tww- i??r ! -.-,, ' ififjifc J, as- - UJ 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATUBDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1902 r Z , ,& ,f?(ftv.-iVWWv' 'TfTTww. re i -'"i-.-v WEST James O'Donnell Charged with Chopping Holes in the Floor of a Scranton Street House. ratrlck McLaughlin, of 723 Scranton ticrt, had James O'Donncll, who lives ,-n the mime house, tirrulRiicd before Alderman Nootie yesterday on tlio charge of malicious mischief. The trouble arose over the possession of the property. The prosecutor alleged that the de fendant chopped a hole through the lloor and poured water through the opening. The alderman held O'Donncll In $400 ball for his appearance at routt. Domlntck McLaughlin imlllled ns his ' bondsman. Junior Epworth League. A union meeting of the Junior ICp worth leaguers of several city Metho dist, churches was bold In the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church last -evening. Miss Margaret Crawford presided and outlined the purpose of the meet ing. A general conference was held by those present on the proper way to conduct the meetings, after which a short musical and literary programme was enjoyed. The boys of the Simpson Junior league afterwards served re freshments In the lectin e room of the church. i Missionaries from India. Tlev. T. J. Jones, M. A., I'll. X of Wisconsin, and his wife, formerly a asldent of Wales, who have been en agied In missionary work In Assam, India, for the past ten years, under the auspices of the Welsh Presbyterian board of foreign missions, are in the city, and will speak to West Scranton audiences tomorrow. In the morning Dr. Jones will speak at Rev. Hugh Davis' church on South Mnin avenue, and In the evening he will speak at the Believue "Welsh Cal vlnlstio Methodist church, of which Rev. William Davis Is pastor. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Mrs. Jones will speak to the children of the Belie vue Sunday school. Funeral of James McGonigle. A' solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated In St. Patrick's church yes terday morning over the remains of the late James McGonlgle, who died from injuries sustained while at work in the Mt. Pleasant mine on Tuesday last. The cortege moved from the house on Scranton street at 9 o'clock, and was an unusually large one. The mass was celebrated by Rev. Patrick P. Lavelle, assistant pastor of St. Patrick's church, and he also preached the sermon, dwelling upon FREE! FREE! FREE! rive stamps given away with eoc&L bottle of Dufour's French Tax G. W. JENKINS. I Oiip Offerings J For Saturday... f Are sure to meet with the approval g of discriminating buyers. Low S prices, high qualities and newest fashions join :-: Luiivuiung manner possiDie. a a a a a a Tempting Cloak Special Three-quarter length Melton Coats for Misses, Box Fronts, Doublo Collars, etc.; sizes, G to 14. Our famous $5,00 Coat: for Saturday only $l.r0 Children's Monte Carlo Coats, pleated backs, notched collars, velvet trimmings, etc. Our regu lar 54.D0 Jackets. On Snturdny only $3,50 Ladles' Monte Carlo Jackets, Lorraine Silk-lined, highly tail ored. A stylish garment at a very moderate price. Other days, $9.00. Saturday $7,r,0 Ladles' Kersey Jackets, Du Barry Cuffs and Sleeves, with pleated back. A regular $12,00 garment. During the Saturday snlo only , $io,00 'Double Fur Hoa, with long fluffy tails. A wonderful value for the price $4.00 a a a a a a a a Ladies' a Flannel Waists a All sizes, with manifold tucks, 3 button in front, etc. The newest 1 line In stock and marked to sell for $1,00. On Saturday Jl.Sj a a a a a a a Special Hand kerchief Sale Ladles' Handkerchiefs, plain heni, lace edge or embroidered, Linen, of course. Special at,.,Sc. Ladles' Handkerchiefs, lace edge, with handsome Initial, Swiss edges or fine embroidery, A large assortment In lino qua). ties only. Choice,,.,,,,,.. ,Vit.c, a a I Globe Warehotis?. I a mmmmmwwimmmmwwm SCRANTON the uncertainties of lire and the sor rows Incurred through death. Miss Mnmo Johnson ofllclntcd nt the organ. The pallbearers were: David O'Con nor, Anthony McAndrow, Edward O'Brien, Mlchncl Coleman, Frrlnk Creegun mid John Shaughnessy. Fu neral Director M. P. Wymbs was in charg'e. Interment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. John McGonlglo, of Brooklyn, N. V,, a brother of deceased, and his daugh ter, weto in attendance at the funeral services. Jackson Street Baptist Church. Notes. The pastor is making arrangements to celebrate the beginning of his sev enth year as pastor the llrst Sunday of December. Notices will bo bent to ev ery member of the church. The Ladles' Aid 'Is doing good work, and the Indies are encouraged In their endeavors. A goodly number attend their meetings. Wo should attend the lecture given under the auspices, of the Baptist So cial union In the Penn Avenue Baptist church next Monday evening. Dr. Ma dison Peters Is a man of national fame. All young people should be present tb hear him. The lecture will be free for all. Let the B. Y. P. U. of our church rally around their president nnd ofll cers and see If we cannot arrange for a social before long. Some strange faces are seen continu ally in the congregation. Let us get acquainted with the stranger within our gates and make them welcome. Have religion in the hand ready to meet them. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Communion services will be hold at St. Mark's Lutheran church tomorrow. A preparatory service was held last evening, under the direction of the pastor, Rev. A. L. Ramer. Funeral Director John E. Regan lias returned home from Long Island city witli the remains of the late Frank Mcllugh, and the body is now at the home of deceased's parents on Luzerne street. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock this morning, with services at St. Patrick's church and Interment in the Cathedral "cemetery. Henry Bushen and Miss Sarah Hum phreys were united in matrimony at 6.S0 last evening by Rev. T. A. Hum phreys, pastor of the Plymouth Con gregational church. An inrant child of Mr. and Mrs, John Evans, of Decker's court, died jester day, and will be privately Interred In the Washburn street cemetery this af ternoon. John L. Travis and wife, of Xnrth Sumner avenue, are visiting in Wind sor, N. Y. Conflicting notices have been printed regarding the funeral of the late Mrs. William J. Mathcwson this afternoon.' hands in the most ., , & Underwear and Hosiery A few dozen "Oneida" Union Suits for Ladles, in small sizes only, that sold for $1.75. To close oSc. Ladles' White Wool or Camels' Hair Pants. The full standard $1,00 quality. On Saturday... 79e. Ladies' Heavy Fleece Lined , Hose, with ribbed top. An extra value for Saturday at 10c. Fashionable Belt Bargains Largo assortment of Belt Buckles in French Grey, Gun Metal and Gilt, with Cameo or Turquoise settings; worth 60c. and "Be. Saturday 33c, New Postillion Belts, black, with white, stitching, black with tailor stitching, etc. With or without Buckles. From $1,50 to 25c . fi"! as . en : In Men's Furnishings . Heavy Undershirts, pure wool, fleece lined. Fine $1,00 goods (ov 75c. Men's Fubt Black, (leece lined, one.linlf Hose. A real good iiual ity at two pairs for 23c. Sweaters. All sizes from boys' to extra largo men's, Boys at from $2.00 to S5c, each. Men's at from $1.00 to $3.50 each, The services will bo held nt the house on South Lincoln avenue nt 1 o'clock, nnd the remains will be taken to Pitts ton for Interment, Rev. E. B. Singer, assistant pastor of Elm Park church, will preach In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow evening. Rev. McDormott will preach the evening sermon nt the dedicatory services of St. Paul's church, South Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. .William 12. Jnmloson and son, of South Main avenue, will spend today with friends nt Dnltrtn. A. M, Dershlmer, of South Mnin ave nue, In visiting relatives In Allegheny county, N. Y. Mrs. Sarah A, Furmnn. of Tunklmn nock, Is the guest of Mrs. A. M. Ders hlmer, of South Main avenue. rtobert Pottlt, of Schenectady, N. Y Is visiting his brother, S. D. Pcttlt, of North Main nvenue. Stephen Blcsecker. of North Bromley avenue, Is on a hunting trip to Mt. Pocono. OPERATORS TAKE UP MINERS' GAUNTLET (Concluded from t'ogrc 3.1 meetings on the company's property or on tho roads approaching the company's Pioporty, or In any way Interfering with the- employes of the company or persuad ing thorn, or Interfering with them going to work. We have many case of that kind. I should ceitalnly appiovc uf any organizer in our employ holding meetings In public halls, lu public plnces; doing that which under tho law they have a right to do. Wo deny that the courts have any renson to restrain members of labor unions from doing anything that Is lawful when ilono by some other citizen; In other words, a member of tho union pi opuses to exercise nil the lights that arc exercised by other citizens of the country. Q. I do not think anjiiody will differ with you on that. I shall not, A. (Con tinuing). But in those cases wc feel that wo havo boon Interel'erod with unjustly. For instance, miners have boon sent to prison for holding meetings on our own grounds. Q. What case is that? A. Judge Jackson sent miners to prison for holding mooting on ground owned, by lease, by tho United Mlno Workers of America. Q. Have you ever known of an Injunc tion being granted against any orp&nlzn tlon which you thought was nroncr? A. Yes, sir; there have boon provisions lu Injunctions restraining our people from violating a law that havo boon proper. Tho only reason wo objected to the In junction was bocaiihu It restrained us from doing tilings wo had a 1or.i1 right to do, and In any event, we bellevn wo should not bo retrained from a commis sion of acts that wo might bo punished for by simply enforcing tho law. AVo fool that men ought not to be sent to piteon for contempt of court when they could be sent for simply violating n law; that tho law is ample. It Is far-reaching enough, to restrain and punUh those who violate tho law. O. 1 want to ask you something about rur views on the subject of bnycottjing. Thcro was more or le.s nC that during tho recent stiiko, -uas there not? A. I un derstand from the newspapers that thcro was considerable boycotting. Q. What newspapers do ymi menu? A. I havo seen it in the daily paper,; I know nothing officially or personally of that matter. I never authmlzed n. boycott. Q. Did you ever hoar of this i'colittInn, passed by tho executive committers of tho United Mine Workers of America, and is from the Now York Tilbuno of Juno lStli1 think it is 1!)(i2: "Having considered the difficulties now presented by tho intro duction of fical) labor into our town, wo do hero respectfully request all btoic kecpers, butchers, ico merchants and others not to supply any of these im imitod fcabs witli any necessaries of life, us In, so doing it will show that they have a littlo sympathy with our cause, and so help us a little to fight this, our fight of right against might." Do you remember that? A. No, T have no recollection of even hearing that, al though may havo road of It in the papeis during tho strike. If I did, that Is all tho knowledge 1 havo of It. Q. Your association took no action on tho mbject, did It? A. Our association le (ognlzcs the right of Its members, to no- t tion storekeepers to sell to people, if they want to; or to icfraln fiom soiling to them, if they want to. In other words, membership in our organization would not dmy or prevent any of our mem bers from doing anything they might do if tlity wero not members. Q. Do you remember making a speech on tho subject of boycotting? A. Yes, sir. Q, During tho street car strike, on tho 12th of December, 1001? A. I recall having upokcn at that time; yes, sir. Q. I will read from Tho Scranton Trlbuno what purports to be a correct report of that speech. It was delivered at a mass mooting, December 12. 1901, and reported In The Si-ranton Trlbuno of December UUh: "I do not know whether you were right or wrong when this striko began, but I do know that tho refusal of tho Scranton lt.illwny company to confer with you phces the burden of tho :e spontlblltty for tills condition of affairs upon tho company. It has como to my notice that tlio business and professional men havo hem building up an organiza tion with tho idea of breaking, up tills strike and bunking tip tills boycott of the cars. I want to say on this occa sion, for tho "O.OftO members of my or ganization, that they will not patioplzo the cars as long ns thn company refuses to meet with its men or their representa tives with reference to this trouble. This fttiiko moans moie than thn defeat of tho men who me now engaged In It. I knew that If tho street car men are de feated now, some other organization will be licxt selected as a victim. I know not but that the Minn Workers may bo the ones against whom the light may lie waged. This stiiko Is not alone tho strike of the btrcet ear men; It Is tlio concern of us all, Tho company has Its cars limning. It lias them manned, and If tho business and professional men of this city think that their Interests are to bo best subserved by combining to break this strike, thou Indeed are. they blind to their own lnleiests. If they think tho patronage of tho Scranton Hallway com pany is tho moat desirable thing for thorn to have, let thorn havo that pation ago. I am opposed to a striko until every means of maintaining peace is ex hausted; but when this Is dono and tho workers havo no other chqlco, I suy stilke, and when you do striku, llku the miners it ear ago, stilke until you win. As far os I can speak for tho wage- PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor ay H acU pettily on tho ttmnoch. liver and kidney ami laa pleibant Ux&tUe. Tliia Uclnk Ja made from herli. uu U urunnred (or uio eubily as Ui. It U called I,unet Tea" or LANPS FAMILY MEDICINE Alt druggUU or by mtil S ctt. and M ctl. Bujr it tq rtiy. I.uiio'm I'umlly .He JIiIiib iuuvik tlio UulVfK imi'li iln . In nrdii ta ha hnjtlthv thii uoccsiary. AJJrcsj, iioi ?Md. I. Hoy, .V. Y. sjtoL ,&k entnerB of this vicinity, they will not patronize tho street cars until tho Scran ton Hallway company meets and confers with your representatives, Tho fact that they rcfuso to meet you Is to mo Indlsnulfibto evidence that they fear an investigation! that yotu nro right nnd they nro wrong. Keep up this striko un til tho company concedes your right to confer; keep It up, but 'bo law-abiding, unci 1 Lelleyo you will win. I nm told that mi Mlno Worker" has entered a enr slnco tho striko began, and, na far as 'I um concerned, not ono of them will until this ttrlko 13 honorably settled." Q, Bo you remember thnt speech? A, Yes, I recall It very well. 1 spoko en tirely extemporaneously nnd I do not know thnt I nm reported verbatim. I am tare of that. However, tno views os yon quote them nro not much nt vnilnnro with tho views I hold upon tho question of tho tight 'of men to rldo In n Btreot car or riot to lido ns they see lit, to spend their money with whatever merchants they choose. In other words, it boycott Is simply a ntrlke. Q. I notice that lu your speech which you delivered in the Citizens' Alliance of Scinnton iTuly 10, you used tho expression boycotting rather as a term of reproach. You said: "Is It not rather strange that this oiganlzatlon was not formed at nny tlmo during the pnst twenty-five years In which tho anthracite coal companies wero ulack-llstlug and boycotting and driving fiom their homes and families nil men who dared to assoi t their rights pud Join labor otgunlzntlons." Q. Do you remem ber that V A. Yes, sir. CJ. Do you remember a letter which was wiltten to the Kvonlug Leader of Wilkes Hnrre? I will read It. "Whereas, the livening Loader of this elty has published leports of riots, etc., as occurring lu and around this city, which has done Injury to tho Just cause of the striking mlno workers, bo It there resolved, that the delegates accredited, etc., to tho Wilkes lhiiro sub-district headquarters demand that thu Wllkcs-Uarre evening Leader re tract Its statements nnd In future treat the t. M. W. of A. fair. Should the man agement do tills, all union men in the city of Wllkos-IJaiTO and vicinity will bo or dered not to buy, read or otherwise sup port the Kvonlug Lender, and all mer chants will bo asked to wlthhofd all put lonago from the livening Loader from this day forth. "William CnriiP. President. "11. L. Barrett, Secretary." Uo you icmember that? A. I recall having seen that statement published lu the papers. Q. Did you ever express any disapproval of It In nny way? A. I did not express either approval or disap proval. Q. What la tho meaning of a man being unfair? A. Are you quoting from something now? Q. It Is an expression which I noticed has been used. A. We re gard a wotklng man unfair who takes nn otber man's Job when ho Is on strike for better wages or In resistance to a reduc tion in wages. Q. Suppose you take an employer: what does It moan as applied to him? A AVo would regard a merchant is unfair if lie would oppose tho right of men belonging to unions securing lor their labor a reasonable rate of wages. Q. Sup poe ho sells goods to a non-union man: how would you legard that? A. Well, t never had occasion to pass upon the mat tor myself. 1 I were spending my own money I should feel I had a right to spend It with him or some- one clso If I choose, and I feci thnt every member of tlio United Mine Workers of America has the same light. Q. Suppose ho declined to grant soma demand of the United Mlno Workers; would you consider It proper to put him on the unfair list and send people around to notify his customers that ho was on tho unfair list? A. I should say this: Thnt tho members of the unlonouId have a right to advertise their friends and they would havo an equal right tb notify their neighbors who wero not friendly to them. Q. That Is to say, they would have n. right to send around and tell people not to deal with him? A. They would have a light to do whatever tho law gave them n light to do T moan as far as tho legal right is concerned. My the Chairman: Q. 1-liciiso mo, Mr. Wilcox: thero is no question about that about tho right of a man to deal with whom he pleases. What the commission would like to know Is mnro directly whether your organization, Mr. Mitchell, as you are representing it, ap provo of using the. boycott as a weapon to tlio extent outlined In the resolution read a wliilo ago, of which, of course, 1 cannot quote tho substance from mem ory; that where what you call "scab" la bor Is in question all persons, provision dealers, those jrho furnish the necessities of life, are warned to refrain from fm nlHhlng such necessities to those so- called seal) laborers- or their families upon pain of tho displeasure of tho member.) of your union. A. I should say, Mr. Chairman, that the union, ns such, has not sanctioned any such action on tho part of Its members. Q. Did they encourage It? A. They do not. There tiro times dur ing great excitement, such as prevails lu il stiiko when the tension Is strong, that membois, local unions, nnd mass meet ings, niny at times feel justified lu ad vising their friends and members not to purchase from a storekeeper who sup plies goods to tho non-union men. Q. That Is not tho question: I think tlio commission ngioo about that. vt would like to know whether you justify the tom poiary withdrawal from tho men referred to of tho necessities of life, tho things by which men llvo nnd which is their life? A. I say emphatically no. Q. That was tho purport of that, nnd I expected tho question bo brought down to that. I wanted that question answered. Mr. Wlllcox: Tho commlsslcn has nsked tho witness tho question and I can not say anything moro; I nm glad tho commission has dono so. Is thero any thing further tho commission would like to ask on the -ubject? The Chairman: Wo wero very much Interested, nnd wo expected to como up to that point. Tho question was founded upon a resolution rend by yourself as passed by ono of tlio district conventions? The Witness: No, by a local board. Tlio Chairman: Tho substancn was that all persons were, In effect, warned not to furnish tho necessaries of life to tho scabs, so-called, or their families, which would bo taking away tho moans of sustenance their living. That Is what thf commission wanted to bo Informed about, and as' this Is for tho Information of thu commission, I thought It worth whllo to ask the quoitlon. lly Mr. Wilcox: What we nro on thut, I will read from tho Now York Herald of June 11th, UW3: "Tlio executive commit tee of tho United Mine Workers of Nan tleoko publish tho following resolutions: 'We nsk all our union clerks and team stcis to cease serving or dellveilng goods to any non-union men now working la nnd around tho mines, lluvlng iceeiycd Information of two men selling milk around our town, ami not In favor with nur cause, who havo expressed tills lu strong languuge, to tho effect that 73 cents n day was enough for any men to lle upon, llo It resolved, that the two men Smith, and 1 lulu be declared un and that they bo dcnlt with nn coidlngly.'" Uo you remomber bearing of Hint lesolutlon? A. 1 no not. I may havo read It In the papers ut tho tlmo, but 'I do not lecol loct It. Q, Did you ever do anything to Inves tigate as to whether theso resolutions had the ellect thoy wero Intended to have? A 1 had neither time nor opportunity to Investigate matters that came to my notice iluough tho newspapers, j will wnv that 1 Issued statements lepeatedly, and in my public addresses repeatedly declared that tho men must not violate tho law, that the man who transcended tho luw was thu worst enemy tho strikers had. That is a part of my public ud lre4cs every wiieie. Mr. Wlllcox: I know, you have said that a good many times. The hour of four having nnived Judge fjray Interrupted the examina tion with the announcement tho com. mission would now rise apd adjourn until 10 o'clock this morning. The only questions, nsked by members of the commission outside of the few re lated above were one by Mr. Wutklns SICK MADE WELL WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered by Famous Doctor-Scientist Thnt Cuies Every Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Arc Affected That Seem Like Miracles Performed Tho Secret of Long Lifo of Olden Times Revived. - Tho Remedy Is Frco to All Who Send Nnino nnd Address. After yenrs of patient stydy, and delv ing Into the dusty record of tho pnst, ns well as following modern experiments lu tho realms or medical science, Dr. Jnmes Wllllnm Kldd, KiTf. Unites llulkllng, l-'ort Wnne, lnd makes the startling an nouncement that ho lias surely discovered the elixir of life. That ho is ablo with DR. JAMES WILLIAM KIDD. tho aid of a mysterious compound, known only to himself, produced as a lesult of tlio years lie has spent In searching for this precious life-giving lioon, to cure any and every disease that Is known to the human body. There Is no doubt of tho doctor's earnestness In making his claim and the remnrkable curies that he Is dally effecting seems to bear him out very strongly. Ills theory which he ad vances Is ono of reason and baBCd oa sound experience In a medical practice of many years. It costs nothing to try his remarkable "Kllxlr of Life." tyj he calls It, for he sends It free, to anyone who is u suffcicr, in .suflleient quantities to con vince of Its abllltv to cure, So there Is ab solutely no risk to run. Some of the cures cited are very remarkable, and but for reliable witnesses would hardly be cred ited. Tho lamo have thrown away crutches and walked about after two or three trials of the remedy. The slek, giv en up by homo doctors, have been re stored to their families and liicnds in per fect health. Itheumatlsm, netn-algr.i, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, blood and skin diseases nnd bladder troubles disap pear as by magic. Headaches, backaches, nervousness, l'ecrs, consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all affections of lite tin oat, lungs or nny vital organs are easily overcome in a space of time that is simply marvelous I'm tin! paralysis, locomotor ataxia, dropsy, gout, sciofula and piles are quick ly and permanently removed. It polities tho entire sstem, blood and tissues, re stores normal nerve power, circulation and a state of perfect health is piodueed ut once. To the doctor nil systems are ii like and equally affected by this great "Elixir of Life." Send for thu remedy to day. Jt is free to every sufferer. State what you want to be cured of and tho sure remedy for It will be sent jou free by return mail. inquiring as to what Mr. Wilcox was reading from, and one from Bishop Spalding as to something about an an swer he did not hear. General Wilson, Mr, Clark, Itecnrder Wright and Mr. Parker made no in quiries. A conference uf the commission was lield nt the Jennyn last night, but nothing was given out as to what was done. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church Will Be Dedicated To morrow The Programme. The newly erected St. Paul's Meth odist Episcopal church, at Plttston uvenue and Pear street, will be formal ly dedicated with special services to morrow. The new church is a'liauds'omo frame structure of modem design and was constructed by Hower & Stender. It is a valuable nnd beautiful addition to tho large number of churches lu this putt of the city nnd will tako the place of the Cellar avenue chapel. The order of services for tomorrow will be us follows: 0.00 a. in, Informal Greeting, 9.10 a. in. Public Worship. Sermon by Hev. Dr. C. M. Glflln, D. D. 11.00 a. in. Address by J. W. Powell, of New York. 3,00 p. in. Young people's rally, Rev. A. Giiilln, D, D chuirmnn. Addresses by former pastors and by J, W, Powell, COO p. m. Epworth League devotional service. 7.00 p. m. Public worship. Sermon by Rev. H. C. MeDermott, D, D fol lowed by nn address by Mr. Powell, a'ter which Presiding Elder Rev. Dr. Austin Giiilln will formally dedlcuto the church according to the ritual of tho M. E. church. NUBS OF NEWS. At the tlreon HUlae Cash Store; rnnoy lettuce tic, celery 10c, puro strained honey In Jars 15c, new luick ulieut Hour 7uc, llmburcer mul Swiss cheese, California Krnpes, carrots, liaro nilia, srjuasli, pumpkins, turnips, rutn, etc, In; Schloy's T.iuiK IlealiHK Halsam Is guaranteed to cuio all couk!i "Nii cure, nu pay.'' For Mle by all dealer.-.. AMUSEMENTS. Grand Concert of 'run Scranton United Choral Society AT T1IU Lyceum Theatre, Monday Evening, November 17th Filces 35c, 50c, 75c, nnd $1.00. Dluzram will open Filday, Nov. U. Goldsmith's Bazaar Trade Tg. fou Won't Know What Your'e Missing If You Don't Come To Our . Dress Goods . Sale. The Handkerchief Sale, Too. BsmaaESsaassBEM - 9 Imported Liqueurs and Cordials With the approach of the Holidays, your side board equipment will be quite incomplete if it lacks an After-Dinner Cordial or Liqueur. We suggest one or more of these: Chartrpuso, Yellov- Label, quarts ....$2.19 Ilcnedlctine and Lb Grand, per bottle. t.l0 'rpmc de Monthe 1.W Creme do Roso '"' Kummel, RuflBirn t.23 Orders by mnll or 'phonn nro filled without delny. Old 'Phone 2162 tf B M Sales Departments fl 214 LACKAWAMNAAvt.SCRAtlTONV AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theater, ThiE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA fritz SCHELL, Conductor, and sixty-five people. SoIolst-AiiR-ust Spaniith. Pianist. Tickets, noc. to $I.S0. Diagram opens Saturduy, Nov. 13, ut D n, m. Lyceum Theatre, M. Itels, Lessee, nnd Mnnngor. A. J. Duffy. HuMnesa Manager, Friday Night, Nov. 14 Saturday Matinee and Night Nov. 15 KNUAUH.M11NT UK And her superb company In Carina Jordan'-, romantic drama, THE LILY AND THE FRINGE 1're.sented on nil elaborato scale villi mtiBnlllecnt scenery. Direction of Kdward C, White. PIUCKS-Matlneo, $1,00, 75c. 50c. Ke. NlKllt, $1.50, 51.00, 75c, 50c, Mo. Seats on sale, . as5Dv Nov. 19 ROBERT EDESON IN mni.UUi 11AHDINC! DAVIS" SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE Flist tlmo hole; 150 nWlit at Savoy Thu aier. N. V SttnJe vellm by AugnstiiS Thomas. .Maiiugciiieul Henry 11 it.iuls. I'mfUS-Jl.W, $1.W, 70c, 50v , :'jl. Seats on -wlo Monday at 0 a in, Lawyers The Tribune will guarantee to print your paper book quicker than any oth er printing housu in tho city. j- v-1-"' i..i..A.i..rty.lrP"r.ff. -. iiT Bi Mark "Nothing Succeeds Like Success" And our Dress Goods Sale proves the truth of this axiom. Here's what does it. Dress Goods Worth 25c the yard, for 1 9c the yard Dress Goods Worth 50c the yard, for 39c the yard Dress Goods Worth 75c the yard, for 59c the yard Dress Goods Worth 39c and 49c yd, for 29c the yard Dress Goods Worth 65c to 75c yd, for 49c the yard Dress Goods Worth $1 to $1.50 yd for 79c the yard What about the Handker chief Sale? Nothing; except that it is going on and the lots are getting smaller. Just what we expected, with such prices on such Handkerchiefs Did you get yours ? WXfvJhSWPKSnrUfmi' Nevr 'Phono 2974 AMUSEMENTS. Tuesday Evening) Nov. 18th, At The Dixie Theatre HENRY FAnNSWOIU'II DIXIE Lessee, and Manager, Week of Nov. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Noil, litchfieltf. Mac and Elliott. Maxwell and Dudloy. Ihe Great Spauldlng. Gubest Sisters. Mac nnd Mnc. Will Tomkins. ,Tn addition have retained Lockhart'a Elephants MATINF.D I.ndles, 10 cents; Men, 0 cents. Academy of Music M. Itels, Lessee, and Manager. A. J. Duffy. Business Manager, 3 Nights !,$ Nov. 13, (Mutluco Every Day.) Lincoln J. Carter's Mugnlllcent Scenlfl Production THE DARKEST HOUR Willi the Eminent Oerman Comedian, Chns. A, (Karl) Gardner And n Competent Company ot Players. 1'IUCES AUtluee. 15 and 25 cents. Night, 13, 'J5, :ts and W cents. AM NEXT WEEK .Matinees dally. Htartlim Tuesday MYRKLE-HARDER STOCK CO. Monday Night "Tho Naval Cadet ' STAR THEATRE ALF, Q. HCnRINGTON, Manager. Thmsday, Filday and Saturday, NOV. 13, U AND 13. "The Brigadiers" MATINEES 15VEHY DATS ?- j-Xj.iL... ,o- . '"., J !Vi.v ,,. i - , "L-j !..... St Lt,.-B