- w -i,. ,114 V- " ,"' 'i't' ". . V ,,-. d -J, It 1. in. .-..rf . ... hi, i-3Vl -b. lLXfK t .tirj-iTl , ; ft ,i.Uj .pir.il.TZ. i 1 OTnton TJIE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SI-RVICK 01' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GRI'ATEST NI-WS AGENCYJN THE WORLD. SCRANTON, 'PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1002. TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. TEN RAGES ?OiW"" 5-fc GOOD WITNESS FOR THE OPPOSITION More of Rev. Dr. Roberts' Writings Introduced by Companies' Attor neys in Cross-Examination. SOME VERY STRONG DECLARATIONS Winers' Own Witness Agrees That a Uni r 1 Rate of Wages Is Impracticable Because of the Varying Conditions and Fairly Outsuns the Sun in His Presenta tion of the Strike Reign of Terror. Few witnesses tho operators them selves will rail can he expected to give testimony more corroborative of their contentions than that adduced yester day from Itev. Peter Jtoberts, Ph.D., the witness before the mine strike com mission whom the miners called to the stand to succeed their chief witness. President John Mitchell, of the- United Mine "Workers. Hov. Dr. Roberts has made a spe cialty of sociological studies, and In the course of the past year published a book on "The Anthracite Mining In dustry," and a series o strike articles for the Outlook and Yale I review. Three weeks ago he engaged himself to assist President Mitchell, Henry D. Lloyd, Dr. Walter "Weyl and the miners' attorneys in preparing their case, and priming himself to Ik their chief wit ness, next to President Mitchell. In his examination in chief, he made an excellent witness for the cause he espouses. On cross-examination, how ever, he proved a convenient and effect ive channel through which the oppo sition could transmit to the commis sion a vast amount of wide-ranged tes timony, especially favorable to its cause, by reason of it being help from (lie enemy. Sincerely rather than sar castically, Mr. Wolverton. counsel for tilt Renrllhir fmrnrini- nt li .,.-,.. ,1.. V Ion of his cross-examination of Dr. Roberts', complimented him on the ex cellence of his articles and thanked him for them. Not a little speculation was rife among the onlookers as to why the complainants had permitted him to take the stand, when It could have been known that the respondents would thereby be supplied with ammunition. Could Not Disavow Them. Because of the recent dale of the doctor's publications, it was not pos sible for him to gracefully disavow the views expressed therein or to attempt to modify to any considerable extent the statements of fact. Consequently everything, pretty much, that was paraded before him of his published utterances had ulte the same effect as If newly recited by himself from the witness box. Appended are a few brief excerpts that will serve as sample bricks of the doctor's indirect testimony: From "The Anthracite Coal In dustry:" "This (to adjust wages on a uniform basis) can not be done In the anthra cite coal fields." , "Conditions constantly change and with the changes readjustments must be made." "A standard price will never be prac ticable." "Some collieries have far more favor able circumstances than others." "The spirit of unionism among the employes brings about many strange and Inconsistent actions.. Men who in sist upon Individual rights are the least tolerant or these rights when governed by the union." "If a miner will not join the union a driver will not give him cars." "It Is the fashion of the day to bo one of the union, and if you are not, the boycott falls on you." "The question (whether or not to In augurate a strike) was decided by an Italian swinging a revolver around his head and shouting, 'Strike, strike!' " From The Outlook, Oct, IS, MO:.': "Tlicso (acts or violence) sometimes tnko a form that Is brutal beyond de scription." "Nothing In the annals of savagery exceeds In brutality the fatal assault's m "The savage attacks were revolting and horrible." Could Be Multiplied. "The Instances (of violence) above irlven could bo multiplied indefinitely," "Occasionally such villainous deeds arc done "The attempt (to call out all tin- lire men, pumpmen and engineers) will stand forth as a conspicuous ex nmple or short-sighted policy, preelpl tated by a spirit compounded equally of braggadocio, spite and stupidity." From The Outlook, Nov. S, 1902; "Not for a generation will the en mities and hatred engendered by this strike die away," "It (the strike) disturbs social peace at lionm and sets brother against brother." "On th day of the funeral the under taker could not get a man to remove Ills (non-unionist's) remains from the house to the funeral car," From the Yale Review, May, 1002: "Interest lings In the union when no conflict Is Impending or In progress. Twenty per cent, of the members do not pay dues and the other twenty per cent, pay them In a perfunctory way," "No uniform rnto (of wages) can be laid down." "The spirit of unionism s liuonslst mU, intolerant." The articles In The Outlook were signed "P. Q. It." Dr. Roberts would not admit or deny that ho was the author. When asked If they were not his writings he said. "I would prefer not to answer that question." He, how ever, admitted Indirectly, a dozen times at least that they were his articles. The cross-examiners after reading a passage would usk him If his opinion now was the same as expressed there in, and almost Invariably he answered In the affirmative, sometimes with a reluctant "Yes." When Mr. Wolverton had finished reading the doctor's arraignment of the strikers for their violence during the strike, the witness Insisted on reading a further paragraph from an Outlook article In which he. says: Would Be Absurd. "It would be absurd to charge the miners' organization with all these crimes and offenses. Their leaders, generally speaking, deprecate them, and most of the conservative men of the union have done all in their power to check it." During the afternoon the miners' side temporarily withdrew Dr. Roberts from the stand. Physicians wen; then called to testify to the unhealthfuluess of mine work and to contradict the antic ipated claim of the companies that they contribute largely to the support of hospitals In the mine regions. The disagreeable weather of the early morning had the effect of diminishing the slue of the crowd of spectators. Every one who came was able to get inside, though many had to stand up. In the afternoon the crowd packed the room, but the numbpr of those who could not gain entrance was small as compared with the days when Mr. Mitchell was on the stand. Chairman K. U. Thomas, of the Mile's board of directors, was present again yesterday. The commissioners asked numerous questions, but no extended or especially Important colloquies occurred. All seem to be abundantly supplied with patience, good nature and ability to maintain an extremely lively Interest In their task. Mr. "Wolvertou resumed the cross examination of Dr. Roberts at the opening of the morning session on the contents of the doctor's book, at which he was engaged the day before, when tin adjourning hour arrived, From the doctor's work Mr. "Wolver tou read that because of differences in the different mines "It is impossible to adjust wages on a uniform basis. This cannot be done. It will never be prac ticable. Large powers of discretion in the regulation of wages must be vested in the foiemeu." Uniform Scale Impossible. The. contortions, irregularities, flexures and impurities in the veins of anthracite make, It Impossible to adjust wane on a uniform basis throughout the anthracite coal flelilH. Rituininous coal miners meet their employers every year, and a uni form basis is laid down for vast areas of the coal Held, and the agreement works s-atlsfnetoilly to both employer and em ploye. ThU cannot be done In the anthracite coal fields, and tin difllculty lies In the geological structiun of Ilia coal deposits, Conditions of workings constantly change, and with the changes, readjustment of wages must bo made. This Ih left to the Judgment of thnforeiuan In ehnrge.whose duty It Is to do Justice by tho workman, Kxperlenced men, who have pent their lift' tlirjfl in the anthracite mines, posi tively cmlrm that u standard price for mining III these coal fields will never be practicable, Jn the case of men working by contract, nothing more than general rules can be laid down. Knelt shaft has Its peculiarities, and never will It bn pos sible to operate theso mines without en trusting largo powers of dhcrcllon, as to tho ndjiistmout of prices, to tlui foreman In charge, Tho only possible sphere of action for the union Is local. ICach shaft may hnvo Its local assembly, which may by u com mittee, try to securo Us members rea sonablo remuneration. This being done, and It Is the only extent to which the efforts at adjusting contract prices can go. Some collieries have fur morn favor able natural conditions thun others. There nrn collieries In the southern coal Held which consume from eight to ten per cent, of tho tnnnngo to generate steam, lipcatif-u they hoist, from a depth of l.WXl feet, two tons of rock and ten tons of water for every ton of coal produced, In mliiet where thorn Is nnich rock to be blasted, If It Is hard sandstone. It will cost the company from $li to J2.7." a yard In allowances. In a shaft In Lackawan na county tho employers paid u, miner as high as $ii a yard for blasting rock, Two dltllcultles meet us l'i the effort to get data ns to the cost of producing a ton off coal. Flint, tho refusal of tho operator to give the figures: and. mt onl, tho great variety of theso figures providing wo rould get them. No two collieries are alike, and ,tho same colliery has not tho tsamo figure for two succes sive months. After bringing out that the allowances, for cutting lock varies from $2 to $0 per yard, Mr. Wolvertou questioned the witness at length on his Idea of how It would be possible to make uniform rates for this kind of work. The wit ness practically admitted It was Im possible. Are Far from. It. When asked If mine operators were generally "hard-hearted, unjust men, who ground down the poor to the last penny." Dr. Roberts answered, "Far from It." Heading from Dr. Roberts' article In the Yale Review, of May, 1002, Mr. "Wol verton showed that at thut time the witness had declared there were no dissensions or discontent In the Schuyl kill region. That the relations between tho Reading company nnd Its employes were "most amiable," and that the men of the southern fields were opposed to a strike. In this article, also, Dr. Rob erts declared that "no uniform rate of wages can be laid down." From an October article of Dr. Rob erts In the same paper the witness de clared that the miners nnd laborers of the northern coal field were then at logger-heads over division of pay, and tho tefusal of the miners to obey the law requiring them to remain In the chamber until the laborer Is through. The majority of the miners are home before 'noon, the article adds. Further on In the article Dr. Roberts states that Interest In the union flags when there Is no conflict on or im pending; that twenty per cent, of the members were at that time refusing to pay their dues and another twenty per cent were paying them In a perfunctory way. It was also declared that Ihu of ficers of the union were very much concerned about the dissensions and lack of Interest In the union. Mr. "Wolverton pointed out that at tho close of the strike, the thousands of mine workers from the anthracite re gion who flocked Into the bituminous region flocked back again with such a rush that the railroads could scarcely take care of them. Dr. Roberts said they were attracted here by social and property ties. Mr. Wolverton mention ed that many of these were bachelors, whose relatives were all in th old country. "Maybe they had girls In this region," said the witness. Mr. Wolverton elicited from the wit ness that there are fifteen religious hol idays observed in the anthracite re gion: that the mines are sometimes shut down by breaker boys 'turning out" to go to the circus. Not Due to Carelessness. The witness did not agree with the mine Inspectors that the majority of accidents are due to the carelessness of the injured. He held that primarily the 1 hazardous character of tho industry Is blamable. Judge Gray remarked, "There Is a margin it carelessness naturally be longing to a human being." Mr. Wolverton said It was his ex perience that thls-inargin was Intensi fied in men working hi dangerous oc cupations. They became used to dan ger and consequently reckless of It. Judge Gray told that while on the tour through the mine regions h was riding on a mine car underground, and if it wasn't for some one behind him pulling him back Ids forehead would have struck against a "collar." "But," said Mr. Wolverton, "nature has done something for you anil me that Is not taken Into consideration In the construction of gangways." That the coming of the Knlted-Mine Workers created dissensions in the an thracite region which never before ex isted, the witness would not agree. It was true, he would say, as applied to employer and employe, but not further than this. As to mine Inspectors' reports, Dr. Roberts explained that the reports of accidents were often secured. Here Mr. AVolvertnn read from Dr. Roberts' book the following on the spirit of unionism: Spirit of "Unionism. The spltll of unionism among the em ployes brings about many strange and In consistent action,-. Men who Insist upon Individual rights and personal liberty arc tho least tolerant of these rights when roverned by the union. One of the alms of the organization Is to promote peace and order, and yet many acts are done by Its members which disturb the peace of. society, When a member of the Thir teenth regiment secured work in one of tile collieries of Lackawanna coimtv a committee of the local union asked the foreman to dUmlH him. I To refused to do so and the employes went nil strike. If a miner will not Join the union tho driver will not give him ears. Last De cember, a small boy, not IS years of age. driving In oun of the collieries of the northern field delivered a car to nn elder ly man. old enough to bo his grandfather, nnd told him: "Vou put your tools hi that and get out for you won't get no more cars." The miner appealed to tho foreman, The latter went to the boy and ordered him to drive cars to the cham ber In question; he told him he would not do it. Thn foreman told the child, "You had letter tnko my tape and book, for you seem to run this shaft." That child was rn hero of the hour. l-'lve drlver-boy, from the ago of J5 to IS years, In another shaft, laid wage griev ances not Involving, all told, morn than llfly cents a day. Without a word of warning to their parents, or a single at tempt at adjusting their grievances by seeing tho foreman or superintendent, they declared a strike, Tim employes lost by It over $3il.u0l in wages, and the boys were inferred to In muss meeting ha examples to their fathers In "manhood, courage and liberty." A father and son worked at a washery during the strike. When resumption came, tho employes of that colliery would not begin work until the father and son were discharged. Thn foreman had to do It. The offenders had to appeal to the local union for member ship as tho only condition of securing work, They were admitted by paying an entrance fee of $15. Tho regular fee was Jl a member, Miners often have two or threo laborer to work for them, but when a miner takes a contract which enables him to hire miners and laborers, ho Is disqualified as a member of tho union, although ho pays the standard wagn In the colliery to the men ho hires. During tho last strike some of thn miners were sworn In as deputies by tho com panies to guard their property. Theso men are now members of tho union, but they are closely watched nnd suspected of being spies In behalf of tho opera tors. Oft Times Ludicrous. Instances of tho spirit of unionism of. ten met with are more ludicrous than serious. Four boarders left a boarding houso ut the some time, raying, "They weren't going to board with no scab boarding boss." A butcher wagon in Its rounds stopped to tell meal ut the door of a non-union man. Home of tho union men told tho butcher, "If you sell to him you can't to us." A minor sat In a bar ber's chair being lathered for a shave. Six union men entered nnd took their scats. They Identified tho man hi tho chnlr ns one of tho non-union men. At tho barber was about to apply tho razor, ono of tho men snld, "If you shavo thnt man you don't shnvo us." The man hnd' to vacate tho chair unshnved, A store, keeper Insisted nn hl.i personal liberty, which finds so large a plnco hi thn ad dresses of the labor lenders, and declnred ho would not dlschnrgo nlcrks who wcro not union men. Half u dozen men visit ed his store, mndo their purchases, and then asked tho clerk to show his union card. Ho could not. Tho men left the goods on tho counter. That Invariably makes tho storekeeper less pronounced In Ids personnl liberty claims. Thn spirit of unionism Is everywhere. All classes of labor which can be organized nro formed into unions. It Is tho fashion of tho day to be ono of tho union, and If you are not, tho boycott falls on you. Possibly the most dangerous element of tho anthracite population dominated by this spirit ore tho lower classes of Slavs and the Italians. Fngllsh-spenklng mlnn workmen have some respect for per sonal rights, even when unionism ap pears la Its most rampant form, but some Slavs and Italians pass beyond all re straint. Thn wnrklngmen In a shaft. In Lackawanna county held a meeting to discuss tho situation on Sept. 8, ten .days before the strike was ordered. The "foreigners" said "strike now"; the Kng-llsh-ppeuklng element, which was In the minority, argued that there was no or der Issued, and tried to persunde them to keep at work until the order came. Tho question was decided by an Italian swinging a revolver around bis head and shouting, "Strike, strike." The shaft was shut down a week before tho general strike. Purchased Firearms. When the strike was about to be de clared, u company of "foreigners" visit ed a mining town to purchase firearms. There were two hardware stores thero which carried a stock of these goods. They entered one place nnd bought tho Implements and the other store lost Hint portion of Its stock that night. A car penter on the first day of the strike whs engaged repairing a bouse as one of these men enme along. They shouted, "You strike, strike all over," and tho prudent man packed up his tools and went home. In a shaft In Luzerne county where this class of labor was In the majority, the local union was governed by them. Tho English-speaking employes were members of the union, but held different views from those of the Slavs and Italians. When tho Anglo-Saxons expressed their opinions in a meeting of the union they were thrown out. When notices weio posted at the bead of the shaft, stating that work would be resumed the follow ing Monday, the "foreigners" were up at dawn. Five ways led to the mines. On each road an organized troop was posted, and if any employe had come to begin work that morning, there would have been bloodshed. In another shaft, twelve Italians, said to be members of the Mafia, held nil the colliery In terror, and nothing could bo done unless en dorsed by them. Anglo-Saxons know bow to slug a "scab," but tho "foreigners" use the knife and revolver. In 'Shnunii dealt, two of the buslnes men signed the petition sent to the governor of tho stale asking for troops to protect life and property at the time ciC the riots. The Slavs boycotted them in a maimer Continued on Page '.' PRESIDENT'S RETURN HOME The Journey Back to Wash ington Is Without Spe cial Incident. Uy K('hMp Wire from TIip .Vmi.itfil I'irss. Knoxvllle, Tonn., Nov. 20. President Roosevelt's special train readied here at 1 o'clock this afternoon, and the president and his party were welcomed at the station by several hundred peo ple. One of the first persons to greet President Roosevelt was Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, of this city, sister of Gover nor Broady, of Arizona Territory. Gov ernor Uroady was lieutenant colonel of the Rough Riders when the president was colonel. He was much gratified at meeting her and spoke feelingly of his comrades. The train stopped only long enough to change engines, Ashevllle, N. C Nov. 20. President Roosevelt's train arrived here ut 6.10 tonight and left fifteen minutes later. Tlie president made no formal speech, hut shook hands with a number of citi zens. The train will reach Washing ton nt S o'clock tomorrow morning, The president's homeward journey to day was without special Incident. Tliu ride across the mountains over tho Southern railroad was made In fust time. The train stopped only to change crows and engines, its coming was gen erally unheralded, hut there was a small crowd at almost every station. Several times the train was cheered as It swept by. At Chattanooga, tho presi dent received a telegram from New port, Tenu., saying that thn school chil dren would turn out to see him, Hy his direction tho train was slowed down when that place was reached. About two hundred little ones, with flags In their hands, were lined up nlong the track. The president stood on the rem platform and waved his hand and iiat to them, "CHICAGO SLIM" ACQUITTED. Jury Decides That He Wns Not Guilty of Murder in Killing "Bos ton Fatty." Uy exclusive Wire from The Ajclaleil l'ros. Lancaster, Pa., Nos-. 0,-.t 9.M o'clock tonight thn Jury In tho case of James Gram hit Shepherd on thn head with a. with the murder of John Shepherd, alias "Ilostou Fatty," at Columbia, on Sep. tPinbcr 1C, rendered a verdict of not guilty. During a quarrel over some, money, ahum hit Shepherd on tho bend with a stouo mulcting a fatal wound. Iln plead, ed self defence, claiming that Shepherd first attacked him with a knife. Steamslilp Arrivals. Hy KcliMlre Wire from Tlie AmqvIjIuI I'rui. Now York, Nov. 20. Arrived: Graf Wuldorf, Hamburg, Boulogne and Ply mouth. Sallrd; La Touralue, Havre. Antwerp Arrived: La Lorraine, New York. Southampton Arrived: St. Louis, New York. Liverpool Arrived; Teu tonic, New York. Moville Arrived: Uthlopln, New York. Qucenstown Sailed: Celtic, New York, Cherbourg Arrived: Patricia, via Plymouth for lluiubur. SOCIALISTS STRUGGLE FOR CONTROL Theij Gams Within 400 Votes of Rullna the niwtaan Fed eration ot Labor. BATTLE CONTINUES NEARLY ALL DAY Jinny Able Speeches Are Made on Both Sides The Debate Kept Up Until 6 O'clock in the Evening No Business Transacted During' the Day, Save in the Report of the Committee of Investigation of Gompers-Shaffer Trouble, Which Vindicates Mr. Gompers The Min ers at the Convention Vote for Socialism. By Kxclusivc Wire from The Aoclatril I'ip. New Orleans, La Nov. 20. The So cialists came within 400 votes of secur ing the control of the convention of the American Federation of Labor to day. The struggle lasted almost the entire day and many able speeches were made on both sides, notably those of D. A. Hayes, James Duncan nnd President Gompers, against the Socialists and Victor Berger, Mux Hayes and W. H. Wilson, ot the United Mine Workers, In behalf of the resolu tion introduced by Delegate Rergcr and amended by Delegate Wilson, in a mumier acceptable to Berger. The debate lasted until 6 o'clock in the evening, when a roll call showed 4,744 votes against the amendment of Mr. Wilson, nnd 4,344 In favor of It. The miners voted solidly In favor of the amendment. No business was trans acted in the convention during the day, other than the report of the commit tee which Investigated the Gompers Shaffer trouble, and which report com pletely exonerated President Gompers. Berger's Amendment. The resolution introduced by Victor L. Berger, of Milwaukee, committed the convention to the doctrines of So cialism. Tho committee on resolutions reported, as a" similar committee had reported at the Scranton convention of last year that the principles of trades union movement contain all that is necessary at the present time for the advancement of the worklngnien of the country. Delegate Max Hayes offered a substitute for tho report of the con vention to the effect that the federa tion advise the working people to or ganize their economic nnd political power to secure for labor the full equiv alent of Its toll and the overthrow of the wage system and establishing an industrial, co-operative democracy. The substitution was ruled out of or der by the chair as being a substitute. Delegate Hayes then offered It us an amendment,. and It was so admitted by the chair. Delegate Wilson proposed to amend the amendment by striking out the words, "and the overthrowal of tho wage system and establishing an in dustrial co-operative democracy." Delegate Hayes declares this accept able to him, bui no action was taken ami the debate proceeded. From .' o'clock In the afternoon until .".40 o'clock, the debate went on. Presi dent Gompers being the last speaker. He urged the union men to nilhcro closely to union principles, declaring that their successes would be greater thun It would be If they followed any other decision than that under which they were organized. A motion made by Delegate ('. II. Barter to lay the matter on thn table was lost. A roll call was demanded, the vote being on t lie adoption of tho Wilson amendment to the Merger reso lution. It was lost, 1,711 to 4,::t4. ANOTHER NEGRO LYNCHED James Moore Is Taken from the Sher iff at Sullivan, Intl., and Hanged to a Telegraph Pole. Hy i:ilulP Win- (loin Tlie At-oi-ijtrcl 'n', Sullivan, 1 lid., Nov, 'JO. .fames Ulllurd, thu negro wso assaulted Mrs, Mary Da vis, of Sullvaii county, and Mrs. John Lemon, of Knox cranny, was taken from tho sheriff by u mob at ," o'clock this af ternoon, U wan captured at Itoblnson, 111., yesterday and was grought hern lutu this afternoon by Sheriff Dudley and sev eral deputies. A mob of forty men armed with revolvers and shotguns met thu sheriff and his posse. Thn deputies of fered resistance but were compelled to release thn negro, The negro begged piteous)' for mrcy, Thn mnb beat him over tlm head with revolver. Ho was dragged into tliu main street of thn town and thrown Into a wagon. Tho mob then followed tho wiigdu and ho was taken to tlm homes of his victims' In tho country. He was identified by his vic tims and was hanged to a telegraph pole pear Lemon's farm at OaUtown. Striking for a Babbit Hunter, Uy i:.sclulvo W'lic from Tliu Associatiil Pien. Athens, O,, Nov. 20. Two hundred min ers urn on a strike hero as tho result of tho discharge of Mlno Motorman Plur enco Russell, who, Instead of reporting for work, went rubblt hunting, it is said that the other local committees In tho Hocking and Sunday Creek vulleys may take up thu cute. Danish Steamer Foundered. Hy I.'ncludic Wire from The Assooljlul Vxtit. London, Nov, U Tho Danish steamer Kuud II, C'aptulu Hum-rcii, from Copen hagen, nnd the' llilllsh steamer Swale dale, from' Hamburg, collided tonight at tho nioUth of tlui Tync. The Knud II fouudctcd Immediately nnd the uiutcr und ssven of her crew wcro drowned. PRESIDENT STEER WORK OF PARDON BOARD Release of John D. Jones Recom mendedApplication of Joseph Keller Refused. By Ilxclinlve Wire Irom Tlie Aocl,itcJ 1'mm. Ilnrrlsburg, Nov. "0. Tlie board of par dons recommended for pardons today John D. Jones, Lackawanna, ciiiliczzleiiient; L. C. Ballon, Allegheny, embezzlemen; Albert L, llolllnshead, Philadelphia, mak ing false addition in book accounts; Charles M. Leidy, ilitrrlshnrg, Involuntary manslaughter, and Nicholas Martin, Al legheny, selling liquor without license. Pardons were refused Kelt Hester, Hut ler.assault with Intent to rob; I). A. Gllck, Allegheny, larceny and receiving stolen good; William Fox. Fayettte. arson; Thomas Llndsey, Bucks, larceny; Ri mer Ague, M eicer, assault nnd battery; Alexander Klllen. Allegheny, serving a life sentence for llrst degree murder; Os car Dunlap and D. Knight Finely, of Philadelphia, thn abductors of Mabel Goodrich; Stanislaus Hkrozkl, Armstrong, aggravated assiftilt and battery; John Penilergast. Philadelphia, larceny; Joseph Wilde. Philadelphia, assault anil battery; Charles White, Dauphin, .second degree murder; William Stevenson. Philadelphia, second degree murder; Charles Owens, Allegheny, attempted burglary; ox-Uepto-setitatlve James ft. Gilner, Luzerne, manslaughter; Stacktou S. Shivers, Phil adelphia, fraudulently taking co-partnership, property, and Joseph Keller, Lack awanna, manslaughter. The cases of John Szovak, Allegheny, second degree murder; Nick Morowltz, Allegheny, manslaughter: Joseph S. Gu llck, Northumberland, first degree mur der; Kate Kdwards. Berks, first degree murder; John Roemele, Philadelphia, sec ond degree murder, and Max Koehlcr, Lackawanna, second degree murder, were held under advisement. CARRIE AT THE HORSE SHOW Mrs. Nation Reproves the Vanderbllts and Tries to Break a Bottle. By Kxclmhc Who fiom The Asi-nc.ijti.d press. New York. Nov. 20. Mrs. Carrie Nation created a sensation at the horse show today. She harangued the great gathering on the evils of over dress, attempted to break a bottle of cham pagne and finally was ejected from the building by the police. Mrs. Nation entered the garden quiet ly and took a seat in the tier. She had been there only a few minutes when her gaze rested on tlie box where some members of the Vanderbilt family were sitting. She studied her programme and then descended to the promenade. Stationing herself In front of the Van derbilt box, she delivered a tirade on overdress. In the box were seated Mrs. Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Heglnald Vander bilt and -Miss Nlelson. Alfred G. Van derbilt was leaning against the rail of the promenade and did not see Mrs. Nation approach. "You ought to be ashamed of your selves," the woman screamed at them. "You ought to be ashamed to wear such disgraceful clothes. Take them off, take them off at once and attire yourselves more modestly," Alfred G. Vanderbilt hastily left his position at tlu rail and caipe over to where Mrs. Nation was standing and wiping her forehead with a handker chief, he whispered something in her ear and flushed her away. The outburst of the woman attracted a great crowd of people und the occu pants of the Vanderbilt box were evi dently very much embarrassed. Mrs. Nation then turned her attention to other boxes. Finally she started for the cafe, where shn burn down on a party of men who were drinking wine, Mrs. Nntlon seized the bottle and glar ing at the men shouted; "Young men. don't drink such filthy stuff. You are going straight to hell. Where Is the man who sells this stuff'.' Show him to me and I will tell him what I think of him." Mrs. Nation's request was speedily granted by the sudden appearance of M. Vllleplgue, the caterer at the garden, "Get out of this horrible business," she shouted ut him, "you are also going to hell ami ruining the bodies and souls of men, You are dragging them down with you. Shame on you. Shame on you." The Frenchman, however, rati to Mrs, Nation and rescued the bottle which slm had repeatedly branlshed In tho air to einpluislzn her remarks. Then he pushed her out of tho door. Here thn pollen took hold of the Kansas reformer and led her away ftom thn building. Thoinns Will Direct Lehigh Valley. Hy l',eliiiltP Wire hem Tlie Assoc iJtnl l'res. Philadelphia. No. M.-At the offices of tho Lehigh Valley Kill I road company, In this cty, it was stnted today that a suc cessor to President Walter would not bu elected until tho iiniuiul mertliur of tho company on January W. President Thorn oh, of tho Kilo company, who Is cliulrmun of thn executivo committee of thn Lehigh Valley company, will act in tho capacity of president until tho new head of tho Lehigh Valley Is chosen. Shamokln Feels Freight Congestion. Hy I'xtliiilre Wire fiom The AwielKril Pre. Shumolilu, Pa.. No", IU The effect of tho freight congestion which tho Penn sylvania railroad Is experiencing on ac count of locomotives nnd cars was first felt here today when a number of collier ies wcro shut down because ot a lack of cars. Several train crews worn suspended and some loeomot'lves shipped to thu west. Pensions Granted. By i:xclusle Wire (rem The Ajtochted l'ren. Washington, Nov. 0. John Frederick (dead), of Scranton, Jjl2; Anna 15. Fred crick, widow of Scranton, JS; John G. iiraudow, CarbonUalc, ?S. MAY TRUST LAW Mr. Roosevelt Will Soon Confer on the Siiblect vvitli the Senate and House Leaders. FEARS DAMAGE TO THE SHERMAN ACT Effort Will Be Made to Get BotK Houses to Agreo on Amendments ns Suggested by Mr. Knox In! Any Scrnmble to Claim the Tltla of a. New Bill Mr. Roosevelt Fear the Present Law Might be Weak ened. By Kichhtie Wlie from 'flic As-xi.itcd 1'rMf. "Washington, Nov. '20. PresldenS Itoosevelt, on his return to Washington, will tnlk over with leading senators and representatives the prospects of leglslii-. tlon to amend the anti-trust law. Th president Is not seeking udvice as to what recommendations, he shall maka In his message. He has already formu lated them. What he wants now la to have the leading lawyers of congress ready, If possible, to carry his recom mendations into effect at the short ses sion. The president has a plan which embodies his own ideas, and Is also thp result of careful study by Attorney General Knox. The president would like to see tha attorney general's proposition consid ered seriously by congress. But con gress Is Jealous of Its prerogatives and statesmen are always eager to have their names identified with populai measures. Many anti-trust bills will be Introduced, presenting all sorts ot sug gestions, and that is Just where the trouble lies. An experience of this sort was had lust winter with proposed leg islation for the protection of the pres ident and the punishment of anarchism. Attorney-General Knox and his assist ants In the department of Justice gave weeks of study to the criminal laws and prepared a bill which In their Judg ment would meet with the conditions. It was laid before congress. The Ju diciary committee of the house hardly noticed it, but spent weeks in consider ing all sorts of queer bills Introduced by members of the committee. The whole session was wasted. Tws Ineffective bills are now In conference between the house and senate.' The Sherman law. The president and Attorney-General Knox are anxious to see the Sherman law amended without spoiling Its pres ent good features. The attorney gen eral thinks that the Sherman law is one of the most carefully drawn acts that has evpr been placed on the statute book. It Is the work of men like Sher man, F.dmunds and Hoar, and when it was enacted it fully met the situation It was so effective that it compelled the trusts to change the form of or ganization. It Is still effective as far as it goes, and one of the great dan gers in new legislation Is that the pres ent law may be weakened rather than strengthened. The president hopes to secure Im mediate legislation which will not em barrass in the least the work which the department of justice Is now doing In prosecuting the trusts or interfere with the validity of the present law, which has already been declared constitu tional by the Supreme court. He hopes that, congress will not attempt too inueii. but will agree upon some im portant amendment to the Sherman act that will prevent over-capitalization and Insure publicity. Other amend ments can be added as the committees may reach an agreement. In the opinion of the department of justice it will require several years tn perfect a law to dal with the whole subject of the truMs and meet nil the evils Unit may arise without Interfer ing with tho natural and necessary evo lution of business methods in this coun try, The president realizes that whole salt trust legislation cannot be under taken ut tho short session of congress. Hi believes, however, that an amend ment to the Sherman act can be passed without elaborate debate, If the law yers on the judiciary committee will get together and formulate It unsel fishly. Senator Hoar Is chairman of the sen nto committee cm judiciary, and Sen ators Piatt, of Connecticut: Clark, of Wyoming; Fairbanks, Simon, Nelson, McGoinns and Depew are the Jlepubll can members. Kepresentatlvo Jenkins, of Wisconsin, will succeed to the chair manship of the Judiciary committee of tin house. Other Republican members of that committee are Parker, of New Jersey; Overstreet, of Indiana; Alex ander, of New York: Warner, of Illi nois; Idttlefleld, of Maine; Knhn, of California; Thomas, of Iowa: Powers, of Massachusetts, and Novln, of Ohio, The president has discussed this sub ject with Senator Piatt, of Connecti cut; Fairbanks and Overstreet, of In diana, nnd he will before congress meets have conferences with other members of these two committees. YESTEEDAY'S WEATHER, 1 Local data, for Nov. 20, 190'J; Highest temperaturo 5i deercea Lowest temperaturo ........,.. 31 degree Helutlvo humidity; 8 a, m. .,,.,,,,.,,.,. PJ per crijt, S p. m, ...,, ,,....,... M per cent, 4- -f H 44 WEATHER FORECAST. -f Washington, Nov. JO. Forecast 4- for Friday nnd Saturday: Bat f ern Pennsylvania Fair Friday and Saturday, slowly rising Umpera.-4- turo; light to fresh eoutheaat 4- winds. 4 4- ? ' K