U iMV -v stf."! f A v - r T? y y ,1v v " H 'i fe- " THE SUKANTON TlUBUxNE-TLirKSDAY NOVEMBEK , 20, 1002. 3 rufollahul Dally Ktcpt BumtAy, by The Ttlbuna Z, rubllthlnc Cominy,t Fitly Ccnta-u Hontb. lt mvy s.'jiicnAuii O. T. BYXBEl, .1- i-iiilinn. JCnUrod at'lhs iWolTlis t Bfranton, m Btrond '" Cliun Malt Mtter. ' When apncA will permit. Tim Tribune la , mlnnya ulntl to print ahort letter from lla "(rlenda lionrlnc on current topic, but It trnto la that thraemuitbe alerted, for pnb lontlon. tij tho writer' rent niimct nnd tho condition preccilrnt to neeeptnnen la thnt nil contrlhntlona ahnll ho aubject to editorial ravltlon. THE FLAT RATE FOR ADVERTISING. The followlnr tibia aliowi Hit price per loch each Insertion, apaco to bo used within one rear: T.rT.t iv '" o' UlSf l Tnnx i..per ltp?Mg Pinion 'l em than 60 inciict , .to .ni M to Inchca o M . loo " to .H 'JO 210 " M .5 "f , BOO " M .3! .24 '1000 " 18 .17 .19 -rAAutai nfthanlia rnantitt Inna nt rvtmlnlAnpa. and ttmlUr contribution In tho nnture of ndvortlslng, 1lio Tribune rnnkes charge of 5 cents a lino. TEN PAGES. SCRANTOX, NOVEMBER 20, 1802. Whatever els? mm may differ about ris to the consequcncei of tin leccnt ilpctlons, there seems Id he cub.staiHlul unanimity of opinion that, piesldentliil lv sneaking, Colonel Biyun Is now out bt It. Not Open to Doubt. IN COMMENTING upon the ap peal mice of Mes-si. LeiLilmn and O'Etion befotc the Anthracite Strike commission as legal repie Bcntnllvca of eeitain non-union vvork eis, tho Wilkes-Bairc Record says: Thrift H no mistaking the object of tlio non-union mlno workers In preentlntr n rnso of their own to the commission, Jointly with the United Mine Workers '.ind tho opcintor. They will want to know, through the decision of the com mission, whether or not they s.hall bo nblo to work nt the mines without helm; members of a labor 01 (Mutation. This Is a feature of the Investigation tho commissioners had not counted upon, nnd It may lead to complications of an un eNpected natuic. Wo cannot assume to say w hat the t ommlsslonors have or have not-ount-d upon In this connection; but a cjip ful leading1 of the piescilpt of the oper ators assenting to the ei cation of the commission and defining the tonus up on which they would abide Us findings certainly ought to take .tuny any ele ment of surprise In this quji ter. How over, the non-union winker may be le garded whether as a hero, in President Eliot's opinion, or as a Judas Incariot or Benedict Arnold, to use the caustic metaphor of Piesldent Compels he is in any event a factor pievnt In the anthracite problem, and theiefote lniv lns? to be considered. As to'poshlblo complications, theie tan be none so lone- as the union inPiu boi a go no laither than Piesldent Mit chell Indicated when lie advised against lawlessness. It is baldly to bo expected that Intimate and toulial social iela tlons aie soon to foim between the union and non-union woi Iters and tlieit families; all that any reasonable man has a light to expect and what every law-respecting citizen lu, moreover, the right and the duty to demand, Is th.it whore the law gives men the right to earn their living without molestation it shall be entoiced, inespective of membei ship or non-membership in any union, lodge or church. "With the utmost lespect to the com mission, we do not .see that this riueb tion Js beroro it in any sense opening it to doubt. It has been decided by a power bupeiior een to the learned commission namely, the constitution ol the United States. The fear that the United States would seize and opeiate permanently the Pan ama lailroad seems to have caused the Central Americans moie anxiety than a dozen i evolutions. A Solved Problem. o Nil OF the dreams of heMice Is eeitainly coming tiue, Judg ing fiom the recent peifoim- v nn.ee of the submarine toipedo boat Adder on a test urn In Feconlc Bay. With eleven men In her hold s-he , ran with her bottom IS feet below the surface for thiee houis, dining which time she covered a l.'-inllo course and fired a torpedo which stmok an im aglnaiy enemy squuiely uinidships. As showing the efllelency of this typo of boat it should be mentioned that while specpdlug along under wattr at the rate of .seven knots the bay sud denly shoaled ami the ship's bottom touched. Thete was no onf nsion, A , tank filled villi water to aid In suh- merging the -vessel was blown empty, giving an immediate buoyancy; litr how lose and &lie sdiot to the huiface ,in a few Micomls. Heie, after icplunMi ilng her air, the tank was lelllled, and Safter a delay, of only two minutes alto gether, jh.iv jhont iis, iigaln spluuing tnlong under tlio sulfate, u'.uly to tiuklu iauy enemy. t With regjud to the ur supply nt tin jciew vhlje the boat vyus .subuierh'ed, It lis ippoited by one of the naval cou fstiuctois iu the inspecting pail,y as en Itliely batlsfactoiy, Tojivaid the last It lKcnmo,'siiffy", lesembUiig that In H dowded umm without ventilation, but .for the tluce houis Involved In the test lit gave nobody -on -board any tiunoy junce, Jiojt even a, headaclie. I AVhilo the hiihmailno toipedo boat Is Jstill In Its ex pet I mental stugo fiom iht ftandpolut; of Its ilgluing us-utulne-as, jtlils test of-the Adder seems to establish Miufjis n in.uter of navigation u h a Jsujwcit ptohlem, I s - One of the- refonns advocated by .Kutheiliie Tlugley, tho Theosophlst, fwho Is just iiv?w the bubject of an an jmated dlscusslo'ii, 1 the "cstubllshnifnt Siy'ldw'of a moral and mental, aa well jis a physical standard, which men find pvoiueif;'7ntiMt reach befoie being per jnlttcd to many. Mis. Tlugley says guch a law s coining. Let It come. ' J filter J, Dalluid, n legulaivcdnjjlbu ilor tcfthaxolumns of Therii'bijnf; lia" n article In the November number of plie Piotectlonlst upon "Our Conmier fSn' ItelitIons with Japan," In which hr shown that the balance of trade with the Island empire Is against us, largely bccntise of the hick of Ameri can bottoms In which to entry our goods till ect, most of It being trans shipped. It Is mi effective argument In fav;or of the ship subsidy. ' " Tile piesldent did not linvo any boiler luck than the lcporteis who were hunt ing for him. a Credulity and Praud. AN OPINION of novel Inteiest and far-i caching consequence . has been given by the Su pieme coutt of the United Stales In tho case of the American School or Magnetic Healing, of Nevada, Mo against the postmaster of Nevada, to pi event the latter from executing a fiaud order Issued against It by the postolllce depaitinent. The Tacts vvete that the member ot this Institution who was alone sup posed to huve the pow cv of healing dis ease by the "absent treatment" piocess was not living at Nevada, us the lltei ature of the "school" Implied, but was residing at Mnnltou Springs, Col., and the so-called healing Instructions sent thiough the malls to putehuseis weie not sent by him but by n corps of SI tMiewiilers. Upon this basis of ine stimable Imposition the postolllce an thoiltics seized 2ii,000 letters addressed to the school, stopped the stream ot $1,000 which was dally pouting Into the Nevada postolllce and tiled to pioteet tho inuny ciedulous peisons who were patting with their money with scant piospect of getting any other equivalent than experience. Resistance In court, to the depuitmcnt's action brought the whole matter before tho Supreme couit, which, In an oplnlonjiy Mr. Justice Peckhani, holds that the postal authoi Itlcs have no legal light to stop the malls of any poison or Institution on a fiuud ordei concerning whoso business tho allegation of fiaudultncy lests not on fact but upon opinion. Sus tho learned justice: Just to what etent the mental condi tion affects the body no one can accur ately and definitely suj. One pef-nn may believe It of far gicater efficacy than another, but suielv it cannot he said that It Is a fraud for ouo person to contend that the mind hns' an effect upon the boch' nnd Its physical condition greater even than a vast majority of In telligent people might he willing to ad mit or believe. Rven Intelligent people may, and, Indeed, do, differ among themselves as to the extent ot this men tal I'ffi'ct. Because the complainants might or did claim to bo able to eltect cuies by leu'-on of working upon and affeetlnif tho mental powei. of the In dividual, and diieutlng them toward the M eomplishmcnt of n cure of the dNcnse under which he might be suncrlng. who cun sav tint it U a fiaud or a false pre tence or piomlse within the meaning of the statutes? How can any one lay down the limit and say bc.vond that theie aie fiaud and falve pt deuces? The bill in this ca1-,. nvois that tho-e- who have ljuMnc-s with the complainant aie satls llid with their method of trcatini'it and aie cntlielv willing that the money they sent Mioula be dt'livoied to the complain ant?. In other words, they seem to have l.iltli in tho etlicacv of the loinplalnaiits' tie.itmi'iit and in theti ability to heal as claimed lv them. If they tail, the an swer iulf,hL he that all human nuaus of ti catmint are also liable to lull, and will ucccssailly fall when tho uppointrd time ariive". Their Is no claim thai tho treatment bv tho complainants will al ways succeed. As the itteitlv flics of almost any partlculai method of tiiat ment of disease is, to a more or less extent, n. fruitful souice of difference of opinion, even though the gunt majoilty mnv he of one wiv of thinking, the efficacy of any special method is ceitaiu lv not n matter for the decision of the postmaster general within these itntutos relative to traud. t'nlcs the question may be reduced to one of fail, as dls thii'Ulshid lrom inem opinion, wo think these statutes cannot be Invoked lor the puiposc of stopping the delhei "of mall matter. Having the assent of the hlghfst conn, although, as a matter of Pact, Justices White and MiKenna dissented, this must be assumed to he the law. Rut it is, vve think, a veiy unfortunate law, the piaetlcul effect of which will be to tiid mateilully In the lobboiy of the ciedulous by sluupeis who aie moi ally less entitled to the use and facility of the malls than the gicen goods dealer or the gold blick swlndlei. TI13 logic of this opinion, especially In view of the gt owing tendency to view facts In tin Christian Science manner as hav ing no existence othei than by imagin ation, would speedily destioy all sale guaids nt the mails, since the question of fraud must always be to some de sire a matter of opinion, even tho ex istence of a fact In evidence being nee eisailly a matter of opinion. It Is to be hoped that congiess will soon take up the question of the post master genoial's tiutlioiity to ipgulate the malls nnd enact a eleaily defined series of piovislons whlcli shall leave this Impottant matter In as little doubt as possible. This Is decidedly disliablu fiom many standpoints, And now Holt Collier must feel very much like a wtud politician who failed to "deliver the goods" on election day. The State of Ireland, Tin; chhjk of police of ru mlugham, Ruglund, has not ified the luauufncliuci.s ot small aims lit that elty thuc win like munitions expoited to pio clalmed districts In It eland will bo con fiscated, and that llieanus intended for oilier paits of the country not specliled lu that categoty must bo dellnltely inaiked and uieouuiod tor on the- bill of lading. This might appear a small matter since no peison Is pet milted In li eland to eairy arms or keep them at homo without u special pennlt or mag istrate's license. This seveio lesti lotion of the Impoitatlou of aims with tho sister count u- shows, however, that the Rugllsh government appteltends, ir not a lebelllnn, at least a i evolutional y ebullition which may lead to hoiIous consequences. The light to senuh, seize and convict for the possession of Individual turns Is ouo of the foimal and distinctive pieiogatlves or the Itlsh police. Domkilluty seuieii for anus has been one of the most exasperating and ilghtfully obnoxious methods of coer clvo government to which Ireluud has been subjected. The englishman's boundless fnlth In lepiesslve machinery In Ueuling with his fellow citizens ucross the channel would be pathetic were It not so hlsloilcdlly futile und lamentably Idiotic. Tho iulcl-.-vvltted Irishman plays on those stupid feurs ot tho stolid Hilton. If lilslnneu wero armed to the teeth, all that they pos, aibly could do Is o pcrpetiato covet t oiltiages, nmt no possible disarmament enn pi event these If (he moral sense of the community Is not set against llicin. The Irishman sees his condition In the light of ilia Kilevnuccs, and makes the worst of It. . Still It Is possible that tho llngltsh government Is not taking these piceiut tlotis without a well founded tippichcn slon that the slate of li eland Justifies them. If hot-headed young Itlsltiuen tire deluded by the example of the Roots they are ptepailng themselves n heavy retribution. Theie Is no puinllel In the social, political or strategic position ot 'the. two coitnttles, The Uocis wcio an Independent people nnd a military na tion, and their fate should be a warn ing. Thete Is tt gutilsun in li eland ot over fotty thousand legulnr soldleis nnd an aimed police establishment of fouitoeii or Itftecu thousand men, not to spook of n Hoot which In a few hours steaming could elicumvallate the entire- country with a wall of tuiieted Iron. What ran a lehelllon, or any nt tcnipt nt lehelllon, bring to a country so situated, but n lotuantlc, If not a ridiculous humiliation and Industtinl ruin? Nor aie the proceedings of the Itlsh potllnineulury parly In Die House of Commons altogether commendable, te.i sonable, or ntttactlve to lhoo who wish Ireland well nnd aie as little fascinated as even Iilshnieu themselves by the Impel tin bable faith which r.ngllshmcti put In their rectitude of purpose, In their good Intentions anil huge fnlluies. Neither the educated minds of Amoilen nor of Kin-ope aie tolerant of tho de llbei.ite mockeiy of paillimientaiy In stitutions which Mr. Redmond and the mmo tocklcss of his follow cis aie ex hibiting In the House of f'ominoiuj just now. They mo light In believing that the eyes of tho woild aie upon them, but It Is less in admliatloii than In pity that such an Immense amount of en ergy should be wasted In such an ex hibition, of political Inanity. Duilngthe past twenty yeais li eland has not had a week's lest. How can any countrv make inuteii.il piogiess under such con ditions? "Let them consider,"' wrote Mnthew Arnold, one or the tiupst and most dislnteiested fi lends I i eland ever had, "th.it new Ideas and fences aie stilling in England; that day by da.v these new ideas and foices gain in power, and that eveiy one of them Is the filend of the Celt and not his enem.v." These new ideas and Jones have no time to mutiue. They ,uo desiccated by a dellbeiate peiveislon of the highest constitutional piivilegcs that the lepiosentntlves of a fiee piuplp have ever onjoved. Kligl.ind and li eland aie Inextiic.ibly bound up with each other. So long as Iiishmeii continue to legaid the fatal ism of her histoiy as the me.ihiue nt her immediate political gilevances s i long will she fall to lecelve the Impie-n ol that mittiia! pioaiess or which she so sadly st,m,s jn n,,uti, . i,(ii( an,i eompiehenshe land bill the Rngllsh aie willing and agi to concede. Its com plement is a Catholic unlvcisilv. liMi Piotestants have their state uidowed unlvetsltles; why should not the liish I'atliolic, who constitute thieo-toiuths of the population, have a "iniilai iiiHti tiitlon? This is ,t genuine and a pi esslng giJevauce. Home Rule will come in tlnif. It is the mlsfoitune ot every consider able concession to liish .imitation that England has made that it comes a i eit tuiy or a genei.ition too late. Uie.a constiucthe act-, of statesmanship aie the oltspting of a libenal national edu cation. Mi. Gladstone tainillai i.ed his caunti.vmen with the Idea of Home Rule as a measim' of piaitical politic. He did not eouveit them to tlie essen tial justice and equity of ils dispen sation. Since hl.s death the liish nai-' llainenluiy pal ty seem to be engaged In dellbeiately steeling the lu-aits ol the Rugllsh people again -.t the me-iest notion of it, and pioving to the woild that their imiiuijineu are uiiwoithv of it. Ahum Is piobably also felt in Lunduii that the defeat ot the W.uiil expedi tion may incite Rudyaul Kipling to wiilo , mother poem, LITERARY NOTES. l.'Npcu opinion Is likely to ugice with the opinion ol the publlshtis ot" ilie ChrNtniiiH Smut Set that that nunihei Is lllft finest ,.f Iti. K'lllil ct ,i,nillli.ml M'lii.... aiu mom than llfty liems la the total contents and not a dull one among them. The Delineator, In addition to keeping up its lusliloii and miscellany dep.ut- ments to tho high standard for which It has long been noted, 1ms iicently made soma dm lug adventiiies Into eoloi pi lut ing. Tho Nsuu lor Deeember contains tho piiidtut of its must iciint ipi'tl incntln?, and vve think It spells success, The publish! is of Success ale dlstllblll lug un lngenlutis and tasty calenilai lor 11K, euusUthig of a lolder of twiivu pages, each page uuuUiluiiiqr a icduced iue-simllo lu lull-color lepioductlons of tho oilglnul paintings 101 the Success eov.is of ltw. That pcilodlial tor De ceniher, by the vny, has ouo of tln must vailed and Instinctive atitivs of con tuns in Its hlstor. IDOLATRY. One of the local newspaper coiiespnnd' tills just ntiuiied 1 1 urn uiioinpauyliig Itoheit R. 1'attlsou on his spellbinding tour of the stale la his giilniiiatoiiil i.iiupalgu tells of the tutluislasm of a Ureeiirasllo baibor ulio pihles lilmself on being the only Deinociut hi a lamlly of seven nun. t Rating Paulson speak theia ho Joined In the demousUatloii of up pioval that fiillowvd llm ointui, mid talked of nothing else to his ciiMlommd tho following inuiiilug. Among these, vsuiu the loiiespondent, who mUuiJlly tiled to kain what the (iieeucastln HcntlmiMil ineaiit tor cither iainliil.ite, and asked If l'attlson yveio popular theie. "Popular?" quelled thf pto-P.ittlsoa bniber. "Popular! Whj, that man's as popular hue he's as popuinr heie he's ho's-whj, sas ' Rob Paulson stands iu high 'loiind hem as John R. Hulllvun' -Phlladeiphhi I.edgei dnlniod tho eouuti.vman, "and who, then, tales lu RnglandV When It was p plained to him that tho 1'ilnee of Wales lind siieceedeil to the thinno ho shook his head wlbely "Mon Dlcu!"hn said, "but ho must have a pull with I.aurler!" DENSK INDEED, A filond of Kollonl, knowing hie need of un actor for a small pari lu '"llui (.ipher Coili'," hid moNt tcrent play, bciu it young man to him who provod uusiilt ublB for Iho part, Homn Hint) later Kel. Icid met ills f i lend, who tmUndi "Well, Jnuk, how dirt Hint oliap do?" "Hill why ho didn't do at nil," ex. claimed Din nolnr, "Well, thiit's too bad," said the filend, "didn't 1m know anything?" "Know uiiythlngt" exclaimed Kolteid In flno scorn. "No, ho didn't even suspect an thine." New York Clipper. B40842 WA5H6NGTON AVE COMPANY thanksgiving )ay Preparations Should be completed while there is plenty of time". We have every good kind of kitchen utensil to help you prepare the dinner. If you buy here you are sure of getting the best articles at the lowest prices. Special Sale Turkey Roasters Double Roasters, 10x15 29c Double Roasters, 1 1x16 34c Double Roasters, 12x17..' 39c r$SW!$t3l 4 -ntfZZK- Fit rrtaJSSifl -tP--?5' Table Cutlery J hVW B 1 c& sZ3 We have just opened a shipment of Caivers, manufactured by the celebrated "Cutlers to the Ameiican people," Landeis, Frary & Clark. They come in pairs or sets up to $25.00, Even if you don't need a new pair now look them over for they will make an excellent Christmas Gift a month hence the Table We have Peail and Celluloid Handled Steel Knives and Forks, Silver Plated Knives and Forks, Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons. Look over this list the little but still important articles Apple Corer Pudding riould Egg Beater Cake Spoon nixing Bowl Grater Jelly fljuld Pie Plate A To reword We are opening Holiday Goods daily, and are' laying aside selections of our customers "for Chiist mas delivery. There'll be more to see next week, but the display of Carving Sets, Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Razors, Portable Gas Lamps and Oil Lamps is practically complete. The. early chooseis natuially have the -best assortment to make choice from. ?ti?H i tCfc C" The perfection of quality in inter I iskeyl is what struck the taste, ap preciation and approbation of Ihe American people. It Is now evsryvheio the first sought and tho first bought. COM at alt tll.t cUvi itfii and by JoMiert 1 ;l wji m.'.'aiun i.sof,iiuittiiiure,iiii. ; r. iv & 5 IWhatDidltl rv j Hm 1 Wh 7i Va U B mt nJI 1 urn a ii h m j SPECIAL PRICE Universal food Choppers We are now selling the me dium size for B1BO and see if you want any of Paring Knife French Cook's Knife Butcher Knife Raisin Seeder Vegetable Siicer Cake Tin Co! lander Corn Popper !! n n fffl n t r, m I- -. -i for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. l!l J13GJIVUUI The $1.50 Kind for A full one dollar nnd a half's woith nt a saving of 50 cents on each pair. It is a Capo Glove, lined with silk or unlinetl, diessed or undiessed, soft skins, modern backs, nil sizes, nnd in all the popular colois, A leal bar gain at 91,00 per pair, Eacli pair warranted, Ono of the best street gloves you ever saw for $1,00, 418 Spiuoe Street. 300 Lackawnnnti Avenue RINR OP IMPORTED WOOL GLOVRS, PLAIN OR TANCV, EOc. Lawyers The Tiibunc will iiuiirancc to print your paper book quicker than any oth er pilutlui; house lu the city, K2iS23,l it 1 OyosferSForsISi y 'J.")S-27 Peuii Avenue. m 03 , '" 'y WHO WANTS $20.00 in GOLD For a Christmas Present? Twenty Christmas Presents $50.oo To Re Given by The Scranton Tribune to (he Children of Scrnnton and Northeastern Poiiiinylvnnlii. One present One Present Ono Present Two Presents FlvePresents TcnPrcsents Total Twonty Presents THH TRIBUNE'S SECOND ANNUAL. Junior Educational Contest. A Contest ill Word-Huildlnjr. Who Can Make the Most Words Out of the Uettera In T-H-E H-O-M-E P-A-P-E-R THIS IS much easier than last year's contest, and twenty of the brightest boys and girls will secure Christmas Gifts in cash for making the largest number of words out of these letter. It is lots of fun to think out the words and hunt them up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your spelling. You will be sui prised at the number of different ways these twelve letleis can be used. Rules of the Contest. Presents will be given to the boys or girls, whose parents ot guardians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The Home Paper." No letters must be used any more times than they appear iu these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be used, but there might be two "IPs" or three "E's." Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1S0S) will be al lowed. Anv dictionarv can be used, but in judging the contest THE TRHl'UNE will debar all words not found in Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap pendix"' will not be allowed. Obsolete words arc admitted if defined in the dictionary. Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once. Words with two or more definitions can be used but once. Is'o single letters counted as words except "A" and "O." how to Write Your List. Write on one side of the paper only. Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter. Place the words alphabetically. Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top of your list. Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and who is a renular subscribet to THE TRIBUNE. Fold the list DO NOT ROLL. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY. DECEA1BER 20TII at 5 P. M All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly an sweicd. Address our list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR. SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. PA. BED ROOM We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniets in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invite Inspection Whether You I Hill .rf-ktwi t-vBfl 'wiJfilJlflWIlIj Wash inert I ill's 1 Lager Blauui'aclurei'S of l 'J t ? i ! $ $ ! 3 4 'J' ! 4 !' !' H .j. i i ? i' ! 'If J' 'I '' 'I' if '! $ C1 4" N.Slt.. Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 2331. New 'Phone, 'JP35, Lubricate Your riachinery by Scientific flethods nnrt fcino Sl.Vi'V PV.R CUNT ot o. peiibci We ninko a Hpocl.iltv ot piopcr lu bik'uiita for iiopc-i (tiupocd. Tho Sundorson Oil and Specialty Co., 1 Race Street. City. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS $3000 n Q0d $20.00 10.0o In Gold 10.00 5.00 In Oold 5.00 250 Each 5.00 1.00 Ench s.oo 50c Ench 5.00 $50. 00 FURNITURE Arc Going to Buy at Once or Not. 121 gton Avenue EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Net a bbort course, nor an ey coiira;, cor a cheap course, but tint best cilucatlca to be luJ No other education ii wcrtb tpciidln" time anil money on. It you do, uiito for catalogue ot Easton, Pa. wllcli otteri Iboroujh prcparitlon In tha Lnjlneerliu a"J Cl..nlcal I'rotesvlonj ai welt l the recular Celleco courses. L SCHOOL, EAST SritOTJDSBUIlG, PA. Ki'fiiil.ir Stato Nmniivl Coursoa una Special DeinitincntH i( Music, UIocil tlon, Ait, Di.ivvIiik. Stcnomnpliy and Typovviltlns; strom; Collego l'l-opara-tory Derailment FKBD TUTION. noinllMB expenses 3 50 por week Pupils ailniltted at any time. Winter Term opens Dee. aith. Wilto for t-ata. l0BUe" B. L. KEMP, A. M., Principal. Hassaa SORANt'ON C0RBESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCKANTON, PA. T. J. l'oster.l'ies. Ulmor II. Irfiwall.Trcas. It. J. l-'ofctcr Stunloy r. Allen, Vice 1'rcililcnt. KiJ otaAt Lafayette College fstfllE NORIYIfl f