The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Ca bohdale
VANTliO-An oNlee hoV at the Crttbnu-
dale liiamli oC The Tribune In the;
Dm Up building. Appiv to niiiniigel after
! n, liii .
Jir)t'MtY"fM tont nn t'lltp stieet. Apply
Ml-V Mi.iBiiiil f'oll, ! JUor stieet.
Cnibondallau Known as "Topsy"
Buike Tnken in Schenectady, N.
Y to Stand Tilal for Aliened
Cihnlnal Skipped His
Bail Heie.
Ilomlnlr It IUiiUp. who Is betlei known
ns "Top.v" Btiik'S lulu lit fit appio
heiided in Stlicnvt tinl, X. . and lM
uwnlllnK ruqttlHlllim pnpeis roi his "'
tuiri to sipniutnri to stand tilul nr al
leged rilmlnul uss-mlt on u 15-i in-old
lil fiom .IPIIIIMI
The alleged nihil' took plme (luting
tin- summer under stiunge iliiuiu
tt.'iucti in at tin' Cmbondiik' nns uun
piim'S plant. UUikp U was alleged,
iMinn upon a puit.V of .voting lolks vim
weio waking loi a car mid told them
tlic wen"! iiikIpi miest Theie was all
linmHlkilo Hiattcilng. thinligh ft'iir. and
all hut (he .IpffiuNH Khl Rot uwnv fiom
Ittukc. Tho alkKf l nsiuilt tin n fol
low od,
Buike, iiiti-i being eoinmltti'd to J. ill
liv Alilminnu .lone-', oil the positive
lilPiilllkallou ol tin Bill, was leleustd
mi hall, and Intel skipped uwnv a f"W
weeks bifoip the nisi was ma) KpiI for lie went to bi liiiieeliidi. wh'io
theip a:o u nuinlUM of Cm boudiile men
CIltplllVlHl. l'lt Detect he' Fl.lllU roi-
i -st l'simed of tin eliuigo against
HiuV' i""1 mpsod his in i est, pending
an liiM'-llMitlnn. SupulnliMiik'iit of
l'nlkv Dai. at Hiiunton, was notified
ol tin. iiiii-t ami lepoittd the in-itti'i'
Hi Dlslilit Attoihev Lewis. County
HotntiVe Phillips being emplo.vetl on
nmi'hct in i'. Hip nut tu' was tinned
ovei to Constable IMw ml NViiy, who
g.llheiol the ovlllclt" against Blllkc
nial uip'-trd him In the tlisi Instance.
Coiislalil" Nt.uv will wo to AIImiiv, X.
Y. v. lib inpiNltlon p.ipcis on .Mond.iv,
' with whkh to laiiiK; Huil o link to
Ko.iulou foi tiial.
'ai ty in Reynslmnhuist with Tea-
tines of
Tluie was a sen lal KiilheiliitV at the
honip ol the 311 -i's Hula ami IMIth
C.iipv ill i:t.jnsli.itiluiit, Weiliusdaj
iiiKht, wlih h wis nt-iikP'l hs many
nnjel fiatiiii" It was a suit ot inns
qliPindf, III whkh the le.ullllK: bpillts
weie uieinbeis (it the Hon Ton Soi Inl
't'he nuiipr l.ulks aiinlikd at the
''.ue n ".Idem i.ulv In the ceni!ii,r.
ai iaed In Kiotiuque iostiiiin-s, Inteml
lnjr to -uipilso tin male poition of the
Katheih's The foimei whp suipil-.e(l.
howexei, as the miuiik men. m Ik il
the aiihed. liadevui nioit Kiotcque
disguises Some one had dl ulKed the
plans of the ho-tessps, the .ounc? ni"li
Riiests pmllttliiK' theieby.
ftei th oiitbuist ot ni"ttinKiit that
followed the denouement, n jolly even
ing was spent Among the tunny cn.s
tunii s was tbat of (.'ai lie Xitlon and
hei hattliet. won b one of the voting
men Theie weie muueious six lal ill
veiskms, iitimiiit- eiigavhn, the joung
peiqilc fot the gieite.' iait of the even
ing Vol.iI sdlns bv l!t. NkboKon and
a i.iLp walk bv Itkh.ud Wilson .nidi d
appiei lablj to the nUht s eujnunent.
Alter the sei mg ot h tieshments, sc
eial llasbliglits vitie t.iktn
Those vho toiiiposeil the unique
gatheiing weie
Jlisses .M. llutaii. .lessle 31. Col
lins, .laile 11, Swan .Maillda T Wui
tel. I'auline i: Collins Cniik' i: l'l.i
ne.v, ItCssle i: Caiev rioieiue C. I"ia
m ami Annie l Caie.v, and Mesum
ltklmid Ciatl. i . .lulilis nllvel, It
I.Htavette Xii liolsnii, cispni -v. WINon,
Willi. .1. Wllll.iuw. Mk Inn 1 J. Keai
nev, II. 'ihonias Itnhlusnu and 'I'heo
dme li nllvei.
Chniises of Position.
Itovil K nllvei, who s.itisim toi llv
filled a iliikshlp in the Cai bondale
olllio of The Tiiblllle tot about a Pni,
Ins ml. i n a position in th Hue jaul
in this iltv, whiih offeis iiod oppoi .
lunlMi's ot aihaiuenient
Claude Ollvei has nsij,iied his posi
tion wllh tin Plum ei 1 Hindi to au
eept a ino'e lav oi able plai e in theollke
o: the Cat bond lie Maihlne compaii
liPitt Meiillt, of Peveutli aventie,
Lite ot the Delaw.ue ami Uuilon iar
t-hop. has .uiepteil a simllni jmsliJoii
at the Alio Held .vatil ol' the (liilailo
illiil Wesitm lalhoail.
lohn Coi mi ton has sciuiod a good
position In t'laii.e I hoi hits' stoic (it
Seiantoii and 'is now engaged with
Ills in w till til s
A Whlr.t Pruty.
Mi. and Mi Tlnodoie Townseiid, of
Cillbeit meet, eniii tuliud u mini h. t of
ft lends at wills! ThuiMlsi) evening. At
the i oik liislon uf th.. game ptUes weio
,!' eu to the si'( mssiuI playns. iqof
II. X. Haunt and .MIks lieitiude Vull
hud the IiIkIiu-I sum mill Itolieit Kii.ts
and Mi. Alfted fiilillths laptuieil the
pikeri loi low sum's IkliesliniiMiis
weie atteiwuids seivnl, the tvonllig
afllOl TcaclllMM I.OIU'II.
, Just Like Other People.
Had load and ovetwotl; wutk nuiiy
i lite, hut tin light loud niulu's suio
mid touipletf h.ipplues.s, tot onu must
be happy if peifnilv well,
'MJuips-Xllts Hli'(l ,y lei ,
'ohailKvd me tuiiu a neisous, all lv de.
epomlent to a heulth, biiuuK
mid (.heeitttl one." wiltea Mis, Alko
Ilk'gel ol I'untlae, III, ' had not been
well toi .sewiul lmis and I thought,
as did ipy nleiulf, (hat 'iii.v iIii.vh weui
mmibei I'd.' My 111 health was musni
fiom dilnklug tolfte, eating impioper
food and oveiwoilc In the slIuuiI iooiii,
I h,ad becouie eiy veal, UieiUaml
neiv'ous and nothing 1 ate agieed with
me. Medicine made me moie neivous
and Impaiieil my digestive oigans.
It was Ith dllllculty that a uelulibor
induced me to tiy Orapo-Xuts mid I
lilted it fiom the llist with tlilclc neain
niul suifni', 1 lled on It eioliwlvely
vltH Fostuin Food Coifee- until my dU
K9tion was so much improved I could
tut other foods. My filenda goon
-noticeO. the improvement in my looks,
-and I am now liealthy, stiongr and
'happy. I attilbuto the change In my
health solely to the chnugo of diet.
' Husband and J both like Grape-Nuts
and Fostuin. I think they are the most
healthful and stieiigtheultig of all foods
find diluks and suitable for the weak
u-a well as for the stione.
Inning been delightfully ttpent. Those
lnpf-ciU who 1)1. and Mis. H. 1), OavK
'io!, niul Mis. II. X. Huiiett, Alt', and
All's. . iJt Fiean, Mr. mid Mis. A.
Cilllllh'V Air. und Aim. . llottgh
toli, Misses Ctince mid tleitiude Villi,
Mvi.i Hill and Itobeit I'ipiis, .Tcrnnn:
Wnltor Xclinpi. ot Hcuinton, Mr, and
Ml p. Mneoln .Medhilid, Air. and Ml?.
Jullies Allen, Ml-s IIcIpii Hei I y and
lil'OlgO .TllIllCH.
Joseph Fnucll, of Pike Stteet, Suc
cumbs nt Hospital.
JoL'ih Tat It'll, 01 Pike Htleet, who
was stikUtii with pitiahsls about lv
wi'vkH ago, died wnl eslpiday inoin
llig ill Unit I gelicv hospital Just pi lot
to the paiulvlle HttoKe, Ml, I'liiiell In
Jiiud hliuseir sevettlv bv ti Iking lilm
xelf on the limb with an ae while
(hopping wood.
The tlei caned was a native Cutbon
dalla'i, He was bom In this iltv sKly
.ve.ns ago and spent all bin lire lleie.
Toi iiiiin. niis he was a faith! ttl em
plove ot the Uelawntc. and Hudson
('0111111111,. J 1 lt was a simple iiatuip, he
was tine to his ft lends mid ihni liable
In wind and deed. The legiel ovel his
being tailed away will llll a wide elide
of 1 1 lends.
The sin vlv ois of Mi. Kuiiell nie one
nl"tn, Hlstei Ueiniudine, of Uctioll,
Mich, and one biothei, John Timell,
or Calhoi nlu.
The llllieial will tnKe plaie Moliduv
Hint llhlir rinril 111., Itnnwi til' flu, ntu rt
of tile deci'.isul, 7i! Pike sttiel. Theie
will be .1 bigb mass ot iiqulfm In .St.
Itosc chin ill, ami bin lal will be In SI.
I Jose i enieteiy.
Michael O'Mnlley Succeeds Walter
Nye Othei Changes.
The luimeiotis fi lends In this i it.v of
Michael D'.Malle.v. of Ulvphant, nip
felii ltntlug him on his ndvauceinc'iit to
night desp.iu h"t iiiulei the JJeluwaie,
and Hudson In Ibis iltv. It
Is onlj a few months slue" Mi. D'
ley was pionnited to opeiator in the
de-p iti In i s ollh e hi Cai bondale. Xow,
qlili kij lollows bis In lug made n des
pitthpi, the lew in ! of his ellkiemy
mil fldelltv. He sun ceils Witltti Xve,
who is now with the rnloit P.u Ilk in
ntlui (h.ingis whlih followed Mi.
O'Mallev's advanieiiient Is the tians
f 1 1 oC Uavld Piti.v fiom the Snniiton
ollh e as the loi met 's sumssoi; Wil
lis It. Moon has gone hat k to his 0d
position tus night opeiatoi In the vaid
in this iltv, being suet ceded as assist
ant llikot agent .it the cltv stntlo'l bv
Ktank Hounds, of I'nlotidtik, who hpt"
toloie was opeiatoi at Panthei Hluff,
Uai kev Jkook and tJieen nidge.
A. H. Xetts Opens Restnuiaut in
A. H Letts, populailv known ns
Tonv I.i ttu, vho has been mint than
oiilluai ii.v siKLL'sstul sliue liicuting In
C. u bondale a half doen ve.tis ago, lias
made nnothei business entuie. U
his put chased the lPstauiaut owned
bv W. J. s.Lliubineli, In Olv pliant, anil
Is now tondut ting it togither with
Oeoige JSetkei, also ot this citv. Mi.
Hei kei was eniplojed b.v 31 1. T.etts
whin he tiiudiii ted the lestauiant on
Sileui avenue, of which John Hi own Is
the pitsL'iit piopiktoi. He has had
ahum int cpeiience, easily mqulips
fi lends and ought to be a f.utoi In
the success ot th new euteipile.
The phut whkh 31i Letts lnis jiui
c based is the most elegantly fuuilshed
ol unv iistiiui.tnt in the willej between
Cai bondale .mil Sciuntnu,
"Sunset Mines" Opening Bill.
'I he Ollie U.ilfoid StOLk coinpanv will
op oi Its weik's engagement at the
opei.i house, .Mo inlay, Xov, 17, by pie
M'litlng "Sunset .Mines" This plete
was one of the sueressis of last season
und will be pi minted with all of the s(euei.v, tleitikal and niecli.ui
ital clletts.
At the i lose of the touith nit the
hei nine Is s.(Vd fiom a binning build
ing bv the aid of a denlik width she
gi asps und is swung to saiety. High
i kiss vaudeville will be given between
the ai Is at eveiy peifoinianee A
ladv's tkk(t bus been issued for 3Ion
diO night.
Social Happenings.
3lr. and .Mis, Cleoige J. Heulou eli
te) tuliicil a sjn.ill paitv ol fi lends at
theli honip on Washington btieet,
Tluiisilio night, in honor of their
gutst, .Mi. u.iks, of Xt,w Yotk city.
3lis. tlii.vilii Hvatis, was hostess to
the Voting Ladles' Cooking tlub, at her
lesklenie on L mi el nil eet, iiesteidny
.Miss .Maltha liehbelu entei tabled at
a llashllglu paity at the home of Heu
l.v Caitei on Ciiii.iu Mitel, Thllisday
Theie was an cnjo.vablii gathetlug nt
the home of Mi, and 3lis, Wlllluui
hil.vder. on r.mlew htieet, Thtifdny
night. In honoi of their daughter, MIhs
l 31illiaaci Clink, Sllpeiliiteild
uit Collghlill and Cllkf Cleik Hellon,
ot the l.ail.awanua Valle.v Light and
Powei iiiiupaio mid .Mi. (iillllu, upie-t-tlillug
Hie ( Lleetlle i()uipau,
wtm In town ThuiMlii) evening when
the mi' the louuulttte of louncllinen
who weio Iiistiuctcd in the liii't meeting
lo luvtstlgute Ihe alleged poor feeivke
of nn lights. The lounellnieu and the
icpiesaiitullves of the lonip.uij had a
heait to heait talk and went ovei the
whole gi lev nine. The tuiuuiittee will
lepotl tho le.siilt ot tlio lontoieiu.e at
the iut toillicll inettllig, The water
s)!iteiii adopted by the lompany for the
liitauiiesiuni lights Is (ill tailing loith
opposition and ) buxliietis people
have ahead', had theli lights cut nut
on anoiiut ot the liuieai-eil un-t, H Is
esputed liiuliv piivate iniiKiiiiieis will
at the end of the nioiith go bat k to
keiot-eiie again,
31 1. s J C. JeiliiMi, of Dallas, Mlxs J, MiilluiH, of Liueine, and .Mls
Kathiulue Diuiu, of W'llkeH-ltai le, aie
guests of Hi, and Ml, ll.uou Jaekhon,
of Ma1, Held.
A number of hpiall bos have for
some time past been neilug tllstudeily
at nights on Xoith Al.ilit btieet and
fjuslng tonsUknulili) anuojaiiie to ped
e.stilunb and business men. Chief uf
Follce MtUlnley luptmeil four of tho
gang Tluusduy evening and they weie
given a heating last evening befote
'Squlie Keefer, who let them go on pay
ment of iosU. It Is to be hoped tills
will put a Mop to the bolstpjous be
havior of small boys on the Blreet.
Mis. Slephen liockadny Is seriously
Air ntid Jirs. Seyniour have moved
Into the hottPt of Mis, Jny, whete they
tesldcit some time ago.
Many ot the nieichtinlH who were
binned out In Thuisdhy's big Hie weie
hustling about jesteuhiy seeming- tcin
lioraiy (itiurteiH. Hest Hios. aie locatpil
In the reiBiison bulldliiK; Miss O'lhlen,
the shoe dealer, Is In Mutthews' bulld
Ing, and Atheiton & Sutton have se
em ed the Jkhvmds building In tilnkuly.
It rottkl not be leuined definitely yes
teubiy whether all ot the bin nod stiuc
ttites will be lebullt or not. Mr. Ather
tcm was seen last night and stated that
lie was as yet undecided, but intimated
that he would not lelmlkl for the pies
cut, As some of the other mvneis le
slde out ot town, their vlevvs could not
be leainid. S. J. Hvuns' job printing
oflke, which was located In the itar ot
Hit- O'ltoyk building, whkh wus dc
sti oved, was otilltted fiom the list
pilnltd jesteuhiy. The building and
loutents weie Insured in O'Mnllev ft
O'.Mallej's ugpnev. Vi'steulny the boi
oitgh had a gang of linemen lepnliiiig
the electtlc light vvlies and last night
cvei.vthlug was lu good oulei. The
Lit haw anna Telephone company had
a foi to of men on hand electing poles
ami stiluglng wltes, Seivlte was pui
tlallv leuloied between Sitnnton and
civ pliant last nlglit by means of the
ttiink line i. As soon us the new switch
bonds in live thev will be Installed In
the new bank building, The i ItlKens ot
Olvphiint aie eiv gintefill to tho out
"Ide (lie companies who assisted In
fighting the flumps ai)d espeelally the
Sei anion Hi elfi'ltllos, and vv-iids ot
pi ake aie ileal d on iveiy s-lde ot the
wiiv Chief Feiber dli cited the woik ot
extinguishing the (lamps
The llllieial or the bite William Will
iams was mid i oui tile home of lleese
3lngg, on Filth stiect, Hlakely, jes
teitlav aftPinoon. The sei vh es wne
touducted bv IIpv, Otoige Hague, and
weie attended by a huge githeilng of
li lends of (lie die eased iouug man, In
conclusion, the lein.ilns weie taken to
I'liion i enieteiy and luteiitil. The p tll
biaieis wne I'hlllp I'hlllips, J, L Ua
vls, James IJeed, William Williams and
Isaac Ciimthx.
Itobeit .louts, of Jtlakeb, Ins opened
u gtmei stcue In the Hvans building
on Laikawann.i stieet.
Sei v lies will be held at the usual
tUlie in the Blukelv Baptist ehuith to
luol tow nun nins and evening Jtev.
13 iv Id Spentei, I). I), pastor.
Hei vices villi be held at to .SO a. m
and d .10 p in. in the Ulakelv Piimltlvei
Methodist i lunch tomouow. lie v. James
lley the p.istoi, will oitupy the pulpit.
Miss Jennie Laiigan, ot Rlnghnmlon,
Is visiting ut hei home on Dunnioic
31 is Fuili ikk Yeoiuans, of Knston, is
the guest of 3Its M.utlu Cilppen, ot
3Iis. Fiank iJiiindage, t1f Sciatiton,
spei't vesteielav v, Ith fi lends In town.
3Iis w. W Jones is injlto HI at her
home in Bkikely.
3Iis Ivor Panv, of West Scranton,
visited lelatlves at this plait yesteiclay.
31 J. AlcAniltew, of Pateisou, X. J,
is visiting lelatlves in town.
Mis A. H Jones, of Alchbakl, was a
vlsltoi in Hlakely jestiuiuy.
The Wilson File company, b theli
piompt i espouse to Olyphant's tall for
aid and their eltklent wink on nulvul
at the (he won gient piaise. The Wil
sons weie the Hist Hie company to
le.ith Oljphant alter the geueial
alaim was sounckd
Kobei ts Ikos have leinoved theli
stock liom tilth OI pliant stoie to
theli luige new- stoie at Peckville, the
Ohpliunt blanch lb to be discontinued,
A huge delegation of 3laons and Odd
Fellows weie ,n .Monslc estetday at
tir.tllng ot the kite John B.
Llveivman Gto Titfanv expee ts in
tlie ne.u futuie to move his livery bus-ine-s
to City.
i Aiheitoii and Sutton, whose Luge
stoie was destiojed at Oljphant Thuts
d ty, have kasptl the stoie of '.. D. Hd
w ai els, sltuittea on Main stieet, Hlahe-
Benjamin Ptosset und family now oc
cupy their neat and utttacthe new
dwelling on Main stipot.
Piesbjtetlau ehuith, llev. S. If Mom,
D. D pastor. Sei v lees Sundav at 10 .10
ii.iu and 7 p. m Subject, In moinlng,
"The .M.vsteiy of Chi Isfs Indwelling:"
evening, "My Fathers Work and My
AVoik." 1I aie well onip,
Peckville llaptlst thuieh. llev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor, Seniles tomouow at
1010 a. m. anil 7 p. m 3loinlng sub
lect, "Jerenilah'p i:peiIeiiLe AVIth The
Woiel of fioil." In the evening the Sun
dav school will lender Its nible day
ptogi amine, V. ei.v body coullnlly In
vited, j.
Col, C G, Seliooniuaker, .Mr. I! F,
Ilaiik'iibeigh, Mi, and Mis, B.vion
BueUlughaui, attended the banquet
given b the MiiMiiih ut Odd Fellows'
hall, 3li)scovv, on Tuesday evening,
31lss .Bessie Ikickinghani, of the
Seianton Business college, has anepted
u position with the Pennsylvania. Cas
ualty Co , In the Connell building.
Mis. P. Keaine,v spent with
Iiiciids at Stioiiilhbuig,
Will Tielble has Kituined home from
Johnstown, whete he has been spend
ing the past month,
Pi of, Johns and his singing class
guv" a loneeit at lliiulenbelgh's hall
Thuisday evening',
Senilis nt the' chinch at the
usual bouts toinoiiow. Seunoii in tint
inoiuiii,! b tliepastut, At tho evening
U o'clock sei v lie, Itev, I), J. Williams,
of Bl.tkel), will deliver an addtess op
oitellglou lu Wales." Itcv. -Ml. Will
Imiivj i.,.piitl Islteil the old iniitiL.
,.., . ..-......,, ...- , j ,
und his nddUKs should be luteiestlug
niul iievaimg. song stivice ami le-heai.-al
of now h lima will pietede the
''Hivcnty"ecn," Jh Huinplueja
Specific, bleaks up Colds, llilp, In
Huenzu.CatiiHli Pains and soieness In
the head and chest, Cough, Sole TJuoat
Ceneial Fiostiatiou and l'eer. 2oe
all Diugglsts.
While on Its way to a (he the sudden
jolting of the hook-und-ladder truck
threw Fheinuii Fiank yinlth fiom his
position on the i tinning bouul. He
stttick tho piuemont head-Tot eniost
and wus still unconscious when
biought to tho hospltnl. H was feaietl
by the house physician that he h l
lecelved Intel nul IiiJiiiIps vihkh might
piovo fatal.
Smith Is stationed ut the Cential File
station, coinei Fifth und Vallev
stieels. Buillnglon, la and In lefer
llng to the accident, he said to a. le
poiter! "My whole system had te
telved a violent shotk which affected
my neiies fearfully. The doctor sulci
I had neivous prosliutlou. I would
often stmt tienibllng out ot a tiotlbted
sleep, coveied with a cold peisphatlon,
and Iniaginhig sometlilng honlbtu was
about to happen. Thpie would be
limes when my whole body would bu
numb und then again theie would be
teulble cinnips In my limbs.
"For a long time after leaving the
hospital I was so weak that I could
not walk ntios the loom mid lny
stiength steadily icfused to letiiin. I
could not cat and the tonics und nppr
tleis they gave me did nie no good.
I was loo sick to go on duty and the
doe tin said It would lake a long time
to leiupeinle. I was dlsiouiaged mid
dlshf.ii toned.
"Then a fileutl peisuaded me to
take Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People. They gave me stiength, eiuiet
td my neives to thnt I could get a le
Iti'shlng night's sleep, my nppetlte
came back and 1 boon began to feel
bettei. In a shoi t time I was cuied
and now I feel peifectly well and
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People have n double action on the
blood mid on the npives. Il Is not
claimed that these pills aie h tuie-ull,
but the eiy lutuie of the lemedy
makes It eflleae Ions In a wider l.inge
of diseases than auv othei . It is a
seientlllc piepaintiou designed to cute
disease tluough a diieet action on the
blood and nei ves
At duigglsts or ditect fiom the Dr.
Williams Medicine Company, Schenec
tndv, X. Y. on leceipl of pike, fifty
cents per box; six boxes for two dol
lais and a half.
?4.35 to New Yoik City and Beturn.
Special Thanksgiving Say Kates,
via the Lehigh Valley Kailroad.
Wednesday, Xovembei 26, the Lehigh
Valley inllioud will sell tickets to Xew
Yoik and letiiin at $1 33 fiom Scianton,
good going 011 above date, limited to le
an 11 to and Including X'ovembei JO,
good on all tialiis except the Black
Diamond Kxpies. For fuithei Infoi
mation, consult Delawaie and Hudson
i.illioad agents, 01 Geoige Hellei, city
passengti agent, Lehigh Vallev 1 ill
loael, G') Public Squ.ue, Wllkes-Baue,
Kesumptiou of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New Yoik, Philadel
phia and Pacific Coast Season
Commencing X'ovembei 1J, the Wash
posed of Pullman, diawliig-ioom, sleip
Ingtou und Southwestern limited, com
ing, obst'ivutlon-libimy, club and din
ing cats, opciateil dally between Xew
Yoik, Philadelphia and Xew Oi leans,
via the FeunsvJvmil.i It. It, and the
Southern i.illwa, leaving Phlladelphki
at (lo'i p. in, hi addition will e.uiy a
special Sunset Limited annex Pullman
thawing loom tonipmtment sleeping
cur, to connect with the Sunset Limited,
which will be opeiated daily this sea-s-on
betwetn Xew Oi leans, Los Angeles
and San Fiane Neci.
The telebi.uetl tiaus-tontlnental
seivlte atl 01 dt'U by these kixutlous
linlii! makes u tilp to the Pacific toast
not onlv veiy eiultk, but most delight
ful. Chas, L. Hopkins, disttlit passengn
agent, Soutliein iallwa, SJS Chestnut
stieet, Philadelphia, will be pleased to
furnish all Infni matlon.
MONTROSE. to the Stiaulon Tilbune
Monti osi, Xov. 14. a. I). Hinds, f
"Ki 1.1 ill on, bus bleu engaged In business
heie this week.
.Mis, Hawaii! S. Hiepatd mid (lillil
it'ii, Uuih and .Sttiulej, aie guests of
iclutives In this pliue.
The 31oiitioso football team plavs tile
Jleshoppeu team at that plate Sittu
dav. Mi. and 3lis. W. II, Dennis, ,Ti have
commented housekeeping In one of the
Blossom cottages, for .some time va
cant, on South .Main btieet,
The loonib ovei W. H. Fan ell's sta
tloneiy anil book stoic me being fitted
up In mi excellent manner for the club
just fotmed,
.Monday afternoon the 1 evidence of
S. J. Sp.ukes, on Piospett stieet,
taught Hie mid Mis, Spaiks, .seeming
the aid ut ti man, who wit.-i passing,
Miiteedeil in extinguishing the Humes,
but not until some damage had been
dune to cm pets, etc.
11)101) (iilflls, of Jessup tuwushlp, Is
a ,a the home of his son, L. II,
Ql litis.
Mis. T, P. .Muck mid daughtei, .Miss
Dessle, letuinml Thuistkiy iifteiiioou
fiom a shnit vMt with Biiighamton
Mr. apd Mis A B, Bums spent a
few davs letently with their daughtei,
Mis. C i: Lltsworth, of Hiisttuehunuu.
Piof C. 11, Winder will pie.uh at the
mm plug services In the Baptist 1 lunch
Muny Blends In this plait learned
with legiet of the death of Fa Ollvei,
of Xew Mllfoid, which oicuued -Monday,
aftei an llnebs of two vvtelvs with
l pholil pneumonia,
Claik L Stephens has leased the
planing pilll unit win place new nucliln
ei in position mid soon have It In
HUden Hunger Is on a tilp to Xtw
Yuil. ilty,
Mis. II, B. Benedict, of Owego, Is
visiting friends intown.
C. W. Bioadhead has neatl leeovei
ed fiom his weeks' Illness of
Uphold fevei,
A. L. Lllman mid Ilauy llalplii kfl
Wc'lnesduy for DeKalb, 111. Mr. Lit-
Connolly & Wallace
5cranton's Shopping: Center
The best of its kind means
the best your money can buy.
We are spending your money
and we are accountable for spend
it to the best advantage.
s Women's Cloves
The Jouvin
The maker the best lu the woild has
the finest facilities for w 01 king. The skins
ate selected with Hip gientost cine, and the
loves when finished ims tluough the
hands ol thtee 01 four dlffeient people If
they show the slightest Impel tedious they
are tin own aside.
Theie Is a gieat uulelv of beautiful
colois iipm diep seal and golden blown,
all thtougli lliu blown famll.v, Into the light
tan, which Is almost a cieum; tfioin'ieal
be.iveis unit modes, to the most delicate
shades of mauve. Oveiseani", thiee metal
clasps; ptiie sew 11 with two clasps, or
pltlile sewn with one huge pent I button.
$1.50 and $2 Pair
g Made-Up Muslins
4 Hvciy s'heet and pillow m bolslei-t.isu
Slliut Mm buy in this stoie has biou loin,
not e ut.
That means. The edge l tins along n
x! tluead and the things will ulvv.os be
M.0 &ti .tight aftei tliey .110 laundtied.
?5 "Chiap" muslins .11 e otten those that
2C have lieen cut with the sclssois in Head of
3 v being loin off anv housekeeper knows how
!f they pull out ot shape mill tsticteh in points
M aftei they have been thtough the wash.
JC Thesp ,11c our own bi.tncl, put up under
lu oui name, ol best stjudaid nuisllii, good
J weight, toft liiiish.
a pillow casi:s sinirrs.
e3 l.'xnti l,!e CixOO 4S0 1
0, 4Hx36 14u liJx'l'i ."le
r,ox iu TJxtio ri,io
51x36 lot. 7Jx91) "iSc
SlxlO 5Sc
81V11I tiJo
UOx'lO OJc
00x99 OSc
Silk Coats for Winter
'Too shhei.v," siltl women when wo
flist suggested the idea.
But to ovei 1 nine this we have taken
the wannest, sottest Ikimiel and Intel lined
them until thov ,110 tov and loinfoi tablu
foi the 1 oldest daj".
You will Hud them mostly lined with
white the can be slipped on ovei the
most delitate gown without hint
All lengths, shoit, medium and long,
close fitting 01 3Ionte Cm lo stvje.
$25 to $85 Each
l Ladies5 Handkerchiefs 9c
rfH These ate hemstitched and scalloped,
tS, embioldcied and dnvwii-woik Hundkti-
5 tillers, woith liom U'j to LO cents each.
Choice among them t Si e.ith, oi $1 n
tf doen.
? It's the best Handkeiehlef value we've
JJ seen In long time and should be doubly
tft nppi eclated ai this time ot the jeai the
J neauie'ss of tho Clulstmus season.
Connolly & Wallace's is the
fashion center of this part of our
country not only because it gets
the styles first, but because it
gets them right.
Women's Norfolk Suits
Xol slneethe Husslun blouse tamo Into
favor has thoie been a stjlei over which tho
whole woild has "gone wild like the Xotfolk
Its loose, easy fitting lines and Its tn
foi mullty have nppeuled to hundreds of
jouug glils and giown women, especially In
walking suits.
Like most of the winter coats, Xoi folks
me glowing longer. You can have your
cholco of a loose, box back or half lltted
though the latter stylo Is piobably becom
ing to moie women.
Xo m.tteilal Is too fine or good to put
Into Xoi folks they me even being made of
velveteen and fine bioadclotli. And on the
other hand i(o stuff Is too iou?h or coarsely
woven Indeed, thy coaibcr the better for
some of the suits,
Men's Collars and Shirts
Two tilings evry man in Scianton and
vicinity ought to know Intimately :
Our Dollar Dress Skirts
. Our 2-for-25c Collars
Thev have never yet been equaled
manufiiitin eis say so, candid and unbiased
stoics In oilier cities say so, men who
hav o vv oi n them say so.
The Baby Store
Sends out Us message caps and coats and
never a fuller line or piettler things fiom
which to buy.
Hveiy f-helf. Is packed with bonnets
wadded ones for vv Intel.
Theie aie many kinds, colois and
gindes, l.mging in pike fiom 25c to $10.
The long coats for little babies arc all
white Bedfonl, c.islimeie, silk bcngaline,
taffeta and Duehesse satin, fiom $1.75 to
Rich and Rare Silks
i r
It Is geneially conceded by all who havo
seen the silks wo have Impoitetl for this
season's business that It Is a collection siu
passlng any that eei came to this city.
J 'veiling silks,
Xovelty silks,
Diess silks,
fiom the laiuous fashion centeis of the
oi Id.
The beginning of the social season,
with the piesentation of debutantes and
the coming of November weddings, has
biought the exclusive evening silks into
special notice,
Connolly &
23-125-127-129 Washington Ave. j
tho unite ot the Cltv llee nd.-i bv lit
Dheiloi of the Deputnient ul l'ablli
Wuiks at ! o'clock p in on Moneav, .o
veiubel Jt. I'M-'. I"' 'he (mulshing and
laving of llu-loot lligstoiiti sidewalks on
Stiuntoii sheet, fiom line D, L. .v. II
It. (IJIotinisbuiis Division) to South Mala
avenues In ittioid.iuie with spi tlliialloiis
on (lie at the l.iui'.iu ot Jhlhlneei ug
'Hie pi lie l I sipune loot lausl iiitliiilo
the utciss.iiv muting autl lllllng up to
slx inches, lliddtn must siibiuil a piko
pen iiihlc vaid feu all eitttluu and lllllng
llllOVO t-K illllll'H. ill.
Piopuhiil blanks will bu tiniilshu at
the liuiiMii of IhiBlneiiliirf and no ollieis
will be attepttel
All pioposals must be llk'tl witli the l Itv
Contiollei, at his olflee lusjlie City llal ,
.Seiiinton, IM, not lifter than 2 Jt) o i kiel,
p id, em .liadti.v. Noveinbti J I, UK).1
The Cltv leseives the light to lejeil any
' "" W,",0JC i: ItQCIIi: Diu'Uor.
)i tun tniDiit of I'ubllu Wmks
Seiiintein, IM , Nov 1.'. I'1"-'
in.iu Intends lo make a sluut visit with
lekilives In that plans while Mr. Hal
pin will leinalu, as ho has -mined a
mislllou theie.
Sesqul-Centemilal Celebintion and
'Banquet Held nt Uniondale.
Siiiciil to tho Heiaiituu Tiibune
I'liloudale, Xov. II One of the most
pleasing eeuts of the seutauu was (he
.Musoiile seMiui'ienteiiuluI i elebintlon
mill haiKpHt held In the .Masonle hull
in this plate this eveuiiiK. undei mis.
PletH of .Mi lleiniou lodge, Xo 4T.'. and
Cuiet l'lt lodge, Xo 4ol. Theiet was
a lingo utiendanie ol leptesematlves of
the older li inn the aboe mid Miiioiind
Ing towns, mid the exinlses weio In.
teitstliig fiom Mint lo lliilsl).
An Impoitnnt featuit was the .uhliess
upon "Viis.iliiglon as n Citizen, " de
llveied b, Ittv It X, Hanks, of e'llt
foid, whkh was an Intel estlng blo-
nupoiiT or Tin: coxurnox op thi:
ol Seiiinton, Xo 1S.'! Xoi 111 .Main avenue,
ol l.aik.iwanua coiinlv, IViiusvlvaiilu, at
the close uL Iiiisiui Xov 1.', I'1)-'
Ciihh on hand . $ I"!".! j-
Chctks and othei tush Ituins . , , 1,1 J li
Uuu Hum banks and b.uikeis .... l.MJ'i '.'
Loans mid ilHtoiuits tU.Siu S.'
Invi stnienl Mcuihs owned, v 1 :
Slinks, bottiM, t tc ... JJ.h.Vi XI
.Mm tgiifit'S . . .. 5 It) 41 SI
. &10V..I7
Ileal estate, liiiulltuo and llx-
tuns -I.'1 01
Oveuliafts ill li
Total $175,I7J It
Capital stock paid hi $ W.OoO oi
I'lllllVllkll pillllts, ll'fS OXpt'llhlH
ami tuxes paid J'Olu l
Deposits, subject lo
check Vis, 17" M
Deposits, hpulal iXJ.'iuJ J.'
.Deniand teitlllcales ol
deposits .. Xmio
Tlino leitlltiatts or tlu-
poslta , . , ,.r
Cm tllli d chctks
-'J (IJ
1 '1.0 A 7"
Clhhlei'M thicks oillslnndhlg I u'i
Dim to banks mid bankets M'i .'l
Total . . JI7..17I II
Stale ol I'ciuisvliaulu, l'otmt.v of l.aek-
llWIlllllll. hs
). T .l SMiioiuf riiHhler of tlio abovo
iiiiuiid Coiupiiiiv, do xolemiilv sweat that
the ulioni slatiliHllt Is lion to the best
of on know licit,.! and bullet
iSilKilid) T M bVMO.VUS, t'lu-hier.
KilbscilbiilMiuil soin to Ik font nui (his
Hlliili.v of Novi niliei, l!)n.'
(blglie d)
it i' risTOii
.Notm Public
gi.iphkal skntih as well ns a flul.shed
pleie of oi.itoi)
The' piogiaiiuno of mtei latiimiiit muJ
lu ihaige of Ailing Win skinful .Master
This signature) is on ercrjr box ot Oio gentfra)
I nvn)il(a nllllrlllaOllltlitlO Tnltlfif i
'YlrVTSt&Vtu remedy that, cure u cold In one '
men's Gloves,
The $1,50 Kind for
A full one dollar and a half's woitl
at a saving: of 50 cents on each pnir.
It is a Cape Glove, lined with silk or
unlined, diessed or undiessed, soft
skins, modem backs, all sizes, niicl in
all the popular colois. A leal bar
gain at $1,00 per pair. Eacli pfiir
wan anted, One of tho hest stieet
gloves you ever saw for ijH.OO
412 Spiuce Stieet.
SiOO Lackawanna Avenue,
PLAIN Oil FANCY", 50c.
Atlantic CityT
The temperature at the AONHW,
On the IIcjcIi, In Chelsea, Atlantic Clt,
WrihiciMliiy Wus 59',
Uvcij uppolutinent of a modem Hotel.
Jtbbe J, Hounds, of Carbondalc, tc
whom miieh ciedll Is also due foi llm
suiiess ot the oceabluu.