hi p 10 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAr, NOVEMBER 21. 1902. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. "sVw Ymk. Nov. 20 r.xcopt for ft. fw Irrcprular nnd comparatively unimportant moes, today's stock nifukct win, W like that of tlio ireccdlmr Hitjm of tins v,rt-k lit tho neiisp Hint alt-nttlnn was fo cusffl verv tamely upon one lstic Mnn linttnn. Thr Incwnseil strciiRtli of, lint stocks niltled to thf- fust itrowliiR belief tliHt Important event- deniiiiK lln tlio loenl tinnipnrtntlon system ate Impend Inc. Just wlinl form thti probniilo events lll tnko Is still a mnttor of riios v,ok. Manhattan sold up l" 13t4. " inniln a net r.-iIii of ,T,4 points on very luievy liTinnrllonM. Tho tenrilnder of t no list, lircKiilar for tlio gimlet' lint of Hie duv, inndc jonin Improvement In tlio flnnl lionr, nnd tlio closlnj" wits ensy, tlioimn lielott' tlm best. Consldoinliln sticllKth vns stoiii by tlio Oollld Ihsiiii ni n. Bloiip nt vniloiiM times, nnd tlieio worn spnsmodlc tallies olsewlien Tlie early HtreiiKlh wn-i Siiltnr nnd wilt rnpolt'-tl to be duo Iniuely to slioit eoveilnc nml (no finther Kilns In the fnw Hock Inland Is sues relnMed fmm .Unit nppenicd to bo Inside bnMnrr. Kinctlonnl Inssen wero ic rnided In tlio enrly detillliKS bv nil tho conl stocks ns well ai by the tnnro nellvo stocl" wlillo tho Inteinntlonnl isioiip went below London's qunttttlon. though liaidenhiB sotno Inter. Tlio iiuly icnc tlnn wan followed bv stlbstnntKl leeov eile In St. Paul, Jmvn. CVntinl. Minne apolis. SI. L.011I1. LouIhvIUq nnd Nimli tille, Illinois Contrnl nnd Totai nnd I-i-cllle, while Mlsamnl I'nellle wis conspic uously ttronff. So obvlouslv piofesxlonnl weto opemtloni nil llils time, how over, thnt another tcnution sot In with m;i tfilnl decllnci' In om of the Issues niimcd. Union Pacific and Koiltliern I'n ellle wero then Inclined In 1ieavlnei! and Miinhnttan miRKod In tho nbseme of xmllrmatorv news Metropolitan nnd Hionkljn Transit sold off to the previous dny'i IlKUics. hut Ihuic was nothliiK llko 11 genenl ellliiB movement, the bear cle ment showing some fe.u, The I'mther ai1 nnce In the afteinoon stimulated the rcit of the list and "itond" bminir or Amnl- Kntnntcd Copper whs imported. Tho do inand for stocks cnine ehlnllv fiom tho shnits nnd wns confined Inmelv to Cop per. StiRiir. Hearting, New York Cen tral and Mnnhatt'in. Total sale1! -today, TWl.WX) shaic. Tho bond market was much quieter nnd fluctuation11 weie slight either way. Totnl sales, pnr value. $1.-' SV),nno I'nlted States bonds wete all un changed on the last call. The following quotations nra furnished Tho Tribune hv Ilulpht & F-eese Co., 314 M5 Mcara Building. W t). Runyon, man fnlon Pnelflo 100',; Iftl OT"ji IM'i Union Pnliie ,, no M sU !n tf. H. ten titer 12; 1JI4 ii 12J tr. H. Lenther, Pr ... Sli w ss"4 Mt 1. fl. nilbbcf ........ HI 17J lrt 17'a I. S. Hleel '. il7 IhU riij t?. S. Steel, Pr W SI'l ,!', M4 Wnbnsli u,h ?.u'. aiK. 30 Wiibnsh. Pr (4i II H' 4t Westetn Union ...... V) S1U ,W ftf. Wheel. .. 1,. U 2Vi L'-.'s LM 21 , Wis. Central 21(4 2Ht il'i ifA, Totnl sales, 7,"fl,7iiO sluiu's, Money, .TJ per cent. crriCAoo chain and provihion. WIIUAT- Deeeinbcr Mnv ......, corw- Dpcomber atiiy OAT8 Ierembcr Mny PORK .Tnntiaiy . Mny I.ARU Jn nuary ., Mnv 1UT1S .Tnnuniy .. amy Open. Hlsn. Low. Cloa 7-,?, MH ll'i , r. 70 , II.7J , n::n S12 7.S0 ."014 r,7n 1I.7J n.ift S.ijO sis 7,so : M II"', RillJ 3IV6 1(1 V) II w il.O 7.M) pii'i si's. 11 ro SCO fi-. 7.W NHW YORK COTTON MARICCT. Open. IHbIi. Low. Clo--e. December 8 2:t s.10 Ml s,"0 Jnnttiuy S2.t s.i N21 si'i March 8.14 8 2fl Kit s:n May sn S.'J S.U S'JI the feature In wheat todny and the elosn was at a lower level, December belnc down vaUr.j December corn closed He. lowor and December 'oats 'ic. lower; Jan uary provisions clocd from BnTHc. to 30c. lower. Cash quotations wero hs fol lows! Floury Steady: No. sprlnp wlient. 7C',jC.J No. .I, 7la7(!e.! No. 2 red, 7rin77e.: No. 2 torn. r7ianSi.i No. 2yel low. Rt'nWc: No. 2 oats, SSHnKV,: No. 2 while. -: No. 2 white. .TO.ul'te.i No. 2 re, MliC! Rood feedlnp bailey, 3nn3Re.; fair to eholro mnltliift. tlnlRe.i No. 1 fln seed, Jl.lfi: No, I northwestern, $1.23! pilmn tlmothv seed, J3 foj mess pork, per lur let. $inR7'4nl7i laid, per 100 pounds. $tl OJii ii 1 1 .01 short ribs sides, $r'50o1.70! short 1 His, sides. D.V)a9.70; shoit rlcnr shies, shouldcis, )7. Chicago Zitvo Stock Market. Clilrarto, Nov. 20 -Cat tie Receipts, 12. fX): liii'liidlui; MO Texitns: good to prima steets, ?".7."nil Wl poor to medium, $315.,'): Muckers nnd feeders, $2nl.flft; cows, $l.40a 1.4": heifers, $.'u2 liO: cmneis, fl.nn.M(); bulls, J.'al SO! calves, $.1 W)." : Texas fed steers. $.la I: western Blccr.s, JltKiaS, Hobs Hecelpti today, 4ll,0n0: tomorrow, :.",uoi): loft over, o.ouo: steadv to r,c. high- el : closed easy: mixed nnd butchers. friiil! I0; Rood to eliolce heavy, jr.roa CtT,VA; 1 ouch hoivv. JCafiHO: llpht, JOati.lj: bulk of sales, $i! lunli tf). Hltoup RecelplB, 2.',0IXI: Sleep nnd lambs, steaiiy 10 lower; Rood to eliolce wetners, Jicn.il; fair to eholco mixed, J.'.oOa.l &0: natlvo lambs, J.T ",0.1," 2". nger. Onen IHch Low Close, Amni Copper iV.'i fis't ,",14 m"! Am. c & r :iu aiu mu mu Am. Cotton Oil ' In 4i. '- American Ice 10r,i Wa lo58 10"'g Am. Ue, Pr .......... .is "A :K JS Am. Locomothe .... J7" 27TB 27'. " Am. Loco. Pr 9i)i. !l)Vi 'W- ruT '. Am. S & R. Co IJU '! IJ'7 I112 American Sujjar ....HS'i l.iHJ Jlf.V. ll'ti, Atchison SJi, ssu sjit viis Atchison. Pr '17V, (is'o n7it iis R.ilt. & Olilo nsiH fin nsu ist Ihook. R. T uPi i.i, IIP. 1,3 Canadian Pacine ...I'.Si-', l.')'". J:7i l"',a Clief.. & Ohio II', r,",. 4P C ChlcM-o .t- Alton IJi "2Ti :2 .".-s Chic & O W 2.-.1, ;-. 2V4 2-.-', C. M .t St. P ....172'fc 17".'h 17JU 1, I Col. 1'uel & lion .... S1 S4 x SI Col. & Southern .... -IJ'f. 14''. IJ'- II 15el. & Uud 1S . " 1'iS " l.V? Den. .t R. O.. Pi .... STj V)U 'lii yij Detroit Southern .... W 17''i lir 17'7 4:ii .;i'i .ii'i ail t si i:iie. 1st Pr (,: i!PK (,ii, mi, Kile. 2d Pr Illi li, IV . 4i,i. lloekln- Vnllev S1-s 'U'. V'it, ii. llllnoi" Cential 112 llj', 112 H2it Iowa Centnl "1 7UA "1 isu Louis & Nash MFt 121 L'2-h 121" Manhattan 17) MP, H77 Vi'A Met. St. Rv UP. 112, 140'., 1I0U Mexlcdn Central .... 2!', 2P'. 2? 2!", Mo.. K. & To 2iK. 2ili, 2V. :P, " Mo. K. T., Tr .... 17 "", 17 " r.7i Mo P.icine 107", luT",, 107 107'. N V. Cential 110' J 1:', 1.10 1 Norfolk & West 114 7u', irt'J i,n Ont. & West 211 & 2i, 21 rrt Pennn. R R llli-, HM, ill', 1.11 People's Gas won 101'i 100''. 101 Pressed Steel Cai,..."ii .is ,17 .-,71; Reading .1i', ."."', ri; r.7a Rcadin-r, 1st Pr W. !ii y,i', so Tliadi-". 2nd Pr . .. 72". 71'. 7.1" 7! P.epuhlic Steel 1!8 11 " wZ 10 Republic Steel. Pi . 1 71', 71 71', Rock Ishnd 14''. II'-. 40 HV. St. L & San F .. . . 7.' 7! " 72 72' "i K L., So W 27' '1 27''. 27'A 27' f. Southern Patifle .... r,3'i arH ,,2-i ill , SoutliPrn R. R in, !2t :'.!1, :.2'.. t-outhcin R. R Pr. P2 f2" 02', 0'' Tenn. Coil & Iion....1fi 171' r- ,i,"'i Toaa Ar P.icllk 12', IP, 12',, I2"K Scranton Board of Trndo Exclinngo QuotationsAll Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co, Pr.... b3 County sav. uanit a. Tri'st Co 2w DislNat. Rank (Caibonualo). ... Thltd Unttonal Bank KO Dlmo Dop. & DIs Hank 3u0 Economy to , H. & P. Co Piiht National Bank 1J0O Lack. Trust & S.ifa Dep. Co . 1P1 Clark A: Snqver Co, Pr 125 Scranton Savlnfjs Hank .100 Traders' National Bank 221 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 121 People's Bnnk 331 Scianton racking Co UOND3. Scranton rassoiiBor Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 113 People's street Kauway, nrst mortsaRB, due 191S People's Stieet Railway. Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 Scranton Tiac. Co , C per cent. Economy L , II. & P. Co N. Jersey &. Pocono Ice Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co 11a 113 113 COO 43 33 97 97 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coirected by It. C5. Dale, 27 Luck.i, Flour M 10 Butter Pi esh crcumeiy, 2i5c; daily, 2o!cC. Cheese I3a13c. IIkrs Nenib., !0p ; stoiase, 22p. Miii row Beans Per bushel, $2 SI. Onions, Per bushel. 71iP0e. Potatoes iic. per Imshcl. Ao) f 1 call New York Grain nnd Produce Market New Yoik, Nov. 20 PI0111 Quletei, ti.ulo beinpr chocked bv the whc.it bioak. Wheat Spot easy: No. 2 led, 7S"Ac. elc atoi: No 2 red, 777se. f. o b ollo.it: No 1 northern Duluth, S.',r,c. f o b. alloat. althouKh openliiK hlRlier wheat deelopjd subi-equent weaknes Prices lost over a cent per bushel and closed at the low est 01 "inl'np under the pi e ions night, M.iv closed 7S"6C : December. 50isc. Com Spot steadv; No 2. LIKe le.itpr nnd WiVfcp. f. o b. ..float; No 2 vellow. tse.: No. 2 white, tic: option m.nket had an activo ti.ulo all day. Mnv dosed uneli mqed and near positions '.a 'Jo. net lowci; Janu .11 y, Twe ; Mnv. 4SiiC.: Julv I7",c.; Nn em ber, file; De ember. iPi Oal Spot Hi in: No 2 "oHe.: No .' .Sip., stnndaid while. .IT'i.'JT" jo : No 2 white, :!7-4a7i'ii.: No. 2 white, "jt.i.17'c.: Hack niKrd. icst trn, nomiiril; tiailc white, :;ii'-a42c ; op tions baif lv steadv and qui"t all d.iv; II--c ember closed ."iic. ButtPi riiin; pMra cie.imciy, LSe. : factoiy. bulSe.; ue.iniciv, common to choice. lUiJiJ.e ; imlt.ilion cienmeiv, 17a2Ic. , state ilaliv, 20.i2jc ; lomnnted, 17';a21c. Chees" Film: new state, mil photo, fanev. snuii (olojoii old, 12i,Tl!c: new, 12'c; small while, old, 121.i13p.; new. 12'je., laie roloiid, old. lie; new. 12'c ; laice v bite. old. 13c. new, 12'jc Ubks Flim: .ipi.irq b"st, .S,i2SVjc: lefilRdatul. r-,a2k' , west ern, pool to pi Imp. 2la21e. Chicag'o Grain Mniket. Ctiicaf-o, Nov. 2o lleay umIIIiik: was Buffalo Live Stock Market. Tnst Buffalo. Nov. 20 Cattlo Receipts, 71; qulot. easier; veals. ie pints, 7.1", Strom,, 21c. hltjlier: tops, js 2.1uS.75; eom mon to pood, J.1 MaS Hops Rpcelpts. 47,000; fnlrly nctlve: Rtcntiy; heavy, JoilaiiM: mKtd, S(!40,ii!4i; Yoikers and pIrs, $G.30aG3.1; roiiBhs, Jiso afi: stnRs, jla.rr,o. Hiipcp unci Lnmns iteppipts, 4,2(j; sucep. Mini; lambs. 11n20c. hlRlipr: top lambs, f.no 1,133: culls to Rood, ?liu12.1: vpnrlitifis, J.IOOnl: sheep, top mixed, JJ.lSa.l 2"; culls to -oad, Jl,75a3.10. East Liberty Stock Market. F.nst Lllieity, Nov. 20 Cattle Sternly: pholte, $0,ui20; prime, $.1.7.1a3 JO; good, J3 20 al K0. J1or Artlvp; pilme heavy, $C 4"m5 r0; medium, JfioO.u' 11; hpavy Yoikeis. $010; llplit Yolkeis, $S 2.1aC 30'; pics, $C20aG23; ioiikIis. flail Sheep Ste.tdv; best wethers, JI.COi.1.73; pulls and (ommnn. $1 r0a2: c holco lambs, Jo 20.13 10; eal calves, $7u9aS.uO. Oil Market. Oil City. Nov. 20. Ci edit balances. $).-"); pertlllcati s, none: no s-ales; shipments. 79 S0 ban els; nvcrapc. 03,11.1 bairels: runs, 101.1S2 tmiicls; nieraKo, 72.S0S b.inels. Duke of Marlborough Resigns. London. Nov. 20 The Duko of Marlbor ough has icslned tlio ofllce of pavmns tor aoneral, nnd lias been succeeded by Sir Sav tile Ctossley, M. P. mm WmSm Crovfns 0ur gKpU mmm Comfortable WUII mm3 FINANCIAL For Sa!e STOCK of the Town Topics Gold Mining Company of Denver, Colorado. 50 Cents a Share Tills 1- a lPRltimatP mlniiiB enterprise A dividend painpr mine, owned In fe simple bv Hip company and located or Bobtail 11111 in the heait of the famou Gold Belt ot nilpin countv, Colorado Stock can be bought on the montlilv pay ment plan. Subseilbeis can pay 10 pe ient. cash nnd 10 per lent, a month til the stoik is paid foi AGENTS WANTED For further Information, call on or nd dret-s CHAKLES D. SANDEESON, 136 Wyoming Avenue Scranton, Pn AsJS'SSa'JK'f Stoves at Wholesale 11 fn Y uuJf5.?,luVB, ,l,auc 'U"ueus 01 m es away, wnen you can buy I VVt-I J SCRANTON STOVES at Foundry Prices. You can get repairs at C any tune on home-made Stoves4 $ Parlor Sfoues from $5.00 and Gmjtfards Ranges (6 Boiler Holes), $10,00 and Upwards Sold at same price as at Foundry by FOOTE d& FULLER CO., I40'I4S WASHINGTON AVENUE, UNION CASH STORE, DUN MORE, PA, WILLIAM OHAPPELL, PROVIOSNOE SQUARE, A. J. HOWLEY, OU NORTH WASHINTON AVENUE, Thanksgiving Things f riees 5pjeiaL nOTHING particularly unusual about this announcement, yet the hundreds of kousekeepers who an nually watch for it, know that it means a week's selling of dining room furnishings that has no equal in the homefurnishing trade of this section of the country. Thanksgiving comes at a most opportune season for us, because we are glad to have the room occupied by such pieces as Sideboards, Extension Tables, China Cabinets, etc., as it gives room for our always great Holiday display. It is unnecessary to dwell at length on the intrinsic merit and low figures attached to these extra offer ings the goods save us the trouble. "The Thanksgiving" Dinner Set lOO Pieces Three Pieces Illustrated. We do not hesitate to say that this is the most remark able Dinner Set value of the age. Every one of the hun dred pieces is clear, first-class stock, in shapes duplicating expensive sets. Fine American Porcelain, artistically decorated; its value among exclusive dealers is $10 and over. Our Special Thanksgiving price is PRICE, icp ' S 3p J & China Closets Chint Closet Oval glass eutls, large glass floor, full complement of shelves, French legs; finished In polished golden oak. A regu lar $21.00 value elsewhere. Our Special Thanksgiving Week Price is only 17.50 Quartered Oak China Closet Of imposing appearance, bow ends and heavy glass door. Tho minor hack to tho top shelf at onco distinguishes its ornamen tal value. Others ask from $27.50 upwards for like crea tions. Our Special Thanksgiv ing Figure Is only 22.50 GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Magnificent China Cabinet Of cross-grain quartered oak, full bow front of superfine glass. In tho top is set a French bevel plato mirror, above and on tho sides of which are beautiful ex amples of dull carving. It is a masterpiece ot skilled work manship worth anywhere ?38.G0. During Thanksgiving week only. Its price hero is only 31.50 Dining Tables Square Top Extension Tables Finished in golden oak; heavy panelled undersupports reinfoice their strength and flrmnoss,; worth elsewhere, $D.,"0. Our Thanksgiving Price is only 7.50 Colonial Extension Table Square, regulation size, legs at the coineis and cenfie support amies out the Puritan idea of substantial plainness and also increases the seating capacity. Made of quartered oak, golden finished, it cannot be purchased elsowheio for less than $12.7o. For this one week preceding Thanksgiving our special flguio MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ON THESE SPECIALS. is 10.00 Round Top Extension Tsbles Round Top Extension Tables Of polished oak, golden flnibhod. The extra heavy claw-foot legs give It a very massive bearing. Tables of lebs value are display ed elsewhcie for $14.00, and over. During the Thanksgiving Sale this week our price will be $2.50 less, or 11.50 Quartered Oak Extension Tables Genuine selected stock; massive fluted legs that denote worth as well as extreme stiength. $15.00 is the price at other btoies. Outs for Thanks giving week but 12.50 Dining Chairs Cane Seated Dining Chair Turned bpindled back, finished in golden oak; worth $1.50. Special Thanksgiving price, 1.15 Qtiattered Oak Dining Chair Box cano seat, combining extia. strength and eomtort; elsewhere, $2.50. The Thanksgiving Special Price heie only 1.95 Upholstered Dining Chair of Polish Quarteied Oak Massive and elegant, full French legs, coveied In genuine black leather; a standard $4.25 value. Special tor Thanksgiving Week only, for 3.50 A full, select lino of Uphol steied Side Chalis, some with backs upholstered up to $10.00. New shapes in Upholsteied Arm Chahs up to $17.50. Pi ices always below otheib. Sideboards Golden Oak Finished Side board, with Minor Full length shelf and side brackets, drawers and cupboards, top and base at tractively carved. Our Thanks giving figures cut tho prices of other dealets $2.75. They aie 9.75 MAKE SELECTIONS AND PAY CASH, OR A LITTLE AT A TIME, AS SUITS YOUR CONVENIENCE. Sideboards in golden oak; side brackets bevel mirror. drawers and ing lined silv lar value. Thanksgiving Full size, finished high top shelf and surround French Full equipment of cupboards, incltid er drawers; regu- $19.50. Special Quotation, 15.00 Massive Sideboard of Golden Oak French hovel plate shaped mirror, elegant heavy carvings on top and base; stands on French claw-foot legs; instead of $30.00, tho customary value, the Thanksgiving Price is only 24.00 Our complete lino comprises the mobt comprehensive selec tion of sideboards extant. Prices up to $65.00. Buffets from $10.00 to $35.00. - -or? I '" ' Floor Coverings Our Special Semi-Wool Ingrain is a carpet justly famous for it.s stearlinc wear ing quality. A full line ot attractive pat terns in this real 75c value at, EL Sir per yard QOVw Brussels, Smyrna and Wilton Rugs At popular prices. There is not a se lection in Scranton to equal ours. Carps! Remnants for Kug Making From 1 to V yds. lon, fringe J fan for both ends free 1 uL An early call is advised to secure sat isfactory selections. Velvet Carpets Full range of designs, most durable grades. Prices, yard, 1 10, 1.25, 1.35, 1.40 Axminster Carpet Extra heavy, rich high pile, nice col or combinations, yard, 90c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.35 9x1 2-foot Tapestry Rugs r designs and colorings om the maker. Three gra 17.00, 18.00, 19.00 New designs and colorines iust re ceived from the maker. Three grades at Carpets Made and Laid Without Extra Charge. Goods Delivered In Unmarked Wagons When Desired, Credit You? Certainly! jr m& . ... Freight Paid on Purchases of $5.00 or Over Within 100 Miles of Scranton, 221-23-25-27 WYOMING AVE. ttJV?i' WMM&&tt'&?Mx"Vit