The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
" ," .ss-y- r 'V i -1 t THE SCRANtfOtf TRIBUNE- SAT UK DAI', JVOVEittBER 15, 1902. fljjh ?r -i. , 'f xxxxxxxxx; The Modem Iteuidware Stove. The Paxton Roaster r Is mi up-lo-itato hnuvckertilng necessity. The Thanksgiving lon.Mt Is nn UPHIIlVll HIICCCSS If tlin Patlon Hoaster Is uscil. Pileci, 00c, G6c, 7Bc and 00c. Foote & Shear Co. Q it 9 Washington Ave. Q xxxxxxxxxxxxx 'g56PSIT with us ANDtfWg iSttiL-kEVER jtmhtmi i i m If you Insist upon keeping your sui (tlus money around the house you are ouutl to have It stolen sooner or later. .Deposit with us and make sure of Its s.ifety. Every month you leave It with us It .s gaining Interest for you. THE DIME BANK, Cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spruce St., Scranton. Scranton investor Vol. 10. Council Building. No. 11. HHfl.' 8 0 r, ifeffii ! v.' CoMW . WJ W t1 . o W it Ctf 5 - '" o 'i z . Five slimes of United States Lumber o. stock for sale. One share of International Text Rook Co. stock for sale. V.ICHARD ERNEST COMEGYS & CO., 70S Connell Building. The flardenbergh School of Miisic and flrf Private nnd class Instruc tion. A complete and broud education fiom foundational to normal and post-graduate work. Catalogue mailed. Corres pondence solicited. Carter building, GOI Linden stieet. 1. F. MEGAKGEL & CO., Stocks, Bonds and Securities Connell Building. Both Phones. Get "The Lackawanna Finish" On Your Linen. 308-310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. mm DIARY RECORD. Scranton Business College, Moud.iy, Nov. 10. A coal company nsks for nine yming inen totths(bt on reports. Sent tlueo at n',75 ler day. Miss Miugutet Hopkins repoits that Bhe Is stenogiupher for the Boston Tea company. Tuesduy, Nov. 11. Miss Bessie Buck ingham Boes to woik as stenogiupher lor the Pennsylvania Casualty Co. Wednesday, Noy. U A railway com pany asks for n lady stenographer. A coal company asks for a ludy stjn grapher. Thursday, Nov. IX Mr, Frank lluu na, chief stenographer to the Stilko Commission, called for two young men. Friday, Nov. . Sent Cieoim Iteln. aardt and Ueit Harris to Mr. ilunnu. i iSsBSE DEDICATION OP NEW CHURCH exercises will take place tomorrow 'morning. It Is the Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Evangelist at Plttston Avcnuo and Pig Street, South Scranton Ground Was Broken for the Structuro on March 17, 1800. Rt. Rev. BlBhop Hoban Will Dedi cate tho Building and Celebrate the First Mask. Tho r.oinnii Cnthollo 'church of St. John tho Kvunscllst, nt Plttston ave nue ami Pig street, South Hamilton, will be dedicated to the services of the Most High tomorrow morning with the Imposing- cetctnouUils which the church prescribes for such occasions. It Is n beautiful structure and rep; tesetits years of work on the part of the pastor, Rev. K. J. Melley, and the members of his devoted congregation, who have held up the hands of Father Melley in the great task he undertook m hen the ground was broken for the building on March 17, 1000. For yeurs befoie that tho necessity (I'" a new church had been felt, nnd plans feie being matured for a church -lliat would be a worthy temple of the Loid as well as a permanent home for the congregation which had worshipped in the frame building on Fig street fiom the time It was dedicated by the late nt. Rev. Bishop O'Haia on April 17, 1&S7. The parMi was cieated In 1SSG and Rev. It. A. McAndrew, now of St. -Mary's chinch, of Wilkes-Burt e, was the fit st pastor. In 1SS9 lie was trans l'ei red to AVllkes-Barre, and Rev. K. J. Melley became pastor. The thrift, ag gressiveness and purpose that has marked his pastorate the beautiful stiiK'tme that will tomorrow be dedi cated by Kt. Rev. Bishop Hoban in part spnks eloquently of. Dedicatory Services. The dedicatory services will begin at 10.30 o'clock and will be conducted by Rt. Rev. Bishop Hoban, who will also celebrate a pontltfcal high mass. Bishop John L. Spauldlng, of Peoria, III., will also be present, and Bishop 11. A. CJarvey, of Altoona, will preach the sermon. The music of the mass will be sung by the church choir un der the direction of Miss Kate Rear don, accompanied by Bauer's orches tra. The programme of the music fol lows: I'roto-slonnl March Kdwaid Klcslvr Oicho.stra and Oigiiu, Kyile, f i otn MIsmi I'm Pace. Theo. Von Lallnche Oloila, from Ml.ssa Pio Pace, Theo. Von l.allauhe 1'iedo, from Mlssa I'io Pace, Theo. Von l.allaehe OiTui lory. Solo anil Quartette, "O Cor Amoi is Vlctlinu" Lamuilot to MNies Wlnlficd Slelvln. Elizabeth Dur- kln, Mary Murray; Messrn. Thotnus Needham and .Tames JLingan. Kaiictiis Haydn's Third Mass Hciu'dlcliiH Haydn's Tlilrd Min-s Agnus Del Mozait's Twelfth Mut.s To Uoiun (Otosscr Clott), AA. by W. IV Schilling The solo parts of the mass will be sung by the following members of the choir: .Misses Catharine Coyne, Eliza beth Uutklu, Winifred Melvln, Annu Mollltt, Thomas Needham and James Mcingan, Thote will be solmen vespers at 7.H0 In the evening, and Very Rev. P. F. Hiodrlek, V. F., of Susquehannn, will preach, The musical programme for the evening follows: Wspcis In ' . II. Rosewig CoclcHtis Urbs V II, Rosewls Salve Regltiu, doublo qnaitette. r.iimbllotto MlhS-cs Cortllide Mugee, Cathoillio Coyuu, Helen Real don, Double lluiuu; Jle.ssiu, Thomas Needham, John Caitney, James Maitgaii, Hubert Coyne The solo parts will ho sung by Misses Winifred Melvln, ElUabeth Durkln, Mary Murray, Elizabeth Coyne, Wini fred Dm kin und Jumes Mungun, Description of Church, Tho church Is of the Oothle style of archltecturo and was designed by Atchltect T'eniviil J. Jlotrls, who Is to be congratulated on tho results lie achieved, m, J. Ruddy did the stone and bilek work, nuc.v4MuU-rln & Judge tho wood work throughout. P. F, & M, T, How ley did the plumbing, The building Is 1,10 reel long and has a width of 8S feet and u seating capacity of 1,100, Red bilck, with Indiana lime stone w'jb the material used In the ex terior, und the roof Is of red tiles. The basement Is twelve feet high and will bu used for the Sunday school, church entertainments, otc. It will also have a movable ultar, and can be used for the celebration of mass f oc casion should arise to make It'deslruble to use It for that purpose. The church faces PIttston avenue, and has three entrances ou the front which are reached by flights of stone steps. Admission Is gained to the vestibule through swinging doors of white oak. The vestibule Is trimmed 9 CHUKGH OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. A ft Ei Pitt, wlftii in" This morning in St. Luke's Parish House, ton's program may be found elsewhere Conservatory students admitted free. In quartered oulc nnd has it mosaic tiled Moor nnd plastered cornices. Above the main entrance Is a carved pedestal upon which will bo placed a statue of St. John the Evangelist. A cross nt nn altitude of 100 feet from the ground surmounts the square, stately tower. The church proper Is of beautiful proportions. The nave, side aisles, transepts and sanctuary nre lighted by stained glass windows. The sanctuary Is thirty-two feet deep and Is vaulted. The trusses through the nave test on figures of angels with outstetched wings. These trusses are illled with tracety and at the junctures of the nave with the transepts form a chaste group. On either side of the main nl tnr are two smaller altars. There ure four sacristies two on a level with the sanctuary nnd two above it. The height of tho ceiling in the nave Is sixty feet and in the side nisles it av erages twenty-five feet. All the wood work throughout the structute is of quarter-tawed white oak. There .are double confessionals on each side of the transept. Inteiior Decorations. The friese in the aisles Is of heavy moulded stereo-relief, and under the elere story windows there Is a friese of similar design studded with electric bulbs. On each cluster of columns are heavy gold-lacquered solid brass com bination lixtutes for gas and electric ity. The choir loft is lighted by two heavy gold-lacquered standards. In the vaulted celling of the sanctuary are a number of incandescent lights. The entire electric system of lighting the church is controlled by a switch board in tho sacristy. Stained glass windows that nre works of art admit light to the build ing. They were presented by the fol lowing: James Grogan, In memory of his wife, Elizabeth Grogan: Rev. E. J. Melley, Francis J. nnd Catharine Mel lody, C. G. and Mary Boland, Michael J. and Margaret Ruddy, Catholic Relief and Beneficial Association, John and Mary Gibbons, Martin McDonough, Dr. nnd Mrs. John J. Walsh und the La dles' Catholic Benevolent Association. Seven More Lists. Seven mote blight young persons sent lists of words yesterday to The Tribune's Junior Educantlonal contest. They were: Lucy M. 'Morse, 5:'3 Adams avenue. Nellie M. Gunsauls, Forest City. Frederick L. Brown, Jr., 6.!3 Madison avenue. Fteld.t Al worth, Olyphant. Lillian Henderson, CarhoiTdule, Sarah Adams, Chinchilla. Annual Meeting if Hahnemann Hospital. The annual meeting of the Hahne mann hospital will be held at Guernsey hall, Washington avenue, November no, at S o'clock p, in. At said meeting an amendment to Article VIII, Section 1, of the by-laws Is proposed, Increasing the advisory board,. Emellne K. Richmond, Secretary. Dr. D. B. Hand's Office. Is In tho Rookery building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street arid not on Penn avenue. Dr. Hand will be found In his office from 2 to 5 in the afternoon uud from 7 ta 9 in tho evening. Fancy tinted Malaga grapes, Tokays, Conilchons and Emperors, Florida and Jamaica oranges, fancy lemons, new layer figs, new Persian dutes, and tho finest assortment or ht tiffed Heh and dates In the city, The Pierce Co., 110 to 1H Penn avenue. Fresh Imported cigars, Lackawanna avenue, Coursen, 429 "LIKE TURKEY" Well. If ou do. rail and get a latgo DOUBLE ROASTING PAN, fitted with an Improved ventilator; this will enable you to toast your THANKSGIVING TUBKEY to perfection, We ate giving 'these ROASTERS awav with an iS-owicu can of A. & P. BAKING POWDER, 5oe. Choice Seedless Raisin, "Muscatel" 10c, ib Steamed Cleaned Currants , ,.lOc. )b thFgreat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,, 411 Itckawanna 'Phone, 7J-2, Ave. . 321 N. Main Avo. Prompt Delivery. Mr. Penning in this paper. POUR CONTESTANTS MAKE SELECTIONS Hemy E. Collins, A. L. Clark, Lewis Bates nnd Harry Madden Are Rewarded. Four scholarships were chosen yes terday by u like number of the win ners 'In the Tribune's recent education al contest. Henry H. Collins, of Klzers, chose u scholarship in the Scrnnton Business college, valued nt $100. A. L. Clark, of Green Grove, selected a scholarship In Alfred Woolcr's vo cal studio, valued at $S0. Lewis Bales, of Scranton, was satis fied with n scholarship In the Scranton Business college, valued at $100. Harry Madden, of Scranton, chose a scholarship in the Lackawanna Busi ness college, valued at $85. TESTING NEW BRAKE. An Electrical Device That May Be Adopted by the Scranton Rail way Company. For tho past several days the man agement of the Scranton Railway com pany have been experimenting with a new brake known as a. "Magnetic Brake." This brake Is placed on a car which is operated on the Petersburg line, as this is considered one of the severest, lines on brakes that is oper ated by the Street Railway company. The new brake appears to be better adapted for conti oiling cars than any thing ever used for this purpose In the city. The brake is so constructed that not only does it retard the wheels un der the car but also brakes on the rail. The track brake and wheel brake is entirely Independent of the hand brake which stlH lemalns on the car. The brake is operated by electricity, nnd when It is applied with full force the rail brakes are attracted to the rail at a force of about two thousand pounds. The power for the application of the brakes is obtained from the mo tois of the car Itself, and not from the trolley wire, and, therefore, the brakes work as well with the power off of the line as when it is on. The retarding power is so distributed between the rail and the wheels that It makes a sudden stop possible without skidding the wheels, and for this leason it Is particularly valuable in doing away with Hat wheels. A car going at the rate of fifteen miles per hour can be stopped in Its own length. Ice on the rail or slippery rail do not affect the application of the brake. The shoes will seize and cling to the rail legardless of Its condition, and as the track shoes are between the wheels of the motor ttuck they will clear the rail effectively for the hind, wheels and enable the whole braking system to be effective. The sutplus power used in connection with this brake is sufficient to furnish heat for the tar. These brakes are used extensively in Pitts biug, where there are only two cars in tho entire city that are not equipped with magnetic brakes. They nre re potted to give very good satisfaction In the "smoky city." A Tribune man in discussing the mat ter with Mr. SUllman learned fiom that gentleman that if the brake worked as successful in Scranton ns it lins been teportid to have done In other cities, large numbeis of the Scranton Rail way company's cars will bo equipped with this brake. Mr. SUllman also stat ed that he expected to have a number of new cars in service next spring. m Republican City Committee. Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the Republican city committee for the city of Scranton will be held in the rooms of the Central Republican club, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa on Tuesduy evening, the ISth day of November, at S o'clock p. m for the purpose of fixing a time for holding the primaries for the nomination of a city recorder, and such other offices as may come up for nomination under the rules of said Republican city committee. All members of city committee ate urgently tequested to attend this meet lug. C, E, Chittenden, Chairman, George W. Marshall, jr., Secietary, Dressmaking Done nt your home. Kellogg system; expeilenced. Address S. A. Herring, 412 Mndlsou avenue, City and School Txes 1002. Tho above tux duplicates are paw in my hands for collection. F. S. BARKER, City Treasurer. 8 for 25c. American cigars. Com sen. Florida Grape Fruit 10c, 3 for 25c Florida Oranges, 40c per cioz. TODAY 1 Can Corn 1 Can lleans 30c 1 Can Tomatoes J Asparagus, large cans, 19c. California Peaches, Lemon Cling, 18c, Apricots, 15c par can, 1 E. G. Coiirsen, FANCY GROCER. WILL LECTURE MONDAY NIGHT DR. PETERS WILL BE HEARD IN PENN AVENUE CHURCH. His Subject Will Be "Why I Became a Baptist" His First Charge Af ter Entering tho Ministry Was n Presbyterian Church in Phlladcl. phla Fob. 1, 1000, Dr. Petors Stirred tho Religious World by Entering tho Baptist Church Ij in Great Demand a3 a Lecturer. Mndlsou C. Paters, who Is to deliver n free lecture at the Penn Avenue Hap. list church Monday evening on "Why I Bccnmo a Baptist," wirs born In Lc high county, Pennsylvania, forty-thrca years ago. His ancestors came front Germany about ISO years ngo. Dr. Peters has made his own way In tho wot Id since ho was S years of age. At 15 ho taught school. After a your 'tit Muhlenberg college, nt Allentown, Pa., ho spent two years at Franklin nnd REV. DR, MADISON C. PETERS. Marshall college, at Lancaster, Pa, At 18 lie entered the theological depart ment of Heidelberg university. Tiffin, O. He worked his own way through school, doing odd jobs about the town, working on the forms during vacation, preacling and lecturing as opportun ity afforded. While other young men swung Indian clubs, Madison C. Peters sawed wood for his daily bread. It was this sys tem of athletics which has given this preacher such toughness of fibre and superb power of endurance. He began his ministry in Indiana. Next wo find him at Ottawa, HI., opening a. church which had been closed for several years. So great were the crowds who came to listen to him that timing the warm weather he conducted his ser vices, in the public park, wheio in a town of 12,000 people, frequently 4.000 people gatheted to hear him. People came thirty miles.. Wont to Philadelphia. His fame soon reached Philadelphia, and at 21 years of age liOAbecame pas tor of one of the oldest Presbyterian churches In Philadelphia, where ho ac complished results that mystified thote who watched him: for 11 vo years Dr. Peters preached to the largest Pro testant audiences lu Philadelphia. Thirteen yeais ago when Dr. Peters was but 29 years of age, he was called to the Bloonilngdale church, on Broad way and Sixty-eighth street, New York. Inherited wealth enabled n small congregation to build one of tho hand somest church edifices in that city of magnificent churches, costing neatly half a million dollars. Beginning with less than 100 the Bloonilngdale chinch became one of the most Influential In the metropolis. Dr. Peters' congrega tion represent eleven diffetent denomi nations. On Feb. 1, 1900, Dr. Petors stirred the religious world by resigning his posi tion of power and influence and laying Fancy Shirts (aarners"standard Per cales In Nobby full pat terns, cut to fit nnd well made In every respect. All sizes. One pair link cuffs to match, Yme Served at J, D. WILLIAMS & BROTHER'S TRY IT. S I -00 whwrn ico r n r. aegEk SJWA J III h GTONxar avc b spruce stv down one of tho most successful pas torates any man over enjoyed, bceum-e ho had come to the conclusion that the Biblo taught baptism for believers only nnd that ho would practice Iniunt baptism no longer. Dr. 1'eters thus stepped fiom the heights to begin life over nguln its a Baptist minister. Ho did not watt for f-oinothlng to turn up, but wont over to Brooklyn, took bold of a church which was almost aban doned and which on nccouut of Its great debt Boomed doomed to die. Took on Now Life. llaptlstB generally had feared that tho Summer Avenue church would liiivo to go under the hummer. With Dr. Peters' coming to tho church now life entered It. Tho crowds began to gather, and In eighteen months n $37, 000 debt was paid, whllo thousands more wore rnlred for Improvements'. The membership Increased from 100 to 42fi, whllo the congregation was doublo the membership. Dr. Peters did not expect to become tho settled pastor In this church, as ho preferred to have a church more centrally located for tho purpose of reaching the masses. After a supply of six months, however, he felt It wise for tho snkn or tho church to become installed as pastor. Numerous ovcrtuies wore made to Dr. Peters to leave tho Brooklyn church, which Is In n purolyrcslden tlal section of Brooklyn, but nothing could Induce him to leave this church until the call came to Baltimore. Dr. Peters felt that because of the stra tegic, location of tho Tabernacle ho could reach the great ciowds, which ho wns accustomed to gather In New York. In this Dr. Peters has not been disappointed. The spacious Taber nacle at St. Pnul street and North avenue, Id already crowded tn over flowing at both services, and plans aio now considered for the building of a new structuro which will hold tho thousands who are thronging to hear this earnest preacher. In Great Demand. Dr. Peters Is In great demand ns a lecturer, preacher on special occasions, while as nn utter-dinner speaker he hits been considered for years one of the most popular In Now York. He knows how to dress his thoughts In attractive form, his wit is charming, while few can tell a story better than he. Dr. Peteis is the author of twenty two books, among which his "Justice to the Jew," "The Wit and Wisdom of the Talmud," and "The Jew as a Patriot" are the most famous. If you have never tried Deerfoot Farm sausage, you have missed one of the good things that we have in the way of eatables. We also offer you this morn ing fancy maple syrup, buckwheat flour and various brands of pancake flour. The Pierce Co., 110 to 114 Penn avenue. Important Changes In train servii e ou the Delaware and Hudson, talcing effect Sunday, Novem ber 10. Time-table showing changes can be had at local agents, Saturday, No vember 15. Dr. Lindabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 213 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p.. m.; 7 to S.30 p. m. Pay your poor tax to avoid costs. II. CI. Dale, Collector. TO SICK PEOPLE Osteopathy is the suiost quickest and very often the only cute for Rheu matism, Ablhmn, Neurasthenia, Par alysis and many othec? Chronic Dis eases nnd deformities. Scores of peo ple In Scranton and Iclnltv have been cured by osteopathy nfter having their tioubles pronounced inicuiablo by oth er systems of treatment. Lot mo pte fer vou to some of them. Dr. Herbert I. Furman, Consultation and Kxuinlnntion Fiee. Mornings, Cat tor Building, C01 Lin den stteet. Afternoons and Evenings, l.'hiO North Washington avenue. You Can Always Save The middleman's pro fit by purchn&liig your umbrellas or patasols dlteet from tho manii tacturer. Special In ducements just now in order to clear out our stock preparatory to making up our Clulstmas lino.' Vo are tho only exclusive umbrella fnnnu factmcis In tho city. SCBANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. 313 SPRUCr, STIH3LT. 225 Singers The Scrauton Uiiited Choral Society consisting of tho best voices In this city will give a grand conceit at tho Lyceum, Monday evening, Nov. IT. IC'ij, nt which tho eompetltlvo pieces of tho UtouKlyu Festival will bo sung. Ladies' Chorus 112 voices. Men's Chorus 113 voices. Grand Chorus 225 voices, Kegiilnr Prices. Established 1UGG Ff P t M-4 wfl. yiiiiity It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able t make their own selection of skins for garments. We are now In th9 exduslve fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf the fol" lowing high-grade furs : ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLK MINK CHINCHILLA ' BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue, . A tSaws.... Are of superior quality. Our assortment is complete. ' ' 4 4 Wc want yoor saw business. t Eittenbender & 126-128 Franklin Ave. 4. .j. .. .j. 4. .;. .j. .; .j. .$. .j. 4. .. .;. 4, 4, .j, .j, fmxsmmmmmtasEsasmBtm We Will Give Green Trading Stamps I with every dollar's worth I purchased today. Cut This Out. Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Company, Corner Wyoming and Lackawanna Avenues. Too Early I to Think of Christmas Yet Not at all. You have moro time, we have a. larger stock to choose from. If you select a piano or any other instrument now, we will hold it for you till you need it. Stelnway, Stock, Chase, Kranlch & Bach and Monroe i PIANOS f N.- L Hulbert, 1 17 Wyoming Ave. fttittllHHftS!llt!lllU4 Novelties in j Fancy and Art Goods For Christens Nothing nicer for Xmas g'i'ts than a beautiful hand made piece of art or fancy woik. Wo have many new novel ties too numerous to men tion and also all necessary material for working. Cram?n--WeIIs Co., 130 Wyoming Avenue' High-Class Furs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA FOX SABLE FOX WHITE FOX BLUE FOX BLACK FOX BEAR Cash Paid for Raw Purs, Atkin's 1 15 foBgSCiB : L-- "h