The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 19, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Wilklns Wanted No Fuss Nows in
a Nutshell Hoi1 First find Last
Trip on n Railroad Death of Mrs.
Ira A. Post Olson Attempts Sui
cide A Skeleton in a Tree Trunk.
Various Vagaries.
Special to t'.'o Scrnnton Tilbunc.
Susquehanna, Nov. 12. Seven years
ngo lust Kultirdiiy, Harry Gillespie, a
young man oC Dornvlllo, hnit Ills foot
injured by a mowing machine so badly
as to necessitate amputation. The foot
was burled on the farm where the ueel
ilonl happened, air. Gillespie bus an
nrtillolitl lee and foot. On Saturday
, afternoon ho felt severe pains In his
1 foot and applied to u doctor for relief.
The pain continued to such an extent
that he was compelled to stop work,
and he had the appearance of u man
attached by a severe Illness.
Monday morning, at the suggestion
of friends, he went to the grave of his
.Vinf iiiwl .ttlrr It lilt fltllllllf nnthllUT llUfc
tho bones.' Around the toes or the foot
the loots of it pear tree hud become en
twined. Olllesple took up the bones,
cleaned them off and reburled them,
" and frbni that time the pain ceased.
Gillespie says ho felt no pain to spent;
1 of previous to Saturday, when his foot
began hurting hlin, It being the sev
enth uni'lvorsury, almost to the minute,
of receiving the Injury.
He Wanted No Fuss.
That the mourners at his funeral
might not till premature graves through
colds, Hiram AVIlkins, who died this
week at Aquiign, requested In his will
that they should not stand with their
heads uncovered at his blor.
During his life Wilklns was ti stick
ler for hygiene and always Insisted that
his family should live according to his
Ills will also requested that he be
burled In a plain pine box and his
funeral expenses should not exceed $20.
Wllklns was a. wealthy farmer.
Ills requests were granted at the
In a Nutshell.
The work of prospecting for "black
diamonds" will be resumed at Union
dale, In the Immediate future.
Uniondnlo Is about to enlarge Its bor
ders. It Is one of the prettiest villages
on the ".leff:"
The (iiupot-Shirlaw company will
'apply for a charter of incorporation, to
manufacture chamois skins, tanning
oils, etc.
Itlehnrd X. Brush, of Susquehanna, is
the first Democrat to be elected sheriff
In Susquehanna county within about
twenty-five years, when the late 'Will
iam White, of Auburn, was elected.
The Third district convention, of the
Susquehanna County Sunday School as
sociation, will be held In the Lnnes
boro Baptist church on Friday evening
and Saturday next.-
Her First and Last Trip.
Mrs. Laura Wllklns, of Doravllle, S2
yenr,i old, has long wanted to go to
Duiuth, Wis., where ber daughter resides',-,
but shewas afraid because she
had never traveled by railroad.
She remarked to a friend at the sta
tion yesterday as she departed on her
first ride that this would be her first
and, perhaps, last journey on the cars.
She died on the train when near Ki
rn ira.
The noise and excitement had been
too much for her. Heart disease Is
jjlven as the cause of death.
Just Splinters.
Drop politics, and let us talk pllltlcs.
Now we've got time to worry pome
more about the empty coal bin.
Some of the political newspapers have
decided to withdraw their election
rooster cut and run it as a turkey cut
on Thanksgiving day.
After all, old Pennsylvania takes the
rake In "standing pat."
There's no use talking, the people at
the polls me "real stuff" In this "hap
py land of freedom."
Town Topics.
The grand master of the Independent
Order of odd Fellows, of Pennsylva
nia, attended by grand ollleers, made
Starrucea lodge, No. 423, of this place,
. uu olllelal visit on Tuesday evening.
The death and burial of .Mrs. Ira A.
Post, formerly of this place, occurred
in Owego last week. She Is survived
by two sons, Hon. George a. Post, for
merly of this pldVe and now president
of the Standard Coupler company, of
New York, and Frank Post, of Bridge
port, Conn.
Mrs. Ella M. Kngle, formerly of this
place, now of Rochester, X. V 1ms
been engaged as organist of the Spen
cer Rigley Memorial church In that
John Olson, a Swede, who Is employ
ed In the Erie shops as a machinist,
on Monday morning, at his home on
tho Oakland side, attempted to com
mit suicide, by swallowing a quantity
gf carbolic acid. He escaped with a
badly burned mouth. He said he
"wanted to go to heaven." lie has
twice lieen an Inmate of the state asy
lum for tho .Insane at Danville,
A Skeleton in a Tree Trunk.
Two -woodohoppers near Pond Eddy
cut down a tree u few days sinee, and
jn tho stump they found the uMnton
of a man. Nothing was found with
tho hones. There was a hole In tho
tree, but It could only bo reached by
a ladder or by climbing.
About ten yeurs ? it shoemaker
named Vnndermark suddenly disap
peared. Many supposed Mint ho had
money and had been murdered for It.
The skeleton Is believed to be his, The
murdered man must havo been cut In
pieces before being put In tho hollow
of the tree, ns tho hole was too small
to admit tho entire body.
On a New Leg,
Edward K. Russell, of Conklln, the
man leg had been rendered use
'less from an accident seventeen years
ago, and upon whom the experiment
was tried of transferring two tendons
from u dog to replace those severed
in his limb, is uble to walk with ease.
For weeks Russell has not bo allowed
to exercise his leg. ThlB Is said to bo
An Old and Weil-Tried Remedy,
for children teething, Is tho prescription of
ono of the best female physiciuiis anil
nurses la the United Stutos, and has been
used sixty years with never-falling suc
cess by millions of mothers for their chil
dren. Dining Mia pieces of teething Its
raluo is Incalculable. It relieves tlio child
from pain, euros diarrhoea, griping In tho
sowels, and wind colic. Uy giving health
:o tho child It rests Mm mother. Pilce,
I .Ii.iivm r.Hiita u bottle.
the second successful operation of tho
kind In America.
Flotsam and Jetsam,
Rev. P. 1 Urodiick, ' the able and
popular pastor of St. John's Catholic
church In Susquehanna, will preach In
St. John's church, Scrnnton, on Sun
day evening.
Hereafter, Erie conductors and
bralteinon cannot lay off for more than
one trip, unless stating tho number of
days olf desired.
The Forest City schools are over
crowded. Vicious dogs are killing sheep In
various parts of the county. Why not
raise more curs and fewer 'sheep?
A number of Susquehanna and .Oak
land hunters are In the wilds of Pike
county, In quest or deer and other
Various Vagaries.
The cinch bug eats tin; farmers'
ri-iiin. in,, tmn ninth simlls his honey;
tho bed bug lllls him full of. pain, the
humbug scoops his money.
This Is the festive season when "the
oyster Is In the soup."
We cannot make bargains for blisses,
Nor catch them like llshcs In nets;
And sometimes the bliss our life misses
Help moio than tlio things which It gets.
Tho fellows who Intended to reform
next year are still having u. good time.
The gallery god moves In the highest
No one knows how dangerous a liv
er Is until he reads the painted warn
ings on fences devoted to medicine ad
vertisements. Again and again sounds the cry:
"Another good man goes wrong!"
When, we ask, will the bad men com
mence to go right? Whitney.
II i . . . .i
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunklmnnoclc, Nov. 18. The Monday
club met at tho home of Mrs. Elizabeth
Reed, on Bridge street, on Monday af
ternoon at " o'clock.
Miss Rymer, of Dallns, is In town
trying to Intel est the ladles in a, class
In physical culture.
The local chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution will dedi
cate and unveil the tablets to the mem
ory of the revolutionary soldiers, which
they have caused to be erected on the
waits of the court bouse by elaborate
ceremonies on Friday afternoon. Rev.
David Craft, of Angelica, X. Y will
deliver the principal address.
Fred Castle and .lames Ball, of Fne
toryvllle, were callers In town on Mon
day. Major H. W. Bardwell Is having new
roofs put on his buildings on Warren
Word was received here on Monday
Of the death of Mrs. John C. Reynolds
which occurred at her home in West
Nicholson, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs'.
Reynolds formerly resided here.
W. C. Mason, of Elmira, N. Y., was
doing business In town on Monday.
Mrs. Asa. S. Keeler was visiting
friends and doing shopping at Wilkes
Barre on Saturday.
William West and family who havo
been visiting the former's parents at
Springville for the past week returned
home on Saturday.
Frank Rrunduge and friend Selli
Jones, of Scranton, are spending a week
at this place, enjoying the gunning.
Walter Cassidy and family, of Lake
Carey, visited .his sister, Mrs. William
Iloudley at this place over Sunday.
Benjamin Hymen, of Wilkes-Barre,
formerly of this place visited In town
on Sunday.
Tho old toll house at the river bridge
Is being moved from Its present loca
tion, and will be used as an office and
tool building by the company who have
the contract for building the stone
Mr. and Mrs. llarker Winterniute,
have .been entertaining friends from
Wilkes-Barre, at their home on Pine
street, the past week.
Frank Newberry, a student at Lafay
ette college, Elision, spent Sunday with
friends In town.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, Nov. IS. The lude of the
Baptist church will hold their afternoon
social at the pleasant home of Mrs.
Frank Lawrence. Thursday afternoon
from 2 till ."p. All ladles Invited to' at
tend. Huh. and .Mrs. James T. Du Bois at
tended church at L'psonville, Sunday
Claud Simmons, of Scranton, spent
Saturday and Sunday with his mother.
The missionary meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Harines on Main
street, this afternoon.
Misses Marion and Lillian Church,
of Upsonvillo, were callers In town
Monday morning.
The room of Miss Nellie Eric-on In
the Hallstead high school has been
closed this week on account of the
serious Illness of her mother,
.Monday was pay day on the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road here,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamereaux were
shopping In Blnghamtou, Monday,
Misses Lizzie and Delia Beatlie, of
Blnghamton, visited the Misses Jennie
and Mary Perry, Sunday.
The pulpit at the Methodist church
was occupied Sunday by Rev. I ion lie,
of Heart Lake,
.Mrs, Conrad and son, of Alford, Is
visiting her daughter, Bessie Conrad,
who Is attending school at this place,
The many friends of the Rev. M. J,
Watklns will be pleased to hear ho Is
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brown and
daughter, Ruth, of Nicholson, Is visit
ing Mr. Brown's parents" Mr. and Mrs.
II, J. Brown.
Mr. U. A. Clark and wife, of I)e
trolt, Mich,, were guests of Warren
Slmrell, vvifo nud son, at the Mitchell
house, Saturday,
Mr, Frank Alyiner and daughter,
Helen, wero Blnghamtou visitors Sat
urday. AVOCA.
The funeral of John King took place
yesterday afternoon and was one of tho
largest corteges that ever -wended its
way to St. Mary's cemetery. The re
mains wero encased In a handsome
steel ciiBket of the couch variety, Thero
wero many beautiful Horn! designs,
among them being "dates Ajar," from
Troniii lodgo of Red Men; pillow,
Young Men's society; pillow, from tho
family; cream roses, Laird fumlly; red
loses, teachers of borough schools;
pillow, Inscribed "Cousin"; chrysan
themums, Miss Anna Ward, The St.
Aloyslus boclety, Trunin, lodge of Red
Men, Associated fund und Young Men's
club led the cortege, Services wero con
ducted In St. Mary's church by Rev, J.
F, .Morrison. The pull-bearers wero
John Miiiigun, James Reap, Martin Clif
ford, James Thomas, John Burke,
James McHalo, Nicholas Owens, James
Tho funeral of Cliier Johnson look
place on Monday afternoon from the
homo of his father In tho North End.
Services wero held In the 'Langcllfto
church, Rev, D. T, Bmytho presiding,
Interment wns made In Langcllffo
Mrs. Shlpptemati, of tho West Side, Is
seriously III with typhoid fever.
Thomas, tho 11-yeur-old sou of John
aardner, of Lincoln hill, Is critically 111
with typhoid fever.
Mrs, Edmund Bennett, aged fifl years,
died at Lackawanna hospital yesterday
afternoon, as the result of an operation
performed several days ago. Deceased
was u kind, gentle lady, whoso services
as u neighbor was often sought. She
was a devout, member of the Primitive
Methodist church. Besides her husband,
the following children survive: Mrs,
Charles Keith, Misses Mary und Len
nle, Wllllnnv.John and Edward, Tho
funeral arrangements are not yet com
ulcte. P. F. O'Brien, for many years lire
boss at Sparrowvllle, has been pro
moted tu nunc foreman at the Barnum
Mrs. George Allen, of Dumnorc, spent
yesterday with friends hero.
John Allen, of the West Side, Is crit
ically III with stoinach trouble.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Montrose, Nov. 18. Robert II. Jessup,
of Scranton, was a guest of relatives In
this place over Sunday.
Colonel J. D. Laclar, who Is connected
vvithTtho Wilkes-Barre Record, wns a
guest of Editor James P. Taylor the
latter part of last week.
C. II. Deans and brother, of Now
York city, are on a hunting trip lu this
Mrs. John W. Altkon, of Cnrbondale,
has been a guest at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Frances Altken, on South
Main street.
Mrs, Robert II. Jessup, of Scranton,
Is visiting relatives In this place.
A very Interesting sermon was deliv
ered by Prof. C. II. Winder In the Bap
tist church Sunday morning, the pas
tor, Rev. E. K. Thomas, being at the
Baptist church, Blrchardvillc, where ho
was conducting special services.
Bo sure and attend the Oriental
Troubadors at Village hall this (Wed
nesday) evening. A band concert will
be given 'on public square during tho
noon hour.
The reports received from W. D. B.
Alney, who Is in Jamaica for his health,
are not of the most encouraging nature.
A box will be packed by the Women's
Home Missionary society in the chapel
of tlio Presbyterian ejBurch Thursday
afternoon, commencing at " o'clock.
Any clothing or other suitable comforts
will be gladly received by tho society.
W. C. Cruser and vvifo have been
spending several days in New York
The Montrose foot ball team defeated
the Meshoppen team at that place last
Saturday, the score being 25-0. It was
a tired' load of boys that reached Mont
rose at 5 o'clock the following morning.
Miss Joie O'Xeill was summoned to
Xew York city Sunday evening on ac
count of the serious Illness of ber sis
ter, Miss Delia, who was suddenly
taken 111 with pneumonia.
Friday evening, December 12, the de
struction of St. Pierre will be lectured
upon at Village hall. The lecture will
be. illustrated by means of stereoptlcon
views. The, .entertainment is for the
benefit of tiie High school, who are
planning to purchase a fine electric
programme clock.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Plttston, Nov. 18. The Piltston bas
ket ball team bad no trouble in defeat
ing Rescue Hose company team, ot Ply
mouth, in, a game here lust night in
Kirby's hall, winning out by a score of
10-7. The game next Monday evening
will be with Company L, of Wanamie.
Rev. E. R. Lewis, of West Scranton,
will occupy the pulpit of the Welsh
Congregational church here next Sun
day morning and evening.
James Stein, of the West Side, who
has been working hi Wampum, Law
rence county, returned to this place
this afternoon and will spend a month
with bis parents.
Work Is progressing rapidly on the
new theatre building, and It Is expected
that the end of this week will llnd the
brick work completed.
Considerable excitement was occa
sioned at the opening performance In
Music hall of a. week's engagement by
the Jacobs Stock company. The hall
was crowded to overflowing, and about
the middle of the performance a small
lad, whose homo Is In Avoca, fainted.
Owing to the crowded condition of the
gallery It was impossible to take the
lad out of the placu by way of the gal
lery aisles, and he was handed down
over tho front of the balcony to tho
ushers In the pit. He soon recovered
on being taken to tlio open air.
William Joseph Peck, proprietor of
tho Gazette, Is preparing to change his
place of residence from the Cake block,
on Luzerne avenue, to tho Harthome,
on Washington street. Mrs. Theodore
Hart has taken up her residence In
Norwich, N. Y.
The funeral of the late Theodore Da
vies took place this afternoon at -'.",0
o'clock with services at the Davies
home on York avenue, "West Side, eon
ducted by Rev. Dr. Harrington, of the
Trinity church, of which the deceased
young man was a member. Dr. Har
shaw and Rev. D, E. Lewis assisted at
the services, Interment was private, in
West Plttston cemetery. Robert Da
vies, of Chicago, father of the deceased,
and Richard T. Davies, of New York
city, undo of the deceased, were hero
to attend the funeral.
Herbert Bray, of Trenton, N. J., Is
spending a few days nt his homo on
tho West Side, arranging for his wed
ding tomorrow evening to an Ashley
young lady.
Sidney Parry, who has been employed
ns a Journeyman lu the barber shop of
Joseph Hiifner, lu the Miners' bank
building, has purchased a half Interest
lu the shop, Tho partnership com
menced today. Mr. Ilafner has Jieeu In
very poor health for some time.
A movement Is on foot among the
military men of this vicinity for the
organization of a military cadet sort-
The hitter part of this week a skating
rink will be opened In Kirby's new hull,
on South Mnln Street.
ety umong the youth of the town.
The Calvary basket ball team, of
A. Timely Suggestion.
"Now that winter with Its had
weather is with us I would advise ev
ery family to provide themselves
against sudden attacks of coughs and
colds by keeping at bund u good cough
medicine like Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, which Is the best among the
many preparations for these ailments
thut I have on my shelves," says Mr.
L. V. Neaville, the well known and
popular drusBlst of Plttsboro, Hid. "I
recommend this. remedy and guarantee
It to bo without an equal for coughs
and colds, also as a preventive und
euro for croup." Buy It now. Ft sale
by utl druggists
Wllltes-Darre, and tho second team ot
tho Plttston Yoting Men's Christian as
sociation will play basket ball in tho
Calvary club house at Wllkcs-Uarre on
Thanksgiving day.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, Nov. 18. Nelson Finn and
daughter Attn, of Foster, wero callers
In town Sunday.
Mrs, L. N. Boyle and dnttghter, ot
Meadvlllo, are visiting Mrs. F. N.
Alias Bertha Dlx, ot Wayne county,
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.'L.
E, Sanford, l
The Misses Decker and Miller, of
Scrnnton, spent Sunday with the for
mer's brother, Dr. Van C. Decker.
The S. V. C. club met with Miss Jttna
Warner on Friday last. A tery pleas
ant evening was spent with games and
The widow ot Ira J, Clark has been
sick a long time, thought to be para
lyzed. She can not speak.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Clark are at
Mrs. Funnlo Ettengor has none to
Paterson, N. J,, to attend to her little
daughter, Lillian, who has diphtheria,
Mrs. George Morrison's mother was
burled at Moutdale, Saturdoy, Novem
ber 13.
Miss Lydla Taylor, who has-been vis
iting at Jerniyn, has returned to the
homo of her sister, Mrs. Abrnm Oakley,
John Van Nort has moved from the
hotel at Moutdale to the Lllllbrhlgo
farm. Oeorgo Smith now occupies tho
John Williams bus moved to Green
Ridge, and Widow Scull occupies his
A. J. Whltlock has exchanged his
house and lots at Green Grove for Mr.
Morgan's farm at Montdale, and has
moved onto tho farm. Mr. Morgnn has
moved to Green Grove.
Earllngtoh Vosburg has gone to
Wilkes-Barre, and 'Ira Mlttnn bus
moved Into his house.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED-By a young lady
as bookkeeper or stenographer. Ex
perienced. References furnished. Ad
dress "Business," Tribune ofllcc.
aged lady to do washing and cleaning.
Address E. J,, care of Scranton Tribune.
YOUNG LADY would llko work evening
ns copyist, typewriting and take caro
of business correspondence. At liberty
after ti o'clock evenings. Can furnish ex
cellent references. Address Practical,
Tribune ofllce.
ns teamster; lias had experience anil
reference; stnto wages paid. Address E.
H Tribune oftlce.
SEALED PROPOSALS wilt lie received
at tho oftlce of tho Secretary of tho
Scrnnton Poor District, until 12 o'clock
noon, Friday December, ID. lilflj, for tlio
erection and completion of a group of
buildings for the almshouse, to be erected
at Hillside Home, near Clark's Summit,
l'a., in accordance with plans and speci
fications in tho hands of Edward II. Da
vis, architect, Conuell building, Scranton,
Tho sum of 2 per cent, of the amount of
proposal. In cash or ccrtilled check, shall
be enclosed with each proposal, which
sum shall bo forfeited to the Scranton
Poor District, in enso of omission or re
fusal on the part of tho contractor whose,
proposal shall be accepted to execute con
tract within ton days after tho awarding
of said contract.
Each contractor shnll deposit with the
architect the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars
as security for the return of drawings
and speclllcattons, tho same to bo refund
ed upon their prompt leturn.
Tho Board reserves tho right to rejuct
any or all bids presented.
By order of the Board of Directors of
the Scranton Poor District.
, R. G. BROOKS, President.
Attest: C. J. GILLESPIE. Secretary.
Scranton, Pa., Nov. IS. Me:.'.
of Scranton, Penua,, No. 1:1.1 Washington
avenue, of Laekn wanna county, Pennsyl
vania, at tho close of business ,.ov. 31",
Cash on hand 29,100.19
Cheeks and other cask items ... .1.053 111
Duo from banks and bunkers .. I9',021 41
Commercial and other paper
owned 17S.HK .19
Call loans upon collateral 1.13,545 (h)
Time loans upon collateral I'JS.liiJ 27
Investment secuiltles owned,
Slocks, bonds, cto..,$l,22S,SII 07
Mortgages 172,004 77
1. lul.ttS St
Real estnte, furniture and lix-
tures 17,80.1(12
Overdrafts 7S (17
$2,222,WS 0-1
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid
Deposits, subject to
check $1,101,204 01
Deposits, special 30,709 22
0(K) fll)
.1101) 0)
30,772 70
l, 192,03;
Total ?.,.p::.',mis n..
Vitiniiiit nf ti'iiut t'lttwlq Invi' -l.l.OtO til
Total ,.
Amount of trust funds unin
vested ..!.! 90
Lackawanna county. Pennsylvania, ss:
I, F. L. Phillips, treasurer of tlio above
named Company, do solemnly swear that
tho above statement Is trim to tho best
of my knowledge nnd belief.
tSlgiied) F. L. PHILLIPS,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
17th day of November. 1002.
(Signed) W. W. BAYLOR.
Notary Public.
Commission expires Jau, is, J!K,
Correct Attest: .
(Signed) V.vr. F. HALf.STEAD,
of Scrnnton, No, 522 Cedar avenue, of
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at the
close of business Nov. 12. 1P02
Cash on huml $ 12.7H7 211
Checks and oilier cash Items 177 (Hi
Due from bunks anil bankers 22,7lt K.1
Loans and discounts 70.0.VJ 00
Investment securities owned, vlss:
Stocks und bonds 115,511 J 73
1.1,5!l 75
Real cstuto fiirulturo and tlxtutes i,m 30
Total ' S122.S.1D 113
r.i aiiii.I'I'IKM.
Capital stock paid hi
Undivided' proilts, less expense
. 12,115 00
Ullll lll.M'3 )llllll
Tii.tinMltM. subtect to
620 SI
check $J9.1SS0
Deposits, itpeclill ..,, 37,297 IS
70,0,1', 7S
Cashier's checks outstanding.... to) 7.1
Duo to banks und bunkers :;,2lS bi
Total jSJTlU
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack
avviuinu, ss.t
I, Florence J. Hehiegel, cashier of the
above iianifd company, do solemnly swear
thut the above statement Is true tlio best
of my knowledge and belief,
(Signed) Florence J, HELR1EOKL.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
15th day of November, 1902.
(Signed) HUOIl 11. ANDREWS.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest;
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Rent.
FOR RENT-Sceond floor 22,1 221 Lacka
wanna nveniio! also photo gallery. Ap
ply 35.11 Sanderson avenue. ,
HO will rent nn eight room house, all mod.
em Improvements: city steam; carpets
and window shades, between Adams and
Jefferson. 019 Spruce.
FOR RENT-Elght-room house, all con
venlciices. Apply at Hlu Mulberry
$18 For Rent Ten-room houco; excellent
netghboihood: utl modern Improve
ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P, Ham
ilton, 120 Spruce street.
For Sale.
FOR SALE-A Florida steam
heater, new; never been used! will bo
sold reasonable. Address Oabiiet PtiRll
ano, Diindaff street, Cutbondule.
FOR SALE-A couple ot good second
hand Remington Typewriters for sale
cheap. Smoot, "Tho Typewriter Man," 311
Washington avenue.
FOR SALE Threo-acro poultry ami veg
otolilo farm for sale at a sacrifice;
splendid location for summer residence,
fen minutes walk from depot, S room
house and good barn. Price, $1,C00. John
K. .wclzlg, Factoryville, Pa.
FOR SALE One team; black anil bay;
weight 2300 pounds. Inquire 3551 Mon
scy avenue.
FOR SALE For want of use, two first
classes horses, at 353.1 Pcnn avenue.
I OR SALE One horse nnd threo covered
delivery wagons. Apply to 13. Vlckor,
FOR SALE Ono pair of gray marcs, well
mntched, weight 2300, sound and gen
tle, good drivers und workers, single or
double. Inquire ot Manning Gillespie,
New Mllford, Pa.
FOR SALE Team of carriage horses,
sound and gentle: can bo driven by
lady with safety. For particulars ad
dress J Drawer 500, Montrose, Pa.
FOR SALE Dining and bed room furni
ture. Apply 1110 Mulberry street.
JUST ARRIVED with a car load of
horses; good workers and drivers:
weight from eleven to fifteen hundred
pounds. Several closely matched teams.
Can be seen at 331 Raymond court. F. M,
FOR SALE-A pair of well-matched geld
ings at S20 Green Rldgo street, city.
For Sale or Bent.
FOR SALE OR RENT The Model Steam
Laundry, Dunmore. Apply to E.
FOR SALE OR RENT Tho 3-story brick
building, with boiler house nttached,
and long row of sheds for horses, wag
ons, etc.; also railroad switch suitable for
manufacturing purposes; lately occupied
by tho Clock Tobncco Co. R. M. Wlnton,
Room No. 505, Meal's Building.
Rooms nnd Board.
THE LINDEN, .soil Linden street, has a
number of desirable vacancies; light
rooms and choice tnblo board.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or five young men. Inquire 332 Wash
ington avenue.
Furnished Rooms for Bent.
FOR RENT A furnished room on second
floor front, $1.50 week. 035 Adams ave.
WANTED-Small furnished house,
dress Box 300, city.
Help Wanted.
AVANTED Coat makers, steady work,
best prices. Apply to P. II. Walzer,
Elmira, Now York; will pay car fare.
WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
OFFICE BOY wanted, about 10 or 17 years
old. by a manufacturing establishment:
must bo active, quick at llgures and good
penman. Apply at once In own hand
writing to P. O. Box .103, city.
Help Wanted Female.
AVANTED For general housework in
Hat. girl who can sleep nt home. Nice,
easy place; good privileges. Call Wed
nesday evening, 017 Monroo avenue, Right
hand bell.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants onergetlu
General Agent for this county. No
books, Insuiance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and lnuuu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Komi.
State age, experience, references first let
ter. Address, Suite ,172, No, loot Chestnut
St.. Philadelphia.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Hank Ilulldlng. Old 'phono 1S0I.
Real Estate Exchange Uldg., U'U Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineers,
noil building.
building, Spruce street, Scranton.
DR. C. C. LAl'IlACH, 111 WYOMING nve
Patent Attorneys.
O A TC VTC"a,cm'lcs
rA I C.IN I OorthcUlobo.
Tho ouly'lleeiiht'd and equipped patent
solicitor In the city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten
years' experience.
Itcplaglc & Co., Alcars Hldjr.
Hotels nnd Restaurants,
THE ELK CAFE, 135 and 137 FRANK
III! uveutto. Rates reasonable.
P. KIEULEU, Proprietor.
Pabsenger depot. Conducted oq tho Eu
ropean plan, Victor Koch, Proprietor.
a. hTrrighs "cleans privy vaults
and cess pools; no odor; only improved
pumps used, A. II. iliiggs. proprietor.
Leave, orders 110 North Main avenue,
or Elcke's drug store, corner Adums ami
Mulberry- Roth telephones.
Wire Screens,
live.. Scranton. ml'rs. ot Wlro Screens.
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAC.ER & CO., 101 Conuoll Building.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
WixrcJUoivuu 130 Washington uvenue.
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Tliiui 10 Cents.
Heal Estate.
AV AMnifWM -it TXT..- ,.-. - . .
"-" ' "w, . , v.r itin vj 1 1 , J.v.l.-
which, luruigiii loans or Building and
Loan. At from -I to 0 per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, SH-.tlS Conuell building.
Employment Agency.
RELIABLE help can bo procured nt Mrs.
.., Ji:. H' . Sturkey's Employment Ofllce,
136 Washington avenue, rooms 3 una i.
Tuko elevator.
TIIE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot
tho Consolidated Water Supply Co.,
will be held at their office in the city
of Scranton, Pa., Wednesday. November
-i), 1002, at 9 n. m for tho election of of
ficers for tho ensuing year and for the
transaction of any other business that
may como before tho mooting.,
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary.
TIIE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot
the Pnnther Creek Water Co.. will be.
held at their ofllco In the city of Scran
ton. Pa.,' Wednesday, November 2ti, 1002,
nt !) a. in.', for the election of ottlcers for
the ensuing yonr and for tho transaction
of any other business that may come
before tho meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot
the Lackawanna Valley AVater Supply
Co., will be held at their olTlce In the city
of Scranton, Pa., Wednesday, November
21,, lnft!, ot !) 11. m for tho election of of
ficers for tho ensuing year and for tho
transaction of any other business that
may come beforo the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN. Secretary.
TIIE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tho Cnrbondale Water Co., will be
held nt their ofllco in tho city of Scran
ton. -Pa., Wednesday, November 20, 1802,
at 0 a. in., for the election of officers for
the ensuing year and for the transaction
of any other business that may come
before the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tho Fall Brook .t Newton Water Co.,
wilt bo held at their otllco In the city of
Scranton, Pa., Wednesday, November 20,
1D02, nt 0 a. m.. for the election ot of
ficers for the ensuing year and for the
transaction ot any other business that
may come before the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
the Uimlondale Water Co., will be,
held at their office in the city of Scran
ton. Pa.. Wednesday, November 2ti, 3U02,
at 0 a. m., for the election or officers for
tho ensuing year and for the transaction
of any other business that may come be
foro the meeting.
GEORafi B. JERMYN, Secretary.
TIIE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tho Rock Cliff Water Co., will be held
at their otllce in the city ot Scranton,
l'a., Wednesday. November 20. 1902, at 9
a. in., for tho election of ollleers for the
ensuing year and for tho transaction of
any other business that may como be
foro the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN. Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tho Vandling Water Co., will bo held
at their ofllco in the city of Scranton,
l'a., 'Wednesday. November 20, 1902, at
9 n. m., for tlio election of officers for tho
ensuing year and for tho transaction of
any other business that may como be
foro the meeting.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot
tho Fell Water Co.. will bo held at
their ofllce In the city of Scranton, Pa.,
Wednesday, November 20. 1902, at II a. m.,
for the election of ollleers for tho ensu
ing year nnd for the transaction of any
other business that may come beforo the
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
the Crystal Lake AVater Co., will be
held at their olllce in the city of Scran
ton. Pa., AVedncsdity, November 2is, 190:',
nt !) n. m,, for tho election of officers for
the ensuing year and for the transaction
of any other business that may como be
fore the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN. Secretary.
TH10 ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
the Jermyu & Rushbrook Water Co..
will be held at their otllco in the city ot
Scranton. Pa Wednesday. November 20,
1902. at 9 a. 111., for tho election of of
ficers for the ensuing year and for tlio
transaction of any other business that
may roine beforo the meeting.
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary,
THE 'ANNUAL stockholders meet big of
the Jermyn AVater Co., will bo held
nt their olllce lu the city of Scranton, Pa.,
Wednesday, November 20, 1902, til 9 a. m
for the election of ollleers for tho ensu
ing year and for tho transaction of any
other business that may come beforo the
GEORGE B. JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot
the Rushbrook Water Co., will be held
nt their olllce In the city of Scranton, P.i.,
Wednesday, November 20, 1902, nt 9 a. m.,
for tho election of ollleers for the ensuing
year and for tho transaction of any other
business that may como before the meet-
" GEORGE B, JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tho Clinton Water Co.. will be held tit
their otllco lu tlio city of Scranton, Pa.,
AVednesday, November 20, 1902. at 9 a. in.,
for the election of ollleers for tho ensuing
year nud for the transaction of any other
business that may como before tho meet-
GEORGE R. JERMYN, Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
the Ulenwood AVater Co.. will tin held
at their office in tho city of Scrnnton, P-i.,
AWdnetdny, November 20, 3902, nt 9 a. in.,
for the election of officers for the ensuing
year and for tho transaction of any oilier
business that may como beforo tho meet-
VK' GEORGE B. JERMYN. Secretary.
THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting of
tho Maylleld Water Co., will be held
nt their olllce in the city of Scranton. P.i.,
AVednesday, November 20, 190:;. at 9 a. in.,
for tho election of ollleers for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of any other
business thut may como before the meet
ing. GEORGE 11. JERMYN. Secretary.
THE SOUTH sfoiV HANK-A special
meeting of the stockholders of thu
South Side Bunk will bo held at the bank
ing houso 011 Monday, November 21th,
1902, between the bonis of 3 and t o'clock
p. m., to tuko action on atipruval or dis
approval of the piopnsed IiirrcUhU of tho
capital stuck of the bank from $50,000 tu
ESTATE OF linistltm R. Klsslemnn, de
ceased Letters testamentary upon tho
nbove. mtiueU estate having been grunted
to tho undersigned by tho register of
wills of Lnckuwunuu county, all persons
having claims against tho cstato are re
quested to present them, and those In
debted to the cstato are required to make,
Imnudlatit payment to
Administrator. Scranton, IM. ,
R. L. LEVY, Attorney.
( uamni-sti pit
VV . 72 Erlo Co. Bank Bldg., v
VvX Buffalo, N. Y.
Money to lonn.
- ' yf
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Business Opportunity.
$.100 will buy a first class established busi
ness paying $35 weekly. Short hours;
will Rtnud Investigation, Address J. Sey
mour.lTrlbuno ofllce.
out delay. Wiiln for our special mar
ket letter. Freo on application, S. At.
llthhurd & Co,, members N. Y, Consoli
dated und Slock Exchange, 11 and 44
Broadway, New Vorlc. Established IS)!.
Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Broad.
Delnwnrc, Lnckawanna nnd Western.
IN Effect Juno 1, 3902.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York
At l.M). 3.20, 0.05, 7.50 nnd 10.10 a. m.', 12.10,
3.10, 3.3,1 p. in. For New York nnd Phila
delphia 7.50. 10.10 a, m and 32.10 and 3.31
p. m. For Gottldsboro At 0.10 p. tu. For
BulTnlo 1.15. 0.22 and 9.00 a. 111.; 1.5.1. li.,1H
nnd 11,10 p. ni. For Blnghamton, Elmira.
and way stutlons 10.2.1 11. m 3.0.1 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuse and Ullca t.l!i and
0.22 a. m.; 1,5.1 p. m. Oswego, Syraeuso
and I Mica train at 0.22 a, 111. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.01
nnd 0.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation
1.00 and 0.1,1 p. m.
Bloomsbnrg Division For Northumber
land, nt is.3.1 nnd 10.10 a. m.: 1.5.1 and 0.10
p. 111. For Plymouth, ut S.10 a. m.; 3.10
und ji. ni.
Sunday Trains For Nnu' York. 1.50. 3.20.
fl.03. 30.10 11. 111.: 3.10 nnd 3.3.1 p. ni. For
Buffalo 1.1.1 nnd C.22 a. m.; 1.6.1, 0.50 and
R.10 p. m, For Elmira and way stations
30.25 a. m. For Blnghamton and way sta
tions, n.oo a. m. Bloomsbnrg Dlvislon
Leavo Scrnnton, 10.10 a. m. und CIO p, m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Nov. 10, 1902.
Trains Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia ami New York via D.
& II. R. R at 7.11. through Parlor Car
and Day Coach Carbondnle to New Yorlc
ond, 9.47 11. m with L. Ar. Coach Cnrbon
dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4.33 (Blnck
DInmond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. & II. R. 158 p. 111., 9.3S a. m.
For AYhlto Haven, Huzleton and princi
pal points in the coal regions, ia D. &
II. R. R., 7.11, 2,18 nnd 4.33 p. 111. For
Pottsvlllc, 7.41 a. m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Rending, Jlnr
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. .fc II. R. R.. 7.41, 9.47 st. m.;
2.18, 4.35 (Black DInmond Express), 11.49 p.
in. Sundnys, D. & 31. R. R., 9.3S a. m.
and 1.5S and 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmira,
Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermcdlnt'i
stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 0.33 a. m.
and 1.55 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D. & II. R. R., 12.03 p. m.: 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.41, 11.19 p. m. Sun
days. D. & II. R. R., 12.03, 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lohlgh
Valley Parlor cars on all trains between
Wilkes-Barro and Now York. Philadel
phia, Buffnlo and Suspension Bridge.
Cortland strct-l. New A'ork.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. 20
Cortland street. New York.
A. W. NONEMACIIER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservation ap
ply to city ticket office, 09 Public Square,
AVilkes-Barre, Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In effect Nov. 10, 1902.
Stations in New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leave Scranton for New A'ork,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Munch Chunk, AYhlto Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Barru and Plttston at 7.30 u.
m., 1 p. m., and 4 p. m. Sundays. 7.13 a.
111. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express
leaves Scranton 7.30 a. in., with through
solid vestibule train with Pullman Bullet
Parlor Car for Philadelphia Willi only
ono change of cars for Baltimore nnd
Washington, D. C, and all principal
points south and west and has through
coach for New York.
For Avoca, Plttston and AVIlkcs-Barre,
1 p. ni. and 4 11. 111. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
nnd 2.10 p. 111.
For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at
7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
For Reading. Lebanon and Hartisburg
via Allentovvn at 7.30 a. m 1 p. m. and t
p. 111. Sunday, 7.15 n. in. and 2.10 p. in.
For Tamnqua and Poltsvillo at 7.30 u.
in.. 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday, 7.15 a. 111.
For rales and tickets apply to agent at
AY. G. BESSLER, General Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 10, 3902.
Trains leave Scranton 0.3$ a. ni., week
davs, through vestibule train from
AVilkes-Barre. Pullman .buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllc; stops at principal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Ilar
risbiirg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
9.17 11. 111.. week days, for Sunbury. llar
lisbtug, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho AVest.
1.42 p. in., week days, (Sundays. 1..1S p.
in.), for Sunbury. Harrisburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, AVashinglon and Pitts
burg nud the West.
3.2S p. in., week days, through vcstlbulo
train from AVIlkes-Uarre. Pullman buffet
parlor ear and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvillu. Stops at principal intermedi
ate stations.
4,3.1 p. in., week days, for Huzleton, Sun
bury, Ilanisburg, Philadelphia and Pltts-
mB' J. R. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. 11. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Nov. 10, 3.102.
Trains for Carhoudalo leave Scranton at
0 41. 7.30, S.3S. 10.13 11. 111.; 12.0.1. 1.12, 2.11,
::.:,o. 5.29, 0.2.1, 7.22. n:a, 9.50. 11.20 p. m.;
"For, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and
""For' Vllkes-R.irro-C.3S. 7.41. 8. It. 9.17,
10.53 a. in.; 12.IC. 1.42. 2.1S, 3.2S. 4.35, 0.10.
7.fs. 9.10, 10.41. 11.19 p. m.
I.'or I.. V. R, R. loiuts-7.4l, 9.17 a. in.;
2.1S. 1.3.1 nnd' p. in.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Polnts-fi.3,
9, 17 n, m.; 1.1.'. 3.2S nnd 4.3.1 p. in,
For Albany and all points north 7.00 a.
m. and 3.50 p. ni.
For Carbondaio-S.50. 11.33 n..m.;U2.ll,
3.50. 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. ; -
For Wllkes-BarnS-9,35 a. m.Ul2.0:J,Cl.Eft,
3.2s, 0.32 and 0.17 uu 'in. J r ,., -;.
For Albany and points north 3.ob u. pi,
For Ilonosdule-S.50 a. in.; 3.52 p. in."'
J V. BURDICK. G. P. A., Albany. N..1.
VV. 1.. PRYOR, H. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
Erie Rnilrond Wyoming Dtvitiion.
In Effect September 15, 1902.
Trains leave Sorantou tor Now Aork,
Newburgh and Intermedium points, 'also
for llawiey and local stations ot 7.30 it.
in nnti l.J p. III. h
For iloiicsdale anil Whlto Mills at-1.33
'Vriilns arrive at Seranton at J0.3S a; m.
and 9.15 p. in.
New York, Ontario and Western.
'iimo table in effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 'IWJ,
Lcavu Leave Arrlvo
Trains. Scranton. Carbondnle. Cadosla.
No. 1 10.30a. 111. Il.liin. in. l.Wp..'m.
No, 7 11. in.ArCarbondale O.IO-p.m
Leave Lcuva Arrive
Trains. Citlos-1a. Carbondnle. Scranton.
No. 0 0.5OH. m. 7.2.1a. in.
No. S 2.13 p. 111. 4.11) p. in. 4.4.1 p. 111.
Leave Leave Airlvo
Trains. Scranton. Caibnndule. C.idoWn.
No. 9 &.30u. in. 9.10 a. 111. 10.41 a. m.
No. t 7(Up. iii.Ar.Cnrbondalo7.43 p.m
Leave Leave Arrlvo
Trains. C.idosla. Carbondale. Scruntoii.
No. 0 0.50 u. 111. 7.2.1 a.m.
No. 10 4.30 p. m 0.00 )). 111. 0.4.1p.m.
Trains Now. I on week days, nud 9 on
Sundays connect for Now A'ork city, Mid
dletovvn, Walton, Norwich. Oneida, -Oswego
and all points west.
Train No. 0, with "Quaker City Ex
press" at Scranton. via O. R. R. of N. J.,
for Phlludelphla,AU.vntl City. Baltimore,
Washington and Pennsylvania bluto
See tlino-tnblo and consult llcket agents
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDEltSONVlilVyW. NovvVYorfc.
J. U. WELSH, T. P. A., ScruntonPa.