r " i' 'ijf" . - c. vy "" ' "" ! " rt v-v"----,r.v"V-si.-t1hj(ftt!'-rjw '""r " '-VS t.ri1fJWk"7'?1,V'S-tv,J VnryV-Vjw 'MtJ'mjffW . i ww'iMBmaiainH - f' . - , r ' r H' rllnttt crmiton THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNINC, NOVEMBER 24, 1002. TWO CENTS. UV ? Vo SERIOUS REPRISALS ONVEIMJELA Great Britain and Germanu are Act ing' Tooether In Matters Re lating to Present Affairs. AN UNDERSTANDING HAS BEEN REACHED Arrangements Made with the Wash ington Government Do Not Protect Castro The Venezuelan Protest Against the Action of the British Sloop of War Fantome in Entering the Orinoco River in Spite of the Blockade Has Been Received. 3y Kxvlmlvc Wire from 'flic Associated Pre. London, Nov. 22. Great Britain is contemplating: serious reprisals against "Venezuela. The Associated Press Is al so officially Informed that Great Brit ain Is acting with Germany in all mat ters relating; to the present slate of af fairs In' Venezuela. Whether the con templated action will take the form of n joint naval demonstration, accom panied by or following: the severance of diplomatic relations, Is a matter now being: discussed In Berlin and London. There is reaspn to believe that the British government lias been either of ficially or otherwise Informed that tho I'nited States will not Intervene In any demonstration having' the object of pro tecting; the property rights of British citizens or their Interests in Venezuela. The irpnrts that Germany and Great Britain have been urging Minister Bow on, at Caracas, to join in the combin ation aie discredited here. It Is pointed mil that both Herlln and London have a thorough understanding' with Wash ington regarding; the main features of Die policy involved, which, it Is main tained. In no way encroaches on the Monroe .Doctrine. The Venezuelan protect against, the action of the British sloop of war, Fan tome, in entering the Orinoco river in pite of the blockade has now been re- reived by the British. foreign office, but it' W only one of many which have been coining in for the last, month. The foreign office vlevys this and tlie others inerely'us an endeavor, to offset the re peated strong demands made by the Uriti'-h minister at Caracas. A foreign office official said to a rep resentative of the Associated Press: "We regard this latest publication as merely an endeavor to cover up the real Issues and blind the eyes of other nations to our frequent demands for an explanation of and reparation for the treatment of British subjects or their properly. We have received absolutely no satisfaction. The Venezuelans ap pear absolutely hopeless. We see noth ing for it but the most serious meas ures." The presence of a German squadron In the Caribbean sea, It Is believed, may to some extent, be connected with pos sible joint actio" qu the part of Great Britain and C .many. DYNAMITINGOUTRAGE AT MAHANOY CITY The Most Destructive That Has Occurred in tho Coal Regions Since the Strike Began. B.v Kxi'lusbe Wlro (rum'XIic A.ssoi Liti'd I'cmi. Mnhanoy City, l'ai, Nov, 'Si. Tho most destructive dynamiting outrage that has occurred in tho coal region since the strike began was perpetrated here at 5 o'clock this morning. The dynamite, with fuse attached, was placed on the bar of the saloon of Christopher Portland, The front part of tho building wan bluwu across the street unci tho adjoining buildings on cither side were badly wrecked, Win dows were broken in every house In the square. Portland and the other members of tho family sleeping on the third lloor and escaped without serious lu xury, although they were tin own from their beds. Portland's I wo sous urn non-union men ami worked during tho strike. POINT UWA ROW. SCvfo Prominent Cubans Are Called Into the Affair at the Instance of Kntherino Tlngley. B Exclutlvc Wile (rum The Assia-IjUvI 'rei. San Diego, Oil., Nov. 23, The contro versy over the Point Lomn Brotherhood ecliool was given a new turn tonight by the arrival of Euillo ilnrcadl, mayor of Santiago tie Cuba, and Sen or Ortlzn, proprietor uf the newspaper, El Cuban Libre, of that city. They have come at the Instance of Kuther ine Tlngley, direct front Cuba. They were met at New Orleans by Dr.Lopezu nn agont of Mrs, Tlngley, who acts as their interpreter, and tliey proceeded thence directly to this city, They will proceed from San Diego to Washington to express their views to tho authori ties there. , Commissioner Sargent delayed hkj dipaituie from tills city so that he might meet them and they were at a conference last night. Steamship Arrivals. lly Kichubc Wire Irom The Associated Pre.. Liverpool, Nov, ii. Arrived; 1'mbrla, Now York via Queenstown. Suiled; Cieorglc, New York. Moville-Arriveds Columbia. Now York for Cllusgow (and proceeded. Plymouth-Arrived: Uluech er, New York for Cherbourg and Ham liurg mid proceeded. Oueenstown-Sai!eJ '.mr,wutu tain Uveri&iL y.-.y York. MAY HAVE N BURIED ALIVE Evidences of i . ''uggle in a Coffin Exhume ' v. El Paso. Ky Kxi'lulu' Wlie hoi ? Aa-oi-iJltd Piom. Kl Paso. Texas, Nov. 23, Upon ex huming the body uf a man named Mitchell, who died mysteriously ut Chihuahua, Mexico, after having been Insured by the men In jail hero, who are charged with defrauding' n Now York life Insurance company. It Is al leged to have been discovered that the man had been burled alive. This was shown by evidences of a struggle in the collln, the mouth being open, the nrms against the lid and the palms turned upwurd. GENERAL SANTOS IS SATISFIED The Military Director of the Colom bian Revolution Sends Congrat lations to General Herrera. Hy Jixdiwlvc Wile irom The Assooiilorl I'n-ss, San Juan, Costa Rica, Nov. 2H. Gen eral Vargas Santos, the military di rector of the Colombian revolution has sent the following message to General Herrera on tho occasion of the signa ture of the treaty of peace at Panama: "Let us congratulate ourselves. I have full confidence In you. May this solemn act establish a true republic." In an interview, General Santos said: "My hopes have been realized regard ing the termination of the war, if the solemn treaties Insure the rights of tho liberals as citizens of my country. I am satisfied that the hard lesson that has been received by the Liberals and Conservatives in the lighting of the past thirty-seven months will never be for gotten. We are not seeking government offices, but only want due representa tion of our party i.n congress and in the municipalities and a respect for private property. There is a neefl of organizing a fair judicial power and to make the liberty of the press effective. We want to have the right to educate our children according to our wishes and we demand honesty in the man agement of the public treasury, which so far has been at the disposal of priv ileged families, resulting in the reduc ing of the majority of the people to .' poverty. When 1 have received a copy of the peace treaty I shall decide as to my future movements. I have received many congratulatory telegrams." General Vargas Santos shows remark able energy considering his advanced age of 72 years. JUSTICE PECKHAM NOT A CANDIDATE Col. Rice States That the Judge Could Have Had Democratic Nomina tion for Governor. By Exclusive Wirt horn The Associated Preei. New York, Nov. 23. Colonel W. Rice, of Albany, who was United States civil service' commiss.ioner under the last I'lcveliiud administration said today: "It may interest some fellow Demo crats to know that so distinguished a member of the purty as Justice It. W. Peckham, of the United States Su premo court, was offered, so fur as any one but the convention itself could do so, the last nomination for governor. At Mr. Hill's request I went to see Justice Peckham the middle of August nt Saranao Lake, where he was spend ing the summer, and informed him that while It was not within the power of anyone to tender a nomination, it was Mr, Hill's desire that he should allow his name to come before the convention: that Mr. Hill and others believed there was a probability of the election of tho Democratic ticket; that Judge Gray was to be ro-nomln-ated; that tho other names on the ticket would be those of men of high character and ability and that. If elect ed governor, he (Justice Peckham) would bo Inevitably the most promin ent Democratic candidate for the pres idency In isni, and that ho would have, so far as Mr, Hill could promise It, tho ardent support of New York state In the national convention. Justice Peek ham replied that even the certainty of an election as governor and after that, the assurance of the nomination for president would not swerve him front his determination not to be a can didate for political office. Personal reasons compelled him to this decision. "I Imvo Justice Peckhain's permis sion to make this entire Incident pub lic." STANTON MINE TO RESUME. Ily KMiudte Wire Irom The Associated I'refs. Wllkes-Barre, Nov, 23. Tim Stanton mine of the Lehigh and Wllkes-Burro Coal company has been chared of water at last and will bo ready, to re sume operations In a few difys, During the high wnter last March the lower workings of the colliery wuie sub merger and before It could be pumped out the strike ennio on. This left the mine at the mercy of the water. When tho strike was declared off a large force of experienced men were put to work and they fiimllysue. e-eulcd In pumping all the water out. The colliery employes 700 men and boys and the resumption of work wl add l,r.0() tons to the dally output of coal. Labor Union Condemns Assassination By Kxdmlvn Wire Irom The AssocliUd Prrtt Tclluildo, Col., Nov. 23.The Tellurldo Miners' union has adopted resolutions condemning tho "cowardly assassination of Arthur L. Collins, general manager of the Smuggler-Union Mining compuny, as being wholly opposed to the policy And spirit of organized labor." MACVEAOH'S STATEMENT. Explains That Railway Corporations Offered Increase of 10 Per Cent. Uy Kuliulve Wire (ruin The Awchlol Pi .!, Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 23. The Pub lic Lodger tomorrow wljl publish n statement by Wnyne MueVeagh, cover ing the efforts that have been made lo bring iboiit an amicable adjustment of the dispute between the anthracite coal companies and their mine workers. Mr. MueVeagh suys: "The parties on both sides were con testing (W'er.v Inch of ground when the great railway corporations volunteered an advance of ten per cent. In wages to their employes. "As soon as such advance was an nounced, It seemed to be taken for grunted that, knowing the advance two years ago, a like Increase would now be granted the miners, and the question of wages being out of the way, there was a general feeling In favor of trying to adjust the other difference. "While I was still cross-examining Mr. Mitchell, I was asked to meet him and his counsel In conference to make an effort to reach some adjustment ot an amicable nature. We discussed the matters In dispute on different occa sions, and at great length, and at last, by the Invaluable assistance of Mr. E. 13. Thomas, the president of the two companies I represent, the basis, as he thought, of a possible adjustment was reached, and when It was submitted to other gentlemen, who with Mr. Thomas had signed the letter requesting the ap pointment of the commission, they all concurred with Mr. Thomas In approv ing it as a basis of negotiations." PRESIDENT ELIOT EXTOLS LABOR UNIONS Comprehensive Statement of His Views on the Benefits That Are Derived from Unionism. By K.u'Jushc Wire from 'Hie Axsudaleil Press. Cambridge, Jlass., Nov. 23. In an address at. a. private meeting of the Colonial club of this city, President Eliot, of Harvard, made a comprehend slve statement of his views on' labor unions. He said that the work of the labor unions must be counted among tho efforts to make the lot of mankind more satisfying and luippicr, and that their strength lay in their belief in this work as their mission. He then enumerated the conditions,, which he designated as humane conditions of employment those to which laboring men may rightly aspire. First was a rising wage based on increased ex perience, attainments and age; second, steady employment after adequate pro bation; third, the opportunity for tile worklngman to establish a permanent homo: fourth, conditions which ennble him to give his employer generous ser vice, and to take pride in it: fifth, the right to a pension on disability, which gives throughout life relief from one great anxiety, and that public consid eration, which goes with a steady job and a self-respecting, though humble or unobserved career. These live con ditions of humane employment, Presi dent Kliot said, weie realized today In Harvard university. Plainly they were not realized in the great American in dustries employing unskilled labor. Another serious difficulty with Ameri can employment was that It was spas modic. Complaints from employes were often made the ground for dis missal. The present antagonism of employ ers and the unions was the fault of both parties, but on the whole the for mer were more to blame because their situation was more comfortable and their education superior. The indus trial community was under many obli gations to unions for the evils they have mitigated, such as poor sanitary conditions in factories and unreason able number of hours of work, child labor and the company store. The oligarchy of capital had combined effectively, and the corresponding com bination of laboring men was a whole some check upon that oligarchy. There was no question that the labor union hud come to stay. One part of its cause was Injured by certain evils, One of these evils was the limit .placed on the number of apprentices, whereas in the learned professions every encour agement was given to the training of novices. Other evils werolic limitation of out put which destroys the self-respect of the efficient workman, and the uniform wage, which was a cruel reaction on the less capable workman, because with a uniform wage he loses his Job at every slack In business, whereas If he were paid according to his earning capacity, his employer could afford to keep him the year around. A fourth evil was the violence, which was an Inevitable fea ture of every strike In Industries em ploying unskilled labor. Tho unskilled laborer on strike had no other weapon unless It were the boycott, which was n cruel, cowardly interference with the rights of all the people, President Eliot declared that he saw grounds for hoping that the relations of capital and labor would be improved, In spite of their present unintelligent antagonism, partly by frank publlo dis cussion of abuses, partly by pre-or-rniiged agreements for conciliation of arbitration, and partly by the service which labor unions would render to capital through their constant com mand of the labor resources of which oapltiil comes In need, DEATHS OF A DAY. By Exclusive Wre Irom The AmocIjIhI Press. Washington, Nov, 23. Major Walter Held, a well known officer of tho sur geon general's department ot tho army, died here today, Major -Held was sunt to iluvaua to Investigate tho yellow fever situation and It was largely through his reaeniches. that tho determination wus reached that the disease was communi cable through iliu mosquito. Baltlinoie, Mil,, Nov. 23. Joseph M. flushing, u well known and prominent merchant died suddenly today. Ho was trj years of age, and conducted the booksell ing and stationery business established nearly a century ago by ids father. H was president at the time of tils death and for many years previously of the Maryland Academy of Arts and Designs. KRUPP NOT A SUICIDE The Great Giinmaker Who Passed Awau Sat'urdau Died a Natural Death. PHYSICIANS AGREE AS TO COMPLAINT His Medical Histoiy for Several Years Past Indicates That He Was In Delicate Health for Many Years His Scheme for Improving the Well-being of the Lower Class es The Xabor Colonies' large Con tributions. By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Pies. lierlhi, Nov. 23. The first assumption that Herr Krupp. the great gumnuker, whose death was recorded yesterday, committed suicide, is yielding to :ne clse and abundant testimony to the contrary. Prof. Ulnswanger, a physi cian of the highest standing, was In the apartment adjoining Herr Krupp's sleeping room when he was stricken Saturday morning, and Dr. Pabl, Herr Krupp's family doctor, also was In the room. They summoned several other physicians ond It is regarded as being beyond belief that all of them should have connived at a concealment of the cause of death which they as.crlbe to a stroke of apoplexy, induced, they add unofficially, by mental excitement from which Herr Krupp was suffering. Her Krupp's medical history for sev eral years past indicates that he was in delicate health. He was asthmatic, had a weak heart and was subject to fainting spells. He fell to tho ground unconscious while in Genoa several years ago and again while at dinner at a. hotel here eighteen months ago. He had been warned to avoid over-fatigue and worry. He was nt Hamburg Thursday last and at the Hamburger Hof it was observed that he was in a highly nervous con dition, and scarcely In control of him self. His condition accounted for the presence" of two physicians in the bouse at the time of his death, one of them being Prof. I3lnsvanger. Mrs. Krupp was sent for from Jena. She Is suffering. from a nervous malady but was brought to Essen in a special train, arriving there this morning. The funeral has been fixed for Wednesday. Chancellor Von Buelow, all the minis ters and a great number of other of ficials, following- the example of the. emperor, have telegraphed their con dolence to the widow. Herr Krupp leaves two daughters who are at school, one named Barbara, aged 17, and the second named Bertha. 1." years old. His Labor Colonies. Herr Krupp's favorite study was lo think out schemes for improving the well-being of the lower classes, which he applied practically to what are called "labor colonies." He assented seemingly to most socialistic princi ples, except that 'referring to the wage system, averring that the wage earners were not yet sufficiently devel oped or self-controlled to regulate for themselves a Just system of division ot profits. It Is mentioned as an odd chance that a man who applied social reform ideas In so extensive a way should have been crushed by u social democratic newspaper which, however, regarded his measures to ameliorate the condition of the laborers as not touching the question of economic in justice. Herr Krupp's father started the sys tem of modern dwellings for the work lngman as a matter of expediency, and Herr Krupp himself appears to have developed them from conviction and In accordance with his ideals. He owned n.-lGfi dwellings, each, to whulever group it belonged, being constructed with variations In the architecture to avoid monotony. Kach house had n front yard In which were bits of ornamental gardenings; the outside coloring and the Interior decoration gave a certain aesthetic unity, while there was plenty of space and light. Herr Krupp bad also a variety of In stitutions, some of them rather singu lar, such as "bachelors' homes" and widows' retreats." Besides convales cent hospitals and orphanages, he had a pension fund for his employes amount ing to $I.12,",000, He contributed last year, as required by the law, $372,000 to the National Insurance fund, and gave voluntarily $-1,080,000 to other Insurance funds. Notwithstanding his benevolent interests In the laborers, ho was an autocrat In the management of his con cerns. IU was almost unknown by sight to bis workmen, and rarely vis ited the works or even his offices. He spent several months every year, on the island of Capri, and managed his gun works, rolling mills, Iron mine mid ship yards by letters and telegrams. Unlike his father, Herr Krupp took no Interest In the technical side of his business, yet In fifteen years he more than doubled the fortune he inherited. Since their foundation, the rjsseu fac tories have turned out -11,000 pieces ot artillery, Herr Krupp resented being culled the Yuur.nit king," and he said that half of all the output of his works was civilizing products, such as rail way and merchant ship material and structural steel, The Socialist Vote, By Kxvluvhu Wire Irom The Astochteil Press. Clirard, Kan., Nov. 2.), The Appeal to lieasou, having completed the canvass, places the Socialist vote In tho United States of tho recent election nt 4,noo. Tho heaviest Socialist vole was polled In Massachusetts, 'V,i:. Bigr Fire in Baltimore. Dy Kiclushe Wire (rum The Associated Press. Baltimore, Nov. 2-J. A flro today In the umbrella manufactory of Guns Bros, did tuO.OU damage to tho building and 'stock. Both were fully Insured. The oiltsiii of the flro Is uukuown. REGULAR AND SPECIAL TERM. District Attorney Lewis Has Pre pared His Trial Lis'ts. District Attorney William K. Lewis has prepared his trial list for the two weeks' term of criminal court which opens Monday, December 1, and the special term which opens December in. The first case on tho list Is that against Thomas Prlstosh, Harry Slmrach and Hurry Shiibah, charged with the mur der of .Tames Winston, u non-union man, near Olypliitnt, on September 2,". The Scranton-Flnn libel case Is the first on the list for the second day of the term. On the third day n large number of the Municipal league cases are listed for trial, among others that charging Anthony Duuleavy with per jury. At the head ot the second week's list Is the case ot Wladlslaw Knoatano wlcz, who killed a man In North Scran ton In July, 1901, and was arrested a few months ago In Detroit and brought back here for Irlnl, Altogether there are 3Ct cases on the list for the regular term and 172 for the special term, A considerable number of the cases on ench list concern breaches of the peace during the late coal strike. YALE IS AGiiNTHB FOOTBALL CHAMPION The Sons of Eli Down Harvard The Winners Score from Touchdowns Pinal 23 to 0. By ExcliMhc Wire from The Associated Press. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 22. Yale Is again football champion. In the pres ence of twenty-eight thousand specta tors, she today established on Yale field her claim to supremacy, overwhelming the Harvard eleven by the big score of 23 to 0. The wearers of the blue crossed Harvard's goal lino for four touch downs, from which three goals were kicked, while the Crimson players fought vainly to pierce the defence ot their hereditary enemies. It was ample revenge that Yale took for the bitter defeat of a year ago, when Harvard snowed the Now Haven team under to the tune of 22 to 0. Coming, at it does, on the heels ot Yale's decisive triumph of a week ago over Princeton, today's game puts Yale securely at the head ot the football procession of 1002. All the experts who saw the game were agreed that the eleven that won today's game was one of the best that ever wore the Yale uniform, if, indeed. It fell short of being the very best of all. The game was won by straight, hard, football, that left not the shadow of a doubt of Yale's superiority. Only twice did Harvard dangerously threat en to score. Once was In the first half, when, with the score 12 to 0 against them, the wearers of the crimson made a sterling and persistent brace by means of which they managed to buck the ball clear from their own 50-ynrd line to Yale's 8-yard mark, only to lose it by a fatal fumble, apparently made by Marshall, the quarterback.' The sec ond time when Harvard had a chance to score was in the second half, when, with the score IS to 0 against them, the Cambridge players lined up to s,top Yale's forwards from breaking through in time to prevent Marshall from kick ing a goal from the field. The quarter back fell back to the 33-yard mark, when he made ready to try, and made a clever trial, well guarded by his 'mates, but the try went a bit wide, and he missed the goal by about a yard. That was as near as Harvard came to scor ing. VIOLENT RIOTS IN TOURS. The Singing of Revolutionary Songs in Alcazar Music Hall the Cause of All the Trouble. By i:ilnsive Who trom The Assudaicl I'urs. Tours, France. Nov. 23. A violent riot broke out tills evening in the Al cazar Music hall In this city owing lo the singing of antl-mllltury songs by one of the performers. A party of offi cers belonging to the Garrison of Tours who, dressed In mufti, were oc cupying the stalls, hissed tho songs, while the public in the gallery ap plauded' and threw missiles at the offi cers, wounding several of them. The occupants of the galleries then Invaded the lloor of the hall, where a free light ensued until the police elenred the building. An autl-mllltary demonstration in the streets followed, a crowd escorting the singer, tho cause of all the trouble, home, and slnglnc revolutionary pongs. The rioters attempted to mob nil the officers they met on the way, but a squad of police and infantry succeeded In protecting the officers and order finally was restored, although tho streets are still being patrolled by troops, INJURIES PROVED FATAL. Stephen Reap Badly Hurt on Cannon Ball Road, Stephen Heap, of 510 Beech street, re ceived Injuries on Saturday while at work on the miw Cannon Hall road, which resulted in his death some hours afterwards at the Lackawanna hos pital. He was engaged with several other workmen In moving a wooden black smith shop which was lifted off its foundations by a derrick, Tho tuck ling slipped while the shop was in the air and it fell striking Heap and bury ing him beneath It. iris skull was fractured and he received other In juries which caused his death after he had been taken to the hospital. Ho was a married man and Is survived by a wife and several children. Landslide on the Lehigh Volley, lly Kieludvi' Who Irom The Asiechted Pices. WIlkps.H.llTO. Nov. 2.1. A Imnw In ml. slide occurred on the Bowman's Creek uruncn ot mo i-nign vauoy railroad this morning. The trucks wore covered with two feet of efirth unci rock for nearly two miles". A largo force of, men were put to' work 'and at u late' hour tonight tho road' was open for traffic. There were no tiulus due at Dia time tliu allUo uccuried. BIG CONFERENCE IS ON FOR TOMORROW Committee of the Independent Oper ators and Presidents of Coal Roads to Come Together. WANT TO KNOW At a Meeting of the Independents Held in This 'City Saturday Night a Committee Was Appointed to See the Heads of Coal Companies and Ascertain What Big Companies Propose to Do to Make It Possible for the Inde pendents to Go Along on the Amicable Adjustment Proposition. Independent operators to the number of twenty-eight, representing practi cally all the anthracite region, met in their headquarters , in the Connell building', Saturday night, and decided to send a committee to New York, to morrow to have arl understanding with the big companies ns to whore the in dependents stand in the negotiations for amicable settlement of the strike isf.ues. The committee consists of Hon. W. L. Connell, of tho Green Ridge Coal com pany, of Scrnnton, and the Knterprise Coal company, of Shamokln; J. L. Cake, of tho Clear Spring Coal com pany and Raub Coal company, of Pittston; J. L. Crawford, of the Peo ple's Coal company, of Scranton; C. V. Simpson, of the West End Coal company, of Scranton; E. B. Sturges, of the Pine Hill Coal company, of Pino Hill; Hon. W. AV. Watson, of the Mt. .Tessup Coal company and the Mooslc Mountain Coal company, of Scrnnton; If. C. Tteynolds, of the Wyoming Coal and Land company, of Scranton, and Joseph J. Jermyn, of .Termyn t Co., of Scranton. The arrangement of the details ot the meeting with the coal presidents was left to Mr. Simpson. It is likely the meeting will take place tomorrow morning at the office of one of the big companies in New York. It is understood the independents will go before the coal road presidents with a determination of securing .assurance that if the strike controversy Is to be settled out of court, the big companies will make it possible for the Independ ents to go along by granting them some new concessions In the way ot freight laics. Till independents argue that their profits arc regulated b.v the carriers. They have no source ot income other than what the big companies allow them for coal. The big companies can grant an advance in wages ond other concessions to the miners and charge up tlie increase partly to freight prof its and partly to coal profits. Tlie Independents must bear tho Increase tohdv from their coal profits. The independents in common with the carriers, declared in May last that they could not grant any Increase In wages lo the miners. They still hold to that contention and stand-ready to prove It before the commission. To silently acquiesce, now, in the big companies' proposition to advance wages would be to confess thot, in May last, Ihey told what was not an exact fact. Conditions Are Unchanged. The Independents maintain that what they said last May is still true, mid Unit If the big companies propose to establish n higher rate of wages for them (the Independents), it Is up to the 1 Ig niinpanles to do something to make It possible for them lo bear the In crease, J, L. Crawford, of the Independent Operators' association, said Saturday evening: "Our position Is so strong that we cannot afford to agree to any settle ment reached on the basis arranged by other parties, A carefully prepared statement, sworn to, will be submitted showing that our average rate of wages paid Is $774. :o. Mr. .Mitchell classed $000 us a fair living wage. "We do not Intend to be engineered out of court by any menus, and we are not going to change our views. We will submit evidence which will surprise the commission. We Intend to be heard be fore the commission," lie declared, "and wo are going to maintain that posi tion." The independents may not go before tho coal road presidents as suppli cants. It' they choose they can go into tho meeting with a club. It Is a well- known fact that the independents ale not fixedly adverse to ivcognlulng the Hulled Mine Workers. In fact some of them have declared it would be economy for them to grant substan tially all the miners ask Including rec ognition of tho union If In return they could receive assurance of Immunity from strike troubles. This being true, It Is not Impossible that the Independents may go so far nn to say to the coal presidents thut If they (the Independents), lire not properly taken care of they will offer fifteen per cent, advance In wages, eight hours nnd recognition of the union as u basis of settlement. It wob only In dribs nnd by hints the Information as lo the true feelings of the Independents was gleaned. The official statement given out regarding .Situiduv uleht's meeting contained no THEIR STANDING Inkling of any belligerent tendencies on the part ot the independents. "Our committee is simply going to New York to find out in what way we arts to co-operate In bringing about the proposed amicable adjustment," Is tho story coming from the meeting and echoed by Individuals who attended. Miners to Take a Hand. The miners are using their best en deavors to conciliate the Independents, whose "bomb shell" at Saturday morn ing's session of the commission was looked upon by the miners as a possi ble serious obntiiele to settlement ''out of court." Clarence S. Darrow, chief counsel for the miners, and Ira H. Burns, of counsel for tho independent operators, are to have a. conference this afternoon at Hotel Jermyn. This conference was arranged at Mr. Dar row's request, before h left for New York Saturday night In view ot the action of 'tho Independent Operators' association, Saturday night, it is like ly very little will coma of the Darrow Euins conference. One main objection of the independ ents to the settlement of the contro versy "out of court" is their fear that the commission will dissolve without dealing with tho "non-unionist" prob lem. The independents have a sreater i proportion of non-union employes than the' big companies, and feel greatly obligated to those men for standing by them during the strike. They vnnt that the commission should hear In de tail what they have to present on this matter and to como out In strong lan guage in support of tho proposition that it Is the inalienable constitutional right of a man to work without let or hindrance from a union. This, however, is not likely to cause any trouble, as the commissioners have not surrendered any of their jurisdic tion and do not propose to shirk any responsibilities. The "non-union" ques tion will be dealt with fully. If deemed necessary the commission will take tes timony on it, even though every other matter is brushed away by amicable settlement. One of the commissioners said: "We are working- under two charters. Even though every strike issue was settled, we will be called upon to deal with the matter of preventing future controversies." Regarding the present negotiations, ho said: "Everything in dispute during the strike, us I understand it, is ten tatively adjusted. We have no official Information lo this effect, but that Is what I gather from the incidents of the past two days. The commission, ot course, is not bound to ratify the agree ments that will be arrived at by the parties, and will not ratify them unless they meet with our approval. The com mission will not lose sight of the fact that the public Is a party lu this cause." ' How- It Came About. It now develops that It was the com mission which first suggested the possi bility of an amicable settlement, When It was seen how smoothly the hearings were proceeding: and how really friend ly and courteous the opposing parties were one to another, It occurred to th commissioners that It was just possible that some, or probably all, of the main contentions could be eliminated by the parties coining; together "outside of court. " Tho commissioners, privately, sent for Attorneys Darrow and MueVeagh, who up to that time seemed to be the lead ing counsel, respectively, for the two principal parties nnd put to them the proposition of andcable adjustment, Mr, MaoVeagh went to New York, saw the be.Mls of the coat companies and came back with the offer told about In Satur day's Tribune. Adjournment was then had to give opportunity for working uut the details. The counsel for the differ ent companies went home to see their respective presidents, and today will li'untlnui-i) mi pin,.' o. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local data for Nov. Highest temperature . Lowest temperatiuo ., itclutlve humidity; ;, 1W3; ,,,,,,,,. 3u dcb'i'oca A .1. in. ,.,.,..,. M per cent- ! p. in. ., tu per cent,. Precipitation, 21 hums ended I p. trace. 'W - . WEATHER FORECAST, Washington. X c. 23. Forecast for Monday ami Tuesday: Eastern l'otinsylvyiil.i--l4'iilr nnd warmer Monday: Tuesday fair; brisk aouth- west to Doutli winds. , -r t f. t .t t $ i iil r.i