The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 22, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    ,,"'' Sj," .! ..'
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Have you headache? l5o your
eyes water?, Must you hold your
paper too near or too tax 1 18
inches la Ilia right distance. Docs
print blur, reading by nrtltlclnt
light? Squinting, burning, smmit
Ing, dark spots llontlng or bright
lights flashing before the eye".
Tho feeling nt It a foreign sub
stance were In your ryes. Thee
are hut a few of the tnuny svnip
toms nt eye-trouble. Their is
nothing In which delay Is ho
dungetous n lu eye-tiouble.
The eye Is the inot tlellonte,
the most sensitive of our senses,
yet the most neglected. Many of
the headaches and nervous
breakdowns come dhcctly fioin
muscular lnjuMi'lencles of the
eye. When oii consider that ou
tan get along falily well without
anv seiiHc ccept sight, won will
uudei stand bow liupoitiint It Is
to take 110' chances with your
??rS.itiiidny eeulngs open un
til 10 P in.
One chnigo coveis Uio entire
cost of examination, glasses
and fiames.
I 331 Washington Ave. 1
coin Ifelghts to the city. This notion wns
taken by a vote of S to C
Piecework Computer.
Tho t'hltcd 8tnten thll son It e commis
sion nnnouiiccs Hint on Jnmimv i!-7, i,
an examination will bo held for the posU
Hon of plecewoik coinpiitoi In the nnviil
obscintoiy, biiienu of equipment.
Big: Pave Assessment Paid,
The Huiititou Hallway company cstoi
tiny tisilil an iissupsinoiit amounting to
neai lv H.iwi), that liclng Its cost of the
imemriil laid on South Alain incline, be
tween Uxfnid ami tlnmiitoii lu'cts.
Automobile Knees.
The Htiiuilim Autoniolille dull will en
joy ti i mi lo i:imliiiiHt thlH iifteitioou,
leaving I'Moicv & 1 hooks' nt i o'clock.
Tlicle will bo a series of dims on the
Hpcedwny, loinnipm lug at -"W o'clock.
Uy the box
$y tile 100
By the 1000
Large Shipments re
ceived daily for Thanks
giving trade.
E. C. Dean,
Lnigest distiibutoi in
N. E. Pennsylvania.
Tlnfli 'Plmnoc
Coiinfy Savings Bank
and Triist Company,
506 Spruce Street.
in Sums of
and p.iys 5 per cent,
lei est thereon.
Xi. A. WATBES, Piesident.
O. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
n r.
o &
r TTnllstcnd,
I. A
)TJeiett Wan en,
ngust rtohlnson,
Jos O Bilen.
Wo lnlle j 011 lo ionic ami look oer
our 111 w lino ot uo elites tu
WALL I'Al'llR.
nritNT wood and
i,i:atiu:u xovi:rrii:s.
Illln' III join plituies to li ft .lined
befoio tho llolldio Tindc
Cut this out and piesciit It ut oni
htoie, puicli.ise hoods lo tho umoiiiu ot
$1 00 or 111010 ami jim will icctlve ut)
Ktamps fteu.
, Washington Ave,
"They Draw Well."
"Morris Magnet Cigars
The Pest value for S cents.
Try 0110 and ou will siuoUe no
All tho lending Innnds of Kc.
clRars at $1.73 per box, or fi for Sac.
Tho Inrprst niety ot Pipes and
Tobaccos In town,
X The Cigar Man
$ 325 Washington Avenue,
In and About
The City
Fiank McOloskey Injuied.
I'iuiiIv Slrt'losl.ey, of Cedar aenue, em
ployed In tho Podgo mine, wan Inn tied by
a pieinatmo blabt jeteulay iiioinlug mid
us tuken td the Lackawanna hospital.
His condition ! not hoi Ions.
Indefinitely Postponed.
Selcit imincll at Its meetlns Thursday
lilght liKk'llnlldy postponed uctlou on the
ordinance foi (lit) unnvxatlon ot
Lost Check Pound.
A 1 lied: foi y,i:', Icsiiut liy J, 11. C'on
ind to J. P. Walle, as found In a l.neK
iiminiiii iiilliojd vouch cslerday. 1 lie
ownei ciin serine piune hv nppljlntr, to
.Muster I'm Hiilldei Canllrld or Chief
Special Alien t Ailiunnoii.
Lickawanna Officials.
'I he following l.iulcawnniia of-
IIcIiiIh weio In the c Ity eMeidit : A. IT,
llndd, "IbiiiiI eiifillieei; V. It. Smith, hii-
peilntendent dlnlnc car sen Ice: .. H.
rol(, siipiiliitcndciit of toh'Kinph, L', W.
Tell Hi ore k, induslilnt iitteiit.
D., L. & W. Pay Days.
'I he einplmes of tho Diamond and
StoiiH mines weie pild esleidnv, nnd
those of nil the other louil and Hilluitlnti
collli'iles will be paid todav. On Mon
day pns will lie tmiile ut the,
T'ettebone, WoodlMild, Aoii(l.ile, Anchln
closs and IllKs
Thanksgiving Dance.
'I he Amltv S01I1I chili nt this cltv,
which Is composed of soiiip of the most
popnlat 'oiiiik gentlemen of otn elt will
hold Iheh llivt ( gland Tli.mksgh-
I...- 1. .,1 ,.. ....!.. ,...,. .1 , , 1.1
Iiiik imu ,il .,iuir 111111 on j jiiiiiivsi int;
lliirht. Viuv "7. Mtlsli tlll h.t fmnlsliorl
hv LawKiice's full nidiestla of twolo
Joseph Kisbeig Attested.
Joseph Klsbcig, of Maple slnd, was ni
lestoil nt the liislnnie ol bte I.osailel.,
of liif-ek 1 cunt, who ihuges him with
assault ami batten Both men jio 0111
ploMil In tho IHkuwnnmi 111 iclilne shops
unci got Into 1111 alteieallon jisteiday
which wound up hi 1111 nssiult on l.osat
lk b KMifig. 'I he latter was held In
f-'Hi lull b Aldennan Kuilih .
Mai lied in Cathedial.
Miss D.'lla ai.iih. of this ittj, and ciei
fild roles nl Moscow, W(l- muillcd on
1'iid.n nlti-inoon In St JVIei's calliedial
b Ite. J A. O'ltlelK 'I ho bilcle was
nttlied In pc 41 1 giev silk and as atteud
cil bv Mls Anna Doud The best man
was Joseph l'oh Aftei a lcception at
the home or the Inlde the ouplo left on 11
weildlng loin to WahsliiKion, J) (', and
othi'i points
To Go to Blnghamton.
'I ho tit HI sail ul of Anthi.idle com
ininden. Knights of Malta, consisting of
thli t -two men, will go to Jtliighimtan
nel Tue,sda niplit as the guests ot Tem
ple coniniiiideij, No :0S, of that clt.
Thin will she nn exhibition di 111" for tliu
tnti italiinienf of tlieh hosis and will
paillclpita in u session liiiinediate
1 tollowing A nimibei ot iwnibeis of
the oidir fiom tills dty will (,o with tho
chill 1 Dips
Choial Union Reheaisnls.
'1 he m 111 ig incut of the fulled
sodet liae almost completed the ni
l.uigeinents lor the tiip uet filil.ix The
c bonis will le.uo lij the l.atk.imuma
lallio.ul at 7 .1) a 111 The tiuln will be
an exclusion, nnd It is ( vident that u
laigo nnmbei will go with the choh Tho
fine will be n leisonable The com
mittee takes this occasion lo ask the full
snppoit of the dtluis bv ntlendlng the
piomeiiiule conceit at 1 p 111 011 'Ihiiuka
glingda 'I he 1 idles meet foi leheusal
tomoiiow at Music hall and lull
tmnonon evenliif; .it Mens' lull, S
o clock. All membeis please be picsent
and pnnctiia'
Scianton Bicycle Club Defeated the
Aicadian Bowleis.
The Scianton Blcjcle club won tlnee
games ft 0111 the Aie.idians of the i:iec
tiic City Wheelmen Inst night. These
games weie postponed fioin last Mon
day night in the Blejele Club league
seiies. The Scianton J3icclo club has
plaved twehe games thus far and won
them all. Following weie the sroie.s:
Owi ns 1 r, J'i! 0C
Moigan 1T.1 p,s ltu
Chatlleld p.' 1V1 JIJ
DnPje 1SS 110 1!!)
Sloci 371 tf) lj;
M! SOI 7ul
Kopei r.x ti 1VJ
Coimaii Ui, "hi 170
Mlttlull 1711 in Jlti
OConnell jus nt in)
Win dell i,0 3M 1X7
High spoie-Mltchell, L'h,
High avciage-O Connell, lis L'-.!.
D., X. & W. BOARD.
Following Is the make-up of th
Delawnte, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
PitlDAI, NOVCMUKlt 21.
llxtins lliisi 1, p. in,, Ituegg; "JO p.
m, tloiilnn; s 0 i h, , lluikiuirl; 1,0
P. 111, McCaithj; 11 p. in, Initial.
bunimlu $ p in, M. tllnlej (ut; 10
p 111 , .1 J Mm ui) iwest)
llxtins Wist-x p. 111, Keleliiuu, 11 p.
m (i. T. Slaphs (, II p in ,
J, II. MiiMU.s.
i:tran i: int t.-n h m. J. (llnlej, ,'ito
n, in, Rlec-i .". 11 in., Itotte; 7 a m,
IJusbi 1) 11, m , l.aiklu. 11 11, 111 SwnilK,
1 p. in, Delno, 3 p. in,, llldblng, p.
m . llallet; .'1 p m , Ttamldl
SiminiltK-ii a. 111 I'jnuurelkm (westi;
C a 111, Canlgg (eiiht); s a ni Nichols
(Wist); 11 u, ni, (.Seidell (West), J p m ,
llenlgiiu (eiixt).
Piisiein-.'::i) 11. 111., C. lini tholomew
(west); 7 a in, Wldner (west); " a, m ,
l'lnerly (west), s ru , llouser (eiiHl);
11, r, a m, Mman (cast), 1 p in, Me.
Donuell twesl). 7.1J p. in , Miuphy leust);
!i p. m V, 11. n.mholomew (east).
llelpeit 1 u, m. Miigovern; 7 a in.,
fiutfnej, 10 u, in, Secoij 3 15 p. m, Stan.
Uxtuis West-Sid :,i, H Smith; S .1. m
Sine, i i, in., c'anuodv; i, a in, P,
Lane; t 11, 111, Kiiby (Jlnllstead); 1 11,
in., Cftstiiei, 1.' noon, John Uuhugun
(llulldead); J p 111, Nnonnn, 4 p 111.,
Allen, ti p. 111 , Dennis,
J It, Manteis will hue IJiakemeii
Wombacki 1 and I'llger and riiigniau
Clown uemie, passed awuj jestciday
moining, aged C9 yeais, death being due
to cancer of tho stomach. Tho deceased Is
Miitlcd by uno biothei, Joseph, with
whom nIio icbtded. The funeral will take
plate at 1 o'clock; tomotrow afternoon
fioin the house Intel ment will be mado
lu No. C cemeteiy.
Hearing Yesterday Befoio George
Horn, Master, nnd a Boaid of
Vleweis Trying to Have the Let
tets of AdminlBtiatlon Grunted in
the Estate of Mary Abdullah Re
vokedShe Was Recently Killed
on the Rnlhond Mother Wants
Her Daughter Committed to House
of Refuge.
Attorney Oeoige lloin, sitting as
master and n Juiy of lle, yestetdny
heaul testimony lu the pioteedlngs
hi ought to have the Jtldgc turnpike, u
loll toad 1 uniting between 1'ast Matltet
Stieet and Dickson City, condemned.
The Juiy consists or Chillies Wagner,
11. W. Mulholtnnd. John .1. Mot sans,
Thomas Clntke nnd M. J. Smith. At
torney T. P. Dtlffv appealed for the
petitionees and Attorney It. .1. llotuke
lepiesented the lompuny.
The wltnecses examined weie G. A.
(,'leaiw nter and aeoigo Htoun, of Gtecn
Itldge, find P. J. Mceh.ui and Thomus
Oiler, of Dickson Cltj. They testified
that though the turnpike Is now 11 toll
load It Is lu had condition and has not
been tep.ilied for soveial jears. They
nil stated that it Is the most dltect lino
between Scianton and Dickson City
and said that It should be mado a fieo
itmmtv ltiml mill Until In frond leDnlr.
The juiy adjourned until Tiiesciny a
id IIUOII llt'Xl.
Wants Letteis Revoked.
Deputv Iteglsterof Wills Koehlet es
teulay conducted a hefirlngr In the mat
ter of the estate ot Muiy Abdullah, the
Aiablau woman lecently killed on the
lnlhoad neni Dunmoie. It appeal s
that eight month'! befoie the wuman's
death she sepniated fioin her husband
after their piopetty had been, dhlded
between them.
He was In H.iltlmoie at the time she
was killed and lettei.s of admlnlsttatlon
weie taken out by Ma jib K. Younls,
who utilized some of the money she
had in bank In pajlng her funeial ex
penses The husband Is now seeking
to have these letteih ieoked and was
repeisented at jesteiday's he.ulng by
Attorney It. J. Mmrav, while Attorney
T. P. Dutfj- appealed for Younls.
The husband's petition for a 1 evoca
tion Is contested on the giound that he
has no Intel est In the woman's estate
because of the division of piopetty
which oecuued and because the Intel -ests
of the woman's two childien must
be caipd foi An adjournment was
taken until next Tuesday afternoon.
An Incoirigible Gill.
Mis. Maltha John tteul.iv petition
ed couit to h.ue her 14-eai-old daugh
ter Minnie, committed to the House
of Itefuge in Philadelphia.
Mis John, In her petition, sets forth
that the gill has been at the Floience
mission since Tebiuaiy L'8 hiht and that
the ollltl.ils theie find It Impossible to
contiol her. Accompanying this was a
statement .signed bv Miss Katlieilne
Oardnei, supeiintendent of the mission,
who sajs that the gill does not seem to
want to lead a lespectable life and that
she lias a bad intluente on the other
gills In the home
Application Is Withdiawn.
The injunction pioeeedings bi ought
bv the Diamond Land nnd Impiove
ment company to lestialn the city fiom
opening the cuheit which eanles n
stieam undeine.ith Pioxidence toad
just abote the Diamond switch, hae
been withdiawn and tho case will go
on tile legulai equity list.
The company blocked the cuHeit
some time ago to pieent the water
troni 1 tinning tlnough Its land. The
city, foaling damage suits, opened the
cuheit and the company seeks to have
It closed again.
Man Inge Licenses.
Joseph Callngher M.odcld
Nellie Walsh Dunmoio
Julius Motlslia Scianton
Knthrui V. Nolan Sernnton
Paul Pottois Old I'orge
Mary Teipok Old Torgo
IJdwuul Cuimbell, John O'lloie, An
thlny Pdakiis, Lawience Mitflley and
John Roland weie enteidu- dlsuhniged
fiom tho county Jail, the chaiges against
them liculng been lguoicd by the giaud
Jul y.
In the cose of Petei Ro3er ng.ilust
Peter Aullmch, a uile was onleicd csiei
dn on John l.entes, aldeimun of the
Dleventh ward, to make u moio peifect
loliiiu, Tho 111I0 Is 1 etui nubia ut argu
ment com t.
Mis. Ilaulet Sieger Thiu.sday begin
milt tlnough Atloiney A. A, Uhise to 10
coser $ Hum Mis. .Maggie O, Jones.
Mrs,. Selgei had her husband ntierted for
iion-,suppoit nnd dcseitlon and com t dl
lected him to pij' hei $15 a mouth and
glo Uonil for the faithful perfoimaiuo
of the obligation Mis, Maggie O, Jones
was tho suiety on his bond, Selgei has
failed J or fix months past to pav any
thing to 1'i.s wife nnd she has In ought
suit 011 the, bond,
Many Lists of Woids for The Tilb
une's Junior Educational Contest.
That the joung people of Noilheabt
cin Ptnnsyhanla me taking a keen Jn
teiest In The Tilbune's second Junior
IMucatlonal Conlest Is demonstrated
bv the lai go number of lists of words
Scarcity of l'uul and Lack of
Heat Cutis, es Grip, Colds, II ion-
chitis anil Pulmonary ills to
Tho use of "Seenty-seven," Dr.
Humplueys' Sptcllic, bieaks up Colds,
Chip, Influenza, Cat mill, Pains and
soreness In the head and chest, Coughs,
Sore Tluoat, General Piostiatlon and
Feer, and pieents Pneumonia.
"77' consists of a small ial of
pleasent pellets-tits the pockit
that have been sent In to compete for
the twenty Christmas presents of cash
offeted as tew aids for tho best spellers
of them nil. Om' hundted and thirteen
lists hae been received up to date nnd
there ate still four more weeks before
the contest comes to an ond.
Yesterday theie were six lists re
ceived fiom the following:
line V. I Ivans, 817 South Main ae-ntie.
Kiank Bloat, lfiOt Itldgo now.
llaiold V. itnitley, f,enoxlllc, Pa.
lleatilce Holden, C1S Piescott u unite,
Janet Sawyer, Carbondnlc.
Helen riuzee, Moscow.
A pietty weildlng was solemnized nt
the Holy ltosaiy chinch on William
stieet. Wednesday afternoon nt 4 30
o'clock, when Miss Mary Duffj', of Kev
ncr avenue, was wedded to Anthony Gil
lespie, of liockwell stieet. The ceremony
wns pel formed bv ltev. J. J. Holmes,
In tho produce of a number of fi lends
and relathes of the contracting parties,
Tho bilde was attired In a blue travel
ing gown ami wnte a pictuie hat to
mutch, iter attendant was slinllnily at
tired. While tho bildal partv was en
teilng tho cluucli Miss Noui Gcriltv
plajed the wedding maich. Mr. and
Mrs. nillcsple received many beautiful
and eostlv piesents. Thev will make
their lesldcnce lu a nuWly furnished
home on Kejser avenue.
Dusket Hall admttels weie dlHlicait
ened lust evening over the game of bas
ket ball which was plaved between the
South Side Defendeis und the Crnckci
jaeks, at the Aiidltoilum. The heoro vvus
10 to 4 In favor of the Delcndeis.
The membeis of the graduating class of
No. 2., 'school met In the school nudltoi
ium jesteulnj and elected the following
class otllccii: Presldint, Thomus ltllej ;
lco piesident, lMwaiil Clark; s-eerctaty,
Jennie Hoffman; licasuiei, Tliomus
Mm tin.
Tlie union Thanksgiving seivlce of nil
the Kngllsli speaking Protestant chinches
will be held. this jenr In the Noith Muln
Clvmer, pns'tor of the Christian chinch,
will preach the senium.
Fine lino Peifumeiy at Davis' Ding
Miss Jane Jt hu, of Wnvne nMiiite, litis
almost ncoveied fiom a Ix weeks' Ill
ness of tjphold fovei.
The membciH of the Amltv Social c.lub
uiu making gieut piepariitloiis for their
inusquernde social, which will be held
nt the Auditorium, Monday evening.
You can get It at Davla, Drug stoic;
qiinlltj light; located 011 the squat e
The ladles of St. John's ml-tion will
continue their rummage sale, in the Os
terhout building, on Mondav.
Mr. and Mis. H. C. Tobev and ion,
Tinman, of Walton, N. Y.. have letiuncd
to their homes, after a visit with Rex.
and Mis. Cieoige K. Guild, of N01U1
Main avenue
Chenv Balm Cough Sviup will euro
a cough or we lefimd the moncv ; worth
$100; sells for .Tic. a bottle at Davis'
Drug fctoie.
Bom To Mr. and Mis AV. II. Lewis,
The coffee habit is quickly over
come by those who let Grain-O
take its place. If properly made
it tastes like the best of coffee. No
grain coffee compares with it in
flavor or healthfulness.
At groceri everywhere ; 15c. and :5c. per package.
Evety Mother of a Giowlng Girl Will
Be Intel ested in the Story ns Told
by tho Young Lady Heiself.
The cltcumstiinees under Which Uei
tliu Kennedy was tuken fiom her stu
dies In the high school will be of In
terest to all uiotheis of glowing gills.
Miss Kennedy said to n lcpoitcr:
"When I was fourteen yearn old I be
ran to decline In health on account of
a suppiesslon of the mttutal functions
of my boy, und 1 nni stile I would
never have been the healthy ghl I urn
now If It had not been for Dr. Will
lams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I
was enthely without color, thin ns 11
tall, neivotis and In liable, tiled and
lifeless und lu a Kcilotisly low state of
health lu gctieinl. Although a good
doctor was ti eating me, he failed td do
anv good and my pnients felt X'oiy
much alutmed about inc.
"1 was taken fioin tho high school
on account of my poor health, but con
tinued to glow woise. Then I began
to toko Di. Williams' Pink Pills, und
with the fh st few does began to feel
belter. Four boxes hi ought about the
Ueslted lesult and u few boxes 111010
lestoied 1110 enthely to health. Now
I huve a good coloi, am stiong und act
ive and have not seen a sick duy fiom
that time to the piesont."
Miss Kennedy lives ut Canton Junc
tion, Mass , anil both she and her
mother aie willing to eilfy the above
No dlscovciy of modem times has
piowd such a blessing to women us
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo
ple. Acting dhectly on the blood and
neives, Invigorating the hodv, legu
lating the functions, thev lestoie the
stiength nnd health In the exhausted
patient when eveiy effoit of the phjsl
cimi piovcs unavailing. These pills' ate
sold only In bo.xcs tit fifty cents a box.
01 six boxes fortwo dollurs and a half,
and mav be had'at all diugglsts, or cll
ui t by mall fiom Dr. Williams Medi
cine Co , Schenectady, N. Y.
of Wllkes-li.ine, u d uighter, on Nov. 1C.
Mts Lewis was formerly Miss Lillian
Lewis, of Deacon stieet
Theie will be a lummago sale on Dick
son avenue, at Piatt's store, dining the.
llrst week In December, under the aus
pices of the Church of tho Good Shep-
We Have Solved
The Xmas Problem
Don't -worry and lose
sleep over Xmas Gifts.
Is anything moie ac
ceptable than an aitis
tic photo? Come in and
nriauge for a sitting
for those Xmas Photos.
Don't delay; we can do
better woik and satisfy
you and ouiselves when
we aie not lushed into
the "wee sma' houis"
with Xmas oideis.
211 Washington Ave.
I A 1 1 1 1 D JKIkUB li II H HI tSI A
Apple Corer 5c
Pudding Hould 45c
Egg Beater 10c
Cake Spoon 10c
Hlxlng Bowl 25c
Grater 5c
Jelly flould 18c
Pie Plate 5c
Table Cutlery
Stag Handled Carving Knife and Folic $1.50
Stag Handled Carving Set Knife, Fork and Steel.,. 2.25
Stag Handled Carving Set Knife, Fork and Steel , eft
Sterling Silver Ferrule.. j ,ou
Silver Plated Knives, dozen..,....,. 3.25
Silver Plated Forks, dozen 3.25
Silver Plated Tea Spoons, dozen ' 1.50
Silver Plated Table Spoons, dozen ,.. 3,00
Fruit Knives, 6-piece set , 1.50
Fruit Knives, pearl handles, 6-piece set 5.75
Nut Picks and Crack Set,...., .,, , , ,,,... 20c
Preparation for thanksgiving
Come to our store for your pots and pans and
other kitchen utensils, for a new pair of carvers or
some new table cutlery. We have gathered an
abundant assortment of the best articles and priced
them so you will appreciate the advantage of buy
ing here your necessities for preparing and serving
this great annual dinner,
Turkey Roasters
Double Roaster, 10x15 24c
Double Roaster, 11x16 29c
Double Roaster, 12x17 37c
Food Choppers
Paring Knife 10c
French Cook's Knife 15c
Butcher Knife 30c
Raisin Seeder 50c
Vegetable Slicer 25c
Cake Tin 10c
Collander 15c
Corn Popper 15c
W " I
y j (
Toughness Is a Virtue
In a lamp chimney. ,Thc
toughest of all Is
, Being Intelligently mado on scientific
principles and very best materials, It
wears "wears like metal." -.
It's unmatchable. Price. . . I ()C
Have a
Silent Partner
When you have money at
Interest. It does more
than your friends can do,
for It works for you day and night all the year
round. The
Third National Bank,
J 18 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pa.
Pays 3 per cent interest on savings accounts
whether large or small, and compounds the inter
est Jan. 1st and -July 1st. Accounts can be
opened by mail.
hits For
Saturday Shoppers. 2
Bargains is SilK Waists
The most noteworthy sale of Ladles' Silk Waists that has yet
taken place in tills city opens on Saturday morning, and con
tinues for that day only. It embraces a special purchase of 200
Waists in assorted stjies, colors and weaves. They are all strict
ly high class, however, and up to the minute in fashion. Many ot
these waists are legulaily sold for $10.00 each.
Choice of Styles for
Street or Evening Wear,
A Tempting Ribbon Sale
Excellent quality All-Silk Taffeta Ribbons In all the latest
coloiings; specially priced for Satuiday as follows:
94 to V2 inches wide, yard Bo
1 to 22 Inches wide, yard 8c
4 inches wide 10c
R.otbscHild Crown Brand Coats
Represent the highest typo in exclusive taiioiing in Womfrt's.
Coats and Jackets. A new lino or these superb garments will bo I
placed on sale on Satuiday much under legular figures. At this i
writing this special purchase has not been placed in stock yet, I
consequently v,e cannot quoto prices, but the values offered will
be superb lrom a good 'value standpoint.
That Handkerchief Sale
Has taken the town by storm, and little wonder, for tho
values aie a suvpiise to all who visit the department
Good Handkerchiefs sr
from Two for
On Children's Department
As children's outfittcis you can't beat u-3 in this city. We'vo
got tho goods In abundance, of every description, and they are
priced right.
Hosiery and Underwear
A complete department this, that fills tho bill down to the
r.mnllnaf Jntnll fni mrm TinmOM nnd f.hlldlCn.
i Excellent Hosiery' Values from 10c
? Really Good Underwear from 25o
f Lovely New Waistingjs
Will bo opened up tomoirow. as well as somo extra good
values, in now silks. Our Diess Goods stock has undergone the
usual cut in pi ices fiom top to bottom.
t (
ri i I h
IX & CO.,
m& M Lackawanna Avenue.
4 od
J '' H' "J ! "!
J Fifty Yews' Experience- J
Behind Evory 10 Year Guarantee on
I Ehrefs Slag Roofing, i