!" ' I ' V- vY T t ' vj',xirvr(;.JwvyyjtSri v lv t v- - w',",.t ' .Hw'-wrL?!?'1 " .:c.''!'mmmmT&7mmmmm ..,,,., rIB t v jo-T-f" --v - ; ... ,,,, !" ;vT('i,M " I'IMmJ ' t ' J f t -i - .. . J 1 .j ., ' i ", t 3 i T . . " J a V J . rifeutte mtntmt THE ONLY SCKAN'Jmg XpiiR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OKJTIE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN RAGE&& SCR ASTON, PA., MONDAY MOKNIXU, NOYEM13EK 37, 1902. TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. I1 ' .. 1 . J-.L- J'l. 7 gssfenigea r i z. '-srrffKiWtrMinTWKt IfHWUMKIr yjg--, k W i "S5HWFLi2f'iflBBiBfifeflkJSBlHi5's'K - SPECTACULAR FIRE AT 4 The BIq Packing Plant ol Armour and Gompanu Is Entlrelu Swept flwau. JIG BLAZE COVERS OVER THREE ACRES The Totnl Loss Is Estimated nt $900,000; Insurance, $721,500. Flames Discovered at 12.50 O'clock in the Morning Firemen. Aie Pow cilcss to Check the Piogress of the Conflagration Which Burns All Day An Unequalled Spectacular View. ij Txrluslvf W ire from 'Xlie .sioc-lvIM Prcsi Sioux City. In., Nov. 1G The his plinit oC Armour & Co.. which occupied thice and one-half acirs of gtound at the extreme south end of the stock alds dlstiict. was totally dcstroed hy lite, which staitcel fit 12 50 o'clock this moi nine on the second floor of the fer tilizer building, The loss, e-Umited by Charles W. Lcnnon. manager of the company, is totnl of J900.000. The insuiance is $71,'00. The lit c was said by Mr. Lennon to have been either spontaneous combus tion or an Impel feet drjer. Six hunched men will be tin own out of emplojmcnt all winter bv the lire. The flic was discovered by a watch man of the building, who, only a few minutes bcfoie had pulled a messenger lio on the floor wheie the flames st.it ted Quick! v the Aimour piiale depart ment was called out and the entile city department followed. By 1.20 o'clock sk streams of water weie being thtown upon the fire, which was dcstioying the fertilizer building, but the prcssuie was inadequate. The lertillzer building, which was of brick, 120 by IGO feet, four stories high, was located between the beef killing house and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railway tracks on the cast. The floors and contents of the burning building burned like chaff. At 1.2" o'clock the roof fell, and a moment later the flie bmst tluough into the beef killing house. Simultaneously the cat tle chute ignited and lasted about fl e minutes, when It fell with a gioat clash. From this structuie to the oleo build ing was only a step, and when the laid was ignited the fire piesented a most spectacular appeal anee The big beef houses caught at 2 o'clock, Hy this time the entile plant, except the hog house, w as a lake of fire. The i oar w as tenible. The countiy for miles mound was lighted up. Suddenly came a ter ilflc explosion, followed quickly by an other and then another. Twenty-four drums of one hundied pounds of am monia each, exploded befoie the leseive supply in the ammonia cistern -was reached. That ignition almost razed the cnthe plant fiom its foundation, At 2.30 o'clock the flames bui-st through the heavy fire wall that 'sep aiated the hog house fitim the othoi buildings. The hog house was the last building tft the noith and the lnigest of all. live Hogs Ciemated. Steadily the lite crept against the wind and tluough the office building, which tiom the Hist had been enveloped in flames. Not a sciap of paper was saved from the office. About this time a. burning loof of a chute fell on u bunch of live hogs and their squeals weie added to the appalling dim us. When the hog house caught fire, all stieums were tinned In that dhectlon, hut the water seemed, like oil. In the building weie !!,C00 dressed hogs and 2,300,000 pounds of poik pioduit. After the flic got u good headway In the hog house, all hope of .saving any put of the plant was abandoned. The shops, chicken plant, Ice houses nnd ico runways and smaller depait. nient houses weie consumed in quick succession. At U o'clock the the con tinued with unchecked fuiy. The ef foits of the fliemen seemed without le sult. The tenible ioailng"cnntlniied unabated, high hilck walls crumbled and flio walls weie absolutely valueless, Fiom a spectacular view, the lite was u niagnillcent night. At 3.23 o'clock the file depat linenl had given up the light It was nppat cnt that all Its effotts weie useless and the entire plant would be desWoved. The the continued to bum all day, and this afternoon theie was another teiilfllc explosion, which tlnew hi Ids and pieces of lion for huiulieils of yaids, eiulaiigeilng thousands of spec tator, but no ope was seilouslj huit, Plant Will Be Rebuilt. Kansus City, Nov. 1G. C, I Aimour, of the Armour Packing company, stated today that the Sioux City plant, de stsoyed by flte last night will be ie built at once. The new plant will be much laiger nnd finer than the ono but ned. The company, in the meantime will i email) In the maiket, the cattle puichaseil to ba dlsti United between Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. BRIDGE WASHEDJ AWAY. Thiee Men PeUslTat Red Bluff, in Texas. " B) fjcliuive Wire fromllie ViwiUteJ Prm. Lometa, Tex., Nov, 17, The false woik of a bildge ut Red Bluff was washed awuy today, canylng with it three men who weie tijlng to keep tho drift fiom collecting about tho sup. potts. The men woe Olan Lay, James Jaik son and Jack fJodbeuy. None of the bodies have beet; recoveted SIOUX slTY AN ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE LEOPOLD Oenneio Ruhino, an Italian Anaicli ist Pites Three Shots at the ' King of the Belgians. Be 1 vclii-ld- Wire Tiom The Vssoeluted Picis. HtusseK Nov. IB Tin op shots weie filed at the King of the Helglans this morning as his majesty was proceeding to tho cathedtal to attend a. Tc Deum In memory of the late Queen Sialic llemictte. No one whs hint. The man who thed the shots is an Italian, He stood In ft out of the 13, ink of Buissels, on the Itue Ho.valo. The other c.utticlgcs In his icvolver piovcd to be blank, but It is known that ball cartildgps were filed. The man was Immediately aiicstcd, and the polfco had some difllculty In lesculng' him tiom the hands of the crowd. Rome, Nov. 16 The minister of the Intel lor has established the identity of the assailant of King Leopold. His name is Genneio Rubino, and he Is de scilbed In their records as an advanced socialist. He was condemned to a long teim of lmptionment for stealing at Milan in 1S01, but he effected his es cape (o England wheie he Is supposed to have imbibed his anaichlst princi ples. His father was a. patiiolic com munal councillor, but Rubino, while still serving In the aimy, was con demned to five j, ears' detention foi wilting a subsorsive newspiper at tick. These aie the only criminal lecords that have been found against him. Since leaving Italy he has leslded con tinuously In Scotland and England, first In Glasgow, and nftei wauls In London. Seveial eais ago he was accused or tieachery by his anaichlst ft lends and expelled from their tanks. Riussels, Nov. 16 Accotdlng to some reports, Rubino, In the coutse of his examination before the magistiate. de clared that he selected King Leopold for his attack, on account of his inaj otj's Inhuman conduct tow aids his daughter, Pilnqess Stephanie, at the time of her mother's death and he also wished to show to the anaichlsts in London who doubted his loyalty, that, while they onlv talked, he acted. He would have killed King Edward, he ad ded, but for the sttong feeling of the English people in lavot of the monar chy. Rome, Nov. lb The pope. King Vic tor Emmanuel and Ptemier Zmdai delli, Iwie sent telegtams of congtatu lations to the king of the Belgians on his escape from assassination. Tt appeals that Rubino has ,i la other who Is also an an.uchist His father fought with distinction In the Italian wat for Independence Washington, Nov. 1G Societal v Hay called at the Belgian legation to e-pie'-s to the officials theie the legiet over the nttempt on the life of the king of Belgium jesteidav, and to extend congiatulatlons of the people of this countiy ovet the king's eMape fiom harm. SUNDAY AT THE PRESIDENT'S CAMP Holt Collier Declaies That "The Col onel" Shall Not Go Away Empty Handed. Bj hxtluth W Ire from 'I lie ssoclatul l'rei Smedes, Miss, Nov. Id Sunday was a quiet day at the pietident's camp on the Little Suuflovvei. Theie was no hunt, but the nic-Ident and seveial meinbets of the pili ty spent a couple of bouts in the morning rambling over the jot est tiatls on thelt hoi'-es. Din ner was the chief event of the clav, Tho menu In duded mast btiu piws, pos. sum and sweet potatoes. Dinner was sttved In camp style on a lough pine bomd table set up In the open ah. Tin pl ites and tin cups wete used, Theie weie not enough knives and forks to go nioiiud, and the colnud i imK an nounced, to the amusement of evciy hody as the pint sat down, that on no count of the seat city ot the ni tides, he had illsttlbuted them onlv to "the col onel" (as the rnesldent Is liivatiablv 'called In camp) and the "fotelgn gentle men " Tho piebiilont Is enjoying his outing eiy niiieh, He has not had thiee das of such complete tieedom and icst since he enteied the white house. The Chicago patty, which Is hunting with Bob Bobho's paik of hounds, sev enty miles itoi th of heie, Is icpoiteil to navn nail better Hide than the pi ce dent's paity, ace oi ding to a message )eiclved hex tcalii. The partv duiliig tho last week hugged eleven elect and four beats, Holt Colllei'.s (lander Is up and he vows that tho "colonel" shall not go homo empt -handed, His dogs have had a good icst (oday and will he In Alio condition to lesumo (he chase to. mou ow The weather tonight, how ever, Is not favotable, It bus tinned colder and i.ilu Is falling. A tepott elicul.Ued among the iol. oii'd people that the pieslduitt was (oinlng to .Smedes today, atti acted about one thousand uegioes to the sta. Hon. They waited heie until dink be foie they vvoulil be convinced that the lepoi t was liicoiiect. Switchmen Get au luciease. U) tiluilve Wlrlioiirili.Uv)cUt(J 'rti. Dcuve), Col, Noy, hi I'nder an agiee litem toadied between Manuger Heibcit, of the Rio flr.iniln hjkU'HI. find the Uiollierhood of Uullioad Tiainnuii, the nieitibcis of thut oulc-r who uto einploed in swltehmen In tho vuilons yards of tho company aie giautfd an Increase of pay, bused upon the Uhlcuifo schedule, recent ly adopted. THE TELEGRAPHERS WILL RECEIVE INCREASE. Tialn Despatchers and'Agcnts on tho Southern Paciflc Get 10 Per Cent. By Fichnhe Hire trom the ,oclJtcil t'resJ Sun Ktanclsco, Nov. 16. The South em Pacific! company yesterday slotted a new agiccnient with the telegiaphets, tialn dlsfatchers and agents employed on the Pacific svstem. An Incteaso In sahnlcs amounting to JO per cent, was agieed upon, and salailes were ad lusted to suit the Inct easing business or niaiiy important points, The confeience be tween the ralltoad olllclnls and the committee leoresentlng the eniiloes was most amicable. II. 11, i'erham rcptccnted the Older of Railway Tclegiaphers. CONFERENCE OF BISHOPS. Leadeis of Philippine Catholic Chuich Will Define Their Positions. By f zeluthe TV Ire from The Msoelted t'rei Manila, Nov. 1G A confeience of the bishops, priests nnd leaders of the Phil ippine Romnn Catholic church will be held In Manila next week. They pto poe to address a memotlal to Mgt. Guldl, the apostolic delegate to the Philippines, setting foi th their position. A number of native pilests who .stnpa thlzed with this movement, but are still adhering to the Roman Catholic church will seek an Intel view with Mgi. Guldl befote leafllnnlng their allegiance to Rome or joining the dissenters. It is believed Hint Mgr. Guidl will deal with tho church situation befote entering upon negotiations with Civil Gov. Taft regarding the friar lands. SOCIALISTS WILL BE REPRESENTED A Piobability That the Executive Council of Federation of Labor Will Be Enlaiged. fly 1 luUe Wire fiom the o.iiited Tien New Ot leans, L.i , Nov. 10 Theie Is a strong piobabllltv that the executive council of the American Kedeiatlon ot Labot will he enlaiged fiom nine to eleven membets at the piesent conven tion, and that one ot the additional members will be a lepiesentatlve of the Socialist wing of the labor pait. Tho Socialists claim to control neai ly one thitd of the votes cast In the conven tion and feel fniil confident of getting one man Into the boaid A sttong element is opposed to the in crease lirnumber and the Socialists say they do not expect to win without a fight, but they do expect to have won that ninth when the fight Is ovet. But two cities, so far, have been mentioned as the place for the next convention, Buffalo and Milwaukee. The latter place claims the bettei tight, as It has been a candidate three times and on each occasion has wlthdiavvn In favui of the place In which the convention was held. Howevei, eneigetlc woiK has been clone by the advocates of either city. W. E. Kennedy, geneial oiganiei ot the Intei national Biothethood of nitc tiical AVoikeis, hn ptepaied a ic-olu-tlon, which he expects will talse some thing of a bieee upon the floot of the convention. It is to the effect that the piesent local government of the Dls tiict of Columbia is antique and obso lete, and that the lesidents of the ds ttiet should be allowed to ote The i evolution is sine of opposition, as It Is the aowed policy of the fedeiatlon, to i ell ain ltom political matteis The Nltlng delegates weie hand somely entet tallied today by the local lnhotlnir men, who at ranged seveial so cial affalts lot them dining the aftet noon and seemed one of tho the.iteis foi them tonight, ! LIU KUN YS FUNERAL. Unpiecedented Demonstrations Honor of Late Vicexoy. Bi I-il huh e Wire fiom Die Avxiitrt I'rrti Shanghai, Nov Hi The luneial in of Liu Kun Y, the famous vlcetov of Nan kin, which took place today at Nankin, was the occasion foi unprecedented demonstiailons of lespect on the pait ot fotelgn lepioentntivcs In that clly, The luneial coitege was of great length and the obsequies, by command of the dowager euiptess, weie cairied out with impeil.il pomp. Neatly a quaiter of a million people lined tho totite to the Jetty, wheie the i cumins weie eiu b.uked on a Chinese cruiser, which will ben i them to Uuuiiii, the native piov Inee of the deceased statesman, The foielgn inen-of-wai l.vlng off tho city fired minute guns dining the pio gt(ss of tho luneial moLcssiou. CHOLERA AT MANILA. The Number of Cases in the City Is Inci easing to an Alairaing Ex tentAn Epidemic Feaied, By Miliidte Nil'' frmii The Voilieil Prm Manila, Nov. 16 The number of iltnlom eases is tnete.islng in this city and the spiead of ttyu dWeaso Is caus ing some nlaim. Thete aie on an avet ago thii ty eases dally. The Euiiston R0. seive hospital, the casual tamp at San ta Mesa and Blllhld pilsou aie now Included among the places Infected. The disease is spi ending lit the Mar qulna valley wheie the clanger of an Infection of tltu water supply js ,0. gJided as gtuve. Should tho water supply become Infected n geneial epl (Iciiilo Is toiisldeud Inevitable. The cholera lepotts fiom the ptov hices show a dcciease In the number of cases, Secietaiy Wilson 111. By FxUutlrf Mice from the Aiioilittd 1'rtsi. Washington, Nov. 10 Seoretaiy Wll. soiiJs (onlliic'il to his home by u sovcio neuralgic attack, which has developed since the lecent pulitical cuuipatgn, In which tho becintuiy took an active part. His ailment has been considerably if. Ileved, but It will lie some duj.s heron, he is able to lesumo his duties In tho agiicultural depaitment. ANSWER TO THE MINERS Statement of the LehlQli Goal and Navlfjatlon Gompanu Submit ted to Gommlsslon. THE ANTHRACITE SITUATION REVIEWED Development of the Company from the Date of Its Charter in 1822. The Expense of Operation nnd Small Profits Upon Capital Invest ed Demand of Miners for an In ciease of 20 Per Cent. Is Declared Unjustifiable An Exhibit Showing the Earnings of the Employes of the Company for One Year Anoth er Devoted to the Oveit Acts Charged to Striking Employes. Hv 1 xitul(G Wire from Hie vssoeiatcJ l'res. Philadelphia, Nov. 1G The statement of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company submitted to the anthracite coal stillee commission, now In session at Scronton, Pa., in answer to the de mands of thtv mlneis. was made public here today. The answer lecites the ele f?iopment of tho company from Dip date of Its charter In 18J2, lefeis to the expense of opeiatlou and to the. com paratively small ptoilts, and declaies the demand ot the emplojcs foi an In ci ease of 20 per cent, is unjustlfiaole, the leasons given In support of the de mand not being founded on fact. Ac -cQinpanjing the statement are two ex hibits. One shows the earnings of tho emploes of the company foi one jcar, based on the time woiked dm lug 1101, the number of the seveial class's of woiktnen and the tates paid acccndlng to the p.iy-ioll foi the flist half of lluv, 1''02. The othet Is a catalogue of oveit acts charged to the stilkinji emplojes of the company timing the lecent con test, the liots, assaults and disturb ances of vaiioi.s Kinds being numbeied at upwat ds of sixu. The answer states. "The Lehigh Coal and Navigation company is the oldest cotpoiatlon engaged In the mining ot coal in the antl.uacite ipgion It was chattered in IS.!.', and was the successor of the Lehigh Coal Mine coinpanv, which was otganized in 17!3 It n Un acquired cettaln lights on the Lehigh liver which weie gt anted in ISIS "It owns and contiols about 14,00i acies of coal lands in Paibon and Sdiulklll counties, which aie esti mated to contain ovei 300,000,000 tons of available unmliied coal Its emplojcs number about 6,000, and Its capacity of pio luctlon Is ovei 200,000 tons a month. Its capital stock and funded debt amount to unwuids of $32,000,000. AU of its capital stock and bonds weie Is sued for full value, hut although its mote Impoitant coal lands wete pur ehaed at a time when the countiy was tt wilderness, and all Its lands have been acquit eel at model ate prices, the dividends upon Its capital stodc to date only avttage 1.02 pet cent The pioilt on coal mined by the coinpanv dm lug the ten ye.lis ending Decembei 31, 1001, has avenged 11,09 cents per ton, aflcr chaiglngoff taes on coal lands and de picclatlou, but not Including anj ibaje for loyalty which lcptesents the value of the coal In the giound. Not weie the tates or fi eight upon the tallio.id exorbitant, as Is shown by the fact that the company opeiated Its own canal, but found It advantageous to set.d the coal to market over the tallioul, lather than bv their canal " Claims of the Mineis. Befell lug to the claim of the mlneis that better wages aie paid In the bitu minous fields for substiinthilh similar work, the answer status: "This company dc"s not know what late of wages Is paid In the bituminous coal fields tliioughout the couiuij, but thete Is now heie In any field woik sub stautlallv sltnlliii to that which Is done under (ontinot In the mines of this company It Is a fact, howevei, that inlnets of oullnary skill mid eNpeilence have nlvvios been able to go fiom the mines of this company tc any other milling legion thioimhout the countiv nnd obtain emplo.vmeut, "In mm, foi day of ten hums, coti tiaet mlneis earned an avetage ot JS11 per day; skilled laboieis, $.'3; llliskllli'd laboreis, Jl.SJ; bo.vs, $1,00 for woik undtigioutid, The lates fot out side luhoi avenihO us follows: Skilled labor, $l.9G; unskilled labor, $1,2S; bo.vs, 77 cents. The avetage annual cainlng? of adults weie $173.')." Denial s made of the claim of the mlneis that their earnings ate litsut lldent to maintain the American stand aid of living and, concerning the em ployees of the Lehigh Coal and Navlg.i tlou company, these flguies ate given: "Out of 3,0 1 J families, S70 own thelt own homes. Pianos will be found In HG, nnd house oigans In :M7. The com. pnny owns and lents to its i mploj ets ii71 houses, at an ineiage iciital of four dollais and seventy cents a mouth, The diaiacter of these houses Is fully up to the aveiage in any pait of the countiy, occupied by any other class of woikmeit. It has been the pollc pf the company to sell surface tights to those of Its employees who deslted to put up their own houses, and for many e.ais theie h'is been a steady demand on this account The town of Summit Hill has ti population of about .thiee thousand and almost-the cntlie suifure, wlh the dwellings. Is now owned and occupied by emploees of the com pany, . "The families of the employes have ample .seline-l aitp.ijimoclntlops, with cipable'teacler;t,nnd ,vei thiee t)oi. sand clil!die'Vaie ln attendance, while over sevj'nl,inye ppy centittn' of the whole fuud'eM'ended In the region Is derived fiom faxes paid by this com pany on its coal estate," Ilegardlng the employment ot boys the statement pays: "Slate picking Is a veiy easy occupa tion compatecl to the woik done bv the bov upon it faun and many ate needed to take cato ot the mine mules and other light vvotk, and In this way the wages of the household aie latgely and legitimately Indented. Since 1887 mote tlinn two hundred and fifty young men have gone fiom Lansford and other vil lages In the nelghboihood to not null schools and colleges and become mining englneets, nttcnnojs, chemists, dentists, aicitltects, mlnlstets and priests. Action of Foreigners. "Some of the fotefgneis prefer to live In a veiy nlggaidly and squalid man ner, so that they may accumulate the larger pait ot their earning", and ic tilin to IJIuiope to live In Idleness; but those who have their permanent home in the legion have at least $1,000,000 on deposit In the banks and sav lugs funds In the vicinity, saved from the wages earned In the employment of this com pany. The annual lemlttnnces to their families and fticndT nbioad, tluough agencies in the legion and vlclnltv, amounted to $1BO,000 or more. Di 1881 the company established a beneficial fund, to which it has contributed the sum of $1DG,S89, and the employes $ir.l, 7GS "Din lug the sttlke of 1900, in which the etnplo.vees of the company declined to pal ticipato In acknowledgement ot Jhclr loyalty, the company contributed $2,,000 to the beneficial fund. "Since then," the statement contin ues, "most of them have joined the .union and felt bound to Join In the strike otdered last Mav. No complaint was addressed to this company; no grievance alleged, and no tequest foi higher wages made: but, without no tice, tlie men left wntk In a body, against their own will and judgment, because lequited to do so bv the vote of the mlneis emplo.ved in othei coal fieliK" ' "The claim for a t eduction of twenty per cent. In the bouts of labot, with out any i eduction In earnings, foi all emplojes paid by the hout. dav ot . week, would be pecullatly abstnd If enfotced as against this company. Tn point of tact, the bieakets of the com- j pany aie only able to tun nine bouts a day and not ten The mlneis only woik from five to seven bouts a dav, and the leal difficulty In the legion is i that continct laboi pikes aie too high, i as the men get an amount suflldent fot theh wants by working les than thiee- j entailers of a day. The men emploved by the day onlv woik. as a maximum, I nine bouts, and as many of them con- I sutne from half an bout to an hout in going to and from theh woik to the ' foot of the shaft, they do not even weak nine hours As illustiatlng the Influ ence of the excessive tates paid fot contiaet woik, it may be said that din ing normal conditions In Apt 11 of this jear the men working bv inntiact onlv earned an avetage of JUL a day, but when it became piolmble that a stilke would be otdeied the same men earned an avetage of $4 IG a do. Pnyment by Weight Impiacticable. "The coinpanv claims that psiinent by weight Is impiacticable at its mines, as eadi mine constitutes a distinct fiioblem nnd the conditions aiy fiom month to month The onlv method which lias evci given satisfaction at the companj's wot Kings, It Is claimed Is p.oment fot cutting coal hv the lineal aid. The late of pavnient can onlv be detet mined In each paiticulai ease between the siipeilnttnclent and the tnliiet. "Some influence believed to be tliat of the union," the answei states, "has led the men to t educe the production, lif.f t.rkt.i l.l.ut r,,lt,. .lit,- illHlittilt i it Ul ,,,..,, httt. I' . I S l,T lltlllt l,y, ,t i teiiiains tine that the only vvuv In i which wages can be sntlsfac ten v I measmed Is by contiaet foi the wotK done, which necessaillv vatles fiom mine to mine and sometimes between , In easts upon the s tine gangway, and even upon the same bieast, fiom dav to clay." The, company o'mphntlcnlly piotests , agjlnst the millets' demand that theie ) "hall be an ngi cement with the fulled , .Mine Wotheis of Ametlca and In this connection, the answer sas; 'The conditions of mining In the Le high and Schuylkill legions ate quite dlffeteut tiom tho'-e which est In the j Wnmiig and Setanton dlslilcts. ! Willie this (omp, in v has no objection, theiefore, to its own emploves otgan ilng among themselves, It has alwajs ' objected and doe objtet even to an' oigauizatiou which includes othei au-I tluacltc fields, walking under diffeient sv stems of compensation as a lesult of which Its men ate otdeied upon sttlkes by leasnn of conttoveisles in which they have no Inteiest. "It would be still mote luec usable that any outside nuthoilty should u- suine to Intel fere In tho dsciiuic,e of an Hinploje. Uvei fito man has the light to quit woik when and as he ehooses, and theeniploei must possess ' and be able to exeulse the leclptocal I tight of discliiuge if he Is to maintain discipline" MOROCCO PRiTENDER HAS BEEN CAPTURED! The Sultan at the Head of au Aimy of 25,000 Men Will Put Down Upiislng of Babyles. Ilv I xcliitbc Wire from llu iiIjf1 !'re.. Tutlglets, Moiocco, Nov, lb An out ing to a lepoit which has leaclucl heie ftotn Te, the impeilal tioops have suc ceeded in captuilug the pietender to he lliione, It is stuted that the sultan,, at tint head of an ai ipy of .'"),u0i) inen, will diiect in poison the opeiatlous to put down thu upiislng of the Kible tillies inen at Zemoui, I'lbvious dlspatdies amioiiuccd that (he sulun, with the eutlie .Mmiilsh u my, was to leave l. on Noveiuber 10 to suppics the lebelllon staited by the pietender. The latter began his mission among the most iguotnut and superstitious of the ileiher tilbes. lie at first confined himself to a lew con Jtiiltig t licks, but his success encour aged him to nUejiipt hlgger tiling. The Dietender Is nicknamed "liu Ilamiiie,'; meaning "fathei of a she as" because he nevei lode on any? thing but a small donkey. SECOND SESSION OF THE COMMISSION John . Mitchell On the Stand, Under Cross-Examination by Two Different Lawyers. MANY INTERESTING COLLOQUIES General Counsel David Willcox, of the Delaware and Hudsor Company, Continues for two Hours Further to Deal with the Question of the Desirability of the Operators Recognizing: the Union. Sntuida's session of the mine sttlke commission was tepleto with Intel est iug featutes Ptesldent John Mitchell, of the United Mine WoiKeis, was on the stand all day under ttoss-examlna-tlon for two hours by D.nid Willcox, genet al counsel for the D'elawaie and Hudson compnny, and two houis and a half by Hon Wayne MacVeagh, of counsel for the Ihle's tool piopeilles It was a ti.vlng time fot the miners' voting Ieadet, but he made a leniatk-' ablj good showing in the battle ot Inalns with these two legal giants. Mi. Willcox continued his examina tion along the lines put sued the day befote, devoting attention almost exclu sively to an exploitation of the leasons the opetatots have for not wishing to lecognie the mine woikets' union, to the extent of entctlng into a contiaet with It as tcpiesenting thelt emplojes. All. .MacVeagh also dwelt at length on this same subject, but more pntticu l.ulv devoted himself to piovlng by ad missions fiom Jit. Mitchell that the de tailed gilevances of the mlneis do not justl.v lie against the lhie company. Theie weie numeious Intel esting tilts between Mt. M.icVeigh and the wit ness, in which botli invvjer and ntlnei scoted some telling points By fiequent use of the piefatoty phi.f-e, "Would It sin pi iso jolt to Know that, etc .'" Mi. Mac Veil gh since' (led in jieenling a lain'e qti.mtitv of lnfoi motion which his side of the case would have the i annuls. Iimeis heai. .Mi. Mitchell would liivmlibl tell that he was not sitiiised to heai that this that oi the othei one, as the c ,m might be. had said the thing in question, and then, would in ot (id to do what he could to belittle the meet ol the law.vei's tes tlmoiiv bv iiddinsr to ot qtuillflng 11 wllh a little lufoimation favotable to his side Never at a Loss. Mi. Mitchell wits novel at a loss foi a iepl to the questions, but his teplles wete not alwajs tesponsive. At one tune Mi. MacVeagh w is moved to "compliment" the witness at ills gte.it adioltnes in "begging the question." Sevct.il times, he Insisted Mi Mitchell was not answei lug his question, and pulstrd In lepcating It until au an swei was foi the outing oi the witness admitted he did not know. Mi. .MacVeagh, also, In Indliect but newitheless effective maiiuei. spent no little etieigy In getting .Mr. Mitchell to ndvettlse his Ignoiancc of nntht.uite conditions, and having done this to his full satisfaction, chew attention to the fact that It was John .Mitchell's slg niilute which appealed under the set of gi lev nines which came (o the com panies. Kin It law.vei was aimed with a bit? siuifi book and volumes of data fiom which copious exttnets weie made for the concoction of question!,. Minutes of mine wotkeis' conventions, lotteis ft nm the mlneis' headqiiat tets, a inft of other smli nuiteilnl, was In the lawyeis' possloii. ft was veiy evi dent that tho companies, In thelt pi op al niinii for the heating, had not lon teittecl themselves with what intoi illa tion could be gatheied fiom theh otllce books, Hy the use ol "Would It stupilse ou'" as an Inlenogatoiy piefaco to Ills dci hitatlot's, Mi .MacVeagh biought mil that the Illinois opetatois aie not widely eutliusliisilo about the I'nlted .Mine Woikets, ns '.Mr, .Mitchell would have It ttiulei. stood, He Intimat ed that ineuibeis of the opeialois' as sociation fiom tliat state would be heie to roiioboiate his contention that the (cmdlllons into which ill. .Mitchell would have the anthtaclle opeialoih enter Is not consldeied a "seventh heaven" b npciatots now eiiJolnir them, Cliahmnn Thomas Piesent. I 'i Helically the same pintles weie within the hat one Insui o as on the open ing day. (iiaiimnii II H Thomas, of the lhle boiud of illiedois, ns the most piomluent of the new comet's, lie' sat with tho coiupnio's attorneys while Mi M.uVetKh w is i ioss. examining Mi .Mid lull Once when .Mi, Mac Vtitgh made the statement that tho Ih'o mlneis i mild liavn tin it pay eveiy Satuiday, If they petitioned for It, Mi. Thomns nodded his head in assent. At the opening of the moinlug ses sion Ciialitnaii Oiay announced to At toilless I.Pliahan and O'llileu and their clients, the nop. union men, that lite commission would ask them to sub. mlt to them u statement showing whom they icpresent, by what nuthoilty, and what points other than those that aie aheatly inaclo Issues between the foi ma I paitles to the controvoisy, they wish to Interject Into the heai Ing; also n concise statement of what they may claim, and what their position will be In tegaid to the general disputation be tween the formal and logical putties to the submission. He further said they fmust guaiantee that they will submit to the decision of the commission. Mr. Lenahau said these conditions would be compiled with, with all possi ble despatch. Substantially, nil the testimony o the day Is given below. Satuiday night the commissioners' weie entertained at dinner at the house ot Commissioner Watkins. Yesterday, the most of them attended services at the church of his own denomination, ' and last evening they occupied boxes at the lectin e on "Success" given by Bishop Spalding at the Lyceum, for the benefit of the House of the Good Shep heid. Resume This Morning. The commission will resume Its ses sions nt 10 o'clock this morning. The ctoss-exaiulnatlon of Mi, Mitchell by Jli. MacVeagh will be pioceeded with, and at Its conclusion counsel for some one of the other companies will exam ine him. It Is likely he will be on the stand nil of today and tomortow. Mi. Mitchell said, last night he did not know who would follow him on the stand. The belief now Is that both the mlneis' and operators' sides will be heai el In this city. The commissioners favor It, and as yet no one has come foi waul to seilousls; oppose the plan. S A TU R D AT 'S EVIDENCE. Hv Mi Willcox: I wish to read In evi dence s,,me ot tho resolutions which, ai t tiiidct stand, were passed at the Shnmo kln ((invention, and I will aslc you to be kind i nough to follow thorn with the minutes, so that jou can correct them, it they ate not coucct. Havo you resolu tion No. 0? C (Heading). "To ofllccrq and dele rales lit convention assembled, mothers; Whereas, we, the miners In the vicinity of Nnntlcokc, having by past experience piovtit that the winking card or hutton is viv little benefit to us In Its present mode of working, therefore, be It te solved, that the U. M. Vf. at A. at anv lollleiv where employes refuse to become memliets ot our organization and wear the wotklng button, tho local governing such collieiy, after using all such meas ures to get such emploes to join, and fulling In stioh, have full power to su, liend operations at such collteiv, until siieh eniploes become members of our ois.iniatton," That is correct. Is It? A. Yes. Commissioner Clark: Was that tesolullon adopted? A. (Aftor consulting p.ipeit. Tho resolution was finally adopted. Q. Let mo call your attention to reso lution No. IS: "Resolved, thut it Is tho sense, ot this convention to most heartily endoise cqlllory locals, ana to Insist thnt the snlil emploves of said collieries ho inembeis of said locals. Frank Maichln skl, ptesldent: Stanley Debeck, secretary. Local 110 Moved the resolution bo adopted. Culled." Is that right? A. Yes, sit Q, Have von resolution No. 27.' A. Yes, 5. (Reading) "Win i cos, the D., I,, and W, company have cllsdutged the firemen nt Woodwaiil, Avoudule and Petteboun (4liiiM for tefuslng to accept a piopo dticu to change conditions regal ding Siiiuliv shift; and wherrms, they huso tltoii Kl'ti.-.il upon the claim that the notices posted last March stated that tho conditions ol einplovineut should remain the same until Apt II I. lift!: therefote, ho It i (solved, that we demand the rein statement of all the dlsch.iiged men In tlieli foiiner positions and fill titer, be It tc.oHed Unit In lh" event of tho com piuv icfiixliig to reinstate them, wo or det a stilke of till niiloes of the com puliv T. I), NldinlK The committee eoiniiiH In tho above resolution. Moved we louciir In (he above lesollltlon. lived we concur hi the repnit of to com mittee. Motion can led." Is that right'.' A, Yt, sli. New System in Force. Q Have nil icsolutlon No, 29? A. Yes, ilr Q, (Reading): "Whueas, tho D, and If, roinnuny, nt Plv mouth, have Infio. iluced a new v stein of forcing the miners to place the loud on one side of the place, instead of In the tenter, as heictofore, causing almost double labor In leading coal, and in moving nil rock iitul gob to one side of the place, and wliLieas, tho romiMiiv ies money bv l.ienlug tho pillars fin rioui sob. and ute able to lob plllais it less oxpouHO' Ihucime, be It resolved, that we deuiniid that the coiuunuv shall ptv niia prct for the extia work itilalleil t the new kvstein In theevtnt nt tin ompiny ie fusllig to .njree lo I I u of these leims nil the emplm ot ihr eniunnnv be onlett.ll out on sn ',e, Sign d T, D, NIc bolls The cominitten roncu n In th above i evolution. .Moved the lenolullon lie adopted, Motion carried." '(hat is light"' A. The lommlltee concuried In the icsoliulon. It was moved thit It bw Continued on Pago 31 - - " WEATHER rOREOASP. Wushlimlon, ,o. 16 Forecast for Mouduj mil TivCRday: Bastein I'enns.vlvaiiik Rain Monday and Tuesdo . cooler 'i in sday; fiah aait to southeiiHt wlucu. tt.t.tttttt.ttttit 1 , V . ,f ''tM