, i -s-f .w & THE SCUAINTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, I90i v Bcnl Estate, Beal Estate. A- ,1 fl, THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" Only Halt a Cent a Word. For Bent StNClLt: J10UBI3 for. lent; 7 moms; Pinvldcnc toad. llKitiliu 417 I'onn nvetiuc. roil ltKNTKli it-class sttltllgc; best part cciurni city, tivcmio. Ap V Jr. jcrreieou itRFnr llenl Ton-1 oom lu exi oik, Ani to 'i, eollcnt neighborhood; nil mock, iptovc- ments, on avenue. Apply nam- iiton, i:o spruce mrcet. For Bale. JUST ARRIVUD with a car lontl of liaises; good vvoikcis mill dilvuisj weight from eleven to flftien hniiiln'u pounds. Soveial closiilv matched ti 'i'1'" Can bu seen nt 331 Raymond com t. 1. fit. Cobb. acnulnc diamond In UK ling, H cm tit, Jlo; mint, $1.': fc aunt ling. VS: lump ling, five diamond, I'd cuiats, $: dia mond and ltlby ling, -'0; dlnraond iIiik. tlilcu stones, iimo while. Hi catatB, Vti', diamond ling, two stones 14 cat at, $,10 ; diamond stud, 1 MJ carts. ?90: three diamonds unit two rublV in ling. $10; Tiff any ling, 1 cai.it, $20; taudiops, 1 dints, 3115; ladles' biooc.li, HI caint, $90; ladles' pin, "a cunt, $l": gents' ling, ncnilv caials (not a yellow stone), $000 . Your money luck without niguinint If not sut Isllcd Walter V. Wlnton. Diamond Pui lor. Room 007, Mcars building. FOR SALE-A pilr of well-matched geld ings nt b.'O Gioen Ridge sticet, cltv. FOR SALE-About 20 feet of desk coun ter, suimounted with glass fiont nnd two openings, lower poitlon nicely pan elled, with drnweis and shelve under neath. May be seen nt the office or The Tilbuno. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOTTRWIVPIiMsant furnished Iront loom with small loom off. it-c of bath, clo steam. Apply 331 Quiiicv avenue. 1-OR RUNT A fmiiMird loom on second floor fiont, $150 week. i!5 Adnnis ave. Wanted to Buy. WANTED TO BUI" A good .iilillo hors that cm be used for dilving. V. A. Banford, Wnveily, I'n. Booms nnd Boaid. PLEASANT moms with bond for lour oi live joung mm. InnAilie i!J Wusli nglou nvenuc. Business Oppoitunity. ATTENTION PUBLIC Columbia Coal .ind Lumber Comp.ui has option on eiy alunble coal and tlmbei tinct, In Ilvensvlllc, Rhao Co, Tenii , compnsiug !.omo l,S0O ncies, accoidlng to geological Mil vcy. It should contain al least 20.0U0 000 tons of coal, nnd tho land Is all covcied with hcuy oak timber, the coal Is oi the ery best uualitv bl-bltuminous, the com pany is now olletings Its stock lor sale loi a limited timo piior to commencing optiationo, at $500 iei shnu. par alue, S1000. Any one wishing to put Lhasa stock nt the piescnt pilce, can do so bj apply ing to S. N. Callender, Coal Exchange. f 300 will buy a flist class establislicd busi i ncss najinir $33 weekly. Shoit lioms; r fill stand Investigation Addicss J. Sey mour, Tilbuno ofllec STOCK AND WIIKAT TRADERS with out delay. Wiite foi our special mai ket letter. Free on appllLatlon. S -I. Hibbaid &. Co, membcis N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 41 nnd 1G Bioadway, New Yoik. Establislicd ISjI. Long Distance 'Phone 23SS 111 oad Notice. I HEREBY give notice to tho public not to glo my son. Clmtles Sliamp, any ciedit on mv account, as J will not be le gponslhlo foi any debts conti acted by him. J. W. Sliamp. Schullzvllle, Pa. LEGAL. JOHN BENORSvs. B. E Leonaul. In , tho Court ofTcimraon Pleas ot L icku vanna County. No 22, Januaiy Teim, lino. Notice is heieby given that Hie iindei fcignetl has, been appointed un auditor by tho above named eouit to dlHtiibuto the luuds uilbing fiom the .sail of deiendani'b jc.il ustate, among tho lieu uodltois, ald funds being now in the hands of tho pio thonotaiy; and that ho will attend to the duties of his olllce ns auditor at ills oL llce, No. MLI-ajV. In tho Paull building, on Spruce street, In the city of Seianton. on Tliuibda, tho lsth dav of Decembei, 1Du2, at 9 o'Llouk a. m. at wliiLh timo and plaLO all paitks InteieatLil nio heieby le quiicd to prebcnt theli claims (Signed) R. L LEVY. NOTICE Is hereby ghen that npiilkatlou will bu made to the Oonpiiioi of tlr Commonwealth ot Pennslnniu on tho Hist day of Dccembtt, 1'HjJ by JC.La Bar, r. M. Ljnch, V. II. Ediiiget. A. B. Dunning nnd I. P. Cuslek. under tho Act of Asbeiublv of the Common wealth of IViuisjlvnuIn ruiltu.il 'An Act to piovide lot the hiLoipointiou and tegulatloii of Littulii coiporn tlons," approved April '.X 1S71, and tho bUpplomeulh theieto, loi the chatter ot an Intended ooipoiutlon to bu lallrd "Tho lMi.idl.so Wntct, Stoiugo and Supply Com pany," tho chniaLtor and objoit or which Is tho storage and tianspotlatioii of wn tct and wnlor power for commeiLlul and inanufartuiing piupo-es in Taiadlsn Township, In tho county of Slinune, I'enu. sylvnnia; and tho supplv of tho samo for commciclnl and nianufiictiiiiug pui poses to sin li pLlsoub, puitiieibhliis ainl cor porutlons residing theieln as may dcslto the same; and In otdci that the wittci mid water power may bo supplied to tho best advantage, In furtherance of Its corpoiuto purposes, tho development by tho uso ot tho same of clectilc cut tent and power for comet clal put poses, and the supply nnd distiibutlou of electtin cinieut and powor to tho public, Individuals, Hi ma and cotpor.itlons at nny placo or plaeei lor such ptlces bb may bo ugiceil upon, nnd for this purpose to hnve, possess and enjoy till tho lights, beucllts mid pilvlleges or tho suld Act of Absembly nud its sup Iilctneuts, J. W. CARPENTER, Solicitor, -f NOTICE Is heieby given that un nppflca tlon will bu Hindu to tho Covet nor of tho State of Pennsylvania on Tttesdav, tho nloVentli dny of November, 190., by P, J, Ilotnu. J, 1,. Connell ami V W, Wnt eon, under tho Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of PemiHvlviuiiu, entitled, "An Ait to ptovlde for the Iiicorpouillou and ItLgiilatlon of certain Corpointlotis," npprnVL'il Apt 11 '.'9, 187), and the supple ments theieto, for tho chattel of an In. tended cumulation to bo called tho Scinuton Rolilgeiutlni Company, tho i Intruder and object whereof is cutting on n geneinl stotago and wniehouso busl. ness, uiul for these piupoics to have, poa. fiPba nnd enjoy all tho tights, beucllts and Pi Iv leges of din said Act of Assembly nnd its supplements, WATSON, DIEUL S. KEMSIERER, Snllritnts IN THE nisttltt Court ol the 1'nlted States for the Sll.ldlo Dlsttict of IMui. sjlvanla In tho matter of Anna M Turn, gott, bankrupt No. 2IS. lu baukiuptcy. To the Mcdltots of Anna 51. Tmugott. of Scr.inton, County of Lucl.iivvmma ami 'lWirt nfruesald, a lunkiiipt; Notleo Is heieby given that on tho tlilid dny of Novimber. V. D. 10o tho aid Anna M. Tmugott was duly adjudliated iMIikliipt; ami that the Hist meeting of her uodltois will be held at tho otlico of the Referee In tho Oovcinmtut Utilldlup, In tho illy of Seianton. Pa., on tho Jltlt day of November.A. D. Ifti.', nt ten o'tlock lit tho foiLitoon, at which time tho said n editors mayvnttend. prove their claims, appoint a 'liustee, examine the bankrupt nnd transact stiih other business as may Viopetly Lome befoto said meutlnir. SuapVA&?VHM,:,,',1'-0-"toof 6f claim SO cents. No Order Accepted Tor Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Qffloai. WnMt Advertisements Will Bo Received nt Any of the Follow ing Dnig Stores Until 10 P. M. Ceutinl City ALBERT SCHULT5, coiner MuU hetiy Rtieet nnd Webster nve. OIIBTAV PiCHEL, 050 Adams avenue. West Side GEO. W JENKINS, 101 South Alain avenue. South Seianton l'RED L. TERPPE, 7J9 Cedar avenue North Scinnton GEO. W. DAVIS, coiner Noith Main avenue und Mai kot stuet. Gieen Bldge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick son avenue. P. J. JOHNS. P.') Gtctii Ridge sticet. C. T.ORENZ, coinei Washington avonun and Mutton sticet. Peteisbuig W. 11 KNEPPEL, 1017 living avenue. Dunmoic J. G. BONE & SON. Wanted. WANTED-Sm.ill fmnlshcd house, ill ess Box. :m, city. Ad- Help Wanted. WANTED Agents to sell tea mid ent ice to consumer.-. Positions pet ma ncnt. annul Union Tea Co., Jll Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. TATLmT'AIlD-Avsackiss co it maket. Apph to John W. Bnuett, S. Main stieet, Caibondalo. PATTERN -MAKER wanted; good wages to good men lamillai with our woik. Scianlon Steam Pump Co, Gicen Ridge. WANTED Five Hi si class en pouters Apph" to Sr t, niton Gl tss Manufactui lng Co , Mooslc WANTED IVttv men at Tobvlianni, Pa, to woik on giadlng loi a tall lond switch and dealing a piece of wood land. Call at ui.'. Mens building, Tobv hiinna Cieck Ite Co. C. C. Fetbci, tieas utei. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A gill for genoi.il housewoik Apph to Mis. Clink, Sll Mjitlo sticet, near Madison avenue. WANTED A gill foi g.neial hoti-ewoik, with lefeicnco. Apply 7.'o Madison avenue. GIRL FOR geneinl housewoik In .small family; lefcieiiLes lcquiicd. 311 QtiitiLj a enue. AVANTED A good girl foi gcnei al liousc woik. Alls. A. B. Relph, 111 Seventh stieet. Agents Wanted. AVANTED EVERYWHERE IlilPlleis to tack signs, dlsti Unite elieulai, sim ples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Buieaii, Chicago CANVASSERS AVANTED to -ell om Cloth Tovs, Rag Dolls and Alt Pil low Tops Best belling Holiday Novelties made. Anvono l.ui sell thorn. Laio pioflt. Ait Falnic Mills, New Haven, Conn. LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigdic General Agent tor this v-ntmly. No books, Insutanee, or cainirsslng. Al (liinlntauce with met chants and manu factuiois nceess.it v. Peimnnent. Bond Stato age. expo lent e lcfetenees Ihst let ter. Addiess. Suito D7J, No. 1001 Chestnut St . Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. WANTED By a good gill a placo to do housewoik lu small lamilv whete tho washing Is dono pieleued M. C. Ttib une ofilce. Furnished Booms Wanted. NVVJN. s i i 'v.vyx x - AVANTED ltnmedlalelv, two lo six fin .nlshod looms; centially located; quiet essential; highest leleienies Box lu, Tilbuno of flic. Beal Estate. I'OR SALE Tho best L')S-ncio stock and Main luim in Illinois lu miles fnuu Chicago, :i miles fiom Annua, good build ings, lent!. $"ifiil per ucie. C. II. AVine liam. Annua, III. Beal Estate. 40 ,000 Property for This is not a residence, but a BUSINESS PROPERTY Located in the very heart of Scranton and renting for $4,000 Per Annum, or more than 13 per cent. This phenomenal bar gain may be secured upon a payment of LESS THAN $10,000 Some time ago I advertised a similar bargain and closed the deal within forty-eight hours after the advertisement appeared, and was up braided by one of Scranton's busy business men for not letting him know about it, He said he read the paper, but did not see the adver tisement. To avoid a similar experience, I arranged for the above tvo column display advertlsement.and trust there maybe no disappointed ones W. T. The Real Estate Broker W DIRECTORY. BUSIKESSOPPORTUNITIES, RERL ESTATE Only Half a Cjnt a Wort. ' Employment Agency. A CARD I lieicbv nntiouiice to my ri lends and foimer pations In Suuntoii und vlelnltv that t have opened un etn plovment nfllco In tho Real Estitto Ex change Building, n(!-133 Wiistilngton ave nue. Seivunts upplylug for positions will bo i entitled lo fiilitlHh satlsfaetoty tefci eiaeM befoio their mimes will be onlcted upon my books, nnd on tho other hand poisons unknown to mo will bo romiluil to glvo like leferenccH befoio seivnntH will ho riiiulshcd them. I Intend to con duct my business In such a manner ns to safegiinid the Intotesls of eniployeis and emploves alike, and tiust to a disectiilug nnd uppieclittlvc public for the pntionngo which 1 hope to deseive and receive. MRS. A. B. STARKE Y. Rooms No. 2 nnd I, Tako elevator. lost Strayed Stolen. LOST Rcil and white cow; four Neaui old , Rewind. Anthony Butkls, L010 Mai ln nven tie. LOST Em boa on Pine sticcL. fiont Washington to 72S Madison avenue. Return to 7.'S Mndlson nvenue. STRAYED uway or stolen: led lllsh sel tei, unsvvets to inline of "Ned." Tind er will notify Clem Matsh und receive 10 watd. Found. FOUND On Ptccott avenue, a puiso containing monov; owner tun have sumo bv piovlng mopmty and paving fot adv'. C. H. Van Busklrk, l'oO Pino sticet. For Sale or Bent. TOR SALE OR RENT-The n-stoiy btlck building, with boiler house nttached, and long row of sheds for hoises. wag ons, etc.; also lalltoad switch suitable for manufactuilng put poses; lately occupied bv tho Clock Tobacco Co B. M. Wlnton, Room No C05, Meats Building. JHoney to Loan. AN'mrNTT'ONEY'To'LOAN Quick, slialght loans oi Building and Loan. At fiom I to o per cent. Call on N. A". Walker, ;1H-J13 Connell building Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY. Euumoie, laundeis shiits nt Sc. each and collais and i tiffs at lVSc each. Family washing, 4 lents per poiiiul. PROFESSIONA L. Ceitified Fublic Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAl'LDlNG. C. P. A. 21 'I'lndus' Bank Building. Old 'phone lid I. Aichitects. FREDERICK L BROWN. ARCH B, Real Estate Exchange Bldg , 320 AVnsh Ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, Sir, CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON noli building. tc KNIGH'O 7JG CON- Dentists. DR. E c. j:ilenberger, PAULI building, Spuieo sticet, Seianton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 AVYOM1NG ao Fire Insuiance. SCHLAGER eV. CO, -101 Connell Building. Patent Attorneys. P1ATC IVITG In all countries KA I LIN I Oof tlie Globe. The only licensed und equipped patent solkltoi In the cltv. No chaigo for in loi motion on patentability over ten eius' expei ience. Kcplosrlc & Co.. Mcars Bldjr- Hotels and Bestauiants. THE ELK CAFE, l."i and 127 1'RANK lin avenue. Rates leasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Propiietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L Sz AV. Passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu lopean plan. A'lctot Koch, Pioptiotor. Scavenger. A. 11 BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY A'AULTS .11111 LUSS ucua, lit, UIIUI Ulll IUIIIUUll pumps used A. B Bilggs, piopilolot. Leave oideis 110 Noith Main avenue, oi Elcke's ding stote, lotner Adams nnd Mulbeit.N. Both telephones. Wiie Scieens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 311 LACKA. ave., Seianton, mfi.s. of AVito Si toons. Miscellaneous. MEGARGEU BROS. PRINTERS' Sup plies, envclopeb. pi pel bags, twine. Waiehouse, J0 AVaslilngton avenue. TEE AVILKES-UARRE RECORD CAN bo hud in Seianton at the news stand of Relsmnn Bios, -100 Sptitco and 30.! Linden; M Noiton, .122 Lackawanna ae.; I. S. Scliutcr, 211 Spuieo sticet. Beal Estate. $30,000 Hackett mmmmmma $8,000 Will secure a property that pays $6,600 in rentals or a guarantee of Over 40 Per Cent. Net on Money Invested. This unusual bargain in Scranton Real Estate is a Business Valued at and can chased for $3 Owner will sell for $8,000 down, the balance can be arranged for on a 5 per cent, mortgage. The Three Following Properties Are Offered at Bargain Prices Because the owner has the California fever. Strike while the fever is on and you can buy the single house or either of the double houses at prices that guarantee 10 Per Cent, and Over On Your Investment. $3,840 For the Double House Seven rooms each side, modern through out, full lot. Rents at present pay 10 per cent $3,000 For the Eight-Room Single House Alll modern conve niences. Good loca tion. Full lot. M. H. Holgate Real Estate, Securities, Mortgages, Loans Negotiated Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa, $4,700 A Handsome New Steam Heated Residence Worth $1,000 More. This beautiful house is only twenty minutes' walk from the court house. There are eleven rooms finished, also a handsome bath room and a store room. Tho reception hall and dining room are finished in oak, with hard pol ished floors. Every room in the house is bright and attractive, and so arranged as to appoal to the ladles, as they will certainly testify when they seethe house, The owner and architect worked hard, and as the result shows, wisely, In the planning and construction of this residence, and nothing but a knotty business transaction has caused the owner to make the sacrifice which this offer entails. If Vou are looking for such a place and the price Is right, you need look no farther, but call at once and see about the terms of sale, which are very fair. W. T. HACKETT, The Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Exchange Building, Property $40,000 be pur 000 $4,500 For Fine Double House Eight rooms one side, nine on other; modern throughout, full lot. rents at present pay over 10 per cent. BUYS IT 130-138 Washington Avenue $ THE FINEST AND OVERCOAT : ll o . Our Gents' Furnishing Department con tains all the nobby effects in Neckwear, Shirts, Hats, Hosiery, etc. tjp a , , J 320 Lackawanna Av. fa 0h 99'3s9;i'J RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. IN Effect Juno 1. 190.!. Tuilns lo.ivc Sc.rnnton for New Yoik At ISO. ja, (103. 7 50 .und 10.10 n. m.; 1.' 10, " 10, 'So p m. For Now Yoilc and Phila delphia 7.',0. 1010 n. in , and 12.10 and 3 IS p ni t'oi CJouldshoio At b.10 p m For HiilCalo 1.15, liL'-' and 9 Oil a. m.: IS", I. SO .mil 11.10 p m. Foi UliiRhuiiitoii, Ulmii.v .mil wnv stations 10 J", a m. lul n in I'm Oswogo, Swacuse nnd Uticd l.lSaiul bJJ a.1 m.; 1 55 p m. Osweso, Sjiacu"o and lUica ti.iln at G 2.' a. m. dally, except Sundav. For Montrose 9 00 a. m : 1 OI and o SO p m. Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and fi 13 p m. Bloomsbuig Division For Northumber land, at C3" and 10 10 a. m.: 133 and t!.10 P m. For Plymouth, at 810 a. m.; J 10 and 9 03 p m. Sundav Tralns-For New YoiK-, 1 30, S 20. 0 03, 1010 a m.: 3)0 and 3 33 p. ni For Buffalo 1.1", and C2J a. in.; 133, 0 30 and 11.10 p. m. For Klmiia and way stations 10 23 a. m. For Blnshnmton nnd wav sta tions, 9 00 a. in. BloonisbuiR Division l.eavo Seianton, 1010 a. m. and 010 p. ni. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect June 13, 190. Tiains Leave Scranton Toi Philadelphia and New York ia T. & H. R. R, at 7.41. tlnoush Pallor Cnr and Dny Coach Caibondalo to New YoiK and 9 47 a. m . with L. V. Coach Caibon dalo to Philadelphia, und 218, 133 (Black Diamond Kxpicss), nnd ll.l'l p. m Sun day .s, D. & H. R. R., 1 58, 9 17 a. m For Whllo Haven, Hazlcton and piincl pal points in the coal legions, via D. & H. R. R 7.11, 218 and 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvillc, 7 II a. m. For BotlilPhem, Kaston. Reading, Hnr ilsbuig nnd pilncipal intermediate sta tions. ia D. & It. R. R 7.41, 9.47 a. m ; 2 18, 4 33 (Black Diamond Hxpiess). 11.19 p. m. Sundns, D. & II. R. R., 9S8 a. in. and 1 38 and 9 17 p. m. For Tunkhnnnock, Towanda, lllmlia, Ithaca, Geneva nnd pilncipal intcimedlute stations n D , L. & W. R. R , 0 33 n. ni. and 1 53 m. For Oenova, Rochester. Buftnlo, Nlag nia Kails, Chicago anil all points west via D. & II. R. R, 1.-03 p. 111.: .S2S (BI.U It Diamond Uxpiessl. 10 41. 11.41 p. m, Sun dass, D. & 11. R. II.. 1J03, 917 p m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or I.ohlgli vauey l'auor cais on nil li.uns between Wllkes-Bmio nnd New Ymk. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bililge. ROLLIN II. VVII.Bl'R. Ceil. Supt.. 20 Coitland stieot. Now Yotk. cirARu:s s. i-ni:, Con. Pas.s. Ast 20 Coitland stieet. New Y01I.. A. W. NONKlIAClinR; DlV. P.lbs. Agt., S011II1 Bi'thleheni. Pa. Collected 'to September 10, 1902. For tlikets nnd Pullman iiieinlion np plv to city tlckit oflico, 09 Public Square, Wilkes-Rni 10, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Raihoad of New Jeisey. Stations In New Yoik foot Llborty stieet and South Feny, N. It. Tiains leave Seianton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allon town. Mnucli Chunk, Whlto Ilaen, Ash loy, Wllkes-Bauo and Plttstou at 7,30 u. 111., 1 11. 111. and I p. m. Smul.ij, 2 10 p. m. Quaker City Kxpiess leaves Seianton 7.30 a. m tlimugh solid vestibule train with l'ullman Jliiiffet Pallor Car for Phila delphia Aslth only 0110 change of cms for Baulmoio and Washington, D. C, and nil piiucip.il points south and nest. For Aooa, Plttbtmi and Wllkos-Rarre, 1 p m. and 4 i) in. Suniluv, 2 10 p. m. Kor Long Blanch, Ocean Oioc, etc,, 7,:o n. m und 1 n. in. For Rending, Lebanon and Ilaulslimg a Allentown. nt 7 30 u. m , 1 p, 111. and 1 p m, Suuda, 2.10 p m. For Tumuijiid and PottsIlle, 7.30 a. m , 1 11. 111, and 4 p. ni. For uites and tlckots apply to agent at station. W. (1. Bf:SSr,13R. Oen, Manager, C. M, BUHT, Uen. Pass, Agt. New York, Ontailo nnd Western. Timo tahhi In effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1902. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. l,euo Leave Aulvo Tiains. Bcumton, Caibondalo, Cudosla. No. I 1030U, ni. II 10 11,111 1 Mi. 111. No. 7 6 10 p. in Ai Caibondalo b i p m SOUTH BOUND Leavo Leave- Auivo Tiains. Cadobia. C.ubmulalo. Seianton. No. 0 lira n in, 7.23a. 111. No 2 2.13 p m loop in I Tip 111. SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND. Leavo Leavo Anlve Tuilns Seianton. Cuilioudule, Cadosla. No. 9 siOa, in. 910a.ni 10 43 a, m No. C 7.00 p m AfC.iibondalo 7.43 p in Leave Leavo Aulvo Tiains. Cadosla. Caibondalo. Seianton. No. li , .. . C 50 a.m. 7.23U.II1. No. 10 ... 1 30 p in. 0 00 p.m. 0 43 p. in, Tinlns Ncs. I 011 week dajs, und 9 on Sundas unmeet for Now Yoik city, Mld dletovvn, Walton, Noivvlch, Oneida, Os vvego and all points west. Tiuin No. 0, with "Ouikcr City V.x. pi ess" at Seianton, via C. R. R. of N. J., tor Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Balttlnoie, Washington and Pennslvanla stato liolnts, Sco tlmc-tnblo and consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDBHSON. O. P. A.. New Yoik. J. L WiJLSII, T. P. A., Bcranton, Pa. SUITS! Vfr 1 Are made with the Patent Hair Cloth Front according- to the latest and most advanced methods of construction, and are the finest ready-to-wear apparel for, men. We are the sole agents for these pop ular garments. Suits from $7.50 to $20 ft ft ft lei I Overcoats from $8.50 to $20 In all the popular lengths and fabrics. NEW YORK HOTELS. LDI IOTEL .lTIIAV.,BniWBEN'JlTHANDaoriISl.U NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NBW. FITEPROOF Convenient to Theatres nnd Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct to hotel, Rooma with Hath 1 ( Suit") with IlatU ?''.00 I t S'5.00. W. H. PARKE. Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir ng Place, NEW YORK. American Man, $3 50 Per Day anil Upwards. European Plan, $1 00 Per Day and Upwards Special Rates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -H--T-M- -M- t or lHisiiiess Men In tho hcait of tho nholcsalo dis- -. tilct. For .Shoppers 3 minutes' valk to Wanamakois; " minutes to Slegel Coopci's Big Stoic. Uasy of access to tho gieat Diy Goods Stoics. For Sightseers Ono block fiom B'vvny Cais, giv ing i-dsv tinnspoitatlon to all points of Interest. i t 4- NEW 10 UK. T Cor Uth ST & UNIVERSITY PI,. T Onlv ono Block fiom Bioadway. X Pnnrri!! "Rl Tin UHMAUitANr WOUUli, 3l Uj). prCM lieusoiiabla H-H-f-f-H-H-f -M-M-f--f-f-t-f-H"T- RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Pennsylvania Rnihoad. Schedule in i:iTiiL .1 Hi 1iJ Tinlns leavo Seianton bJS a tn week dnvs, tluough vestibule train finm Wllkes-Ilauo, Pullman linll.t pallor c ir and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; htnps at piiuclpil Inlet lilullutu stu tions. Also connects lor Suubury. U111 llsbuig, Philadelphia, Bultiiumo, Wash ington und lor Plttsbuig nnd tho AVest, 9 17 a, 111 . vvtok davs, tor Suubury. Iliii ilsbuig. Philadelphia. Bultlmoie, Wusli Ington nnd Plttsbuig and tlio 'ist. -- 1 12 p m week dnvs, (Sundays. 1.3S p. ni.). tor Sunbui. llaiilsbm, Pliiladel 11I1I.1, Baltlmoio, Wu.shlngton und PIUs Inng and thn West 4- i:n p. 111, vvcok days, tluough veHlihuIo trnln tiom Wilkes-Buiie l'ullmmi buffot p 11 lor enr and coaches to Plilludulplilii via I'ottsvlllo. Stops at pilncipal Intoinipdl ato stations 4 33 p in,, week dns, for llulqton, Sun bury, llni riibui sr. Plilladelplila and Pltts buig. . J. R, IIl'TCIIINSON, Con. JIgr. .1, B WOOD, Gen Pass Agt. 1 Dolnwnie nnd Hudson. It, nri.,.,, T.tnr. ll lOil) .. Tiains for Caibondalo leave Seianton at f. 44, 7.3i:, s :i, ion a m : 1J03, 1 I.', ill, 3 5ii! 5 29. 0 25, S2I, 913, 10.01 ni.j l.ls, 1.3S a, 111 For Jlonchiialo u 11, 10.13 a 111,; 3.11 and D 29 p. in ' '1 " For Wllkes.Bailo-G'tS. 7 41 Sll. 0il7, 10 3.1 a. nis.l.'UI, 1.1.', .'IS, 3 2 13.3, ClIiV 7.IS. 10 II, lU'l i in For L. V. R R Polnta7 II, 1 I? n. 111.; 2,is, 1 35 and ll 11 p m " For I'cniibilvnnla R. R. Poliits-O.'SS, 9 17 a in i 1 4.', 3 2a and 4 33 p in 4" Fur Albany and all points noith 7.SU a. in, and 3 so 11 in T SUNDAY TRAINS For Caibondiile S CO, 1)3.1 a, 111; 2 11, 3 SO. 5 5.' and 11 17 p 111 Foi WIlKes-Ilauo 9 38 n. m; 1.' 03, 1.133, 3 28. 0 33 and 917 p 111 Foi Albany and points noiih 3 5U p. 111. For llQiiesdale-SSO a in , 1133 nnd 3 53 p 111 W. L. PIIYOR, D P A., Seianton, Pa,- -, Eile Raih oad Wyoming1 Division. In nileet September 15, 190J. Tiains lcuvo Seianton ov Now Yoik, Novvhuigh nud Inteiiutdlilo points, ulsb for iluvvluy and local etutlons at 7.W a. 111. and li. p. in. Foi jlonesdule and White Mills at'lM p. m. "ft K Tiains o"'"" at Bciunton at I0.3S a.'iu, and 9 15 i HOTEL ALBERT ti 9