. r- . ?T n-wr, A - M ' -. .1. z ... ...e-w" , iw 1 -;i r.. , ,-j"! W 9, JWvwyWrMWJ!-'.-:?. s l n " ! V '. - ,-,;-,''."wv"4 Tf, 1 T V I T -Y vi 12 THE SCR,VlSTTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1902, THE MARKETS. t Wall Street Review. , New Yorlc, Nov. 14.-A renewal ot heavy llqiildnllnti In thn stock marliet this nt Vrnoon and a vlotr-nt drive by tin orirniiJ Bed bene parly caused a disorderly biiuiip to tho lowest r'rtcea of tho week. I.ven at tho llnat lally, duo to tho ncrntnfole ninongst bears to cover their nhort con Hurts, which lifted jiiIccr ono to tlireo paints abovo tho lowest for tho wcuueMt ncllve ctoclis, tho prlcca of .not a few im portant stocks tiro lower than before for tho weok. At the cxtrcmo tlcclhics, which ivrio mado cnily In tho llnnl hour, looses or fioin tlireo to seven nml a nmirter w;io bIiowm by the Mocks which born tho bnint of thn bear nttack. St. Paul led with a :, point decline from yesterday f. kooiC Jslnntl UH, tho preferred 7, Hnltlmoro nml Ohio ntul Lotilsvllln 5Vi. Canadian Pnc lie n. northwestern 1'i, Colorado Hid ft, Heading 4, Pennsylvania ni nml a num. her of tho Pacifies, coalers ami other titocka a points or over. The llerconess mid suddenness of tho rnld funic a a sur prise, owning to the character nf thn hup port Riven to the market at tho ouenliilf decline nml tho eagerness shown by tho bears, who sold short yesterdny, to coer nnd toko their pioflts. Tho rapid tumb ling of prices gave rise to tho usual croo of rumors of financial difficulties and probable failures which guvo active em ploymcnt to somo of tlfose pointed nt in the malting of denials. Tho .wiping out if mat kins nnd the uncovcilim of stop loss. orders dislodged a ureat mass of se em lties. which havo been overhanging the market. No doubt very heavy specu lative losses wcie Involved In some of tills polling. Tho linowlodgo ot the piccarlous situation ot nomo very oxton.'lvo Ioiib ac counts doubtless flRiired In tho formation of tho powerful bear party which broke the market. Somo of the selling toiln was alleged to be by holders of stocks vim have mnlntnlncd their holdings for n long time and through nil the peilod of the Into odvances. Theso holders have f.een immenso paper profits melt nwnj with the disintegration ot prices, nnd were ililven to sell out todny to avoid losses. There was no Immediate, howb on wblcli to base the nttack upon values beyond the prospect of n poor bank return to morrow. Yesterday's announcement by the Pennsylvania company of n 1" per cent. Increase ot wages which would lie I'ipitriilciit to a largo proportion of tho amount nt proxont paid In dividends, was n disturbing factor. In view of thn lecent discussion ot this very subject. Pcnnsyl nnln nnd Its nlflllnted stocks were the first In the market to show ncuto weak ness. The announcement nf n bank sus pension In Boston was also taken advan tago nf by the bonis and speculators lit that center were supposed to bo turned nt bv tho raiding tactics In some stocks. Total sales today. VJTf.OOO shares. Donds vere weak In sympathy with stocks. 'J o lal sales par value, JGC.OOO. United Slates L's and old -Is declined U per cent, on the last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune, by Ilaight &. Preeso Co., 314 uri Mcais Building. AV. D. Itunyon, man- ODen.lIlgh.Low.Close. ngor. A niai. topper m't m. i & V aaii jm. Cot. Oil 4.V.4 American lee H" Am. lee. 'Pr 3S',i 1 Am. Locomotive .... -S jm. Loco.. Pr :-! Am. S. fir R. Co 4i American Sugar ....11-Pi Atchison Ws Atchiboii. Pr !K54 Unit. & Ohio UVOi Hiook. R. T r.VU Canadian P.ioltic ....ll"J?4 Che. & Ohio Wz Chicago ,i Alton XJ Chic. & G. W 2UH , m. &. St. p nr.'i C, R. T. & P IS'! Col. Fuel & Iron 8H3 Col. fi- Southern .... SSM Col. & South.. 'M Pr. -tlli lien. & R. O. Pr S'l'i Detroit Southern .... 17 F.rlo Bl'i JOile, 1st Pr K1',i W.S r,t 17 10' i :'si L'S Hl'6 my r,7 12f'ii r.V4 SUA 17,V;i 1W MIA 2Vk ll'i K',i 17 ISPA r.Ui 17U SSi'2 14"U V-Wi k:,M M-r;A S.1K. -TA 4."ii4 lO'.fi r7 no 41 IIS :i7 !!")',. r.i-'i !:: 4.5'. i 24!A in " S05, -7'i 1 !'. 17 :::', i'-Hi HVj ,. 4"i','. lOV'd :',7'4 :v,3, ro 41-14 ni'i si. !" !'7 r,r,'i 4414 "1 ','. 2:.'.i 171 1S.1 S7'5 4l'. 17 47 SS',4 VJI .;: inr,i4 t.i'4 47 S'4 110 ltVi 13.S :!:.'-. Hrlf. 2nd Pr 47 locking Velley SR'i Illinois Central U2 Louis. A- Xnsh 1-li Slnnhattan i:siV& Slot. St. Ry ISili 3Me.lc.in Central .... 2.1'j Mn K. & Tex 2."s Io K. & T., Pr .... " :lo. Pacltlc lo-.ii X. Y. Central ir,0 Norfolk i West .... IA Ont. & West 2S"fc P.ieino Mail lt 1'enna. R. R l.Wi "People's Gas PO14 Pi'sed Steel Car ... r9 Reading T.d'A Reading. 2fl Pr Rl'.i Reading, 2nd Pr 7C Republic Steel in Republic Steel, Pr... 75 Rock Island l',i St. Tj. fi- San F 73 St Ii. So. W 27 Southern Pacillc .... D'l Southern R. R 31 Southern R. R.. Pr.. 924 Tenn. Coal & Tron.. Texas & Pnellic ... 1'nion Pnelflo Vnion Pacltlc, Pr . T'. S. Leather r. S. Leather, Pr . TT. S. Steel C. S. Steel, Pr M'a "Wabasli SOVi "VVabash, Pr 41 "Western TJnlnu SS'J Wheel. & Ii. K 2rj Vis. Central 21 -i-ix-uivinenu. Total sales. l,302,Win shares. Jloney, BIJ per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION. WHEAT JJecembor . Xay ..M. ,.1 CORN .... r,2'i .... 42 n; . 424 lfpl'v SSA 12';. SSV4 IDilW ir,o-.i 70 g :io 3114 D'l--i r.n W4 SI'i 71 1!) 4IJ14 7:s fijit 57" 42'4 101-H sail 12'! S.S'f. ,u SI'A it' i wt 21; H 21-n r.r-4 in-i'-s 117 fii-'i 29 2.-.14 IST.i ns' w r.2,'. Sl',i 70'', IV'-i 71 41'A 70' ', 2ii'l C0',i :J1 :s 01 U r.i'i 41 !IS14 S97i' 12' KS s.'-i "a 42H S7-J 21 231 IftlH ltR'i (.1 x. l.MVi Kl'4 r.s-j K4' 70' k 7r- 4.P4 70V4 27 ii1A nn'4 91 Vi fio'-i 41'A 9!l. Sli 12'5 RS ::t'4 M'.i 303, 4U4 RS 21 Open, Illch. Low. Closo 2 72 14 7.1 I. "4 7.V4 r.v; 4."S 11 m'4 4A 2014 31' J 1.1.U7 11.35 2B7A 21' J 1.1.15 11.11) 0.01 S..10 7.C5 29--A 21 1.1.07 1 1 35 S.07 S.W 7.S5 7.0.7 23 Jl 1.1.12 14.10 S.07 KM 7S7 7.03 December -May m. OATS December . tay M.. PORK 'January ..... Jlny '.In unary 0 01 Liny !r.O RIPS- '.Tanuary 7.S5 3Iuy 7. C.I NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open, lllch. Low Close. December S.0S R.00 7.0.1 7.97 January SOU S.Oii 7.91 7.91 March . 7.91 7.01 7.SC. T.S.i May ,.. 7.95 7.BJ 7.00 7.00 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. T.nekawnnna Dairy Co.. Pr. County Sav. Bank & Trust Co First Nnt Bank (Cnrbonu'alo), Third Uatlonal Rank Dime Uep. & DIs. Bank Fconomv L.. II. & P. Co First National Bank jjoo BId.Aaked. uu 200 S.10 200 00 4a Luck, Trust & Safe Dop. Co Clan; ii snovcr uo., rr Scianton Savings Bunk ,,,.,,. Tradeis" National Bant; Scranton Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank Scranton Packing Co BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 Peonlo'n Street Railway, first mortgage, duo 1918 115 , rcoplo's Htieot Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 Scranton Tiuc. Co., 6 per cent. Kcononiy L, II. & P. Co N. Jcisey & Pocono lea Co,..? Consolidated Water Supply Co 195 123 COO 225 125 135 113 115 115 33 97 97 103 Scrnnton Wholesale Market. i(Coi reeled b ft. G, Dale, 27 Laeka. Ave,) Four-fl.,o. t Iluttcit-Kiebh creamery, 2Cc: fresh flulry, 2.V,ie t CheebC 13cll4':C, Kggs Nearby 30e,; storage, 22c. Mairow Ilcnn-Por bushel, J2.S3. Onion Per Inmliel, fi5a70c. Potatoes OJe, per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Hftrket New York, Nov. U. Flour Market was firm with a continued talr demand from jobbers. Wheat Spot limit No. 2 red, 773c. elevator; No. 2 red. 76ftc. f. o. b. niloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, SITic. f. o. Ii. ittloat; options Millet but generally tlrm nil day. Tho close was tlrm at He. net ndvance. Sales Included No. 2 red May, closed 79c.: December, 7S1c. Corn Spot thin: No. 2, Cc. elevator and KVc, f. o, b. alloat: No. 2 yellow. Uic.: No. 2 white, c: options tnaiket, Dccemboi- corn was ngnln stiong and active, with May fol lowing at n slower paco. Near months rlosed 9ia?c. net higher and May un. ' augedj January closed D2i4c.: May, 4841'; NoMMiibcr. C3e.: December, BiHc. Oats Kiol ntcady: No. 2, Sl'Jc; No. 3. 33fto.; Btnmlaid white, 37c: No. 2 white, 37e.; No. $ .uUtc S'iiic.; truck mixed western, nom inal! Uncle white western, SCa37c.i trnA wiuto state, ;irt37c: on a rnir spccuintu trade, ontn ruled firm nil dftv with con December closed Rl4c. Butter Finn; ei tra crcamory, :o',Se.t factory, j.6ai8t creamery, common to choice, E0a23tj Imltntlon crenmerv. l7Un21e.t Btftto dnlrl 19a25e.; renovated, i7An2lc. Cheese Firm now stnto full cream, fnncv small colore old, 12?4al3c.; new, TMci small white, ol 12'inl3c.i now. 12Uc.i lnmo white, old. lit now, 12'4c.: largo colored, old, 13c: non 12bv. Kggs Film: nvcrnge best, Kn28Vi(' refrlgoriilcd, l?n21c: western fancy, & 2ic; western poor 10 pume, wiu'uc Chicago drain Market. Chlenco. Nov. II. There wns 11 lipn Irmln In wbent todnv nnd prices wei higher; December closing '.Aa'le. higher Decenincr corn, c. nigncr nun oats shado lower. .Tanunrv nrovlslons close 2'io. higher to 7',al0c. lower. Cash qui tatlonn Werc us follows: Flour Stcndj No. 2 spring wheat. 72i7.1c: No. :i, cti'ji 70c! No. 2 red, 71An,2'4c.; No, 2 con i)4Vsc; ro. m yciiow, r.ic. ; rso. . oats, zswc No. .'1 white. 20i!a32c: No. 2 rve. 4'lUc good feeding bailey, 3.1a37c! fair to chnlcf malting, 43nr.Sc! No. 1 llac seed, Jl.lu; Ni 1 nnnnwesiern, ji.-i: prime timotny seen J.1.6.1: mess nork. Jlii.S7'(,nl7: lard. fl.,VinlOt!t short ribs, JI0a10.2O; dry salted Bhoiildois! ?'j.uoai.ui'.i; snort near sius, Tiuaio.-j. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Nov. 14. Cnttle-Recelpts, 2.W Including COO westerns: sternly; good t , pi lino steeis, JCaO.GS! poor to medium, $' fi.75: stockers and feeders. J2nl.03: i-owi 1.40a4.50; heifers, $2nl.7.1; tanners, 31, Ku 2.10; bulls, Knt.R0; calves, $3.50a7; Tc.viu leu steers, jisai; western stefrs, j,!..ioar,.wi. Hogs Receipts todny, 20.0W: tomorrov. jii,uuu; icic over, i,wu; strong 10 ua. niKiie close easy; mixed nnd butchers. Sn.OJjC.I good to cholco heavy, JU.SOuC.IO; rout, 1 heavy, J5.90afi.20; light, fo.95aC.G0; bulk ijt nalcs, fC.lDau.30. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo. Nov. 11. Cattlc-Receln KiO; butcher graders, good dcmuni stronger: otheis steady. Vciils Rcceinl 323; very steady; tops, $S.23al.r0; common to good, $5.50aS. Hogs Receipts, 1,1,300; nctlvo. Yorke H oe. lower; others steady to strong: heuy ju.uonii.10; a row nt w.iis; mue Workers nnd pigs, $o.2ja.20; nu, U.Oj; slags, JoaCilO. 1 . V ong: heaVA, ed Ji:.30a(iJ"i; HiBlia, SG.Ju FINANCIAL For Sale STOCK of the Town Topics Gold v Mining; Coihpany of Denver, Colorado, 50 Cents a Share This Is a legitimate mining oitcrprise. A dividend paying mine, ownitl In i'co f-imple by the company nnd lo-ated on Bobtail Hill in tho heart of the famous Cold Belt of Ollpln county, Colorado. Stock can be bought on the inonfily pay ment plan. Subscribers can par 10 pol ecat, rash nnd 10 per cent, a minth till the &tock Is paid for AGENTS "WANTED For further Information, call on or ad diebs CHARLES D. SANDERSON", 136 "Wyoming Avenue. Scranton, Pa. Wall Sireet Syndicates Iff and Their Profits" 8ond for onr booklet. Mailed free. Tells how to shnro in the immenai profits of thcao hugo combinations. Investments of $20 nnd upwards earn splendid, rcculnr incomes in nup SvniWrAto oncmtlans. CEO. FELLMAN & CO., Bankers D 90-80 wall Street, new Tork Moving Picture Exhibition On the Third Floor. Programme for Today- No Fool Like an Old Fool. Tramp on a Rolling Ball. Tramp's Interrupted Nap. Destruction of the Island of Martinique by Erup tion of Mt. Pelee. Reproduction is faithful in presenta tion, No children allowed this evening unless accompanied by parents. Exhibition begins at 10 and ii a. m., 2, 3 and 4 p. m.; evening, 7:30, 8:30 and 9 o'clock. We are showing winter styles, the newest things. Hats made of Irish lace and maxlnes, trimmed In plumes. GRAPES, the crazo of the season, Is shown here In quantity. Fo liage also Is prominent. Dress shapes In Beaver Hats In white and assorted colors. Long White Plumes at a range of prices from S1.98 to $13.00, ' Black Plumes begin at 49c up to $18.00. From the Men's Furnishing Department Men's all-wool Sweaters, black and white and blue and . white; all sizes. Marked at 1 .50 Men's all-wool Cardigan Jackets, black and blue; all sizes. From 1.00 to 2t 75 Men's Shirts, made from flno Percale, with detachable collars and cuffs. Very tasty designs Sizes 14' to 17. . Marked at. ' 4oC Men's Fleeced Underwear Heavy weight, all sizes. . Prices, each 29c, 39c, 45c and 5UC Her Majesty's Corsei For Less Than Elsewhere '; vrnijr.. Style No. 200 Made from heavy Coutille, double steel strip Cor- ( 2.33 1.98 set, medium weight, made for stout people. Always marked at $2.75. Today Style No. 1 Straight gore, lace top; made from fine French Satin, Comes in black and white. Today A Book Bargain Every title good. Regular price 50c Saturday all day.. 29c The Shadow of the Sword chanan. Castle Hohenwald Vister. Virian Grey Disreall. Puck Ouida. Red Gauntlet Scott. Jerry Duchess. Bu- A Fallen Idol Anstey. House in Bloomsburg Oliphant. Mill on the Floss Geo. Elliot. Kit and Kirty Blackmore. The Prime Minister Troilope. Widow Ferouge. The Professor Bronte. loo: D OOKH The Joyce Stores'Big Offer for Saturday 2-TWH EPHyNHS-2 ARBUHKLE E Umi 04IFFEE Undreamt of Possibilities.... 1 We have demonstrated by our stock of Men's Suits and Overcoats this season, that the veri finest can be improved on. Your needs are our forethoughts; your satisfaction our duty and pleasure, and your confi dence our highest reward. We have ploughed into the depths of possi bilities turned to light new fdsh fons; excelled excellencies which you have had heretofore, and planted the banner of perfection on hitherto uh trespassed ground. Get in touch 1 with our clothing ideas and you will, be in touch with the best ' . raJHWi anvil Kj fill I'Fil f M il'jfil To the Ladies of Scranton : When tired searching for something new in Chil dren's Fine Clothing, stop at GRIFFIN'S. Yon will find what yon want. p. BlIIMWI H. Griffin, Clothier 318 Lackawanna Ave.. Scranton, Pa. Dockash Stoves at Wholesale Dockash MMBMMMMMaMMaMMNNMMMMMMCMaMWMMHMHHMMMIIHMWM MMMMMnMMHUMMMMMBHMMlBMMMMaiVBMlniHM With every five-pound purchase of our High-Grade "B8JTTERINE" The Twentieth Century Butter Rich, Pure and Sweet. Only five pounds sold to each customer. SPECIAL : NEW BUCKWHEAT ?5 lb. Sack, 59c THE JOYCE STORES c i,mmmmsMmmmumm- - tt- wufl'fffifcWfgmuMW . ssmmmMmmmKmiim ; fi-. 6TIJM trjV3A!Mt3'4Mrl&r!riljmi "fe? .r v1 n-.S, s.-., .jt;-' m-m-s ! 'mvmi wm 1 A 1 1 IKS Rnv a ;to( mnrlp hiinrlrH; nf milp; nwnv u'hpn von run hnv I VV rl 7 SCRANTON STOVES at Foundry Prices. You can get repairs at C any time on home-made Stoves. Parlor Stoves from $5.00 and Upwards Ranges (G Boiler Holes), $10.00 and Upwards Sold at same price as at Foundry by FOOTE A FULLER CO., 140-142 WASHINGTON AVENUE. UNION CASH STORE, OUNMORE, FA, WILLIAM CHAPPELL, PROVIDENCE SQUARE, A. J. HOWLEY, OII NORTH WASHINTON AVENUE, . TT TT - T" T" Spencer Trask &Co. BANKERS 21 & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. One Gnt wfiftriniVu our booklet 'Tho OnO Wqv" iff full particular, bow to uiakerour money rtixaur inuntblj Imumo without nilc or AVnTo at once tu XMEJjll'AN FINANt'K A SIOItTOiCK CO, liu tvuii nircct, ew uru. IJ001) Y,McLELLAN & CO. BANKERS, No 57 Uroadway, New York City. MUMBEnS NEW VOHK STOCK EXCHANOE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN h 4 Y" i i