THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1902. d 11 1 THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Vork, Nov. 13,-Qiillo violent fld vnncert nt tlio opening of today's etock market, which were, nomewhat exceeded by a tally from a subsequent reaction, entirely melted nwny bcroro tho close, which was wenk mid at not loiaos reach ing a point for some or the lending hpoc uliitlvo stocks. After tho heavy declines of tho last two days, reassuring reports this morning ns to tho adjustment of tlio tiouhto nffcctlnc somo spcculatlvn ite connts and nil nbsonce of pressure In tlio money market, tho lofusul of tho marot to stay up was something of a surprlM. After ho considerable n lcactlon, Involv Ing tho ci cation as a mntler of courso of a largo shoit Interest, a rally Is to lie expected. It only from technical causes. It wan tlio sort Interest which caused tlio opening spurt. Tho high lovel ot prices tit tho opening proved Inviting to tho traders who linvo bought nt tho declines. It be came evident nlso that the substantial buying which was ft feature yesterday was lost to tho market nt tho higher tango of prices. Vov tho rest of the day In consequence, there wns a crumbling process which ended nt tho last with nulla n sharp break. It Is a notable fact that tho heavy trnnirors of vailous stocks which are going on give rise to no further minors of posslbto chango of control, such ns nltccted nearly every prominent stock a few months ago. Thero wns no nclnal news In tho nttornoon of Importance to nccount for tho movements In tho days market, beyond tho shifting of spcculatlvn sentiment. Total sales today. 70S.900 shares. Bonds woro better sustained than stocks nnd retained a part of their gains. Tntnl sales, par value, $;,r.W,OW. Tailed States 2s nnd new 4s declined k and the Hi nnd old 4s and Gs U per cent, on the last call. The following quotations nro furnished The Tribune by Hnlght & Kreese Co., 314 815 Meats Building. W. V. Runyon, man- tiger. unen.iiigii.i.ow.iio'. . flri nils ni'i ajij . tl 40 IS IS . lot; ion mi; 11,14 ONLY $5.00 A MONTH Doctor Churchman Byers Will Treat All Persons Applying Before December 1st for the Nominal Sum of $5 a Month, Medicines Included. He Wishes to Impress Upon the Minds of the People That This Offer Positively Expires on the 30th Day of This Month. Many Cases are Cured in One Month's Time. The Medical Profession Amazed at the Wonderful Cures' Being Performed. Amal. Copper .. Am. C. & V Am. Cotton Oil . American Tco ... Am. Tec, Pr Am. Locomotive Am. I.oco.. l'r . Am. S. & Tt. Co Amerlenn Sugar Atchlsorn Atchlhon. Pr . :T!4 . W . ri',4 .lb! . sn'i . osn Halt. Sz Ohio WPi r.s 2S 9l'i Hi 11 (VS. stu fll'i .-.ST 132' 4 ;!f8 nn is:,'!, w,'4 Hrook. R. T r,S'4 Canadian Pncltlc ....l.tlvi Cljcs. ,fc Ohio -Iilli Chicago fc Alton .... 3t Chic. & G. V K5 f' JT. & St. P ITSn C. R. T. & P lSVf, rol. Fuel Iron St'i Cnl. & Southern 21Vi" 2f'1', i ol. (i Snlltll., L'll l'r. 4., Don. & R. G., Pr .... !fl Detroit Southern .... 17' i i:rio :r.i Ilrle, 1st Pr fil'i Kile. 2d Pr II Hocking Vnley M", Illinois Central HI Iowa Central "i'i Kan. City & South .. :!J I-onls. fi- Narh V:i'i M.inhattnn i 13V, Mot. St. Rv lis Central JTo., T. & Tov .. Mn. K. & 'l'., Pr. ?Io. raelfln N. V. Central ... Norfolk ft 'West Ont. & -West 3i)i Pacific Mall :ss'& JVnna. R. R i:,7'i People's fn IOJ'1 .... -)71A ....m7 ....r,i I'- IV6 P'l """8 r.o S.9',4 111 " 40 ' l:i.V'i 13S 2I'. ltt"i r.sti 3I)7" 15", 71". aiu j:,s k iwt. 37 27'i 01 12Vi ii:i?- S2', Ml ft LMH 4S w Wh ITfi'i IS.",'.!, Si", 2!) I.", 17U 3 1 "'A (IP! n W'i i z 3IU l:im ISfil 21'i mil", 1 1'l'i 7H'4 3i) " tii'i l.-.T MPi 7l"i 7.'5i'i 74'. 5 -Vi r.:, f.2-i r.s's i",", wa !n", 12"i 37' A S.-.'i 32 ir.'i SI -2 S". 7l'l ir.u 74 27", Wh Xi fl' r,7'i 12' i ini!4 Pi I 12". v sri 3Pi 11"i -' i 3S Si'-k ill 42'i H4',& S'l Ml "" 330?i 4li 32 2 Jii-'', IS-'s s.-,'4 2' r. II? ..I -j. r,Pi ffl fP'4 II! " 10 31 'J 12H'j I3j:i 137 iMVj 2fi", rai Mi.-', l.V'i -.W-'i 30 3i-.; ir.7; MPi s- " 7l'i Ifl'i ( Hundreds ot people have been unablo to pay Doctor Byers' regular fees. Many have written requesting Doctor Dyers to treat them nt a lower rate. It Is Doctor Dyers' deslro to glvo nil the benefit of his treat moot, anil ss It would bo manifestly unjust to treat a few nt n special rato mid obtuge others more, ho tins concluded to nil persons applying before December 1st tor tlio nominal sum of J5 a month, medicines In cluded. This includes all diseases, nnd no matter what you may bo sufTcrlm; from you will receive ns enrctut care nnd attention ns you would If you were paying his regular fees. He wishes further to state that ninny eases nro curort In one month's lime, but if It should take any longer to complete a cure this low rato will apply until the desired re sult is reached. tils onlces during the past few months hive been a veritable Mecca for those suffetlnR from Deafness, llllndncss, Lameness and nil other Chronic DlsenscB that human flesh is heir to. Hundreds of homes have been matlo hnnnler 'nnd the nennln (ncl.iv nre sounding tho praises ot his nninc. If you wish to take advantoge ot this unusual offer It Is Important for you to call ns early ns posslblo in order to avoid tho rush will naturally occur during iho closing days of thin phenomenal offer. Ho wishes to Impress upon the peoplo that this offer includes consultation, examination, treatment nnd all medicines, nnd no further charge will be made, but In order to got tho benefit, of It It Is absolutely necessary to start treatment on or before the 30th of this month. This offer will not bo extended. DI-CHEMIC TREATMENT. Tho different tissues of the body nro made up ot mlntitu cells, nnd when tbcen cells becomn disarranged, dlscaso Is the result. Dy supplying tho. proper nutriment to the. cells, perfect health can be obtained. All diseases, no matter how chronic, enn bo cured by bringing tho celln back to their normnl con dition, Tho treatment used by Doctor Dyers Is not allopathic Or homeopnthle. It Is a treatment based upon an science and cures with tho cortalnty of a fixed law. Mrs. says: suffered T'resoert Steel Car ... r.P1; Hearting r,S', Tli'nrlliipr. 1st Pr S" Pe.-irlliifr. 2d Pr 71-H Ttppublle. Pteol V.r-' Itepublle Steel. Pr... 7.V. ft. I,. St San P 71 " Pt. T.. So. AV 27-1; Southern Pacific .... fit"; Southern R. Tt 3.1". Southern Tt. Tl Pr.. KK Tonn, Coil ,t- Trim.... ,'S " Ti'xas Paclllc I2H Vnlon Parille Mji T'nion Parille. Vr .... p.fl i:. T. S. Toother I2"i 1. P. I.nnther. Pr ... Slii T. S. Kublier In V. S. Sted 37 T S. Steel, Pr S", Wabash ,i.ij Wabash, Vr 4-U Western I'liinn sn " Wlieel. ,t T,. 13 L'."i WN. 2;,", Total sales, 710,100 shares HIC.AGO GRAIN AND PROVISION. v-Mun. Jiiun. IjOW. uio" 74", 27", flKi 3! P2 ""'A tl MI-71 po 12'. SO n: 37 Sli 3P; 4(7, SSTa 2.-.", 25' ; ASTHMA. Charles Miller, Petersburg, Jly little daughter, Lena, had from Tlronchlal Asthma since n small child. The nttanks wero very sevcio ana sue wouia nave to gasp to get lirr orenlu. She could not sleep nt night nnd It was piti ful to see her gradually wasting nwny. As a last resort I took her to the ofilces of Doe tor Dyers, nnd the Improvement under his treatment wnB simply -wonderful. Today she sleeps well, eats well nnd Is a different child In every way. Ood bless the Quaker Physician for restoring my little 'child's health." FREE X-RAY EXAMINATION. Doctor Dyers never accepts a case unless he knows to a certainty thp cause of the Iroublf, and this ran only be determined by 'a scientific X-Tiny examination. His X-Flay 'outfit Is the most elaborate nnd complete In this country. Dy his special Fluoroscopic at tachment he Is nblb to examine all rrts of 'the body and find out to an nbolutn certainty Itho eauio of the patient's affliction. Como taiid bo examined; It is absolutely free, HE WAS PARALYZED. Mr. John Jenkins, Dunmore, Pa., says! "Seven years ago I fell down an eleva tor shaft and Injured my splno, and as a result my legs became completely paralyzed. No ono can appreciate; the torriblo condition t wns In except those who bare gone through tho same ordeal. From a strong, vigorous man I had been transformed Into a helpless cripple. I could only walk by tho aid ot crutches, and only then with the greatest dif ficulty. Having read about the almost mirac ulous cures that wero being performed dally by Doctor Byers I concluded, an a last re sort, to try his treatment. I began to Im prove almost Immediately, and this improve men has been so rapid and my present condition Is so satisfactory that I feel It a duty to mauklnd to make a public statement ot what tho Great Quaker Physician has dons for mo. Surely a doctor that Is able to do such wonders must bs possessed of mora than human power. I shall never cease sounding Doctor Dyers' praise wherever I may be." Mr. DOCTOR BYERS' RECORD. Doctor Byers was born of Quaker parentage and received his early edu cation under the Influence of that re ligious denomination. He graduated with honor from the Jefferson Medical College at Philadel phia, 1872. Full course attendance Pennsylva nia Hospital for Acute and Surgical Diseases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clinics Diseases of the Throat. Late Examining Physician Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association of New York. HE WAS DEAF. John E. Haley, Carbondale, nays: "I had been dent for a long while. I could not hear In church. I shunned my nolghbora becauso I could not understand whnt they said. I had noises In my head nnd my whole nervous aystomh became nf fected. t lost flesh rapidly and In six weeks I lost over 2G pounds. I tried three nt the be3t doctors In Carbondale, but without nny result. Something seemed to toll me that I ought to try Doctor Dyers' Treatment. I wont to his amcos and placed myself under his care. That was five months ago. My hearing has been restored. Last Sunday I went to church nnd heard every word the preacher snld. I now meet with my friends nnd convcrso with them, nnd 1 nssuro you I will never ceaso sounding the praises ot Doctor Dyers' namo for restoring my hear ing. Ills power over disease comes from a Higher Influeuro tbnn human. Ood bless the Qreat Quaker Doctor." DOCTOR CHURCHMAN BYERS, Chief Consulting rhvslclan of tho 111 Choralc Treatment. PERMANENT OFFICES. Entire Second Floor, 412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. to 12: 2 p. m. to i. to 8 Daily. Ofllco Hours, 3 o. m, lfvenlngs. 7 Sundnja, 10 a. m. to 12 m. N"evr York Grain and Produce Market New York, Nov. 13. Flour More nethe and llrnier. Wheat Spot llrm; No. 2 red, 77r. elevator; No. 2 li'd, 7i!Vc. f. o. U. atloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. St'fce. f. o. n. atloat; exhibited oimsldeisihlo firmness all day; closed Un'iC. net higher; May, 7K"ic; December, 78Vc. Corn -Spot llrm; No. 2, 63c. elovator and Oic. atloat; No. 2 yellow, Giic.; No. 2 white, ('ic.; continued strength in December was tho corn feature today. The close was from to 2c. not higher. January closed SlVSe.; February closed 5Hic.; May, 4'!l4r.; No vember, file.; December. "". O.its Spot quiet; No. 2, 3l!Jc.: st a miard white. "7e.; No. 3, 33'Ae.; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 3 white, Sfilie.j track mixed western, nominal; tiack white. .I'laSTc.; options fairly active and Htcaillor; December closed o5"ii". But ter Firm t extra creamery. 2rtc. : do. fac tory. 16n1Sc.; creamery, common to choice, in.i2.-e.; Imitation cieamcry. 17n21c.; statu dairy, IS.i'.'I'iiC.; renovated. 17',2n21c. Cheese Firm and quiet; new state full cream fancy, small colored, old. 2-'jC.; new, 120.; small white, old, Wic; new, VZc..; hiiRc colored, old. 12?ic: new. 12-7J.C.: Mt'go, white, old, 12aic; new. 12;r. Kggs Wrong: n best, 2Sa2S'io.: relriger ated, Sa2lc; western, fancy guide, 2iU 27c; western poor to prime, 2a,i2jc. D., L. & W. BOARD. Following Ib the make-up of the Delaware, Lnckawanna and Western board for today: THl'RSDAY. NOV. 13. Kxtras iSnst G p. in., Howo; 7 p. m., Itogci!i; S p. in., Bush; n p. m Mullln; 10 p. hi., Baxter; 11 p. m., liartholomew; 12 midnight, M. Flnnerty. Summits G p. m., J. J. Murray S p. m., Thompson (east); n p. lleiii.m (west). lixtias West 11 p. in., Caslner. (east): m., J, AVHKA December May . CORN December May OATS December May PORK January . May LARD Jnmiary . Mav RTIlS Jnnuary . May 7 Hi .-!-', II', 2fi". ::o-, 1.V17 11.37 ft 10 8.M ilni ll-i 31 n 1.-..17 11.10 0.10 !'..-,0 71 7J'S ll'S 2fi'J I.-..10 113 n.m fl. 17 7f-', 20)5 31 i.-tn 11.37 nn.- H.47 717 7(12 7.01 7.G2 r 7.M 2 7.G2 KEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. High. Low. Close. December January Stni s.o Jrnrch 7''. 7!U May ; ill r.uj 7.H3 7?S 7. ill 7.PG S.07 b.00 Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Nov. 13. Trading in wheat on the boatd ot trade today was dull. Strength in corn and coveilng by shorts caused a llrm tone late in the session ami December closed 'dc. higher. January provisions closed from Co. lower to a shade higher. Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour Quiet and easy; No. 2 spring wheat, 72a73c; No. ". GlaijOc; No. 2 red, 71'.ia72i: No. 2 corn, file: No. 2 yel low, r.3'.c.; No. 2 oats. 28',c; No. 2 white, uV.ic; No. 3 white. 2nn33',4c; No. 2 rye, 4Hc.; good feeding barley. 35a3Se.: fair to choice malting, i'lnr,Se.; No. 1 llax seed, $1.10: No. 1 northwestern, $1.22; prime tim othy seed, ; mess pork, per barrel, $1.S7' al7; lard, per 100 pounds, $; short rib", sides. S10.10al0.30; shoulders, $9.50.1 'J.iVy, fehort clear sides, $10al0.2J. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... County Sav. Bank & Trust Co First Nat. Bank (Cnrbonualo). Third Uatlonul Bank Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank Dconomy Tt., H. & P. Co First National Dank Lack. Trust & Safo Dep. Co . Clark & Snover Co., Pr Scranton Savings Bank Tiaders' National Bank peiantnn Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank Scranton Packing Co BONDS. fjcranton Passenger Railway, first mortgago, duo 1920 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due ISIS Teopio's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 Scranton Trac. Co., G per cent. Economy L., II. & P. Co N. Joisoy & Pocono Ice Co,... Consolidated Water Supply Co Bid. Asked. 03 ... 300 370 300 130O 393 125 CM 22j 121 m 115 115 115 115 va 45 97 97 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by in O, Dale, 27 r.,ackn. Ave.) Flom-$l.40. Butter Fresh creamery, Me.; fresh dairy, 2.-ilc. Cheeso ISalSlJjc. Fggs Nearby, 20o.; storage, 22o. Marrow Beans Per bushol, Ji.fco, Onion Per bushel, (700. Potatoes C5c. per bushel. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Nov. 13.-Cattlo-Recelpts, S.000, Including I.OOO Texans; steady; good to nrimo steeis, JGaii.G,-,: poor to medium, Sa r,.!.",; stoekers and feedeis, $2n4.ti."; cows, $1.40n4.50; heifers, $-'a1.75: canners, S1.40a 2. In; bulls, $2a 1.50; calves, $1..7).i7.2: Texas l'cd steeis, $UI; western steels, $.'i.r0a.",.7j. lings Receipts today, 23.W0; tomorrow, 22.IM); left over. 3,(10; fully 10c. higher; mixed nnd butchers. $5.95aG.I5; good to choice heavy, fG 20nii I2; rough heavy, $r,.Mai!.1.r.; light, $.-..!)ua.25; bulk ot sales, :G.10,ii!.2.-. Sheep Receipts, 20,000: sheep and lambs, dull and lower; good to choice wethers, $,!.40al; western s.hcop, $2,73.i:).7j ; native lambs, ;3..'0,io. a. m Hoar; FRIDAY, NOV. It. IWtrns Fast I a m., Iiallet; : McC.irty: 3 a. 111., Swnits; 1 a. m si a. m Gilllgati: 6 a. m.. Stanlcs: 7 n. m.. Thomas; S a. in., Wnllarc; 9 a. in., M. J. Henigan; 10 a. m Fitzgerald; 11 a. m.. McLanc; 12 noon, Latimer; 1 p. m., Stev ens; 2 p. m., Abrams; ;; p. m Carney; 4 p. ni., Mosicr; 5 p. 111., Dunn. Summits 7 a. in., Frounfelkcr (west); S a. ni., Carrigg (cast); 0 a. m., Niciiols (west); 1 p. m Golden (west); 2 p. ni.. M. Glnley (east); 1.15 p. m., J. J. Munay Pushois 2.30 n. m., C. Decker (west); 7 a. ni.. Wldncr (west); 7 a. ni., Flnnerty (west); S a. in., Houser (cist); 11.45 a. m Moran (east); 1 p. 111., A. J. McDonnell (wist); 7.30 p. in., Murphy (cast); 9 p. m., W. II. Bartholomew (cast); 9 p. 111., C. Bartholomew (Bloom). Helpers 1 a. 111., Magovern; tiaffney; 10 a. m., Secor; 3.15 p. ton. 1 a. m., m., Slau- - Kxtias West Third 7,1, Lord; 5 a. m., Randolph; 11 a. in.. Wall; 1 p. m., John Clahagan (Ilallstcad); 4 p. in., Drown. TAYLOR. Ocorgc Huss, employed ns a miner nt the Jcrmyn No. 1 mine, at Old Forge, was Instantly killed on Tuesday by being crushed under a fall of top coal. The funeral will take place Irom his late home this morning. Interment will be made in the Forest Homo cemetery. Rev. Jonathan Davis, of Forebt City, will occupy tho vacant pulpit at the Welsh Congregational church on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Davis is a fluent speaker nnd has been heard here on Beveral occa sions. Tlio teachers of tho borough schools will hold a local Institute, nt No. 2 school on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Sub ject for discussion, "Educational Ques tions." There will bo a meeting of Division No. 2, Ancient Order of Hibernians this Fri day evening. All members aro urgently requested to bo present as business of vital importanco to nil is to bo transacted. Miss Margaret and Edward J. Evans, of South Main street, attended tho birth day party of Miss Elizabeth Herman, at Scranton, on Tuesday. Misses Jeanlo and Melissa Watklns hao returned to their home in Factory Vlllo. after belnir tbe Ernests of rnlntlvea I ill this place. AYES & VARLEY K f. ! K . K it D fc It ft. fete V, . v. ft K It n le . It It K . H K S ? ! -.- O H ft H V .1 ft ft !PSB8ln s I Ladles' A' 424-426 Spruce Street, Between Washington and Wyoming Avcs, Coets and Waists Buffnlo Xive Stock Market. East Buffafo, Nov. 13,-Cattlc-Receipts light, unchanged. Veals Steady; tops, $S.23nS.50; common to good, $5.roaS. Hogs Receipts, 5,100; active, steady; heavy. ?G.3naB.I0; mixed. $'!.30afi.35: York ers. $S.30aC.32H: pigs. $a.30aC.::5; roughs, $,-.SO.iO; stags. $4,75a5..". Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts, S.300; slieep, steady; lambs, slow. 15c. lower: ewes, 2.1e. lower: top lambs, 5.10a5.50: culls to good, $l.25a5.35; ycirllngs, $lal.2r: owes, $1.25a 3.50; slieep, tops mixed, ?3.C0a3.75; culls to good, Jl.75a8.50. East Liberty Xive Stock. East Liberty, Nov. 13.-CattIo-Steaily; chntccJ. $0.13a6.l0; primo, Jj,75a0; good, S l.25n 1.75. Hogs Artlvo; primo heavies, )G.I0aG.l'i: niedlum. Ji!37ai;.IO; heavy Yorkers niul pigs, $0.S0ai;.33: roughs, $5a0. Sheep Steady; best wuthers, $'1.0)a3.S.-; culls and common, $1.50n2: choice lambs, J5.25a3.10; veals cnlves, J7.50n8.23, Our line of Coats and Silk and Wool Waists is hat. a ter and cheaper than anv similar line we hnvf hprprn- ' fore shown. We have a larce variety of styles tn spiprt Trom ana can assure you ot saving you money. MONTE CAEXO COATS Mado of tho host quality Ker sey, best satin llnlrg $10.30 MONTE CAItLO Handsomely trimmed with hut tons and velvet straps $13.00 MONTE CAELO Extra fine grade, beautifully stitched and trimmed. Special prlco $19,00 FINE WOOL WAISTS Made of lino nuallty French Flannel, trimmed with laigo but tons 51.30 EXTKA FINE WAISTS Tucked and plaited, back und front. Prices range from $2.0) to $3.03 SILK WAISTS Special lot of Silk Waists for this week; worth $5.00. Prlco $2.73 Green Trading Stamps With purchase of one dollar or more on Friday, Saturday and Monday, Nov. 14, 15 and 17. Present This Coupon. 30 tJU 1 K- 'A 'A U 'A U "A 'A 'A "A "A "A U 'A "A A 'A "A A Vt Vj "A 'A ij U A "A 'A A A A A 'A 'A 'A 'A A DOCKA QLf on Stoves at Wholesale III 1 1 Mil I'.ll I'll' ill , 1 Ill 'IJ ! ' I,,, til ll 1 1 1 mi:mmmmim.,m.: TsaBz-"m'm i?&m iae3ff) is Trva s?MiKMiif!SRxd??U'&it.'v&ir,;'-. y t za&i) 1 1 -- -!. j a "a33UuawiKKaHRiPf?jaiats3 - sBaj EaBBKK''?Tri-'i JJ"---- mm jggm :3Si 'i.rVlr... 77?? "Nt.vH'ycifesi-ussss! ,i7tetauii&i;j2CU22' -V Buv a stove made hundreds of miles away, when you can buy VV STl I SCRANTON STOVES at Foundry Prices. You can get repairs at any time on home-made Stoves. Parlor Stoves from $5.00 and Upwards Ranges (6 Boiler Roles), $10.00 and Upwards Sold at same price as at Foundry by FOOTE dB FULLER CO., 140-14S WASHINGTON AVENUE. UNION CASH STORE, DUNMORE, PA. WILLIAM CHAPPELL, PROVIDENCE SQUARE. A. J. HGWLEY, 911 NORTH WASHINTON AVENUE. L-iJri4 vMf One to a Customer on aTraday. f amboo Corner Chairyyjj AS ILLUSTRATED. Constructed of selected bamboo stock, its .lines suggest the airy daintiness of the Orient. Art stores ask $2,50 for chairs no better. They are really worth $2.00,and our Friday price is less than half: 99c Credit you? Certainly I 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue. Q3&&$G&&l$&Ki FINANCIAL For Sale of the Town Topics i n ni Lager Mining Company of Denver, Colorado. 50 Cents a Share Tills Ih a legitimate! inlulus cntorprlcp. A dividend pitying mine, owned tn t'co simple by tho company nnd located on Rohtail 1III1 In tlio heait of tho famous OoM Holt ot fjllpln county, Colorado. Stock can ho bought on tho monthly pay ment plan, fsiibicilbei.i enn pay 10 per cent, rash nnd 10 per cent, a month till tho stocU Is paid fijr AGENTS WANTED For further Ini'oimatlon, call on or nd dress CHARLES D, SANDERSON, 130 Wyoming Avenue. Scranton, Pn. BInnufucUircrs oi' Old Stock .J. .J. .j. .J. ! ! ! ! ! ? i PUSHER j Urewrv, iT L ECS N.ii5vc'ti,55t. Scranton, r a. Old 'Phone, 333i. New '1'lione, .2o,j5. eadquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. iiiister&Forsyfii 253-327 Pcim Avenue. This Cigar costs from $5.00 to $8,00 per 1,000 more than any 5-cent Cigar sold in Scranton. liandMade Havana Filled . I I', d 1 O' Hara's Cigar Store, 431 Spruce Street. g m dm w U M mm M M fm LCdllCl 5moke i