t H J vi .J.,l, ' I rfi ' '" '-; j,k WM " & :s$ ftv " A S r ' Hx THE SCRAINTON TRIBUNE- B AT UUDAV, NOVEMBER 22 1902. ID j?-; J-vty (1 " " ."" 1 . RELIGIOUS NEWS Uhion Thanksgiving Services. The union 'rhniiKsBlVliiff day services ot the central city churches will bo held this yeiif In Orutp Uvtingelk'til Iiltth emu chinch, coiner of Mulberry street nnd Prescott tivemip. 'J'lie (ihurchi") uniting In these .ur vlcca ure the Elm Park Methodic Kpls copiil t-hutcli, Itev. C. M. Cllflln, V. pastor; Penn Avenue 13nptlsl eliutrli, Jtev. Ilobctt R V. Pierce, D. )., putor; Girtco llefotnicd Episcopal dun oh, nt present without fi pastor! Calvary Ite foimed church, Jtev. M. fi. I'lror, pus tor, and Grace HvuiiBollcnt J.ullitmiii chinch (Di'iieral Ryiiuri), llev. Luther IKm WnrlUfi:, pastor. The teiiiion will lie pteuclied by ltev. C. M.ntlllii, I). D of the Kim Park church. The smites will begin at 11 o'clock. Tho I'lmnkbRlvlllK neiilee, 11,11 tlol pated In by all the Ijiigllsh speaking Protestant! churches of North Scranton, will bo held In the Tabernacle, Tluiis dny morning at 10 U0 o'clock. Ilu. It. W. Clyjiier will pieach the hoiiiioii. A violin tolo by Piof. AVntlclivliiiu ; piano solo by Mis. Elizabeth Owen Hughes, nnd vocal solo by Miss Mut.v A. Diuli will bo aniong tho musical numbcin on the ptogiainiiie. M Guernsey Hnll Pulpit. Kuuday night, the. Guernsey hall pul pit services promise to be the most In teresting of any yet held. J 11 addition to the wondei fully tnupli lnr service of Knnr- Mis Hnr.i Mm its nrlfMn will rwwl Longfellow's "Sandalphon," which she wui prevented fiom leading, by Mik reg, at the first service. The address will te by Piof. Unci;, of the Scranton Business college, on "I!e llglnn and Business Success." Piof. Buck's woik In fitting young men and yynjig women for a, business cueer, his c Li Ii.fvlt.ible contact with men and women ' v who have made a failure In bu.slii'-ss, hl. intimate knowledge of pi culling business principles and metliuds, tit him lor speaking a specially Intriestiiig nnd Instinctive word on Sunday even ing. A cordial invitation is extended to the genet al public. A SUCCliSSKt'I, CANVASS I Anollier lemaikable nieinbeibhip movement Is on in the It.ilhoad de partmcut of the Young Men's Chilstlan association, and the total is being swelled dally. The field has been only pailLilly coveted as yet, but one I11111 dicd and thhty-two new men have been : 1ceied so far this month. The lino new home of Hie lailioad de pu'tment will be opened with much en thusiasm about Januaiy 1. The rail road employes ot the city lctilijeo that good tilings aie in store lor them, and it is not n dillicult thing to get tiieni to join. They aie also helping liberally with their means townid the const! no tion and furnishing of their new build ing. Religious Notes. llev. Dr. I). S. Bentley has 1 etui lied home from a business tiip to New Al bany, Indiana, und will fill hin pulpit tomorrow at 10 SO a. 111. and 7.4" p. 111. "The Law of Labor a Law of God," will be the topic of Di. McLeod's ser mon tomorrow 11101 ning in the old First chin oil. ft will be in the nature of a Tljinksglvlng dlscoiuse, as he expects to be in western New Yoik on ThanUs ghing day. - The iniiilstcil.il conference of the Baptist ministers will meet next Mon day morning in the Penn Avenue Bap tist elr.iie.li at 10:i0. The Kev. J. L. Williams, of Susquehanna, will lead .1 paper on "The Evidences oL National JJecai-." Tomouow will lie "Teinpeiaiiie ddj" tliiouqhnut the fin Minn woild, and Rev. ltobeit F. Y. Piene, D D, will speak upon that theme al the "Blight Hour" evening service at the Penn Avenue Baptit church, lie will illus trate Uu topic with his pu lined tiuih sketches- Shu me fsjifclully United to thl j s-eilce. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS nv nr.v iioni:nT r. y. riKitcn. n. d. (From Aullmr'a .Notes In 'The Suiidiv Scliool Lctbon Illu-trilor," I'mIiIMhcI li 1. II. l!ccl i Co, Chicago, III. J Lesson Viri World's Tenipeiunce Lif-,01".- Is.t xwlil, 1-7 Golden Text -"Tliey al'o lane rueil thiongh whio." is:, ? ill. 7 ,octiiual Thought Total Abstinence. It J safe to say that moio pooido aie thinking and talking ot Temperance this day than in any 0110 day bcfoio In tho history of tho world, Whoiovor thcio are Sunday bchoola tluoiighoat the wholu world, gospel tumpeinnco Is the tlienio of tho lesson for tho day. Wcj hope and prny that tho united of. forts of Clulstlnn people eveiywheio may lend to a gieat Teiapeianco jelval, so that tho pulpit und the ptc?s nnd polit ical 'agencies may bo 0110 In seeking the destruction of tho demon of shorn; dtlnk. Intemperance Is Incaklngr'the ciown 01' honor; for multitudes of Ihes In eveiy land and clinic. It pamlyzcs ihu aim of industiy; It lobs tho uitlst of Ids mus toi pieces, bteals away the heaveijboin moloilks of tho musician, hushes tho elo nuenpa of tlio oiator, biealts tho nown of manhood and womanhood, tills tho home with soi row ninl the land with wou. Against Intpinpoinnee htands tha cuibe iii, . IT MEANS OSTRACISM Foul Bieath and Disgusting Dls ohavges, Due to Catarrh, Hnke Thousands of People Objects of Aversion. Dr, Agnew's Catnirhnl Powder Relieves Jn 10 Minutes and Cuies. lion. Georga James, of Scranton, p.i., xay: "I luno been a iniutyr to Catarili for twenty yeais, eonstunt hawking and diopplpg In tho tin oat and unlit In the head, very offenslvq bieath. I tiled lr. Agnew's c'atuuliul Powder, The llisl applleutlou guvo liibtuut relief. Alter ilng a few bottles I was cured." Use Dr. Ague's Heart Cure for heart, stomach and nerves. IS IHKcfilicMHHKi'fllflMiSlifll f!7 Vf JXTBttKt J, j&sgtf? ' VySrsOaSgGB 7 j9 1 jK3 1PHWi7 XKJ.,-WW ot peiy cilmc. Not one kind wold or thought tun bo given In Its defense. To siippcnt the Unfile In alcoholic dilnkfi the world must pay Hb billions of money and millions or precious lives. Mole men mo dcsliojcd by inteinpeinhce hi one vear than me slain In battle by tho combined armies of tlio woild In ton mmi.. And yet nations quietly submit to thin mighty foe within UipIi holders. Why, oh why, must we allow nun to bo longer on his tyianl throne! ImMMMm&m 1 have often heaid the little couplet which I lime placed In the seioll as a teinpeiunee pledge. Have It repealed by tho svhohiis nnd 111 go them to sign the pledge. Let us all pun and all who havo pow er, either In public or pilvate lite, give jloe and ervlco and vote to lid the bind of this glgnntlc ell, and pledge heait and band In the holy cause of Tempcianeu for the sake of God and num. Suggestions: luaw lhst a globe and speak of the woild's sol rows because of Intenipeinnce. riuco aiound the globe a beautiful ciown mmked TnMPP.nANCIl, and speak of the blesdngs which would come to nations and to men if Temper ance lelgned tluoughout tho woild. Now chaw tho cross and speak of tho power of which Clnlst and Ills gospel, tho tine agency by which all evil must be cast oat of the woild. Sciauton, Pa. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR NOV. 23 WORLD'S TEMPERANCE LESSON. Isa., xxvlli:l-12. Societal y of Amcilcan Society of Ile llglous Kducation. INTnODffTION.-After thu death of Solomon, thiongh the follv of bis son (t Kings xll.lL'-'), the Jewish people were divided into two parts. Two tilbes ad hered to liehoboam and sought to per petuate llic nionaichy of David, retaining Jentsilom in their capital. The ten noithein tubes rebelled and sot up a gov ernment nt Samaria, with the title ot Is rael. God claimed both nations as his people and eat to them prophets who condemned their sins and called to light pousness. Notwithstanding all fhese gia clotis mhiMiies, the two kingdoms rapid ly declined in all those irtues that make for stability (Prov. xl :2I), falling ulti mately under the powci of neighboring nations. The history is highly iustructhe for all after nations. Today we shall study a small section In which the faith ful seivico of Isaiah Is piesented. Ills words aie pieiJIetlvp and didactic he taught because he foieo.iw. WARNING. (Verses 1 and 2.) nphraim was IK leading tilbe of the northern kingdom, and as such most Influential In all its affalts. Sam.ula, the most beau tiful city In L'phiaim, is called the "frown of Pride." Sltunted In tho mo-t ft i tile allev, called beio "the fat valley," It deihed thence those products which inlnlstcied to comfort and to wealth. Its Inhabitants abused Its pii lieges, enter ed Into iumiiIous living, and became nn toilous diunknrds. It the height of its giiuv, oi.r piophet iales a w.unhig volee. This beauty, like a fading flower, should ) is awav, under the iudgment of the Almlghlv, who had a mighty nation to be n-ed in ehastl-ement. Like a tempest nl hall, like a destioyb'g stoini, like a flood of wnteis (Kzek.. n11I:21, nil Invad ing ariav would come upon Samaria. Re ference 1 hole madf to the Assyrians, who, a lew cais later, enptmeii the city aim eat lied away the people captives. Tn view of these calamities, Tsaiah cilef out, "Woo to the drunkard of nphraim." Di:STniTCTION.(Verspi3anil l.i There N -i sinuige Inliituatioii by whleli tho ungoillv hope to escape tho evil eonsp ciuenees nf their own deeds. They seem ta be Incllu'eient to the nperatlon of the unerring law of rotiibution, partly, be cause the ilulileous sentence ! delaved fKccl,, ill.'.; It was on this account that the lsraelitlsh people- gave so little heed to the warnings .and admonitions of holy men. Isnlnh, theiefote. went beyond the mere pirdletlcm of an Invading aimv, and declaieil the total destruction of the na tion. Iln employed highly ImpressUe woids for that purpose. The city would be "Hodden under feet. Ignobly deso ci.itcd and demolished. It would be "llko summer fiult." which, ripened, Is eagerly helzcct and quickly devalued. Thus Sa m.ula, now boasting In Its wealth and living In animal giatltlcailon, will be tieated with contempt, left desolate, un ablo to recover Itself from the uilns. ADVANl'nMLNT. (Verses fi and fi) The piophet iuit turns his attention to tho kingdom of Judnh, tho two southern tilbes, whom he calls "the residue of tho people." lie promises them God's favors and dechnes they should be under his guidance and protection, when the beauty of Kphralm should bo trodden down nnd eaten up. In that day when Israel Is lnnded by the Assyilans the men of the south might think themselves In dnnger. Hut not so. It was not tho puiposo of tho Almighty to ovei throw both kingdoms nt once ho intended to keep n lenmnut, Upon them be will put due honor anil distinction. For llipm ho will appear In de.fenso and they shall dwell In security. This promise was made because at that time good king llpzcklah uded in Judah, Tho ilcsti notion of tho northern and tho prespivntlon of the southern was but an expression of God's hntied of sin nnd his love of holiness ni ippieented in the life of tho ruleis of tlio two kingdoms. Pi:srniPTION.(Veises 7 nnd S,) The promise matin to Judah might lime led somo to suppose that the southern king, dom was altogether acceptable to God, That was not the i-ase, Though the gen eral tono was superior to that of Inael, seeming the nietey of God, there were yet many vices, These Isulali expose, He complains nf tho corruptions found there. The people nf Judah havo also erred through wine. Theie, uie drunkards at Jerusalem, as theie were In Hamniln. Voluptlous living In each capital const), tilted a seilous offense iigulust the nit? tlon nnd against God. liven the priests who nilnlsteicd nt the holy ultuis und the prophets who were Die teachers of religion weiu out of the way thiotiKh strong di Ink "they err In vision, ami they stumble In Judgment." This horrid custom of di Inlilng Intoxicants had de based many of those whose business It was to lead tho people In the light way. 'I lie di Inking habits had made the tables loathsome. Isaiah s veiy bold in giving these descriptions of practices among hU own people. MOCKURY.-tVerses 0 and 10.) Refer ence is nc:;t made to the efforts to re claim the people from their evil ways nnd the results of these effort)'. This was by tho ono method of teaching. Good and faithful men had Instructed In the law. fjnd would hdvo thoughtful und volun tary followers of that which to good. He would deposit tho truths of religion In tho mind, gain the nffcotlons nnd bring the will into conformity. But this method hud failed. Tho people continued as they were their mistakes wero not reclined, their hearts wero not renewed, their lives wero not reformed. They de spised their tcucheis, nnd even mocked them. Remembering the law concerning tho Instruction of children (Dent., Vli7), lliey" required with contempt If tho pub lic teachers of religion proposed to trpal men as little onei nnd give them lino upon Hue, precept upon precept. The ori ginal of the ninth verse Indicates that It was common to tnke up the very lan guage nf a prophet nnd repeat It after hltn with ridicule. OI!STINACY.-(Verses 11 and 12.) The nation would not hcniken. It obstinately refused tho message of Hie men sent from God, prefeirlng tho Indulgences of the carnal life to the ways of holiness. Tho seeuilty offeiecl against eiiomlo. tho vuy nf peace and Joy portrayed by innny Inspired men. was utterly dlsiegnrded. fjpiisunl delights wpro eagerly sought ns alone desltable. And so, as tho mouth piece of God, the prophet declines that another kind or Instruction should bo Impaited. It would be stammering lips und In another tongue. -Ho lefers to tho lessons which should bo glen by foi elgnors whoso binguuge would not bo understood. When the nation wns car ried Into captivity under the adversities and afflictions to be incted out to them, lesons would be leained to which thus far deaf cms hud been turned. In tho school of oppiPslon they would lecelvp whnt tliev might hne acquired In their own hind wisdom to live lightly and to solve and honor God. PltlVILKGn.fVcrsp VI.) The long-suf-feilng God continues his giaclou.s efforts for men, even though the'v obstinately tin n away from hhn. Howe. or llttlo tho teaching Is legnided, It continues to bo offered, "pteccpt upon precept," repeti tions of Divine truths, day after day and vear after year this Is the pihllcge of all men. whether they will hear or for bear. They who go to ruin can never ac cuse God of neglect. The path of life l made very pUiln, ns thnt no ono need bo ignorant of It, and entreaties to enter It n ro so cordial and constant that thPle Is always a stiong motive that ought to be operative. Rut what makes tho case ex ceedingly Interesting thov who sin under such clicumstnnceii do so against gtcnt light and merit all the moio tho con demnation meted out to them. It wns so with Isiael. It Is so with all men In all blstoiy, Pi l lieges create obligations, nnd these neglected measnie tho punish ment that Is due. rONCLTTSION. This passage may bo propel ly used, as was Intended bv tho In ternational committee, in the Interest of tenipeiunce, In either or both of two wnvs. It may be shown that tho drink habit had led to natlonul (legem acy, causing men to reject the tiutb and ex posing them to all the peills of a foreign war. Or, it mnv be shown that tho drink habit Is only ono of the pi oofs of sen suality, contracted aa a people decline from God, hastening afterward to decay and desti notion, a mark in the down ward movement from lighteousness to sin. In the first case, it becomes tho cause of Innumerable misfortunes, and In the other. It is Hie consequence of a long train of spiritual Ii regularities nnd defect. Rut In cither way ot handling the subject, the cry of Isaiah. "Woe to tho drunkaid," ought to be heeded by men everywhere. "Stiong drink is rag ing, and whoso is deceived thereby is not wise." SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Kim Paik Church-Rev. C. .I. Glflln. D. D, paster. Prayer and pialso meeting at 9 3D a .in.; preaching by the pastor at 10 ?0 it. m.; Sunday school at :.' p. in.; Junior league at S.30 p. ni.; Senior league at C"0 p. in.; pleaching by pastor at 7 iff p. m. Simpson Jletbodlst Kplscopa! church Rev. II. C. McDermoU, D. .. p.mtor. Preaching nt 10 r,0 n. m. and 7,"!0 p. ni. ; morning subject, "Will God Supply All Real Needs." lvciilii? subject, "Per son il Intel lew- with Ills Sitanlc Majes ty." Sunday school al 12 m. ; Junior League at .'! p. ni. Upworth League at fi 10 p. rn. The ppoplo aio coidlally In vited to worship with us. Couit Stieet Methodist Episcopal cliurcli Rev. G. C. Lyman, pastor. Love feast, 1 1,", a. in., followed by baptism, reception of members nnd the Lord's supper; Sunday school, H.4.", a. m . G. R. Clark, superintendent; Kpworth League, G 10 p. m., Helen King, leader; preaching nnd reception of probationers, 7.30 p. ni, Everybody welcome. Seats free. Provldenco Methodist Episcopal ehui eh Rev. George A. Cine, pastor. The Riothprhood of St. Paul meet for piayer at 10 11. m.; pi car king at 1030, sublect, "Some Tilings to Ask Tor"; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Epworth League fit fi. I". topic, "Thanksgiving and Thnnks livlng," Piof. Henry Kemmeiling, leader. Evening seivlco opens nt 7.30 p. m., with fifteen minutes of song, led by Piof J, II. Cousin', assisted bv the church choir nnd orchestra; subject of seiiuoti, "A Grent Necessity." Asbiny Methodist Episcopal church, corner Delawaio street and Monsey nc nue Rev. Charles A. Benjamin pastor. Preaching at 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in., by Evangelist Relkiuip; Brotheihood at ISO 11, m,! Sunday scliool at 2 30 p. m,; Epworth LcaRiie, C.30 p. m. Scats fieo and all nro welcome. Thanksgiving ser vices nt 11 a. m. Thursday, preaching by Rev. Mr. Potter, of the Baptist church. Embury Methodist Episcopal chinch Row James Bcnnlnger, pastor. Preach ing nt 10 30; subject, "Ordained by tho Spirit of God," Class meeting at 11,30; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Epworth lenguo, 0 in, John AV. Colborn, leader. Pleaching at 7.30, subject, l'A Romance of l.ovo' in Tin co Parts." Pait second. "The Pioposal Accepted and tho Jour ney Ilomewaid." St. Paul's chinch, comer Plttston nve 11110 and Pear street P. P. Doty, pastor. Special piayer service by tho Brothci hood and otheis at 10 o'clock. 10.30 a. m. Seimon and evangelistic sei vices by Eangellst Van Goider. Sui'dny scliool at noon; 3.30 p rn Junior Epwoith league; liSO p. ni Epworth leaguo sei vlcoj 7.30, icvlval services, All cordially wclcomo to all tho bci vices ot St. Paul's ehui eh Ash Street Methodist Episcopal chinch Rev J. 11. Austin, pastor. Pleaching nt 10 30 it. m, and 7.30 p m, Class meet ing at 11 SO a m, Clmilcs Ono'i. leader. Sunday school at 2 p, 111,, E, W, Stone, supcilnteudent, Epwoith leaguo at (i-Ti p. ni. Sonlces lu tho Nay Aug Method ist Episcopal chinch at 3 p, 111, A cor dial welcome to nil, Afilcan Methodist Episcopal churLh, Howard place Dr, D, S. Bentley, paH. tor, Preaching at 10.30 a. in., subject, "Ilfe nnd Power in Chilstlan Assem bly"; Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.; preach ing, 7.45 p. nr subject, "Tho Ciy That Wins," A eoidlill welcome to all. BAPTIST, Penn Ave nue Baptist Chinch, Penn ave nue, between Spiueo and Linden stieets, Stiaiigcis always wolcomo, Pleaching morning at 10.30 and evening nt 7.30 by the pastor, Rev. Robert P. Y. Plcice, D. D, Moiulug prneiH In tho lower templet at 9.11. Theme of tho inoinlng soimon, "Pos. slbllltles," Sunday school at home chinch nt 2 o'clock and tit the Amerman mission nt 3 30 p. m. Young People's Society of Chilstlan Endeavor meeting at U30. At tho "Blight Horn" sen Ice theie will bo an Illustrated tempeiauco sermon, fol. lowed by an evangelistic' service. Plrst Baptist church, South Main ave nue Morning serlco at 10 30, sermon by Secretary Adair of the Rallroud Young Men"s Christian association. Evening bervlce at 7.30 o'clock, "A Thanksgiving Hong Service" will bo given by tho choir, assisted by a inn)1, quartette, and ad dresses on "Reasons for Thanksgiving." by Secretary Adnir and Brother E. D. Davis, president Baptist Young People's union; Sunday school m 2 u. in,: Buutlst VmlHc-m UaU ....I-.., ,- -l a, .... . ... tMv a iiiiiuu HUIV1CC nt U.iJV P. in. Tho bond committee will meet nl umiiuji pariors on iuopuay evening. Wed nesday evening, prayer meeting nt 7,tG oclook. All nro wclcomo to theso ser vices. Seats freo. Jackson Street Baptist chinch-Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, D. D Pastor. Mom lug men s prayer meeting nt n., Deacon Villllum Protheioe, leader. Moinlng aer- '""'J nl. V i0,,lc' "Tho "J Lather to Modern Christianity." Sundny school at 2 p. ni., John Lloyd, superin tendent. Lvciilng service tit 7 shaip. Irnlso and song service. This hour will In , .. Cl1 t0 thanksgiving, Tho pastor will deliver a shoit nddresa on "National nnd Individual Reasons for Thanksgiving for lf-02." This service Is for tho people mid oveiybody lecelves n. coidlrtt wel come. Not lb Main Avenue Baptist church Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith, M. O., pns- l?7At 1(W0' "T,m Klml ot Thanksgiving Which Slakes Men Better"; 7.30 p. m., third sermon In a scries on tho Book of Eccleslnnlcs, theme, "Tho Borrows of Skepticism and the Days of Faith." Service lu tho Tabernacle. That sweet nlnger, who never produces a tone harsher than a llutn note Mr. Howe will plnv two ditto solos. Master Tommy Motrls will sing. At 2 p. m.. Snbbatii school; 0.30 p. m Chrlstlun Endeavor. Oiecn Rldgo Baptist chinch-Henry Sterling Potter, pastor. Preaching by tho pastor, Rev. Upiiiv Steillng Potter, at both services. Subjects, moinlng, "Tho Best Thing In tho Best Place for mo Best Puiposo." evening, "On the Wrong Road," one of tho seiles to tho voting Junior U. V. I'. P. nt 3 30 11. ni.: Senior B. Y. P. I' nt C30 p. m.; Sunday school at tho close of the morning service. Shlloh Baptist chuicli, corner Mulbciry stieet nnd Adams avenue Rnv. J. B. Boddlc, pastor. Pleaching at 11 a. m bv tho pastor; sublect. "Tho Small Things." Sutidnv school, 12.30 p. m., R. S. Glm berlake, superintendent; iS p. 111., preach ing, sublect, "God Will Dcllcr Ills Chil dren," Aie aio respectfully Invited to attend all our services. Preaching on Thanksgiving day at 11 a. ni. and 7 p. m. PBESBYTEBIAN. Plrst Presbylcrlati church Dr. McLeod will pi each. Morning service nt 10 30, subject, "Tho Law of Labor a ,Law of God."; evening service. 7.30, Strangers welcome. No service on Wednesday evening, ns It will be a tlmo for family tciinlon. Tho Plrst church will unlle with tho Second on Thanksgiving Dav. The Second Presbytcilnn church, Jef ferson avenue, between Mulberry nnd Vino utrcpt Joseph II. Odell. pastor. Moinlng worship, 10 30 a. 111.; Sunday scliool, 12 m ; Young People's Society of Chilstlan Endemor, 0 30 p. 111.: evening w or!hlp, 7 30 p. m, subject, "The Trag edy of Success." Rev. Joseph II. Odell will pieach nt both services. Green Rldgo Presbyterian church Rev. Isaac Lansing, pastor. Morning service at 10 30; evening seilce at 7.30, Bible school at 12 o'clock and C'hilitlnir En deaor meeting at 0 30 p. rn. Rev. AV. 1. Steans, D. D , will preach In tha morning and tho pastor In the evening. Providence Presbvteilan chinch Tho pnstor, Rev. Dr. Guild, will occupy tho pulpit .at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Sun day school and special Harvest Home exercises at 12 o'clock; Endeavor society meeting nt C "3 o'clock; at 7.30 o'clock, tho service will be Thanksgiving, Bible reading and pialso service. Washburn Stieet Ptoslntcilin chuicli Rev. John P. Moftat, D. D., pnstor. Ser lees at 10 30 a. m. and ' "n " m. Bible school at 12 m. Chilstlan Endeavor Juni or s nt 3 30 p ni. Cluistian Endeavor loupg People at (120 p. m. Piayer meet ing Wednesday, 7.30 p. ni. The coming Sundny will bo the seventh annlveisaiy of the piesent pastoiato. Theie will be special piogrammes 1110111 and evening. In the evening a piogiammc of especial ly fine music will be given under tho di rection of Thomas Glppel, chorister, and Geoigo Wnteis. jr. dheetor of the 01 chestia. The setmons of tho dav will be of an annleis.iry natuie. All wel come. Adams Avenue chapel. New Yoik street The Rev. James Hughes will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. ni.; sub jects, "What a Spectacle Christian Na tions Waning for War with Each Other" und 'The Subtle Poison of Sycophancy nnd Platteiy Condemned by ClnNtlan ttv." Sunday school nt 3 o'clock; Chris tian Emleaor society at 0 30 p. in. Men's piayer meotintr at U.t'i in the morning. Come witii us nnd we will do you good. Capouse Chapel (Pi esbytei Ian) Pastor, Rev. L. R. Foster. Sunday school. 3 p. 111.; Junior Chilstlan Endeavor, 4 p. m.; Senior Chilstinn Endeavor, G30 p. 111. and pmer meeting. 7 30 Thuisday evening. Pi cach ing 10 30 nnd 7.30 by Rev. Dr. W. I. Stems, of Danville. Pa. EPISCOPAL. Saint Lrlke's palish. Rev. Rogeis Is rael, D, D, lector; Rev. Edward John Houghton, spiilnr cuiatp; Rev. Robert En ell Rop, junior curate. Sunday next beloio Advent. Saint Luke's chinch 7.30 a. in., holy communion; 10 "0 a. m., moinlng prajer and i-cinion; 7.30 p. rn., evening prayer and seimon; 9 1 j a. in., Sunday school nnd Bible classes. Saint Maik's, Dunmore S a. in , holy communion; 10.30 a. m morning piayer and seimon; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer and seimon; 0 30 a. m., Sunday scliool and Blblo classes. East End mission, Piescott avenue 3 p. in., Sunday school und Blblo classes; 7.'0 p. m evening prnypr and sermon. South Side mission, Pig stieet 2.30 p. 111., Sunday school nnd Bible clusses, Saint George's, Olyphnnt 2 30 p. m,, Sunday school nnd Blblo classes; 3,30 p. m evening pinyer and sermon. Saint James, Nicholson 10 30 n. 111., morning praer and soimon; 9,13 a. m., Sunday school, BEFORMED EPISCOPAL. Gioco Chinch, Wyoming riveniio, below Mulberry street Pinyer and pralso ser vice at 9 30 a. 111.; divine woishlp nt 10 '!0 a. m and 7.30 p. ni. Rev. Geoigo W. Huntington, of Biooklju. N. Y will pieach nt both services. Subject, moin lng. "Synodlcnl Missions"; evening, "Tlio Dlstlncttvo Mlssjon of tho Rofouned Epis copal Chinch." At tho morning sen lea the LouVh supper will bo administer eel. Sunday school ot 2t m,; Young Peoplo's Society ot Chilstlan Endoaor at 30 p. in,; pinyer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.11 o'clock; seats free, everybody wol come. Inancli Church, Hoso House, Tilpp PaikSei vices nt 10.30 11, rn, and 7.30 p. in. Hcniy Cnidow will preach ut both set vices. Sunday school at U m EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Evangelical Lutheran Twcnty-sKth Sunday after Trinity. Gospel, Matthow, .xv, 111-IS: epistle, II Peter, 111, 3-11. St. Mink's, Washburn street Rev. A L, Rumer. Ph. D , pastor. Services 10.'!0 a. in nnd 7 30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m,; Luther leaguo, ti p. m; catehotlcnl Instruction, Filday, 7 p. in. Morning sub. Jett, "Tho List Judgment;" overling sub ject, "The Holy City," Memorial for those who havo fallen tiBlecp dining tho eor. Chi 1st chinch, Cedar avenue and Blich stieet Rov, James Wltko, pastor. Ser vices, 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p, m Sunday school, 2 p. m, St, Peter's, Prescott avenue Rev John Randolph, pastor. Serces at 10 30 a, m, Sunday school, 2 p. 111. Wednesday oven lug sei vices, 7,n. Catechetical insti no tion, Wednesday and Saturday. Emanuel Gcimun-l'ollali Luthcian chinch Rev. Fcidlunnd Sattelmeier, pas. toi, Seivices.. Jn tho Polish language, 10 30 a. in. Sunday school, 2 p. in. EvungPllcal Lutheran Chinch of the Holy TrhiUy, coiner Adams uvemm and Mulbeny street, Rov. E. P. Rltler, A, M.. pastor. Services at 10.30 11, in. mid 7.30 p. m. Morning subject, "Tho Gieat Separation"; evening subject, "AH Things Naked and Opened in Ills Sight." Sunday school 12 m.; Luther Lengue, U.45 p. m. Graco Evangelical Lutheuiii chuicli (general synod), corner of Mulbeny street nnd Prescott avenue Rey. Luther Hess Waring, pastor. At 9 3u a. 11:., Sunday school; 10.30 11. in., Dhluu win- Vou jun No Risk- When you purchase clothing for your self or your sons at our store. In the first place, we know how every gar ment is made and the material that enters into it then we guarantee its wear and fit ; consequently the. risk is am uuj.t anu yuu Clothing Perfection The "J. J. C." advanced methods of tailoring ready-to-frear garments, have brought this clothing to a degree of perfection heretofore unattainable. Men who are exacting in the mat ter of dress whether their pocketbooks be fat or lean, can find preferred styles at this store, and we positively have the largest and most comprehensive assortment of winter clothing for yourself boys ever presented in this part of the country. Men's Sack Suits, made from rich est Cheviots, Cassimeres and Worsteds; correct styles for the season and perfect in fit: worth $15.00. Our price ir. s oacic tuts, made Thibets, Unfinished Worsteds and Black Worsteds; Worth $18 Our price Men's Overcoats, belted handsome variety of fabrics, worth $20.00. Our price .... SPECIAL-Wool John J.Ooi Oriirinator and 316 Lackawanna bliip wlllr tornrou: 7 i, ni Younn: I'co lilo's Houlcty ut CiiilatLin Kiuleuvor; 7.C0 p. in,, evening nurvlco with sermon. Uvoiylioily welcome. 'Mm UviinRCllrat I.utlieian iliuteli, iJ'l Mllllll nvenno Itov A O, (iulleiiliiimp, p.iatnr Jlemoilul duy of the dcid. Jloinliig Ml lee, 10 30 a. in ; subject, "Tlie. Qiaves nf Our Huloved Ones " AC er tlio uernion tlw names r,f all Ihoso wlio illeil s-Iiicq Nov. 20, I'joi, will bo rend, Hiuuluy Hi'liool. 'i p in. (liilstnus iio Ki.immo In ueKiiatlon. Satmclay nelinol, eliuicli basement, every B.ituuljy, i tn 1J. I'.i.rlluli ,.rtit,lm- um t'lni 7.!tn 11. 1,1. Hull. Jcrt, "Cnmo Unto Mo All Vo That Labor . ,' ... ,. ... I ...,,... I, u....... .. aiUl .AIO IIPUVJ 1.4IIIUM flVHICl IVV. Come. misolianeous. All Souls' rnlvciMilUt chuifli, I'lno fUreet, bolweeii AilauiH mill JuflVrt-on avenue Ituv. Thomu II. Tayne. p.itor. niine seivlee, with berinun. at 1Q u.' in ; subject, "Tlio Outlook for Tempeiuneu." SurrIay bcliool nt 13 rn. Seats free. StraiiKera coidlally welcomeil. livening sen lee nl (Juenifcey hall. Hl BBBlUltS 0 BBS m3 pi ...GHOBGE... M ncivc iiuiie. v - $12.50 trom rJlaclc $15,00 $7.50. Our last or plain; a fl4P tfl umUiuU Half Hose for Exclusive Dealer in "J. Avenue, falvaiy Itefoimeil. elitueli, Slonioo nvuiuiQ anil Cllbson Wtieol-Hov. .Minion Iv. Fllor, jurbtor. Henleei at 10 SO a. in. and 7.M p. ni.; Sunday scliool, U..JU a, in ; Christum Uuiiemur, 7 p. m. Frlduj at 7.l"i p. m catechlbin find pinjer meet Iiik and piepaiutlon for Christmas boi vlees. I'Umoiith CcinsiMjutlmiul (hiiKh-T. A. lluinp)lie, pabtor. I'leachliiK ill 1) a. Ill, and 7 p. in Subject of tlio inoinln-r t-einion, "Tho Nat mo of tho Cliuieh of flu 1st." beliiu tho llibt In tho eilen on "Tlio Chuicli " Tho i'enliiK Keimou will bo on "Tempcinuet." Sunday bchool at U in, and at Sheiinun Avtnuo at ".'.13 p. in, Senior Kude.ior woileti at ti p in. Junior ,UudeaNor society it 1 p m. .Mon day Jlon'H leiiuiio at 8'JD I'iaer meot intr nt 7 l" P m. Thin bday TenUieib' meeting at S I', p. ni. Thius'lay. Plrst I'liuiih of Olirlbt (Seleiltlbt), 013 Adams avenue Sunday sei vices at loai a. in. and 7.&J p. in. Subject, "Ancient and Modern Necroinani-y, or Mesmciltun and Iljpnotlsm " Testlmonl il meeting, Wednesday at S p. rn. TlmnltugiMiiB borlcu at 10.10 a. in. Thursday. Zlon Unlled llvungellcnl Chuicli. IU0 ,.. e,tw c ' rj- 1 4 w fftUMftsTvffilBF'JjIIIIIIHflrM - wmummmmmi - ... yj s,i a tt -.Haiti n lo rr.T and WMmlMIwii Boys' Suits and Overcoats,' made from thoroughly dependable fabrics, re inforced at every point necessary; sizes, 7 to 16 years. A special selec- fli flfj tion, worth $5, 50. Our price... tpiiUU Special for the little fellows a large number of Sailor Blouse Suits, the majority beautifully trimmed; worth price, while they $5.00 ' Hats and Caps in correct shapes at prices that will mean a saving of from 25c to $2.00 ou each purchase. Men . . 2 pair for 25c I&PI3 J. C." Clothing. SCRANTON, PA. J Capoiibo avenue ltov J W Jlcsslncor, pasim I'leachlng, WV) .1. in, and 7o ji. in, IU'lal services will continue r.ich ovenlug ne.t week Sunday school,. 0 V) a in . Junior league, f'hilstiin l'tileiioi, 4 p m ; ICeystouo leaguo, Christian I'.n dravoi, UuO p, in. All seats mo ftuo. V, etjbody w'elconio Clospel hull, r,0 J((luvaniiiii nenue Sunda bdiool, U'.p p. ui. Mr. Alrlcli will pi cavil at 7.!W p. in and couduot a lillilu class ut 7. 1J p. in Monday for study of tho lesson mid tho Hook of lu m.Uii. All aio welcome. Kellcuio WcNIi t'.ilvliilstln Methodist chinch llrv William 1) ivies, pastor. Si'i.iei dililpy: the WitK as follow h, Ungllbh seimon for chtldieii tomouow at 10 a. m , (lass meeting. II SO u. m.i'Sun duy Mlioul, a p in , Welsh seimon, U p. in, l'mjci' meeting Moudu) ovoiilng tit 7,d)i Cluistian llndeinor lnaullng (Imsi. ncss meet). Tuesday ovenlug a J 7.30; Mrs D.ivles' lllblo cl.ib Wi'lnesday cvonlni; ut 7.S0; class meeting Titusd.ay ovonlng at 7.30; lneetlng of Ilibllcil nnd I.lterniy boclety 1'ilday eNoning at 7; meotliii; of Junior Sowing class Sitillduy afteiuooit at .'. l 'ij ?