The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 15, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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TUB ANN TAT. convention of the
AVoinun's Itonii' Missionary So
ciety of tin' Wyoming confer
ence will ho hold hi Klin Park
church next Thursday ami I'rl
ility. It will be n very liiiiortnnt moot
ing, and will bring together a hugf
number or delegates from New York
state ns well us Pennsylvania. The
following Is the programme:
Tllt!ttrilAY-l,30 1'. M.
Devnllotml service,
Mrs. Miller. Titiil'liitntiiiPK
"Welcome Mrs. II. Peel:
Greeting ly the pastor.
ltcv. I. M. (llllln. I). I).
Response. '
Mrs. J. AW Nicholson, Wuvi-rly, N.
Reports of Conference Olllcois.
District Serrotuiles niughnmlon, Che
nango, IlolicHlule.
Paper, "Vounk People's Work."
Jllhfl Helen Hnntee, Wist Pulsion
Reports from Departments
Young People's Work.
'Mite lloxes.
Rending Circle ami Literature.
' j 7.30 l M. .
Opening sorvlcVs..ltcv, ('. At. (illlltl, 1. t.
I'liii Park Choir.
Row .1. M. Tabor. Jr.. MM.. Itliighamtun
KHIUAY-fi.lS A. M.
I.ovo Kcnsti
Lucy AVcbb 1 ayes' Training School,
.Mr. A..Orllhn
District Secretaries Onconta, Owogo,
Mrs. George D. (iemina and Others
I'apcr, "Tithing."
Mrs. W. .1. llaskliiH. ltlnghnnitnu
SnppllcH Mrs. J. W. Thomas
Klccllon of OIIU'crK.
J P. M. -'
Devotions Mrs, C, H. Henry, Luzerne
Taper, "Rust Hall,"
Mis. T. II. Dale. Scrmilon
Heading. "Dick's Kxperlrnco with tho
AVhlto Ties,"
Miss Kdnn (J. S.ixe. Scriiiitou
Paper, "Need of Mission Work In the
Coal Regions,"
Mrs. D. t. Rhone, Wilkes-Kane
4 P. M.
Presentation of Mother's Jewels.
Report of Committees.
Opening service.... Rev. H. C. McDcrmott
i;im Parle Choir.
Mrs. May T.i aid Woodruff, General
Organizer, Woman's Home Missionary
The oMleers are: President, Mrs. C,
K. Mogg, AVilkes-Bnrre, Pa.; vice
president, Mrs. A. AV. Hayes, DIhr
Iininlon, N. Y.; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. U. R. Kulp. AVIlkes-Barre,
Pa.; recording secretary, Mrs. Pierce
Dntlcr, Carbondale, Pa.; treasurer,
Mrs. l.'red If. Hasklns, Blnghiimtoii. N.
A".: scerst-'.-y of supplies, Mrs. J. AV.
Thomas, 110 Luzerne avenue, Pittston;
young people's work, Mrs. .T, C Lea
cock, Alderson, Pa.: rending circle,
Mrs. George J. Llewellyn, AVIlkes
I'larre, Pa.; manager training school,
Mrs. Austin Grillin, Pittston, Pa.: mite
boxes, Mis. II. M. Bass, Scranton, Pa.
cA.ll Souls' Universalist Church.
From centre to circumference All
Bonis' church today is fully alive anil
St work. The ladies are meeting week-
y with their member, and completing
- heir plans for their forthcoming fair,
3ee. 10, 11 and VI. in Guernsey ball.
This promises to be one of the most
successful affairs of the kind thry have
held In a good many year.--. They are
a band of faithful and earnest workers.
Although All Souls' is a mission
church itself, it gives promise of be
coming the mother of missions. Under
the sympathy and encouragement of
the church, our pastor, Rev. Thomas
B. Payne, the Ilrst Sunday in October,
opened a m,lsskmai"y movement, in the
nfternoon, at Carbondale, and (mother
In the evening at Wilkes-Harre. Since
opening his service in Guernsey hull,
Sunday evenings, Mr. Payne goes to
Carbondale and Wilkes-Barre on alter
nate .Sunday afternoons, holding his
eerylce In each place at 3.30 p. m.
Guernsey Hall Pulpit.
Last .Sunday evening a most encour
aging growth in the Interest of the
public in Uev. Thomas B. Payne's Sun
day evening services, at Guernsey hall,
was distinctly noticeable, there being
u gain in the attendance of fully a
hundred per cent, over the previous.
Sunday evening.
A splendid order of service has been
prepared, with Rabbi Anspaoher, of the
Mn'dison avenue temple, as speaker.
At a very early date. Mr. Payne has
secured Colonel AA'atres for a tall on
"The Making of a Good Soldier." The
public Is cordially Invited.
A Good Example.
Tlie workers with the I tew
llltndtolil a
vomnu and she
loses all confi
dence in herself,
, Her step is slow,
' hesitating a n (1
uncertain. Iler
hands are raised
to ward the im
aginary blows
which" threaten
her. V hen a
sick woman
seeks the means of healtlj she is often
like a woman blindfold, She has no
confidence. She cannot tell what her
effort will lead to, She turns now to
this side and then to the other in uncer
tainty and doubt.
The sick woman who uses Dr, Pierce's
Favorite Prescription may do bo with
absolute confidence. It invites open
eyed investigation, There need be no
hesitation in following the hundreds of
thousands of women who have found a
perfect cure for womanly ills in the use
of tltis medicine,
" Favorite Prescription" cures irregu
larity and dries weakening drains. It
heals inflammation and ulceration ami
cures female weakness.
With 7 heart full of gratitttilr to you for send,
inj out t er the laud vour wonderful medlciuc I
eud these few line, hoping Unit tome poor suf
fer iiRiwomeit will trv lr. Werce'n medicine,
writes Mr. Cora I,. Root, of Oreeinprlnif I'ur.
iiace. Washington Co., Marytaud. "I had suf
fered teveily from female wcikneu and had to
I in bed a ureal deal of the time. Had head
cne, backache, and pain in lelt sldewlieu lying
down. I rommeiu'eil taking Dr. Pierce' favor
ite Prescription, and had not taken two bottles
when ( wai nule to be around egsiu and do my
work with but little pain. Can now eat any.
ihluir und it never hurts me auy more. Iluvc
taken teveit lwtlle of nr Pierce' favorite J're
crlptlon. and one of hi Compound Kutract of
Bmart-Weed aud eeral viols of his -I'leasaut
Pellet.' I'eellug better every day. My liu
DMid ty I look Miter every day,"
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick beaduchc.
u -
Hughes have resolved to paint the Ad
ams avenue chapel. New York street,
free of cost to the ehttrehi
They tmvposo doing this work on
Thanksgiving day, as a Thanksgiving
At Bellovue Welsh C. M. Church.
Dr. T. .1. Jones, the Welsh Calvlnls
lie .Methodist missionary to India, und
his wife, will bo In the Hellevue
Calvlnlstle. Methodist church tomorrow.
Mrs. .lonoM will give u talk to the ehll
dten In the afternoon meeting at 2
o'clock, and Dr. Jones w'U speak on
the subject of "Missions" In Iho even
ing meeting at U o'clock. Them mis
sionaries have been out In India for
ten yeais, and have come to Annuel
for jlielr health, and are visiting the
Welsh Calvlnlstle Methodist ch irehes
throughout the country. Mrs. .1 mos Is
nn exceedingly good speaker and has
no illllteulty in holding the attention
of her audience during her talk. She
has a very winning and fluent way of
speaking, and knows Just how to talk
to children, as she has had a great
deal of experience with them In India.
Dr. Jones also Is a very able talker,
and has very many new and IntereslU?
things to say concerning his work In
After hearing what these missionar
ies have to tell, one cannot but feel
like doing more towards carrying the
light of the Gospel to the heathen of
distant lands, which Will be attested
to by all who have had the privilege
of listening to them. Parents, send
your children to the afternoon meet
ing; It will do them good, and tnu
will enjoy It thoroughly. All are given
a warm and cordial welcome to be
Religious Notes.
The Methodist ministers will meet
in Kim Park Monday, Nov. 17, at 10.30.
The Baptist ministerial conference
will incut witli the Baptist church of
AVavorly next Monday morning at
10.30. Train leaves Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western station at 9
o'clock for Glenburii.
Services will be held as usual in the
old First Presbyterian church edifice
every Sunday morning and evening un
til a suitable place of worship Is se
cured for Hie congregation. The com
mittee of session appointed for that
purpose will announce Its recommen
dation in the near future.
tl'roin Author's Notes in "The Sunday School
Le.on Illustrator," I'uliIMicd !y K. II.
Itexet & Co., Chicago, III.
Lesson AMI Tho Time of the Judges.
Judg. ii, 7-10.
Golden Text "They cry unto the Lord
In their trouble and He savetli them out
of their distresses." Ps. 107, 19.
llnw easily tho world forgets Its faith
ful nilnlslcis, and falls to piollt by the
lessons of the past. Joshua illcil mid Is
rael soon forgets his precious teachings
and his priceless service.
'it Is only a step from forgotfulness of
good to a frultfiibiess in sin. Israel for
gets God and worships the gods of the
people, then sorrows, adversities, trials
loll In iiou the chosen people of God
until they again remember JHm and cry
for deliverance.
The merciful Father hears the cry of
His repentant ones and He raises up thu
Judges who are the deliverers of a chas
tened hut holoved people. God hates sin
but loves to save the Mnnci.
The history of the children of Israel Is
the history of God's children In all ages.
Disobedience brings sorrow. Obedience
brings the Father's blessing.
The blackboard sketch suggests that
when tho Israelites became forgetful of
God, and, disobeyed Ills commandments,
they were plunged In war, distress, disas
ter. Dentil is thu inevitable result of dis
obeying God. But when Israel repented
of her sins aud turned to God, when she
forsook the evil wnys and obeyed thu
word of the Lord, she rejoiced in peace
and prospcilty.
Should we read the history of our Chris
tian lives, would not our record be similar
to that of Israel? ruder what banner are
wo living?
;i i:
"Hctiirn, yo backsliding children."
Jer, III. :i.
Suggestions Draw an open hook nnd
write on it "Judges:" On one page write
"Disobedience" and under the word place
Sorrows, On tho other page write "Dis
obedience" and under this word draw the
picture of a hand dispensing HlesMngs.
Scranton, Pa.
Judges, 11: 7-10,
Secretary of American Society of He-
llgloas VMucatlon.
THI'I HOOK. The seventh book In our
Kngllsh lllble, from which the lesson Is
taken, is of uncertain origin. Until re
cently scholars assigned its authorship to
the Prophet Samuel, whu nourished, ne
cording to Archb(.sliop Vhlier's chron
ology, . C. 11U7 to 1037. a period eighty
yeais. it has been held by later critics
that (lie book was written after the Baby
lonian captivity by some unknown scrlbu.
All agree that It covers tho time that the
Judges ruled in isiael, which was pi lotto-
the monarchy under Haul and subsc
ipieiil to the administration of Joshuu, the
uiit'cetsfcor of Jloses. Tho government was
thei) a pure theoeiacy on a tribal plan,
Thu people were settled In Palestine ac
cording to u division iiiudo Immediately
after the comiuest, and wore confronted
with many dllliculties. Their illsperuion
endangered national unity and led them
to eek friendly relations with the oil
ciual Inhabitants of tho laud, who were
idolaters, nnd given to many Immoral
jFPritf t -'s,"wigJajfgJJrJl.TTih'ijJpl3
TttH HUUVICR-tVciFe 7,)-For n. time
after entering Cntmntt, the children of la
lac! were faithful to tho Lord, They kept
the laws, moral, civil and ceremonial,
Which were delivered to Mimes on Mlnnl.
tKx. xk, b) lly these every relation In
life was covered, and nil the Interests In
family and society were fully guarded.
The excellence of Hint code, confessed by
eminent Jurists of all after centuries, Is
shown by the fact that, as lllackstolic de
clares In his Commentaries on the Laws
of I'iihIiiiuI, It has entered largely Into
tho legislation of all civilized nations.
There was thus presented the beautiful
spectacle of more than three millions of
souls living pencably and happily In the
valleys and on the hillsides, loyal to their
King, the Almighty. This delightful con
dition continued through the life time of
Joshua nnd of those fathers who hud wit
nessed the displays of God's power.
T1IH TltANHITIONi-(Verscs S, !, 10.)
Oiie by nun these venerable men passed
away, gathered unto their fathers. Joshua
reached the good ago of 110 years. (Josh,
xxlv, I'll,) Ho h,id been the conllilonllal
filend of Moses from the time the Itcd
sen wits crossed, the lender of Israel lit
the battles of defense and comiuest (Josh,
vlll. 1), and the wise aud honored head
of the liallou after the settlement In the
new possessions, lie was burled In land
that had come to him In partition of the
country fJosh. xs. ,0), In the city of
Tlmnah-iSerah of tho tribe of Kphiahn,
to which he belonged, (N'uinb. .vlll, S.)
Ills long service hud glvrn him a warm
place In thu hearts of his countrymen,
who laid away his remnlns with becom
ing reverence Some of the old men who
had been associated with him lingered
for a time, and then they too disap
peared. A new generation having no per
sonal knowledgu of tho early Utiles came
iilMni the stngc of action.
TIIK KKVOLT.-tVerses 11, 1:', 13.)
The orientalists from the most ancient
times have enjoined reverence for the
fathers. This spirit was ono of the basal
principles in tho laws of tho decalogue.
(Ks. xx. IS.) It was believed that tho
early Institutions of a people ought to bo
perpetuated they wore Indeed held to bo
sacred, as divinely ordained. Conservat
ism tended to stability, and that to se
curity, and In those days men feared
changes ns Involving peril. But the new
Israel forgot the fathers nntt rejected the
lellglous customs nnd ordinances which
were their most precious Inheritance.
Casting off the service of Jehovah, who
brought them out of ligypt, they followed
the gods of tho. land. This may liavo re
sulted from a desire to bo friendly with
the natives among -whom they dwelt, or
from a conviction then common that
there .were local deities who presided over
certain sections of the country: or It may
be that a pure monotheism did not quite
meet the needs of their Intellectual and
toclnl life.
TIIK DKFKAT.-CVerses II and 15.)
Men forgot' that in the turning away
from the Lord they forfeit His protecting
care. One of the plainest promises made
to Israel was that God would be In their
midst to deliver them from enemies (Dent,
xxlli, 14), conditioned only upon their loy
alty to Him. History had recorded In
stances of defeat solely because of sin,
as In the case of AI (Josh, vll, 5). and
these ought to have been warnings to all
after generations sufllclent to prevent any
departure from the path of rectitude. But
the new Israel forgot these things also.
'I ho Canauiiites were not their only ene
miesthe Lord blmself fought against
them nnd brought defeat. All this was
according to declaration made long time
ago. (Lev. xxvl, 17.) It was God's meth
od of chastising His people, making them
to feel the need of llim, to realize their
sin and turn from it, a severe but salu
tary measure for reformation,
TIIK Jt'DGKS.-CVerses Hi and 17.)-
AA'hllt distressed in this manner Israel was
not wholly forsaken. God did not cast
off His chosen as He might justly bavo
done. He bad a. great work to' accom
plish through these descendants 'of Abra
bam (Geu. xll, :i), tho fulfillment of a
promise made, centuries before. Involving
thu welfare of the race. Hence Ills heart
was tilled with pity and after .sulllclent
punishment had been meted out at the
hands of their enemies, after there were
some signs of repentance and reform,
God raised up a man who stood for Him
ami who united all the tribes in success
ful resistance. Tlieru were many such
men called Judges the defenders of the
land, tho administrators of justice, who
sought to rehabilitate the old Institutions,
and rekindle tho tires of patriotism and
loyalty to God. These men camo at In
tervals and rendered valuable service for
a time, und then there would be an inter
regnum. Hut so wayward was Israel that
even these divinely commissioned men
were not regarded.
THE DKLlA'KHA.-Crc.-(Verse. ISO
Lord was merciful aud faithful notwith
standing the sins of Israel. He beheld
tho people In their sin and sorrow. Ho
beard their groaning by reason of op
pression. There is no more pitiable condi
tion than that of those who by sinful
deeds are plunged into trouble, who cause
their own misfortune. And the divine
heart was moved with compassion for
Iho suffering Inhabitants of tho land, and
by tho hand of the judgo whom Ho raised
up Ho brought salvation, a temporary
respito from tho vexations of enemies. It
was not because of any desert of man
but because of thn Infinite mercy of the
Almighty (Titus, III, 3) that the tide of
battle was turned nnd Israel gained the
victory In struggling against her foes.
Then peace and rest came to tho land
and rejoicing far aud wldo filled all tho
THE DOLATnV.-(A'erso l!.)-ut
tbeso gracious Interpositions were speed
ily forgotten. As soon as thn man wass
dead through whom they wore wrought
the people returned to their old ways and
served idols ns bforo. Baal and Asbtar
oth, tho supremo innlo divinities of tho
Phoenician and Cauaanllisli nations,
usurped tho place of tho God of Abraham,
of Moses and the fathers. Images were
set up, aud worship was appointed with
pomp nnd ceremony. Tbero wero burnt
offerings, sometimes of human victims,
nnd exercises wero Indulged of a. most
revolting and debasing character. Tim
abominations iluiH introduced have been
described by Herodotus, tho father of
profane history, who has faithfully pre
seated the dreary picture of tho heathen
world degraded oven in Its holiest aspi
rations, sunken In shanio oven while at
tempting to promote the Interests of
mnn's higher natuio.
TUB TRACHINGS.-Thls brief sketch
of tho times of thu judges presents sev
eral Important truths wot thy of'our care
ful attention. 1, Seo tho tendency of men
to relapso from the high Ideals of great
leaders. F.yery sect and party Is purest
nt its beginning. The principles on which
It rests aro understood by tboso who Ilrst
formulated them as they cannot bo by
any who comu after. Other hitercsls
come hi to turn aside the movements Into
new channels and so diminish Its power.
'J. Seo tho need of projecting Into tho fu
ture tho Inlluenco of good men. To clier
Iblt their memory, to mako known their
teachings, to .conserve tho past Is ever es
sential to the prosperity of a causo which
they began. To plunge hastily into sur
roundings under new lenders, is always a
course of danger, to bo permitted with
Sceptics Turn Believers
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder a
Great Blessing.
"When 1 read that Dr. Agnew's Ca
tarrhal Pqwdur could relievo Catarrh In
JO minutes I was fur from being ion.
vlnced. I tried It a single pulf through
tiu Uuwer afforded instant relief, stopped
pain over thu uyes und cleansed tho nasal
passages. Today I am freu irom Ca
tarrh." Ii. L. Egan's (Eastou, Pa.) ex
perlcnce has been that of thousiiuds of
oiheis und may be yours.
Br. Agnew's Heart Cure saves life.
Believes in 30 minutes. IS
Sold by AVm. a. Clatk und II. C. Sanderson.
caution when the past makes thin tho
plain way of duly. .1. Hen how long-nnf-forlng
In God, He bears with the follies
of tnen. Ills Judgments lire tempered
with mercy. Ho magnifies Ills goodness
that Ho limy In lug forth nnd establish
ilghteoiisiless. lip fotguts not Ills prom
ises und' works out Ills own 'st designs.
Mini Park church-Dr. O. M, aiftln, pits
tor. Prayer and praise meeting nt (WO a.
m, ltcv. K, 11. Singer, tho nsslstant pas
tor, will preach nt 10.P-0 it. in. Stinilny
school at L p. m.: Junior leagtio at p.
m.: Senior league at (I.W p. tri. At 7.I10 p.
in. the pastor wilt preach oh the topic,
"Falling from tho Itouf, or Human Provi
dence," Strangers are welcome.
Kmlmry Methodist Hplsenpnl church
Rev. James Ilcunlnger, pastor. I'rcnchlng
nt 10.:!pj subject, "Thn Strange Battle of
Gideon;" class meeting at 11.30; Sunday
school nt 2 ii. m, j Kpworth league at,
Miss Aiiniu Johns, lender. 'vetting
prcnchlng service nt 7,30: subject, "A Ho
mnnco of Love In Three Paris." Part
Ilrst, "Tho King's Ambassador Seeking u,
Wife for tho Young Prince."
Asbury Methodist l'plscopnt church,
corner Dolawaro street and Mousey ave
nue Rev. C, A. Honjamln, pastor. Love
feast,; preaching tit 10.30 by ltcv. A.
Griflln, D. D followed by sacrament of
Lord's supper. Sunday school at 2,30;
League at 1.30. Itevlval services ut 7.30.
Preaching by Uev. J. D. Belknap, of
Syracuse, who will be present each even
ing to assist tho pastor In evangelistic
services. Mr. Belknap Is a splendid
preacher rind singer. Seats free nnd all
are welcome.
Court Street Methodist Episcopal chinch
G. C. Lymnn, pastor. Class, 0.4":
preaching. 10.30; Sunday school, 11.15, G.
n. Clark, superintendent. Kpworth league,
0.30; preaching, 7.30. Evangelist C. T. Van
Gordcn and wife will liavo charge of the
services. This Is their last day with us.
Comu and enjoy tho meetings,
Provldenco Methodist Episcopal church
Uev. George. A, Cure, pastor. The
Brotherhood of St. Paul meet at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 10.30. Sunday school at 2 p.
m. Kpworth leagtio at 6.-I3; topic, "Pres
ent Opportunities for Methodist Mis
sions," K. L. Benjamin, leader. Preach
ing at 7.30; subject, "Changes to Bo
Thankful For."
Afilcnn Methodist Episcopal church,
Howard Place 10.30 a. m preaching W
Presiding Elder Benjamin Wheeler. Sun
day school. 2 p. m.; 3 n. in., communion;
7.30, preaching by Rev. D. S. Bentley, pas
tor. All aro cordially Invited to attend
any or all of these services.
Penn Avenue Baptist Church, I'enn ave
nue, between Spruce and Linden streets.
Strangers always welcome. Preaching
morning at 10.30 and evening nt 7.30 by tho
pastor, Rev. Robert F. X. Piece, D. D.
Morning prayers In the lower temple at
!M.". Theme of the morning sermon, "Halt
Heartednoss." Sunday school at the
home church nt 2 o'clock and at the Me
morial mission on Prcscott avenue at 3.30
p. m. Young People's Society of Clulsllau
Endeavor meeting nt fi."0. At the "Bright
Hour"- evening services the pastor will
preach a brief sermon on "Hard Prob
lems." .
Jackson Street Baptist church Rev.
Thomas de Griichy, D. D. pastor. Morn
ing men's meeting at 9. 1.", Brother Rich
ard Xlcholls, leader. Morning sermon at
10.30. Topic, "Hold On." Sunday school
at 2 p. m John Lloyd, superintendent.
Evening service at 7 shnrp. Praise and
song service as usual, followed h, n short
address. Topic, "National and Individual
Lesson on Prosperity." This service Is
bright and full of song. You aro Invited
to this delightful service. Seats are all
First AVelsh Baptist church, AVest Mar
ket street Rev. J. A'. Davie, pastor. At
10 a. m., sermon by the pastor; 2 p. m.,
Suiul'iy school; fi p. in., sermon by Mrs.
E. E. AVells, the evangelist. Special
uiiudo will be rendered. This s-ervlce will
be carried on in English throughout, and
under the direction of Mr. and Airs. E.
E. Wells, the evangelists, Mr. AVells will
Flng some of his sacred solos. All are
cordially Invited to these services. Seats
First Presbyterian church Services at
10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Dr. McLeod will
preach morning and evening. Subjects,
"The Dlvlnu Right of Choice" and "Tho
Best Service." Strangers welcome. Mid
week service In tho new Y. M. C. A.; en
trance on Washington avenue.
Second Presbyterian church, Jefferson
avenue, between Mulberry aud Vine
streets Joseph II. Odoll, pastor. Morning
worship, 10.30 a. in.; Sunday school, 12 m,;
Young People's Society cf Christian En
deavor, 0.30 p. m. Evening worship, 7.30
p. m. .Subject, "Love's Quest." Row J.
II. Odell will preach at both services.
Green Ridge Presbyterian church Rev.
I. J. I.uiising, pastor 10.30 a. m servlco
of worship, with sermon by the pastor;
subject, "Relative A'aluo of Judaism and
Christianity." 12 m Biblo school; 0.30 p.
m., Christian Endeavor; 7.30. evening
worship, with sermon by pastor; subject,
"I.oyulty and Sobriety; Anarchy and Al
coholism." All are cordially Invited.
Sumn'er Avenue Presbyterian church,
'corner Sumner avenue, and Price street
Services tomorrow as follpws; Sabbath
school In the afternoon at 2 o'clock;
evening service at 0 o'clock. Rev. Mr.
Nye will occupy tho pulpit. Seats free.
All welcome.
AVnshburn Street Presbyterian church
Rev. John P. Moffat, D. D pas lor. Ser
vices at 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. Biblo
school at 12 m.; Christian Endeavor Juul
ois nt 2.30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor
young people nt ii.20 p. in. Prayer meet
ing AVcdnesday. 7.30 p. m.; subject, "Duty
of Parents." Tho pastor will preach both
morning and evening. Subject for the
morning sermon, "Dellnlteness of Belief."
Mr, Glppel will slug a solo ut tho morning
servlco. All cordially welcome.
Adams Avenue chapel, Now York street
Rev. James HurIuvj will preach at 10.30
a, nir and 7.30 p. m,; Sunday school at 3
P, m.: Christian Endeavor ut 0.30 p. in,
Tho Christian Workers' Leaguo will con
duet u servlco on Tucsdny ovenlng ut 7,30
o'clock. All welcome to theso services.
Green Rldgo Baptist church -The pas
tor, Rev. Henry Sterling Potter, will
preach nt both services; subjects, morn
ing, "The Triumphant i lunch"; evening,
"Pitfalls," ono of the series of evening
sermons to tho young. Sunday school at
11.15 a. m.
Capouso chapel (Presbyterian) Preach
ing at 10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m., by the
pastor. Rev. L. R. Foster; Sunday f-ohool,
:t p. in.; Junior Christian Endeavor, I p.
in.; Senior Christian Endeavor, 0.20 p. m.,
aud 'prayer meeting at 7.30 Thursday
evening, AA'elcoiuo to all.
St. l.uko'a Parlsh-Jtqv. Itogern Israel,
P. D,, rector; Itov, Kihvnnl J. llniiKlitoii,
senior curate; Itov, itoliort H. line, junior
curate. Twenty-llttli Sunday titter Trln-
St. I.uUo'a cliurcli 7.3) n. in., holy com
munion; 10.30 n. in., morulni; prnyur nml
Hermon; 7.30 p. in., cvoiiIiik prayer and
nermon; 9,13 a. in., Sunday school and
Hilda clnsFCS,
St, Murk's, niiiimore S a. ni holy com
miuilou; 10.30 a, m., inornliiK prayer und
bormon; 7.30 p. in., ovenlni, prayer und
uernioni 0.30 a, m., Sunday school aud
lilliic. classes.
Haul Kml Mission, Prexcott avenuo 3 p.
in., Sunday school uml lijUo classes; 7.30
p. in., evening prayer and ?rinoii.
South Side Mission, l'lg strcet-:.30 p.
in., Sunday school and Ulhle classes.
St. George's, Olyplinnt-;.30 p. in., Sun
day school and Ullilo classes; 3.30 p. m.,
evening prayer and scrinon.
St. Junies, Nicholson 10.30 a. m , morn
ing prayer and sermon; 0.30 a. m., Sunday
Church of the flood Shepherd, corner
Mousey avenuo and Qrecn Itldgo street
't'weiity-lltth Sunday after Trinity. Mom
loir prayer ut 10.30 o'clock; Sunday school
The Man
BBSBmm m&wi i
irI m- ! $ i
Originator and Exclusive Dealer in 'J:-J: C." Clothing.
It is very annoying to have a Clock that you cannot look up to with confidence
and know that both the hour and minute hand are accurately pointing the time of
day; you may possess such a cldck. If so we want you to know that it is possible to
replace it with one that you can rely upon, The following clock bargains are
guaranteed by us.
BSack Wood
That Look Ltko
Blaek iiarbSa
A large assortment of
handsome Mantle Clocks,
that strike the hours on a
musical gong bell and the
half hours on a tinkling cup
bell. Tastefully decorated
in gilt scroll and has a face
that reflects the beatify and
Avorth of the movements,
behind it. Thase clocks re
gularly sell for $8.00 and
are an exceptional bargain
at our price
nml rcctor'K class nt 2W p. in.; ovenlng
iiruyer nt 7.30,
St. Jolm'.s MIhsIou, Ostciliout Hall,
ProvlileiuT) Siitiro Holy communion. "..'10
n. in. j Sunday school, 2 p. m.i uvcnlim
prayer, 1 p. m.
l-'vangollcul I.uthoriiii-Yweiity-Ilfth Sun
day after Trinity. Clespel, Matthew, xxlv,
lU-'JS; epistle, I Thcss-alonlans, Iv, 13-1S.
St. .Mark's, AVashlmni street Itov. A. L,
rtmnor, Ph. D pastor. Services, 10.30 a.
m. and 7.30 p. m.; Luther league, U.30 p.
in.; Sunday school, i- in. .-Morning huh
ject, "Tho New Testament Day of
Uraeo;" evening subject, "Tho Promise of
Ills Coinliur."
Christ church, Cedar avenuo ami Ulrch
street Uev. Junies AVitko, pastor. Ser
vices, 10.30 ii. in, Sunday school, 3 p. m,
St. Peter's, Prtseott avenue Itov. John
Itiindolph. pastor. Services, 10.30 a. in.
Sunday school, 2 p. m- AVcdnesday even
lug sutvlce, 7.l."; rnteehetleal claus, Wed
nesday and Saturday nt 7 i. in.
J'huanuel German-Polish Lutheran
A Timely Suggestion.
"Now that winter with Its bad
weather Is with im 1 would advise ev
ery famllj to provide themselves
u,;alnst sudden attacks of coughs mid
colds by keeping at hand a good cough
medicine, like Chamberlain's! Cough
Remedy, which Is the best among tha
many preparations for these ullmenta
that I lmv o: my shelves," says Air.
h. T. Neavllls. the well known and
popular druggist of Plttsboro, Ind. "I
recommend this remedy und guarantee
It do bo without un eiiial for coughs
nnd colds, uUo us n preventive und
cure for croup." Uuy It now. ' For sale
by all drujffflsts.
4ttH ffihdPbueif?tk
H H Ki bj3 Kf B9 BflSf &-ib3
Who Buys
ffMay repent at leisure unless he is careful where he
S&sfQip makes his purchases. You who have always'traded
!7.'vj "'.i 10.n I.Minic flinl- nart mirvtinco tt mnln Mn Va .
depended upon. You who have not traded here
would do well to investigate our methods as well as
our stock. Wc know how to select the various ar
ticles of apparel and we guarantee every article in
our store you run no risk whatever we assume
it all. To prove our statements we would like to
have you, run in today for instance and see the fol
lowing specials that we feel must interest you :
Men's Sack Suits, made from black Cheviots,
Oxford Gray Vicunas,
Scotch Cheviots, worth
Men's Overcoats, in every cor-,
rcct style for the season, long and
short, loose or snug-fitting, worth
$18, our price
Small boys are taken care of here in a manner
that will please parents and guardians. We wish
they could see this, week the enormous variety of
Suits, Overcoats and Reefers that
we have selected, worth $6 each,
our price ,
Let us show you
winter Hats or Caps.
''1 if (pi'i n 'ii Hiftiiir'i iftin
Eight Day Porcelain teli
A beautiful line, in Bronze, Green, Cobol'
Blue and Ruby finish, with gilt and color de
corations, Ivory colored dial with fancy gilt center
Cathedral gong strikes the hour and half hour. o
$4.50, $5 and $12.00
church, lleebo street lte. I'Vidlnaud Hat
telmeler, pastor. Services In the Ui'.ma.i
language, 10.30 n. m. Sumlav school, i
p. m.
Memorial liaptlst church. Church ave
nue Tho pastor, Rev. W. !'. Ha vies, will
preach Welsh In the morning and Rug
llsh III tho evening. Ullilo school ut 3 p.
in. Prayer meeting .Monday evening.
Young People's meeting, Tuesday even
ing. All aro Invited.
draco Hvangellcal Lutheran church
(general synod), corner of Mulberry
slieet and Prcscott avenue Rev. Luther
Hess AVarhig, pastor. At P.30 a. in., Sun
day school; 7.30 p. 111., Young People's
Society of Christian Kndeavor; 10.30 a. in.
uml 7.30 p, ni., Dlvlno worship, with ser
mons by tho pastor. Kverybody wel
come, llvangelleal Lutheran Church of lliu
Holy Trinity, corner of Adams avenue
and Mulberry street-Rev. !. I'. Rltter,
A. M., pastor. Services at 10.30 a, in. ami
7.30 p, m.i morning subject, "The Great
Tribulation"; Sunday school, 13 m.; Lu
ther League, C.I3 p. in. Catechetical class
on Thursday, at 7 p. in.
'Ion Hvaigelcal Lutheran church. I'M
Mlllllu avenue-Rev. A. O. Cinllonkamp,
pastor. Morning service. 10.30 a. in.; sub
ject, "Too Lutu." Sunday school, 3 p. in.;
preparation of Christmas ptograiinne.
Gorman school every Saturday, 0 to 13
o'clock In church basement, livening ser
vlco, 7.30 p. ni'. subject, "Repentance of a
Lost Son." Hiigllsh Nov, 31. Tho church
will hold n warm turkey dinner and sup
per in .Music hall, on Uickawunuu uvo
line, next Thiil'Mhiy, Nov. io. Kverybody
All Soul's Pnlversullst church. Pino
street, between Adams and Jefferson ave
nuesRev. Thomas 11. Payne, pastor.
Divine t-crvlce, with sermon, at 10.30 a.
in.; subject, "Christian Missions." A
spcclul collection will be taken for tho
in Haste
weeds and
15 and 18
how to save money on our
..-t-.-j! ...Jiuirtl
lolcS Clocks
Variety of style is greater
in this line than in any
other. We are showing a
hundred or more and there
are no two alike. Prices
run from
Useful, inexpensive and
ornamental. Ideal g i f tjs
that .keep accurate time
please ths eye and- lean
l'ghtlv on the pocketbook.
White. Green, Bfue or Ruby
finished with gilt and colored 3
Japan mission. Sunday school at 13 in.
Seals free Slriumcrs cordially welcomed,
livening service at Guernsey hall.-.
Gospi-I Tabernacle church. Jel'foTwon
avenue. Diinniiire Jaipes L'ehmman,' tuts
tur. Preaching by the pastor at hj.3'11..
in. ami 7.30 p. in. lllble school, CVjipou.
Young People's iictliig, U.30. S.1tfida.v
exenlng, s, Sunday school, lesson ..(dully
ut pastor's home. :!." Madison ayehue.
Tucduy, Christian and Mlsslnnary, Alli
ance meetings at 3 30 and 7.30. p. nj. 'All
most cordially Invited. ' .' ' .
l-'lrst Primitive Methodist church. Green
Rhlgi Rev. G. Lees, pastor. Regular
pieachlug service at 10.30 a, in, and7 p.
in. Subjects, morning, "Christian" lor-'
glveness:" evening, "Docs J.ylng Pay'"
Sunday school at 3.30 p', ni. All nfo. .wel
come. .. 'X.
Xlou I 'lilted church, HJ0
Capouse avenue Uev. J, V. .Alessln'ger,
pastor. Preaching, 10.30 a, pi. ami 7.30
p. in.; Iveybtono Leagtio Uhrlstlunvijii
deavor, u.30 p, ni.; Junior Leaguo t'liys
tlan Kndeavor, 1 p. m,; Sunday school,
U.30 a. in. Protracted meeting wllyftttit
from Sunday night. All heats uro fr4e,
Uverybody welcome.
Calvary Reformed church, Monroo ave
nuo and Gibson street Rov, M. L. Flrbr,
pastor. Services at 10.30 a, uv n'mU7.3i)'p
m. Sunday school, 11.30 a. m;::,CMrlatlai
Undeavor, 7 p. in. Seals free. Voij nro
welcome. " ,
An Old find Weil-Tried Remedy,,
for children teething, Is tho preset Iptloiv of
ono of tho best female physicians und
nurses in the Pulled States, und bus been
used sixty years with never-falling suc
cess by millions of mothers for their chil
dren. During tho piocets of teething Its
value Is Incalculable. It relieves tho child
from laiu, cures diarrhoea, griping In tho
bowels, and wind colic, lly giving health
to tho child it rests thn mother. Price.
twonty-Uv cents ix bottle, i'
$2.50 up
11 m n
r -