l4- -,, ,.,i-.r nVr, , jj ".Mtrwrt ? .?' ,; -ir - , ."; ;j "' ;; r V V I THE SGRANTON TRIBUTE-FRIDAY JSOVExMBER 21, 1902. WEST JCRANTON Fender On a Street Car Saves a Child from Probable Death On South Main Ave nue General News Notes. The vnltie of fend ph on street enrs wiw tested nguln yesterday on South Rluln avenue, when a little girl wus mi veil from piob.ible tlonth beneath tho wheels of a moving street cnr. The child ultcmpted to moss the north bound truck In front of the l'lrst Unptlst chmch and did not notice an approaching car. Just as she lcuchcil the rail, she was struck by the fender and tossed Into tho net. Her screams attracted a number of pel sons and tho car was brought to a sudden stop. The passongeis were tossed about In their seats and the onlookers feaied the child was Injured, but when she wnsj lifted from the fender and cxnmlnnd It was apparent that she was 'unhurt, and only suffered fioin fright. - She hurried away before her name could bo learned. '"' ,,1 ,' . A Idvoly Runaway. A horse attached to a 4-CUit store delivery wagon became frightened yes terday afternoon whllo standing on Swctlnnd street, and before anvono could hold him in chock, ran away. By col liding with a post tho horse nnd shafts were separated from tho wagon. Tho animal continued its flight down to Ninth street and out to West Lacka wanna, ravonue, nnd in crossing tho street car tracks fell in front of Porter Bro!.' place. After rolling down tho hill for about forty feet tho horso regained his feet again. IIo dashed across the Lackawanna railroad tracks and turned into Docknsh place, whore ho was finally caught. Tho driver was in a house when the horse started and left him untied. Tho animal was somewhat injured by the fall. Searching for ILost Child. Tho parents of Paul Skoda, aged 4 -years, have been making a diligent searcji for their little one, who wandered nwav from their homo at No. 7 Bilsbin patch, Thursday morning at 9 o'clock and has not been seen since. They searched all through tho day nnd night and yesterday invoked the old of tho police, but up to a late hour last night, tho whereabouts of tho child was un known. The child wore a black rap, blue sweat er, light coat, brown cordumv pants, dark shoes and has dark complexion and dark hair. Anyone who has seen or heard of the child will favor the patents by nottfjlng them or tho police. Iiu Philadelphia Hospitals. The roaaiy friends of William 13. Phil lips, of North Gaifleld avenue, who is at a Philadelphia hospital receiving tieat ment for his eyes, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering. John D. James, of South Main avenue, will lcao on Monday for Philadelphia, i liiuut Five stamps given away -with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. FBFF! Our Popular 3 Saturday Sales I Are always a success, but the offer- fi ings this week are stronger than usual and will ' surely crowd the j store with appreciative buyers. ! 3 a I3 a a a & Pillow Top Sale mar St U& Tho Artistic Lithograph Pil- low Tops are tho rago of tho 5 hour. Their beauty and varl- . j ety of design appeals to people -z" of good tosito as nothing has Jrt dono in years. Satin, clour or ' tapestry top cushions at the fol- J"J5 lowing remarkably low pi Ices. a on Saturday only, $1.35, ICe., 75c, 50c., 23c. jat Men's Furnishings AU-Llncn Handkerchiefs, H nnd Uiuch hemstitched border. Regular sire and full 13c. qual ity. Satmday only 10c Men's Flno Merino Half Hose, In natural mixtures; brown nnd blue-grey shades. Worth 23c. and 35c. tho pair. Choice on Saturday at 13o Men's Heavy TJnllned Leather Gloves; flicproof and guuuin tecd to icniuin frott and pliable, Saturday 50o a a . a a a a a a a a a a .a a a a a a a a a a a a a Hosiery and Underwear Ladles' 4 All-Wool Vests and Pants, in nil sizes. They aro usually sold ns nil-wool, Thoy wear belter than pure wool, and do not shiink. A special value at .. , ,, ,.,,, 75c Ladles' Pure Woo; Under wear, fiom tho Luzcrno mills, In gtoy, white und laudom mix tures at ..,, ,,$125 Lndlub' Pino Wool Under wear, in white or patuial (hades; nicely Mulshed and ex traordinary good value tor Jl CO J.adlcb' I'lincy lIos,o In all tho latcbt novelties for tho present s-euson. Pi ices fiom 12.50 a pair to , 12',$o Globe Wareboiis?J to -visit his hi other, Cnradoe. who Is un do going ttcatmont In tho University of Pennsylvania hospital. Ho will bo oper ated on next Tuesday. Thanksgiving Song Service. W. W. Adnlr, nceiotury of the Hnllrond Young Men's Christian association, will occupy tho pulpit 4 f tho Klrst Baptist church tomorrow morning nnd evening. At tho latter set vice, n. special Thanks giving song servlco will bo held, during which tho following programme will bo rendered: Voluntnry-Oignn Mrs. B. G. Bcddoo .Sentence pruvor. "Keep Sllcnro" Choir Invocation Secretary W. W. Adair Hymn Congiogntion Srrlpturo rending. AniliKin. "fllvn llnln tho Lord" (13. S. I.orlng) Choir Praver and response. Offertory Choir Anthem. "Praise To tho Lonl" CCyB. MnAfpeV Choir Qunrtetto (ma!c)-"0, Paradise! O, Paradise!" Geo. B. Nevln Messrs. Penny. Senderling, Beddoo nnd Lord. Address 13. D. Dnvls, president B. T. P. TJ. Anthem, "Praho to God"...M. Aldcrson Choir. Address i W. W. Adair Anthem. "Song of Vlctoiy" (13. L. Ashford) Choir Choir. Doxology. Benediction. Rev. J. S. Wrlghtnour, tho newly so lectcd pastor of tho First Baptist chinch, will leave Oil City on Dec. 2, and begin his pastorate heio on Sunday. Dec. 7. Tho family will occupy one of Dr. Strup- pler's houseB on South Main avenue, near Luzerno street. Clam Chowder Social. The ladies of the Mrs. W. F. .Hall stead division. No. S2, G. I. A. to tho Biotherhood of Locomotle 33n:lnoers, held a clam chowder supper and social list evening at the home of Mrs. Mniy Long, 1013 West Lackawanna aenue, which was liberally patronized, and en joyed by nil. Piano solos were rendered by MSs Mabel P.onnie and Will Long nng vocal bolos. The committee In charge wero: Mrs. William Yohe, Mrs. Jacob Shifter, Mis. John Wottling, Mrs. Edward Hand, 5trs Daniel T. Swartz, Mrs. W. A. Long. Old-Fashioned Quilting Party. Mrs. Dayton Doweiick entertained a number of her friends Thursday nttei noon at her homo with an old-fnshloned Culttlng paity. The following ladles weie in attendance: Mis. John Sanson. Mrs. riaienco Pin son, Mrs. Moses Ace, Mis. Gcoige Mltch er, Mis. Aco Rhlnehart. Miss Nina Dow eiick and Mis. John Madison, of Dun moie. Sumise Prayer Meeting. The united young people's societies ot West Scianton, conipilsing tho Cluis tlan Endeavors, tho Epwoitli leagues and the Baptist Young People's union will hold a sunrise prayer meeetlng at 7 o'clock Thanksgiving morning. Tho service will bo held in the Pl- ar Dressy Silk Waists With lace, fancy binid and small button trim; all colors; very stylish. Satmday Bargain Pi ice ?29S Fur Bargains Thero has not been a season In many ycais when furs weie so uni versally worn as at picscnt. A doublo Belgian Conov Scntf, 65 Inches long, with S fluffy tails. An cxtiaordinaty value at $1,00 A lino Marten Scarf, very full roll, and handsome tails. A genuine $10,00 scarf for $7.50 An OpposMim Blond Senif, rich, full, soft nnd fluffy, Tho popular scarf of tho season. ...$l OS & Coats and Jackets sr: Ladles' CMnch Jacket, Wiit teau pleats back and liout, with medallions of same mutci lal, A now creation for ladles who s-eek fashion's latest. .,,,,$15 00 Smart Jacket In fine Kcrse, detuehid batln lining, notched collar, highly tailored. A regu lar $12 50 garment 1 educed In price to , $10.00 About D0htyllsh coatH for glils nnd Misses, in Heavers, Ker sevs, Heltons, etc. Montu Callus, Box Backs, Pleated Hacks with olot piping, ele, Not a jnrket In tho lot worth less than $5 00. Choice at $150 Children's Coats iif duo Kr se (Castor nnd Tans only), niado with two cupe.s, conl tilnunlngs, box back, etc. Mado for cnmfoit as well ns style. Guaranteed aue for $ii50. On Saturday ,,,,,, ,.,,,. .,,,,,,,.,,,$5.00 & S WW 'PLEASANT THE NEXTMOHNINC3 I TEEL BRIGHT AND NEV AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Mr doctor Mr" II uttt ncntlr on tho etnmnch. liter nnd kldnrjn nndHaiilKiiaant Inifttltc. TIiIh drink Is lnadofrnm hctlii", and l firenarod for uso as cully as tea. Kisealled,l,nne,u Tea" or LANE'S FAMBLY MEDICINE AtldninelntsorliymaltS-lct. ndrod najrlttn dr. I.nnp'n I'nmllv AlpillrliiP moyrs llin bntrrlH enrti dn .. 'nnnler. tt ho lipjllhy this Is neieseary. Address, lloi UOA, I-o Hoy, ... Y, motitli Congiegallnnnl church and will bo In rh.tigo of tho leadeis ot tho dlffcionl societies. All oung people nio lnltod to attend. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Tho funcutl sen Ices over tho lcmnlun of tho Into nuth Williams will be hold nt 2;:o o'clock this afternoon at tho houso on South Biomloy avenue. Itev. II. C. McDcimott will offlcinto nnd Interment will bo mndo In tho Cambria cemetery. Tho pupils nt St. Patrick's parochial school held a recital last evening and ren doicd a pleasing piogrammo befoio many parents and ft lends. Tho young women of West Scrnnton nro cordially linltod to nttend tho cobweb so cial nt tho Young Women's Clulstlnn as sociation rooms, Main avenuo and Wnsh buin sticct, this evening, and the gos pel meeting tomonow afternoon. Tho seventh nnnlveisnry of ltov. J. P. Moffat's pastorato of tho Wushbmn Stieet Picsbjtcrlan church will bo ob served tomorrow oenlng. Tho ncimon will bo nppi opt Into, and thero will bo spe cial music. Jacob rfelffer, the Xoith Main nvenuo baibcr, has had his plnco of business re modelled, and installed a compressed nit plant, which is tho only one in West Sctanton. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mis. N E. Ovcrficld, of Me shopjen, aic tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Sklllhoin, of Jackson street. Mrs. Fied Andoison, of Blnghamton, who has been visiting Mis Byion Wade, of Wnshbutn stteot, left jcsteiday for Plalnlleld, N. J. Timothy Kiesky. of BioadheadsUlle, Is lsltlng his cousin, P. W. Tague, of Jack son stieet. Chailcs Pichlcr. deputy gieat sachem of the Red Men, left for Philadelphia yos teiday to attend a special session of tho grand council. He was accompanied by John T. Hove, W. C. Scott and Hnuy Scton Alfied Ccol.e, of Swetlnnd stieet, is hunting in tho iclnlty of Factoiyville. Mis. T. D. Thomas, of North Hi do Paik avenue, is attending her sister, Mis. Thomas How ells, of West Plttston, who is ill. Mr. and Mis. A. M. Moiso, of South Bromley .ncnue, aic spending a lew dajs at Lake Winola. Mr. and Mis. William Kimo. of 550 N01 th Bi omley a enue, welcomed a daughter jesteidiv. Patrolman John Thomns Is the giandpn. Mis T. A Humphicjs and son, An tliony, of 1J2 Xpith Rebecca avenue, left for Cleveland at 0 50 o'clock last evening, having been called to the deathbed of the foimer's slstci. DUNM0RB DOINGS. Annual Banquet of the Improved Order of Heptasophs Shoit News Notes. The annual bniHtuct of tho Improved Older of Heptasophs was hold last night in Odd Felons' hall. It was hold in tho regular bamiuet 100m of the hall on tho thhd floor which hud been handsomely decoiated for the occasion by Florist Mc Cllntock with palms and chrysanthe mums. Coeis were laid for about LOO guests and a mciiicr lot has .seldom graced the festive boaid in tho borough. A number of oua-of-lovwi guests weie present and several Intel cstlug speeches wero mado on the advantages and bene fits of being a. lleptasoph. Aichon Br. J. R. Mm phi, who uctcd as toistmcster, favoicd the assemblage with ono of his Inimitable aftei-dlnncr talks which fio quently caused hit heaieis to have thoughts of the gic.it humoiist, Bill Nie. The present offleeis nio: Past aichon, John Shlcntz; aichon, Br. J. R. Muiphv; seeiotary, Frnnk Bingham; flnanclnl sec letaiy, liank Cullon; tieasuiei, Mnitin Dolphin; provost. Michael Bulgoi; piclnle, John Webboi; .sentinel, John La Fiance; trustees, Chailos P. Savage, J. S. Moffatt, M. A. Tailor. Tho committee having in chaigo tho banquet aiiangements woio John Shlentz, Fiank Cullen, Fiank Bing ham, Mai tin Dolphin nnd M. J. Bulger. The society now has a membnslilp of about 250 and Is still growing rapidly. SHORT PARAGRAPHS. Mis. nunlco Taft and daughtoi, MI " Anna Taft, of lluvvley, visited filetid-. in town jcsteiday. Miss Kdilh Ilousni, of T.ivloi. is the guest of the Misses Bone, ol Xoith BlnKp ly stieet. Boin To Captain and Mis n. U. Buik house, of Xoith BlaUely stieet, on Xo v ember Jl, a son. Wlllam AVlNon, ot Philadelphia, is vis iting at tho humo of Mis. P. Knapp, on South Blnlioly stieet. Mis. Wlllam It. Wilson nnd llttlo daugh tcis left for their homo ui .Mineisvlllo lesteiduy. Oeoigo Kunz has been appointed outside f 01 oman for A, D. it F. M. Speneoi, vlco Biron Bindy, lesigucd. Joseph Stein, who has conducted a ies tauiaut nt lllakely and Blinker stieetu for some time, lias leased tho Paly build lug and will oecupv it as a business place and t ibidem o on June 1 110M. Mis. James Muttlson, of o.'S Sherwood avenue, gave 11 voiy pleusant dinner pai ty on AVodiHMdny noon lo .1 few nt her Jl lends Those pusent weio; Rev. Mr, C, 11. Xowlng and wlfo, Mlsa Klhel Jnck hon, Miss Amy Muttlson, Miss Myitle Bui us, Ida Stone, Mis, L I', Altemoso, Mis. Hmry I.aRar Bunmoio Piesbylerlan chuieh Rev. AV, F, Olbbous, pastor, Sei vices at 10 10 n, in. and 7.1 p. in. Moinlng subject, "Thu Law of Loving Soivlco," Uvcnlng suli jeet, "Tho Hueccsful Teacher," Suudiy sihool at 21 o'llock. Tilpp Avenuo riulstl.in Chuich-Piearh. lug both inclining and evening ny me pastor, J. I), Babnoy. Moinlng topic, "Tho tticiUcst F.vll In Bunmoio" j:cn Ing topic, "Chllst, Our Life" lilblo school ut 10 o'clock, Aoung I'toplo's So clet of Clulstiiin I'.ndeavor at OIM Topic, "Tlmuksglvliig nnd TlinnUs-llvIng " Flist Methodist l.'plseopal CluiU'li Rev. Chuiles Henry Xowlng, iiastnr, Moinlng piaier nt 10 o'clock. Sei vices nt 10 30 u. 111. and 7.'t0 p 111, The pastor will picncn at both soi vices, Moinlng subject, "Ono of Olnlst'H Commandments," JJionliig, ovnngellstio heivlies. Class nu-tttug at 11,15 a. in.; Suudiy school nt 2 0 p. 111. Uvening pruier ut 0 30 o'clock. Tho onn, gellstlo sei vices wlilrh have been sn suc cesstul dining tlio past weelc will bo con tiiiuul the coining week. The union Thanksgiving sen Iocs will bo held In this (lunch. He 1 men by tho ltov. AV l (5iln lions, pastoi of the Fiist 1'iesbytciiaii chuieh, Prcaehlng at tho Dudley Stieet Bup tist chinch next Sunday inoinliig and evening by the pabtor, Moinlng teivKo at 10 lo; subject, "TIiuuUhkIv ing." Uven ing bcrvlro, 7.J0: sunjeit, xnmijcieu vMtn tho Tinnsgiibsois." A cotdial wclcuiuc extended to ull. ? HI SOUTH SCR ANTON. Tlio ftincutt ot Jllohnet Lavcllo will tnko place this moinlng nt 0 o'clock fiom the feinlly rcsldom'C, 415 tJenel stieet. Iho funeral services will bo conducted In tho new St. John's church. Intel ment will bo made In Cathedral remcteiy. Homy Ihcnosko ot Htnffoid avenue, has left for Ti onion, X. ,T where lio wilt 10 sldo In tho fntuic. I tut 1 y Rclchc, of Alder slicet, has left for Buffalo, whole ho has accepted a vciy luciativo position, Finnk Coino nnd Thomnn I'm roll oi South AVebstcr avrnlio, luno left foi Mnplcwood, where thoy nio on a hunting tilp. Rev. T. AV. Tleincy, of Mathovvnn, N. A'., Is visiting nt the homo of his parents on South Webster avenue. Mls l.l?!lo Mcltugh, of River Blrect, Is scilously III. Miss Maltha 12. Nmdt, ot Hlckoiy stieet, Is slowly tiavellug tho load to 10 eoveiy after having been seriously 111, G, A. Millet, tho Oedni nvenuo undcr tuker, fell arid spialncd his ankle jcs teiday, Tho funcinl ot Mis. Lavcllo will tnko placo this nftcinoou nt 2B0 o'clock. In terment wilt bo mado in tho Cathcdi.il cemetery. ' Rnflto nnd shooting contest for chickens nt Mlitr.'s rcstnuinnt, bl2 Plttston ave nue, this evening. Fico lunch smved. " Hiu 1 y Lutz, of Plttston, has been en gaged ns picscilptlon cleik nt Hum phrey's phaimncy on Plttston avenuo. Mrs. Jnno Conley. ot Cuibondalc, for merly of this side, who was icpoitcd dan gel ously ill AVednesday, railed s.omow'hnt yestcrduy nnd her condition Is ns satls factoty ns could bo expected. Tlio infllo for the benont of Blind George O. Belsel, which was to bo held at John Bocttger's hotel, on 1'iospect ave nue, on Xovcmbor 22, baa been postponed to Mond.ty evening, Dee. 22. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is giuii an teed to euro nil coughs. "Xo cure, no pay." For sale by all dcalcis. Tho revival sei vices being held In St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal chinch this week aro proving very interesting nnd successful. A laige number havo tnkcti a stand for Christ ami tlio interest is deepening. Tho pastbr, Rev. r. P. Doty, Is being nbly assisted by tho well known evangelists, Rev. T. C. Van Gorder and wlfo. These evangelistic sei vices will bo continued on Sunday and through tho coming week. MliJs Munson will lend tho Kospol meet ing at the Young AA'omcn's Christian as sociation Sunday afternoon nt 3 I",. All women and glils aie eoidlully invited to bo present. Tlio Pansy club will meet tomonow af ternoon at i o'clock. All.ioung glils in vited. The mothers meeting that was held last AVednesday afternoon was a success, a Iaigo number of mother weie present and tho address by Mis. L. M. Gates was vciy much appreciated. The membcis of tho Young Women's Christian association wish to thank all tho fi lends who have kindly contilbuted towaids tho renovating of the looms. IJvoiithing looks blight nnd cheerful and their help has been appi eclated. An Old nnd Well-Tried Remedy. MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP for chlldien teething, is the piescription of ono of tho best temalo phvsiclans and nurses in tho United States, nnd has been used sixty jeais with nevei -falling suc cess by millions of mothers lor theli chll dien. During tho process of teething its value is Incalculable. It relieves tho child fiom pain, cuies diarrhoea, gilplng in tho bowels, and wind colic Bv giving health to tho child It lests the mother. Piice, twenty-live cents a bottle. 5 t V. r. V. s. & .., t V. BJ V. fc ' ft X Best : PATENT FLOUR I The Celebrated SNOW WHiTI Always reliable. Dickson Mill & Grain Co Scrnnton and Olyphnnt. '4'A"A'4U'4'A"S 'A VI C U '4 "A 'A ' fc 'J 3 ! X' I i J JJ. 2 1 Of anything in the line of optical goods wo can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses:;: Pioperly fitted hy nn expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of prescrip- tlon work nnd lepahlngr. Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming: Avenue, . iieaoQuarters for IncandesnJ . Gas Mantles, Portable Laraps, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent f Gas Lamp. GunsteiiForsylli 253-327 Poilll ATCIIU9. maammmmmmmmmm ATIMRSTGLANC.!:. 1 It Would Appear That local ttcme dlea Would Bo Best for Curo of Cntnnh, It would Bceui nt flist glnlico that cntiuih being a disease ot tho nnicotis membrane, that salves, spinys, etc., being applied illtcclly to tho mem branes ot tho nose nnd thtoat, would be the most rational tto.ituient, but this lin) boon pi oven not to bo true. Thn mucous nicmhntno Is innilo nnd tepnlicd fiom the blood nnd caturrh Is a blood disease nnd uny leinedy to innko a poritmiicnt cine must act on tho blood, anil when the blood Is puil flcd fiom citntrlmt poison, the sci're llons fiom the mucous mcnibiiuie will become iiatutnl und hciilthy. in this cllmntc, thousunds of people seem scarcely over free from some form of ratim h; It gets bolter at times but ench winter becomes gmdunlly deeper Heated, and nftcr a time tho stiff eicr tcslgns himself to It ns a necessary evil. , Catarrh cures nio nlmost ns numer ous ns catnirh suffcicis, but nio noaily nil so Inconvenient nnd Ineffective as to render their use a nuisance neatly as annoying us ctitatrh 'Itself; anyone who hns used douches, sprays nnd pow ders will bear witness to their incon venience nnd fnllinc to tenlly cme. There nio a number of excellent In ternal remedies for catarrh, but piob ably tho best nnd certainly the safest Is a now remedy, composed ot Red Gum, Blood Root and similar antisep tic remedies and other valuable catanh specifics. This remedy is In tablet form, pleas ant to the taste and sold by diugglsts: under the name of Stunrt's Catarrh Tablets, and nnyono suffering fiom catarrh muy use these tnblets with ab solute assurance that thoy contain no cocaine, opiate nor any poisonous mln ei al whatever. A leading diugglst in Albany speak ing of catanh cuies snjs: "I have sold nilous catarrh cures for years, but have never sold any which gave such geneinl satisfaction as Stunrt's Catanh Tablets. They contain in a pleasant, concentrated form all the best and latest catnirh remedies, and ca tairh sufferers, who have used douches, sprays nnd salves, have been astonished at the quick relief and permanent te sults obtained after a week's use of Stuart's Catairh Tablets." All diug glsts sell full sized packages for fifty cents. AMUSEJJflENTS Lyceum Theatre, M. Rcls, Lessee and Mnnnger. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. Saturday MVE Nov. 22 Last appeal anco ot Sir. In his gieat New- YoiK and Boston success "THE PARISH PRIEST," A Domestic Diama bv Daniel Halt, SPIX'IAI. MATlNIJr. PRICUS Adults. 23 and HOe.; chlldien, lGe. to any pai t of tho house. Night Pilccs-HOO, 75c, 50c, 23c. Scats on sale. onconlyht Honday, Nov. 24 rnnD d. wrigiit s JIagnlllcent Pioductlon of the -Piottiest of all Pastoral Pl.ijs "York State Folks!" The Biggest Tilt in tho Diamatle YVoild. Piescnted by the OiUlnal Oie.it Cast. Thc-inost ulabointo scenic pioductlon ever given a Pastoi.il Play. Cm tain lisrs piumptlv at S p m PRlCi:S-Jl HO, $1 (w, Tie., rc. 21c. Seats on sale Piid.iy at 9 a, m. Tuesday NT Nov. 25 TtlC GRKAT SfCCKSS Hnll Cainc's Powerful Piny. THE CHRISTIAN T.lcblcr d Co , Mnnngci s. "With an e.Mellent cast, special seeiu'iv, nccosoilfs and a detail of peitei'tluu that chai.icteiised tho foimei engagements i'i(ici:s-jio. Tie , r,oc . .';. Suits on sale S.itiudny at 1) a. m. Wednesday Night, Nov. 26 ThanksgivingYiiTNov. 27 Miss Alice Fischer in Giueo Livingston FiiiuN.s' Comedy Success MRS. JACK Diiect tiom Its tiluniplumt inn of 1 (( eights at -vVallnck'.s nnd Iho 1UU Vlctoil.i TlieutoiM. Now VmK. Jl.iiuigenient llemy B. Hauls. PRICKS-Mntlueo. 71, ro and 2,1c Night, $1 10, $l, 7.1. TO und 21c. Diagram opens Mondai nt 0 a. jn. Academy of Music M. Rels, Lessee and Manngcr. A. J, Durty, Uuslncss Manager. Week W Nov. I 7, Mutlnoo dally stalling Tuesday. MYRKLE-HARDER STOCK CO S.ituidny Stullnee. "A Nuiineg Match." S.ituid.iy Night, "Kldn.ip)(.il." I'ltlCrjS-lIatlneo.IO and JO (ents. Night, 10, JO nnd "0 cents. Seats on sule, ALL Ni:.'T AVniJK, HIHiVlELEIN'S IDEALS Augmented by llowaon's Twentieth Con tin v Hand. Jlouday Night, Cnptnln Impudence." HWHVTS The Dixie Theatre HENRY CAHNSWOnTH DIXIE, Lessee and Managor. WEEK OF NOVEMBER 17. KEOUGH & BALLARD. MR. AND MRS. JAMES BARRY. MARTINETTI & GROSSI. MISS" ANNIE WHITNEY. HAL MERRITT, NOWLAN, ELLIS & NOWLAN. MURPHY & SLATER. Seals icscivcd by telephone: new 'phono, 1S39. GOLDSMITH'S BAZAAR Trade You Have a Right to The Best You Can Get For the Money , We have the happy knack of buying and dis tributing the styles and qualities of Women's garments that bring you the best returns for your money. The watchfulness of our cloak buyer enables us to show you styles that you may not see iq other stores hereabouts. More New Coats and Jackets Many entirely new styles opened up this week. Goods all marked in plain figures lets you see just what you have to pay. A few special numbers for Saturday. JACKETS AT ?5.00 Women's nnd Misses' Jackets, mado of genuine nil-wool kcisey; black, cn tor and tun, Thu spcelul price is J90. JACKETS AT 6.90 Women's Monto Cailo Jackets, with coat collar and boll sleeves, laico pcail buttons; black, castor, blown nnd navy nio tho colois nnd ten dol lais should be the price, but no-JtiSO. JACKETS AT $7.50 Women's nnd Misses' Monte Cailo Coats, with nppllnuo jokes, culls and velvet colIaLs; black and castor. Great value for the money, $7.M. These are only samples of the good things shown in the Cloak Department. Lot of Gloves for Saturday A picked lot of Kid Gloves in black, tans, mode and white. Some plain backs, others embroidered 1 stitching. These will make 0 size is here. The price 50c the Pair No matter what they have been, that's the price tor baturday. Money If You Are In a Hurry Call on Us. Making Friends Every Day Aie jou in ncid of money? Wo loan nnv amount fiom $10 up, on hoiihchold goods, pianos. 'I he goods remain in lour possession. Monev In iota hands two bonis aftei application Loans made for ono mouth or one THEF5E 13 rslO EXPENSE: to you unless we make the loan. We do business on a plan to make friends. Once a friend, always a friend, and friends upbuild any one's business. You can have any amount here fromSlOupon household goods and personal effects. Easy payment plan. SCRANTON LOi CUARAHTY CO. Near Corner Spruce Street. Open from S a. iti. to 9 p. in. m$ii Place Thanksgiving Wine and Liquor Orders Early. A mutual advantage will result through your granting of this favor: With an abundance of time at your dis posal, selections will be more carefully made, nothing forgotten and deliveries completed be fore the real rush of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday begins, Any action that tends to add to our patrons' convenience is of prime importance to - Old 'Phone iv J(i)LACKAWAhNAAve,scRAtiTOMV 'Phone orders are time savers. Do You Want $20.00 f If you do, sec full particulars, as to liow gg tu uc I lliciii, on pajrc 4. .Ji! Mark MONTE CARLO COATS Women's Monto Carlo Coats of ex- rnllnnf mnfprlnla fiirn rlnwn prtllnrn l full length and splendid finish; tan, castor and black. You cannot got better at the price, $S 00. CHILDREN'S LONG COATS Thoso Coats with c.ipc, seams ap pllqued with velvet; brown, castor, led, green nnd blue; sizes fiom 4 to H ems. And tho special price, J, 98. MISSES' KERSEY COATS Misses Long Kcisey Coats, In tan and castor, witli tilplo enpes; sbes, 6 to 14 lears; coats easily worth ten dol lais. Special price, $7 93. some folks happy if their to Loan; We Will Lead You Money on Household Furniture. enr, and nt mutmltv loin can be ex tended without additional cost. No cMi a thin ges for papeis. Pay ments can bo made on Instalment pi in; so much per week oi per month. Wo deal lionostlv and fnlily with nil. Coino in and talk It over in send for ono of our confidential agents 207 Wyoming Ave Scrnnton, Fa. r!rr.n New Phone 2974 &&Jn lilQj