The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    W&f,, '
?wp?j:.Ki &&mpffw,-i
-"-r1 JJ-Ci.1
house Jacob A. nlln, of NVw York, will
deliver mi nddresa on "Tlio llittllt! with
tho Blilms." whteli will lie lllne tt-ittctl with
Inntern Views, TIir ledum U tiiittur tho
ntmplorK of the. Voting; 1 .miles' society uf
thi l-'li-st I'leshyteiluii ehllroli.
Have Clone After Burke,
'J'lio I'PttnlMltlitli imiielit for tlomlnlok
Huike, who li under uii-ohI at SVIii'iiev
tiuly, X, v.. for mi nmmtilt mi llnltlo
.left'ivy. of Ciiilwinilnle on Mny if. In!,
nirlveil from MiiiTlshiii-ir ypHtenluy mitt
('onxtiilile. II, t. Xciiry Miirtcil Tor Heheii
t'l'itnly to IiiIiih tlio ai'i'ilTil biir'lt for
Is not n in.Utp'r of jjiiohm work, nor
Is It ,i mill tor of ti-ylny on pulr.M of
reiuly-inmle Khicst's, It u Helt'iij'o
KovcriU'il by tninclpalH which iiomh
but it person who bus Httitlli'il tho
iiniiloiny of the Hyp i-nn untlerslitiHl.
t will c.MiinlnL' your eye wllh the
most pi'iutirwi'ri inethodf. nml piv
serllie sl.isses only whero absolute
ly needed.
One charge covers the entire
cost of examination, glnsscs
331 Washington Ave.
Used Malls to Defraud.
.1. M. Alcarlioff and W. II,. Oswald, of
V.smrt, Carbon eomity, were nr-1-psImI
ivi'i'iilly by Deputy Pulled States
.Marshal J. V. Hnyder for ikIiik the
Pulled Slates iiiiiIU to defraud, They
were 1'iH'h held under SI.inii) bull for trial
at th" lliinlsbiiiK term of Pulled -Slates
Killed a Wild Cat.
Harry llolnhmt, of Klorey & Hrooks,
has .ii"t returned I'mm a huiiting tilp
In the wilds of I'oeolio mountain. In nil
dllioli to the rdluary auiouul of niiiuc
biiKKeii, he. alter a Ili'lve strnpRle, killed
a i laise wild cnl, which he has had
sluircd, ami it Is now on exhibition at
the stoic
CoUnfy Savings Bank
and Trtisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
in Sums of
and pays 5 per
teiest thereon.
cent, in-
L. A. WATEE3. President.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres.
A. H. CHKISTY, Cashier.
Wm. F. Hnllstead, 'Mverctt Wan-en..
K. P. Kli'ssliiny, AiiKiist Kol'lnson,
O. S. .Tnlms-oil. .los. O'liilen,
U A. Wnlres.
Lackawanna Iintirovements.
The Kickiiwniinii railroad bus In colir-e
of election new Ii-i'IkIii houses at Syra
cuse and .Sti-oiidsbniH, anil work has
been boKim on a new ash-pit, round
hou'c and luin-tablc at Porlland, X, V.
A new station will be built at Deluwaio
W'aler i.!np. to replnci' the one recently
destroyed by lire, and the new pas-eimer
station at Norwich, X. V., has been
opt ned for "'i vice.
D., L. & W. Mine Pays.
The employes of I lie following Dela
ware, l.acUiiwiinna and Western iiilnes,
colllfiies and waMieilpn will be paid ou
Salunluy: Arcliluild. I!llevne and wasli
ery. Ilrlshlii, I'.tytia, I'tmllm-ntul, DoiIkc,
Hampton and W.ishury. Jlohlen, Hyde
I'aik, Oxford, Type, Sloan and Taylor.
The eiiiplovrs of the Diamond and Sloirs
will be paid on .Monday, and those at all
the mines In the Luzerne illstilct on
Committee Visited Site.
The high and training; committee of the
school boa id visited the old Home for
the I-'ilendles.s propel ty on Adams ave
nue yesterday afternoon for the purpos-e
of looklm; over the adjoining pioperlles
on the north and sooth, the parcluise ot
nne of which Is nuclei- i-onslder.-il!on. No
ilellnltK action was taken thiitlKll the
nienibeis of the committee seemed to fa
vor the coiner property on the north.
Another meellns will be held before Mon
day night's meeting of the boald.
Verdict for Plaintiff in Cnse of John
Brown Against Bltteiibender &. Co.
Judge Edwards Directs a Verdict
in Cnse of D. H. Davis Against
Clemo Real Estnte Company Suit
of C. L. Rice Against C, L. Smith
Tried Before Judge Newcombe.
Other Court Mattel s.
fs satisfied at our store.
We have extra Inducements to offer
you. AVe have just received I'M at ship
ment of Xew Wall papers for sprint;,
l'JOS some very chol'.-u patterns also a
larpa? assortiuelU of Picture Krant'es
to select from. W invite you to call
stiul see how far your dollar will go.
Jacobs & Fasold,
20 Washington
$ Morris' Magnet Cigars
"They Draw Well."
The best '-alno for ii cents.
Try one nnd you will smoke no
All the loading brands of Jo.
clears at JI.73 per box, or fi for 23e.
The largest variety o Tipes and
Tobaccos In town,
. The Cigar Man
A 325 Washington Avenue.
A UK YOlT AW.Mtn that Xnins Is
near? And If you coiueniiihilo
aubsurlbliiK- for any magazines, or
prebeutlUK your friends wllh a sub
serlptlou to any periodical; If so,
why not Mihsi'ilhu now. Ily mi do
Iuk. you K''t December uiimlii'i'
We take subscriptions
and renewals for all
periodicals nt mibllsheis'
" prices. Send us -your order
by mail.
407 Spruce Street
New 'Phone, 43.
Many Theatrical People Entertained
Last Night.
Tlie members of the Scruulim lodge
of Hilts visited the Dixie theater in a
body last night, and after the pro
forinance Invited the performers to at
tend a social session In their beautiful
meeting; room on Franklin avenue.
They accepted In u body and In addi
tion a number of the members of Rob
ert Kdeson's "Soldiers of Fortune"
company and a number of actors from
the Star theater were, present, so that
a most delightful and enterlainln's;
time was enjoyed by the two hundred
Klks and their friends who attended.
Charles V. O'.Malley acted as toast
master and kept his auditors in a whirl
of merriment for several hours. lie
was ably assisted by John J.- Loflus
and others. Mr. l.oftus' solemn an
nouncement that Slyer Davidow desired
to be sranted partnission to sing- "The
Wen ri na of the ilrivu" provoked much
excellent entertainment was fur
nished by Richard Sterllngr, of the "Sol
diers of Fortune" company: Kdwarrt
J. Keoush, who is proving himself such
a versatile actor at Dixie's; Frank J.
Whittier and many others.
A lunch was served and there was
liquid refreshments in abundance. .
B. P. Laudig to Sever His Connection
with Builders' Exchange.
R. F. Laudig. secretary of the Juild
ers' exchange, has tendered his resig
nation to the hoard of directors. It will
not be acted upon until December 17, on
which date the next meeting of the ex
change will be held.
Mr. I.audlg has acted as secretary of
the exchange for the past six years, lie
was recently elected secretary of the
State Retail Lumbermen's association,
and has decided that to properly fill
this position he must devote all of Ills
lime and attention to Its duties.
In common pleas court yesterday
morning Judge Hdwards charged I he
jury In the case of John Hrowu
ngalnst Ulttonbender .t Co. Some
time later the jury returned a verdict
In favor of the plaintiff.
The case of D. II. Davis against the
C'leino Real KstuW; company was then
called for trial before Judge Kdwards,
fie was employed as caretaker of the
hotel and, farm of the defendant com
pany at Luke Clemo. and sued to re
cover 11 balance of $42 which ho said
was duo him, The company alleged
that Davis allowed a quantity of pota
toes on the farm to freeze and had
other set oil's. Judge Kdwards decided
that these were not proper matters to
charge Davis with and directed 11 ver
dict for the plalntlrc. The verdict was
$-1:1.71, the full amount or the claim,
with Interest.
Before Judge Newcombe. the case of
C. L. Rice against 0. L. Smith was on
trial all day. and went to the jury just
before adjournment. Mr. Rice moved
to iRrooklyn, X. Y.. and placed his
horse In the care of C. L. Smith, allow
ing him, as Rice alleges, to use the
horse for his own purposes, or to be
rented to special customers, that Smith
could depend upon, In payment for the
keeping of the horse.
Through Liveryman J, K. Regan the
horse was rented to a man named
Helsman. It ran away and was hilled,
and Rice Is suing to recover $7fi, the
value of the horse. Smith alleges that
the horse was placed In his charge to
be used in his general business. He
denied there was any such limitations
us Rice testilled to.
A jury was sworn yesterday after
noon In the case of A. S. Kline against
the city of Scranton, and the ease will
he put on trial this morning. That Is
the last case for trial this week, all the
Jurors besides those sworn In that and
the Rice case being- discharged from
further attendance.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Jacob Reiglianser
Carrie Kit-sling ...
John IT. AUfn ...,
Mice C. Cooper ...
Jacob J. Stegner .
Jtargaretha .Mobs
, .Termyn
It Would Appenr Thnt Local Reme
dies Would Bo Best for Cuve of
It would Room at ilrst glance that
oatarrli being a disease of tho mucous
membrane, that salvos, sprays, ele.,
being applied directly to the mem
branes of tho nose and throat, would
ho the most rational treatment, but
this has been proven not to be true.
The mucous meinbrune Is made unci
repaired from the blood and catarrh Is
a blood disease and any remedy to
make a pormawnt cure must net on
the blood, nnd when the blood Is puri
fied from catarrhal poison, the secre
tions from the mucous membrane will
become natural and healthy.
In this climate, thousands of people
seem scarcely nver Tree from some form
of catarrh: It gets better at times but
each Winter becomes gradually deeper
seated, nud after a time the sufferer
resigns himself to It as n necessary
Catarrh euros are almost as numer
ous as catarrh sufferers, hut are nearly
all ho Inconvenient and Ineffective as
to render their use a nuisance nearly
as annoying as catarrh Itself; anyone
who has used douches, spruyn and pow
ders will bear witness to their Incon
venience and failure to really cure.
There are a number of excellent In
ternal remedies for catarrh, but prob
ably the best and certainly the Hufest
Is a new remedy, composed or Red
(Sum, Blood Root and similar untlsep-
tlc remedies and other valuable catarrh
This remedy Is In tublet form, pleas
ant to the taste and sold by druggists
under the name of Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets, and -anyone suffering from
catarrh may use these tablets with ab
solute assurance that they contain no
cocaine, opiate nor any poisonous min
eral whatever.
A leading druggist In Albany speak
ing of catarrh cures suys: "l have
sold various catarrh cures for years,
but have never sold any which gave
such general .satisfaction as Stuart's
Catarrh Tablets. They contain In 11
pleasant, concentrated form all the best
and latest catarrh remedies, and ca
tarrh sufferers, who have used douches,
sprays and salves, have been astonished
at the quick relief and permanent re
sults obtained after u week's use of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets." All drug
gists sell full sized packages for fifty
New Jersey (Jentral Declares That Its
Men Shall Be Treated as Well as
Those of Its Competitors.
Condition of Two of Them,
Mnlia nnd Henry Lelm Is
Serious Patrick Plnnnelly,
Dombncher and Charles
Were tho Other, Men Burned Ex
plosion Was Caused by the Genera
tionNof Gns Through Dumping of
Refuse from Cupola Into Water.
The foundry of the Krlc Railroad
coinpaiiy, tit Dttnmorc, was tho scone
or 1111 explosion lato yesterday after
noon, lit which five men were burned,
two being seriously Injured.
Arter the casting tor the day hud
been completed and most of the work
men had gone to their homes, tho
neighborhood was shuken bv tin ex
plosion that rattled dishes and wlndow
glnss In it manner thut caused much
alarm. It was caused by an explosion
of gas In the cupola, generated by the
hot Iron refuse being dumped Into a
pool of water In the pit, which hud
been used lit cooling the cupola.
The force was HUlllclent to blow every
wlndow-sash out of the foundry build
ing, tear away 11 largo narf of tbn rnnf
and side, as well us break the glass In
the machine and framing shop nearby.
If the explosion hud occurred ten
minutes sooner, tho list of Injured
would have been much larger, as there
would have boon about .sixty men In
the shop. Afv it was, every man In the
muiuing was injured. Tho two most
Injured were John Mulla and Henry
Lehn, who wore badly burned about
the head and arms. They were re
moved to their homes In the company
ambulance. The others Injured were
Patrick Flannelly, John Dombacher
and Charles Segar, all receiving slight
Dr. Hubler and Dr. Dernsteln attend
ed to the Immediate wants of tho men.
The foundry Is provided with an extra
cupola, so that the accident will not
necessitate the shutting down or tho
Toughness Is a Virtue
In a lamp chimney.
toughest of all Is
Being Intelligently made on scientific
principles and very best materials, It
Wears "wears like metal." 4
It's unmatchable. Prlco, . . 1 OC
Are Well
Taken Care of
In times of stringency or
panic, as well as In easy
times, If your business or
personal account is with the
Third National Bank,
JJ8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.
3 Per Cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts, whether
large or small. Accounts can be opened by mall,
John V. If owe II Scrantou
Nell lonit Fellows Seianton
Jeny .1. Foley Dnleville
Delia (5 ray Scrantou
The case of the Pennsylvania Central
lirewlug company against Peter I.epovlc.
was yesterday discontinued.
Jlarry !'. Sl.iiisbiii-y ystorday tiled his
petition with Prolhonotury John Cope
land, asking permission lo adopt Klsio
Vamlermark, the six-year-old child of
Xolxon Vandermark, deceased.
Miss ltosa Gott, of Tbroop, who a week
ago shot ami seriously wounded Joseph
Aruns, yesterday entered ball lu tho
sum of !l,0(nl before Judge Xewconib.
Carjuina Sranga became security for her
Mrs. Martini Ilavaid. of Taylor, yes
tprdny. through Attorney James K. 'Wat
klus. tiled a petition for a divorce from
Itoger llnvar'd, to whom she was mar
ried on May 1, V.iiltl. She alleges that on
September l." of the same year her hus
band deserted her and has ever slueo
persisted hi his desitlon.
The following wills were admitted to
probate yesterday by Iteglster of Wills
Koch: Peter Snmme.r.s, late of Fell town
ship, letters testamentary to llemy Sum
mers; will or m. v. i.ottus. late or
Moosic, letters of administration c. t. a.
to Sirs. Margaret J.oftus. the widow;
Michael Murphy, late of Caibondalc, no
By Ext'hithe Who from The A.-oo:utel Pie-s.
Xew York. Xov. 10. The Central
Itiillroud of Xew Jersey made the fol
lowing announcement today:
"The management of the Jersey Cen
tral Intends that Its employes shall bo
treated as well as those of its neigh
bors, and where recent increases made
by railroads in this territory make the
average rate of wages higher than
those paid by the Jersey Central, the
wages of such classen of lis employes
will bo equalized, to meet the prevailing
rates paid."
The management has not yet com
puted tho number of employes who will
be affected by the increase, nor decided
when It will go Into effect.
In and About
The City
i Motgan the Collector,
(t was recently amuiuiici'ij In (llllt. (,(
the city papers that 'I'liouum U. Williams
Jmd been jppoiiin-d aiuto mat county tux
;toIlec(or for the Sixth ward. Thomas M.
iUoi-ij.iu. of )i Snyder avenue, is thu mi.
Sixteenth Annual Meeting;.
The hlMeenth annual -incetluK of the
New Kntfluml s-oeiety will bo held at the
ioiird gf undo rooms tonight at S o'clock,
Ofilceru art to bu elecjed. ftlnuk uppll-j-utloi.s
fur1 nuuubciuitlp can bo had at
the fildco or 'the sufietnry, :no Conuell
Lecture by Jacob A, Jliis.
Xext MuiiiUv uUlU'in the Ulvu'le Club
One of the Five Indicted for-Murder
of Daniel Sweeney, Released.
Hy llvcliiihc Whc fmin Tlie Aoul.itril I'uv-.
Wilkes-Ham, Xov. in. In court to
day, Ignatz Shukls, one of the five men
Indicted for tho murder of Daniel
Sweeney, nt Xuntlcoke, was acquitted
after a three days' trial. Sweeney was
employed as a night watchman ut the
Susquehanna Coal company's mine dur
ing the miners' strike. One night while
ho was going to work he stopped In a
saloon wheie he met some striking
miners. Considerable liquor was drunk
before the men left the place,
Sweeney left when the others did,
Tlie next morning. his deudy body was
found on the roadway wllh his skull
crushed In, Five foreigners were ar
rested for the crime and two of them
pleaded guilty and are now waiting the
sentence of the court,
October Revenue Receipts.
Il i:ehi.h.' lie ilniii 'I lie t4ui Kuril I'ir.s
Wnslihifttoii, ,'ov. ti. The monthly
statement ol the collections of Internal
l (venue show that for tlie mouth of Or
tolmr, ICO;', tho total reiclpls worn f:i,.
liUMSli, a dei'ii'uw of :!,"l.l. lux, n com
pared Willi October, !l. Fop Hie four
mouths of thu present iiseiit cir the to
uil receipts wen- T&u, luV,i;ti, n decrease, as
compared lth Ihn coiiespuiidlng peiliui
In 1!U. of M'l.imii.NTii.
Midshipman Aiken Still 111.
Ily I.M'liblw tViia Hum flic Asmi-Kiti'il 1'n-o..
Washington, Xov. 10. Advices received
at tlio navy department today stulo that
Midshipman Aiken, who was Injured hi
hint Saturday's foot ball game, Is veiy
low, and it Is IVuird thut Hie foot ball
yiiuie at t'hiladelphla on the "'.Hh hut.,
between tha naval and military acade
mics may bo called off, Or. llayl Aiken,
or New Orleans, father of tlie midship
man, urrlvi-il hero today,
Speculator's Suicide.
It.)' i:lirl,i- Wilt Uiiiu 'Iho .VulUtfc I'iccI,
London, Xov. If. .Uoury Iloplel. a small
Jobber la, the Souih All Iran market, idiot
and killed himself today in thu luviilorj
of tho Stock Hsohunse. lie left a note
saying: "1 have been speculating madly,
i am milled,"
Dr. Llndabttry. Surgeon, diseases o!
women u specialty, 215 Conncll building.
Hours: li a. in. to i p. nt.; 7 to 3.30
p. in.
Quotations for Fat Animals
Slaughtering' Have Fallen.
Hy i:.i!iiic Who fioin The .Un-litecl 1'icsn.
Berlin, Xov. 19. Quotations heie
fat six hundred pound horses
slaughtering- have fallen from J37.&1) and
$W to J2,", and Tor fair to middling and
lean from J'Jn to $18.75 to JL'O, owing lo
the exposure of tho large quantities of
horse meat sold as beef or used for
making sausages, Horse Mesh has long
been a regular article of food, but
municipal ordinances In most cltlelf le
qulre that It shall not be sold as such,
The extraordinary high prices of meat,
however, have caused extensive evas
ions of the law, and a great Increase In
thu sale of horse steaks and soup bones
as ueef. While the Gerinuu frontiers
are closed to tho importation of live
cattle, the prohibition does not apply lo
old, broken-down horses, which are
brought by shlpluuds from Kngluud,
especially to Hamburg and firemen,
and are fattened for butchering.
It Is" predicted that a sharper en
forcement of tho horse meat ordinances
Is likely In resulk In a slight Increase
In the prices of meat and particularly
of sausages.
The String Cut.
Freileilck W. I'liger, author of "Wllh
'Hobs' nnd Kruger," a former Philadel
phia nowspapeiuiiiu, and now a candidate
for the state loglalutuye, was told tho oth
er day that ho lost no time in Jumping
nt the chance to go to lluriishiug. Ifo
replied that, as long us lie wished to go,
he took no chances In dissembling, for
fear iliero miht he a cutting of the
suing to which his "refusal" would bo
tied, Jlo added that ho ulwayskeeps lu
mind tlio story of tho Colt who. wuullmr
to borrow five pounds from his rich but
puritanical uncle, wrolo the following
"Dear I'ncle I wish to burrow IHo
fmunds, but r.inunt put tho request
Into words, 1 am so humiliated, It
seems I'd rutliPr die, Jliuu ask you. 1
send this by a mebsenger, who wll
wait for it reply.
"Your Affectionate Xephow,
"i'. S. Overeomo wllh shnmo for
what 1 havu willlen, I have been run
plug after tho messenger to (alto back
tho note, but cannot catch up with
him. Heaven grant that something
may prevent your knowing; how hu
miliated I feel."
I'ncle, sympathising with Affectionate
Xephow, determined the youth should not
suffer, mid, tu save hi feelings, sent this
"Dear Xphew Console yourself and
liltibh no longer, Providence has
heaid your prayers. The messenger
has lost the note.
"Your Affectionate Uncle."
I'lilludftlnhlu l.edcer.
Troubles of Officials of Street Cleaning-
Department of New York.
Hy i:ehisie Wire tlom Tlie Asocutoil Pu-.-s,
Xew York, Xov. 10. Discoveries that
certified laborers In the street cleaning
department were being impersonated
by outsiders caused the municipal civil
service commission today to adopt the
liertillon system of measurements to
ascertain the Identity of any man em
ployed by the city. At the meeting ot
tho commission today the statement
was made that twenty cases had been
found where men were working under
assumed names, using cards given them
by the original employe.
Many of the substitutes, it was said,
were uoii-cltlssens, and it was said to
be the plan of the original employe to
get other work and then sell his card
to a man who assumed his name.
Saturday, Xov. 22-Manvllle, Marvlno
shaft, Dlckwn, Leggotts Creek, A'on
Storch, repair shops, t
Monday, Xov. 21 Olyphant Xo. 2. Kddy
Creek, drossy Island, Grassy Island
wushery, AVblto Oak, .Termyn.
Tuesday, Xov. S3 Greenwoods, Xos. 1
and 2, Spring Urook, Lanscliffe, I.aflln.
Wednesday, Xov. 26 Delaware, Balti
more tunnel, Xo. 2, Xo. ;:, No. ii, Conyng
ham, Pine Ridge, Laurel Pain.
Friday, Xov. 28-Carbondaie Xo. 1,
Powdcrly, Clinton, Coal Brook, Packet
Brook wushery.
Saturday. Nov. 2!i Boston, Plymouth
Xo. 2, No. :i, Xo. I, Xo. 3.
Dr. D. B. Hand's Office.
Is In the rtookery building, corner
Washington avenue and Spruce street
and not on Penn avenue. Dr. Hand
will be found In- his ofiloe from 2 to 5
In tlie ntternoon and lrom 7 to 9 in the I
Price Temptations
Our specials this week are tempting, not alone be
cause of their low prices, but also for their unusual
good values and wearing qualities. Our first special
represents the best bargain that we have ever offered
in ladies' Shoes.
Special Xo. 1 Ladles' Goodyear AVelt,
Box Calf, Shoes, extra heavy soles.
Xot one pair in tho lot that wo have ever
offered the cental of before for less than
J'J.."0 and SI.OO. Tills week, $2.C0 a pair.
Special No. 2 Infants Button Shoes, loo
to 7."e. a 'pair. Positively worth one-third
more. ";
Special No. .1 Men's and Boys' $t.2o
and 51.30 Shoe? at Mo.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next door to new First National Bank Building.
1 First Annual Thankpng Sale
Of Hand
Man Who Organized Sunday Schools
Convicted of Horse Stealing.
Hy i:rhnlvc Wile from The Aool.itcil 1'ios
Lancaster, Pa., Xov. 1& A. U. Glas
gow, of MUlersvllle, who cloaked his
extensive horse stenllng operations
under the guise of a Bible agent and
as an energetic worker in church work
and the organization of Sunday schools,,
was found guilty today on four Indict
ments for horse-stealing, and eleven In
dictments for felonious entry and lar
ceny of buggies, harness, etc.
Glasgow was sentenced by Judge
Lundls to four years n'nd nine mouths
lu tho Kastern penitentiary, and to pay
a flue of $1,-100 and costs.
Self-Confessed Assaulter nnd Slayer
Will Servo for Life.
Hy Kwludto Wile from 'flic .Wndjleil Pre.
Menominee, Mch,, Xov, 19, Joseph
Heck, the self-confessed assaulter ami
murderer of 10-year-old Julia Wozq
nlalf, today pleaded guilty In the Cir
cuit court and wus sentenced to life
Imprisonment at solitary conlluement
by Judge Stowe.
Jieck, who was a blacksmith, com
mitted tho double crime September 28
and buried tho child's body on his
premises, where It was found severul
days later,
Col. Johnstone Resigns.
Hy KmIusIic Wile from The .UoUiteiI 1'iess.
AVashlnetou, Nov. !. Lieutenant Colo
nel John A, Johnstone, assistant adju
tant general, bus resigned from the army,
to take effect 1'eb, 1, WW. Ho comes
frqin Pennsylvania,
If you use Grain-0 in place- of
coffee you will eujoy it just as
much for it tastes the same j yet, it
is like u food to the system, dis
tributing: the full substance of the
pure grain with every drop,
Mx'OW' everywhere j 13c, anil 83c. per jnckige,
mens, Etc.
Handkerchiefs. Table Linens, Table Napkins, Sideboard Scarfs and similar goods are much in
demand at this season. In order that we may give our patrons the very best 'possible values
for their money, we have determined to inaugurate an Annual Thanksgiving Sale as above
stated, during which the profits usually derived from the sale of these goods will practically
be obliterated. Our experience is that ourpatrons do not soon forget such real bargain op
portunities as are presented during this sale, which closes on Thanksgiving Eve.
SJ Bleached Table LinensASl New
m 56-inch Damasks, worth 28c, for 23c
ft 58-inch Damasks, worth 37c. for 31c
62-inch Damasks, worth 45c, for 39c
64-inch Damasks, worth 55c, for 45c
5 70-inch Damasks, worth 62c, -for 49c
J 64-inch Damasks, worth 75c, for 50c
W 70-inch Dairffisks, worth 85c, for 69c
ft 73-inch Damasks, worth $1.00, for 89c
55 72-inch Damasks, worth $1.25, for $1.12)
j 72-1
-inch Damasks, worth $1.35. for..
match, a specialty, and offered at reduced prices
during this sale.
Unbleached Linen Damasks
56-inch Damasks, worth 28c, for ale
60-inch Damasks, worth 35c, for 29c
58-inch Damasks, worth 50c, for...- 4oc
6o-inch Damasks, worth 55c. for 45c
72-inch Damasks, worth 75c, for 59c
72-inch Damasks, worth 85c, for 69c
Silver Bleached German Linen Damask
64-inch Damasks, special at 45c
72-inch Damasks, special at . '. 59c
72-inch Damasks, worth $1.65, for $1.39
Fine Bleached Damasks, with napkins to
Bleached Linen Table Cloths
With handsome borders and centers, line qualities, with napkins to match.
Bleached Damask Cloths, 72 inch by 72 inch, at S2.00 each.
Bleached Damask Cloths, 72 inch by qo inch, at $2.50 each.
Bleached Damask Cloths, 72 inch by 108 inch, at $3,ot each. ,
Napkins to match during this sale at $2.25 the dozen.
i Special Mill End Sale of Bleached Linen Table Damasks
In length from 2 to 3 yards each. The qualities are all right and Afr fKp lirrl
the patterns the newest. Choice during this sale only TTiJL LIIC Jffll U
Tow Is
Bargain Sal of Hue
At reductions that will readily appeal to every buyer. Prices during this sale
9c, I2!jC, 15c, i7Jc, 20c, 22jic, 25c, etc., each.
Fine Linen Damask Towels from 12,'Sc to $1,75 each.
Roller Towelings, Crash Towellngs, Glass Toweliugs, etc.. at special bargain pi ices.
Crochet and Hnrselllcs Bertspremls from 89c each up to $7.50 are all reduced in price.
fj The Handkerchief Sale
Ought to interest everybody, as it covers the whole range of Handkerchief selling.
35-cent Handkerchiefs during this
sale for
Special Atl Linen Ladies' Initial
I laiulkerchiefs at 2 for
Men's Linen I land kerchiefs, large size,
at only ...,..,.
Men's Linen Hemstitched Handker
chiofs, plain or fancy borders, at , . , ,
19-hich All Linen Handkerchiefs 1
for men at , 1 2iC
l;xtra Fine Linen Initial Handker- $, t .
chiefs for ladias, Each 35c. Box ot 6 $ I ,OD
Silk Initial Handkerchiefs (- a
from -3C Up
All other kinds and qualities reduced in
same proportion as above,
2 for
Children's Fancy Border
chiefs at..
"Foxy Grandpa"
an extra quality, at
Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs at
Fancy Embroidered and Hemstitched
Atl Linen Handkerchiefs ,..,.,.....
Fine All Linen Hemstitched Hand
kerchiefs, nice size ,
BeauiKully Fmbroidered Swiss
Handkerchiefs at
Regular 25c Linen Handkerchiefs
Fancy Hmbrojdered and Scalloped
Handkerchiefs, 25c kind, at ..........
40a and 402
ifc..'. . J - f. 1 ,
&B &LS Jki