The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Week's Social News
OI.ONMM. It. At. HOIKS will
Hive a dinner In honor of the
uiitliiniltc lommhulon lit his
homo on Olav itvonue Tues
day nlsht next.
Jllii Holes buc u dinner on TIium
dny night which, fot Its unique heiuity,
Ims mobably nevei been i(iinlled In
this city. UuiliiK her lucent trip to
the Oilcnt Miss Boles was deeply In
tel ested In ilnpanese customs nnd nitidi
n dime study of liiaiilinra and clioss
Colonel and Mis. Holes In ought home
n hit ku collection of artleles fiom .1a
liiitti unions them lielnir many thlngH
to bo tiHd In cntet talnliiK at theli
beautiful home, Thus It was possible
to entry out cvety detail of the chaim
Iiik uftalr which Mies Holes planned on
Thuisdav nlfrht.
The cliitwlnir loom openlntf out of the
Vi on i hall was lilted up cntliely an t
Japanese loom, the lloor hi'lnir cov
eted with 11)1111111? tind the furniture
beliijj icinoved. Cushions weie dl
ti United at Inlet vaK and "nlbaehls,"
or Japanese stoes, weie ulso In evi
dence. ehaiioal, howeei,
dots not bum like the of full
Japan, and the guests had to employ
theli Imagination as to the successful
dliCLtlon of a Japanese Htove. Theio
was Incense, and uverjwheio. bloomed
yellow cln j.santlieinums .urang-ed with
title Japanese simplicity in line old
The ludks wi'i all in costume, In
cluding Jilt.. Holes and AIlss Helen,
who assisted In senlng the Impel lal
ten In wondeiful little cups. Sonic of
the worn weie mantis of lith
splendor. The dinner was eaten with
chop stlelcs, nnd L'liiysanthcmum petals
weie ued an a gainlsh In eviuv pos
sible way. Theie were many Japaiieso
dishes, nnd the dinner was served on
c(UMtc cgRshcll china. The souvenlin
weie exceedingly claboiate and Included
Japanese fans, plpis and pouches, bon
bon and teacups.
The guests weie Mi. and JIis. A. C.
Twltthell, the .Mlsies Arthbnld, Miss
Hunt, Miss Hale, Miss Uelln, Miss Hell
nell; Mewsi". Thome, J, H. Utool.s,
Hunt, Ueynolds. Hcdfoid, Men 111, Hlulr
and Cliuinbeilaln.
Mis. Hvciett Tolles gave a pietty
luncheon on Thinsdny. The table was
especially bc.iutlful adorned with many
bildal gifts, of which she lecolved suth
a buwlldeilug iiuay. The guests weie:
Miss lOleaiioi Heynolds, Miss Mniy
Linen. Mls CJeitiuile Spiugue, MKs
WhImiii, Miss Anne Hand, Mls Maiy
Dickinson, the Misses Allie and IIeln
Mis. Cleoige Kandeison will ghe nn
"nt home" today In honor of Mis. Cat
lln and Mis Hiooks, the flanceeb of
Mesi". Chailes and Hdwanl S.indei
son. Mis. Mlltou Hlulr gave a beautltul
luncheon on Thuisdav at the Countiv
ilub. Among the guests weie Mis J.
HenJ. Ulmmlek, Mis. Y. 'W. Siianton,
Mis. J. A. Pilce, Mis. J. S. Lynde, Mis.
A M. Deckel, Mis. X. Y. Leet, Mi. AY.
F. Hnllslt'.ul, Mis. C I,. Dickson. Mis
rieoige Handel ton, Mis. J. A. Linen,
Mis. C. H. AVclles, Mis. 11. iV. "VVllhud,
IVIi -. James Aithbald, Mis. Henry He-
lln, jr., Mrs. It. C. Slutfer, Mis. Austin
JJlalr. Mis. fi. li. Fuller, Mis. a. H.
Smith, Mis. M. Dickson, Mis. Odoll,
Mrs. Moffnt, Mis. J. 9, Htntr, Mis. Nt
Q, Hobertson.
Mis. William J. llunil nnd Mis. Isiiiip
Host gave nn exceptionally attiactlvc'
leceptlon yestetdiiy at the homo of Mis,
Hand, on Webster avenue, The perfec
tion of the day and the pleasant event
of the first largo afternoon nftalr of the
season In ought out many guests.
The beautiful looms weie tastefully
decoiuted, many ohiysitiilhemiiiiis be
ing emphcd. The dining loom was
adorned with led loses, and the joung
ladles seivlng woio led llbbons and
Mis. Hand and Mis. Host weie as
sisted In enteitnlnliig liv Mis J I. V,
J-ognn, Mis. O, A. Jessup, Mis It. W.
How ley, Mlss I land and Miss Kloience
At the table weie Mis, Alfud Hand
and Mis. Vf. H. Jessup, MKses Char
lotte and Helen ifiuiel, Jessup, Jessie
Hippie, ,Maigaiet Host and Huth Steell
tisslstecK Mis. V. K. Piatt and Mis.
Law i cute, of New Jtoc belle, seived
Mis. 11 II. Hippie enleitalntd a num
ber of set i etui les of the Young Wom
en's Clulstlan association on 'Vedncs
dav at a tea. The guests weie: Miss
Dunn, national secietaiy: State Secie
taiy MWs Stiong, Miss 'Wood, Miss
Collin, Miss Moiedlth, Mi's. Claike,
Mlbs HrlcsHon, Miss Hoone, Miss Stlby,
Miss Haehnle.
The secinhig of Jtitob Wis, the f mi
nus sociologist and one-time co-worker
with 1'iesldent Hoosevelt, was a happy
thought of the Young I.udles' society
of the Flist Piesbyteiliin thuich. lie
will give an lllustiated lectin o in the
Hlcjcle club. Nov. -1, on his slum ov
peiionces. Tickets uie on sale at Sun
del son's and Phelps'.
Among Sci.intonpiithusiasts who will
attend the Princeton-Yule foot ball
game aie the Misses Aichbald, Mi. and
With a Dollar Purchase, Friday, Saturday and ilonday,
November 14, 15 and 17.
Great Attractions in
Children's up-to-date Coats, Ladies' Capes and Suits, all fresh
from the best designers in Greater New York. We don't se-
lect garments months before the season. Mr. Hagen has been
in New York all the week buying the very latest styles pro-
J duced and we will make the greatest exhibit Scranton has
ever seen. We suggest customers come in the morning and
Thousands of the newest styles in Ladies' Misses' and
T avoid the great afternoon rush.
Ladies' Coats
I'-iuch; full ilppci back, and Tuxedo;
capes huge: How Ins? sleeves, with m iminoth cuffs
Mont Cubtoi, with Hnglish top backs The Famous
Metropole Hippie 54eb.illiip. Hast of England Mel
tons, Chinchillas. Jiout Xacks, Fiice, etc. Hlack,
cli eon and Castor Coals
Velour guiments; Ciavenotto naglniifc, I'cau de Solo
Silk Cents. Gin ments at all prices, fiom $2 00 to
575 00.
Nohbv Dicss nnd Sticet Suits. Huudicds of sam
ple skhts. You Mitely will mit-s it If mu do not sCe
this sin pi King collection of stvlMi gat meats.
Huudieds of small Fins in all the desiiable hUles.
Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linens
Unmask and Napkins in sets.
hunch Moths and Tiay Covcis.
"30c. Cicnni Table Damask i'So
40c. Cioain Table Damask ::3c
He. Cieani 'Pablo Damask KOc
7?c. Cieam Table Dam.isk OSe
$100 Cieam Table Damask b9c
.'1.2"j 'icnni Table D.ini.tsk $100
6e. Sno.v Willie I.lnen C5c
50e. Snow While I.lnen 73c
?123 Snow While Mnen .' $100
Heed's $1.30 Snow White Linen J1.'J3
Heed's $J 00 Snow White Linen $1.30
Heed's $.'.30 Snow White Linen $-'00
Pine Llucll XiijilJiis 73c
Pino Linen Napkins, laige si.e $1.00
Puie Linen Napkins, ::-l sie $1.21
Pine Linen Napkins, huge hl'e $1.30
Double Danuisl; Napkins j.'.OO
Double Danuibk Napktnt-, Unge, lieavy $3 00
Silver Hlenched Napkins '. $1.2"
Sliver Hlc.iched Napkins, laige and heavy $1,50
Underwear and Hosiery
Hoys' and Hills' Fusl Hlntk Hose iicj
Hos' and Oil Is' Hlack Cat Hose l"-,0
Misses' Fine nibbed Hose Zu
Lndles' F.u-t uinck Hose
ladles' Fine Hlnek Hoso
Ladles' M.uo Hlack Hose 3C
Ladles' Fancy Hose In gieat vaileij. Siieclals at
23c, Il'iu,, n0c 7r,e S3c $1,00
Chlldieu's Flue Fleeced I'nilorwcMf 13c. to :,0o
Ltidles' Heavy Fleectd CiuIpiwcmi r,u
Ladles' Fine .fetsey Itlbbed I'ndeiwcMi fiOcs
Ladles' Natutal Oiey Hndeiwear , 73o
Ivndle.s' White Wool or Nutuial Undeiweat $1 ou
Ladle1 HMui Flue I'ndenvoai jj,r,o
Ladles1 Union Suits 301, up to $3 00
Men's Fast Blink Hose, S pahh "c
Men's AVhlte Foot Hose l,r,0
Men's Hxtia FIivj Hose, black or lanej 3Q
Men's Diuk Fleeced Undeiweai Mo
Men's Light Fleeced Undeiweur :i9o
.Men's Fancy Fleeced Undeiweai C0u
Jten'H Nutuinl Undeiweur r,0o
Men's Jeihey Hlbbcil 17iulorvveai , r,0c
''Men's Heavy Wool Undetwear ,,,,,$1.00
Men's Light, Flno Wool Undeiweai ....,$1.00
Men's Heavy Double. Hie.isted Undeiweai $1.7;
Dress Goods
Fieiuli Flannels, piinted .Tic
7"e F.uuy Stiipe Waistings, shoit lengths 50c
c'hlldi en's Clo.ikings ut n piice.
Golf plain-batk Cloaking.s to close.
Heautirul now- Pel Man Stilpo Meitoiled Waistlngs.
White Plcpie Mai tellies and choice new meiceilcd
white Walstings v 23c to $1.00 X
Shepheiil Checks, all sizes, Hlack and White 50c
Whip Coids, high lustre, (3c value 50c
Homci-pun Tweed Mituies, 51c. value 31c
Coloiecl Ciieviots, 45 inches wide, 65c value 30e
iMbntros, all the cholte shades 50c value 39c
Poplins, Piunolles Ai mines, 73c value 59c JU
CJinnltes, Aimure.s, Pebbles, etc, $100 value 75c 7
Venetians, all new colors, $1.23 value $1.00
Oxfoid and Giey Venetians, ?1 00 value 75c A
Osfold and Giey Venetians, $1.23 value $1.00
Pei sinn Stiipe, white giound, merccil7ed, $1.00
value 7,-)0
I' hie Walstings, short lengths, 73c. and $1.00 goods.. 51c
AVoisted tinli,h Walstlns, new strlpe.s 13c and 23c J
Light Weight Dress Goods 4
Vole's Mlsliel, Ktamlnes and pietty Silk Wmp
Stripes in now Blues, Clieens, Biovvns and
Hlaeks 73e to $2.00
New Tailor Mlxtmes, snow Hake effects, Houiette Y
nnd Fancj Novelty Tweeds 73c to $' 00
Black Dress Goods T
C5c Haul Finish Black Chev lot r,0o A
$1.00 Black Camel Hair Cheviot 73c X
S1.23 Black Camel Hair Cheviot $1.00 V
$2.00 Black Camel Hair Cheviot $1.50
2,00 Hlack Cnmel Hall Heballne
yt,2" Hlack Venetians $1 00 J
5150 Hlnek Venetians $1,25
$200 Black Venetians ii.r.O
5-1, 25 AVhlp Coids and Poidlns $1.00 Y
$1.23 Heavy Skirtings $100
yu Heavy Sklitlngs ,ic A
75c Heavy Skli tings 590 X
New Fine Silks
Beautiful blight Clan fluid Silks, 75c for 50o
Heautlful blight Clan Plaid Silk. $1.00 foi 730 A,
Good CoJoied Taffetas, 75c for 490 jT
Fancy Tnlfetus, Flguies uud Stiipes, $1,00 for 6'ic
Fancy TuffetiiH, Flguies and Stripes, 75c for cuci a
Clieney's Cashmeio Silks 7,-,(,
Moho Silks, $1,00 goods , t,9u
Black Silks J
S5o 1'enu de Sole 750
l!3o 1'eau do Sole, Gold Selvage 8'ci
$1,15 Peuu de Sole, Bed Selvage ,., Ii3c
$1,50 I'euu do Sole, y.ud w Ide $K5
Banner Taffetas, yaid wide ,.., 93o J
Koyal Black Taffetas, yaid wide $1,23
tluniiinteed Blue k Taffetas, l'i ardsvvlde ,,..,,,.$1,75
Haskell's Peau do Sole and Taffetas 75o to $2.00
in Comforts, Cotton and Wool Blank-
ets. Bed Spreads, Outing- Flannelettes, 2
Pnntnno hnlrc Miicliro P.infthomo Pf- A
! Bargains
Cut Out This Coupon
Present at our office,
purchase Si.oo worth of
goods or more and you
will receive 30 stamps.
Nov. 14, IS and 17.
Mears & Hagen
416 and 417 Lackawanna Ave
Mis. A. N, Walker, Mr. nnd Mis. Ar
thur Dlmn, MIsb Fordhnm, S. 11,
Thome, J, li. Hrooks, A. G, Hunt( A.
B. Hunt, Jr., W. J, Toney, esci nnd
Cittl Welles, esq. Mr. B. B. I.oomls
accompanied J. It. Hiooks nnd H. H.
Thorno last night, tnklng the inldnlght
Mis, .1. HenJ. Dlmmlek gave a bounti
ful luncheon yesteitlny tit "Honiewood."
Aiiiotig the gneslH weie! Mis. W, W.
Sttnnton, Mis. H. W. Aichbald, Mis.
It. M. Holes, Mis. 11. J. Bennell, Mis.
H. Jt. Hlulr, Atis. E. H. Hturgcs, Mis,
Hunt, Mis. Alfud Hand, Mis. . B. S.
Moftat, Mis, j. a. Pi Ice, Mis. B. H.
Htuiges, aii J, p. Dickson, Mis. James
Archbald, Mis. 11. I,. Ftlllcl, Mis. J. H.
Hosle, Mis. W. (J. Puike, Mis. Towns
end Pooie, Mis. B. X. Wlllnrd, Miss
Jessie (.lay. r
The grndtiutlon of a number of muses
will tnke place ut Huhucmami hospital,
Thin sday night next. Pi of. Mooie, of
Philadelphia, and Hew Dr. Isiael will
deliver nddi esses.
"The Lily and the Fiince."
Thnt Mlldicd Holland Is a popular star
In this cltv was ilemonstuituil last night
by the great audience that illicit tlm l.y
leiun to vvelcoinc hcie in hui new pin v.
"The Mlv and the Pi luce," which was
wiltten for her by Cailua .Tonlaii. It Is
a loiniiiitlc diaina, of the .sixteenth ctti
ttny and the scenes of the Hist act Is laid
hi Floioneo and the lemalnlng tluee nc.ii
and In Home. The time uud -til io- pel mil
of a goigcous scenic liivestltnm uud plc
tiliesciuu costumes and these hnve not
hi on iii'glectnl in the stiighig of the plnv.
H is not often that a plav Is piisenlul
with moie clabuiato jot ailNtlu accos
soiics thin Miss Holland's new pla.v.
Tim iliimin lins a stoi that is l'ellevul
fiom being tingle In the etiem bj the
c one hilling act which biings about a
lighting of the wrongs that h ivo vvi ought
gnat siiffcilng. JlKs Holland Is enst foi
the lole of Angela ill Suvelll. the iliingh
tei of a Kloi online nobleman, and It glvis
hoi line scope. 'J'hu idle mils the gamut
lloni light, delicate conieuv to Ihu tingle
einotloiril and Miss Jlollanu was equ illy
Hue In nil of tho vnijlng phases of the
p.ut. At tho conclusion or the thhd act
after the stiong scene whole she pleads
for her fathei hefuie the seciet tilbunal
hhe was given u splendid ovation. Sup
porting MNs Holland Is an excellent com
p.inv. The diaiiii will be i d ut the Ly
ceum this ufteiuoon nnd evening.
last Day of Elephants.
Today Is the last nppoi tiinitv Sci anion
public- will hive ol seeing I,ockluu t's
woild famous ti. lined elephants 'I he
gieatest anlniil let heroic the public to
dn.v. Xothlng of It-, lclnd his evei been
picspnted hoie br loie.
Ml. and Mis Neil Litchfield pnseiit a
luiilut imal ccimod sketch which Is a
laugh fiom stint to fluKh Maxwell nnd
Dudlev slug linusiiallv well Spanieling
pen foi ran wondeiful feits In hand Inl
anclng, M.nK and Hlliot cntcitaln with a
vciy amusing sKotc h
"The Baikest Hour."
At the Academy of Music this after
noon and cv piling, "flic Darkest Hour"
will bo lepcated foi the last times of this
engagement. The pioduction drew two
more laige houses ngnlii vestoidnv. jn.
Raidm r has alwavs boon a greit f.uoi
Ite nnd thU engagement Is proving no
Heiny Miller in "Henitsense."
Ilemv Miller, who first --ociiied n foic
mot position in tho lealms of the stms
IIiloilBh the mivlhim nf 1'h.nloi l.'ini..
and J. f. C. Cl.nke's remarkably mnnn
tlc di una, "," Is now giving
(he fin il pei foi s of (he plav, as It
Is his intention to leave It out of his
Kpeilolre iftci this .c tM)ii Mi. Jllllcr
anil his conipnnv of Xi w Yoik plajets
will be seen lime nt I lie Lvccum Hilda
night In "Jlcutsciso "
'iSoldieis of Foitune."
Itobert Hdevon, than whom no voung
nctoi Ins moio speodllv etnbllslipd him
self in tho fionl lank of American slnr.
having pie-cnlcd "Soldleis of Poitune"
nt the Savoy thcatei. Xew Yoik, for over
li0 nights, will make his tlist local ap
pearance In this popular dinmatintlon
on Wednesday night ut the I,vcoum, un
der the direction of Homy H. Harris.
Mr. Augustus Thomas in lilt, stace vei-
slon of Hichard Harding Davis' popu
lni lionk, has, unlike most drnmati7P!,
pioeecded on the Intelligent presumption
thnt the avciago thcntci-goer I not
necessarllv familial with the subject
mutter of tho stoiv, nor wltli the less
obvious traits of the characters; thus It
happens that tlioro is no need of house
bill notes or magic lantern slides, or tab
leaux to carry tho spectator over a hia
tus In tho action. A peion quite nuac
qitnlntrd with the source of the play can
view "Soldleis of TorUine" with ready
iindeistnndlng of what It Is all about a
rniu event in diamai made over from
books Seats ou sale Monday at 3 a. m.
Philadelphia Oichestia Tuesday.
A musical event of unusu il Inteiest
will be tho nppeaianco of tho Philadel
phia Svmphonv orchestra at the Lvceimi
theater TuomIhv evening net. This or
ganization of suvontv musicians will give
a piogianime of gieat Intel ct nnd tho
musical people of Scranton will no doubt
bo pic sent In huge numbers. The soloist
for this conceit Is Mr. August Spanuth,
a pianist of note, who has created a
lavcuablo iuipiessiou In Now Yoik and
Philadelphia. Tho eiltlclsms of the pei
formnnees given by tills orchetin In
Philadelphia are most flattering, uud the
cltUens ol that city, bv their sup
poit, show their iippieclatlou of the or
MinlsMtloii Tho diagram for f-alo of
kiats opens this nioinlng,
"A Night on Bioadwny."
It Is cancelled that Halt Mollis his
pci.sonall pioduied mom new and suc
cessful iiuite'iiul than anv actoi-nianagei
befoio the public Mioug III the mattei of
oiigiuiillty and cieatlve ablllt). His
"Night ou Bio.ulvv.i" which will bo seen
nt tho Star coinnieuelng Mundny Is a
imihleiil faice, being nn adaptation of tlm
lelgiilng success ol tho deuuau capltul
cltv "iloilln Naih r.lf
It Is full of stiong diamutio hlluallon
wltli a elevoily comic olid plot. A vein
ol eonliiglous humiii tuns tlunughoiit tho
cllalogue. The music Is, i thmic and
tuneful and shows clevei scaling,
Myikle & Haider Stock Co.
Tn speaking ol the .Mjiklo & Hauler
Stock company, which opens a week's
engagement at tho Aciideno of Mudo
Moudav nUht In "A Nuval Cadet," the
Stlculoi (llllllloj) Vree Piess bins, "The
Mjrklu .v. Hauler company began a
week's engagement at tlm opeia hoir-e
lai-t eyeulng, plajlug to htauiling-ioom
only, "A Man of Msstci" was the bill,
and, Judging Horn tho fieeiucut applause
nnd lie.utv laughter, llio nudlenco beemed
to bet well pleased. The company In uu
ectllent one In eveiy uspect, Tlm
specialties itio n big leutuie of theli performance"
' J -.. V... I.
srsvXamJL EKiB.
TBr & Jr -SBI m m uH
nH d VKu Jw ctHlnJwIilu
Mm v M W?f--'ji ml M5JmmWmmuL
Mandolin Orchestra
flusic for all so
cial events.
425 Norm Sixth Street-
Two-thirds of the inmates of our hospitals are women. They are in nioht cases either for treatment
or for an opeiation, made necebsary by advanced stages of iemale tioubles which have rebulted in oaritis,
a tumor, or displacement of the womb.
How these words after the examination strike terror to a woman's soul, and with what regrets sho
hears them, Avhen she consideis that the opeiation has become necessary through her own negleet. Female
derangements cannot cure themselves, and neglecting the warnings of nutuie only moans putting it off until
there is no cine. The woman who lets her trouble make headway pays the penalty of a dangerous opera
tion and a lifetime of impaired usefulness at the best, and the operation often proves fatal a; hen her life
might have been, saved by Jjydia I. Pinklium's Vegetable Compound.
When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstru
ation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that
bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatu
lence), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration ; or are beset with
such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, and " want-to-be-left-alone " feelings, and
the blues, ' they should remember that there is one tried and never-failing
remedy,' Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound at once removes such troubles.
'Deaii Mns. Pinkham: I cannot tell you how much good you have done me and how thankful I
am to you for it. For fivo years I hnve not been free fiom pain for a day. I have had backaches, headaches,
and those awful dragging sensations with leucorihaia, and when menstruation appealed I was in such a
condition I could baldly .sit up. I doctored all the time, but nothing helped me, and I was told that an
operation was necessary.
"Two months ago afiiend suggested that I try Lydia i:. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. No
one knows what, it has done for me and how thankf-'.l'l am for it. It biought me the first well days I havo
had for fivo years. It did for me what doclois could not do, and I want every suffeiing woman to know
about it." Louisr. Nauer, 751 E. 160th St., New York City.
"Deaii Mtis. Pinkham: I wish to thank yon- for what Jjydia 15. Plnltlinm's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I had tenible hemorrhages being lacerated from the birth of my child. The doctor told
me that if I would have an operation I would be well and stiong. I submitted to it, but was worse than
before ; no one knows what I suffeied. Finally a friend advised me to try your Vegetable Compound ; I did
so, and commenced to feel better; I continued it1? use, and it has done for mo what doctors could not do. I
am strong and well. If women with any kind of female troubles would only consult you before submitting
to an operation they would be spared many hours of pain and suffeiing. I cannot thank you enough for
what you have done for me." Anna Kiroiuioff, 150 E. 100th St., New York City.
Arrfflffc tfh FORFEIT I' we cannot forthwith produce the original lottora and lEnitures of above testimonials, which will proy
90wWo wW their absolute Renulneness. T.vdla I!. Plnklimn Medicine Co., Lynn, Musi.
Lydia E- Pinkjiam's Vegetable Compound.
Every Woman
Gets a Prize
When she gets a pair of "Queen
Quality" Shoes. The shoes are
a prize in themselves. Added to
ihis she is then able to compete
for the cash prizes, aggregating
$5,000 IN GOLD
"Offered by the makers of Queen
Quality" shoes for women wearers
who shall give the best reasons why
it 1 K'K
Here'e a chance for every woman who wears "Queen Qual:
ity" shoes to win a cash prize. Simply buy and wear a pair, of
these shoes and give your opinion in every day language. A com
petition blank is given every purchaser. We shall be pleased tc
give further particulars.
Mahon's Shoe Store,
Sole Agents, Scranton, Pa.
Walk-Over Shoes for Men. Extra Trading Stamps Today. See Coupon
ti 4- -sjfp