pHPWPiiiiiwnfssraiBSBWS j S'tfijnii''-AX .Vt-'- 5A-f ifw t ,nisi'R - i "' ' t 'r''r,rt- '; nr,v r - t ' ---$ -,.. - fi"-"vtlv r-r - j p - - --,.... . ... . -.-,, , - . ws. ,i,,.rT ., , , , ri. . f caution THE ONLY SCR ANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN TIIEJVORLD. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1902. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES Clr WINDED FOR Controversy Between Miners and Operators Likely to BTaken Out of Commission's Hds. NOW NEGOTIATING FOR Miners Are Offered a Ten Per Cent. Advance, Nine Hour Day and Yearly Contracts Between Each Company and Its Employes Must Guarantee Cessation of Strikes and Molestation of Non-Union Men. It is not only possible but very probable that tiie Anthracite Strike commission has held its last session for the taking of testi mony. Negotiations for the settlement of the matters in dispute be tween the operators and miners, by agreement, arc now on. The miners have been offered a ten per cent, advance in wages, a nine hour day, yearly contracts between each company and its own employes, and. conferences yearly between company officials and a committee of employes to adjust grievances. .The miners' demands substantially were : First Twenty per cent, increase in wages. Second Eight hour day. Third Weighing of coal, where practicable. Fourth Recognition of (he union. The. operators' offer the following: First Ten per cent, increase in wages. Second Nine hour day. Third Contracts between each company and its own employes. Fourth Conferences for adjustment of grievances. The miners, agree to negotiate on this basis, with the under standing that the weighing of coal is an open question. They will w'jfiivc the demand for recognition of the union, but .will .stand out for a fifteen per cent, increase in wages. In return the operators will demand that duly accredited repre sentatives of all the miners shall give some guarantee of a cessation of petty strikes and that non-union men shall not be molested. The commission adjourned, yesterday at noon, for the ostensi ble purpose of giving the opposing parties time to agree on what facts they can agree are not in dispute, thereby saving the commis sion time and labor, but the real purpose was to give the parties op portunity to come together and eliminate every matter in dispute and leave the commission with nothing to do but make recommen dations for the avoidance of future controversy. On Wednesday, Hon. Wayne Mac Ycagh went to New York and Philadelphia. lie returned Thursday. That night, he, Chair man E. B. Thomas, of the Erie board of directors, and Clarence S. Darrow, leading counsel for the miners' side, had a conference at Hotel Jcrniyn, which lasted until midnight. Mr. Mac Vcagh went to New York again yesterday and it was thought would return last night. He (lid not come however. Just prior to the noon recess hour, yesterday, Mr. Darrow ad dressed the commission and making an admission that the miners had only fragmentary evidence to offer as to the matter of wages, suggested that an adjournment be had to. give opportunity to the accountants of both sides to work on the companies' statistics with a view of agreeing on what facts would not be disputed and saving thereby, a great amount of labor and time. The commission was expecting the motion. Chairman Gray had before him some typewritten manuscript and from this he read as follows : "Having said so much and acceding to the suggestion made by you that this time be taken for the preparation of the documentary evidence and for a possible agreement as to facts and figures which would forward the work of the commission, the commission desire to express the hope that an effort will be made bv the parties to come to an agreement upon nearly all, if hot all, the matters now in controversy, as well as upon these- documentary facts and fig ures, and that they will adopt the suggestion heretofore made by the commission to counsel on both sides that we would aid them in such effort by our conciliatory offices. It seems to us that many of the. conditions complained of, and which have been the subject of our careful study and examination, might be better remedied by the parties to the controversy approaching the subject in a proper spirit, and with the purpose of fairly adjusting them. We hope, therefore, gentlemen, that the interval of tiiucthat is now proposed may be availed of with this end in view. Of course, in Use mean time we shall proceed with the work before us as wc have bceuu it," Attorney John T. Lcnahan, who with Joseph O'Brien represents the non union men, opposed adjourning till tomorrow, as he wished to cross-examine Rev, Dr. Roberts, who was then in the witness box. Judge Gray consulted with the other commissioners for a moment and then announced that an afternoon session would be held to permit of this cross-examination, As the commissioners were rising, attorneys for the big companies hurried to Mr. Lcna han's side and talked with him in low tones. Mr. Lenahan disap peared into the commissioners' consulting roorii, and, a few mo ments later, Colpuel Mosely, the assistant recorder, returned and asked the attorneys to wait to hear something Judge Gray had to communicate. Judge Gray followed closely and announced that Mr. Lenahan being content to postpone his cross-examination of Dr, Roberts until this morning, the commission would not meet in the afternoon. Yesterday afternoon and last night representatives of the par ties in interest were in conference relative to the settlement of the strike disputes. This morning the commission will be asked to ad journ the sessions until Dec. ". When the 'commission re-assembles it is as good as certain that an amicable adjustment will have been reached. THE CAUSE OF IT. One of the primal factors In bringing about the negotiations for amicable ad justment was t! inability of the AMICABLE ADJUS1MT miners to produce acceptable testimony on the question of -wages, and tlio de sire of the companies to bo saved the necessity of presenting what they have tn offer on this subject, SETTLEMENT If forced lojjiolt, the companies pro posed to put In evidence a. grout ninss of figures showing what they pay In wages: what they secure In profits, and how It Is unwarranted that the com mission should compel them to grunt anything like the miners are demand ing. It Is not but that they are satisfied the commission and the public would have to admit from a study of these llgurcs that the miners' demands are exorbitant, but that they may avoid the dlstastt-ful and laborious task of parad ing these matters, that the operators came to the point of entering upon these negotiations. On the miners' side the attorneys were confronted with the alternative of accepting the operators' compilations as the evidence on which the commis sioners should base their findings as to wages, or of resting this feature of the case on sueli fragmentary testimony as would be adducable from the compara tively few mine workers say even a hundred the commission could In rea son be asked to listen to, or such fig ures as might be compiled from the "due bills" they were able to gather, which, It now develops, were of little use to them because few miners were found who had preserved them con secutively for any considerable period. In other words, the miners' lawyers realized that for every individual case they might present of a miner having little or even nothing coming to them at the end of a month, the companies would produce another case of another miner making more than a hundred dollars a month. Source of Figures. While on the stand yesterday, Rev. Dr. Roberts testified that his figures as to miners' earnings were derived from averaging about five hundred "due bills" gathered from all portions of the region. Judge Gray practically told him the commission would find little to aid it from that sort of'statlstics. These are only the main motives prompting the negotiations for ettle menl. Various other matters entered into the situation, which at a time like this it is unnecessary to enumerate. Suffice it to say in. a. summing up that both sides are anxious for a settlement outside of the commission and that each is in a position to ask that the other shall not consider itself licensed to dictate terms. It wns when the examination of the miners' medical experts and the re direct examination of Rev. Dr. Roberts had been concluded at 12.15 p, m., that the continuance for settlement propo sition was advanced. The discussion was as follows: Sir. Darrow: Mr, Chairman, wc havo been at considerable disadvantage and had considerable difficulty In Retting the exact dates and exact figures which I know this commission wants. Of course, you gentlemen can realize it largely. I must say that when I canio down to this region T supposed It would be an easier matter to find out the exact amounts paid for wages in these Indus tries; but enough has developed here to show that there are scarcely two mines where the wages are the same, and per haps In each mine there are dlfforent wags paid. So, to get at the exact proof Is very difficult. On our side, nil wo have Is to got the due bills of the miners, running over a series of years. Those, are very Imperfectly preserved; we can only get them fragmentary, and when wo get them we are not certain that thy give exact figures; that is, somo months may be smaller and some larger, and they may be sorted. The only exact Information we can get U from the companies' books. Each one of theso companies had said to us hero In open court that it will givo us all its figures, and I know that they have large num bors of men at work on them, und that they are not yet ready. I think it would expedite the work of this commission If we, examine thoBe figures, or our experts examine them, privately, and see how far wo can agree with them ns to the exact facts, and it would requlro a little time for that purpose. Wo are working here, day after day, and it Is very hard to do It, and It Is not conducive to any good to put In secondary facts that are mom or less uncertain, when we can get at the exact facts. So, I thlnl: it would be. wise to havo a llttlo tlmo granted to go over their books and see how far wa can agree t think we can agree and eliminate a large number of questions which Is taking up tlmo. We would llko an adjournment for somo little time for that purpose. Chairman's Suggestion. The Chalrmnn: Mr. D.irr.ow, the com mission would bo glad to co-operate with you to bring about the accomplishment of that end. While thn testimony. In It self, bus been very Interesting, and I wlU not suy it lias not been of value to the commission, still It has not yet borne practically upon the points at lssuo be. tweeu the parties to this controversy, nnd the commission desire, to assist In any project such as you havo outlined that will shorten the labor of Investiga tion; that Is, shorten It, not so much for our comfort as for the opportunity that It will give us to clearly get at the facts without embarrassment of needless detail, It wns suggested at "Washington at the first hearing, whon counsel were present, that this should be done and that the counsel on both sides would co operate to that end in order that data that were indisputable might be put be fore us and all contests about them eliminated, and If any contest at all should remain It would bo confined to thoso matters about which you could not agree, If such there should prove to be, I have not had an opportunity of con suiting with the commission as to thn time wo should give for this, nor do I know that you huve suggested uuy par ticular tlmo; but wo will co-operate with you to that end, and wo -will adjourn un til tomorrow, so that wo may know cer tulnly tomorrow what time will bo re quired. Mr. Darrow: We can ascertain more definitely about that by tomorrow morn Int.'. Tho Chairman: By that time wo can form a more definite idea, by discussion, und so on, of the time that will be re quired, wo do not want to waste any time, of course, but we wish to give Hiifllclent tlmo for the Investigation of theso figures, which, after all, is the im portant matter, Mr. Darrow, To bo sure: The Chairman: Having said so much. and acceding to the suggestion made by you that this time be taken for tlio pre paration of tho documentary evidence, and for a possible agreement as to facts and figures which would forward the work of tho commission, tho commission desire to express the liopo that an effort will bo madu by the parties to come to an agreement upon nearly all, if not all, tho matters now In controversy, as well ns upon these documentary facts and figures, and that they will adopt tho suggestion heretofore mado by tlio com mission to counsel on both Miles, that wo would aid them In such effort by our conciliatory ofllccs, 11 seems to us, that many of the conditions complained of, and which havo been the subject of our careful study nnd examination, might bo better remedied by the parties to the controversy approaching tho subject in a proper spirit, and with tho purpose of fnlvly adjusting them, Wo hope, there fore, gentlemen, that tho interval of time that U now proposed may bo availed of witii this end In view. Of course, in the meantime, we shall proceed with the work before us as wc have begun It, Had It in Mind. Mr. Darrow: I would llko to say for myself, frankly, that that matter has been running In my mind for tho last few days. It Is a very serious undertak ing tor this commission to useertnln tho exact wage paid to each mine operated throughout this region, nnd, as wu met here day after day, and sot better ac quainted, and with 'a. fair feeling towards caeh other, it seems to mo there ought to bo hope of our accomplishing this, with the aid of this commission. I tin not suppose It would be very wise to do It without Its aid. It Is certainly very much better for everybody interested in the country in general, and, so far a wo are concerned, we will do everything wo can between now and the next session. The Chairman: I will only say now that the commission will be very glad to aid In obtaining any such result. Mr. Warren: I do not understand that Mr. Darrow mado any suggestion as to time? The Chairman: No, he did not. Mr. Warren: May I be permitted, speaking for the Pennsylvania Coal com pany and the Hillside Coal and Iron company to say that we find It exceed ingly difficult to gather the fact. We' havo had thirty or forty men at work for two weeks at nothing else, so as to be able to do that which the commission suggested at Washington we do, and that which we are desirous ourselves of doing, and that Is, to submit to the commission and counsel on the other wise tho result of our Investigation fairly and complete ly. I would like to suggest that if the other companies are in anything like tho situation we are in we are doing every thing wo can to speed tho getting to gether of the facts and figures we ought to havo at least a week, If not ten clays. Mr. Brownell nnd myself havo been at work an this nights, without our auditor and a corps of men he has with him, nnd It seems to be an almost Intcrnilnublo Job. I do not believe there 13 a member of the commission who has any ''appre ciation of what It means considering the fact that we have twenty or thirty col lieries with every conceivable kind of labor, thirty kinds of labor and thirty dlffercnt sorts of computations to get at these figures. You say you are desirous of speeding tho matter, and of courso we aro too, but I want to ask you In the name of these companies to be rea sonable enough to give us this time, at least a week anyway, and we bollevo that at tho end of that time wo can sub mit tho result, of .the. examination of our statistician and givo figures that -will throw light on the subject, and then wo can proceed with actual facta and not theories. Better to Adjourn. ' The Chairman: T said in reply to Mr. Darrow's suggestion that as the commis sion had not considered the matter of how much tlmo might bo necessary, and I could not decide it for them without consultation, that It would be better, perhaps, to adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the usual time and we will be In a better condition then, a bettor situation perhaps, to discuss the matter of time. Wo are disposed, T think T can say for all tho commission, to give you a,ll the time that Is necessary for this Important work. Mr. Warren: I got the Impression that you Intended to adjourn until tomorrow, and that upon meeting tomorrow morn ing you would fix the time, and I wanted tho commission to have somo idea of how wo are situated. Tlio Chairman: We will not fix It with out suggestions, from counsel on both sides. Will you have any other wit nesses. Mr. Darrow? Mr. Darrow: I would-prefer to uso this afternoon for the matter spoken of and not have any session this afternoon. Tho Chairman: And you suggest that we adjourn now until tomorrow morning? Mr. Darrow: Yes. sir, until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. John T. Lenahan: I desire to ask Doctor Roberts somo questions. Tho Chairman: Wo can adjourn then until 2 o'clock. Wo will then stand ad .lournad until 2 o'clock. jr The Chairman (after a conference with several gentlemen): Since the announce ment that wo would take a recess Mr. I.enuhan ha? said that ho profers not to go on tills afternoon and therefore we will adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Without any preliminary the pro ceedings of the morning opened with the resumption of tlio direct examin ation of Dr. Richard II. Gibbons, of this city, by Attorney James Lenahan, of counsel for the miners. The doctor described In dotail tho dis eases peculiar to mine workers, the causes thereof and the effect gener ally on tho sufferer. An adult who in childhood suffered from any bron chial trouble, tlio doctor said, Is pre disposed to such an extent to minors' asthma that ho should not be allowed to work In the mines. Neglect of diet, exposure to cold and dampness, strained positions, great muscular effort, sudden changes of tem perature, he said, bring on neuralgia and various forms of rheumatism. Among the Interested listeners there was a mild titter ns the witness men tioned "gout" as one of the diseases to Which' miners are subject. Not Able to Pay. After bringing out from Dr, Gibbons that ho has made a special study of surgery for thirty yearn and that lie hus attended many cuses of Injury by burns, blasts, falls, und the like, had him tell of the frequency and serious ness of these hurts. The doctor said he never expected to get any pay from the average miner, not because the miner was not always willing to pay, but because, in the doctor's opinion, the miner Is not able to pay, The mine ambulance was severely arraigned by Dr, Gibbons, They are crude, cold and unsanitary, the doctor declared. The fact that they are housed generally in the mine stabjes is, In It self, enough to condemn it. The doctor, Immediately recommend ed that miners should be schooled in "First Aid to tho Injured." About twenty years ago, lie said, he undertook to inaugurate a movement for such ed ucation, but received no encouragement. "My medical brethren," said the doc tor, "were those who discouraged mo most." Speaking of the character of fractures from mine accidents, tho witness said, that Dr. Agnew.onco told him the worst fractures ho ever saw came from the nnthrnclle coal regions. When Mr. Torrc.v took the witness In hand for cross-examination, lie uskuil "Doctor, did you ever write a book?" It was tho biggest hit of the hearings. No one laughed with more heartiness than the commissioners, The doctor said ho had never written a book, although he had written many articles on surgical matters. Mr. Tor rey picked up a pamphlet and began turning over Its pages slowly. Every body was expectant of a possible rep etition of the Incident of the day be fore In which Dr. Roberts and his book were the princlpnl features. It devel oped, however, thnt Mr. Torrey was "Just joking." On cross-examination Mr. Torrey brought out that the Green Ridge Coal company's ambulance Is being used by the Lackawanna hospital, temporarily, while the hospital ambulance Is being repaired; that within a year emer gency hospitals have been established by law at all the mines, which arc pro vided with everything required for temporarily treating accident cases, and that the Delaware and Hudson and other companies send doctors about to their mines to educate the bosses and others in "First Aid to the Injured," Dr. Gibbons, before leaving the stand, took another fall out of the mine am bulance, declaring it to tie a veritable bunch of infection. It Ages a Kan. Dr. Eugene J. Butler, of Wllkes-Bnrre, physician ofthe Central Poor district, of Luzerne, was examined by Attorney John Shea, of counsel for the miners. He testified along substantially the same lino as the preceding doctors and in addition told that a miner of fifty years looks as if he was sixty-five or seventy years of age. He also told of having secured a job for four old miners on a farm in Lehman township and of the former discharging them be cause "they had no lungs and .while they were might good eaters they were very pqor workers." Bishop Spalding asked the witness how long the old miners last after they give up mine work, and go back to the breaker. "Not very long," replied the witness. A. II. McClintock, attorney for the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barrc company cross-examined Dr. Butler. Among the things Mr. McClintock developed was the fact that Dr. Butler himself worked in the mines from the time ho was ten years of age until nineteen. Dr. But ler is a fine, big, healthy looking man. Judge Gray remarked, "You are a pret ty healthy looking ex-miner." The re-direct examination of Dr. Roberts was then taken up. A buzz, followed by a deep hush accompanied the witness as'he passed.' from the min ers' table to the witness box. Picking up Dr. Roberts' now noted book, Mr. Darrow remarked: "I want to read a few tilings the gentleman of the other side evidently overlooked." He then began to read culllngs from the book in which the doctor expressed opinions or stated facts. , In these excepts it was set forth that intelligent co-operation for self-help by tlio miners Is desirable; that wages have been steadily reduced for twenty years by the reduction or total cutting off of allowances for extra work, and like incidentals; that collective bar gaining is expedient, and desirable; that recognition of the United Mine Workers Is only prevented by preju dice and pride on the part of the oper ators; that operators are unreasonably hostile to the union, and that the coal operator millionaires aro accountable for setting a bad example to the people by their lack of unselfishness in the use of their wealth. Would Not Give Names. On cross-examination by Mr. Wlllcox, the witness declined to give the names of any selfish millionaire coal operators he had in mind when he wrote the boo!:, or to tell of any Instance where allowances were cut oft as he described. To a question by Mr. Ross, the wit ness said lie believed a coal syndicate would be a good thing for the miners. In response to some general questions, Dr. Roberts said a great industrial war like the strike is naturally attended with Intemperate words and violence. Collective bargaining and conciliatory boards, ho said, would prevent strikes. Annual wages for the last year, tho witness declared, was not sulllcient to maintain an American standard of liv ing. The poor boards of the anthracite districts, he went on to say, report that It costs $01 per capita to maintain the poor. This would bo about $l7!i a year for a family of five. The doctor would place the poverty lino for those outside the poor houses at $100 above tills fig ure. He further declared that the best Information wns to the effect that it costs a family of flvo In the coal regions $G53,22 a year to live, not counting on anything outside of necessities. From figures obtained by collecting about five hundred "duo bills" from nil pnrts of tho region, lie calculated that the average earnings in 1900. of miners was netweon sum aim juu, unci oc miners' helpers, between $375 and $125. This was before tlio ton per cent, ad vance of 1&00, Proceedings in Book Form, Recognizing the widespread interest taken ull over the country In tho tes timony and argument before the An thracite Strike Commission, Tho Trib une will print in convenient book form the reports appearing in Its columns from day to day, and will offer a limit ed edition of copied for sale at $1 each, The volume will consist of several hun dred pages, eight by eleven inches, and will appear as soon as the commission ers render their decision, The dully reports In The Tribune miss nothing of essential interest and are the fullest and most accurate reports printed in any newspaper, Orders should be sent tq Tho Tribune now as the edition is liable to be exhausted, Queen Lil in Chicago. Bjr Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Chicago, Nov. 21. BK-Queen -l.lllouka-laid of Hawaii, and her party passed through Chicago today on their way to Washington. Uer claim for. financial re lief will bo urged again during the cum ins winter biifurc thu uatluuul lc.slsla.tura WAR ON TRADE IN WHITE SLAVES W NECKLACE FORFEITED. For Failure to Comply with Customs Requirements Mrs. Dulles Loses n $26,000 Ornament. By IlxtliHtie Wlii! from The A.i.ocUted i'lMs. New York, Nov. 21. Judge Adams, In the United States District court today, directed the Jury to find for tho gov ernment in the case of Mrs. Ida Harri son Dulles, from whom a .$2t!,000 pearl necklace was taken on her arrival from Europe some mouths ago. Judge Ad ams said Mrs. Dulles had failed to com ply with the requirements of tho cus toms service and declare the pearls, and that therefore they should be forfeited. The seizure was made by a special agent of the treasury department. Mrs, Dulles In her defense said she Intended to declare the necklace, but that she desired to consult her husband on the steamship dock before doing so. While she was talking to her husband the treasury agent stepped up and asked her to hand him tho necklace, which she was wearing at the time. THE TREATY OF PEACE HAS BEEN SIGNED Consul General Gudger Brings News of the Settlement of Hostilities in Panama. By Hxcliatvc Wire from 'flic A.'socutctl Press. Panama, Nov. 21. Consul General Gudger landed from the United States cruiser Wisconsin at 4 o'clock this afternoon, bringing the news that a treaty of peace had been signed this afternoon by the revolutionary general, Herrora, and the government. Rear Admiral Casey will sail tomor row. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AT PHILADELPHIA Will Be the Guest of Honor at Two Celebration's in the Quaker City Tomorrow. B.r exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 21. President Roosevelt will be the guest of honor at two celebrations in this city tomorrow. Accompanied by several member of his cabinet, he will attend the dedi catory exercises of the Central High School for Boys during the day, nnd in the evening will participate In the ob servance of Founders' day at the Union league. The president Is expected to arrive here at 11.43 o'clock in the morn ing. Klaborato preparations for his re ception havo been made by the board of education and by the members of tho Union league. During the interval between the cere monies at the High scho'bl and tho Pounders' day baiuiuet, the president will be the guest at luncheon of Charles Emory Smith, former postmaster gen eral, and will be tendered a reception at the home of K, T. Stotesburg, a director of the Union league. U. S. MINISTERS SON COMMITS MURDER Godfrey Hunter, Jr., Shoots and Kills William Fitzgerald at Guatemala City. Jly i:cliMo Wire from 'flic Associated Pros. Washington, Nov. 21, Tho state de partment has been informed that God frey Hunter, jr., son of the United States minister at Guatemala City, to day shot and killed "William Fitzgerald, of Grand, Rapids, Mich. Hunter lias taken refuge In the legutlon, and an Interesting question has arisen usjo lila exemption from arrest. Grand Rapids. Mich., Nov. 21. AVill iam Fitzgerald was born here and wns about 27 years of ago. Seven or eight years ago ho drifted to Guatemala, where ho held several different posi tions, lie is said by ills relatives here to havo been private secretary of tho president of Guatemala for pome time past, The lust tlmo ho was in Grand Rapids was two years ago. At one tlmo Fitzgerald was a parlor car couduotor on the Grand Haplds and Indiana rail road, Colonel Ochiltree 111. 0 Kxclustie Wire from Tlie Awoelstnl Vttii lfot Springs, Va., Nov. 21. Colonel Thomas Ochiltree Is critically III heio and Is suffering lepeatcd attacks of heart troublo. There Is no hopo lor his recov ery, ilo was sent hero a fortnight ago by Dr, U II. Mortis, of Now York, In the hopo that tho change would bo beneficial, but I'" cuillfi too late. Jlo Is kept up en tlroly on heart stimulants, llu bus with him only a man servant and a trained nurse. As one of his aciiimlntaiu'os ro marked; "it Is strange and sad that a man who has friends all over tho world should bo dying here practically alone." Fatal Fall from a Bridge, By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Asjociat4 IVss. Wllkes-Ilarre, Nov. 21. William llvans, aged -IS years, a resident of this city, was walking across tho -Delaware and Hud son rullroad bridge between this city and Plymouth last night when a coal train camo on the bridge, and In attempting to get out of the way Kvans fell into the river, Ills body was recovered some lime afterward. Henry Rose Hanged. Dr Exclusive Wittt from The Assocltied Prut. Nelson. B. C, Nov. 21. Henry Itose was bunged today in tho jail yard for Una murder of Cliartui CalawJjifi. Evidence Secured on the fluents oT a Nefarious Syndicate ThroiiQh " "a Raid in Philadelphia, U. S. OFFICIALS MAY TAKE ACTION The Investigation Primarily In spired by the German. Consular Service, and the Raid Results in the Arrest of 113 Girls and A Number of Men The Xatter Sus pected of Being Agents of the Sin ister Business Police Are Certain That Three Men Have Been Se- cured Who Aro Distributing Agents in the Slave Trade. lie i:uliulve Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 21. As the result of a raid conducted by the local police authorities on houses of ill repute, it is announced that evidence will be ad duced which will warrant action by tho United States authorities. It is charged that a syndicate having for its purpose trafilc in young girls is operating on both sides of the atlantlc and that agents are scattered broadcast to lure girls from their homes, especially ii foreign countries, to lives of depravity; in this and other cities. The investigation was primarily in spired by the German consular service and the raid resulted in the arrest of, 113 girls and a number of men, some of the latter aro suspected as being agents of the sinister business. Dis trict Attorney Weaver Ijas taken charge of the matter and today all of the de fendants were held to ball for a fur ther hearing of the proprietors of the houses raided being required to fur nish $1,500 bonds and the inmates $600. The man suspected by the police of being the leader In the conspiracy here has thus far evaded arrest, but the au thorities express confidence In their ability to shortly apprehend him. Alleged Agent JArrested. An important arrest wad'Imade'Ttfday'" In the person of Abe Fink, who, the police assert, Is one of tho distributing agents in tha elavo trade. Nathan Swartz and JJouIs Schoen, arrested in the raid, are said to occupy similar po sitions. The Investigation concerns princi pally the resorts wherein are located German and Hebrew girls. The police say they will be able to prove that the head of the nefarious trade hero has regularly forwarded money to the pro curing agent in Halle, Germany. ,T. S. Rogers, commissioner of Immi gration at this port, said today that the inspection of immigrants here is so rigid as to render tho Importation of girls for immoral purposes almost Im possible. Director of Public Safety English, Superintendent of Police Quirk, Commissioner Rogers and Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf devoted much time toady questioning the inmates of the raided resorts and the police assert they are accumulating sufllclent evi dence to prove the conspiracy to be In ternational In its scope. Coinmlsslonei Rogers will report the result of his In. vestlgatlon to tho federal authorities. CLOSING FEATURES OF GREAT-HORSE SHOW Dr. Wentz Takes Some of the Princi' pal Prizes Large Number of Four-in-Hands. A- ff Hy Uu'hi'hc Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Nov. 21. Tho last day bin one of the horse show brought out an attendance equalling that of yesterday, which was said to be one of tho largest In tho history of the National Horse Show association. Many interesting events were contested, among tlieni one for a cup for pahs of harness horses, which was won by Harry Payne Whit ney, sou of AV. C. AVhltney. This was his first blue ribbon of the week, A class in which twenty-five horses showed, with lady riders, was won by French Park, entered by W. A. Mc aibbou and ridden by Miss M. Hollo way, Tlio class for pairs of horses (marcs and geldings) to bo driven by ladles and shown to phaetons, appointments tu count, Lord Brilliant and' Lord Golden, owned by Dr. John L. Wentz, Scranton, Pa., took the first prize, The largest number of four-in-hands ever shown In tho garden at one time were exhibited when sixteen teams en tered for the best four-year-old road' team prize, James Hobart Moore's team won the blue ribbon. Dr. John L. Wentz's team was second, Mr, Harry Payne Whitney's, third, and Mr. Will iam IT. Moore's highly commended. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Local data, for Nov. 20, 1902: Highest temperature ..,,., ,.,. (Wdegieea Lowest temperature .......... Hi degrees Relative humidity; S a. m 9' Per cent, Sn, in. .,., 9 per cer,t4 Precipitation, 21 hours ended. 8 B Wt none, . 4- : i WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. Nov. 21. forecast for Saturday und Sunday; Eastern Pennsylvania Cloudy, continued warm Saturday ami Sunday; light -ft southwesuwinus. i:i:i:i.tliiiii I