The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special to tlio Scranton Tribune.
Homvidulo, Nov. IK. The Mile will
run an excursion to Now York Wed
nesday, Nov. 1!C. Fare from tlonesdnle,
92, good for return Nov. 28.
On Friday evening; next an ciitertiiln
incnt mill concert will lie Riven In the
Baptist eluireli by local tiilenl. Tickets,
10 mill 15 rents.
The Young People's society of the
Lutheran church will hold u Itundkor
chief iiiul fancy articles sale, Oec. :!, In
the (school room of the church,
"The Dutchman's lloneyniooiii" will
be rIvcii at the opera house Friday
evening. Nov. 21, It Is n laugh pro
voker, nml one of the funniest and clev
erest farces ever written, containing,
star compdlnns nnd up-to-date special
ties. A cure ,for the blues.
Forty hours' devotion will commence
With high mass on Sunday at Ht. John's
Catholic church. A number of visiting
clergymen will assist Itev. Father
The new drug store of Ueorgo W.
Plol, opened In the Mnyhew building,
presents a very Inviting appearance.
Miss Carrie Schlssler entertained a
few of her young friends, Tuesday
evening, tit her residence on Spring
street. .Music, Rallies and refreshments
were enjoyed.
A delegation of lloncsdule Odd Fel
lows visited their brethren In Iluwley,
Wednesday evening.
By it new time table on the IMuwnre
and Hudson Honesdale branch, the
Sunday train nrilvlng at 2.10 and leav
ing at 3.0:1 i). m. Is taken off. No other
change was inude.
Honesdale business men are consid
ering th advisability of establishing
a wholesale pioduee market In this
noblnsoti & Strongmnn. whose fac
tory was burned recently, have re
sumed the manufacture of rIovps and
The first number on the Christian
Endeavor course will be given In the
opera house. Monday evening next, by
the Edwin It. Weeks company.
Dr. Seliemnierhorii will remove his
olllce and residence to the Sutton resi
dence, corner or Third and Kloventh
streets, this week.
Special to the Scianton Tribune
Forest City. Nov. 11". The revival
services in the Methodist church under
charge of liev. John Norberry have
been a pronounced success. Euoh ev
ening large congregations have greeted
tno evangelist, who is a powerful and
a pleasing speaker.
II. E. Alexander, of Long 'Island, has
been visiting relatives hero the past
few days.
Miss Bessie CJover. of Whites Valley,
is staying with friends in town.
K. A. Randall was a Scranton visitor
The hardware Is now being put in the
new borough building and the structure
will soon be complete, much to the
pleasure of the county and the. people
The residents of Forest City are fol
lowing with great interest the details
of the hearing before the coal commis
sion which is being reported so admir
ably by The Tribune.
Special to :ho Scrnnton Tribune.
Uopbottom, Nov. 1S. J. M. .IcI'lVrs, of
Montrose, was a recent caller in town.
Claude Huberts, John Blshoe. Will
Brown anil Olcun .Roberts spent Sun
day in Waverly.
Asa Wllniarih is spending the week
In Scianton.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Kellum returned
to Scranton, Wednesday, after spend
ing the summer with their mother, Mrs,
M. M. Bell.
Mrs. J. 11. Tanner Is visiting friends
lu Illiighaniton.
William Cinrdner left for Susquehan
na, Tuesday, where he expects to spend
the winter.
O. F. Hull has been doing Jury duty
at Montrose during the past week.
Messrs. Thomas nnd Willis Nichols,
or Jermyn, were visiting Mr. Walter
Baker on Thursday lust.
A largo crowd attended the dancing
class at Deckers' rink last night.
Miss Cierirude Baker has returned
home after spending several weeks with
friends at Scianton and vicinity.
Miss Margaret Browneh Is visiting
friends at Kcrantou and vicinity.
.Miss Susie Wells is visiting relatives
Linemen are at work extending the
new telephone line to Clifford,
Itev, Dr.. Wlialen. of Oarbondale. eou
dueteil services at Elkdulo church yes
terday afternoon, .Much Interest Is
taken In the meetings hold at the above
church, and a cordial invitation Is ex
tended all who can attend.
Farmers In this vicinity are iiiltv In
dignant over the advance In coal.
The death of John Allen occurred
yn.nei 'v morning at the family res
Ideiice, on the West Side. He had been
a sufferer from stomach trouble for
several months, but had not been con,
lined to his room until the past few
days, Deceased was 7Ii years of age. lie
came to this country with a largo fam
ily In 186ft. Shortly nfter they were Itft
motherless, but by love and sympathy
they lightened each others burdens and
It wus a great comfort to see him pass
away so peacefully, Hu hail been em
ployed as 'mine foreman for the Penn
sylvania Coul company, nnd it Is need
less to say that lie performed his duties
carefully and wisely. About two years
ago he was placed on the retired list,
He was a member of the Kulfihts of
Honor, The following sons and daugh
ters survlvii him: .Mrs, James Mor
ton, Mrs. IMward Laird, Mrs. William
Laird, Miss Janet and Alexander, of this
town, James and ileoree, of Duniiiore,
nnd Robert, of Cheyenne. There aro
itlco two brothers and one sister, Mrs.
Wllllum McCullough, ami James, of
An Old and Well-TUed Remedy,
for children teething, Is the rnvscrlpiUni of
one of tin liesi femulo pliyblcluns. ami
nurses lu the. United Slates, and has been
used sixty years with nevc.r-1'nllluu suc
cess by millions of mothers for their chil
dren. During the process of teething Its
valno Is Incalculable. It relieves the child
from pain, cures diarrhoea, gilplng In the
bowels, and wind colic. Hy giving health
to tho child tt rests thu mother. Pike,
twenty-live cents a bottle,
Scranlon, and Robert) III Scotland. The
remains may be viewed from 10 to 1
o'clock tomorrow. The funeral will
lake place at 2 o'clock. Services will
be held In the I.annollffe church, in
torment will be inude In Langcllffc
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Rennet t
will take place tomorrow afternoon nt
1..10 o'clock. Services will be held nt
the house. Interment will be lu Mareey
An Infant son of Mr, mid Mrs. Thomas
W. 'Parry was Interred yesterday In
Langcllffc cemetery.
The gospel meetings at the Methodist
Episcopal church continue with Increns
Ing Interest. Many who have, been In
different to religion have been revived
while it number have professrd conver
slon. Rev. Austin Grlllln, D. D will
preach Thursday night. The public Is
Invited to thpse services,
Special to the Scrnntou Tribune.
Plttston, Nov. in. Rumors have been
revived of a projected new hotel on
Broad street, In the vicinity of the new
theatre building, although It Is ulgh
Impossible to get any authentic Infor
mation on the- subject. It Is said a
company will bo capitalized at $SO,000
for the erection of the building.
Already Indications point to n very
exciting political fight here next spring
among the Democrats for the control
of city arfalrs. The fight will be cen
tered on the mayoralty and the olllce
of councilman. James Langan, the
present president of select council, Is
said to be a full-Hedged candidate for
the position now held by Muyor T. J.
Corcoran, and will be nn antl-Corcoran
candidate. Tho Corcoranltes have not
yet made known who their represen
tative will be, 1mt It Is understood they
will make a strong light. Mr. Lnnguu
has been a life-long resident of the city,
with a host of friends, and will make
n formidable aspirant.
P. II. O'Brien, of Avocn, is a new
mine foreman nt the Barnuni colliery
of the Pennsylvania at upper Plttston.
He has been llreboss at the Spurrow
vllle mine for several years.
The register has granted a marriage
license to W. D. 'Williams, of Avoca,
and Miss Maine C.eddis, of Plttston
Edgar Probyn, the well-known Pitts
ton baritone singer, who has been
working In New York city for the past
six months as tt lepresentatlve of the
Scranton Correspondence schools, has
accepted a position as salesman for J.
H. Andrews, of; this city, and is ex
pected to resume his new position on
January 1. Mr. Probyn has entered his
name for the baritone solo competition
at the Brooklyn eisteddfod to be held
on Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. 10. M. Mueller returned
to this place yesterday from their wed
ding trip. They were married at White
Mills on November 12. Mrs. Mueller
was formerly Miss Nellie Dorlllnger, of
White Mills. Mr. Mueller is a travel
ing agent for Sutherland & McMillan,
the wholesale grocers of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D, Delnhunty
entertained about thirty guests at an
at-home last evening. The Delnhunty
residence, on Philadelphia, avenue, was
prettily decorated with harvest decor
ations, and an elaborate course dinner
was served.
West Plttston bicyclists have been
prohibited from riding on the sidewalks
of streets that have been paved.
Joseph Llntern, a well-known young
railroader of this city, wns united In
marriage last evening to Miss Bertha
Martin, of Plains. The ceremony was
performed at the homo of the bride's
parents by the Rev. Mr. Sackett. pas
tor or the Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. and Mrs. Llntern have commenced
housekeeping on Liberty street, West
Herbert Sanders, or Philadelphia ave.
niie, has been chosen chorister of the
West Plttston Methodist Episcopal Sun
day school.
Special to the Scranlon Tribune.
Tunkhanuoclc, Nov. lft. A session of
Argument court was held by Judge
Dunham on Wednesday.
Reports from Edwin J. Jorden, who
is sojourning for the winter in South
ern New Mexico, are quite encouraging.
Work was commenced on Monday on
the new hotel, which Is being built by
Charles H. Dixon on the site of the
former Packer house, and the structure
is rapidly going up.
A largo delegation of Knights Temp
lar attended tho funeral of the late
Mark Keeney, at North Flat, on Tues
day. Frank Kelm and three sons, of Pltts
ton, formerly of this place, were doing
business In town on Wednesday,
Mrs. Emilia Cadalso, of West Nichol
son, who has been visiting friends at
place, returned home on Monday.
Sergeant Kelly and wife have spent
the past week visiting his brother, Dr.
II. N, Kelly.
The Oriental Troubadour company
gave an excellent entertainment at the
opera house on Tuesday. Everyone
who attended was delighted with the
Mr, ami Mrs. Charles aoodrlcli re
turned op Wednesday from Now York,
where they spent several days.
The proceedings to compel Jackson
Rosengrant to care for his Infant
grandchildren were heard In open court
on Wednesday. The court reserved Its
Stephen T. Ingham, of Nicholson,
was doing business In town on Wednes
day, Thomas Ryan, who has been ser
iously 111 the past week, was about the
sheet on Wednesday,
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Nov. 19. Donald Waltc
recently spent a few days on a hunt
ing trip' with his room-mate, Walter
Fish, at Lynn, Pa.
George Kublna spent Friday and Sat
urday among friends lu Scranlon,
Prof, Hulley preached both at Clark's
Clreon and at Mt. Bethel Baptist church
on Sunday last.
Fenwlck Jones Is detained nt his
home lu Plttston, on account of Illness.
"Christy" Mathcwstm, K. A. "9S, Is
spending u few days at his home, and
Is expected to otllclate lu the gnmo
next Saturday with Harry Ilillnmit
academy at Wllkes-Bariy.
The foot ball team Is doing some
lively work this week lu preparation
for the Html game on Suturday. This
promises to be the most Interesting
same of the season, us the Hlllman
boys are the only ones who have been
able to score against our team this
Tho second lerin of nchool opened on
Monday with several new students In
attendance. Among them wu note the
following, and we congratulate our
selves that two of them are successful
contcstnnts In the, educational contest
given by The Tilhune: Mr. Kelleriimn,
of Scrnntou, who stood In first place,
and Mr, Sherwood, of Harford, who
held seventh place. The others are!
Miss Mabel Fuller, South Gibson: Miss
Ilelimc Hopkins, Pclnilt.vllle: 'Oscar
Jones, AVIlkes-Bnrre! Pnul Naylor, Ber
wick; Messrs. Claude Brown, Elmer
Shupp and Clarence Tlttts, of Lake
Carey, and Mr. While, of Chirk's Clreon.
The young Indies' basket ball tenm
will piny their return gunii! with the
Htrouilsburg Normal team at Strouds
burg on Saturday next.
Messrs. James and Hussel Dean at
tended the funeral of their grand
father, Isaac Dean, at Sernuton on
"Soldiers of Fortune."
Augustus Thomas hns succeeded .very
nicely In transferring to the stage Rich
ard Hnrdlng Dnvls' chnrmlng story,
"Soldiers of Fortune." Mr. Thomus Is u
plnywrlglit of experience, nnd ho bus
used tho drnmntlo material with which
tile book abounds to good advantage in
the stngn version. He does not always
cling closely to Mr. Dnvls' story, but ho
produces a play that preserves the es
sential features and the atmosphere of
tho book,
Robert Edeeon, In tho rolo qt Robert
Clay, tho young American engineer, who
N developing the Iron mountain of
Alnncho In South Amorica for the benetlt
of a New York capitalist, gives an Im
pression of reality Hint Is very convinc
ing. Tho Illusion that his work creates
was ono of tho strong features of last
night's performance. He does not hide
from view all tho tricks of tho actor, but
ho does strongly convey the Idea that ho
is tho strong, nble, resolute young mnn
that Mr. Dnvls wrote of; tho mnn whoso
quick wit never deserts him and who Is
not dismayed by obstncles. His work
was enthusiastically applauded.
The case supporting Mr. Edosou Is a
good, but not specially notable one, but
thoy gave the slur nn even and satisfac
tory support. All four acts of tho play
were laid in tho .Republic of Alnncho,
South America, and are adequately
staged. One of the largest houses of the
season witnessed the play,
"Rupert of Hentzau."
The scenic embellishment of modern
dramatic productions has been carried to
an extreme that would seem extravagent
were It not that the public has grown
to demnnd such perfection of iletnil. In
the production of "Rupert of Hentzau,"
Anthony IIopo' fascinating romantic
drama, which is to bo seen at the Ly
ceum tonight, this scenic extravugnnco
is given striking illustration.
The company presenting the play Is an
exceptionally strong one, and is headed
by that favorite young actor, Harry
eightoii, who achieved fame last season
by his sterling work In this exacting rolp.
Mr. Lelghton Is one of tho most pleasing
romantic actors of the day. and his char
acterization of the gallant Russendyll Is
snld to be his best effort. The support
Is exceptionally competent, as is always
tho case with anything with which Wal
lace Monro's name Is Identified.
Henry Miller in "Heartsease."
Since Charles Klein, who- wan part au
thor of the perennial "Heartsease," nrst
delivered the manuscript into tho hands
of Henry Miller, and since Mr. Miller
achieved his great triumph In tho play.
Mr. Klein has advanced his reputation
as a playwright by leaps and bounds.
Mr. Miller's work as Eric Temple, the
young musician, is acknowledged on nil
Miles to be an artistic triumph.
During a recent visit to Loudon, Mr.
Miller succeeded lit arranging for tho
production of "Heartsease" there during
the coming winter, but was compelled
lo decline a flattering proposition to ap
pear lu the piece, owing to tho fact
Hint his arrangements In this country
had already been made. Mr. Miller will
lie seen nt the Lyceum Friday night,
when he will give a farewell performance
of "Heartsease." The sale of seats Is
now In progress Children under 10 years
of age not admitted Friday night.
"The Parish Priest."
"The Parish Priest," which Daniel fjul
!y will present at the Lyceum Saturday
night and at a special bargain matinee
Saturday afternoon, is a dramatic gem
of the first water.
Mr. Sully as Father Whalen presents
a manly, unpretentious Irishman, with
a simple slnceiity that Is effective and
admirable. There Is no straining for
tago effects, but Instead a quiet re
serve force that never fnils to bring
him Ills reward. Ho is heroic without
bravado; honest without salntlsm. and
the pure, artistic air of naturalness per
meates his healthful play. Seats on sale
this morning at 0.
"York State Polks."
Arthur Sidman's new rural play, "York
State Folks," has been given nil elaborate
production. Tho scenic equipments,
which nre unusually elaborate, were
built under tho direction of Arthur
Voegtlln, who Is said to hnve done tho
best work of bis ncreer hi putting onto
canvus these scenes from village life hi
"Yoke state."
Realism of a homely and appealing
kind Is the keynote of the drama, which
Is said to be u departure from the typo
of rural play which Inn sensationalism
nnd broad low comedy for Its founda
tions. "York State Folks" will be seen
nt the Lyceum for Hie llrst Hmo on Mon
day night. Seats on sale Friday morn
ing nt ft o'clock.
The Great Japanese Juggler.
Ten Ichl, Japan's greatest conjuror and
Juggler, will make Ills vaudeville debut
in this city nt tho Dixie next Monday
afternoon lu tin act which bus been the
talk of New York and Boston and his
engagement at tho Keith theaters In
those cities was marked by audiences
larger than had gathered for any net
since tho memorable engagement of
Chlug Ling Foo, In his lengthy reper
toire, which has for yearn been the sen
sation of Japan amusements, the thumb
and tho tel trick and tho enchanted foun
tain will be new here. The troupe con
sists of live people. Including thren fills,
one of whom Is snld to be the only
Clelalia who has ever appeared lu this
"A Mysterious Bank Bobbery,"
At the Academy of Music tonight, the
Myrhle-Ilurder Stock company will pre
sent for the first time In this city, "a
Mysterious Hank Robbery"; this after
noon, "Cuiight In the Wub" will be re
peated, Tho specialties between the acts nre of
a very blub order and uro attracting a
groat ileal of attention, even among
peopla who seldom utleiul the Academy
"Hlmmelein's Ideals."
The Dally concerts by Hnwson's Twen
tieth Century band have always been a
special feature will; tho engagements In
this city or John A. Hlimnelelu's Ideals.
They have been one long continued feast
for all music-lovers, pot only ou account
of tho superior programme rendered, but
fur the general excellence of their rendi
tion. Next week will bo no deviation
from the general rule, and Hie first on
will be given Monday noon.
Bowery Masqueraders.
At the Star, odciiIiis with matlne thU
Only naif a Ctnt a Word.
Por Bent.
FOR RENT-Hecond lloor 225 -'.'.7 Lacka
wanna avenue! nlso photo gallery, Ap
ply liSSI Sanderson nvcmie,
$10 will rent tin eight room house, nil mod.
crn Improvements! city steam! carpots
nnd window shades, between Adams and
Jefferson. CI!) Spruce.
18 For Rent Ten-room houses excellent
neighborhood: nil modern Improve
meals, on avenue. Apply to R. I Ham
ilton, 420 Spruce street.
For Bale.
Souvenirs of the Anlhrnclte Coal
regions, ,"0o., weighs a pound,
Smaller size, 25e.
Olyphnnt, Pa.
FOR BALK A Florida sectional steam
heater, new; never boon used; will bo
sold reasonable. Address Gnbrlcl Pugll
ano, Dundaff street, Carbondale.
FOR SALE A couple of good hccoihI
hand Remington Typewriters for sale
cheap. Smoot. "Tho Typewriter Mali," 311
"Washington avenue.
FOR SALE Three-acre poultry and veg
etable farm for sale at a sacrifice;
splendid location for summer residence,
ten minutes walk from depot, 8 room
house and good barn. Price, $1,000. John
K. Zwelzlg, Factoryvllle, l'a.
FOR SALE For want of use, two first
classes horses, at 13:15 Penn avenue.
FOR SALK One horse and threo covered
delivery wagons. Apply to K. Vlckcr,
FOR SALK One pair of gray mares, well
matched, weight 2.100. sound nnd gen
tle, good drivers' and workers, single or
double. Inquire of Manning Gillespie,
Now Mllford, Pa.
FOR SALK Team of carriage horses,
sound and gentle; can bo driven by
lndy with snfety. For particulars ad
dress J., Drawer MO, Montrose, l'a.
Jl'ST ARRIVF.D with n car load of
horses; good workers and drlvors;
weight from eleven to fifteen hundred
pounds. Several closely matched teams.
Can be seen at P! Raymond court. F. M.
FOR SALM-A pair of well-matched geld
ings at KM Green Rldgo street, city.
FOR SALE About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glass front nnd
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
oiled, with drawers and shelves under
neath. May be seen at the office of Tho
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RENT A furnished room on second
floor front. $1.30 week. liSj Adams ave.
Tie Gum id Trusi copy
of Scrnnton. l'cnnn.. No. 133 Washington
avenue, of Lackawanna 'county, Pennsyl
vania, at the close of business ,.ov. 12,
Cash cm hand $ 29,li;i 39
Checks and other cash items ... 3,(i."i3 lit
Due from banks and bankers .. l!M,ii2l 11
Commercial and other paper
owned 17S,lli,' 3!)
Call loans upon collateral 13:1,313 (X)
Time loans upon collateral JDS.Sl'.I 27
Investment securities owned,
Stocks, bonds, etc...$l,22S.SH 07
Mortgages I72.(iOl 77
J, 101. US S4
Real estate, furniture and 11k-
tures fi7.S03 fij
Overdrafts 7S :!7
Total $2,2-".80S 03
fimitnl alnrk n.iul In T.",i) 01)0 00
Surplus fund 230,000 00
undivided proms, less expenses
ii ml Ijivps tin 111 ' HO. 773 7i'i
Deposits, subject to
nhnplr 1 ll'.l PH.! d".
Deposits, special ;)0,7G9 22
1,102,0:13 27
Total 52.222.S0S 01
Amount of trust funds Invested. 'Ui.OlO lit
Amount of trust funds unin
vested 4,003 5G
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, ss:
I. F. L. Phllllns. treasurer of the. above
named Company, do solemnly swear that
tno nnovo statement is truo to tlio best
of my knowledge nnd belief.
(Signed) F. L. PHILLIPS.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo tills
17th day of November, 1002.
(Signed) w. w. IIATI.UII,
Notary Public.
Commission expires Jun. IS. 1903.
Correct Attest:
of Scrnnton, No. 522 Cedar avenue, of
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at the
close of business Nov. 12. 1902.
Cash on hand
Cheeks unit other cash items....
Due from banks and bankers..,.
Loans and discounts
investment securities owned, via
Stocks and bonds $13,093 7.
... V
I 12,797 SI
177 00
22,740 83
70,030 00
13,39:; 73
1,493 10
Real estate rurmtiiro anu nxtores
Total SI22.S39 9:1
Capital stock paid in $ 12,113 00
l. luiivioea piouia, leas cxpcusci
and InxHS paid
Deposits, subject to
check $::9.ii3X 'M
Deposits, special 117,297 IS
Cashier's checks outstanding.,..
Duo to banks and bankers ,.,,,,,,
K9 81
Ti),933 7S
30 73
8,208 M
Total $122,839 tti
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack
awiinna, ss,:
I, Florencn J. llolrlegel, cashier of the
n hove named company, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is trno the best
of my knowledge nnd belief,
(Signed) Florence J. HKLRIKGIR,.
Subsciilu'd nnd sworn to before, mo this
15th day of November, UK).'.
(Signed) IllTOII It. ANDREWS.
Notary Public.
Correct A ttpst:
(Signed) FRANK llt'MMI.ER,
afternoon, the Rowory Masqueraders will
furnish tho entertainment, nnd to Judge
from newspaper report of this attrac
tion, received trom various cities wherein
they huvu already appeared so far this
season, the attraction Is u meritorious
one, and will please tho patrons of this
popular play house. Mntliee every day.
See the Cut Han,
Kffectlve nnd attractive half-tones
and line cuts for card, advertising or
any other purpose, can be secured at
The Tribune olllce. Wo do worU that
Is unexcelled, do it promptly and at
lowest rates. A- trial order will con
vince vou.
No Order '
Accepted Tor Less
Than lo Cents.
Bcnl Estate.
The Three
Following' Properties -
Are Offered at
Bargain Prices N
Because the owner has the California
fever. Strike while the fever is on and
you can buy the single house or either of
the double houses at prices that guarantee
10 Per Cent, and Over
On Your Investment.
For the
Seven rooms each
side, riiodern through
out, full IoL Rents at
present pay 10 per cent
For the
Single House
Alll modern conve
niences. Good loca
tion. Full lot.
M. H. Holgate
Real Estate,
Securities, Mortgages,
Loans Negotiated
Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa.
WANTED-Small furnished house.
dress Box ,aoo. city.
Help Wanted.
WANTED Coat makers, steady work,
nest prices. Appiy w x-. u. -,,
Klmirn, New York; will pay car fare.
WANTED Agents to soil tea and cof
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Malo.
WANTED Young man ns assistant book-
l.. .,.. .....- Kn nutitr II, ill fl,PltllllO
nt ilstncs and somu knowledffO ot book
keeping. Address, slating ago and sal
ary expected, P., Tribune ofllco.
Ol'KICK BOY wanted, nbout 1G or 17 years
oiu, uv a mniiuiiu'uiriiiK cftuuMimiiiicut.
must bo active, quick at llgures and good
writing to P. O. Box Otsi, city.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED-Uy a young lady
ns linokkponcr or stenographer. i,x-
perienced. References furnished. Ad
dress "Business," xrinuno onicr.
aged lndv to do washing and cleaning.
Address K. J., care of Scranlon Tribune.
YOUNG LADY would like work evening
.... .r,-,,.tut tviir.ivHtinG' mid tako caro
, .'?."'.'.' "';:', o., Al llhprtv
after (i o'clock evenings. Can furnish ex
cellent reierences. rtiiuims iui,k,
Tribune offlee.
ns teamster; has had experience and
reference; stata wages paid. Address E.
R Tribune ofllco.
Business Opportunity.
to00 will buy a llrst class established busi
ness paying i"i weekly. Short hours;
will stand investigation. Address J. Sey
mour, Tribune otllce.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consol -dated
and Stock Exchange, II and I lb
Broadway, Now York. Established ISM. Distance 'Phono 23SS Broad.
Employment Agency.
RELIABLE help can bo procured at Mrs,
A. B. Starkey's Employment Office,
mo Washington avenue, rooms 2 und i.
Take elevator,
For Sale or Bent.
fj- -'-
FOIt SALE OR RENT The Model Steam
Laundry, Dimmore, Apply to I J.
FOU SALE OR RENT-Tho 3-story brick
building, Willi boiler house attached,
and long row of sheds for horses, wag
ons, etc.; nlso railroad switch sultabto for
mamifaclming purposes; lately occupied
by tho Clock Tobacco Co. tt. M. Wlnton,
Room No. C03. Mcars Building.
Rooms and Board.
- r-?
THE LINDEN, f0D Linden street, has a
number of desirable vacancies; light
rooms und choice table, board,
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or live young men. Inquire SS! Wash
ington avenue.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received
at the ofllco of tlio Secretary of tho
Heruntou Poor District, until 1-' o'clock
noon. Friday December, li. 1JC for tho
erection und completion of a group of
buildings for tho almshouse, to be erected
at Hillside Home, near Clark's Summit,
Pa., in uccordancu with plniiH and specl
llcatlnns in the hands uf Edward II. Da
vis, uruliilect, Council building, Scranton,
The sum of - per rent, of the uniiamt of
proposal, In cash or certllied cheek, shall
bu enclosed with each proposal, which
sum bhall be forfeited to the Scranton
Poor Dlstilct, lu case ol omission or nt
fusal ou tho part of the contractor whmo
proposal shall bu accepted to execute con.
tract within ten days after tho nwaullng
of snld contract.
Each contractor shall deposit with tho
jirchitect tho sum uf (if tj- ti.Vi.00t dollars
as secuiuy lor un reiuiu nt iiruwings
nnd speclllcalions, tho same to bo refund
ed upon their prompt leluni.
Tho Uoitiil reserves tho vlslit to reject
any or all bids presented.
By order of the Board of Directors of
tho Scranton Poor District.
It. 0. BROOKS, President.
Attest; O. J. GILLKHPH'5. Secretary.
Scranton, Pa Nov. 18, lOOi.
Onlr Hilt a Cent a W 1.
Bent Estate.
For Fine
Eight rooms one side,
nine on other; modern
throughout, full lot.
rents at present pay
over 10 per cent.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books. Insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants nnd manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
State age, experience, references llrst let
ter. Address. Suite 072, No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
IN THE District Court of the United
States for tho Middle Dlstilct ot Penn
sylvania. In tlio matter of Edward K.
Jlelvin, bankrupt. No. 2lil. In bank
ruptcy. To the creditors of E. E. Mel
vln, of Scranton, county o Lackawanna
and district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice Is hereby given that ou the 1Mb
day of November. A. D. lOoi'. tho said E.
F. Jlelvin was duly adjudicated bank
rupt; nnd that the llrst meeting of their
creditors will bo held at tho ofllco of tin
Referee in tho Government building, hi
the city of Scrnnton, Ph., on the USth
day of November, A. D, WO-', at ten
o'clock in tho forenoon, nt which time. the
said creditors may nttend, prove claims,
appoint n. Trustee, examine the bankrupt,
and transact such other business as may
properly corns before said meeting.
C. A. VAN WOItMEU, Referee.
Scrnnton, Pa., l!.
Proof of claim SO cents.
NOTICE Is hereby given that an applica
tion will be made to tho Governor of
Pennsylvania on tho Ith day of December.
VM2. by Charles dugout Brock. T. C. Von
Store!), E. It. Conned. Arthur Dunn,
George H. Rico and Frank E. Donnellv,
under the Act of Assembly, entitled, "An
Act to provldo for tho Incorporation and
regulation of certain- corpmatlons, ap
proved April ZO, J874, and tho supplements
thereto, for n charter of an Intended
corporation to bo called tho Morrison HIIU
Manufacturing Company, tho character
and object of which Is tho miimifuctiirn
nnd sale of textile fabrics, and for that
purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, bcnellts, powers and privileges
conferred by tho said Act and its sup
plements. RICE & DONNELLY.
Certified Public Accountant.
EDWARD ('. SPAULDING. f. P. A.. :'.!
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phone IS'il.
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Ui; Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
STEVENSON & K N 1 Cl7ri li i"o.V
nell building.
building, Spruce strept, Scniulou.
DR. C. C, LAUB.UH, ll.l"VYOMIN avo
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAC.HR & CO., 101 Coillinll Uulldlns
Patent Attorneys.
pat e N t siiwiswztir
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor in tho city. No charge lor In
formation on patentability; over Uu
years' experience.
Replojrlc & Co., Mcars Hldjr.
Hotels nnd Restaurants,
liu avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. KIECILEK, Proprietor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan, Victor Koch, Proprietor.
and cess pools; no odor; only inipinted
pumps ii'jeil. A. B. Hrigss. proprietor.
Leave owlets U North Mulii avenue,
or Eleku's drug store, corner Adams und
Mulbciry. Both telephones.
Wive Screens.
ave., Scrnntou. uifrs. of W'lru Sciecns.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine,
warehouse, 1J0 Washington avenue.
bo bad lu Scrnntou ut tho news stuud
of 'Relsmau Bros., 4,00 Spruco und CUJ
Linden; M. Norton. 322 Luckawanua
ave.; 1. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street.
Betvl Estate.
"- - ff
(DfOmil 1ft PLKNT )
V. 72 Erie Co. Bank Bldg.,
XLv Buffalo, N. Y.
Money to Loan,
wuic ;, straight loans or Building and
IlotVJl At .from K to n per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. JlH'Mf. Council building.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
, IN Effect Juno 1. 100J.
Trains leave Scranton for New York
At 1.50. ;i.'J0, 0.03, 7.M and 10,10 n. m. 1U.40,
3.10, 3.3G p. m. For Now York and Phila
delphia i.SO. a. m and and 3.:i"
P. m. For Goiildsboro At 0.10 p. in. For
Burfnio-i,ir,, o.'."j ami D.oo n. in.: l.ns. u.r.o
and 11.10 p. m. For Blngluinitoii, Elmirn
and way stations, u. in,. 1.0." p. m.
l-or Oswego. Syruciiso und Ullcn 1.15 and
li.J2 n. in,; I.;., i. in. Oswego, Syracuse
nml Ullcn train nt C.'-'J n. m. dally, except.
Siiiulay. For Montrose 0.00 n. m.; 1.0",
and li.GO p. m. Nicholson nccommodutlnn
1.00 und 0.13 p. in.
Hlootnsbitrg Division For Northumber
land, nt 11.33 and 10.10 u. m.; 1.33 nnd il.lrt
P. in. For Plymouth, at S.10 a, in.; 3.W
nml 0.03 p. m.
Sundny Trains For New York. 1.30, R.'Jn.
0.0.1. 10.10 a. m.: 3.40 and 3.33 p, m. . For
Buffnlo-1.13 and G.2L a. m.; 1.33. 0.30 nlid
11.10 p. m. For Elmirn mid wny stations
10.2., a. m. For lllngliiimton nnd wny sta
tions, 0.00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division
Leave Scrnntou, 10.10 n. m. and 8.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Nov. 10. 11HU.
Trahm Leave Scranton
For Phllndclphlu und Now York vln D.
& II. R. R.. nt 7.11. through Pnilor Car
nnd Dny Coach Cnrbondnlo to New York
nnd 0.17 a. hi., with L. V. Coach Carbon
dalo to Philadelphia, und, -U',3 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. ,fc II. R. ,. r,S p, m 9.3S n. in.-
For While Haven. Hnsdcton and princi
pal points In the coal regions, vln D. ,i
II. R. Tt., 7.11, 2.1S und 4.35 p. in. For
Pottsvllle, 7 41 u. in.
For Bethlehem, Easton. Reading, llnr
rlsburg nnd principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. ,i II. R. R 7,11, 9.17 a. m.;
'.MS, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
in. Sundays, D. & If. R. R.. !.3S a. m.
and 1.58 und 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Townnda, Elmirn.
Ithaca, Geneva nnd pilnclpiil Intermediate
stations via D., L. &, W. R. It., 0.33 n. m.
Ijnd 1.35 p. m.
For Genevn. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and nil points west vln.
D. & IT. R. R m.o:: p. m.: 3.-J8 (Rlnek
Diamond Express). 10.11, 11.19 p. m. Sun
days. D. & II. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lohlgh
A'alley Parlor cars on all trams between
Wllkcs-nnrre and Nov York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge.
Cortland street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEU. Gen. Pass. Ast., 2!
Cortland street. Now York.
A. AV. NONEMACHER. Div. Pass. Agt.,
South Rethlehem. Pn.
For tickets and Pullman reservation ap
ply to city ticket ofllce. C9 Public Square,
Wllkes-Bnrre, T".
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In effect Nov. hi, 1002.
Stations in New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. 11.
Trains leave Scranton for New York,
Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Munch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Harre nnd Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m 1 p. m., and 1 p. in. Sundays. 7.15 si.
m. nnd 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express
leaves Scranton 7.30 u. in., with through
solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet
Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only
one change of cms for Baltimore and
Washington, D. C. nnd nil principal
points south nnd west and has through
couch for New York,
For Avocn, Plttston and Wllki's-Barre,
1 p. m. und I p. in. Sunday, 7.15 n. m.
and 2.10 p. m.
For Long Bram'li, Ocean Grove, etc., at
7.30 a. in. and 1 p. in.
For Rending, l.elinnnn nnd Ilnrrlsburg
via Alleutiiwn at 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m. and I
p. in. Sundny, 7.15 u. in. und 2.10 p. m.
For Tumuqua und Pultsvllle nt 7.30 a.
m.. 1 p. m. nml I p. ni. Sunday, 7.15 a, in.
For rates und tickets apply In agent nl
W. O. BESSLER. General Manager.
C. M. HURT. Gen. Pass, Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Effect June 10, IfuJ.
Trains leave Scranlon '5.3S n. m., week
days, through vstlbulo train from
Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet 'parlor eir
and conches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops ut principal Inlermcdiale sta
tions. Also connects for Simbiiry. Ilur
lisburg, Philadelphia. H.iltliuoio, Wash
ington and for 1'ltlsbnrg stnd the West.
9.17 n. in., week da, for Simbiiry. Uni
lisbnrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington nnd Pittsburg and the West.
1.12 p. ill., week days, (Sunday. 1.5s p.
m.), for Rmibury. Ilarrlsliurg, Philadel
phia, Halllinoie, Washington and Pitc
hing and the West.
3.2X p. m week days. Ihroiigh vestibule
train from Wilkes-liaire. Pullman buffet
parlor car and coaches Id Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Slops ut principal Intermedi
ate stations.
I,"."! p. in., week days, for lliiKlelon. Sun
bury. llnriMnirir. Philadelphia and Pitta
burg. .1. H. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
.1. It, WOOD. lion. Pass Agt.
Dolnwnre nnd Hudson.
Ill Elfcct Nov. hi. 1.'02.
Trains for Ciirbonilalo leave Scrmiinti at
it. 1 1, T.rii, S.:n. 10.13 a. m.; 12.05, 1.12. 2,11,
:!..',. 5.20, 0.25, 7.22. S.:i3, 0.31!, 11,20 p. in.;
1;'.::;: u. m.
For nonesdnle il.ll. 10.13 u. in.; 2.11 ami
5.29 1 1. in.
For Wilko..i.liurie-ii.3S. 7.. S. It. 0.17, a. 111.: 1.12. 2.IS. 3.2 1.35.
7. Pi, ti.10. 10.41. 11.49 I', m.
For I., v. K. " 1 nuns 1.11, -.mi 11. 111.;
is I :::. nnd 11.40 11. ill.
For Pennsylvania It. It. Poluts-i-r,.:w,
9.17 a. in.: 1.12. 3.2S and 1.35 p. in.
For Albany anil all points mirth 7.34, a,
m. and 3,50 p. in
For i'ubnndulcS.5i',' I LSI a. ni.': STJT,
3.311. 5.32 and 11.17 p. III. " ' "
For Wilkes-I!.ii'e-!.3.S a. in.; 12.01. L..3.
:i . 1:2 nm 1.17 11. m. i"'
SS. (1.32 nml !U7 p. 111. i'J'
For Albany nnd points north :i.W paw.
For llmii'Mlale S.5n a. in.; 3.52 n. m. -2'
, AV BURDICK. G. I. A.. Albany. NtY.
1 1
W. I" 1'ltiuit, u. 1 . ,v. ncraniim. 1$.
Erie Railroad Vyoniing-, .pjyislqn.
In Effort September 15, IPoi. t '
Trains leave Scranton for Now York,
Nowburgh and Inlermedlulo points, also
for llawle.v and local stutbiiis ul 7.20 a.
111. nml 1.35 p. 111.
For Honesdale and White Mills afOi33
p. in- v
Trains urilvu at berunton ut 10.3S a." m.
und 9.15 p. m. :
New york, Ontario and Western.
Time table In effect Sunday. Hepl'.' ii, IU02.
Leiivo Leave AriU'n
Tiulns. Scrnntou. Curbonilnle, endnaja.
Xo. I 10.31)11. m. II. lna. m. p.'rtu.
No. 7 O.lOp. iii.Ar.CarlinndaloU.lii fCt'n
Leavo Leave ArrrVn
Trains. Cadoslu. Ciirbondulo. Srrnnfon.
No. 1; li.JOu, 111. 7,23nm.
No. 2 2.15 p. 111. 4.00 11. III. 4.45 li.TJ.
Leavo Leave Arrtrn
Trains. Scr,inlon. Carbondalo. Cndosia.
No. II S.30U. 111. 9.10a. m. 10.15 arin.
No. 3 .,...; 7.oop. m-Ar.Ciirboiulalc7.43 p.m
Leave Leave Airlvo
Trains. C.ulo.-dn. Carbondale. Scrantim,
No. 0 ii.50 a.m. 7.25 u.'m.
No. 10 4.30 p. in. iJ.OO p. III. ij.45 p. in.
Tiulns Ncs. I on week days, nnd 9 on
Sundays connect for New York city, Mid
dletown. Walton, Norwich. Oneida, Os
vetio and all points west.
Train No. 0", with "Ouakor City Ex
press" nt Scranton, via C. R. R. of N. "J.,
lor Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore.
Washington and' Pennsylvania '' statu
points. ,"
See time-table and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines, ',-, '.
J, C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. 'Now. Yorki.
J. E. WELSH, T, P. A., Scranton. P.-C
1 1 !-.' - -"OL -A- '