TST 7'' ,s"" 'wjVfls"'iS,ffl' rWffl7 'THf(' "'HI V-Pjw-flJtf (W w?B?t-pv ' '"i it: sj-TiTsfH555K , , ., ,- .,.. -.,. r...,, . .,....,-,., , -rf n?-.- ' " t V t f? f- VmMMJ'V'' sfT?ttT "1','" 'H''' W .n-.TF i " " irf I ;'.,' -H, Wu r THE SCRANTON TJUBUNE-SATUHDAY NOVEftlfiEtt 15, 1902. DO YOU NOTICE Children Squint? Voxins ehlldten hnvliig n teif dency to squint can be cured nnd before having their eVei? taxed by study, should have them examined. A child's cyrsdRht la not fully developed until several years after the usual school use, rind every precaution should lie taken to preserve It, Defects (if vision In childhood can he over come. If let run on to maturity these defects can never he ovFtcomc, they only can ho relieved. AsIIbiuhIIc trouble fieiiuelillv exists without the knowledge of the person eonccrned, As it mat ter of fact n very Int'Ro per cent, of the people have astigmatism This Is a very harmful defect and shoutd be attended to bv a com petent eye specialist. I am prepared to give you ad vice In this matter, ronect ail vice, Night savlntr advice. I am thoroiiKhly equipped for making examinations of children's eyes and will pi escribe (?laseS otfly where absolutely needed. ' One charge covers the entire cost of cxnmhmtlon, glasses frames. DR. B. A. BAER UYE SPECIALIST. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN 331 Washington Ave. taasm scranton. ia mmx& Coiinly Savings Bank and Triisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. ui z o a o z a. u Mil's nrt together with her elinlnihiR man ner win for her hosts of nilnililiiK frlcmls wherover alio appems. Philadelphia Orchestra Sale. The sale of seats for the Philadelphia, ineheslia conceit to bo idven Tuesday eveuhiK next Nov, Is, openi at the I,y cciini lliealer this imiriilni?. Church Supper Tlntrsdny. TIm ladles of the, I'eiiu Avenue chuie.1i will have one of (heir delltihtftil suppers next Tlimsday evening, which will bo up. pi opt late to the TlmiiksRlvliift sonson. A High Howling Score. MiiN. I'Vliltiian, of the (.'mnbiliili linn ling tenia, made a seme uf lisil on the Noitii Heiiinton alleys last iiIrIiI. Tills Is bo lleveil to hi- the IhirosI Individual seoic ever made In the city. w To Consider Bond Ordinance. A liieetlliR of the llnnilee oouunlttee of common council will be held on Mnndit) nlBlit nest rnr the pmpo.se of taklliR ac tion mi the oidlinilice pmvltllmr lor llio 1siie ot :s,.(iiin win th of builds for city llnpiovcim nts. Women's Auxiliary Meeting. The twentieth mil. Hal meeting of the Women's AtiNlllan of the illoeese of Central I'ennsyhanla will bo held In St. Iiitke's church nit Wednesday, November 1!'. S'ei.lnns will be hell) al M.M a. in. anil T. 1.1 i. in. Illshnil J'arli'ldRc, f I ji pn ii, nml Dbliop .Mann, of China, will deliver iiiIiIicm-s at the nlRht session. IS IN GREAT NEED OF FUNDS CONTRIBUTIONS WANTED FLORENCE MISSION. AT At the Annual Meeting Held Yester day Mrs. J. L. Crawford, the Pi est dent, Told of the Financial Embar rassments of the Past Year and Called for Help' in the (Brent Woilc Being Accomplished Many Girls Are Being Led Into the Ways of Right Living. iU:MAKKAIH,i: SUCCKS9 Receives Deposits in Sums of and pays 3 per leiest thereon. $1 and cent. 111- L. A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Wm. F TTnllslentl, Tlvnretl W.ineti, K. P KhiRsbmy, XiiK'ist ljulilnson, O. S. Johnson .Jim. O'liiion, L. A. Wati'cs. Will Pay Portion of Cost. W. W. Sciiintnti, piesldeut of the Pciimtoit Clns ami Water inmpmy. bus nuiecd to p.iy une-Uilid of the cii-t of put ting the IJnst .Moiintulii ni.id In Rood re pair mid 10 pay the coit of Keeping It 111 lepnlr for thice jeais providing the city iiRices to pay the other two-thhds. An Item piovldhiR Jul- the icp.ilr of (his stieel is Inclndi d In the hit; bond iiidtmmi e now III the band-' of tile iliiuuce louunlllee. Lackawanna Officials. I'loldcnt V. II. Tine.-'ibtle. Vice Pre dent I!. U. Caldwell, lieiieral Snpi'ilu tendent T. K. (Mail;. Chief lOimlncer W. Is. .Mel 'in Mil, Uli colors Hnlier, .Maxwell and (ii.'iM's, ot the l.achaw.iMia railroad, weie in tin' tlty a shint time ye.sleiday. They in lived In .1 speii.il tinln I10111 Itul talo at .'I o'clock and left .shortly aller- vnids for New Vnik. Vice I'rcshlont II II, l.iinmli was not with the p.iit.v. lie icmalned in the cllj to attend the stslons or the aiithincite stllhu comiiils'.son. A NEW FIRM. Drs. John T. Downing- and Virgil A. Hook Have Formed a Partnership. The Tribune recently received the fol lowing iinnouneemeiu: "Dr. John T. DownliiR and IDr. Vlrsll A. Hook de sire to announce their forma tion of a p.irtneiship for tile practice of Oste opathy. They will, utter November 1, WOJ, practice together under the film iggBjBFSfj--! 1JI1. Is satisfied at our store. We have extra Inducements to olfer you. We have Just leceived first ship ment of New Wall p.iper.s for sprlUR, lflO: some very choice patterns also a Inrse assortment of Plctuie frames to select from. We invite Jim to cull and see how far your dollar will ro. Jacobs & Fasoid, 20) Washington Ave. JOHN DOWNING. poooooooooooooooo 0 .,. ,..... X' iney uraw well. $ Morris' Magnet Cigars S OTIi" host vaino for .1 cents. Trv one nml mih will smr.kn ether. ll l'f le.idloir lnnnils of ."c. clcnis nt fl V. prr bo::, or r, for 23e. The l.irjiBst 111lety ot Pipes and Ti'liaeroa 111 town. E. C. MORRIS, Tub Cigar Man 3S3 Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO name of Drs. Downing & Hook, tte opathle Physicians, and will bo found every weekday In their olliies, suite yni- .", Hoard of Tr.ide Huildiny;. Kcr.mton, P.i." Dr. DowiiIhk bus. had a Iiu-rc and suc cessful pi.-u'tlcc in Scr.iiiton for mote than two years past, and Informs a Tri bune repoiter th.it his constantly in (.lenslufr practice- has rendered assist ance Imperative, fte Is a Kradimte of Piinceton university, and of the Na tional School of Ostiopnthy, Kansas City, Jin,, and post-graduate of the At lantic School of Osteopathy, and Is one ol the very fmemost exponents of the new science. Dr. J look Is a Ki-aduate of the Ameri can School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllie, Ho.. imiUr the fouiukr of the science, The annual meeting of the board of inaniiKers of the Kloience mission was held yesterday at the 'home on Harri son avenue, and was largely attended by 11 number Interested In the work, not only from this city but Horn I'lttston mid Caibondale as well. The following olllceis weie unani mously elected: Honorary president, .Mrs. Thomas Dickson; piesldeut, Mrs. J. I.. Ci'ii vf oul; first vice-president, .Mrs. A. D. Htelle; second vice-president, .Miss Jennie Iteynolds; refolding secretary, .Mrs. W. S. Dlclil; correspond ing secietury, .Mrs. (i. Edgar Dean; tieasurer, JIIss I K. Huniiah. The annual report was presented by JIis. J. U Crawford, the lircsldelit. She inferred at some length to the retire ment of Miss Robinson, the matron, and the appointment of Mrs. rjnrdncr In her stead. The latter, she said, gles every promise of Oiling the position 11s acceptably as did Miss Robinson. She said that all the girls who have been released fiom the home are doing well and seemed to have been turned into the- paths of righteousness. Mrs. Ciuwford said that It has been found Inexpedient to release some ot the girls at the end of two years. One young girl of M, who Is now at the mission, has been Indentured to the management until she reaches the age of '21. She leferred to some of the eIiIs who have been rescued from 11 state of almost total depravity and who have turned out to be the most promising ones. The financial embarrassment which the management felt at certain limes during (he year was referred to, and the assistance rendered in an hour of need by .Mrs. Tlmbernian-Handolpb was gratefully acknowledged. The girls at the home at the present time are being taught sewing and curpet-weaving, Mrs. Crawford said, and are thus being grounded In habits of industry. "Dear friends," said Mis. Crawford. In conclusion, "we need not merely your money, but your help and your actual personal woik. Will you not come with us and help do the woik of the Master, for we think he has left this for us to do. The time Is mj short that we must stir ourselves and be up and doing while the opportunity Is before us." The urgent need of funds Tor carrying on the work or the home was generally discussed at the meeting, and it was the unanimous opinion that 11 direct appeal to the charitable people of the cily should be made. The next few dtijs will be recognized as general donation days at the home, and con tilbutions or money and provisions will be thankfully received. Of ft Now Catarrh due. A huge and constantly Inci easing majority ot the American people are catarrh sufferers. This Is not entirely the lesult of our changeable climate, hut because modem Investigation has clearly proven that ninny diseases, known by other mimes, are really ca tarrh, conneily the, name catarrh was applied almost exclusively to the com mon nasal catarrh, hut the throat, stomach, liver, bladder, kidneys and Intestines are subject to catarrhal dis eases as well as the nasal passages. In fact, wherever theie Is mucous membrane there Is it feeding ground for catarrh. The usual remedies, Inhalers, sprays, douches or powders have been practic ally falluies, as far as anything more thnn temporary tellef was concerned, because they simply dry up the mucous secretions, without having the remotest effect-upon the blood and liver, which irre the real sources of catarrhal dis eases. ft has been known for some years that the radical cure ot catarrh could never'come from local applications, but from an Internal remedy, acting on the blood and expelling the catarrhal poison from the system. A new Internal preparation which has been on the mnrket only a short time, nns met with remarkable success as a genuine radical cure for catarrh. It may be found In any drug store, sold under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, large pleasant tasting lozenges, composed principally or antiseptic in gredients, Wood-root, Red Gum and similar catarrh specifics. Dr. AInslee in snenklnir of the new catarrh cute says: "I have tried the new catarrh remedy, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, upon thirty or forty patients with remarkable satisfactory results. They clear the head and throat more effectually and lastingly than any (louche or inhaler that I have ever seen and although they are what Is called a patent medicine and sold by druggists, I do not hesitate to recom mend them as I know them to be free from cocaine and opiates, and that even a child may use them with entire safety." Any sufferer from nasal catarrh. tnroat or bronchial trouble, catarrh of the stomach, liver or bladder will find Stuart's Catarrh Tablets remurkably effective, pleasant and convenient, and your druggist will tell you they are absolutely free from any Injurious drug. ety, nnd the proceeds will bo for the benefit ot the Home of the Good Shep herd. The bishop's recognized stnnd lug as perhaps the most accomplished of living American essayists, and his recpgnlacd ability ns a lecturer, Will undoubtedly assuie 11 large ntlcndance. The Catholic) Choral society will render two numbers, accompanied by ihuier'a orchestra, Interpretation Lesson. Mr. Pennington will give his eighth lilaunforto "Interpretation r.eson" tlec-ture-rcel(al) this morning In St. f.tike's Parish House auditorium. Over one hun dred piano students are on regular at tendance nt theso recitals, and the In terest continues unabated. The pio gramme which Mr. Pennington will piny Is as follows: Sonata In C. minor. Opiu in,...1!eothoven Orave mollo ullegio. Adugln caiilabllc. Hondo allegro. Songs Without Words Mendelssohn (Nos. 1. 2, n and '4.) Impromptu In II lint major, opus Ul (theme and vmliitlons) Schuheit Prelude In D flat, opus 'JS, No. 1.'. .Chopin Mazurka In H Hal, opus 7, No. 1... Chopin Mazurka In '. minor, Opus 7, Nn. 3 Chopin inportant Changes In train service on the Delaware and Hudson, tuklug effect Sunday, Novem ber ll!. Time-table showing changes can be bnd nt local agents, Saturday, November- lli. Green and wax beans, cauliflower, lettuce, radishes, new onions and com plete line of vegetables, turkeys, ducks, chickens, etc. The Pierce Co., 110 to HI Penn avenue. Saturday Money to Loan. We Will Lend You Money on Household Furniture. If You. Are In a Hurry Call on Us. Making New Friends Every Day Are you In need of money? Wo loan any amount from $10 up, on household goods, pianos. The goods remain In your possession. Money In your hands two hours; after application. Loans made for 0110 month or one year, and tit mntiulty loan can bo ex tended without additional cost. No extra charges for papers. Pay ments can he made on Instalment plan; so much per week or per month, We deal honestly nnd fairly with al). Come In and tnllc It over or send for ono of our confidential agents. THERE IS NO EXPENSE to you unless we make the loan. We do business on a plan to make friends. Once a friend, always a friend, and friends upbuild any one's business. You can have any amount here from $10 up on household goods and personal effects. Easy payment plan. IS SHE AT HARVARD OR IN THIS CITY Wide Difference of Opinion as to the Whereabouts of Carrie Nation, the Saloon Wrecker. Bargains Ladies' Fine Kid Button $2.50 Shoes at $1.49. Ladies' Box Calf $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes at $1.49 and $1.69. Ladies' Dongola Button and Lace $1.50 Shoes at 97c it TODAY'S FOOT BALI, GAME. Will Be One of the Greatest Played This Season. One of the greatest foot ball games of the season will be played at Athletic park this afternoon, between St. Thomas I'ollefje team and the Tunkhannock learn. The Jlue-up follows: St. Thomas. Tunhbumiock. Reisman Bros.' Book Shop All the Latest v-upyngnis Y 'The Spenders" Wilson 'IUchnid aoulon'" Black EnR'le Blood" Creolmr.n Tlio lUilllonaiicss" R.iinh "Tjie Whirlwind" Huhes "Judith's Garden" Bassett "ClianUoleei" Tinli JeaebQl" McLaws ''The-Gnbo of the Kiss". , . .Harding "The Errand Boy of Andrew Jackson" Stoddaid 407 Spruce Street 4.3 Mellusll. Jliiugher .... Slfwaid McAndiew .. '.iy .1. liirph.... F. I Ton ley... I'uuell Jlyau ....center ..left suard ..rlBlit tackle... ..left tackle ...,i!k1iL end ....left end Icll half-back iuhl half-back Lewis .. J.elRliton Ij. Harding .. Overlleld Barlow la rd Ins , Martin Stocker ,. Stark OTonlo u-apu... .full-back Cotlin MeC.-uui quarter-buck... Hchnet-ke SuhMltules for at. Thomas C Muiphy, tllgsins, JIniil.v, Oihey and Convely. SiilHlltnti's for TunMl.imiock C. A. Lit tle and Reynolds. TO HAVE ITS OWN BUILDING. In and About The City OiiXOi Boaid of Trade Meeting', lijojmaid ot ir.ulf will met in uvular session next Monday 11 1 mum. John Bone Injured. Jithn Hone, employed at the I'luu Hum); mint'. Miiulncd 11 fraciiuid cimieiu whlju at woik yesu-iday. - Verdict for Bennett. The Jmy in tho cum of I'cKr lleimett iRalnst John Williams yesteidny il lumed a verdict of V, hi favor of he plaintiff. 5 Oreeted by Immense Audionces, Miss c:ota Morils Ciilfihi. who has bsen tntcrtaliilns Iraiiii'iim nudlenuuu In Is'yw Jersey and I'omisylvunlu. bus letiirned to u-i- homo on Summit uyenue. MUs Uiif- nn vinou. a unou. Dr. A T. Still. Or Hook Is one of the pioneer osteopathics In I'l unsylvania, beliiu tint second one to locale In this state, lie bus been tin- piesldeut of tho Atlantic School of fNieopnthy, at WHlses-Pmrre, since Its found. illou until he recently left that Institution to eu RUBit in piivale practice with Dr. Dawning, Both of these gentlemen beliiff of the coiisei'vallve, com-clrnllous type of os teopathic physicians, ami both imvlnt," enjoyed remarkably successful results ! In their Individual piacilces for a milli ner ot yt-.ii, their combined elforts hlmuld Insure to Siranioii mm of tho very last osteopathic Institutions In the. country. Their suite of rooms In the 1 Join 11 of Trade liulldluB Js very haud wmu'ly appointed, and their many friends wish iheui success, IMMENSE FREIGHT TRAFFIC, Largest in the History of the Lack awanna Railroad. Th) transportation of fiehjht and ( oul oyer the Lackawanna railroad Mace ihu 1 lial strlko was declared off has beep the largest 111 the history of the company, and the woik has been handled without delay or accident, Tho company is moving a thousand cm loads uf freight and coal euat, and a thousand west from ricrunton every day. All this In addition to the Immense amount of nassencer hnslmm ihni u I being handled. The Youmr Women's Christian asso ciation Is to have a building1 of Its oami. A meeting of the management and the udvlf-ory board was held on Thursday and definite plans were made for a sys tematic raising of funds. One of tho chief objects Is the estab lishing of a boarding' home wheie self supporting young women may be com foi table. Theie Is urgent need for Mich a place In this city where so many girls ate living without homes. According to telegraphic dispatches, Carrie Nation, home defender, wa,s at Hnivnrd institute yesterday, yet .she was generally believed to be In this city and many persons asserted posi tively that they saw her here. A woman answering her genet. il de scrip! Ion was In O'Connor & Walsh's saloon on Lackawanna avenue yester day morning asking for the proprietor and was later seen in a Penn avenue saloon -where she was trying to locate the man who ran the place. David Jenkins, general delivery clerk at the postoflice, asserts that a middle aged woman asked for Carrie Nation's mall at bis window yesterday morning and several per.sons who had seen the saloon smasher in tho west said they saw her about the streets. The most leasonable explanation would seem to be that her double is in town. SCBIIOIJ LOAN GUARANTY CO. 207 Wyoming Ave Scranton, P. Near Corner Spruce Street. You Are Well Taken Care of In times panic, as times, if of stringency or well as in easy your business or COMMISSION TO ATTEND. Will Hear Bishop Spalding Lecture Tomorrow Night. itt. Rev. Bishop j. 1.. Spalding's fellow-members of the arbitration com mission will attend his lecture on "Suc cess," at the Lyceum theatre tonight, and will occupy Boxes A and C. The lecture will be aiven under the auspices of the Catholic Historical socl- Men's .Patent Leather Hand Sewed $3.00 Shoes at $1.98. Men's Winter Russet Lea ther Liued $2.50 Shoes at $1.69. Men's Light and Heavy $i.jo Shoes, only 97c. personal account is with the Third National Bank, JJ8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. 3 Per Cent, Interest paicl on Savings Accounts, whether large or small. Accounts can be openedby mail, OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:30 TO 8:30. Myer Davidow KING OF LOW PRICES 307 Lacka. Ave. D., L. & W. BOARD. Following Is the make-up of tha Delaware, Lachuvanna and Western board for today: FRIDAY, NOV. II. I.'.nUiih llu.t ( p. in., I'oslur; 7 p. m., Laliiir; i p. m Rorcis: p. m,, Dunn; 10.13 p. in., Shisi'i'i 12 p. m.. Abrams S-'i.'inmlis-i: ii. m., .T, llenlgnn (east); S p. in , Thumpi-ou (west). Ilxtras Wi-ht 6 p, m., Hcuiilon; tl p. in., Yi'all. SATl'RDAY, NOV. IB. Summits-" a. in., rioiuitVIUer iwest); 8 u. m., CmilBB (cist); U u. m Nichols (west); 1 p, in.. Cloldeii (west); 2 p. m., M.(!lnley (ensu; I.e. p. ni J. J, Mtuiaj leant). I'lishi'is-S.Bii it, in., L Decker (west); 7 a. in., Wliluer (west); J it, nt., Klnnerty (west); S u. m., Ilnuser (east); 11.15 n. m., Jloiau (east); 1 p, in., A. J, McDonnell (west); 7.::o p. m., Muiphy (tust); 9 p. m., V, II. Iliirtbolomew (cast), Ilelpei-1 ii. m., Slugoveni; 7 a. m., Clnffney; lo a. in., Secor; 3.13 p, m , titan ton. IMrns YVst-Tlilid 3), Klngsley; n a. in., Ketcluimi 11 ii, in., Leonard; 1 p. m Joint (liiluigiiu (Hullbteiid); 2 p. m., lb own; i p. m., DeiuiH. MARRIED. SC SI Saturday Sales Are S ?! Popular at flcConnell's J5 The Bargain List is exceptionally good this week, but Just let J us say a word on Rain Proof Coats. Tlio only complete line In Scranton Is In our Cloak Department. New styles opened for the tlrst tlmo this week now on view. There Is no more useful gannent inatlo for ladies' wear. In rain, storm or shine It may bo woiu to advantage. Soma of tlio new styles are heavy enough for protection against the coldest weather. All are stylish and smart. Weights from Zephyr to Heavy. Prices $10.00 to $25.00 Each. Those New Suits and Coat Styles Came to hand this week. ThevVo botli nobby and novel and cannot be seen else where in town. jr Just Ask to See the Quaker Our sale of Quaker Skirts this week is a vital occa sion in Skirt economy a host of mighty values. YVI'ITllKRlLl.-.MH.t.AHD-At tha Court .Street Melboill-u Kpl.scopul pat'honuKG, Nov. 13, l'H), by Rev. G. t. Lyman, Mr. U'llUnin !'. Wetlieiill mid .Miss Maud M. Mlllaul, botb of IVckvllle, I'a. - Picture if you please a Skirt that looks like silk, feels like silk and wears ten times longer and harder than silk. IT'S THE QUAKER. The one and two dollar bills in your purse rustle with importance for these skirts are selling at JJ'each Made after the most approved designs in the same factory, by the same people and on the same machines as the $15 silk skirts. Dainty pleatings, tucks and ruffles Let us mention the price again, JJ EACH OUR SILK SKIRTS ARE THE TOP NOTCH OF1 PERFECTON. COME IN AND SEE THEM. 1 Mm No such values ever before shown lies if you want them. New Near-Seal Coats Plain and beaver trimmed, elegantly finished and lined. Kept In repair free of rliai'RO for two whole seasons. Values siieb as we offer have never been seen In gei .niton. Excellent Near Seal Jackets ot $.'3.00. NECKWEAR DRESS SHIRTS WORKING- SHIRTS this city. Cheaper quail-. 50c in X fj Hosiery for flen and Women 9c, I2y2c; 15c, 19c. 25c, 37c, 50c, 75c. There is no other Hosiery or Underwear stock In Scranton that Mill compare- with ours. We aim to bo the best value givers in this line, and have succeeded so far. 0 ss S HcConnell & Co. 0 The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave, 5WG0GMOt)X$:ra0CK50S Meldrum, Scott & Co. 126 WYOMINB AVENUE. mW .. . I- i.i..J. luoiinn uniinppi n apaiupt tinnnu nu iinmn v inauriD luunoGbr Hbrimoi nuntu di Uaiiiii Ehref s Slag Roofing. J THE PURE V J GRAIN COFFEE " Even children dijnk Grain-O because they like it and the doc tors bUy it is good for them. Why not ? It contains all of tho nourish ment of tho puro grain and none of tho poisons of coffee. TRY IT TO.DAY. T 321 WASHINGTON AWE. AtBiocT, y,., l5g. . pcaso. 4. ll .il4llll GUARANTEED in YEARS WARREN-EH RET CO M PA NY, I Hawes Specials ' Original and Exclusive, PjLUU Is the price. The Values Are Incomparable. CONRAD SELLS THEM At 305 Lackawanna Ave. Green Trading Stamps. J s