The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale,
Select Council Was Evenly Divided
nnd Debuted tile JitBtlce of the
Claim Until Time Grew Late, Then
Prestdont Davis, Messrs. Solomon
nnd Barrett Voted Against Its Pny
nnd Mannlon In Its Favor,
nnd Mannlon In tin 1'nvor.
The cliiltn or Dr. .M. 10. .Miihnm,
ttiuouiitliiK tti $r.00. fur inofeMoiiiil ter
vli'c In I'linnci'ilnii with the ThniiiiiKon
Hiuullpnx I'liscj", wii ."Iili'trncked, as It
were, In Hi'ki'l couticll Inst iiIkIii, by n
tlt Vote.
I'lTnlilont Duvlo. wlui Is vlKoroitB and
bitter In hlM prou-Ht iiBiilUKt Hu- bill,
rtitfiiKt'il In debute Willi Dr. Fletcher,
Sir'. Humphrey unit -Mr. Atnniilnn, until
the ill.tL'tissliiM tliroiiloiiiMl In ho Inter
minable The Inline thn-o ni'Kiinl Hint there
whs no escape riniii nu'ftiiiK tliu bill of
J.'.OO, which mum lor twenty-llv- iIii.Vk'
nttoiiilliiii'p lit .'-' per ilny. since I bo
iiKiooinciit to lbli MTei.'t, entered Into
between Mn.vor O'Neill unci Dr. .Mulntin,
bnil iilruuily been ratllleit by coiukIIh
In n specially e.illcil session, Councils,
they held, snnclioncil, riitlllcil und did
everything else to iimJie tills iigivt'
ntelit. biiiKiiln, eiinlriiet, und tin; like,
hlnillmr, so nil Hint reinnlned was
merely the I'uiietluii of nulhorls'.liiR' the
city controller to honor the bill.
Cliiilrninn Duvls couldn't see Hie mut
ter In this IlKht. The iivershiidnwIiiK
feature of the sl'.iiiitloii, In his vision,
w'iih the nilinber or visits iniide by Dr.
Jlnliiun: tlint Is. the number of llnies
be went Into the Tlioiiip.-ou rexldence
nnd personnjly examined the pntlem.
lie couldn't sec, ns wns pointed out to
lilm by the three cciuiicllineii :inuliist
whom be nrrnyed himself. Hint the
iiKreenient wns ilihl Dr. Mnbiun wns to
lie pnld by the ilny, not by the visit, us
in the enierKeliey of the situation, the
physic-inn mbtlit hnve to cull nnd ex
amine the nil limits u half-dozen times
eneh day. Mr. Duvls pcrsNIed In his
Halm tlint Dr. Altilaiin wns expected,
when enUKed, to devote all his time case. Instead or at the snine time
to attend to his regular practice. KlRht
visits, the net mil number of times Unit
he. saw the patients, amounting' to SH.0,
was all that Mr. Davis Mas willing
that Dr. Malaiin should be recompensed
Dr. Mulaun, himself, even took the
floor to justify his claim, ri'iidlng- a
comimiulcalloii from Dr. llouscr, who
had chanje of the Summon eases, nnd
citing other cities as evidence that the
clini'KO In this case was not only not
exorbitant, but was reasonable. Dr.
Mulaun also ch.illeilKed Mr. Davis to
cite any substantial reason why the bill
should not be paid. He even, suggested
that Mr. Davis' opposition must l,e
founded on personal reasons.
The arguiueiil might have lusted all
night, as Cliiilruiiiu Davis was obdur
ate, had not Dr. Fletcher brought the
issue to a vote by a motion to pay the
bill of S.inu. Jl was defeated by a tie
vote, Davis liar ret I and Solomon
voting- nay; Humphrey, Fletcher and
Mnnnion yea Mr. Davis did all the de
bating for ills side, Mr. Kolomoii or Mr.
Barrett not saying a single wnnl dur
ing the whole evi nlng. sae the "nay"
that sidetracked the claim.
Dr. Malatm's next slip may be to sue
the city for the amount of the claim,
with Interest.
Won't Pay Hooney Claim.
Common council refused Inst night to
settle the ltooney claim for damages,
as suggested by Pity Solicitor Stuart.
The judiciary ciunmittee reported the
matter unfavorably and tin; majority of
council, apparently being of the opinion
that the city should make a light In
stead of sjttllng, voted to adopt this
The liarrett light ordinance was
passed llnally. Mr. .inhm introduced a
resolution that the vacant room In the
city building be lit ted up for committee
meetings; cost not to exceed $ir,n. An
other resolution provided for ihe pnr
ehnse of six tire hydrants and lire
alarm boxes, it was referred to com-,
Through His Engineering the Key
stone Graphite Company's Mines nt
Glenville, Canada, Have Beerl Pur
chased nnd Will lie Worked Under
New Company with Cnpitnl of $4,
000,000 Wilkes-Bnrre Cnpitnlists
Interested Big- Undertaking' for
Mr. Byrne.
The possibilities of Carbondale boys,
so many of vihoni are conspicuous In
places of tiust and honor throughout
tho land, were demonstrated anew last
week when William .1. Hyrne. a native
Oarbondiillau, lately nu Important rig.
lire among promoters of largo busi
ness enterprises in New York city,
. nohteved the merging of graphite mines
in Canada, tho deal involving $-1,000,000.
', . Tho following from the Now Yoik Sun
; conveys a good idea of the achieve-
'. lnent:
'. . "A byndlcate of Pennsylvania men,
bended by William J. Hyrne, of Car
liondale, baa bought tho mines of tho
Keystone Graphite company n Ulen
villi, t'aimda. A new company, which
will be known ns the Olonvlllo Clrnpbita
company, will bu capitalized nt $1,000,
000, Mr, Ityriie says that the company
will Immediately begin tho mining of
graphite nnd will erect new mills and
improve the plant, He Intimates that
it will buy other mines. Associated
with him nre Former Congressman
Williams, of Pennsylvania; John n.
Powell, of Plymouth, Pa., nnd Simon
Wormser, Abrnm Nesbltt nnd K. w,
Mllllgau, of Wllkes-Hnrre,"
'io New York Tribune gives jnnro
Information of the contemplated pro.
1 ' A Druggist's Advice.
JJr, C, L. Thompson, u druggist of
TDanvllle, Ind., gives the following
wholesome advice to his customers: "if
jou should ever need a remedy for
rroup op whooping cough, get Cham
berlain's Cough Hemedy, It absolutely
has no equal for tho. prevention ana
cure , of croup, and If taken in time and
nccordlng to directions, jt is a most ex
cellent remedy for whooping cough and
(ill 1111001 and lung troubles. 1 would
recommend that u bottlo of this medi
cine be kept in the homo at all times,
Mipeelully where there are children in
ttut fmillv." For mUe by all druggists,
cedtire of the syndicate, which Mr.
Uyrne'fl enpnclty fm this rhnrncler of
work pineal hlin at the head of, The
property Is MO ueies, sUuuted between
Montreal and Quebec, There will be a
merger of the Keystone company with
other companies tlint are operating In
the district. The new company, the
Oleuvllle Graphite tmmpnny, will op
erate under a chillier Issued under the
stato laws of Maine. Tho trustee
Is Urn Kniplie Htitte Trust eohipany, of
New- York. K. Wntklns. formerly
of Neritiiton, now with Carter, Hughes
& Dwlght, !iii iii'imdutiy, New York,
hud nssueliHlon with Mr. Hyrne lu on
glneerllig' the project to a successful
.As the product of the company, gra
phite, Ihe demand for It Is appreciably
growing dully. Its value has been
well demonstrated when mixed with a
lubricant In keeping- cool the journals
or rapidly traveling trains. its use
iiinong the big passenger railway com
pnnles In growing, and It Is expected
that In a short time hoiip will full to
grasp Its advantages.
At the Purls and Olnsgow exposi
tions samples of graphite from these
properties were awarded the gold med
als. There Is u (pinntlty of Its being'
displayed at the present time at the
Imperial Museum, London.
The news of Mr. Hyrne's successful
achievement of an undertaking Involv
ing so much will be received and pon
dered with -universal satisfaction among
the people of Carbondale. lleie hi Ills
home there hits been that fiillb In. his
ability that looked to him for some
thing thill would distinguish him. Now
Hint this faith has happily been proven
well founded, everybody will share In
tho satisfaction nnd pleasure awakened
lu this Instance by the success beyond
the- ordinary of our townsman.
Mr. Hyrne Is now surrounded with
circumstances thai indicate the bright
est smiles of fortune will greet him as
he prog re .(! in his development of
these properties; those, who are coin
la tent to give such an opinion say It
is lu prospect for lilm to become
wealthy beyond the ordinary. lu no
place whero Mr. Uyrne claims friends
would this be more happily received
than here In I'arbondale, whose Inter
ests are as dear to him as lu the days
when he was an active citizen in our
The Board of Health Appoints Com
mittee To Investigate the Milk
Supply of the City To Discover
Cause of Infection, Owing- to Prev
alence of Cases Supposed to be Ty
phoid Fever.
The epidemic of disease in this city,
which is popularly supposed to be the
ravaging typhoid, Is to be made the
matter of an olllclul Inquiry und in
vestigation by tin! board of health.
At a special meeting of this body last
night, a resolution was adopted ap
pointing a coiniuittde to investigate the
source of the milk supply of Carbon
dale, which Is to be found In Ihe out
lying districts, to discover If possible
the ctuiM' of Infection if there be any.
The hoar I, however, made Itself clear
that it did not believe the wide-spread
prevalence of" In Carbondale to
be an epidemic of typhoid fever; and
If further requested the public, in a res
olution piesenled by Dr. John Nlles,
ihni It suspend Judgment in the case of
the milkmen of the city until after the
committee has visited the mill; supply
source and has made public tlie results
of lis Investigations. '1,'hls was done to
offset the criticism, harsh enough, that
has mistakenly risen In some (liiarters
against a few milk dealers, who hap
pened to supply patients who were af
terwards taken ill.
Doth Dr. Nlles ami Dr. J. J. Kelly,
president of the board, said that they
did not believe the disease to be epi
demic. Doth had numerous cases which
appeared to be typhoid, but which
ugreeably surprised them by subsid
ing in a week or ten days, while ty
phoid liiMiilably runs a course of sev
eral weeks.
Dr. Nlles was of the opinion that
these casm are a type of Intliie.nzii, a
grip, with symptoms of typhoid, but not
genuine typhoid, lie suggested that no
one circumstance could be blamed for
the outbreak, hut a comblnntlon of cir
cumstances, in which the, continued
damp weather was the chief one,
Tlie board, however, would Investi
gate tho milk supply to assure the pub
lic Food Inspector WIdwayer, of
Peranum, will bu asked to be present
at the boards' meeting Tuesday night of
next week to explain the use of the
milk testing apparatus and to accom
pany the committee on Us tour of In
Thanksgiving- Services Will Be Held
at 10.30 in the Forenoon.
Thanksgiving Day at Trinity Kplseo
pal church will be observed as follows:
Holy communion service at S a. ui. At
10.30 o'clock morning prayer and ser
mon by tho lector, Hcv. Hollin A.
.Sawyer. There will bu special thanks
giving nnthem and prayers. The of
ferings, as usual on this dny, will bo
for tho beuellt of St. Luke's bospltnl,
South Uethlehem. Tho usual Thurs
day evening services will bo omitted.
Frank 10. Morgan, of .South Terruco
street, a conductor on a Delaware and
H.iiU'on coal train, which left r.irhon
diilo at noon yesterday, wan killed at
11 o'clock last night ai South Nineveh,
by fulling from the train beneath u car.
Tho coroner from Windsor, N. Y., Is In
vestigating, His wife and threo child
ren survive him.
Mrs, Patrick .1. Collins, of Hrooklyn
street, above tho Ontario and Western
crossing, aged :', years, wns taken and
deuly 111 at S o'clock last night, and
Dr. John Nlles was sent lor, but when
lie arrived she was dead. Deceased
had not been sick previously und death
was probably duo to an apoplectic lit,
She Is survived by her husband,
On Saturday night or Sunday morn
lug Prliisky's clothing store was brok
en Into by burglars and goods to the
amount of 1120 were taken. They cut
the whole paife of glass out of the door
to effect an entrance. When Mr, Prln
sky came down In the morning be was
the first to muke tho discovery.
Tim .nl,l
on a Jn. Uo Hf
Cats tUH It tu 1(611 tho
log atARolld gold OR.e,
wearing quality, A Bon
ToTd Watch Cases
' Are guaranteed for So yenr. For SO
nu th most serviceable of all case.
"juti mi goou'-n tue lion. gr
oy mismarK wzgi
A mission conducted by the Domini
can fathers opened in St. Mary's church
on .Sunday and will continue two weeks.
Tlii' first week will be for women and
tho second week for men. Masses each
morning will be at 5 n. in. and 8 o'clock.
Kvenlng sdrmon at 7.S0 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hurke, of the
West Side, received a telegram on Sat
urdny infoimlng them of the dontb of
their son, Michael, of typhoid fever.
Deceased was UG years of ago and wns
employed as conductor on tlie Pennsyl
vania railroad. Wo was a member of
the Firemen's Hrotherhood. The re
mains will reach here this evening at
S o'clock.
James, the three-tnonths-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Mrtynck, of
lirownsvlltc, died" on Friday evening of
cholera Infantum. The funeral took
place on Sunday afternoon. Interment
In St. Mary's cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs, David Parry, of Vanil
lins, are visiting friends bore.
The oyster supper under the auspices
of Hie men of St. James church will be
given tomorrow evening In the Kclfer
building, on Main street. Oysters will
be served lu different styles, and in
addition cake. Ice cream and coffee may
bo had. Supper will be served from r
o'clock, and as the tickets are only
fifteen cents the supper ought to be
liberally patronized. Attorney Carey,
Dr. S. D. Davis and Silas H. Hlls nre
to bo the cooks, and Durgess Pciulred,
Stephen Wliltmnre and Harry Reeves
the head waiters, who will have a num
ber of assistants.
The remains of Patrick Kennedy, the
young man who met such an untimely
death at Huntington Inst Saturday,
reached here ul 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. Tho funeral will lake place
at o'clock this afternoon. The mem
bers of tho Artesian Hose company, of
which he was an active member, and
the Ancient Order of Hibernians will
attend In a body.
Rev. nnd Mrs. Maynard It. Thomp
son will leave this morning for their
now home at Charlorol, a few miles
south of Pittsburg, whero u new mis
sion church has recently been organ
ized, lie will nlso officiate nt California,
n Normal school town, a short distance
from Charleroi. During the three years
be has been pastor of the First Hap
tlst church here he has done much good
work, nnd It was with considerable re
gret the congregation at last .night's
farewell reception parted with him. At
the reception ltev. Dr. Fuller, pastor
of the .Methodist Kplf-copnl church:
Rev. Dr. Whalen, of Carbondale; Rev.
.Mr. Thomas, of Peckvllle, and Rev. Dr.
Spencer, of Hlakely, all made short ad
dresses, lu which they extolled Mr.
Thompson's services and expressed
both their own and the congregation's
regret nt his resignation. At the same
time they expressed the good wishes of
all for the future success of both Mr.
Thompson and his estimable wife In
their new field of labor.
A tT-months-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thomas C. Harvey, of North Main
street, died yesterday. The funeral will
take place this afternoon.
John Popernoc, a driver boy In tho
Filgerton colliery, was painfully in
jured last evening by being dragged by
a mule. He wns attended by Dr. Jack
son, of Mayflold.
The employes of the Delaware and
Hudson colliery received their pay for
the first half of the month yesterday.
Miss Ella Coon has accepted a posi
tion in the store of WUhnaii & Raker.
.Air. nnd Mrs. Thomas E. Orlinths and
children spent Sunday with Srrnnton
The funeral of tho late David W.
Powell, or Taylor sttvel, will be held
this afternoon at - o'clock. Services
al his lato residence. Interment will
bo mnda In the Forest Homo cemetery.
Deceased was a member of tho Taylor
lodge, No. OSS, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows: Temple of Love lodge, No,
7, American True lvorltes; Lackawanna
lodge, No, 113, American Protestant as
sociation, and Pyne Mine Accidental
Fund, Member of the nbovo orders
lire requested to meet this afternoon
at 1 o'clock In their respective, bulls to
attend obseuulcs.
'Tho entertainment and social held
Insl evening nl tho Calvary Rnptist
church tinder the auspices of tho Sun
day school was largely attended and
a neat sum was realized,
Rev. Dr. II. II. Harris, pastor of tho
t'alvnry IJaptlst church, celebrated his
eleventh anniversary us nastor of tho
church. Dr. Harris delivered two elo
quent sermons during the day, Spe
cial music was rendered. A beautiful
duet was rendered by Mrs. Edith W,
PiHerson nnd Miss Gertrude WutkliiH,
W, Ij. Jones sang an excellent tenor
solo. A double quartette composed of
members of tho church choir also run
deled a beautiful number.
Archbald Mine local, No. 1610, Unite J
Mine Workers of America, will meet
this evonlng In special session, A full
nttfliidanco of members Is requested,
Mrs. William Robinson, of Provl
deuce, spent tho Sabbath as the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Samuels, of Main
Tho l.ndles' Aid society of the Atch
bald and Pyne Primitive Methodist
It's, Disgusting!
It's Repulsive!
If You Have o. Cold or Catarrh, Cure
It for Your Friends' Sake. Dr.
JVgnew's Catarrhal Powder Re
lieves in 10 Minutes. .
One short pun: of tho breath through tho
lower sunmled with each bnttln of in
Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder diffuses this
powder over the Biirfaco of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to use.
It relieves lustantly, and permanently
cures Catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache,
sore throat, tonsllltls and deafness.
UhHhAhuw' Liver Pills. 40 0as rj cents 19
'I uJ.-W
la tlilntr ''VII'?
MTMnad Hold Wntxli
limn dctith of murnir.
without impairing It
Cme never wtari filu.
year they have been recoKUlied '&&
Don't accept any cute ftt! to be ihfM
Atu your jeweler, write tu for uoouiet. V'Mfl
you Know mem.
I Where it Belongs
The refinement of quality and
the perfect development of V
America's best whiskey Y
Hunter !
Baltimore Rye
places it where It Justly belongs, viz.: T
4 in the cf liars and buffets of those who 3,
3M at l11 flrt: mim uid by Johheni.
j. W. LA.-AHANSOfl,BJllw6re, MJ. 4
church will hold a grand social lu tho
church parlors on Thanksgiving night.
Tickets are offered for sale by the
members of the church.
Rev. D. P. Jones, of West Scranton,
preached nn excellent sermon In the
English language at the Welsh Con
gregational church on Sunday evening.
Miss Minnie Evnns, of Hnzleton, is
visiting relatives in town.
Misses Christine and Ruth Hnrlus, of
Washington street, have been the
guests of their sister, Miss Jessie Har
los at the Stroudsburg Normal school
for tho past few days.
Mrs. William Reese, of Union street,
was the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
John tiordon, of Imicoln Heights, yes
terday. Hon. Edward James, of Scranton,
was a business caller in town yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lake, of North
Scranton, spent the Sabbath ns tho
guests of the hitter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Jenkins, of Main .street.
Mrs. Charles Hlackwell, of Milwau
kee, visited relatives In this place yes
terday, v
Miss Mamo Bortrle, of Moscow, is vis
iting Mrs. John Davenport, of Ather
lou street.
Miss Mary Samuels, of Main street,
visited relatives in West' Scranton on
Special Train and Specinl Low Bates
to New York City and Return.
For the accommodation of the Scran
ton United Choral society, the Lucka
wanna railroad will furnish a special
passenger train to leave from its Lack
awanna avenue station at 7.110 a. 111.
Friday, November liS, scheduled to
reach New York city about 11.. 80 a. in.
Special round trip tickets will bu on
sale at the station ofllett good going
only on this tniln, and for return on
any regular passenger train up to and
Including December .'. Further Infor
mation on application to Mr, David
Prltchard, chairman of the transpor
tation committee, or A, C. Melnck,
ticket agent Lackawanna railroad,
Scranton, Pn,
94,35 to New York City nnd Return,
Special Slinuksgivinf? Day Rates,
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
"Wednesday, November L'C, the Lehigh
Valley railroad will sell tickets to New
York and return at ?4.35 from Scranton,
good going on above date, limited to re
turn to and Including November 80,
good on ull trains except the Hluck
Dlumond Express. For further Infor
mation, consult Delaware and Hudson
railroad agents, or tleorge Heller, city
passenger agent, Lehigh Valley rail
road, '. Public Square, Wilkes-Cnrre,
Fall Trip to New York.
New York Is interesting whenever
you visit it. but the full days in tho
great city is always delightful. The
parks uie at their best. Tho 1116111103
have attractions which time have made
perfect, The stores show 11 wealth of
new and up-to-date merchandise, and
tho weather Is cmnfortnblo.
Old Fifth nvenue, the pride of the
city, Is one of tho fenturos no visitor
should miss, und Central Park ami
Ui'oux Park will Interest everyone.
No matter whero you go, something
worth seeing will be found und for u
place whero the hours are liko minutes,
New Yoik leuds,
A trip to yfeiv York does one good,
and the opportunity to visit New York
under favorable circumstances conies
on November '.'li, when tlie New Jersey
Central runs Its Fall Excursion to tlie
great city. Tickets are good going on
any train on above date, and good to
return to and Including November 30.
The rates have been reduced, and for
further Information consult your local
ticket agent.
x m
I x. b
i mi A
If you see something now
that will make a good Christmas
gift, you can buy it and have
it held until you want it delivered.
And a pfood
Good times
means good holiday trade. We felt the pulse of business
and got our Christmas goods in early. Lucky, we did, for
the crowds are coming already as they never ca'ine before.
. Now is the best time to shop. Said an editorial in a
paper a few days ago : "The prudent holiday shopper,
will visit the stores and make his purchases before the
eager rush and 4 crush of the season fully sets in; when
salesmen are not so busy as they will be later, and when
the selection of gifts can be made with comfort and.
Mr. Editor should have further said: Shop early in
the day before 10 o'clock, if possible.
-And buy your Christmas gifts from the store that
has your confidence and that has never abused it.
Tailor-Made Suits
$10 to $50,
Beautiful and unusual suits,
made of novelty materials, such
as hopsacking and dotted, effects.
Some aro of simple cheviot and
broadcloth, and have all tho
novelty in the vests and trim
mings. The cut is very good, and the
skirts are exceptionally well
hung and tailored.
Most of the better ones have
silk drop skirts.
Uelotip Wraps
Next to ulsters, the beautiful
Velour Wraps blouses and coats
that came from Paris hnve
brought us more prestige this
year than anything else.
"When we were choosing them
wo tried to get ane with this col
lar, another with, that; one with
this kind of fur, another with
that; until we hnve ouo of the
greatest assortments of exquisite
Velour Wraps ever brought to
this city.
But tho imported Wraps sell so
fast that a short time ago we had
our three best makers come and
take from our stock samples to
copy in some big orders we gave.
These wraps aro hero now.
Prices for Blouses and Monte
Carlo styles,
$25 to $75
5 123 - 125
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Taka 2jrU st. crosj tovn
cars an.l transfer nt -Uli nve. direst
to hotel,
Itoonn with llalii I (Suit with ll.itli
S'J.00 I t 5U.)U.
V. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Ccr. SUUtnlh it. ami Ir 1ns I'lice,
American Man, S.W J'cr Day ami Upwards.
I.'uropcan I'Un, ljl.00 1'i-r Day anj Ul'wanti
Special Ilalta lu FanilllM.
- . 4-f f 4--H-4- -
For Duslni'.ss Mou I
In tho heart of llio wholesulu Uls. 4-
trlet. 4-
For shopper t
.1 inluiiti'tt' walk to Wanamalters; f"
5" - nilnuleH to SIokuI Coupm-'H 111k f
T Htore. Kaav of access to the great r
T IJry floods Stores.
i'or aiKiiiKuur.
Ono block from H'wny Cars, j?lv- I
Ins easy transportation to all I
points or interest.
Cor lltli ST. & VNIVEKHITV W,.
Only onu lilocl; from Broadway.
Rooms, $1 Up. p'iJi,
Connolly & W
4-4-f 4-f -f -r-f f -r-r-m-rf
5cranton,s Shopping: Center
In the hurry of Christmas
shopping you haven't time to
stop und examine the goods thor
oughly. Buy at a store you can
Hi 'j
means p"tod waees
Silk Petticoats aro one of the
things we've learned from the
French. As soon as a new idea
breaks out in Paris it flashes over
here our makers take hold of it
and turn it into an American nl
most before you can say Jack
Of course, American Petticoats
cost much less than imported.
All kinds here beginning wth
good sober black ones for 0.50,
made with a deep pleated ruffle,
edged with a narrow gathered
one, over a near silk foundation
going up to the $25 Petticoat,
which is brimming over with
dainty lace nnd pleats.
Some are cut with a deep circu
lar ruffle at the "bottom to make
tho now dress skirts hang cor
rectly. Wo havd about twenty very nice
plain colored Silk Skirts that wo
are closing out at
- 12M29 Washington Ave. j
Jrli",;T"p'tww,'""'t,!a"1J;,n','''IF,' "
If Yom Are g jl
In a Hurry , v
can on us. Lend YOU
Making7 Money on
New Household
Friends m .,
Every Day riimiture.
Aro you lu 110.1l of uionoy? yenr. timl nt niuliiiitv loan can bo ex-
Wo ,OT11 nny amount from 1fc,.p. on "'JHn.1 VoT up? ry-
liounoliolri Hood. Plmw. nients ran l.o rondo 0.1 "liwtnlincnt
TI10 jjooils remain In your possession. ,,1,,,,. n much prr wcel or iter month,
Monev In your liiimls two hours after Wo ileal honestly iiiiii fairly with all.
aiu'lleiitlon Com- In anil if it over or Bond lor
t.oana in.ulo for ono month or ona 0110 of our confidential iiRcnts,
to you unless we make tho loan. We do business on a plan to maKe
friends. Once a friend, always a friend, and friends upbuild any
one's business. You can have any amount here from 310 up on
household goods and personal effects. Easy payment plan.
Near Corner Spruce Street.
Jl. 111. to ') p. 1)1.
Open front 8
and eood waces
Silk Mufflers
$1 and $1.25
TJp to S3.50. '
To cover up the crack where
cold creeps into your neck.
Mostly black and white, of
brocaded silk.
Leather Goods
Of nil the styles adopted by
Paris this year, tho wrist bag is
not only the most feminine but
tho most pronounced. Women, in
tills country nnvo taken It up
Willingly, 1U1 LHU W.1SI. U.lg g.
them tho comfort of a chatelai
a. great deal of style, am
pockotbook in one.
Prices start nt 50c and rise
easy stages to $5 each.
What would you think of us if
we couldn't sell Furs, as well na
everything else, for less than you
can get them elsewhere.
We buy three times ns many na
most anybody else for this big
store of ours.
Wo are especially strong in
neckpieces in all grades of fur,
ranging in price from
$4 up to $50
clllclC6 i
to Loan.
Wyoming Ave
Dcranton, Fa.