The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Ralph Purvis Made a Third Attempt at Buf
. falo Tuesday Night to Put an End to
His Life Other Matters.
milty Purvis, nf lllti Washburn
utrpct, uho is now In a hoipltnl nt Buf
falo, nindp Ills third unsuccessful nt
trmpt to cotuinlt stilcido on Tuesday
rvonlng, by dilnlclntr a quantity of
BUKtir of lead, cllnolved In Inudnmtm.
His tlrat nttcinot was made nine
yoiim ngo, In un outhouse In Schnell's
coutt. when ho stabbed himself with a
jiockctknlfc lntllctliiR a slight llcih
ound. Tho second attempt iuih made
by him while a pi honor In tho Jnckvon
street police station, about two yeais
ngo, when ho tried to haiif? himself with
a pair of suspenders.
The third attempt was made In Fred
Rlech's hotel. 42 Main street, Huffulo,
nt 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, nftei ho
bud been drinking and dm ins one of
bis periodical llts of despondency.
Punli was a member of Company F,
Thirteenth 1 eminent, and reived dm lug
the encampment at Olyphtml. After
belns relieved tiom nillitniy duty he
was rmplo.ed by C. R Scott & Co. of
Finnkllu meiiue. He left home on
TuomIiv to ko to Uultiilo, ptcamuibly
to woik for C'hll Unglneur Haiti, and
the Hist Intimation his ased patents
bad of bis attempted sultloe was yes
terdnv. A Tilbune man lnten lowed the par
ents last evening, but they weie un
able to gie any fuither Infoi motion
than that already related. The father.
John Pms, did not go to Buffalo, as
repotted, but is still .it his home on
Washburn street.
Pun Is was sepaiated ftom Ills wife
nnd thlld about sl months ago, and
thW f.iet has to pte.ved on his mind he has become affected by it, and
of late has been veiv melancholy. Ills
patents udKed him to go away, but
he said befoie going be bated to
leave the b.ibv.
Tho child is with the motliet. and
duting his delliium Tuesday night It
was the little one's name of "Laura"
bf spoke repeatedly. It was his Inten
tion to get .i legal hcpai ition ftom his
wife, but he wanted to possession
of the child. This the wife refuses to
Riant him.
West Branch Y. W. C. A.
A sstematic -visitation of the Wr-st
Scranton people has been stalled In the
interest of the Toung Women's rinls
tlcin aoclatlon A iendy ic-ponse his
jecn made. It is the intention to thoi
mghly catn.iss the West Side dining
be coming winter, and all help will be
ippi eclated by those In ehaigc of the
u ork.
Manv DromiPPP hnM been made for
the fulute which, if fulfilled, will plice
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
-$ tttiAJftiAftiAlAftiJ)t
I Some Extra
I Values in Our
The manufacturers season is fast drawing to a close,
and as usual there are many bargains to be picked up by
aleit buycis. That fact explains why these fashionable
Coats and Jackets, of superb workmanship and style,
are under-priced.
Kersey Jackets
Semi-fitting backs, hat In lin
ings, most cACLlleut tuiloiing a
garment that any woman may
Unci c milfoil mid satisfaction in.
Gre.v.s and blai Ks only, in all
bies for womi'it.
A ten dollar
nine for only
Stylish Coats
Fine quality Zcbellne, made up
jS in Not talk and full length gat-
IX iiiPiits, with Inlaid velvet collars,
25 and talloiiug tlifit Is decidedly
j8 biipeilor.
3 These garments t ( f(
j ore worth $12.50 PIU.UU
for Children
Just 32D of them, In Ker.seys,
Meltons, Zebellncs, Ptlczes, etc.,
In thieu-ouaiter and full length
garments; fclzes, C to 14 yeais.
The styles nto varied, and Include
tatln or silk strap trimmings,
Monte Cnilos, Two Cape, a com
bination of all tho other good
models now In vogue. The coloia
Include Tans, Castor, Greys,
Greens, Red, Blue, etc.
These are all
underpriced exactly
Globe Warehotis?.!
tho organization on a flim flnnnclat
bads. The seototnry, Miss Uoone,
conies to us thoroughly acquainted with
the work and filled with the loe of tho
work for joung women, anxious to give
a helping hand to nit young women of
West Scranton. The following people
have given substantial nld during the
month of October:
P. W. Tague nnd John 12. Johns, the
Misses Leah Hen tit. Elizabeth Heer
ninns, Elizabeth Snxe, Edna Sne,
Mai Ma Mott and Ella I'llce, Mis.
Robert J. Williams, Mrs. Eugene Fel
lows, Mis. W. C. Pi Ice, Mrs. J. J. Kob
erts, Mis. J. C. Drown, Mrs. George B.
Beach, Mis. J. P. Morfat, Mis. W. N.
fireman, Mis. Tied Wninke, Mis, D.
J. Ueese, Mrs. Gcotge Sac, Mis. K. II.
McKeage, Mrs. S. D. Pettlt, Mis. H. A.
Applegate, Mrs. C'hailes E. Oher, Mr.
W. W. Davis, Mrs. W. C!. Daniels, Mts.
Item- Cornet, Mis. Anna. Lloyd, Mr.
A. G. Hall, Mrs. M. T. Mlllei, Mis. L.
M. Swam. Mrs. Randolph Jones. Mis.
AV. X. Chase, Mis. James R. Hughe.'.
The piomoteis hope the collection nt
the union ThanksgMng services, so
kindly donated by the West Side pas
tois, will by Us size show the appieul
atlon of the people for the good woik
of the Young Women's Chtlstlnn association,
The wedding or Albert W. Tellows,
of Lueine stteet. and Miss Hattle Ev
ans, of Lafayette stieet, was solemnized
ot 9 o'clock yesterday moinlng at tho
parsonage of the Plymouth Congrega
tional chin ch, on North Rebecca ave
nue. Rev. T. A. Humphiojs ofliciatod. Miss
Lthei TVllows sister of the gioom, and
Mis Lulu Evans, sister of the bride,
weie the maids of honor. The bride
woie a gown of gtay silk lansdowne,
with chiffon and jewel tiimmlngs and
canied yellow chtvsantheniunis. The
mildt. weie attired in Toulard silk.
Following the ceremony a brief re
ception was held at the home of the
bride's patents, Mr. and Mis. Stephen
R. Evans, nnd at 1015 o'clock Mr. und
Mis. Fellows left tot n wedding tilp to
New Tork, over the New Jpf-ev Cen
tial rdlhoad. Upon their teturn they
will iPbide on Luzerne stieet, with the
groom's mother, Mrs. Lucy Fellows.
Gcoige Daniels, the Wet Soi.inton
m inagei of the Times, and Mi-s Mil
dred Lavim Coons, of Noith Lincoln
avenue, went to Binghamton ptPiduy.
where they wete united in nnrrlage at
the home of Rev. J. B Simpson, foi
mer pastor of tlie Simpson Methodist
Episcopal hutch.
They vseie accompanied bv H.itry
Rnnriolph, of South Hyde Pnik avenue,
nnd Mi--. Ressie N'eclv, a cousin of tho
biide The litter couple attended them
duilng the service. The biide woie n.
gown of eciu over biovvn silk and all
over bice, and the biidesmald woto .i
tiav cling gown.
A Smart
Tlonte Carlo
Coat with two-rlpplc cape,
notched collar, satin duchesh
lining, and all the other featutcs
that collect hishlon dictates. All
the popular shades.
Considerable (t J 2 fifi sH
under value at P1-UU
Monte Carlo
Jackets and Smart Coats nro
much in drmand this veat by
diessv women. Some beautiful
models tilmmed with Peisi.ui
Lamb and Honlton Braid, having
high lolling collar and tipples.
iV.-a now (tic ff
offered at P3UU
34 Length
Jackets . . .
With the new drape habit llaie,
two capes on bhoulders, best satin
linings and neat tuiloiing, AH the
new shndes.
gjy $22.00
A Jaunty
Little Jacket
Of line ketsey, with pleated
back, shoulder stiaps, mannish
patch pockets, etc. Satin lined
and Jilghly talloied.
jss1, $10.00
Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniels left Binghamton
later In the day for Buffalo, Niagara
Falls nnd Cleveland, nnd upon their re
turn will begin housekeeping In a new
ly furnished homo on North llebecra
avenue. Tho bride Is a daughter or
the lnle Mrs. E. J. Mcars, nnd the
groom Is a son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Benja
min Daniels, of North Hyde Park ave
nue, nnd brother of Clerk ot the Courts
Thomas P. Daniels.
Suspicious Olinractor Arrested.
Patrolman Huntington last night nr
roslod a stiangor loitering about In the
vicinity of the Oxford mine, and When
nuestloned lie could not give nny ex
cuse for his notions. Ho was locked up
nnd gave tho nnino of Ftank Komln
skl, und snld he canto fiom Buffalo and
Is tiylng to locate his bi other, Joseph,
who resides on "the boulevard."
The prisoner savs ho has no home
nnd no employment, and Lieutenant
Davis lcgnrded his notions sufflclentlv
suspicious to wan ant holding him for
a heating, as it Is suspected that he
may be wanted either In Buffalo, To
wandn, Plttston or Wllkes-Baricwhero
Komlnskl has been recently, accoidlng
to his own admission.
Sherman Avenue Mission.
The membots of tho SliPimitn avenue
mission who will pattlclpatc In the
Chilstmas exercises mot lor tehearsnl
last evening. Choilstcr Rlclmid Phil
lips has selected those who will take
the ptomlnent paits and will dtlll each
one thoioughly.
The cantata which will be lendeied
is "An Old Fashioned Santa Glaus."
and is vciy catchy and will bo quite a
treat lor tho Sunday school membeis
when ptesentod.
Sixteen members of the mission at
tended tho fnll ially of the city union
of Christian Endeavor societies ut the
Giace Luthetan church Tuesday even
ing. Bible School Officers.
The members of the AVashbuin Stieet
Presbyteiian Sunday school held a
meeting last evening and elected the
following ofllceis for the coming year:
Superintendent. David L. Moigan; as
sistant supeiintendents, Daniel S. D.n
row and Robert J. Williams; secie
taiy, Frank Thornton; assistant secre
taries, Fiank Davis and Heibert Wat
eis; tieasuier, J. H. Battenberg; pia
nist, Mis. Walter Bevan; assistant,
MKs Geitrudo Barrow man.
Events of This Evening.
The Ro.val Society of Good Fellows
will meet this evening in Red Men's
The ladies of the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church, whose names begin
with the letteis L. M. N. O, P, Q and
R, will setve a supper in tho lecture
room this evening fiom 6 to S o'clock.
An excellent progiarnmc has been
nri.inged for the entertainment to be
given in St. David's Epi&copal chinch
this evening.
The Wahneta Dancing Class
will hold their weekly in Mears'
hall thib f veiling. Bauer's music.
Disoideily House Raided.
Compliint was made to Lieutenant
Davis at an early hour yesteid.iy morn
ing that the occupants of William Vnu
Dvke's house at 40S South Eight stieet
were acting in a disoideily manner,
and a bqind of officeis, weie sent there
and placed them all under arrest.
They weie Mi. and Mis. Van Djke,
Owen Ilinnon, Coinellus Henley, I)ai
bj Doughei tj and Pav ton Tavlor. The
fn&t two named weie fined $10 each and
the othPis ." p.ioh. All pi Id their lines,
except Vin Djke. who left his watch
fot bCCUlltV.
Funeral of M. J. Lavelle.
A icriuiem mass was celebialed by
Rev. p F. Lavelle at St. Patricks
church ve.steidiy morning over the le
lnnlns of the late M. J. Lav pile, who
died at his home on Iifayettc stieet.
'J he funeral was attended by many
membeis of societies to which deceased
was attached.
The pallbearets weie: Joseph Flvnn,
Owen Dolun. James Mack, Michael
Mack, Thomas Riley and John Madden.
Interment was made in the Cathedial
centetci y.
It's a Beauty.
At $10 00 the best coat in tho city for
the money. Meats & Hagen.
At list the intei ior of the Jackson
stieet police station Is to be subjected
to the painters and paper hanger's
biush. Landloid Powell has conttacted
with Luther Pi Ice to do the Job, and
the woik will be commenced today.
('outi. tutor Waul, who Is building the
new silk mill at Academy htieet nnd
Fllmoto n venue, complained to the po
lice again vesteidny about the boys
who hive desttoyed his lumber, tip
ped out the soshiorels from windows
and olheiwlso destiojod his woik. Ar
testu will follow.
A ciatn chowder social, under the
auspices, of Mi.s. W. F. Hallstead divis
ion, No SJ, G. I. A. to B. of L. E., will
be held at the homo of Mis. Maty Long,
10H West Larkawuima avenue, tomor
io evening tiom 5 to a o'clock. The
public is invited.
Owing to the demand on The
Ti Hume's space and the nature of
muny cnntilbutions, such as dancing
clas-s announcements, cauls of thanks,
lesolutlons of condolence, and other
mUci tiling- matter conttibuted to this
department, It Is neccssaty that the
tegular advettlslug tates bo charged.
Rev, H. C. McDoiinott. D. D pastor
of the Simpson Methodist Eplscopnl
church, will hold a special set vice tor
the old folks of his congregation next
Sunday morning. The Epwnith League
will piovlde carriages for all old peo
ple who wish to attend tho service
and have no eouvevances,
Patiiilmun Thomas Jones and Com ad
Maiker have icsumed their positions
after their annual vacations.
Benjumln Gtimtlis, of Thliteentlt
stieet, and Gcoige Jones, of lf.O South
UK Twfl
My doctor it sell ccnllr on (lis ttumtch. l"t
and lcidoe( ind It a pluuiat Uiattie. Itilt drink U
intdefrom herbs, aud la prepared for uso av eaiily cu
tea. Kl called "J.uue'u Tea" or
AUdrucslitaorbrniailSSctt andCOcU. llujrltlo
'laj. I.micJtj Fauillr .Medicine .woven, I lit!
buwclu euili clay. In ardor to bo ballb; UjUIj
Baceitary. Addrcu, lioz 205, La Hoy, W. Y,
Rebecca avenue, arc Republican can
didates for council In tho Fifth ward.
Mrs. Harilet Reynolds, of 2017 Lafay
ette street. Is suffering from a stroke
of paralysis, nnd Is repotted to be In
a ciltlcal condition.
Charles J. Evans, of Olypliajit, was
nmong the visitors In town yesterday.
Miss Belinda Dean, of Blnkely, o for
mer resident of West Scranton, Is visit
ing relatives and trends hero.
Walter Johnson, of Fort Rcllly. Phil
Ipplno Islands, Is the guest ot William
Gleason, of 145 Morris court.
Mrs. Fred Anderson nnd Mrs. W. T.
Worrell, of Binghamton, nrc visiting
Mrs. Byron Wndo, of Washburn street.
Will .Tones, of Lafayette stieet, a
victim of typhoid fever, who has been
critically 111, is now reported to be le
coveilng slowly.
Jnmes Jeremiah, jr., of Lafayette
street, who Is dangetously 111 at the
home of his sister, Mrs. George T.
Jones. In Washington. D. C, is not cx-
! pectcd to recover.
J. H. Williams, of 508 North Hyde
Pail: avenue, Is nble to be up and
ntouud the house, after suffetlng from
Injuries sustained while at wotk In tho
Mt. Pleasant mines recently.
The Ttoy Gazette savs of Chailes A.
Stuait: "Mr. Stuait's selections range
thiough a great vuilety, and some ot
them nie very amusing, while otheis
in c touched with genuine pathos. His
selections nic neatly all new, and out
of the usual line, which gives them a
fieshness that Is verv pleasing to the
audience." Mr. Stuait, who will be at
the Ptovidence Methodist chuiclt
Thanksgiving evening, and undoubt
edly he will be greeted with a ciowded
house, as this is bis first appearance in
this section of the city.
One of the greatest games of basket
ball ever seen In the Auditorium will
probablv be the one betwe.en the
Cracker Jacks nnd the Defendets, of
South Scianton, at the Auditorium on
Friday evening.
At a meeting of the Barbel s' union,
held in William Richard's shop on West
Moikot street, Tuesday evening, the
following otllcers wcte elected for the
ensuing year: President, P. J. Nolan;
secretary. John Sherman; correspond
ing sectetnty, Eugene Knight. The
election of treasurer was held over un
til tonight's meeting, which will be held
in the same place. All membeis are
earnestly requested to be piesent as
business of Impoitance is to be tran
sacted. Alderman Otto D. Mjers. was in Aslt
lov, jesterday, attending to business.
P. J. Flvnn, ot Buck avenue, has re
covered fiom an attack of rheumatism.
Joseph Kelly, of Hudson street, who
has been 111 for tho past three months
with tvphoidi fpver. Is convalescing.
The Women's Chi Istlan Temperauce
union will meet at the Davis residence
on North Main avenue, this afternoon.
Rev. J. J. O'TooIe. of Wellsboro, and
J. F. Crane, of Philadelphia, are visit
ing at the Holy Rosjty parochial res
idence on William street.
Local 1G80. United Mine Workers of
America, will hold a meeting in Loftus
ball, on West Market stieet, this even
ing. The Ladies' Aid society of the Prov -idencc
Methodist Episcopal church will
meet at the church this morning at 10
o'clock. All members arc lequestcd to
be present.
Sterling, the 4-v car-old son of Mi.
and Mrs. Peter McIIall, of Mar
ket street, is ill.
John R. Regan, of Buck avenue, is
slowly recovering from the effects of
a recent Illness.
Rlclnrd Thomas, of Olyphant, was a
caller In town last evening.
Heniy Twining, of Noith Main He
mic, has resigned his position with
Samter Brotheis. to accept one with
the Delawaie and Hudson company.
John Goodwin, a ptomlnent young
man of Avoca, called on Edward Col
lins, of Noith Main avenue, last even
ing. It's a Beauty.
At $10 00 tho best coat In the city for
tho money. Meats & Hagen.
The old pump house stack, which for
nieily stood on Washington avenue
near Willow street, was torn down yes
terday. Yearn ago it was used by the
pioneers of this side as a time gauge.
It was an Immense structuie, about
seventy-five feot high and nbout six
teen feet wide at the base. It took two
engines, a number of horses and a large
number of men to bring it to tho
ground. Around its locality weie a
large number of pnlookers, whoso cutl
osity was excited at its downfall.
Tho tecent statement of the condition
of the South Side bank has been the
talk of not only the Soutli Sidr. but
nlso tho eential city. It is one of tho
most satlsfactoiy statements that has
been Issued by any of the banks, con
sidering that the bank has only been
open for about a month and a half.
Keep the good work up. Everybody
should make a deposit.
The Scianton Gas and Water com
pany Is relajlng gas and water pipes
on Locust street, below Cedar avenue.
Tho pi opertj -holders have to mnko
now connections, which they do not
wish to make. The only way that then
can see It Is that tho Scianton Gas nnd
Water company pay for nil connection?,
which ate made on account of tho re
lajlng of the pipes.
A book reception is to be held by tho
Young Men's Lltetary society of tho
Hickory Street Piesbyteiian chuioli, at
tho patlslt house on Hickory street,
Thursday evening, December 4. Adinls
slon, book offeilng or any amount of
cash which may be contributed to tho
society. They will conduct an cntPitaiii
ment which has never been equalled. A
social will follow.
Mid-week services were conducted at
the Hickory Street Presbj teilan chuiclt
last evening.
A revival meeting was conducted nt
tho Methodist Episcopal chinch, on
Piospect avenue, last evening, It will
bo conducted ngaln this evening. All
are cordially invited to attend,
John Murphy, of Ulrch stieet, has up
ccpted a position as teacher nt No, 30
school, during the night school tcim.
As cold weather Is coming on, some
thing s needed to keep you active.
Any time ou aie cold, go to Korn
ncher's pharmacy and bo kept heated
by having a hot soda, All tluvors to
bo had.
A euchro party was held at St. John's
hall last evening. A large rrowd was
present, and a neat sum of money was
The Liberty Defenders of this side
will play the strong Shaimock team of
Providence a game of bjsket ball on
Tuesday evening In the Auditorium.
The Labor Problem will be the sub
ject of an address by William H. Car
roll, of Ronton, Mars.: national organ
izer of tho Socialist Labor patty, Fti
day evening. S p. m, at Worklnsnien's
Is the only tea consump
tion of of which is in
creasing. Why? Because
people have found out it is
the best.
It is good alone, and
blends with and improves
all other tea. Of it the
tea pot requires only half
the quantity.
Ccjlon and India Tea.
iold only In Lead Packet!.
50c.. 60c, and 70c, Per Lb,
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Kcls, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
OSP. MUltT OVtY VTnv. 90
Tho Greatest of All Gicat Romances
with Mr. Harry I.elghton as na-sendvll
All of the piodiiction, scenciy and cos
tumes cat ried
rairns-ti no. 75c , )0c , :"c
Seats on sale.
Special i;nsagempnt of the militant Ro
mantic Actor
in bis greatest tilumph
Bv Charles Klein and J I. C. Claike
Supported bv .1 pciwetful compmj ot
New Voik Ai tists
NOTE This will bo Mr Mlllei's. r.nowell
Appcaiance in "Ileal tse.ibc ' in Scian
ton ,
PRICES-M ".0, ?1 CO, 73. 50, J5c
So.its on .silc. ,
Saturday mN7aHT,: Nov. 22
I..IH apnc.unncc oC
Mr. Daniel Sully,
In his icat Now Yoi k and Boston
A Domestic Duma by Daniel t
PRICES Matinee. :T. and rnc. chlldmn
accompanied bv thcli piiont". Ife to
nny pitt or tho house Night Jl 00,
75c, 50c, 25c.
Seats on '.lie Thmsdny at 1 .1 m.
ononl.yht Honday, Nov. 24
riiED e. wniciirrs
MagnllUont Piodiiction of the I'icttlo&t
of all I'.i'-toial Plavs
Tho Biggest Hit In tho Diainilic Wot Id.
Piosenteil by the Oilglnal (Jieat Caa.
Tho most daliot.ito t-ieulu piodiiction ever
given a I' Pluv
Cm lain rises niomptlv at S 11 in.
PH ICES-SI rA St 00, 75c , 'Op., 2'iC.
Seats on sale Fiiduy at 9 a. in.
The Dixie Theatre
Lcssoo and Manager.
Seats tcscivcd by tclcphono; now 'phono,
ALl a. IIERRINGTON, Manager.
Thursday, 1'rlday and Saturday,
Nov. 20, Jt and 2.1.
'Bowery Masqueraders"
hall, on Alder stieet, neap Piospect
avenue. Mr, Can nil has leeently com
pleted a tour of New York ntute In tho
Inteteht of the stato ticket, leaving
New Yotk city Kept. 16, and closlnK ut
Illnghaniton, N. Y,, Nov. .'I. Alexander
A, Giant, of this city, will be chalriuin
nf the meeting. Admission fiee to all,
Questions Invited.
Tho Fourteen I'l lends will hold u
meeting: tonight at Hotel llest. All
members nro teauebted to ulttiid
Dr. Bchlej's laitiK Healing Balsam Is
guaianteed to euro all coughst "No eiuo,
no pay." Tor bale by all dcaleis
It's a Beauty,
At $10.00 the best coat In the ilt for
the money. Meats &. Ilngcii.
A social meeting of the Tennis club
will bo held tninoiiow night at tho
home of the Misses Bone, on Wakely
Miss Nettle Mcllale will cntet tain the
N, Y, S. club tonight at her homo on
Elm street.
Benjamin Wilson bus tetumed from
Finite, R. C, whom he has spent tho
past ear.
Miss Anna Tart, of 11 aw ley, is a
Goldsmith's Bazaar
Muslin "
- - - -
G. e
The best whiskey
That word "best" is used and misused so fre
quently, we hesitate to make use of, it. Yet,
when you mean 'best," what other word can
one employ ?
So we say, "Green Valley" is the best
Whiskey on the market at the price.
All we as(f is that you refrain from dis
puting this statement until you have tried it.
We 11 deliver four full qinrt bottlOB any
where cant of tUo Mississippi for J5 00.
Academy of Music
U. ltels, Lessee and Mnnncer.
A. J. Duffy. Business Manager.
Week S&OT1 Nov. 1 7,
Jtiitlnec ilnily ."Uitluff Tuesday.
'1 Inn. Ml iv Miitlnrc, C'nuclil in the Vt'cb.
1 Inutility Klulit. "A Jljhlcilous liinl:
Hoblicn y.
I'HJCi:S-Matliiop,10 nnd CO tents
Nielli, 10, SO anil uO cents.
HeatH cm halo.
AI.Iv NHXT Vi;i3l,
Aiifinientcil bv Ilcns-nnH lllllluiy Hand.
Monday NIkIU. ".MISS l.Ml'UniZNCi:,"
fr !$ i' ! $! ! I ! 5' "5 "J "J
! fieo isi Need
Of anything In the lino ot
,jj optical goods we can supply It.
s Soectacles
land Eye Glasses !
4 4
.j, Properly fitted by cm expert
.j optician,
I !
J From $1.00 Up
'h Also nil kinds of preacrlp-
tlon woik find repairing:, ?
JVlercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
t3 ! S" " i $
guost nt tho homo of noal Taft, on
Noith UlaUely strret.
William It. "Wilbon, of Mlneraville,
mude a huriled visit In town ytsteiv
Tho annual pralto hcnlco of the Wo
men's JUsslonary society of the Pics
Making room for
new goods. We need
the space taken up by
Women's Cambric Gowns
A lot of Cambric
Night Gowns, coun
ter soiled and slight
ly mussed. There's
high necks,low necks,
V shapes and Em
pire, lace trimmed
and with inserting.
Usually sold at 98c,
'Till they are 7Cr
sold - - - iw
Women's CambricDrawers
A lot of Drawers in
the same condition.
Plain, hemstitched
and embroidery trim
med. Worth 39c, for tbis sale, 25c
Worth 59c, for tbis sale, 37c
Umbrella shapes
and other shapes a
mong them.
It may be that you I
have use for either
of these two items. '
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct
to hotel,
Hoomsulth Hathl JSulls with ntU
92.011 1 ( ?3. 00.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor, Sixteenth St. ind Ir In;
American I Ian, ?3 SO Per Day and Upward
European Plan, ?1 00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special RaU-9 to Pamlllei.
i or ltusiucss U011 V
-f In tho heart of tho wholesale tils.
4- tilct. t
For ihoppcis l
S minutes' -walk to 'Wanamakeraj "
2 inluutca to Slceel Cooper's Big f
blore. I.'aiiy of ucicbs to the great T
Vy Qooils Stoics. ;
Tor Mslitscers t
O110 liloi k from B'wny Cars, glv- L
Iiib casv transportation to all L
points of intcicat. L
t Cor 11th ST & UNIVI:USITT VU. r
T Only one Block fiom Uroidnay, -t-
i Rooms, l Up. pitKfctt.,
hjterian oliurch will ho lipid at tin
nui use tOtlU,
It's a Beauty.
At $10 00 tho best coat In the city foe
the money, Hears & Ilagen.
1 f