The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 18, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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t$i gctanton ttt6utte
Published Dally Except Sunday, by The Tribune)
Publlihlnt Company,! Fifty Cent, a Month.
...... KniTO.
Entered t tht rostofflc lit Rotmiloii, at Second
ClaM Mall Matter.
When apnea will permit, The Tribune li
lnnya Rind to print ehorilctleia fritm III
friends beating on current topic, but Iti
rule la that tht-.n mutt lie ulRuedt for null
llontlon, liy the writer' i renl linmrl nnd
tio condition precedent n nreeptntiee li
Hint nil contribution, elinll be subject to
pilltorlnl revision.
The following table Mimvs th prloe per I licit etch
Insertion, apace to be uwl wltliln our year:
iM tTuul70 Incite .
HO Indira . .
1(10 "
sea "
Mo "
looo "
Itttn nf
sTillnir i
.."il ""
.175 !
For cnli of thank., resolutions of condolence, und
ImlUr contributions In the nature ufndvrrllilnt;,
The. Tribune makes charge ofG ceiils a line.
It Im very upimrcnt tluit Hit room In
which the Htvlku hftiilnp; In hold itt In
Htlnituite In slue, hh well tin In some
nthpi' fentttrrs nf iict'onilliutliillon, With
thii very Hffi-iC the coiniiinnlty Iiriik
inj?. ns It were, upon the prdeei'dliiKa
nnd this deelstoii, Intense Interest Is
imttinil mid leRlthnute; ami while that
In itself would not wurriitit the com
mission In illsieKiiiilinj; Its own com
fort or convenience It would nuuenr
thul II" eqtml riicllltles could he secured
for the iierforniiineo of Its wort; with
larser room for listeners 11 chance of
court rooms would be desirable. Jlc-itn-while.
we continue to recommend that
those unable to sreure admission to
the hearliii? read the very ample re
ports appearing dally In The Tribune.
They arc Important enouith to llle,
Plurality and Majority.
R II A Vie been nsktnl to
decide the following
waser: "A bets II that
lvnnypacker was elected
Kovernor by lOn.noii majority. Who
wins'.'" DecidhiK wafers Is not our
function, hut the public interest In this
dUPBtlon warrants a reply.
According to thu oillclal returns for
the entire slate, as announced on Fri
day Inst at the state department In
llnrrisburs;, Jutlgc Peunypneker Is
elected governor by H2,:No plurality
over Mr. Pattlson, and by JM.P21 ma
jority over all the candidates for jjov
ernor. The vote on the state ticket
finvptnnr F'einiypiicker. (,.p.), .Vc' S,7;
1'nttlsou (Dcm.l, Ixr.T: Swallow (t'ro.i,
tM..":!7: Ad.mis (Soeliilisl l.iihuri, r,,l."7;
Clayton (SnclulIM), "Jl.tilD; IVimypacker
(Citizens'). -tMi: Pattisun (Aiitl-Maclilnio,
!i.",l!t; Pattison (Ballot lir-furm), 4.i71; seut
tcrinj;, 2o
l.ioutfiinnt Governor Ilrowu flli-p.),
i;ii.-.,V:S; ;nllirle (Dom.), lin.'is.-,; fiiumlilr.e
(Pro.). :!.5.(17tl; Monro (Socialist l.alxm, I.
TWi; H.irnes (Soelnllst). L'l.SIJ; Drown,
(Citizen). fi7l; lltithrle (Antl-Miir-hlllr).
2!; fiutlirle (Haiku Iteloini), l,!t; sent
teilni;, j.
Seeietiiry of Internal AITnirs Mroivn
.'Hep., lill.ntil; Xolan (I)em.). :'!ii,7S; .Mnr
.ils (Pro.). a.JMEI: Feclian (Socialist La
bor). I,r,!l.: liould (Socialist), 20,(111;
llrowu (iMtlzens'l. I.'.ii; Xolan (Antl-.Ma-ehlne.
S.UM; Xolan (Uallot Kefoi'm), l,7."i.
.Tuiljrc Hennynacker's plurality over
J'attison in l'hiliidelphia and Allesheny
counties amounted to l-ir,,"S!).
General Chaffee has the rlsht hold of
the Moro inoblein when he says that
the way to crush rebellion Is by over
powering force used rpiickly and thoroughly.
Labor anil the nilltia,
ASTATUMKNT has been issued
hy the president of the Schen
ectady union of painter. and
paper hangers, giving Its rea
son for the expulsion of William Peters
because of his membership In the Na
tional guard. The expulsion, It appears
from this statement, was ordered In
obedience to the eon-ultutlnu of the
order as adopted at the general conven
tion held In Detroit, Dec. L' to 10, 11)01,
article S of which sets forth that the
candidate for admission shall not he a
militiaman, special police olllcer or dep
uty marshal In the employ of corpora
tions or Individuals during strikes,
lockouts, or other labor dlllleultles,
"and any member occupying any of the
above positions shall he debarred from
membership." The president of the
.Schenectady local union tidds: "Pres
ident Jackson, of the Trades Assembly,
struck the keynote when in; said .Mr,
Potter had no right to claim he was
debarred from making an honest living
when ho was doing all Unit laid in his
power to prevent other good anil hon
est men from gaining a living."
y this last seiileneo it presumably
!sineaiu that Mr, Pottei's "doing nil
thjti laid In his power to prevent other
good und' honest men from gaining a
llvjng," consisted of his obeying th of the military authorities of
NfKV York state, calling the regiment
ofenhlclj ho was a member, into service
In'jirevut violence and enforce law and
orijir "during the recent Hudson Viil
lev?strcotYnllwiiyhtrlke. No charge Is
oft'fied against Mr. Potter Unit he did
nnfcthing else to prevent other good
nmf. honest men front- gaining n living.
ThS fact that his recent associates in
thfySchenectady union say, "other good
ana; honest men," conveys the Impres
sloif that they look upon Potter us also
n ood nnd honest man, except for his,
mejjibershlp (n tiu National guard. It
wag tills membership, evidently, and
iiotftlng "ilUier, Hint made him nil oh
jecjflonnlilu member "of the union and
thnjj caused Ids expulsion,
TJja f'tiestloil, therefore, arises, does
memMafililp In the National guard tend
to prv-wni good and honest men from
earning a, living'.' If It does, It becomes objectionable, uiul tin action
of the Schenectady union is vindicated,
Ave are glad to note, front the testimony
of John Mitchell, before thu Strlko com
mission yesterday, as reported more
fully In another place, thai; he does not
concur in Hie Schenectady action, hut
on tho contrary, is glad to have mem
hers of the United Mine. Workers of
America, enrolled ns guardsmen glad
both as the executive of that organiza
lion nnd also, nn he Informed .Ttnlgo
Qrny, ns a dllzen. lie pronounces tin
wise the policy of those trades unionists
who seek to expel guardsmen front the
union rnhks or to discourage slinul
Inncoits membership In both.
In this view of tho subject Mr. Mit
chell Is itiuniestloiuthly right. There Is
no Incompatibility and no necessary or
well-founded conlllcl of Interest be
tween the member of a trade union and
an cm oiled member of the organized
inlllila, The purpose of the inllltln Is
In preserve the pence, when convened
In do so after the overtaxing of the
ordinary local police machinery. It
was shown very clearly In the recent
coal strike Hint tho National guard had
no other purpose and no other effect,
Us service on that occasion forced no
man to work who wanted to strike,
neither did it compel to Idleness any
man who wanted to work. As to its
cilU'leiif. as an Instrument of prevent
ing violations of law, that Is a subject
not wlthlli the scope of the present dls-cu-hIoii.
Potter, of .Schenectady, was
not expelled from M" 'u becuufrs he
was a derelict or Inefficient guardsman.
Ills expulsion was because he was it
guardsman at all. The intention of the
clllclency or Inefficiency of the National
guard In emergencies calling for mili
tary Interposition Is one of separate
consideration by all taxpayers Interest
ed In seeming the best returns for their
money. It will arise when the next
Pennsylvania legislature shall be asked
to create a state constabulary to occupy
a position In the line of public defense,
somewhere between that of the sheriff
with his deputies and the governor
With his control of the National guard.
The point especially to be noted here
is that the most brilliant and successful
lender that organized labor has yet
evolved, fresh from a campaign Involv
ing the service of tho eiitltc National
guard of one commonwealth, takes di
rect and .uueiiulvocnl issue with the
trade unionists of sjeheuc-ctndy, nnd not
only does nut believe in ejecting from
trades unions men enrolled in the or
ganized militia, hut has put on public
record most unmistakably his belief,
spoken both as a labor leader and as a
citizen, that the membership of trades
unionists In the National guard Is de
sirable and benellclal. The testimony
of John Mitchell upon this point should
carry great, weight among organized
worklugmen, both in and out of the
coal fields.
Kngllsh lines It would be n good thing
for civilization.
St. houls proposes to have a bigger
exhibition thrill Chicago, oven if the
presence of two or three l-'urnpeiui
moiiiirclis Is necessary to accomplish
tho business.
Gxpanslon Does Pay.
Pur The Tribune by Walter ,T. Italian!.
W'lHN the political oppon
nents of Hepuhllcanlsin
say that there Is no gain,
but rather a. loss, In our
owning noii-tontlguous territories, they
nro not talking by the book, The llg
tires of ottr trade with those territories,
In mid nut, tell a different story,
its sec what this trade amounted to for
the mouth of September, liiOJi
Wc sold $ ,,4i!
Wo bought i,::i7,n;t
Alaska merchandise only
c sold
He lioilRlit 1.07(,,ini
'Jotnl $2.7lT.,113
From Alaska we also got J.',o:t,s,7l(i of
gold and silver.
Porto lilco
We sold
We bought
.... 7ti:i,ll.i
Philippine Islands
Wo sold 170,21!)
We bought ., l,l,",2.0fio
To In I fl,(i"i':.27H
These llgures aggregate
flu wall $l.!iii,2,
Alaska 2.7ft",ll3
t'orin itli ,i;:ii,n:it
Philippine Islands l,i!2.1,279
Total for September .'.$7,!Vii!,100
In round figures $8,000,000 merchandise
trade for one month, or $Dfi,000,000 year
ly, without allowing for the gradual in
crease which "native" experience of
Americanism is naturally bringing,
We must remember that we are only
beginning to create water-reached mar
kets, owned by ourselves, nnd that wo
are badly hampered by the want of
American owned ocean-going steam
ships, and resident American salesmen.
Are your daughters pnle, weary, languid? Uo
they have much headache am! backache during
lher monthly perlods7 Are they nervous? Those
are Nature's warnings to all sensible, mothers.
They need a pure, gentle, Invigorating stimulant.
Miss clnra M, C.trsnn, of Hound Drank, X. .!.,
whnso life was saved by Duffy's Pure Mall Whis
key, wiole, on Sent. 7!
During tho Sitmtmv 1 became very much
run down In health and Inst about thirty pounds.
J ptirfercit untold agony. Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key was recommended to mo hy n fi lend, who said
II saved her life. 1 had n y doubts about It, hut
thought 1 would try It. I am now on my fourth
bottle, and I must say that It has done mo more
good t'-'u all other medicines, and I tried several.
I had t cough. Tho doctor said my lungs were af
fected, I had linllgeslloii, backache and headache,
and was greatly troubled with painful menstrua
tion. I also had numbness In my limbs. As soon
as I begun to lake Dairy's Malt "Whiskey I fell hel
ler, until now my cough has all left mo and my
lungs ale perfectly sound, I have uo more head
ache or hackarhe, and I don't know what pain Is.
I can out anything and It agrees with me. 1 havu
gained .",." pounds, 1 am convinced all my ti million
canio from InipnvcrNhi'd blood and poor circula
tion. 1 think your whiskey Is the greatest medi
cine on oarlli. Kvcrv woiiinii hIiihiI.I lomiv
I recommend It to any one who sailers as I did, as I think It Is a godsend to
nen. aratefully yours, CI.AHA M. CAItSOX.
Duffy's Pure Malt
Congressman John Dalzell does not
admit that Congressman Cuuuon has
already as good as won the next speak
ership, although the surface appear
ances point that way. Put if Pennsyl
vania does not succeed in landing the
spt-akershlp it is sincerely to be hoped
that she will retain the chler clerk. The
house without Major McDowell would
be no place at all.
Worth Watching.
1' Iri INTKUKSTINCS to learn how
tiie Trades Assembly of Schenec
tady, N. Y., proposes to get even
with tiie General Klectric com
pany of that city, employing 10,000 men
and disbursing in cash wages every
Saturday night $UJ,000. for declining, In
the employment of workers on Its street
car lines, to discriminate between union
and non-organized laborers and also for
proposing tn give employment to every
union man expelled from his union for
being a member in good standing In tho
National tiunrd. Wo quote from the
Associated Pres-s:
Seventy-one men, one from each
union, will watch the cais, and will be
aided by others. If necessary, lively
imlnn man found riding on the ears will
lose his union card; every business man
will be warned not to ride again, anil
will be hnvt'ottcd If tho warning is dis
regarded; Sf any employe, continues to
lido after being ' warned, Ids employer
will he notllhd to discharge him. There
are, li Is (Mlmutid, -St persons who live
at such a. distance from the General
llleetilc or locomotive works that they
are dependent on the cars. It also has
b'ou decided to extend the boycott to
llie use of gns and electric lights, both
of which are manufactured and controlled
by tiie Schenectady Itnilrond company.
Members 'if unions, business men and
the general public will be nsked not to
use gas or electric lights, and the Trades
Assembly Is "onslilcriug petitioning tho
common council to cancel the contract
which the conipaiiv has for lighting the
snoots with arc lights. The railway com
pany Is owned and controlled by the
(Jem ml lSleeti'lc company, and tho asser
tion 1ms been made, iinofllelnlly, by an
olllcer of the company that If the boy
cott is persisted In the company will
shut down it-, works hero January 1,
throwing in.noo men nut of employment.
There are few if any cities In the
world similar In slzo whero wages aie
paid so uniformly high for both skilled
and unskilled labor as In Schenectady.
In a little over a decade the place has
grown from 15,01)0 to nearly 50,001) popu
lation and Is glowing so rapidly that,
notwithstanding the opening- of new
streets and building plots In all direc
tions, In some cases ns far away as
three and lour miles from the business
center, It is. literally Impossible for a
worker desiring to rent a separnto home
or Hat to secure one ut any price except
by rare good luck. Tho slgulfliaut thing
In the labor situation in Schenectady Is
that in the two principal Industries
the fieucral lOlectrle und the locomotive
works there Is hardly any employment
of child labor. An unusual proportion
of the wage-earncis uro heads of fam
ilies or men old enough and well paid
enough to be heads of famlllts, Very
largely, too, .this labors element Is an
educated, nntlvo American element,
living upon a scale that In many com
munities would bo considered not mere
ly generous hut alllueiit.
it remains In ho seen whether this In
telligent element will sustain the Trades
Assembly programme or assert its In
dcpeudinco. The demonstration will
have widespread significance.
District Attorney Jerome's idea that
mere spectators might to be dchnricit
from court rooms during murder trials,
because their presence Inlltieuces tho
Jury, may or may not lie sound; hut'
tliero can bo no doubt that few of them
would seriously he missed so far ns the
elllcient administration of justice Is
American capitalists are leported to
b "after" the Orcal Central railroad,
running from Manchester nnd Shef
lleld to London. Turn about would be
fair play. There liuve. been many Brit
ish holdings In American railroad prop-;
erties. Possibly if Yankee ideas of
lmmugemuiit were Introduced on a ttw
A New Jersey man has been keeping
warm during the present scarcity of
coal by Using tenpins as fuel. A good
many may be inclined to believe that
this Is the best use to which tenpins
have ever been put.
Quite :i number of hitherto reticent
members of tho New York Democracy
are displaying unusual vigor these days
kicking at the political cadaver of Hon.
D. H. Hill. But if he is dead, why this
A certain clergyman was recently asked
by a lady of his acquaintance, to nddross
the young wonion of a society in which
she was Interested. She was an ardent
nbslah'er and often laid had .discussions
with tho preacher on the subject of total
abstinence. On this occasion, however,
she requested him to talk to her girls
against the love of dress, which, she said,
was causlasf the ruin of many a promis
ing young woman in the present day In
fact, it was fast becoming a curse. The
leverend gentleman promised to address
them on the desired subject. Then, with
n twinkle In his oyo. ho added, "And shall
It be moderation or total abstinence?'
Chicago Chronicle.
Is n sure euro for those Ills peculiar to
young women. Jt nets directly on the vi
tal organs, stimulating them to healthy
action, aids digestion and circulation, thus
removing all Irregularities and danger of
quick consumption. It will surely give
your daughters strength and rosy cheeks
and lit them Tor their useful sphere In llfo
as healthy, happy wives and mothers.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is sold In
sealed bottles only. If ordered In any oth
er than our own patent bottles, securely
sealed, It Is not the genuine neware of
substitutes and imitations! Insist on the
genuine and bo sure you get It. All drug
gists and grocers sell tho genuine Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey for a bottle. If
your druggist or grocer does not keep It,
write direct.
Medical Booklet, containing symptoms
and treatment of each disease ami con
vincing testimonials and doeiors advice.
sent free to every render of this paper
who will write Duffy Malt AVhlskey Co.,
Koehestcr, X. Y.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Pcnn Avenue.
0mwmmwwmMimm warn w.
The $1.50 Kind for
A full one dollar and a. half's worth
at a saving of 50 cents on each pair.
It Is a Capo Glove, lined with silk or
unlined, dressed or undressed, soft
skins, modern backs, all sizes, and in
nil the popular colors. A real bar
gain at $1.00 per pair. Each pair
warranted. One of the best street
gloves you ever saw for $1.00.
412 Spruce Street.
309 Lackawanna Avenue.
Convanlent to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Tako 23rd st. cross tovn
cars and transfer at -UIi avc. uinscr
to hotel,
Itooms with liath (Suits with Until
!?-. 00 I t slum.
V. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Thanksgivingshoes 1
Are needed as much as your tur- 3s
key. We are thankful that we can fe
5S fit you with the Best Shoes at the jg
Lowest Prices.
Gentlemen'sSlioes from 5.00 to 95c g
Ladies' Shoes from 5.00 to 95c
Boys' Shoes from $3.00 to 65c
Children's Shoes from 1.50 to 50c
Ladies' Rubbers, - - - 25c
Men's Rubbers,
3 1 14 and 116 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. g
Cor. Sixteenth !. anil lr ins I'lac.
American Man, 53.30 Per Day and 1'pw.itJi.
Uurotican Plan, ifJ.OO Per Day juj Ujiwarili
Special l'atei to I'ajiiillea.
T. THOaiPSON, Prop.
Tor lusiiiass Man
In tho heart of tho wholesale dis
trict. For shopper.
.1 minutes' wall: to Wnnnmakera;
mhuitfs to Blesol Coopor'H Wn
Store. Kusy of nctoKs to tho grout
Dry Goods Stores.
For slshtscow
Ono hlorlc from B'way Oars, sH'
Ins oiiKy transportation to all
points of Interest.
20.00 in GOLD
For a Christmas Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To He Olvcn by The Scranton Tribune to the Children or
Scranton ami Northeastern Pennsylvania.
One Present $20.00 in Gold $20.00
One Present 10.00 In Qold 10.00
One Present 5.00 In Oold 5.00
IwoPreSenta Each 5.00
Hvc Presents 1. 00 Each 5.00
Ten Presents 5oc Each 5.00
Total Twenty Presents $50.'
Junior Educational Contest.
A Contest in WorcJ.Buildlnjr.
Who Can Altikc the Alost Words Out of the Letters in
'1TIS IS imieh easier tlian last year's contest, and twenty of
111c i)fiiitcst boys ami girls will secure Christmas Outs
in cash for inakimr the lamest number of words out of
those letters. Jl is lots of fun to Think out the words and hunt
them up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your
spelling. Von will be surprised at the number of different ways
these twelve letters can be' used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be tivcn to the boys or girls, whose parents
01 guardians are subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building the
largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The
Home Paper."
No letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but there might be two "H's" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web-t
ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1808) will be al
lowed. Anv dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest
THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not found in Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will not be allowed.
Obsolete words arc admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more ways can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
How to Write Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who Is a renular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inquiry for information -will be promptly an
swered. Address your list of words, or any question you wish "
answered, to
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and' Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Not.
& Connell, washingV
on Avenue
iifls si
xiuv vmpir t
t cm- nth st. x VNivimsiTv rr,. 4-
T Only onu lllocl. liom iJrouclwiiy. -
t Rooms, $1 Up. ,$, J
Manufacturers of
'I' l' ! ! ' "5 '5 "J & ' "I "if "i' !'
rS, Scranto!i5Pa.
Old 't'honc, 2.T.TI.
New 'Phone, Jpja.
Lubricate Your
riachinery by
Scientific ilethods
ami save SIXTY PUR CKNT. or cx-
We malio a specialty of iirovr lit
tii'li'nnts for proper puiiiosos.
The Sanderson
Oil and Specialty Co.,
1 Race Street. City,
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not bbort course, nor id uy count,
nor i cheap course, but the best education
to be had. No otter education 1 worth
ipendlne time and money oa. It foil de,
vtrlto lor a Mtaloguo ol
Easton, Pa.
which olTerj thorough rrepjntlon In thi
Ensinecrins and Chemical Professiona aj wcU
a the regular College count.
IlcKiilnr Sliito Normal Courses anil
Special i)ei:irtmeiila or Music, i-;ooii.
tlon. .it. Drawing, Stenosrapliy nrni
Typcwiltlntr; mi'onsr Coltcaa Pvepara
tory Department.
Hoatdlns expenses $:i.50 per week,
Pupils admitted at any time. Winter
Term opens Dee. Mth. Will for cata.
losue. m
is. iv. h.,w.r, a. itt,,
T. J. I'of U'lPrt'S. Kliner II. luvall,Trcas.,
it. J. 1'oster suinicy i; ,u.i.
Vies President. SccrctaryJ