispensable to holiday-making nt home possible at low cost und without trouble. NONE SUCH Mince Meat This crown of every fcust comes rendy-mado to tho cook's hand moistened, formed and steamed it's a child's tusk to prepare It. Mince pie goes with Thanksgiving, too tho cus tom is as old as tho hills, and NONE SUCH makes mince pie "like mother used to make." So tho people say who last year bought 1 2,000,000 pack ages of it. (Ten cents a package;) sweet, juicy, fruity and wholesome abovo all clean made to "keep" winter .and summer. A larder without NONE SUCH is an empty place. All grocers sell it. Mcrrell-Soulo Co., Syracuse, N. Y., make it. Valuable premium list of " 1S',7 Rogers Bros." silieruare enclosed. r 7 crated upon for appendicitis. His xe coeiy is ptob.ihle. Whitney. jNICIIOLSON. Special to the Si'i.mlon Tilbune. Nicholson, Nov. :!!. Mi-s Bessie Stephens spent the Sabbath with Scran ton frieiuK The- famous Oriental Troubadour Comedy company, which appealed at the opei.i house Friday and Saturday nights, was a clean and up-to-date show. The gentlemen's quai lette Sat urday evening was one of the best ever heard In this place and the faac reil conceit which they gave Sunday night was especially line. Fred Ciutk U visiting his sister, MrSi H. IC. Wilklns, of Jeisey Cltv Mr. and Mis. K. D. Bell entertained friends from Blnghamton last week. Shoes That Will Make You Thankful. . Thanksgiving season suggests visiting and receiving. There are few of us who do not either act the part of host or guest on our na tional Thanksgiving Day. At such occasions of receiving and being received, we strive to appear at our best. If our wardrobe does not con tain suitings and costumes to our liking, we see to it that the right sort are pur chased by the time they are needed. "We feel sure that there are hundreds who should include a new pair of shoes among their Thanksgiving purchases. You may be one of these hundreds. If so, we want you to read the rest of this; "ad" carefully. THELR.D.&M. Shoe j Jpj You may pay more money, but you cannot get better value for your money. WHY THE BEST. Perfectly shaped, skillfully manu factured. The best dresser cannot wear more stylish shoes. The soles are cut from real live oak leather, which has been thoroughly tanned by experienced men. All our uppers are put through a thorough process of stretch-extraction, which prevents them from stretching out of shape. Special care on these essential points in shoe manufacture costs more than the average retailer is willing to pay for, but it is what you receive in every pair of our LR.D.&M.Shoes THELR.D.&M. $3.00 JL Shoe gW MM 'iviM for 1 ML Men. S - You may pay more, but you cannot get better value for your money. Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Next Door to the New First National Bank Building. I