T, "' "" . J'1, - 1Z - Vl, fi s ) 15 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1902. A hi HjllFMtft j Your Thanksgiving. hm ituiKi iiuwm a wlv ma V- " f Vt" y ', ijfefv means ; Thanksgiving being thankful. You can- $ not be thankful unless you l)ave something to beg thankful for. Many peo-g pie think that all they have to be thankful for is theg Turkey they eat for their s dinner. You have reason JJ ? $to be thankful for the opportunity to buy first-class $ clothing at a price that suits any purse. $ Notable Offerings from the Boys' Clothing Department. All Wool Double Breasted Suits, latest colorings, well made, perfect fit wm bss mmnmaj JBHHHW KM I KUUSSKI Which will be relished by thrifty housekeepers. This week we spread before you an array of irresistible values a remarkable offering of seasonable goods which will give an added stimulus to bargain appetites. Don't i .. i r .. i ., .11 . 't'i i :..:.s. T ...I,... . tninK ot missing tnis saie any more man you wouia your iiiuriKsgmng i.umey. $2.00 to $4.00 g Stylish' Young Men's 5 Suits, latest cut. Finely $ tailored .".... 77? $7.00 to $10.00 All Wool Oxford Over coats, long and loose back, stylish and durable. $4.00 to $8.00 Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases. : M ll flllVIHKlS tin n abja a w n lllllMlflkll if f Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys. 93?9$999J3?939&$39&9.? """" R"'.' i.Jk" B- -C " Iron Beds Special Couch Offering Jlado of the best mnllenhle v" JIado of the best malleable Iron, has heavy brass rod upon foot nnd head piece. Can be had In single or full size; var ious colors; an actual $7.00 value. Thanksgiving sale price AVe purchased 50 couches like above Illustration at 1-3 n3 regular prices. We offer them accordingly. They me the high est standard of make, covered in the best 3-tonc velour. A rare bargain Tabourette Of hard wood, size of top, 11x11 Inches; height, 17 Inches. It Is exactly like cut; antique finish. Special Thanksgiving offer $12.50 Bedroom Suits ; This 3-plece Bedroom Suit, Piano polish finish, has large French beveled plate, swelled front; a $38.00 value. Special Thanksgiving week S27.50 ars Heating Stove High in grade hut low in price, Is the best description of this offer. Hand some In appearance nnd exactly what is wanted to create satisfaction. Can be had in various sizes. A popular one as low as $15.00 Wall Street Review. New YoiU, Nov. 21. The, maikod im srowment Miown by today's stock mar ket w.ib doubtless duo in a great measure tu the. greater cube of time money. Thrie vub no anpaiont i eduction In tlio i.ite. but tlio willingness ot curtain large banking intoi-eMs to lend for long periods as accepted as pi oof that linaneial con ditions heie.ibouts have onco more been placed on a biibhtantl.il foundation. There were indications albo that the How of. money to inteiior points is at an end. While much of today's business was real ly In the nature of short covering, there is llttlo doubt that the solid interests were heavy buycis. For tlio first lime the weak movement in Manhattan wus over shadowed by that of another .stock, name ly St Paul. That stock, which was dealt in to the extent of over 100.000 .shares ad vanced to ISO and closed at that figure; making a net gain of G"-; points. The opening was again Irregular with Man hattan In the load, though the other trac tions woro lower. Ht. Paul made early improvement and Louisville and Noah vlllo was also strong. The movement In tlio lallway shares gatheicd greater force before the ond of the Hist hour. In I ho Industrial group Sugar and Amalgamated, Tennessee Coal and lion and I'lilted Slates Realty Issues being the ptlnelpil features. It was clear that the shorts were running to cover, especially In Cop per. The heaviness, of Manhattan prob ably was duo in part to prollt taking by tine or more pools. Tlio Improvement bhown during the morning session was morn than sustained later and with St. I'nul still tho leader the list continued up ward until at times tho movement was almost buoyant. Tho buvlng of such ptocks as St. Taul. Louisville and Nash ville, soma of tlio Pacifies. Baltimore and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Heading and Cop per was reported to bo of the ve.iy best character and board room sentiment was nioro cheerful than for tomo days. Tho floslng was very utrong nnd active with juices very generally at tho best. Total pales for the dav, 1.0S3.I.00 Hhares. Honda f-yinpatliized with the liso in slocks, hut only to a slight extent outsldo of tho Wabash debenture lis Total sales, par value, 12.070,000. United States now Is declined i. and the old -Is U per cent, on tho last call. The following quotations nra furnished The Tilbiino by Hnight & Freese Co., 314- m nicuia uunumg. w. u. itunyon, man fS CO 07" 3l'i SIH lit oger. Amal. Copper Am. C. A; F Am. Cotton OH .... Aincrldiii Ico Am, Hi', l'r Am. Ijiirmnotiva .. Am, T.oco.. l'r .... Am, H. & It. Co.... American Sugar ., Atchison ..,,,.,,,,. Atchison Pr .,,,,, Halt. A: Ohio Cnumliin Pacltlc ....12S 130H Oncn.IIIgh.Low.Closo. . WV. 17 . Wk 10i . :ii(i ns . 27-i L-in . W'a W.i . ii II .1101.& 121 ',4 W-ll!. KltZ . ii -.,; my Wi 10'j, 37i -7i DO'S 41 11S 100H ! ii'i z dies, As Ohio l.- cnicago',1 Alton .... 3.1 Chic. A; U. W 25 C M. it St. P 17,",i Coy. Find A'r lion .,. S3 Col. .: Sout hern .... 2S' Col. A; South., 2d Pr. iWi jjeii. At ii. u., rr .... :) ' Detroit Soutlmrn Trio 32rlo, 1st l'r lOrio. 2d l'r . .., llocklntr Vail y . 31inolH Ceuti.il lown gem in I 'I.ouls. & Nasi Manhattan Mot. BMlly Mexican Cimti.il Mo., K. AV Tev , 17" VW '.'i i'l 2il!'s 179U W, MYs 17H 3155 In 4714 vj 12S-1i I) :n 23 173',6 Si! 2S?i 4 90 17'i 334 til w r.i ;iii 17 inH :is 27 MT 41 120V, Kl W 10015 02T5 1J07, n.ui 2.-.S!, 178H 8I?J 30 4IVi UO'A 17( K45i U Ul?i02 l 11311 111 1,V 141 39ii 4011 SOU 401 l .....123U 125 12UI 123H .,,m.i',& iai'j us ,. ,V"! 140 139 ...2'1'i 2. .'ii 24 2.1 w; jio., Iv. A- 'j., 4'r .... t, "X'A Mo. Padua 10751 HOW N. V, Central IS.'?: if5tJ Norfolk & West 1.0U 71i xnvx ml no 131 liou 23il 2liV ftlOM Ont. ft West raclfla Mall Penna. R. It People'n Gas .... Pressed Steel Car heading Rending, 1st Pr SK ..ii loll 10IU , ns r.7; Mi Jleodhig. 2d Pr 7.1U Republic Steel , 13'i Republic Steel, Pr .. 7ui Jtoclt Island 41 Ft. L. & Sun. F 71 H I,. Bo. W 3? Fivithorn Pacific .... r.Wi Fpun.., l. n , 32V, fsonilr-n It. Tt Pr.. 01 tt'enn. Coul Si Iron.., &7?i 30 so 157 m r.9 ft M 731 lVl 7fl, 49 71 65 S3i 92 -n.T Will C9J 9 SO 1M 101 fS 51i K'i 7.P1 19 75 l 71 57 C3h 32 02 6754 151 7l! 80 30 1!.7?4 J02 r,a CO S3 71 13 7i5 73 28 65?( 33V, 82 65vi $ j merry 4fPrt H "TRTl m i -jmmm BROSi Heater H 11 w - i if : - H VIVW W I This make of stove MMsKtiP l 1 W I I J M Wl&MiMsMtffiKW 1 grade to be had. Wo . Mly "' '" ' -m-.,, t-r ''1 9j I have them in vari- frSSMB. IS riS? K 1 ous sizes. We show HJ4riw ir- s- skIII RwSI Sier or WHW s-oiaingEsea Q, efe 1 Prices Start as low Xg!HlS!SaiMBffi8SPi. AVe show ".-. different Rfvlns of JlClll IU KBKSffiSSMSk 1 ns SSw Tolding Bods. One like illus- ,. ... , . , , , rff4H U OO M Tr' N golden oak finished and 0110 inches Kiuaie; a $2.00 value. jH'fSmSkL ,MM- j V.VVJ fep IF ?" vo perfect U- special ThanksgiMng week (wRHBH - ' uii - -naHaBnimm fa rf-a m u --i i -v 1 .. iiii-mj m TauvniTirrAnBi'ii.jucinii'.i' " . i R ULB 3 147 V tltJJlj '-;jk!-rvAiMiljrT-AMMiSlV-,r,!y I 322 LACKAWANNA AVE. "The Store That Saves You Money." tr. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL Ww and Their Profits" mwMsjur A- C-,!!-4.. Send for our booklet. Mailed free, g J M MMf WBHMlr HHBTCJ Tells how to slmro lu tho immense M ,a' H EBP' B QgjPrH I K SI H H k proflts ol those huge combinations. Q ft 0) vJT oJa M. Aw J R-fl B H-lv J Invostinonts of ?2o nnd upwaula i of tho Be V lli. iijb. wiv our Syuaicato operation, I TQWn T0D1CS T- " If lieu, rcbuiwn a. w,t uaiinuia a -- - . - t - (L 00-06 Wall Street, flow Yotic J "b84! wmwmrmini,mi '' inm-imirir naf VjUIti Texas & Pacific .... H i; n 41 Union raclfle my 10:',- linm luJU Union Pacific, Tr ... DH'j W !' til1,- V. S. Leather 12V& IJi 12'i 121! U. S. leather, Pr... .Viu siij s:Ui yiu. U. S. Steel ."iFi ."r Hi.', 37U I'. S. Steel, Pr sn4 Sl ?.:i SI'i Wabash ;;07j .iij, :;os; ni Wabash, l'r in, r 44:i 4i Wostctn t'nion MP; Mi S?'I S9'i Wheel. & L. K SWi 2.V1 25it L.'U Wis. Centlal 2l5i 20 2lr, 211 Total .saler, 1.0S3,.'00 shaics. Money, 4 per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION. WHEAT Open. Hlgn. Low. Closo December 7,V'i 7.".i 71 71", May 7U'i 7G 7 7."i4 CORN- December .iS S'-j W'j W aay iVj n& u 4JU OATS- December ,w; r.l'f, r.(i"'t su MP0RK- -1'4 - 3,T' ' Januaiy i.i.r,n v so is.r, ir r.o May J4J.J lt.53 11.52 14.J2 LARD January o.l." n.U O.ir, n.ir, May i.00 S.UO S.i.O 8 Co KIRS January S02 S112 S.02 S02 May 7.S0 7.M) 7.S0, 7.M) Ni:W YORK COTTON MARKIH1. Open. High. Low. Close. Deeembnr s.'!S s.:r S.2S 2S January ,s.:9 j,.s-, s 27 S27 March S2D R.2.1 S.IS K.10 May i.,21 S.20 fc.19 S.13 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. BId.Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... 60 County Saw Rank & Trhst Co 300 First Nat. Rank (Carbonualo). ... mJ Third Untlonal Bank 530 Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank 300 Kconomy L., II. & P. Co 40 First National Bank 1300 Lack. Trust & Safe Deo. Co . 183 Clark & Snovor Co.. Pr ,:: Scranton Savings Bank soo Traders' National Bank 223 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 12s People's Bank 133 ... Scranton Packing Co 33 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 ... Peoplo's Street Railway, ilrst mortgage, duo 1918 R5 Peoplo's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 115 , Scianton Ttac. Co., fi per cent. 115 Kconomy L., II. Ai P. Co 97 N, Jersey & Pocono Ico Co,.,, ... 97 Consolidated Wntcr Supply Co .,, 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G, Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour-$4.40. nutter Fresh creamery, 2Cc; fresh dairy, 25o. Checso 13al3e. Eggs Neaiby, 30c, j storage, 22c. Mut row Beans Per bushel, 52.83. Onions Per bushel, 7."u90c, Potatoes (j3c. per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, Nov. 21. Flour Quieter, but otlienvlbo unaffected by tho whole de cllnu; Minnesota patents, ? 1.90a 1.15; Min nesota bukers, $3.23u3.40; winter extras, $2.S3a3.10: winter low grades, J2.B3a2.'J0, Wheat Spot easy; No. 3 red. 79c. eleva tor; No. 2 red, 78c, f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, S0c, f. o. b. afloat; wheat market Irregular all day; the closo was easy at a partial Ic. net decllno; May closed 79o.; December SOJJo. Corn Spot steady; No. 2. 63c. elevator and c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 yellow. ft$c; No. 3 white, 6Sc. option market was nctlvo and comparatively well sustained all day. Just at the close, however, it broke un der realizing and left off easy at ac, not decline; January closed Blc.j May, 48o.; July, 47o.; Decomber, G0o. Oats Spot firm: No. 3 .30o.j standard white, 37u37c.; No. 3, 35c; No. 8 white. 38o.; No. 3 white, 38c; track mixed western, nominal; track white, 30a42c; options steady with corn. December closed 36c. Butter Firm; extra creamery, 2Sc,: fac tory. 16al8c.; creamery common to choice, 20a27o.; Imitation cjeamery, 17a21o.j Btato dairy, 20a2Cc; renovated. 17a21o. Checso Firm; new Btute full cream, fancy, small colored, old, 12Vial3c; new, 12c; small white, old. 12al3c; now. 12c; largo colored, old, 13c; now, 12c; large white, old, 13c; new, !2c. Kggi BtCAdy; averasa best, 2Sa2Siic.; icfrlseia- mmwr&iswm&lVHgt0fy POSTAL CARD WILL ORIKQ YOU OUR O00KLET, "T5e Oiae Way" Givlug full particulars how to innko jour money oain a regular monthly iiirnmn wlthnul Ti or lobil. Wo have novcr uaa a dlssatiaiicci ousiomor. vr o mako good incomes out of modest in. tosUiiuuK. LET YOUR MONEY MAKE money, wruontoncoto AMERICAN FINANCE & MORTGAGE CO. 113 Wall Street, Now York. pirfsnfofi'ff9''Wig- lor, 1S.i2Ic; western fancy ntnnded, 20a I7!e.; western, poor to pilme, 21a23c. Chicngo Grain Market. Chicago, No. 21. I.ph activity as manifested In wlieat today and pilces liuil n lower tendency, December closing 'Jc, lower; Deeumluir coin closed lUc lower; January piovlsloim closed from 2iiaiic, lower. Cash uotatlons weio as follows; Flour Steady; No. 2 spilng wheut, ; No. 3, iu7Je.; No. 2 red, 7r.ii78e.; No. 2 coin. WVic; No. 2 yellow, 07c: No. 2 outs, 32aSi!c.; No, 2 white, ; No, 3 white, :ilJii37c; No. 3 rye, 52c; good feeding barley, ; fair to cholco malting, G3aSSu,; No. 1 llnx seed, 91.11; No. 1 northwestern, 51.22; prima tlmothev seed, $J S0.3.83; mess pork por barrel, $l0.80al7; laid, 100 pounds, ; short clear sides, J9.50a0.73. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Nov. 2l.-Cattle-Recelpts 2.roo, Including 450 western; slow; good to pilnui stecrd, J5.73a0.so; poor to medium, $3.50; stockers nnd feeders, $2a4.C0; cows, Jl.lOa 4,00; heifers, Jj-'jlSO; canneis, Jl.40u2.40: bulls, J2a4.50; calves, J1.00a7: Toxan fed steers, JJal; western steets, J3.00a4.7.". Hogs Receipts. 32.000; tomorrok, 15,000: left over, O.ouO; lOalJc. lower; mixed unit butchers, Jj.WailSO: good to cholco heavy. J0.30a0.43; lough heavy. J3.90a0.23: light, J3.93a0 25; light, J5ii3aU.20; bulk of bales, JC10a0.20. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; sheep, slow; lambs, lower; good to cholco wethers, J3.00a4; fair to choice rAtxcd, J2.50a3.00. East Iilberty Stock Market. East Llborty, Nov. 2l.-Cattlo-Steady: cholco, J5aS.20; prime, J5.75a3.90; good, J3.23 a5 60. Hpgs ilowcr; prima heavy, $t!33aG.40; mediums, J0.33a6.40: heavy Yorkeis. JO.'JJ; light Yorkeis, f0.20atj.23j pigs, J0.10ali.20; roughs, JJuU. Sheep-Strong; best wethers, .300a3.73: Minirsp; Company of Denver, Colorado. 50 Cents a Share This is a leglllmato mining cntcrpilse A dlldend paying mh.c, owned In fco hlmpio bv tho company nnd located on Bobtiiil Hill lu tho heart of tho famou.-i Gold Belt of Gilpin county. Colorado. Stock can bo bought on tho monthly pay ment plan. Hiihi'ilhoiH can pay 10 por cent, cash nnd 10 per cent. a. month till tho stock is paid for AGENTS WANTED Tor further Information, call on or ad diebs CHARLES D. SANDERSON, 130 Wyoming Avenue. Scranton, Pa. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2T & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODY,McLELLAN &.CO. BANKERS, No 57 HroaJwny, New York City, MEMDEItS NCW YORK STOCK KXC1IANOE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN culls nnd common, J1.50a2: choice lambs, J3.20a5.SO; vculs culves, 7.00.ib. 60. i Oil Market. Oil City, No. 2l.-Crcdlt balances. J1..19; certificates, no bid: shipments, 12.4W bar icls; iuus, 9S.290 bands; avcruge, 73,030 barrfllM. and Overcoats., I Iks Are "Tip Top" garments in every respect. They are made of good, honest, sub stantial woolens and put to gether by skilled Union Tailors. The goods will never be choicer and the prices will never be lower than they are this week. Suits, $r.5Q to $20. Overcoats, $8.50 to $20 Our stooK of Ties, Gloves, Underwear, Soft and Stiff Hats will bear careful inspection as to Qualities and Price. ichards & Wirth 326 Lackawanna Avenue. -v