, -W ,- - ..! ft- ' - -.1,.,.. I'-ws, V . 5. ' t. 4. V I 'J ., THE S01UNT0K TlMBUJVE-FiltDAyT, M)VEMBJJR 21, .1902. EV I ' m : The News of CORONER INQUIRING INTO MAYFIELD FIRE Conflicting Stories ns to Its Origin. An Investigation Pending Until Miller Family Recovers Miller and His Wife and Two Children, Who Were Fearfully Burned In the Holocaust, at Emergency Hospital. Mrs, Miller In a Dangerous Condi tionBody of the Dead Child Re covered. The dreudrul Iho nl AltiylU-ld III which, iim related In yesterday's Trl liunt', eleven-year-old Mabel Miller lc?r ishcd, Is being Investigated by Coroner Sultry, with it view of making clearer tins peculiar circumstances or Its origin. Four of tile .Miller family are patients nt KiuergeiiOJ"' hospital, whither they were taken yesterday forenoon. The husband, Thomas Miller, his wife, their li-yeur-old daughter Vernu mill an In fant, hoy iiljont J year old are I lie suf ferers. .Mrs. Miller Is In a dangerous condition, hut the others will recover, . Mr. Miller Is severely blistered about the face and head and his right hand Is so terribly burned that It Is feared ll will be disabled, alter the raw sur face has healed, The girl Is burned about t)u face, and t lit Infant Is suf fering from head contusions produced by her striking the ground on being hurled out of the second-story window. Mrs. .Miller Is fearfully burned about the body, the surface being blistered to a raw conditio.) circling the trunk. It will be a number of days before the hospital surgeons will be able to pro nounce upou'litr recovery. Coroner Salliy was In ('arboncliile yesterday and visited the Millers at the hospital. The stories they tell conv-f-pond, but differ from the McDonald family's version of the lire. The lain, r lived in the other half of the destroyed dwel!!ll.i. Miller's story to The Tribune man Immediately after the lire yesterday morning, and what he told Coroner Paltry, yesterday, weie substantially the same. About 1.1,", lie perceived the odor of coal i;as, and taking a lamp walked down slab's to the kitchen to shut the door that shut off the top lloor. The lamp began lo splutter, the nil scattering about. It did not explode, however. He placed the lamp on Ihe table and returned to the upper Moor. Immediately after he heaid an explo sion, which he supposed was the lamp. The blaze spread, lie said, and the house was soon tilled with smoke. He hustled his wife and the children out of the second story window, except Mabel, the girl who was cremated alive. Pbe must have Hot confused, he thought, and running into one of the other rooms was suffocated before she could make an outcry. .Miller said that his clothing was not set on lire with the spluttering of the lamp. "Tile oil seemed to lly all around and over my head," was his explana tion. The story told by the McDonald fam ily, who lived In the other part of the house, was that .Mrs. Miller knocked on tlie partition, attracting; the atten tion of Airs. McDonald, who arose by mistake several hours earlier than usu al to look after the "spouse" which she "set" in the night .for the family bak ing. Mrs. Miller, she said, said that the house was nil re. Mr. McDonald, on being aroused, rushed to F.ilmunds' hotel to call the hose company by 'phone. On his return, lie thought Mil ler was not awakened and was not aware of his house being ablaze, Ac cordingly he ran around to Miller's side to give the alarm and found Miller standing at a window of the second lloor. The clrpumstainwH tlui t Impress Cor oner Paltry as strongly peculiar are that, accoi ding to Miller's own state ment, the exploding lamp did not set Ids clothing afire, and that tlicro was no lire upstairs; that the blar.e was in the kitchen, which was separated by n. flight of stairs and a door from the 'i-onil flour, where all the family was. How Miller became a lire, how his wife's A FTK KM A Bill AUK. Different Living Affects Some People "I never diauk coffee until after I was married," says a lady from Adulr vllle, C.a, ".My husband drank colfee and 1 1hau:jht it was nice to drink with him, and we en.1o.ved it logeihcr. After a while I found thai my digestive organs weic! much disturbed, but not knowing tin) cause, I went on drinking coffee and glowing more wi etched each day. "lu dlie lime, three Utile girls came to what ought lo have been a happy home, bui I was nervous and unhappy myself and could not make anyone else happy; lo my great consternation, two of my Utile girls had spasms, and 1, a nervous wreck, found 11 impossible to cat anything that did not hurt my stomach. "I dually concluded 1 had heart dis ease, my heart pained me so much af ter eating, and my head was so illswy, 1 often thought 1 would fall when try. Ing'lo walk across the room. "I tried every medicine I heard of, anif had different doctors treat nie, but without benelit. 1 could not sleep half thu-' night, and never slept sound 1 would wako out of a frlghtlul dream only to doze and wake agSilu. "Finally, 1 read of PosUunt Food Cof feunud my husband not a puckngu from our grocer; 1 nirulv some accord ing' to directions. 1 liked its flavor very much and the llrst cup seemed to help, my fUomuuh. I used It every nieUl, sometimes making a whole meal on Postuni and a bit of bread. "I Improved bo fust that I cm(ld soon cat' anything I wanted. I began to look Bovmuch belter iny friends were surprised and said I looked as well as when I was first married. 1 could sleep ns Siweelly as a. child. Of course the children quit coffee and drank Vast HUH antl tney hesim to fatten nnd the spasms stopped, "I. wish I could Impress It on every Jweak, nervous person to abandon cof fee' and use Postum Cereal. If every "(nervous person could have seen mo In jny,' nervous affliction from drinking- i'off'ee, and could now see ma and my Ittje ones around tho table enjoying mi Postuni, they surely would never ndulge In coffee again, for there Js no more nervous prostration; no more )ieaduches; no more spasms, and I am iible to do my own work arid care for iny. children." Name given by Postmn Co., BaUla .Creek, Mich. . . i . . . .' Garbondale. clothing Was set ablaze, how' this hath Wen so badly burned and him' the chil dren were burned have not been ex plained by Miller's version, nor that of his wife. Another strange, circum stance, suggested by the coroner, Is the failure lo save the life of the child who perished, when it was only a two-story building, and tho blaze wits down stairs. The Investigations of Coroner Paltry yesterday revealed that there was no Insurance on the goods of Miller. Coun ty Detective l'hlfllps will be colled Into the case that he might aid lu clearing away the doubtful clrcunistnneeH that ate suggested, and to establish, as re quired by law and the clrctiinslances of the situation, the origin of the fear fully disastrous lire, All of the family required the con stant attendance of the physician who was called. Dr. H. II. Jackson, of May lleld, until they were removed to Kiner gency hospital. The body of tlie girl who was the victim of th' holocaust was recovered from the debris yesterday forenoon. She was fearfully burned. Iter funeral will take place, this afternoon, Ser vices will be lu Pt. .lames' Kplscopul church and burial will be In the .Ter myn ceinetcrv, A NEW POSITION. T. V. Walker Representative of To bard Inn Library for Three Counties. Terrence V. Walker, who achieved a more than ordinarily successful rec ord as the district superintendent, for this dlstritf, of the International Cor respondence school.-, has been appointed lo the position of establishing agent for the Tabard inn Library, of Philadel phia. Mr. Walker's territory comprehends Lackawanna, Wayne -and Huscplehanua counties, with headquarters, If be chooses, at his home town, Carbon dale. The Tabard Inn Library project of supplying works of any character at a nominal cost to subscribers lias laid a remai liable giouth, so that Mr. Walker will have opportunities of meeting the public- with an established success. Ills ability to spread the In lluenee and patronage of this circulat ing lllnary is fully recognized by Car boudallans; his special aptitude for this character of work was amply demon strated while he was with tne Interna tional Correspondence schools, during which time lie Was at the topmost place capturing prize after prize for special results. The wishes of .Mr. Walker's legion of friends accompany hliu In ills new ventuie. GONE TO VIRGINIA. William Watkins, Coal Operator, In terested in New Coal Lauds. William Watkins, who has been en gaged in coal operations in this valley for years, has moved with his family to Alexandria, Virginia, whore he is in terested in coal lands in thai vicinity. Mr. Watkins, who Is a part owner of the drift on the Kast mountain, where the coal mined is known as Waiklus coal and is lindlng- a ready sale In the local market, has an Interest some thing like 100 acies in the coal holdings near Alexandria. There are about 400 acrts in the property, which Is said to be rich In deposits. Mr. Watkins, there fore, moved to Virginia lo develop the properly. Cars, mine cars, for use in the working of the coal, are being manufactured in this city. Mr, Watkins was accompanied by two of ills sous and Thomas Davis, former ly with the MetiopuMtan Insurance company, who will be of valuable ser vice lu the process of development. C.irbondnllans will watch with inter est and satisfaction the progress of Mr. Watkins' undertaking, which promises to lie successful and profitable. HUGHES-LAYMAN. Young Couple Wedded by Rev. Dr. H. J. Whalen. Miss Caroline Hughes and Thomas J. Layman were wedded in tlie Hereon I'aptist parsonage by Ilev, Dr. II. J. Wlia leu at S o'clock Wednesday even ing. The attendants were .Mr, and Mrs. Frank Layman. The young couple, who have a host ot well-wishing friends, will take up their residence at the home of tlie groom's parent.-, .Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Layman, on Mat lem avenue, AMUSEMENTS. Attractions Next Week. Next week will be tlie best week of the season at the liraud. Manager Hyrne lias four splendid attractions, which should find great favor with the patrons of the Grand. .Monday night will be "Hunting for Hawkins," a comedy that Is said to be several hours of mirthful enjoyment. It is based upon an original theme, aiound which litis been woven an Interesting- plot. The performance Is lib erally Interspersed, with high class specialties and brllllanl musical num bers. The company Includes William Friend, Wallace .luoksou, Dun Harold, Charles Hoffman, .Veil Newell, W. II. Maxwell, May Thompson, Louise Hry .iiii, Daisy Dudley, Minnie Niblo, Beat rice Mlliui and others. Prices: All re served seals. ,"o cents; gallery, L'.'i cents, Tuesday night Annie Oakley in "The Western fJIrl," will offer somewhat of a novelty. Annie Oakley was with Col. W. F. Cody, "Huffalo Hill," for years, and was seen with him lu tills city a few seasons ago. "The Western Ulrl," Is, as Its mime suggests, a play of bor der life, In which .Miss Oakley will be peculiarly at home, Among the fea tures will be the Introduction lu one of the scenes of four horses which are carried by the company, The Thanksgiving- day attraction will bo "import of Hentzau," Anthony Hope's sequel to his "Prisoner of .en da." This piece was at the Lyceum in Sci'uutou last evening, Friday night's attraction will be "Lost lUver," a play the merits of which aro fanilllur"'to those who are posted lu tlieutrlciilu, "Wicked London," a play of life lu the world's greatest city, was given by tho Holford stock company at the (Irand last night. The bill tonight will be "A Hroken Oath. "Ten Nights lu a IJarroom" will be presented at. the matinee tomorrow afternoon. Tho company will conclude Its engagement In this city, tomorrow evening, with "A Fatal Shot." CHANGES OF POSITION, Since the settlement of the coal strike there havo been increased oppor tunities of employment which have been taken advantage of by a number of young men. Among the various changes are the following; James Duffy, who formerly had an agency under the Metropolitan Life In surance company, has re-entered this company's employ, taking the place va cated by Thomas Davis, who lias gone, to Virginia to work under AVllllnm Wutklns, ns explained elsewhere. Jesse Hunter has left the Heiutrlck works to accept a position its brake man on the Krle railroad. Clarence Knapp, who has been em ployed as driver by John Uooth, has secured a position as brakeniah on thu Delaware and Hudson railroad. Willis Hudson luiH resigned his posi tion ut the Hundrlck works lo accept one as brakeman on the Erie railroad. Kdward llattle, of tho West Bide, who was employed by the Hell Tele phone company for some time, has se cured a better position In the Erie coal ofllco. Kdward Hessllug of Wayne street, bus resigned his position at the Clover Leaf bobbin works and is now with Sullivan & Ryan, of Salem avenue. James H. Williams, who was an as sistant mine foreman at Coalbrook col liery, has been appointed assistant foreman nt No. 1 mine ot the Delaware and Hudson company, ninde vacant by the death of the late James Chirk, of Terrace street. As yet no one has been placed In tho position vacated by Mr. Williams nt C6albrook, Charles Curtis, of North JIaIn street, timekeeper for tlie Delaware und Hud son locomotive department, has re signed to accept a position at the Dttn more shops of the Krle nnd Wyoming Valley Itnllroad company. Mr. Curtis Is succeeded by Frank Smith, of Park street, shipping clerk at the company's store bouse. PERSONAL MENTION. Attorneys James Toohey and John MeCnurt, wlio are conspicuous among the younger members of the Lacka wanna bar, were In the city yesterday. They rode behind a dashing trotter owned by .Mr. Toohey. Thomas .1. McC.uIre, of Pcranton, resident agent of the K ill table Life Assurance company, was a Cnrbontlnle visitor yesterday. lion. ,1. W, Ivllpatrlek, ex-mayor of Carboiidale, is quite 111 at his home on South .Main street. A fever developed from a cold nnd threatened serious complications. Last night, however, ills condition was somewhnt Improved and hopeful. Dr. K, I. Vaitderburg, who bus just returned from missionary work In China, last night gave a graphic re cital of some of ills experiences lu the Held. Tills Interesting-, and at times, thrilling, talk, was given In the lecture room of Hie First Presbyterian church. OLYPlLVyT. The list of letters remaining uncalled for at the Olyphant postofllee are as follows: Mrs. John Hays, Miss Han nah Phillips, William Thomas, Mrs. M. F. Allen, Oscar Burgess, John Court ney, Samuel Dawson, Frank Klgy, Win. H. Faddln. L. Pchonerz. P. J. Matthews, postmaster. Athertou & Sutton will reopen their store hi the Kd wards building on Main street. Hlukely. Miss Gertrude Davis left yesterday for Bingham ton, to spend a few weeks. Mrs. P. J. Thomas and Mrs. T. L. Williams visited Dickson friends on Wednesday, Mrs. Daniel Jones, of Wales; Charles Mitchell and Mrs. K. Vizzard, of Kingston: wercs tlie guests of Mrs. William !;. Griffiths, of Susquehanna street, yesterday. Miss Lizzie F.vans,- or Pittston, is visiting friends at this place, Henry L. Williams, of Hill strreet, has returned home after spending six months in Wales. .Miss May Loftus, of Pcranton, vis ited friends at this place yesterday. C. H. Blockberger is quite III at his home in Hlukely. AKCHBALP. Mrs. C. If. Gerhlg has returned from a visit with iclutlves at Metuehen, N. J. T. W. Loftus was a caller at Hones dale Wednesday. P. F. Ilrogun spent Wednesday even ing lu Forest City. Mrs. Henry Nemeyer, of Scrnuton, is visiting relatives In town.. Miss Margaret Coollcan was a caller in Carboiidale Wednesday. The teachers of Daisy Memorial kin dergarten entertained at a mothers' meeting Wednesday afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served and all hail a most enjoyable time.' The Ladles' Aid society of the Ger man church had their usual monthly meeting yesterday afternoon. TAYLOR. The pastors of the Taylor churches are arranging for the usual Tiianks ghlng services next Thursday week. It has been suggested that a united service be held, The annual conference of the Women's Home Missionary society, of tlie Methodist Kplseopal church, Is be ing held at Pcranton today. A num ber of delegates from tlie local Meth odist Fpiscopal church will attend. The teachers of the borough school will hold their' regular weekly meeting tills afternoon at No. 2 school building. The choir of the Cavalry Baptist church will meet this evening for re hearsal. Fvery member Is required to be ;nesent. The employes of tho Taylor, Pyne, Arclibahl, llolden collerles, and Taylor wushery, will receive their semi-monthly pay for the latter part of October tomorrow. Miss Lore tin Miilheiln, uf .Mala street, THE HSOUIMO Tlie Iisquimo eats blubber, The lumbermen eat pork. These people are constantly exposed to cold and physical strain. Experience has taught them that fatty foods give warmth and nourishment, For those who have cold and thin bodies, or are threat ened with consumption or any wasting disease, there is no fat in so digestible and palatable a form as Scott's Emulsion, Physicians prescribe it, Well taxi joa l little t by, if 70a like. Ecmx b SOWNE... furl ttrceU Mew Vwi. PUTTING IT STRONG But Doesn't It Look Reasonable? This mayread ns though we Were putting It a little strong, because It Is generally thought by the majority of people that Dyspepsia. In Its clironlo form Is Incurable or practically so. Hut we have long since shown that Dys pepsia Is curable, nor Is It such a dif ficult mutter- us at first appears. Tho trouble with Dyspeptics Is that they are continually dieting, starving themselves, or going to opposite ex treme or else deluging the nlreody over burdened stomuch with "hitters af ter dinner pills," etc., which Invariably Increase the dlfllculty even If in somo cases they do give a Blight temporary relief. Such treatment of tho stotnauh simply makes matters worse. What the stomach wants Is a rest. Now how con the stomach become rested, recup erated and nt the same time the body nourished and sustained. This Is a great secret and this Is also the secret ot tho uniform success ot Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. This Is n comparatively new remedy but Its suc cess and popularity leaves no doubt aa to Its merit. The Tablets will digest the food any way, regardless of condition ot stom ach, Tlie sufferer from Dyspepsia accord ing to directions, Is to eat nil abund ance of good wholesome food and use the tablets before and after each meal and tho result will is that the food will be digested no matter how bad your Dyspepsia, may be, because, as before stated, the tablets will digest tho food even If tho stomach Is wholly In active. To illustrate our meaning plain ly, If you take 1,800 grains of meat, eggs or ordinary food and place it in a temperature of 98 degrees, und put with It one of Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets It will digest the meat or eggs, almost as perfectly as If the meat was enclosed within the stomach. The ftomach may be ever so weak yet these tablets will perform the work of digestion and the body and brain will be properly nourished and at the same time a radical, lasting cure ot Dyspepsia, will be made because the lnucb-abused stomach will bo given, to sonic extent, a much needed rest. Your druggist will tell you that ot all the many remedies advertised to cure Dys pepsia none of them have given so complete and general satisfaction as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and not least in Importance In these hard times Is the fact that they are also tho cheap est and give the most good for the lensl nioucv. left on Wednesday to visit' relatives at Augusta, l!a. MIss.Fllen Morton, of Green nidge, was tlie guest of Mrs. M. J. McDonald, of Main street, the fore part of tho week. Mrs. William T. Lewis, ot Taylor street, is visiting relatives In Plymouth. Mrs. John H. Itecs, of Grave street, is Indisposed. Mrs. Thomas X. Davis and daughter, of West Pcranton, were the guests of Mjs. John K. Davis, of North .Main street, yesterday. Miss Lizzie Davis, of Ttallroad street, is visiting relatives at I'lttston and Wllkes-Burre. Don't forget the grand socials to be held at the Welsh Congregational and Calvary Baptist churches on Saturday and Monday evenings, M. C. Judge has returned from his business trip to New York. HAHTOKD. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. Harford. Nov. 20. Miss Isa Harrow, of Fast New Mllford, was calling on Miss JioseAVeseott, Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Tiffany and daughter, Jlalllce, are visiting in Hinghaniton this week. Lee Tiffany, of Summersville, was calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kstubrook and family attended the funeral of Mis. Kstabrook's brother in Hinghuintun, November 14, The Young Men's I'nlon class will hold a gentlemen's box social Friday evening, November 28, In tlie lecture room. Kach gentleman Is requested to bring a box. All are cordially invited to attend. Miss Clara Tiffany left Tuesday for New .Mllford, where she will spend the winter with her brother, H. J. Tiffany. Miss .Minnie Darrow and Mrs. N. P. Morgan spent Wednesday in New Mll ford. H. Dale, of Pcranton, was tlie guest of K. M, Watson, Wednesday, and vis ited the creameries In this section. J, G. Hotchkiss and mother have re turned from visiting- relatives In Forest City. Will Sherwood Is attending school at Factoryvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Chamberlain aro vihlllng Mr. Chamberlain's grandpar ents at tlie plains. Christian Endeavor business meeting in tlie lecture room Friday evening, November 21. Tlie harvest festival entertainment, for the benefit otthe Methodist Kplseo pal church, was a decided success, The chicken pie supper and all amounted to about $80. Mrs. J. M. Spnuldlng, of Bltighnmtan, Is visiting her sister, Mrs, Alpha Car penter. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. F, AV. Grove's signature Is on each box, 23c, NEW M1LFORD. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. New Mllford, Nov. 20. Miss Inn Mc Connell entertained the young ladies of the W. and O, club Tuesday evening, A union temperance meeting will bo conducted in the Methodist church Sunday evening, Miss Clara Tiffany, of Harford, has come to New Mllford to spend tho win ter with her brother, H. J. Tiffany. Mr. und Mrs, O, C, AVhltney enter tained Lake View friends lust Satur day, Mrs, David Davenport is spending a few weeks with relatives in Yonkers, N. Y, Frof, Snyder spent Saturday and Sun day at Ilnllsteud. Itev, K. J. Mellenry, former rector ot the church, will conduct services at St. Mark's church on Wednesday evening, December a. Miss, Beatrice Howell spent Wednes day in Seruntou, The Oriental Troubador colored com edy company will appear In the New Mllford opera hotisu on Saturday even lug. DURYEA. Mrs. Mary Ammonium was a caller hi I'lttston AVednesday. Miss Kllza Drown was a business caller lu I'lttston Wednesday, Revival meetings will be held every KXUXWW$a0XK)KGK5raK Connolly & Wallace A bargain means one thing The store that has the best at one store, something else at goods at regular prices is the another. store that has the best bar It depends on the store's gains when those prices are re standards, duced. MM-a--MMMaMMII--N--M-MMMiM-MnH-M-M-MIMV-MMMUMM :i Good Gloves for Little Men's nnd women's. All Imported but brought in such largo quanti ties that the prices aro unusually low. Why not lay them awny for Christ mas P Men's heavy Cope Gloves, $1; worth $1.50. Men's Silk-lined Mocha, Gloves, full pique sown, of finest stock, heavy skins, 2; worth $2.50. Women's Washable Gloves, tho "Superbc," $1.75; worth $2; with two pearl clasps. H 09, I Women's i Tailored Soils The dress idea rules everything this seaqon even tailored suits; nnd that explains why so many graceful ?)louses arc used for jackets nnd why they are trimmed in so many dainty, pretty, feminine wnys. Broadcloth suits. Ziboline suits. Shaggy Scotch mixtures and loose ly woven stuffs. Cheviot suits. Prices, $10 to $100. I Men f House Coats $5 each Nearly all exclusive Btyles. Tailors made these coats; good tailors; tailors who make men's clothing. Many housecoats are thrown together by girls sewed, not tailored. None for us, thank you! Variety is growing less; sizes in some styles scarcer. Come today, if you can. The best kinds from abroad, and our own make of blanket robes iid one beg'ins to go into this business as we do. Which means 110 one has the va riety, or such low prices. A new range of Bath Eobes come in beautiful light colors of cotton cheviots and heavy mercerized fab rics ranging in price from $4 to $10 each. Wool Robes, $4 to $12. Connolly & V 123 - 125 nlBht next week excepting Monday and Saturday evenings, at the Methodist Kpiscop.il church of this place. Miss Mary Dills has returned homo after t-pendlng- a few days with friends In Wilkes-nanre. Mrs. lMf?e, of Holly. Is vlsltlui? at the homo of Mrs. Ammermnn, of tills place. Mrs. Frank l.ane was a caller In Taylor Wednesday. THE FLOW OF RIVERS. Measurements of Interest Made by the Geological Survey. TI10 United States kuoIorIcuI survey lias recently niuilti public the results of a series of measurements which tho Division of UydroKiapliy conducted in 1901 on u largo number of streams In the United States to determine tho vol ume of their How. The work with which these records deal is unique- In chtiraeter and extent, and consists In tho dally record of tho holfiht of water, together with tho estimated maximum, minimum, and average monthly How In cubic feet. In upwards of two hun dred and fifty of tho Important rivers of tlie United States. Accompanying this iiata 010 Important facts concern lug tlie physical aspects of their water sheds, the extent and manner to which their natural powers aro utilized, and other information of viiluu to engineers and water users. Tho report of tho Investigation of this New York streams Is particularly full, an interesting fea ture being tlie results of measurements on streams in tho CutsUlll und adjacent regions sugsested as a possible souivo for the supply of New York city. Of Interest uso aro tho results of meas urements of tio streams In tho West upon which depend tho construction of tho rontenipluted Irrigation works un der tho new irrigation law. Tim water power sctreums of Maine, tlie drainage from tho vast watershed of tho south ern Appalachians, and the rivers of tho Central states aie all represented In tho investigation. 5cranton's Shopping Thank Slapenf f nft WnnlQ ffi ran tor t losien s - 12M29 Washington Aye CraSS$efitf5GttOKXKK:! ?n mj ? ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Special Train and Special Low Rates to New York City and Return. Kor the accommodation of tlie Scrnn ton United Choral society, the Lacka wanna railroad will furnish a. special passenger train to leave from its Lack awanna tivenuu station at 7.U0 a. 111. Friday, November S, scheduled to tench New York city about U.'M a. 111. Special round trip tickets wJll lie mi salo at tho station olllce gwod going only on this train, and for return on any regular passenger train up to and Including December r, Further Infor mation 011 application to Mr, David I'rlteliaril, chairman of tho transpor tation committee, or A, C, Meiiick, ticket agent Lackawanna railroad, Scranton, I'a. " $4,35 to New York City and Return. Special Thanksgiving Day Rates, via the Lohigh Valley Railroad. Wcdnesduy, November 20, tho Lehigh Valley railroad will sell tickets to Now York and return at $1.33 from Scranton, good going on above date, limited to ro turn to and Including November 30, good on all trains except tho HInck Diamond I'xpress. For further infor mation, consult Delaware and Hudson railroad agents, or Ueorgo Heller, city passenger agent, Lehigh Valley r.tii loail, til) Public Square, Wllkes-liarre, Pa. " Fall Trip to New York. New York Is Interesting whenever you visit it, but tho fall days in the great city is always delightful. Tho parks aro at their best. Tho theatres have attraetluus which t line have made perfect, Tho stores show a wealth of new and up-to-date merchandise, and the weather is comfortable. Old Fifth avenue, the pride of the Center f sgiving Every housokeoper 1b nmbltlous to present n. handsome tablo for her guests, and 'tho foundation of at tractiveness is nice linens. Fine Scotch, Irish, Gorman and Belgium Damask Clotli3 in nil sizes with napkins to match, if desired. Carving Clotns and Doylies. Tray Cloths and Center Pieces. Handsome hand-cmbroldered lunch cloths, bureau, stand and table cov ers. Embroidered Bed Spreads, with shams' to match. 0 vemm All tho lovely soft colors that aro woi'n so much this fall tans nnd browns, blues, grays and reseda green, white nnd soft evening tints. All-wool batiste, albatross, silk-nnd-wool Eoleinne, lansdowne, crepe do chine, crepe gauffre, cashmere, henrietta, serge, whipcord, Bedford cord, printed cashmeres and challis. These are the names of stuffs that nre being made into dinner gowns, evening dresses and house dresses by fashionable Scranton. You will notice that all of them are the sort that cling, that tuck and pleat beau tifully, that have in. some way a characteristic, strongly marked, of their own, which you don't find or dinarily in evening stuffs. erchiefs Plain handkerchiefs beginning at 10c. for women, nre good enough for every-day. At 25c. there are two kinds. One is known as the sheer and the other as the heavy, and the heavy looks to be a great deal better quality, but "it isn't. The difference is that the thread in the sheer is twisted harder than in the heavy. They are about 10c. better than, usual 25c. handker chiefs. The comparison between the 50c. and 25c. sheer and the 50c. and 25c. heavy is so plain that any one can see it. The 50c. handkerchief is worth more than double tho 25c, and the hemstitching is done by hand. No wonder they are so dainty the linen and work are both French. MM allace city, Is one of the features no visitor should miss, and Central Park and Bronx Park will Interest everyone. No matter where you go, something worth seeing will be found and for a. juace where the hours aro like minutes, New York leads, A trip to New York does one good, and tlie opportunity to visit New York under favorable circumstances conies on November 1!, when the New Jersey Central runs Its Full Excursion to tlia great city. Tickets arc good going 011 any train on ubovu date, and good to return to and Including November 30. Tho rates huvo been reduced, and for further Information consult your local ticket agent. SECOND CASE FOR THE HAGUE. High Peaco Court to Pass Upon House Tax Case. Tlie United States Is given high prals-o by leading Kuropean journals for hav ing bee a tlie llrht to utilize The llnguo tribunal, lu Hie Pious Fund case. A second and very interesting case Is on its way to The Hague, In which four nations aro dlieelly Interested. This is the case of tho "house-tax" Imposed by tho Japanese government upon foreign residents, and contested by them on the ground that the exemption of their lund from luxation, under treaty and other arrangements, carries with It tho exemption of whatever buildings stand upon It. Tho Japanese government, on ono hand, and Ureal Uritaln, France, and Germany, representing thulr subjects in Japan, on the other, have' asked The Hague tribunal to Interpret the treaty See the Cut Man, Effective and attractive half-tones and llnu cuts for curd, advertising or any other purpose, can bo secured ut Tho Trlbuuo olllce. We do work that is unexcelled, do It promptly and at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. f r -I . k