ST y " . -' ' "". i'r fy. , - f -JV6J 4 - vmkVv. w o " -v - J r M THE SCRANTON T1UBUNE-SATU11DAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1902. 8. ! - it 4A fiHiMrwiu vrHrsY The Flexibility of a "Dorothy Dodd" Concerning Shoes thing's are necessary: the sole must be extremely flexible while the shank or arch must be extremely rigid. Most shoes bend at the shank, thus losing their shapeliness and tiring the weak arch of the foot. This is what makes walking for women so fatiguing. The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe has a shank that sup ports the weak arch firrhly. It will not bend. The method of sewing the shank is different from the ordi nary. It is sewn through and through making- a strong, firm shank that cannot be obtained any other way. It has a sole that is extremely flexible and will bend. Every step in shoes is a delight. They cost $3.00. Yon have a chance at that $1,000 or first prize. It's easy. Ask us for particulars WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAHPS. BROOKS & SANDERSON, Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. THEATRICAL "Heartsease." Henry -Miller appeared at the Lyceum last night In u icvlvnl or Charles Klein and J. I. J. Clarke's romantic comedy, "Heartsease." It was u splendid audi ence that greeted the players, proving the populaiity of Mr. Miller In Scranton as well as the play in which he appeared. Mr. Miller gave a fine leading of the linen of Kiie Temple and at the end ol inch act the cut tain had to be rung up again and again. A very good company assisted Mr. Mil ler. Miss Grate Elllstou U beautiful, as the Hon. Miss Novllle should be, and idle played the role with line feeling. Augustus Cook's I.otd Neville was a. line bit of voik but Tliomas J. Molloy was not an acceptable Sir Geoffrey Pnmfret. ill. S. Not tit up made a capital Captain lO'Httrn and scoied both In the lovo I scenes with Alice Temple and In the mote hciioiu episodes of tlio last act;. The four acts of the comedy aro very handsomely staged. Special Matinee Today. At the Lyceum tonight and at a spe cial matinee this afternoon Daniel Sully will present for the last time in Sctanton Daniel L. Hail's gieut diama, "The Pai 'IhIi Priest." It seems surprising that a pi lest could be used as a central (lguie, and yet not once utilize hi calling, but Daniel L. Hnrt has skillfully handled hi cleigy mnn, who, divested ot his collar, could represent any calling. Ills rather AVluil en teems with honest sentiment, and Mr. Sully possesses the wuudeilul inculty of touching the heart of the auditors with out any apparent effort. See adveitlse ment for matinee pilee-i. WHEN LIFE'S AT STAKE The most chance oi timid man will take ny escape. me sieuuer roue clroDDed down the precipice, the slip pery log over the abyss, anything that ottera a cuance ot me, is eugerry snatcu cd at. The end the man seeks is safety. lie cares nothing for the means to that end. There are thou sands of men and women whose lives are at stake. J V fc"". 1 .sK-? who are hindered from accepting the one means of safety by foolish prejudice. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery luib been the means of restoring health to many men and women whose hol .low cough, bleed ing lungs, ema ciation and weak ness seemed to warrant the state ment of local phy sicians "There 'is no cure possible." Whv should prejudice auainst a put-up mediciue hinder you from trying what lias cured thousands of) suffering men and women? Only for Dr. J'lerce'i. Rolden Medical Pl cocryl tliluU 1 would be in mygiave today," wntci Mr, Moses Miltt, of Milliard, Uinta Co , Wyoming. "I had a$tlima to lud I coidd not Icep at nltUt and wai compelled to give tip work, Unaffected, 'my I u ties so that I couched all the time, both day andniKht, My friends all thought I had consumption, My wife had taken Dr. 1'ierce'a I'avorttt I'rtscripiiou uud it had helped her so much slic iuiltted ou v try Ini hit 'Golden Medical Discovery ' ch I did. I ua takeu four bellies and aiu uw u well man, weighing 185 bounds, IbauLs to Dr. Wtrcc'a Golden Medical Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the duller to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious oiedicines. lie gains; you lose, VJTITH every step, the sole of your shoe must bend. The proper place for it to bend is at the "ball" of the foot never at the instep. To make it bend at the "ball" two such "York State Folks." Aithur Sldman's new rural play, "Yotl: State Polks," which will bo seen at the I.jceum on Monday, is having an un usually ambitious production. The scen ic equipment, which Is especially elab 01 ate. was built under the direction of Aithur Voegtlin, who Is said to have done the best work of his career in put ting onto canvas these scene fiom vil lage life in "York State." Realism of u homely and appealing kind is the kej-note of the dtamtt, width Is said to be a departme fiom the tpe of niral play which has sensationalism and broad low comedy for Its foundation. Dlagiam now 011 en. "The Christian." Hall Cable's great play, "The Ohiis tlati," Is beond question the most talked of, popular and successful drama of the day. It comes to the Ljceum on Tues day night and pi evented by a splendid eompanv under the management of Lieb ler & Co. One ot the most affecting scenes Is wheio John Sloim enteis the apnitmmt of Gloi Qiiuvlo at night with tho pur pose of making her pra and sa Ing Iter soul thiough death. But tho love of Glory triumphs, The plaj ends with .1 mutual understanding between them, de ciding lo biao life's battles together. The Thanksgiving Attiaction. "When Miss Alico Fischer conies tn tho Lyceum next Wednesday night and ThanksglWng matinee and night, ditect fiom her 100-nlght run in "Mis. .hick" at Wullack's and the Victoria. thfaUr.s In New Yoik, It would seem advisable for Ihcatet-goets in seaieh of un evening of laughter and. a stuo cine for the blues In make the acquaintance, of this lhely western widow niountl whom Miss Giacn I. Kingston I'm nls-, has built hci faicial comedy. A caicfully selected suppoitlug com pany appear to advimtnge in a number of well-eonstnfcted loles, and with Miss Fischer, foim a host of fuurinalcers pre senting for tho amusement of thciitm goei.s lively and euteitiilnlng inversion. Dlngiam tor the ontlia (Ugugnment opens nt Hie bo olllce Monday at 9 a. m. "Kidnapped" Tonight. The Myikle-Iliudnr Stoik rnmpuny eloso their week's eugugemeiit at tho Academy of Music tonight with the pro duction of "Kidnapped." Tills afternoon "A Nutmeg Match" will be lepeatcd. Flvo excellent specialties will be iiitioduced at each puifoimiincc. Dixie Offer for Opening1 Performance. The management of ilto DKIo theater Is ileslious of Inning tlie lingest crowd ever III that pietty play house tit the Monduy matinee when Ttu-Tchl opt in his engagement, and to that end makes this lemurknblo offer: Anyone puiohns ing n reserved sent ticket for tho miit Ineo Monday, Nov. SI, will, by letnlnliig the scat coupon bo entitled to n utliulbftloii ticket fiee, for Hie following Monday matinee peiformunee. Dee, 1, or If ho pictfcis tho coupon will count ut u cents for the piiiehaslng of a lesened seat tur the same date, The bleu of tills olfer Is that the hug est audience ever seen in the Dixie the ater may be In attendance at the Initial pcifoimoiico of Tcu-Ichi, nnd that tho Impiebslou made will seivo 11s uu itilvei tlscment tor the two most evellent pio gt amines, It has taken some time for Scitiuton to becmuo familial' with, and enjoy, Vaudeville, hut the new Dlto theater Is opening the ejes of tlio publiu to the fuel that tlieie Is much to enJo In this popular foim of entertainment, and lias taught them to npprcclato the opportun ity eh en them nt a low pike, to mil In tit any time and see seveial good nets;, nnd umoug such pleasant suiioiiudhigs, The picsolit attiaction has much In recommend It and the coming of the Kieat Teii-Ichl next week will bo nn event long to be lememheted, The thumb-tying feat of Ten-Jehl has cre ated 111010 tulk thuii any other ttlck of the ptist decade. Another wonder Is tlio enchanted fountain that springs nt tho woid of command fiom all soils ot ob jects and people. f -fit. Q, SS Himmolein's Ideals. "Captain Impudence," a romance of the Mexican war bv Edwin Milton Bole, will be given nt the Academy of Music next Monday es'ening as the evening bill of tho week's engagement of John A. Him meleln's Ideals, will mtttk the beginning of a new eia In repertoire circles In this city. The sccneiy and costumes aie a special featuie. The cometlv element Is a eiy piomlnent pait of the play, and the iltamatio climaxes nro among the stiongest of modem times. For Thanks giving two special attiac tions aie offered together with a number of additional high giade specialties. Thanksgiving afternoon they will piesent "At Caunj'.s Crossroads," and at night "In the Hen it of the Stoun." The pilccs for the Thanksgiving matinee aio 10, 20 and SO cents; night, in, '.o, r,0 nnd 50 cents. Dlagiam opens Tuesday at 9 a. m. MONTROSE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Monti ose, Nov. 21. F. A. Dales, of Dundaft, who is attending; to duties on his faun In that place, is spending a sbmt time with bis family In this place. Stacey W. Oakley will have charge of the night service of the Bell Tele phone company, and wilt also conduct the AVostein Lfnloi) Telegraph com pany's business In tills place in the futuie. The night senicp goes Into ef fect Monday, November 21. The Oiientnl Troubadors gave two ex cellent Piiteitalninents In this pluce on Wednesday unit Thutsday evenings ot this week. It was pionounced by all ps the best comedy company vv lileh has nppcMied In .Monti osc for some time. They lett heie for Nicholson, wheie they have an engagement, Dr. C D. Mnckey will ictuin horn New York city Monday. Tlio doctor Just Ask to See the Quaker! ! ! Our sale of Quaker Skirts this week is a vital occa sion in Skirt economy a host of mighty values, Picture if you please a Skirt that looks like silk, feels like silk and wears ten times longer and harder than silk. IT'S THE QUAKER. The one and two dollar bills in your purse rustle with importance for these skirts are selling Made after the most approved designs in the same factory, by the same people and on the same machines as the $15 silk skirts. Dainty pleatings, tucks and ruffles Let us mention the price again, OUR SILK SKIRTS ARE THE TOP NOTCH OF PERFECTION. COME IN AND SEE THEM. Nleldrum, Scott & Co., 126 WVOMINQ AVENUE, tuts been taking a post-guitlimto course In that cltv. Mr. tintl Mis. J. It. Coolcy arc Visit Ing In Seniuton as guests of Mr, nlnl Mir. It, (1, Hcotl. Mr. ntiil Mrs. Jnincs P. Cooper wilt go lo Wiuorly, N. Y to upend tho wintei', Chester 8. Vnll, ot New Mlltonl, viii In town on business today. LEGAL. JOHN UHNOHH vs. U. E. I-eonaut. In thu Court ot Common Picas of Lacka wanna, County. No. '22. Jnnunty Tut in, 3900. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed an auditor by tlio above named court to dlulilbutu the funds aiislug fiom tlio sntc of defendant's leal estate, among tho lien ri editors, said funds being now in the hands ot tho pro tlionotnry; nnd that he will nttend to thu duties of Ids olllce as nudltor at his of fice, No. 20J-1.'07, In the Patlll building, on Spruce street, In the city of Hciniiton, on Tliiusdnv, the IStli day ot December, 100.'. at 0 o'clock n. m., ut which time nnd place all paitles Interested 111 o hereby re quired to piesent their claims. (Signed) It. h. IJ.JVY. NOTICI0 is hereby given that implication will be made to tho Governor ot tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on tho llist day of December, 190.!. by W. K.I.11 Har, F. M. Lynch, W. II. ndlngcr, A. II. Dunning and P. F. Cuslck, under tho Act of Assembly ot the Common wealth ot Pennsylvania entitled "An Art to provldo for tho lucoiporatlou and legulatlon of certain corpora tions," npproved April 29, 1S74, and tho supplements theicto, for the charter of nu intended coiporatlon lo be called "Thu Paradlso Water. Storage and Supply Com pany," the character nnd object of which Is the storage and transportation of wa ter and water power for commercial and manufacturing pui poses in Paradlso Township, In the county of Monroe, Penn sylvania; and the supply of tho samo for commercial and manufacturing purposes to such persons, ptutnershlps and cor porations residing therein as may dcslm the same; and In order that the water and water power may be supplied to the best advantage. In furtherance of its corporate purposes, the development by the use of the same of electilc current nnd power for comercial pin poses, nnd tho supply and distribution of electric citrient and power to tho public, individuals, firms and corporations nt any place or places for such prices as may bo agreed upon, and for this purpose to have, possess and enjov all the lights, benefits and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its sup plements. J. W. CARPENTER, Solicitor. NOTICE is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to tho Governor ot the State of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the eleventh day of November, 1902, by P. J. Iloran, J. L. Connell and W. W. Wat son, under tho Act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act to provldo for tho Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," npproved April 29, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the chnrtei of an In tended corpointlon to bo called tho Scranton Refilgeiating Company, tho chatactcr and object whereof is cairying on a general stoiago and warehouse busi ness, and for these purposes to have, pos sess anel enjoy all the lluhts, benefits nnd privileges of the said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. WATSON, DIEHL & KEMMDRER. Solicitors. Wanted. WANTED A second-hand gentleman's traveling band bag or satchel. Must bo good and cheap. Satchel, Tilbuno of llt e. WANTED-Small furnished house. Ad diess Box 300, city. Business Opportunity. WHY SHOULD not Scinnton be the headquaitcis of seveial coiiespontl onco instiuctlon institutions? On hei hills theic aie many suitable sites. Tho busi ness can be conducted honoiabiy and ptofitably. The number of students that can bo nronerlv seived nt tho same time by ono institution is limited to about (lOO.UOO. ..ijuu.ueu aio now awaiting in struction and as soon as they tue gradu ated there will be ir,,ouo,uoo moie. CJI1U W I1U JlilS IUUI UIULIgU UL it (UlfeU IUI" lltory In the field and of the most impot tant department at the home office of such an Institution, and has been moie .successful than his m'edecessors In botli positions one who Is competent to advise against nbsuruities, ciuutues ami cum bersome modes can bo retained by tho oiganlzers of a new company. Henry Clay Frlnk, 747 Piescott avenue, Scran ton, Pa. $"U0 will buy a first class established busi ness paying $23 weekly. Sboit bonis; will stantl Investigation. Address J. Sey mout, Tribune otfice. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Write for oui special mar ket letter, Fiee on application. S. M. lilhbard & Co . meiiibeis N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 41 and 4tJ uro.iuway. New 101 K. Estnbllsneu isoi. Long Distance 'Phone 23SS Bioud. Situations "Wanted. SITUATION WANTED Superior ac countant and correspondent seeks a situation In or near Sctanton; accustomed to giving dictations. Address, Accurate, Tilbuno office. WANTED By an elderly ladv, n position as housekeeper In a small fatnliv. or lo assist with light housowoik, mending or plain sewing; good lefoicnces. Address R. A., Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED-Bj a oung lady as bookkeeper 01 stenoguipher. K pei fenced, Refeiences tmnlshed. Ad diess "Business," Tilbuno office. SITUATION WANTED Bv a middle lady to do washing and cleaning. Adthess E, J cue ot Scianton Tilbuue. YOl'NU LADY would like wotk evening ns copyist, typowiltlng unci take caio of business eoticspondence. At llbctty alter C o'clock evenings, fun titinlsh ex cellent lefeieuees. Addiess Piactlcal, Tilbuno office. at 33 .TS BAOH qB3 ,7B EACH THE TRIBUNES "WANT" DIRECTORY. WANTS. FOR HS. FOR SALES l, IUII IIKIIIUI Only fialf a Cent a Word. Ileal Estate. A Rare Bargain In a good home that lias all modern conveniences, in cluding electric light. The house will bear in spection. Full lot and loca tion is assured, as people on either side own their own homes. The property is valued at $2,500, but It can be purchased for $700 un der that figure. A 12-Room Single House Can be purchased for $7,500 Good location full lot on Otiincy avenue. The owner values it at $10,500. M. H. HOLGATE Real Estate, Securities Mortgages, Loans Negotiated. Commonwealth Building, SCRANTON, FA. Krr Y9 CV ACREAGE LOTS CASH OR EASY TERMS NEAR THE MAMMOTH IMIfflfl STEEL PL! AND TWO BEAU1IFUI. PARKS. ncn t DHDiMcnM $L72 Erie Co. Bank Bidg., cw n,.w rt u v . ' " N- WU..U, Z .C?'s4 . c "Sox Bent. FOR RENT-Sccontl floor 2J1 -227 Lacku- wdnna avenue; ulso photo gallery. Ap ply 1534 Sandeison avenue. ?40 will lent nn eight room house, nil mod. ern lmpiovoments; city steam; c.upets ana window shades, between Adams and Jefferson. 619 Spruce. $18 For Rent Ten-i oom house; excellent nelghboihood; all modem impi ove rrents, on avenuo. Apply to R. P. Ham ilton, 120 Spruce street. For Sale. A CARLOAD OF REAL COAL Souveniib ol the Antluaclte Coal legions, .iOe., weighs a pound. Smaller size, 25e. THE BAZAAR, Olyphant, Fa. HEATING stoe, ill good condition; used two winteis. Inqulie Cimumem' Ico Co.'a office. FOR SALiU Ono fine bay Iioise, broke lor lady to dllo. Inquiie 1J7 Foiest com t. FOR SAT.,n-A Floilda sectional hteam he.ttei, new; never been ueil; will bo sold leasonnble. Address Galniel Pugll uiiu, Dundaff stieet, Cnibondnlo. FOR SAI.n For want of use. two first classes hotses, nt 1J3." Penn avenue. FOR SAIvi: One hoiso nnd tluee envoi ed tlellveiy wagons. Apply to 13. Vlcker, Uuumoie. TOR SAIjTJ Ono pair of giay maies, well matched, w tight 2.100. sound and gen tle, good diiveis nnd wotkeis, single or double, liuiuiic of Manning Gillespie, New Mil foul, Pa. FOR HAIiH Team of eairiago hois-en, bound nntl gentle: can bo driven by latty wiin saiotv. For paitlcuitus au diess J,, Di.iwci r.OO, Montrose, Pa. JL'ST ARRIVF.D with a car load of lioises; good woikeis and dilxeih-, weight nom oloeu to fifteen lnuidied pounds. Seveial closely matched teams, fan be seen at JJI Raymond couit, F..M, Cobb, FOR SAI.U-A pair of well-matched gold, lugs nt !20 Qroen Rldgo stieet, elty. Furnished Rooms for Bent. FljRNIsiTcD llOi-imigo fin nlshed fiout loom with or without boaul; all Improvements; centrally located; prl vute family. C23 Adams avenue. l'OR RKNT A fin nlshed room on second floor front, SI DO week, 15 Adams avc. Booms and Board. TUB IJNDKN, f09 Linden Btreet, has a number of desliublti vacancies; light looms nntl choice table board. PIjUASANT looms with board for four or live young men. Inquire S,"," Wash ington avenue, Xost. i r.c.i. n.. .1... ...... .. t..n r.p .1... mtl. ..t.Vin. ill ft out of the limit d of Tntdo building or St. I.uko's lIuiicIi, a plush lap iob black on ouo hltle and guen oil the othei, Hewurd given It returned to Tho Trib une office. Notice. I llUItKUY give notice to tlio public not to gle my hon. Uhniles Sluimp. any nipillt on inv ULCOitut. its 1 will not bo lt- sponslble for tiny debts contracted by him. J, . Hiiiimp, cutiiizMiie, t'u. For Sale or Bent. FOR BAliU OR RUNT Tho Model Steam Uuuidiy, Ounmoio. Apply to U. Vlckei . FOR BAIjE OR RUNT-Tho S-story brick bultdlug, with boiler hoitbo attached, and long row ot sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.; also rallioad switch sultubla for mauufactiiilng purposes; lately occupied by tlio Clock Touucco Co IJ. M. Wlnton, Itoom No. COS, Mcars Building. I I v - -r t No Order Accepted Tor Less Tlinn 10 Cents. . Branch WANT mm Want Advertisements Will Be Bocelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AtitinUT HCriUI.T!, corner Atul lieiry street and 'Webster avc. OUSTAV P1CHUL, boO Adams nvenuc. West Side OUO. Y. JUNK1NS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED I,. TJJRPPE, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OUO. AV. DAVIS, corner North Mnlii avenuo and Maikct street. Green Bidge CHARLES P. JONKS, 153T Dick- son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 920 Gieen Rldgo street. C. LORENZ, coiner Washington avenuo and Marlon stieet. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmorc J. G. BONE & SON. Help Wanted. WANTED Agents to sell tea and cot- .,. vr?" "jns'imeis. Positions perma nent. Ginnd Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenuo. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-Bilght boTtrworknevelry fji. ACAiuiu no,, iu wjoming ave. TOUPNG men everywhere, copy letters, home evenings, J7.00 week. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Fil bert Dopt. S. 130, 15os 1111, Philadelphia, CJi!i,SERXICE Pfo eminent posltlons .10S3 nPPolntments this year. This Is I.CTJ moie than last year. Excellent op portunities for young people. Catalogue of Information fiee. Columbian Cone spondence College, AVushlngton, D. C. WANTED EVERYWHERE-Httstlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, sam ples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bui can, Chicago. WANTED At once, two or threo good carpenters for bench men In our door, sash, blind nnd inteiinr finish factorv. J. 11. Patteison & Co , Plttston, Pu. Help "Wanted Female. LADIES with sewing machines to woik at home; materials furnished any dis tance. Good wages. Send stamped ad-'-.S'8'' e"velopo for particulars Anchor Mfg Co , 19 Federal at., Plttsbuig, Pa. PLAIN sewing nt home, !9w per week. Materials sent everywhere fiee. Steady work. Send atldtessed envelopo for particulars Du Pont Dept. S 1J0, Lock Uo 13S2, Philadelphia. LADIES, writing at homo evenings, $7.00 per week Particulars fiee to all. Send addressed on elope. Filbert Dept. S. 130, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED GVei VWhprp. writing niHMf home ev Ing or cimv enlngs, hteady woik, no mall asslng, good pay. For partle- mars send Dept S. 130, uuttresseu envelope Manager Box 1CG2, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED lupher. building. -An experienced lady stenog Apply room 302, Dime Bank Agents Wanted. OUTFIT FREE, ciedlt irlven: Hnt-nrln. books. 50o. book 12'.; $1 book 23c.; 1.00 book 50c; Feiguqson, 523S Fifth, Cincinnati. CANVASSERS WANTED to sell our Cloth Tos. Rag Dolls and Ait Pil low Tops. Best selling Holiday Novelties made. Anyone can sell them. Ijiige profit. Ait Fabric Mills, New Haven, Conn. CRAYONS Wanted, two agents to can vass for crayon: libcrul com. paid. Write J. G. Hensel, 3G7 Broad street, Wa veily, N. V. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent lor this county. No books, Insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with meichnntH and manu lactuieis necessary. Permanent. Bond. State age, expeiience. lefcrences flist let ter. Addiess, Suite 572, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAl'LDINOre. P. A.! 23 Tiadcis' Bank Building, Old 'phono 1W4. Architects. FREDERIOK L. BROWN. ARCH B Real Estate Es-thango BIdg., 12ti Wash ington nvonuo. Civil and Mining Engineer, s. II. L. HARDING, klo CONNELL ULDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CON nell building. Dentists. DR. E. C. E1LENBERGER, PAULI building, Spuico stieet, Scinnton, DR. C. C LAUUACII, 113 WYOMING nvo File Insurance, SCIILAGER & CO., 401 Connoll Building. Patent Attorneys. rM I LIN I Oof lire tilobe. The only lirciised and equipped patent solicitor In the city. Nn chaige for In tut million on patentability; ocr ten years' cxeilcnce. RcplOirle & Co., Alears Bldjr. Hotels and Bestaurants. THU KLIC CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. 1', J51EGLEU, Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. &. W, Passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch, 1'ioprlotor Scavenger. A. BRIQOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd cess pools; no odoi ; only liuptoted pumps used. A 11. Hrlggs, ptopilotor. Leave unlets 110 Noith Main avenue. oi Elcko's ding stole, corner Adiinib und Mulberry Both telephones Wire Screens, JOSEPH Kl'ETTEL. REAR DU LACKA. qe.. Scinnton. mfis of Wlie Seieena. Miscellaneous. MEGARGEB BROS., PRINTERS' SUP plies, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, U0 Wnshlngton avenue. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN be had in Scranton at the mn stund of Relsmutr Bios. 406 Spruco and 50J Linden; M. Noiton, V2 Lncktiwanim ave.; 1. S. ScltuUcr, 2U Spruio stieet. MBfPORllIS, REAL ESTATE . ' ,K Only Halt a Csit a War! Money to Loan. AN V AMO tJNT'oi? MONEY TO ToAN Quick, ntmlBlit loans or Building unit IJ.0U.'l' -At .flom ,n c Pfi" cent, Cull on N. V. Walker. :ll 1-313 Council building. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo ptocurcd at Mrn. A. II. Htaikoy'H Employ ment Ofllco, 110 Washington avenue, rooms '1 and 4. Tukn elevator. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna1 and Western. iVui'i -h,W -Effect Jiinu, l. mi. ";ri-nins'l?avo Scianton for Now Yoik At l,W3'tt; 0 03. 7.D0 imil 10 lo n. in.; 12.10, 3 40,iajOSttJ. tm i For Now 'York and Phllu-dtjIJiluVi-jWQ. 10.10 ii. m., and 12.40 and 3 : D. m. For flnltlilMlinrn Af I. 1D n. . l.'m. 'BurfiiW-ULft, L'2 nnd noo a. m.; l r3, (ten Mini. U.lOip. nwl For Blnghnmton, Elmlitt and way .stallons-10 23 it. in, l.o" p. in. For Oswego, Syiacuso nntl Utlca 1.15 anil u.22 n. m.; 1T p, m. Oswego, Syiacuso nnd Utlca train nt fi'22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Monti oho 9 00 a. m.; 10T and uno p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and 11.13 p m. Bloomsbuig Division For Noi tliumber land, nt U35 and 1010 n. :n.; l.Kj and 0.1i p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; il.lil and 9 0" p. m, Sunditv Tialns For Now Yoik, 1 50, 3 20. C03, 1010 n. m.: 3 40 and 3 35 p. m. For Buffnlo-1.15 nntl 0 22 a. m.; 135, 6 W) ana 11.10 p. m. For Elmlra nnd way stations 10 2o a. m. For ninchnmton nnd way nta tlons, 9 00 n. m. , Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and CIO p. m, ' .. i ii,. i. - ii ii 1 Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect Nov. 1C, 1902. Tialns Lcavo Scranton For Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. & II. R. R., nt 7 41. through Parlor Car nnd Day Coach Cnibondalo to New Yorls and 9.47 n. m . with L. V. Coach Carbon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4 3 i (Blacii Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun days, D. & H. R. ins p. m 9 3S a. m. For While Haven, Huzleton nnd princi pal points In the coal legions, via D. & II. R. II., 7.11, 2.1S and 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 7.41 a. m. For Bethlehem, Easlon, Reading, Hni rlsburg and pilnclpnl Intel mediate sta tions, via D & H. R. R.. 7.41, 9 47 a', m.; 2.18, 4 35 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p. m. Sundays. D. & II. R. R 9 38 n. m. and 1 D8 and 9.17 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda. Elmlin, Ithaca, Geneva and pilnclpal intcrmedlnto stations via D., L & W. R. R , 6 33 a m. and 1 55 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nitig nia Falls, Chicago nnd tilt points west via D. & H. R. R.. 12 03 p. m.: 3 28 (Black Diamond Expiess). 10 11. 11.4s p. m. Sun davs. D. & H, R, R , 12 03, 9.17 p. m. Pullman pnrlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cms on till trains between Wllkes-Bane nntl Now Yoik. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN IT. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 2(5 Coitland street. New Yoik. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt , 25 Coitland stieet. Now York. A. W. NONKMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets und Pullman reservation ap ply to city ticket office, 09 Public Squaio, Wilkes-Bnrre, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailroad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. 1G, 1902. Stations In New Yoik, foot Libel ly stieet nnd South Feiry, N. II. Trains leave Scianton for New Yoik, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, Wllkos-Buirc and PIttston at 7 30 u, m , 1 p. m , and 4 p. m. Sundays, 7.15 n. m. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Epress leaves Scranton 7 30 a. in., with through solid vestibule tiain with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Philadelphia with only ono chango of cais lor B.iltlmoto und AVnshlngton, D. (" and all pilnclpnl points south nnd west and has thiough coach for New York. For Avoca, Pittston nnd Wllkes-Bane, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7,15 a. in. nnd 2.10 p. m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Giove, elc, at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Beading, Lebanon nnd Hnirlsbiug In Allentown at 7 30 a. in , 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Tnmaqna and Pottsvllle at 7 30 n, m . 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. .Sunday, 7.15 a. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at stutiou. W. G. BESSLER, General Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedule In Effect Juno lb, 1902. Ttnins leave Scianton 0 3b a. m, week dnvs, through vestibule tialn fiom Wllkes-Bane. Pullman buffet parlor ear and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potls ville; stops at pilnclpal Intel mediate sta tions. Also connectb for Siinhuiy. Hni ilsbuig, Philadelphia. Baltlmoto, Wash ington and lor Pittsburg nnd the West. 9 17 a. m . week days, lor Sunbury, llttt rlsbuig, Philadelphia, Tinltlimiic, Wash ington and Pittsbtug and tlio West. 1.42 p. nt.. week davs. (Sundajs. 1 ,'S p. m.), for Sunbuiy. HnrrlHliurg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts buig nnd tho West 3 2S p. m., week dnvs, thiniigh vestibule trttin tiom Wilkcs-nitne. Pullman buffet pallor ear and coaehus to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops nt pilnclpal Intel medi ate stations 4 13 p. m., week davs, for Hiizlcton, Sun buiy, Ilaiiisbiug, Philadelphia and Plttb- lU U'' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. B, WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt. Delaware and Hudson. Ill Eltcct Nov. 1G, 1J02. Tialns for Caiboutlale leave Scianton at CI4. 7.3H. S.SS. 10 1.1 ii. in.: l.'O"., 1.12, .1.11. Ilfti! 5 2''. U23, 7 22, S 3.1, 9., 31.20 p. in.; 12 3.1 it in. l'or HonesUale G.4I, 10 13 a. in.; 211 nntl 5 ' 9 p HI For' Wllkes-l!arie-G.!S. 7.11. 8.11. 9.17. 1U53 a. 111.; l-'U-i. 1.-12. 2.18, u"2S, 135, b 10. 7.4S. 9,10, 10 II. 11.49 it m For L V. H. H. Pohits-7.ll, 47 tu m ; 2.1S, 135 and 11.19 P. in. , . ,, Tor Pinnsjlvnnla It. R Polnts-C3J t7i, mi ! l.l J. 3 2S and I '.',' p. m 'For Albmv anil all points noith 7.3G a. in. and 3 "' p m. ' SUNDAY TRAINS, For (Miuoiitlulo Sty, 11.31 u. m,J ,41, 3 5U. f52 and 11.17 p. in o. Fin Vllkes.Jiiiie-9 3S n, m ; 12.0.1, 1.53, 3 2S. 032 und 9.17 P. ill. i For Albany and points noith 3.ub p.-ni. Fur S 50 it. in.: 3 52 p. in -J. W. BURDICK, G P. A.. Allianv, N... W. Ii PRYOlt. D. P. A., ScianUin. P. j Erlo Bailroad Wyoming Division. In Effect September 15, 1902. V" 'I'talns leave Scianton for Now Toil;, Nowbuigh and Intet nicdiito polpjs. also lor Haw lev and local btutlons ut-7'20 n. in and 1 33 p in 2t For Houesdale and Whlto Mills atJ.SJ p. m " Tuilns arrive nt Scianton at 10 3S, and 9.11) p. m. New Yorls, Ontario and Wester n. Time table In effect Sundav. Suit. 23, l0i)2. NORTH HOUND TRAINS. vi Lea v u Lea v e A U I v u Tiulnt! Scianton. Cniboitdale, Cadoslii. No l ,,,...10 30a. nt l.ftj pjpi. No 7 ii M i in Av Cnibondalo b W urn SOUTH BOUND 'U Lcavo Leavo Airjvo Tialns. Cudosl.i. Caihuiuliilo, Scranton j'o, o I.50U. in, 723ii..u No 2 ... . 2 13 P in I HO p. Ill 4.1") p. lit, SUNDAYS ONLY NORTH BOUND, Leave Leavo Airlva Tuilns. Scianton. Cm bondtilo Cadosiu. No. !l .... !30a III 9.10 a III 10 4 1 arm No. 5 7,w) p. iu.Ar.Ciiilioitd.ilo 7.15 p in Leavo Leave Arnvo Tialns. Cadosla, Caibondale, Scrnirtpn. No. G ... ii ft) ii. in, 7.25 a.m. No. 10 . ..4 30 p.m. G Oil p. in G45p, in. Trains Nos. 1 on week da.s, and 0 on Sundtis connect for Now Yoik city, Mld Walton, Nonvich, Oneida, -Oswego and all pplutH west. Train No. ftwttli "Ouuker City Ex press" at Scianton. via C R. R. of Ni J., tor 1'hlliidelplila. Atlantlo Clty.-'Bultlnloio, Wauhlngtou anil Pennsylvania r,tatu points. Si-o time-table and roitstilt ijeket agerrtff for connections with other mios. J. ('. ANDERSON. G. J A . New York. J. U. WELSH, T. V. A , Scianton, Pa,