The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 25, 1902, Image 1

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TWO cents:
SGene ot flntl.raG.te Strike Adjust
ment Shifts trom Scranton to
New York and Washlnoton.
Independent Opeiatois' Committee to
Go to New Yotk to Meet with the
Coal Road Pi esidents Mitchell and
Other of the Miners' Repiesenta-
tives Hunledly Depait for Wash
ington in Response to a Telephonic
Summons fiom Wayne MacVengh
to Confer with Attoineys of the
The eentei of activity in the aiithia
clle mine strike contiovcrsy has been
shifted fiom Scruntun to New York
and Washington.
In Now. Y0ik, today, aconfetence will
be held between lepiesentatives of the
independent oper.itois and the piesi
dents ol the e.urjlng companies.
In Washington, there will be a. confer
ence between representatives of the
, miners and atturnes for the biff com
panies with a. view of settling', as far
as possible, the mallei s in dispute in
the stiikc.
I ton. W. U Connell and C. 13. Simp
sun, (if the independent opci a tors' com
mittee, left yosteiday morning on the
3 ickawnnna, .it 10.15, to aunnge the
details of tlio confetenee told of ex
clusively and in detail In estorda.v's
Ti ibune. The other mombeis of the
roinmlttee lefL foi New York on the
.;.!'. ). in Lackawanna tiain.
U'iion the pi esidents of the canler
opeiator companies and the committee
of pine of the Independent operatois
come together, today, some interesting
developments can be looked for.
Position of Independents.
The independents villi insist that they
cuii not en alone In the pioposition to
smtwibb" adjust the coitioversy bv al-
lr Si lnciea.sed wages unless the 1 g
Inics give asuiance that theie
Tie a reduction In fi eight rates ot
uinlenance of the advanced price In
si. If tlio big eoinpanles do not givi
Independents "due consfdeiation "
flieir committee will, on Its letuin lo
'jsYi.iiiton, leconimend that the Inde
pendents insist on the commission pio-
1, i ceding, Pflt tlieie had been no le
ecs, :.u determine not only tlio ethics
but the mathematics of the contio
t ersy.
If all fi nit tails, the independents
will attempt to deal dlicetly with the
I'nlleil Mine Woikers.
Just what the Washington conteiuue
is to be like, the interested parties in
this city, yestetday, could give no def
inite iufoi mation.
In the early aftei noon, Wayne Mac
Vengh called up on the long distance
telephone and lecpiested that lepie'-en-tatives
of the miner come to Wash
ington, toda.v, to eonler with him and
other lepiescniathcs of the oal com
panies legal ding tlio amicable adjust
ment proposition. Mi. MacVeagli was
disposed to ghe details, but an inter
vening storm, somewheie along the line
made telephonic coiminmluiUoi'. elidl
cult, and the most lhe lnlnei.-,' lepicsen
tntlvo could detlnltrly glean was Hint
they wcie wanted In Washington at
Went to Washington.
'Accordingly, at 1 .1 j p. m , es'.eidii., ,
Plvbldeiu Mitchell, Attorney Daiinw,
Mr. I.locl, Kellogg ntiihum and Mr.
Mifhell's pilvate sei'iet.tty, Miss Mor
ils, !olc foi Washington over tht Del
aware and HuiU-ou and Pennsylvania
mads. Messrs, Ilairow and l.lo'yd will
stop at the New Wiilaid and the lest o(
the party at the Keuter hotel.
llefore leaving, Mr. Mitchell lmd ,u
rattiest conversation with District I'i es
idents Nlciiolls, Fuhy ami Duffy, on the
way fiom the lieadquni teis at the St.
Charles' ,o tho Htation unifon the sta
tion platfoiin. They will lemaiii heie
until ho returns. It was snongly In
timated liy air. Mitchell that he evict
ed to go to New VmU between now
and December :s, the date of the ieas
sembling of the ceiiinils-lou and that
he would not bo lurk in Seiaiitou befoie
Friday night.
The conference, oteiduy lnoinhur,
between I, II. Ilui nt, of counsel lor
the Independent npoialon,, ,lnd Clarence
8. Danow, leading counsel Jor tlio- min
ers, was not fraught with linpoitant de
velopments. In lew of the lnet that
n meeting of the independents and the.
lils companies 1s to take place tomor
row, they nsteed that anything they
night do would be of little or no avail,
no they contented themselves with a
twenty minutes' discussion of the mat
ter. Commissioners, Paikcr nnd
WatUlns ate still In the city, but ma
doing nothing ieatlng to tlio strike.
Mr, Clark will stay heio and busy him
flf with pilvato niatteis. Messrs.
Paiker and Watkins will go to New
Tone; today or toniouow to paiticlpate
. in some Thanksgiving festivities. Mr.
Clnik was invited to be Mr, Paiker's
KHest in New York oyer Thanksgiving,
lint had to decline by reason ot stiess
or business.
There Is some talk among local labor
leadeis of Inaugurating a movement
heie lo huvo the next congiess enact
legislation to make a periminoi.t In
stitution of the present commission.
As yet tha project lina not taken on a
definite- shape,
Pjoceediugs in Book Form,
necognizlng the widespread Interest
taken all over the muntry In the tes
timony and argmnef befoio tht An
thraette Slilko Commlsilon, The Till).
the icpoits nppeailng In coliimns
ftoin day to day, and wilt o ' ' a limit
ed edition of copies for sale " tl em h.
The volume will consist of ar4 'M hun
dred pages, eight b eleen iVi-p-V, and
will appeal as soon as the col '-Aislon-eis
render their decision. 'I sjdnlly
lepoi t In The Tilbune miss lit fiig of
essential lnteiest and aie thcalllest
and most act mate icports pilnted in
any newspaiier. Utders should be sent
to The Tribune now as tile edition Is
liable to be exhausted.
Two Men Killed and Thiee Injuied
in a Wieck Near Altoona.
Dj PJxtlitthe Mire from The Asvodntn! Pri
.Mtoomi, Pa., Nov. 21. By the blow
ing up of an engine at Mlneial Point,
thlity-two miles west of here, befoie
dajbtoak, two men weie killed and
thiee injuied.
The dead:
SCOTT Si:i:si:, at,ed SS, llasni.iu; of
DAVID PHINGI.I;, aged .IS, englneei ; of
The Injuied:
Samuel Davis, aged 10, condnctoi; of Al-
A. W. Snder, at,ed .!J, brakeman; of
George Miller, aged 3, lliemau; of Cone-
It was Pi Ingle's engine whiih blew
up. He was helping a Height tiain up
the western slope of the Allegheny
mountain when, without warning, it let
so. He and his fli email, Miller, were
blown out of the cab, Pringle's skull
being fractured and a leg broken. Mil
ler went oei a thirty-foot embank
ment, escaping serious injury.
Sccse was killed by the collapse of
the cabin car on the end of the lielglit.
Davis and Snydet weie nlo in the
Piingle, with the other injuied, was
bi ought to Alloona, wheie he died this
It is believed the explosion was due
to low water in Pi ingle's engine.
Students of Hanoverian Tlniveisity
Will Not Accent Them.
!!. . iclulvp W ire horn tur As-tficUlcd I'ree
Vienna. No. 24. A special despatch
r- ilottlngen, Piussiu, ajs the stu
uents of the famous Ilanoeiian univer
slly hae deeiteo not' to accept nv of
the scholai ships founded by the lalo
Cecil Rhodes.
The will of Cecil llliodfs ptoxided
foi the est.iblNhment of live scholarship-,
foi .studentj of (lei man liiitli.
All tile scholai ships weie tor eduia
tiou at Oloid, and the Cierman stu
dents weie to be nominated by Khn
peicr William The empeioi of Oet was lepoited lo hae said In
coineisatior. witli Oi. Von laicanus,
the chler oi his majesty's civil cabi
net, "Tills be(iiesL shows a wide leath
ot Cecil llliotle's mind and his vision
ol the lutuie."
Thousands of Persons Made Idle In
the Rural Districts.
Ill i:elusbe Uiic Hum 1 lie- A-oilakcl I'li-i
St. Peiei.sbiug, Nov. 24. Hots
ate leported Horn the Uial dlstilcts,
wliere thousands of )eion.s .tie idle
btcause of the closing of the lion work".
The students txllcd to Kibeiia have
bee-i giauted amnest.v, son)" uncondi
tionally, and some aie allowed to ie
tmn iininedl.itel.v but aie subjected to
police supet vision.
Tlio seeiel police have been Increased
by one-tliiid the number of men heieio
loie omplovcd hi that department.
Medical Commission Finds Him Un
able to Perform Duties of Office.
Hi l.Mluilir Wirt from'llm UmiiUihI I'ipi..
Haulsburg, Pa., Nov. 21, The medi
cal commission appointed by tioveinor
Stone to examine Into the condition of
Judge Mitchell, or the Supeiior eoui t,
witli a view to his letlrement today, le
poited to Cloveinoi' Sume that Jud.e
Mitchell Is ineapaeltuted to peiioim
the duties of Ids olllco.
Judge Mitchell will be liitouued of
the lludlns of the coniinlssiou, and, It
Is said, will i elite on half pay until the
expliutlon of his term in lino.
Victim of Moiphine.
lb ,wlinli!.Hro from Hie .suclateii hcj.
Cliattanooga, Teim., Nov. 21 Unit
ONeu, of Kinltlipnit died tonight as tlie
losiilt of an oveido.e of tnoiphlne. He
was found In a dvlng tondltlou In a
bath-tub of a leading hold. He restated
all ofiorts to savo his urn UIid epiesied
a wish to die. 1'apeis loimd on his pci
sua Jndieatu that he was piouiiiuiit in
his eoiiiuiunit,
Fatal Boiler Explosion.
By Ktlmlve Mie from The AiweltleJ l'tei
McMlnnvllle, Teim.. Nov. 2I.-Yvll!lnjn
I.owi and Oeoigu Haltj, jr., weiu In
Htuntly killed, and .lolin llale, fatally
scalded, by the exploblou of a boiler In
a glint mill at Clearmout, Warnii coun
ty, toduy. The luaugltd body of l.owo
was jotiud up on a joel.v ledgo ot the
Uver bank,
Postofflce Rohheis Successful.
8 I'Kluslu Ulrs frgin The AssodatfJ, Prun.
Heaver Palls, Pa Nov, 2l.-ltobbeis
foiced theli way Into the postolllco at
Kiion Valley last nlglit and can led oif
$(SJ lu cash and $::.0 In postage stamps.
They then to!e a hoi so ai.d bngsy and
drove away.
Eaithqunke in Ecuador.
B rie'.mlrt Wire Ircni The Awoclitfil Pieii.
Ouayafiull, Uecjuador. Nov. 21 --An
o-iUliqitako slunk wis flt iatt nlBht at
fa Tuc antra, movIiku ot i.mhi.
uno will punt In conveiilei auok foi m
Miuistetial Alliance of Salt Luke
Objects to Smoot'si Election.
11 Kxeliulvr Wio from The Ai.,oiliteil l'rft
Salt Lake, Utah, Nov 21. -The illn
Isteilnl alllaiue of Salt Lake today
adopted lesolntlons stiongly opposing
tlie pto)osed election to the i'nlltd
States senate of Itced Sinoot. one of
the twelvii npotles of the Moimon
ellllieh, A copy ol the 1 evolutions will
be sent to ever.v mltiNteilal alllaiue of
pioinlnence In the mutiny at once mid
kKo ptobabl to Picsident itoosmilt,
eveiy conies"inaii and t'nited Statis
senator and othci. pi'oiullieiit lu politl
t til lite. The icsolutions say, in pait:
"As a consistent inemboi or the Mor
mon upostolale, Apostle Sinoot cannot
make an iiupoitant move wltliotit get
ting pel mission or taking counsel of
the quotum of Moimon high pilests, to
which he belongs. 1! viitnc of his
apostolic vow, lie must Hist act a an
apostle .Moimon, and second or thlid as
a cltben of I'lah and jjalilotic Ameii
can. "We piotest .against the pioposed
election of Apostle Smoot to the United
Stales senate because tlie majoi Ity of
the Moimon auostolate, to vvlilih lie
belongs and with which lie woiks in
liaimony, aie living In tlie polygamlst
icliglon lu violation of covenants made
to the people of the Tnlted States, ;n
well as in vlolttion of the ciinilual
Rtatutcs of Utah. The two or thiee
apostles who may be living Monoga
mous lives aie obliged to defend the
ligliteousiiess of tlie polygamous s.vs
tem of mauiage, and to wink at tlie
law -breaking polvgainous of theli fel
low apostles."
Assumes Command of the Depart
ment of the East, After Cam
paign in Philippines.
By Eitlusire Wire from The Ai6o"lteil Pun
Washlngloii, Nov. 24. Major Ueueinl
Adna ft. Chaffee, who bus just assumed
command of the depaitment of the
east, after his long service in the Phil
ippines, leported to Seeietaiy Root to
day. He appealed in unltoim, and upon
ills aniv.U held an Impromptu teeep
ttou in the secret.u's olllce. I.a tei he
made olllcial calls on Secietaiy Hay
and Seeietaiv Moody. Subsequently lie
had a long talk with Secictaty Hoot,
with lefeience to tlie plans of the de
paitment for the l eduction of the aimy
in the Philippines
As a icstilt of ills i eeoimuendation.s,
a general oider lelative to the methods
of reducing the utmv will be Issued.
littler in the day Secietary Hoot ac
companied Chaffee lo itht ex
ecutive olhces i nd pieseifted hlii to the
piesident. The piesident coidially con
gintulaled Cliaffee on his wtnk
in China and in the Philippines.
The general will lemain in Washing
ton seveial dav.
- - - -
Piesident and Mis. Roosevelt Give
Eiist Enteitainment of Season.
Hi IXclii'he ne turn lhe Voiniol IV
AYashington, Nov. 24. Piesident and
Mrs. Iloosovelt gave theli flist dinner
of tlio season at tlie white house to
night. Covets weie laid foi tlgliteen
persons. Tlie table was set In the 1am
Ily dining loom, the decorations being
in white. The guests included Justice
and Mis. White, Secietary Hoot, Atloi
ney Genet .il and Mis Knov, Adiniial
and Mrs. Dewey, General CioIer,
l-t.unii and Hatoness Speck Von Stein
berg, Ml. and Mis. J. S. Sltachej, Cap
tain and Mis, Cowles, Mis. Giant 1.. A.
Kuge and Miss Tuckeiman.
Miss Alice Hoosuvelt letuined to
Washington tonight, alter an absence
of seveial months spent at Ovstet Pay
and with ti lends In the east.
He Outlined to Mr. Roosevelt the
Woik of the Commission.
11 i:cluthr Wire fiom JIip jtvmlitiil 'ifr.
Washington Nov, 24. Can oil u.
Wilght, leeoiiter ol the aiilluaclte coal
su Ike commission, had a coaleienee
with 'the piesident today. He outlined
to Mr, Hoosevelt the woik of the com
mission, Indicating to lilin that, what
ever might be the usult of the tonlei
ences between the lepiesentatives of
tlie opeiatois and tlie millets, the com
mission piobably would pioceed, at
least loi a time, with Its wotij ami en
deavor to uaclt a delinlte conclusion
which might be used in the intuit as
a basis for the adjustment of similar
Meiiibeis o the commission uie of
the opinion that the opeiatois and
iiilnei.i will teach in agieeipent upon
all points of dllteienee j.ilsed. It will
be the purpose or tlio commission to
atiange. If possible, that the agreement
shall have some neimaiieut foi in.
In Trance Fifty-six Days.
11 !,iciMti iWielluin I lie .leijrcl l'ri,
St, lands, Nov, 21, A special fioin Cea
tialla, Mo,, sa' "Dciui Meek, who af
tei u ipiawol with her sweclhcau, lllt
sis davs .mo, liuiiitdlalely fill into nil
insoiuninl tiauee, has not wllhln thut
tiino icgitlucd conselousuchs oi spoUen a
word, itestcuattves in thu hands of the
ilislcnas liase faded to arouse her.
She cats a little each day, et appaient
)y does It Instinctively, flveiy effort ta be.
lag made to have her regain tonsebnis.
ness, but without effect.
Yangor Meets "Kid" Heunnn.
Uj I.Mluslvi! Wire horn Hie Associated I'ua-.,
Chloaj,o, Nov. 21.-Henuy Ynngei won
a decision over "Kid" Herman hi a slv
lound contest tuulght at tlie Anieilean
Athletic club, It was Yaugei's light all
thu mm), Vangcr knocked his joimger
oppoiienl down so often during the last
thieo rounds that lhe, performance) be.
camu monotonous. The bell saved Je.
man fiom a knockout lu both the foiuih
and llfth louncU
Loaded Cats Ran Away.
11 huchbhc WTte fiom Tile .Usociatcd Vim.
Wllkcs-Uaire, Nov. 21. A number ef
loaded coal cars oil tlio Ashley plane
of thu Contial Itallioad ot New Jersey,
ran away this evening, wiecUtng the
hoisting apparatus and tcailug up the
plune badly. It vvlll tako seveial days to
lepalr the damage. In , thu meantime
real shipments ircun all th company's
mines In this vicinity will bu eitlayo.l.
French Oiflcials Compel De Rutizc
wskl to Re-cnaGt All Details
' ot the fltldlr.'
The Accubed Mnn Recjuiied to Take
a Revolver and Go Through Eveiy
Detail Preceding the Death of Mrs.
Goie M. Beitillon, the Cilminolo
gist, Is Investigating the Case.
Consul General Gowdy Will Also
Conduct an Inquhy.
B Inclusive Ytire fioii Hit Ks'oc'itcJ I'rest
I'aiis, Nov. 24, The Goie tiagedy was
ptesonted in a, diamntlo aspect today,
when the Fiench oflieials took De Ilytl
zewskl to tlie scene ot the occurrence
and comptlled him to le-enact eveiy
detail or the affair, tills being done
under the piactlce ot the Trench law,
which requiies the reconstruction of
the ti.ig'dy in the presence of olflclals
under exactly the same conditions as it
was oilginally enacted.
The chamber was arranged as on the
night of the fatality and the same
weapon was placed in De P.ydze-v ski's
hand to act out his eISioIl. As far as
is known, tlie piisoner went thiough
the ordeal witli fottitude, without
wavering from his llrst story ot the
accidental fall of Hip levolver.
De Rydzewski le-enacted the dual
scene, giving complete details as to tlie
position of Mrs. Gore and himself. Ho
said he was lying on the bed, fully
dressed, while Mis. Goie was seated at
the foot of the bed, her legs hanging
down on the siele neaiest the wall and
her head thrown backwatds on the
feather quilt, which had been i oiled to
form a cushion. Wishing to take some
thing fiom the night table, he said, he
knocked oft the revolver, which went
off and the bullet stiuek Mis. Goie in
the face.
Location of Bullet.
As tlie bullet was found bulled In the
hair of the victim, it is impossible to
veiifv the diieetiem taken bv the mis
sile otherwise than by the wound. As a
lesult of today's examination, the ex
aining magistrate has decided to set
De KvdzewsU nt libeitj, piovlsloually.
Hefore tlie puty left the house, M. Bei
tillon, the ciimlnologlst, who is also in
vestigating the case on behalf of the
police, ariived and took seveial photo
glyphs of tlie loom, after asking De
Hydzewski to place everj thing in ex
actly tlie same position it occupied at
tlie moment of the tiaged.v. It is ip
poited that as he did this De Hyd
zewski evinced consldeiablo emotion.
Afterwards he left in a cab, escoited
by two policemen, who escottccl him to
tlie piison, wheie the necessaiy formal
ities attending his dlsehaige tiom cus
tody weie completed.
At the same time, the case lias as
sumed an Intel national apect by the
action of Consul Geneial dowdy in fol
lowing out the lnstiuctions of the state
depaitment at Washington anil ap
pointing a commission, composed of
lour American doctois living in Pat is,
to conduct an independent post-moi tern
The Flgaio publishes tills moiniugan
inteivlew with Maitre Ciuppi, who as
counsel for the prisoner, was piesent at
yesteiday's examination. He gives
some additional details legardlng the
leconstuiction of the scene of the tiag
edy. Ill, Socpiet enacted tlie patt ot
Mis. Goie, .slitting' on the bed in the
position indicated by tlie prisoner. It
was in taking his cud case fiom the
night table that De ndeewskl knock
ed off tlie tevoHer, the heavy butt of
which stiuek the floor. The- medical
expert and the at miner, '. Hastililie
Hennette. both testified that the Inves
tigation did not justify them In conn j
dlctiiig De Hydezew ski's veislou of tlie
Maitre Ciuppi iel'ued to give tlie
wheieabouts of his client, nscitlng that
the Uusslan speaker Is fi Ightened so
bad that he might mllnierpiet if he
weie interviewed, and thciefoie, pie
feis to keep silent.
Univeibity's Foot Ball Giants Aie
Quaiteied at the Mt. rocono, lu the Hciunton Tiltmne
Stromlsbillg, Pa, Nov, 24i Pciiiisj 1
', aula's loot bill team, tlie men who
will play against Cornell on Thanks
giving day, an at the picuiitseiue
mountain lesort, Mt, Pocouo, until
Wednesday, The 'v.uslty squad nie
iitaiteu'd ut the Mt, Aliv house, it
was at llrst thought that the men would
go to Atlantic City or Water Clap, and
It was not known until the lust moment
where the men were to bet taken.
Those composing tlie sejuad ate ttlch
ntdson, Thomas, T'ouey, Hoii'iuan, Me
Cade, Taylor, Piekaiskl, Mitchell, Hnlrd,
Jones, MoUgni, Whetstone, Dale, Mul
foid, Weede, Koitine-r, Wcsfhler, flat di
ner, Mm shall, flenuett ami Slcuue,
Steamship At rivals,
By f.xkliutve Wire fiom lit UoiIited !'r4.
New York, Nov 31 Ariived; Kiuon.
laud. Antwcip. Hi emeu Arrived; pit
men, New Yoik Glasgow Ai lived; Col?
iimult, Now Yoik. i,Uard-lasscsl; Stat
ciiilam, New Yoik for Jlottenlam. I'lj.
mouth Aiilved; Kionpiiiu Wilholm,
New Yoik for Cherliouig and Ilieiuen.
Ihlo of Wight Passed; 1'ileslund, Nrvv
Yoik for Autweip.
. - - ,
Six Round Diavv,
Uy l'xcluhc Wire liom'lln- Auoplatcd l'rn.
I'hllaclelphla, Nov. Sl.-Chntllo MuKte
ver, of this city, and Climlle Haghey,
of Lowell, Mass;., went lx lotiuds to a
draw at the Washington Spoiling ilub
tonlBht. Neither man leeeived iniuh
damage and It was geneially conceded by
thu succtiitois to liave been a slow bout.
Pioceedhigs Began hy Son Against
Seventeen Other Relatives.
liy l.ulii'lvc lie bom Thu s0clted 1'ixss.
Now (ilk, N. ,f, Nov. 21. Pioeeedlngs
were b"gun beloie Vice Ohailcelloi
Ihnery today to settle' the eonsti action
or the will ot the late John I. Hlnlr, over
which a contest Is pi utilised. The suit
Is Instituted In the mime of DeWItt
Clinton lllalr, the only survlng son of
the lllalrslown mllllonalie. He tilings
It as solo executor under the will and
ti ustee under seveial huge tiust funds
ot testainentaiy cteatlon,
Seventeen defendants' aie limned In
the bill, these being the giandehlldren
and grent-giandehlldten of tlie late
Mr. ltlalt. The piluelpnl defendant Is
Chailcs Hcilbiyr, son of the rounder ot
the publlshln(f,house of that name and
a grandson of John I. Blair.
The main pqlnt in dispute ailses fiom
the language of the testator in making
the beiiucns tu be held in tiust. It Is
claimed bv tlie executor that he is not
tecitilted to supply such secmltles as
the will mentions, but which had been
sold by tlie testatoi between the time of
the execution ot the vvlll In 1S7S and his
death on Dec. 2, 1S9.
It Is contended by .some ot the helis
who aie joined as defendants that the
stocks and bonds mentioned In the will
should be turned ovei to tlie beneficiar
ies as eiiunieiated.
We Will Not Oppose Steps to Collect
Debts from Venezuela.
B.t I'.icluihf Whr from Tlie AsioiMaled l'reis
Washington, Nov. 24, The state de
partment Is thoiouglily lufoimed of tlie
length to which Gient Biltain, Ger
many and other Huiopeau powers pio
pose to go In their dealings with Vene
zuela. Gieat Britain and Getmauy have
sounded the department to learn
whether any objections would be made
lo active measures on their pai t to
secure the collection of debts due their
citizens on account of the violated con
cessions and the destruction of thelt
propei ty Incident to the Internal dis
sensions which have laged in Venezuela
for seveial years past.
Tlie department has been extiemely
cautious in dealing with these Incjuiiles,
but the substance of lis teplles In all
cases has been set out in the declai
atlon of President Roosevelt that the
United States did not constiue the Mon
roe docttine to mean that it should
shelter any of the Aineiican lepublles
against the lesults of their own mis
deeds or violations of intei national
amenity. The only condition made by
the president was that the punishment
inflicted upon any of these South and
Central American lepublics by a K
iopoan power must not include the
seizijie by that power of any Aineiican
Commission Will Pay for Damage
Due to Spain's Neglect.
Bj Exclusive Wirt from The Asoultle I frtn.
Washington, Nov. 24. The Spanish
claims commission has enunciated the
principles by which it will be governed
in passing upon the v.nious demuiieis
which have been submitted to It in con
nection with the claims now under con
sidetatlon on account of the war be
tnefii Spain and Cuba. The geneial
baslf Is laid down that In assuming tlie
lesponsibllity, which would othenvise
have been Spain's, tlie Tnlted States is
bound to pay all claims for which
Spain could have beeilield. It is Held
fmther that the Insui lection in Cuba
had gone beyond tlie contiol of the
Spanish government, and that it was
not leoponslble for damages done to
foielgneis by the insurgents. If, how
ever, it be shown that the Spanish au
thoiltles might have ptevented the dam
age done in any paitleular case by the
e.xeuclse of due diligence the commis
sion announces that It will hold that
Spain was liable.
Itv Uuliiiiw Wile (H'lil Hie Amuc jl j I'lfis
Kansas City, Nov. 21.-Chlef ol Polite
H.i cs announced today that tlio bull
light fohcdilled to take place In Conven
tion hall on Thanksgiving evening would
not bu permitted, The taubaik ilng has
been placed In the hall, bulls and inata
Uorcs Horn MexUo are In the cliy, and
eveiytliltig was teady feu the bull (ltht,
when the pioiuolers weie InloiuiFd that
the law would not pcnnlt tile fight to
take jdaee.
The light was made (he siibiecl of ills.
ciHslou In a ma ten Ity of pulpits lu Kiin
sas City c'seiday, which tuoiistd pub.
lie tuntlmcut.
McGuiie Gets Ceitificate of Election.
B f.xtludii Wire from flic .Uvotlttrd I'rtii.
Guilnie, U, T, Nov, 21 The leiilturlal '
election tiouid Unlay issued a eeitlllealo I
of ele-etlun to S. M. McGuiie, tin Itepiib.
Dean candidate for delegate to euuguss,
placing Ills miijoilty nt ti'JI eivei W, ii,
Cioss, Democial. Oioss has piipeis of
i mitcl leadv to be lllvd when iongif
coiiwin s. The ) ,s.itle eei tlflcates of
election weie also Issued anil show the
jplnt HSsi'inlil to be liommiaiio b a
majoili of eon..
Killed hy Btass Knuckles,
IS llulmUe WIn from llio V.totUtod Him.
Shlppensbuig, Pa, Nov, 21 In what Is
Known as "llueklebeiiy Hollow," near
J.eesburrf, last nlsht. Ge-oigo Sew-is and
David Iialley, tngagrd In a epauiet. tlotii
weiu Intoxicated, Il.illiy stiuek Seven ,
In the back ot tlio neck with a pair of i
brass knuckles, bioaklng his neck, Sev
eis died within lltteen minute. Il.illey
escaped on a fieight tiain and ha not
yet h-i'ii unruled
Sent Threatening Letteis,
ll kiilutlvf Wire from lu AhIj.uI I'mi
New Yotk. Nov SI. -William llieckcr.
Tfcenlly m rested In eoniioctfon witli the
police iiivosllgatlou Into llie sclielliig ot
tliieaienlng tellers to local ineichants,
was todaj on a uhaigo of lilack
mull. The letteis purpoited to be fiom
Hits-dun Nihilists and one contained a
threat of death In re'il Ink.
. m in "i
"Sleeping" Beauty" at Philadelphia.
By Feluiie Hire fiom fl e Aitotlittl I'rm.
Philadelphia, Nqv. 21. The local pi em
lor of "The Sleeping Ueaut and the
Ileast," occulted tonight atttlio Cliest
iiut'StU'et Operu house. It. was the Hist
tasto of the London Diu.tiy Lane spec
lado j,len la thjs city, and tlio produe.
Hon was enthuslUstlcully reeelvod
President Explains His Course in Reappointing-
11 lltihnlte Wile from 'lhe AMOflJted l'rrai.
Washington, Nov. 24. The following
statement was given out at the wliKte
house this afternoon:
"On his letuin to Washington, the
piesident found that some misappre
hension existed as to the re-appointment
of the United States attorney for
Delawaie, and authoiied the following
statement legaulliig it:
"Mr. IJj i ne was originally appointed
Tnlted States attorney for Delaware by
Piesident McKlnley. President Hoose
velt knew him peisonaliy. In the opin
ion of the piesident he had rendeied
excellent sei vice for the public good In
more than one dliection, and he had
been a staunch supporter of the piesi
dent when he for governor and
attei winds, lie was reported by the
department of justice as a fit and com
petent ellstiicf attorney, and tlie presi
dent had entile confidence In his abil
ity nnd Integrity. He accepted the
nomination for congress. Other district
attotnes and maislials had accepted
such nomination without being letiuest
ed to leslgn, but lu view of the fac
tional fight in Delawaie tlie president
thought Mr. Dyine should lesign,
which he accoulingly did. When the
election was over, the piesident ic-ap-polnted
him without having given the
slightest pievious indication that such
was his intention. He would have been
re-appointed without tegard to the cir
cumstances under which he un, or the
faction with which he was allied."
Has Inspected 13,000 Troops in the
Philippines People Suffer fiom
Deaith of Farm Animals.
11 Lulu-he Wlie fiom The ta-ieuli"cl fie-t.
Manila, Nov. 24. Lieutenant Geneial
Miles vvlll leave hero for China, Japan
and Kussia at tile end ot the week.
Discussing the Philippines with the
eoiicspomlent of the Associated Piess
lodav, Geneial Miles said:
"I have seen lll.uflO ot our tioops and
will inspect moie of them befoie leav
ing. 1 found them to be lu l.iii condi
tion. This is a liaid countiy foi cam
paigning. 1 inspected the pilnclpal defenses of tin.' islands and
some of the haibois which tlie govern
ment niaj foi tlfy.
"X found lhe people geneially impov
eilshed f i om the effects of the war and
the pestilence which followed it and l
fear some may suflei fiom famine.
The deaith of latin animals leaves the
people no means ot leeovery."
New Yoik Has No Power to Pioceed
Against Painteis' Union,
Bv r tclunivf W ire from 1 lie Vnoc latnl Prem.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 24. Attcnney
Geneial Davies, lu an opinion submit
ted to Governor Odell, in the Potter
case, holds that the state has no power
to pioceed against the Schenectady
Painters' union for expelling Potter be
cause of his membership in the Nation
al guaid. No thatge can be btought
against the union tor conpliatv, as
theie is no pioof that the union did
anything moie than notify Pollers em
ployees that he was a non-union
It Is believed that a bill will be lu
ll aducod in the kgislntuie next ses
sion, making It a misdemeanor for any
pei sou to dlsotlniiuate in any way
against a iii.iu because he belongs to
the National guaid.
Warning to Chaufleuis.
Dining tlie past few weeks Ulieetor of
Puolic Safely Woimsei's olllce has been
bombarded with loinplaluts from citi
zens who to the fust tunning of
automobiles within thu city limits, and
lie vesteiday lusliuctcd Suptihltendeiit
of Police Day to stiielly eufuieu the)
geneial oulei issued last sunimtr bctillug
on tills subject. Thlt older called foi
the strict t nl'otceiueiit of the oidlniiiie
legiilntiiig the spei d of hlvvcles and un
tonioblln, whkh oidlnance pi o libs that
l hey slmll not be ibidem or dilvvu at a
gu-aler spei'd than eight inllis an horn
within the clt limits, ami not lasttr
than loin miles nil lioiir when passing
stiect lnt i.cctions, Tlie peuallv fur a
violation of this uidlimticf Is a flue of
not le than JJ nor mom than W
Civil War Veteinn Missing,
The police and th Hiand Anny men
aie Intrusting themselves in an eiitbavor
to locate Melville II. Dewing, a Civil
wai veteiau, who lias bet u niNslug shie
I'lldav Itisl Iiowllig i a nie to tills city
two months ago Willi his wile In spenel
the u Intel mill uilgtiijcd a suite ol looms
at the Holland He Is .subject to
spells of tempoiaiy Insanity In ought oil
b an lujlliy icceiwd on tlie head duiing
the will, Demllig Is I--' yt.tu old, tall
ami ot commanding ii.i'iice, with lion
guy hull and inuiHUclie. lie Is a liinii
ot' Indi'pcniK'iit un mis Ills wile thinks
IK' may have gone, lo Detloit, wblih hatt
been llitlr houie for miiiiv iais, and
the authoilibs lime liave been noilMrd,
Killed hy Electiiciay.
l)j l.icliuiii. Wire (uia llif Anoclatnl 1'rtn.
Shainokln, I'a . Nov. SI.-l'.ilMil Dtlger,
agcel 1 yeuiH, was Iiituull killed thli
evening lu the Shamokln (ion woiks by
a long.haiidlecl skluiniiiig lion ho was
can lug coming Into contact with a llvf
aie wire and funning ,.i elieuit, causing
two thousand volts of elecnlclty to
tout so thiough him.
Resumption at Shamokln,
By Eiclueivc Wirt from 'thu AtsoclitcJ Preti.
Shamokln. I'a., Nov. 21 Ono htinditd
anil llfty men lesumed tha work of sink
lug tho Union Coal company's Scott shaft
today. During the tie-up the shaft was
Hooded. It will give woik to eight linn
died woiktncm ai soon us the bleaker is
constiucUd. i
Some ot tlie Results ol till Con
flicts Yesterdaii Between
Strikers and Police
Five of the-Injured Sustain Seriouu
Wounds Tho Mayor of thej Clty
in Sympathy with the Strikers
Gives Ordeis to the Police Not td
Use Force la Dispersing Crowds.
Veterans Under General GomeS
Threaten to Offer their Services tq
the Government. ,
By Ktchive Wlie from 'llic Aeiociated Presy.
Havana, Nov. 24. As the result oi
conflicts of a seilous natuie today be-
tvv eeti the police and the men on strlka
here, two strikeis aie dead and eighty-.
two other peisons are wounded. Five
of the wounded, one a lieutenant of po
lice, whose tin oat was cut by a, striker,
have very severe injuiles. Eight other
policemen aie wounded. The polles
have tlie lioteis well under control, but
every piecaulion Is being taken to pre
vent fui titer outbteak or disorder, and
all the police and imal guatds in the
suburbs have been summoned to con
centrate In Havana.
The stilke, which at fltst only eon-
ceined the cigar makeis, became gen
eial this morning, by calling out of all
tiades in sympathy with the cigar
makei s. All the trades people closed
theit doois this morning, cleiks, cooks
and eveiy class ot worktneil having
obeyed the command ol the union ex
cept the motormen and conductors of
the electiic cars, 7?ha refused to join In
the general etrllte ' "
Tlie tt ouble begalk e&rty toy the hold
ing up of tho electric caw by the strik
ei s, whose wrath naturally waa direct
ed against the street railroad employes.
Several cars were held up and stoner"
in the outskirts ot tho tity and the
passengers were compelled to walk Intel
Havana, among those being the British
and Get man ministers Several cai?
weie wrecked and eome motormen and
couductois wens ic,juteil during these
oecui i ences. - -
Tlie carmen, EowGVTfr, Continued tun
ning their cars until 10 o'clock, when
Supeiintendent Gieenwoocl prdered a
suspension of ti attic. Tha emplojes
weie willing to i etui n to work but the
oillceis of the company, in order to pro
tect their propei ty, deemed it wise to
suspend the set vice. Mr. Greenwood
had. asked for piotection fiom the civil
government, but the autlioiitles weio
unable to piotect the public vehicles.
Sympathy of Mayor.
The mavor of Havana and the secie
laiy of government, Dieg Tamayo, had
duiing the past week openly sympa
thised with tlie strikers and had given
oideis to tlie police not to use foice In
dispersing the ciovvds, and under those
conditions, the police .were unable to
cope with the stiikeia.
Tlie situation was approaching a crit
ical point at noon, serious dlsordeis
having taken place in front of the pal
uce Itself, In which a police officer,
named Jlaso, and a number of police
men and striker received injuries,
when President Palni.x sent word tu
tlio mayor that unless the city authori
ties could preserve older and protect
the i.ilhoad company, the state would
intei veue. The mayor then took dtas
lie measuies and Issued an edict pio
hlbltlng ciowds liont gntherins In thi
stieets and authoi lulus the chief ot
.poltt e to kill, It sin It action should bo
'necessaiy to pieseivo older.
A similar show of force early In tha
nuiining undoubtedly would have pie
vented tlie ti ouble, but now the sulk
eis had become; emboldened and fie
eiuent ihi'he.s between them and tlie
police occulted in all pans of the city.
Tlie polite weie obliged to chaige
a mob ot i intei s at lhe slaughter house
nnd several among the latter were In
juied. The vlgoioijs attitude ot tin
polh e now inadu Itself felt and tiaffla
on the car Hues, which had only been
.suspended for a bilef period, was le
suiued, and was continued from this
time foi th, with only occasional Inter
iiiptlons. Most ot the Injuiles sus
tained by tho Ettikers were caused by
tlie policemen's clubs.
The Central Veteran's union, headed
bv Geneial Gomez, held a. meeting tills
afternoon anil sent word to the inbor
unions that if the dl'oiders continued
the eterans would offer their services
to President P.iiiua lo pieserve oulei.
No bread or was on sato today
and a contlnuaucti of tlio stilko will
eaue much suffering among the pool.
The police rear that U ouble may occur
In this city tonight and n. detachment
of nival guards Is e-xpeued to teach
llaana at 2.20 tomonow moinlng.
.Seiior Tatnayo has n dgned hW office
of setnetaiy of goveinnieiu, but Piesi
dent Pahna Will inn accept his teslgna
tlop until the Rtrllv has hi en settled.
The public blames Tanuiyo tor his aot
ivb participation In the strike and says
that he and the nia.vor are responsible,
for today's riots, as he had openly ex.
picked sympath.v with the strikers. At
a political meeting 'i Wednesday Sertoli
Tamayei endorsed thu action ot tha
strikeis, i ,u j
4- -M
Wasdilns'o" Nov. !4 Forecast
for Tin sd i i nd Wednesday KaU
rrn Pi mil hunk Rain Tuesday;
' fresh winds bicomiug east. iWed-
nesdny, full; cooler.