The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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A Successful Shoe Sale.
And why should it not be? These are worthy shoes in every
. sense of the word, andshoes that meet .your expectations in
quality, style and service. These are the best shoe bargains we
. -"have ever offered, and it is gtatifying to see how highly they
are appreciated. Come and look at them yourself.
Connolly & Wallace
5cranton,s Shopping: Center
J ''tNi'"- " r '
I I '"-'I ' tl
Our regular $2.50 nnd ?3.00.
floodyear welt, box calf, laco
flliooB, extra heavy soil's; both
dresBy and serviceable $2.00
Ladles' Vlcl Kid Shoes, with
patent or Kid tips. Carubildgu.'Vur
slty or CoiiinioiiHuim' toes. Spe
cial bargains ut . .$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
Men's $1,25 Working Shoes,
heavy top soles, lace or congiess. ,90c.
Men's very dressy Satin Calf
and Vlcl Shoes, medium weight.
Weie $1.75. Sale Price .'.....$1.25
Men's Mox Calf Double Soled
Shoes. Vv'eio good values at
their tegular pi Ice, $2.50. Now. $2.00
.Misses' Winter weight Shoes, with
extra heavy soles. Kai gains at the
following pi Ices:
Sizes 11 ' to 2, .$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
Sizes S4 to 11 75c. and $1.00
One lot of Child! en'B Button
Shoes, Kid and box calf, flexible,
sewed soles 75c. and $1.00
School Shoes, sizes 12 to 2 85c.
School Shoeo, sizes 24 to S. .$1.00
Utile UeriV Shoes, sires 8J4
to 75c.
Broken sbes In Men's and Boys'
$1.25 and $1.5(1 Shoes 90c
Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next Door to New First Notional Bank Building.
The News of Carfxmdale,
Caibondale I5 to Hnve a Repetition
of the Delightful Enteitninments
and Intel esting Lectuies That
Found Such Populnr Favor Xast
Season The Enteitaineis Who
Are Likely to Be Heie.
Tlio pnlri talnimnt collide pioj'it
Yriilch vas to suecc-tiiil last season,
umlci the guidance or Claude J!. Smith
and Ih.i ic Slngei, two ol the towns
most alait, enteipilsing voting men,
will make nuothei bid foi public tavoi
thH season.
Tlie Ihochvv.iy htiieuit and the liccl
p.ith bin en u will both be sought lor
the best entc.ilnlnei and lerluitis at
the dlbpoal of elthei.
There Is an nuay nC talent fiom
which to select, but those who aie ie
gaided and it commended as likely to
plense Caibondnllans nui-t aie the lol
low Ins:
Among the musical offei lugs, and
these are Hi! best among the JJiodc
wiybuieiu talent, v Hie Uostou Spv
tettc, the Biockw.ij, fliand Conceit
company, with the telebiated Mi-q
Oeorgle Bentlev lis phmlsto; the iiouth
wlrk Conceit compaio. This mguul.i
tion is managed b Mi. fouthwlik, who
was the llrst m tiiagei of the Ac uldm
nt JMupic In tills (it, who, It will be
mcalled bv Caibcmdaliaiis, opeind lb it
nimtseinent place with no les a i ele
binted aitross tli m Julia Mailowe.
The "lionev Uns," ot Chicago, l an
other musical iiovvd, that has heaps ot
piess notices and is w.unilv lciom
meiuled b. the bint all managem 'Ihoie
are sK lails, whose muiiul voices aie
f-ald to be almost phenomenal. The Im
pel lal Hell Kliueis aie auothei atti ac
tion tli it is hi demand. Theie
Is i women's militaiv band which li is
made n hit win lev ti it has
npppined. This Is a new numbti.
Among the lectin eis uip Itobeit J.
Tim ilttt. the himioi 1st, "the liuilliig
ton llawkee man," whose sKeli lies
liue pnti i tallied and di lighted tLru
mids of leadeis Hit- pas'i ipiaitei ol a
rtuluiv, llenjiuulu f'hnpin, u Miuiig
man, who gives what is pionoumtd a
mm.loush lpallsiic impel soniition of
Ahi.ilmm l.Imoln,
These mo the iiumhem
which me undei c ousldei.itlon The
rnu, -e will be ilei hloil upon in a l. w
days and will be made publli,
ffelel Meeting Last Night Othei
Social News.
The l'ediei i lub, which has u. b"eii
jiguiiyed, held an uscinhlv last night
nt the lc'sldeiue ol In .M i:. Alul un
Man Behind the Desk.
"('oilee seukiil me haul lor about
hiee M'U's and 1 was doubled with
ndltfesllon, hernial hen and diowxlness;
bad no appetite and inuld not bleep,
unl 1 was steadily lei-dun llcxli all the
''I bad .spent ii small rot tune on pudl
elne mid doilois' bills; 1 lousulted bev -pjnl
eloctoi!, oiip told me that I had
llei tionble, another told me that I
hjnl kidney tionble, ollieis piemlbed
Vinedles for iiiiuieious (omphiliitH, but
none helped urn and I ilually looKed
upon my bad siomich iih a pint tif my
nilHC'inble eNlsteuce, glvliiK' up nil hope
of eer belns melf asnlu,
"I knew that the muse nt It was all
due to oflKe woik, vhhh pieeluded
sutllcient bodily eeiclse mid the eutliiff
pf ' non-nom iHhint; and nou-illgvstle
food, and the dllnUlUK of tea and cof
fee. I(had to quit iny woik as I lost
my mental and phjt,lci)l Htieuglli.
"A filepil of inli)e, wliu welKhs about
20 poundsi, a.iul who looks the plume
of health, advised in to use Ginpt
Nuts u,s ti food and diluk Posimn
Cereal Coffee. lie said that his peifect
Health tvaa due to the use or ihene two
pure cereals. He said that they would
build up-thft delicate cells ot the builn
lind body and restore me to health.
"t acted on Ills advice and have no
cnuso to regret It, I have now been
Mslne Orape-Iuts and Postuin Coffee
(for; some time and am In perfect health
hrfd welsh XO pounds jnoie than I ever
I "Grape-Nuts Food la the crystallized
letecuce o( all cereals, I eat it four
times a day, prepared with cream, and
nlso by pouring some of It out of the
tiox Into my hand and then eating It.
I'ostum Coffee, has also helped me
pre atly." Name Rlvea Uy Postum Co,,
jtULUa CmK Jcl i
'mil .Mis. Jluhuin, on Ninth Chin It
"tieet. A dellRlittul cenlnK was spent
nt caids, whiih was com luded with io
fiesli'i'ents The menibeis ol tile club antliipite
inaii dellKhttully enjinalile assumhlles
dii' In? the (onilns social season
'I he pel sonne I ot the elub Is as lol
lows Mi and ills James Vandei fold,
ill. and .Mis .1. j, Kllkci. .Mi and
ills j: u J5eiKcli, ill (icoi;;o
James, id. , A. I'altei-on, ill and
Alls T I. ilPdland, ill and ill.
I lilt i Wall oil, Di and il,is ilalatm,
irisct.s Helen Hui, Alice Itashleli-li,
and ill. and ills Will Fchilfci, of
The PiORiessUe laiilne eoteile whs
entei tallied Thutsdav e onlup: nt the
home ot ill. anil ills Ueome W.
Keiue, on Lincoln incline. Aftei i.iids
had been enotd foi a season, lefiesh
ments weie sn ed.
ill. and ills Jl. AV Hiniison entei
tnlned a number of fi lends infonuallv
Thin sd iv evening at theli home on
Xen tli .Mala sticet.
'Hairy Munn, Aged 18 Yeais, of
Mnyfield, Run Down While Leav
ing Woik for Home Both. Feet
Ten inly Mangled, nncl Amputated
Latei at Emeigency Hospital,
Wheie He Died at 11 O'clock.
While In? was hlliiiedlv liishlnt; fiom
ills woik In the Outailo and Westtin
i omul-house at ilavlleld jaul, last
evening', hi easel anticipation of leach
iiiK liis home In iln field, llniiv ilunn,
arfed IS inis, was inn down b a tiain
and had both leet so feaifllllv clashed
and mangled that they h id to be ampu
tated b the suiseons at Ihneigency
hospital, whlthei he was taken Immedl
atelv altei the disticsslnp; accident. He
also lost tluee tiiiKen of one of bis
hands. He failed to Lilly fiom the
opeiaiiou and died at 11 o'clock.
The happening took plan- just after
.". .i, when the clav's woik at the louud
hinise and lepali shops was inei, The
loiiiiil-housc is at the noi thwesicin
eiUe ol the iml Ulieitly in fiont of
the openliiRh aie the sLUie ol ,so of
tnul.s that coei the ,aid, ilunn bul
lied away lioiu his laboi with. the cus
tomaiv lush that lollows the lieedom
ol toll in a woikshnp and stopped In
tiont ot a enal tiaiu Unit was being
backed Into the jaul It was Condtu
tin James Qulnn's tiain, 12mei Itolls,
tnglueei, and had Just come limn one
of the bieakeis down the vnlle.
ilunn was evidently bent on getting
ahead of the tiaiu In avoid being de
tained while It was being bathed oi
swill bed, lln was not active enough,
and elthei ".tumbled oi was Knocked
down, Keveial cam parsed over the
lucklistf jiuith's icct, lust above the
ankle, and tlueo ot his llngeis wcie
uuslitd .so badly that thc.v, too, had to
be amputated,
ilunn was tonve.ved In a uiboohe as
tar as the Hcott sheet ciossing of tho
Oiitailu and Western, theme to the The leet weie timnutiited hist
above the anklef.
ilunn made no i ally whatevei. The
shod; was .so gieat that he tuceumbed
at II o'clock without even getting out
of the Inlluente of the anaesthetic.
ilunn was the hon of Chailos ilunn,
who lh n biiikemau on Coiuluetor
riutche's passenger tiaiu on the Ou
tailo and AVestein. He wns w'oll known
In this Lltv. whine bo fonneilv Hi ml
with Ills patents on llelinout stieot. He
was a popular lau, unit me uiisioituno
which came upon him was dl.itussed
with souowiul legiet In this tlty last
This utcldent Is tho scioud that has
oiiuued at ilayllthl yaid within ten
dayn, and the rontth railway uccldent
In ibis city end Immediate vicinity
within two weeks. Following the death
of poor 1'eter Hlaes on tho Delawaie
and Hudson, at No 1, came the revel
ing of the nun or Michael l.aikln. In
Alaleld jaul, which almost tost him
his life, A Ijw (lavs latei, slx-yeai-old
illehael Dm lean, of hnnsnii Inqf hlo
light toot while hying to boaul a tiain.
'i ucn cainu .viiuiivs (iisiiessing atciiieut
of last evening
Young- Ladies to Entei tain.
The young ladles of the Ueiean Hap
tlst chinch aie nuaugtng lor tin en
tei talument to take place lu the church
parlors on Thanksgiving eve, Wednes
day, Xovembei -', beginning at 8
o'clock. A pt ogi amine, lull ot enter
taining and umuslug uumbeis will Ije
offeied. Admlfcslon will be ten cents.
(ailed heie on account of the set ions
Illness of hei inothti, Mi", Jane Davis,
of I'lver sticet.
illss HlljMbeth Thoinpsoii, of Spilng
sheet, Is Hi
illss hhoda Tajlen, of I'lvoi sticet, Is
III with the slip.
The i uinmage pule foi the benefit of
St. (ieoige's mission will open In the
Hull building In Hlakelv toda.v and will
be continued uet week.
Cni penteis aie at woik lepahlng the
l.lovd building on Luikawaiina stieet,
whli h was damaged bv the Hie last
Seivkes will be held at the usual time
in the Baptist c lunch toinoi
low. In the1 meaning, Di Spencei will
pi i. nh on 'Tlie Poweia of Sacied
.Music.' The Mibleet of the evening
(lsLOUi(.. 'll be. "Non-Cluuch Cioei'3"
Tl oi.ins Thoiijuin and II. AV. John
AVallue, s(liclniies of the Anthineite
ipuion tominllUe of Young ilen's
Chilsllnn astociaticn, will addiess a
mpii's meeting at ;: o clock in the aftci
rocn. In the 1'ilinltlve Methodist chuich
spiv ices, will be Hold tomonovv inoiii
ing at 10 Ji, conducted by the pistor,
i". Jan ps Ik. hi ihe evenin!: It. AV.
I hit Wallace villi ncupy the puluit.
lingular I pNcnpal s.ti vices will be
held in St. Cieoigp's inesMon C" ;'cott
slip-:, Ulaki'iv, tonioiiow afteiuoon at
3"JJ oMotk hev. r, J. Hough'on, of
Duniiioie. will have chaige.
Miss C.uiie Mason left yesteulay to
visit iclallves In Cleveland, Ohio.
J. A. Willing has accepted a position
In the Globe w alehouse at Sci.iiuon
illss Anna Walsh, of Dunmoie stieet,
has i elm ned fiom an extended visit in
Mobile, Alabama.
Theie will be a meeting In the Intel -est
of the A'. M. C. A. In the English
Haplist chinch inmonow atteinoon, at
M0 o'clock he. i: J. Hnughton, of
bv Thomas Then bum and John AVal
lace, secietailes of tho Autlnacite He
gion committee, of the State Young
ilen's Philstlan association. Xo col
let Hon, not leseived seats, tome and
make youispif at homo; sit wheie jnu
please, all men aie welcome, hilng
tlong join fi lends.
Sits, Gulre, pf New Yoik, bus been
A vcij piettv wedding ceieinonv was
lieifoimed at the home of ih. and ills
.Michael Itullbat.h.of AVnshluglon .sheet,
on ThuiHdiiv evening, when theli ac
tompllshed daughtei, illi-s Lena, v as
united in man Inge to John Schllds. Tlie
ceieniony was peiloimed In the hont
pailoi by the Rev. A. AVebei, pastoi of
the fleiinan Evangelical thuich The
bilde looked eiy atti active In a gown
of blown, hlinmtd with eieam .silk, and
tallied n bounuet of Initial loses. The
wedding hunch was played by Piof. T.
1! Jiivls At the conclusion of the i eie
niony ( ongiatulatlons weie extended,
ufter which the biidal p.uty icp.ilied
to the pailcns uf Welsenfluh's hotel,
wheie a sumptuous wedding supper
was seived. Mr. lind Mis. Schllds have
tho best wishes of their many h lends
in their now life, A y
social was given lu the evening at
Welsenllull's new hall to their luiiny
It lends. About thhty-flve, couples p.u
ticlpated in the giand murch, led by
AVllllam Tovv neiid.
The Ladles' Aid society of the AVelsh
congiegatlonal ehuicli will conduct a
social this evening In the basement ot
the chuich. All lefieshnients of the
season will be seived,
Hev. Dr. II. II, Hauls, pastor or the
Culvuiy Baptist chuich, will celebi.ite
his eleventh auiilvei.saiy as pastor of.
the chinch on Sunday. Dr. Hauls will
pieath special heimons on the occa
sion. Pi of, Jones, the dim oh choiis
ter, has prepaieel inuslo for the
octaslon, Sunday school ut 2 p, in, AH
tuo cotdlally welcome.
John T. Howe, who ptu chased the
culm dump near the Delnwnia and
Hudson company's depot, lecently
owned by AVllliiun Davis & Co,, has
iniiiuieuced to eiect a w.ishery near tho
Mrs, liny Stevens, who nuclei went an
opeiallon the e.uly p.ut of the Week Is
Belting along nicely. Ml. Purklss, the
wile ot Hev, Mi, I'inklss,wim Is u halned
uiiiiie and a giadu.ite of one of the Eng
lish lios-pltulH, Is atlendhig her
The evangelist meetings In the Motho.
dlst chinch' will tome to a dose this
week. Much good has lea id ted fiom
these incut lags and the tei vices uf I'io.
feasor Hack have been gieatly enJoed.
On .SuncUii inoinlng the pastor, llev. Di.
A. J, Van ('left, will pleach on "Sem
sblp and Ileiiuhlp "
Tho spoclal meetings which have been
lu progiess in the Hl I'rlncliilo llapttst
church this week have been luteiesthig
and quite -well attended. They will ha
continued thiouguout next week.
llr, end Mrs. KdwaiU Noithiip and
Portland, Maine
: Portland, Oregon 2
! the best j
known whiskey. J
It is I
The lirst Sought !
and i
The First Bought )
SoM nt Ml flr,t-ol pfticn and lij Jopuors.
VVJ1. 1 ANAUAN AbUN.Baltlnii.n, Met
Men's Gloves,
The $1.50 Kind for
A full one dollai and a hilf's woith
nt a saving of 50 cents on each pan.
It is a Cape Glove, lined with silk or
unlinesd, chessed or undiessed, soft
skins, modem hacks, nil sizes, and in
nil the popular colois. A leal bai
gain at $1.00 per pair. Each pair
warianted. One of the best street
gloves you ever saw foi $1.00,
412 Spiuce Stieet.
309 Lackawanna Avenue.
I.INI1 OV lilPOUTHD AVOOh cii.ovns,
family, of tllenbiun, will move to Scian
ton nest week, wheio ji, Noithup Is
coiiductlng a milk business. On Wulncs.
day evening a hugo number of their
lrlcnils gave them a suipilse by visiting
theli home and eujovlng the uveuhig
with them lu a. social wuv. Games of
ailous kinds weio plaved, -.cveial pho
nograph and musical selections weto ien
deied and Jlrs Tied Snider gave two
lecltatlous, Jh. and Jhs, Noithuii wem
piehcntid Willi a. gift of tinienilnance,
and .Ah. Noithuii madn a ueut hpeeeh
n.pusslng his uppieelutlou of the hlend
sblp shown him lu his guests' visit to
his home, About midnight lefieshments
were seived, Among thoo picseut weie;
Mi, and Mi.s. H. i:. Finn. Mi nud Mc,
Jnmes .Mai tin, Jlr. and JIis. Tied buj
doi, air. and airs. Nlles Smith, air, unci
ails, ha Kiesge, .Mr, unci Mis, M Ii,
Hheimau, Mis. Piank lltooks, ah and
ah.s. Tied l'almei, air, and ahs, J, C,
Noithup, ail. and aits. Lewis T .lane,
ails, J, D. Woodwind, Mi. Chant, llev,
null aiis, II, It. Thompson, Mia, O. AV,
aiusoii, alls, V, 1', Jenkins, ahs, Jnliii
sou and elaughteis, ails. Yeager, Wln
llehl Jenkins, Howard Kietgc, ahs. Hal
los, sou and daughter, airs. Cicoigo Col
ln. ail.s Graco Colvln.
airs, ai. II, Shemmn entertained this
weok aha, A'eagei, of Seiantnn,
The jouiig people of tho Baptist chinch
will picseut "Aunt Juiushu Dow's I'lioto
Kiaph Album" lu the cliuith net Tues
tlny evening. Tho ndmslon will bo ten
cents, ami at tho doso pie will bo sold.
At the haptlst chinch Suiulu) morning
the pastor will' pteaeh on "Christian
DUclpleshlp," and In the rvehlng on
"Hope, and AVhat It Does for lTs "
albs Ituth Kail is visiting ft lends lu
The set vices la the old Ilaptlst c lain li
on Sunday will bo conducted, lu the
nf loinoou bv Jhs, Cateier and ut 7.J0
P. in, by alls, l'uiklss, on Monday nt
7 SO p in, the Itev, F J. Cuteiei will
lelute the stoty of his life, lecountlng
shaiige expeilences, hulr bieiidth es
cupes fiom death, rtmui halite coiivh
tluus, etc.
i" nnW i . Ii i
- hl llfnaturo Ii m'wfery box ot Wi genOTH
Laxative RromoOuiaineTai)iu i
y4th.r.n.. Ihnl. u. p COlU 1. Olft &t
A bargain means one thing
at one store, something else at
another. ,
It depends on the store's
The store that has the best
goods at regular prices is the
store that has the best bar
gains when those prices are re-'
ii Good Gloves
I for Little
0 Hen's and women's. All impoitecl
V . but bi ought in such laige qunntl-
CJ? ties that the prices aie unusually
0 low.
JJ Why not lay them away for Clnlst-
2 masF
Men's heavy Cape Gloves, $1;
gZ woith $1.50.
V Hen's Silk-lined" Mocha Gloves,
Jj full pique sewn,of finest stock, heavy
3T ikins, $2; worth $2.50.
V Women's Washahle Gloves, the
ft "Superbe," $1.75; woith $2; with
5fi two pearl clasps.
I Women's
i Tailored Soil
The diess idea lilies evei'ything
this season even tailoied suits; and
that explains why so many giaceful
blouses aie used for jackets and
why they aie trimmed in so miny
dainty, pietty, feminine ways.
Bioadcloth suits.
Zibeline suits.
Shaggy Scotch mixtuies and loose
ly woven stuffs.
Cheviot "suits.
Prices, $10 to $100.
i; House-Coat;
$5 each Neaily all exclusivo
Tnilois made these coats; good
tailois; tnilois who make men's
clothing. Many houseconts aie
thrown together by gills sewed, not
tailoied. None for us, thank you!
Variety is growing less; sizes m
Eome styles scaicer. Come today, if
you can.
Bvoiy housekeeper is ambitious to
piesont a handsome tablo for her
guests, and tho foundation of nt
trnctivenoss is nico linens.
Fine Scotch, Irish, Geiman and
Belgium Damask Cloths in all sizes,
with napkins to match, if desired.
Cniving Clotns and Doylies.
Tray Cloths and Center Pieces.
Handsome hnnd-embioideied lunch
cloths, buieau, stnnd. and table cov
eis. Embioidoied Bed. Spiends, with
shams to match.
Soft Wools
for E
All the lovely soft colois that nre
worn so much this fall tans and
hi owns, blues, grays and leseda
gieen, white and soft evening tints.
All-wool batiste, nlbatioss, silk-nnd-wool
Eoleinne, lnnsdowne, creps
de chine, ciepe gauffre, cashmere,
heuriettn, seige, whipcord, Bedford
coid, printed cashmeres and challis.
These aie the names of stuffs that
nie being made into dinner gowns,
evening dresses and house chesses
by fashionable Scranton. You will
notice that all of them are the soit
that cling, that tuck and pleat beau
tifully, that have in some way a
characteristic, stiongly marked, of
their own, which you don't find or
dinarily in evening stuffs.
Women s
The best kinds fiom abioad, and
oui own make of blanket lobes no
one begins to go into this business
ns we do.
Which means no one has the va
liety, or such low piices.
A new lango of Bath Robes come
in beautiful light coloi3 of cotton
cheviots and heavy merceiized fab
rics innging in piice fiom $4 to $10
Wool Bobes, $4 to $12.
Plain handkei chiefs beginning at
10c. for women aie good enough for
At 25c. theie aie two kinds. One
is known as the sheer and tho other
as the heavy, and tho heavy looks
to bo a great deal better quality, but
it isn't. The diffeience is that tho
thiead in the sheer is twisted harder
than in the heavy. They aie about
10c. better than usual 25c. handker
chiefs. Tho comparison between the 50c.
and 25c. sheer and the 50c. and 25c.
heavy is so plain that any one can
see it. The 50c. handkei chief is
worth moie than double the 25c,
nnd the hemstitching is done by
hand. No wonder they are so dainty
the linen and work are both
Connolly & W
123-125-12M29 Washington Ave.
Special Tiain and Special tow Bates
to New Yoik City nncl Betuin.
Tor tlie iicioniiuodatlon ot tho riu un
ion United i 'hoi nl bmlet, the I.iic K.i
wiiniiii will fin utah a hpedul
imshfiiBcr ll .lin to le.ue fiom 1th I..11K
iivtimna iienue Mailim nt 70 11. 111
Kililuv. XoM'inber S scheduled to
lencbXew Y01U city about 11 au 11. 111.
Special i omul trip tickets will bo cm
H.ile at the Htntlon olllie good boIhb
onl on this tinln, nnd foi 1 elm 11 on
unv lesular passenger Uuln up m nnd
Including Dei ember 5. 1'uithei Inlor
inntlon on application to Mr. D.nld
Piltcluud, cluili man of the tiaiispor
tatlon committee, 01 A. I. JlelntK,
ticket iiKent lalhimd,
Scianton, Pa.
$4.35 to New Yoik City nnd Return.
Special Thanksgiving Day Rntes,
via the Lehigh Valley Enllioad.
AVedneHday, November J. the Lehigh
A'alley i.illioud will sell tlcheu to New
Yoik und letuin at $1.33 tiom Hci.intou,
good going on ahoe dute, limited to hi
tin 11 I" und Including Noenibei iO,
good on all tialns except the UlacU
IJIuinond i:piesx. Tor tin tint' tutor
illation, consult Pelawuio und Hudson
lulliond agents, or G 001 get HelUr, city
pahbenger agent, I.ehlgh A'alley lall
ioad, t'J I'ubllo Kquuie, WIIKes-H.uie,
Tall Trip to New Yoik.
New A'oilv Irt Intel esllng whenever
ou Ult It, but the fall clujs in ihe
Bieat city ta ulwaH dellghttul. The
paikH uie ut their best. 'Iu theuties
base attiactloiib which time hae made
lerfect. The utouw show a wealth ot
new und up-tu-date meichandlbe, unci
the weuthei ta comfoituble.
Old Fifth menue, the pride of the
city, Is one of tho feutuies no isilor
Hhcuihl mtas mid Centiul IMil; and
Uionx P.uU will Intel est euone.
No mattei wheie ou go, s-oniethliiB
woith ucelng will be louuil and Tor u wheio the houih uie like minuter,
New Yoik lends
A trip to New Yoik does one good,
und the nppoi Utility to New A'oik
under liivoinblo tlicumst.ini es coiiich
on November 1!U, when tho New Jeibey
Ccntial 1 uns Its r.ill n.cuislon to tho
Bieat city. Tickets die good going cm
uny Uuln on uboso date, and good to
n'tuin to nncl Including November 30
The Kites have btcn leduied, und lor
liuthcr lunnniutliin consult .vour local
ticket agent.
The Southein Lino to the West.
AM. 1 tho New .lett-ov Ccntial otlYis nd
Mintahea over cither lines by avoiding
the cold nnd slot ins Incident to Unvel
over nouhoin loutec .Stopover nl
Invvert lor ten dns 11 1 all llrst-cluss
tickets nt AVashiUKton, enabling tim
olol s to vlelt the national cnpltot at no
additional e.penso, Hates as low as
on uny other unite. AVilto or cull on
J. H. Swisher, D. I A.. Scianton, for
lufoi niation.
Hachmeiy by
Scientific flethods
and SIXTY l' UHNT of ex.
penned ' ....
AVo iiinko a biieclulty of pioper In
bili.nUH 101 piopci pm posed.
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars nnd transfer at 4 tli ave. direct
to hotel,
H00U13 with Hath 1 JSults with Uatli
?a.uo I 1 5!J.oa
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor, Sixteenth Et. ard Ir Inc I'Ucc,
The Sanderson
Oil and Specialty Co.,
1 Race Street, City.
T. J, Kostei.l'ics nimei 11. I.uwnll.Treas
It J. l-'oslei Stanley 1', Allen,
Vice Picsldenl. Boeietar.
American Man, ft JO Per Day d Upwtd.
l'uroiican Plan, Jl 00 Per Day and UpwaicU
fcpetial Hales to 1-millet
X For Business Men f
In tlio heart of tho wholesale dig- f
I ultt t
I For i)lioiiiori f
t3 minutes' v,ak to vvanamukeis:
1 ...!. ...ii tn Ctn'i.l I 'rw.l.f,. 'u 111.
Btoic V.aay of nicebs to tho sicat
Di Cooila States,
l'or sIbIiIspom
One block fiom B'vvay Cam, giv
ing cnisr tiauspoitatton to all
noiiits of lutciedt.
X A'HW KUllIi. 5
t Tor 11th ST s. I'Nivunstxv Pri. r
T Only 0110 Uloek fiom liioadway. -f
r Eoomj1$!UptPr,?S1iMl!f.A.N.ii. $
-ff f-f-ffVf-f -- -H-ft-f