The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 14, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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" "
"Tho Darkest "Tour."
Lincoln .1. Carter's Rrcut seeiilo. produc
tion of Ilia four-net comedy, "The limit
est Hour," opened a three days' cngago
titent at llio Academy ot Music nl ti spe
cial liuitliieo yesterday nflcrnoon, to a
large Mild enthusiastic Ulldlcnco. The piny
proved to l) nn excellent one iind wiih
presented by u very capable company
Which wim exceedingly well balanced lit
the smaller nlid less liniiiirtunt lolcs be
ing cleverly tuleli cure of.
The character of Frits', lluftnilore, which
whs unsullied by Charles A. (Karl) Unrd
lirr, proved to be a rule admirably nulled
to the abilities of Unit well known iictof.
Others of tho ciihCwIio deserve imrllcutnr
nientloli mid praise were Cnrrlo Lo Moync,
Jruli Jlnrlow, Jack While, AVIIIIaill Tut
lev mid Hnby Grey,
In the Ihlid net n very realistic rcp-lc-ciitfiillnn
of it full sized train disap
pearing In tho dlMlauee brought forth
lonnd after round of applause. All of the
itrctiery used In the .production Is new
iind very elaborate.
The nlldleiieo which attended the pr
forinnncc last evening was even larger
thnn Unit of the afternoon. Two per
formances of "Tho Darkest Hour" will be
given today.
j Lnst Opportunity.
'lhc Inst opportunity tho Hernnton pub
lic will have of seeing Lockhnn's famous
trnlncd elephants Is given this week nt the
Dixie theater. It Is the finest nnlmnl net
In the world and Is drawing crowds nt
each performance Into this cozy little
AVllllnni J. Tompkins gives some clever
Impersonations In which bo allows meat
xorsatlllly. Tho dullest sisters sing well
nml dance daintily. Mac It and Elliot In
their laughable .skit, "The Now Minister,"
me cntcrtnlnhiK,
i '
The Bilgndiers nt the Star.
Tho ItrlRiidler Bnrlosquors, who are on
nt the Slur theater tor tho balance of tile
week, were greeted by good houses yestcr-
Deafness Cannot bo Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There Is
only one way to euro deafness, and that
Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by nn inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
AVhcn this tube Is Inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It is entirely closed. Deafness is
tho result, and unless the iuflamatlon can
can bo taken out and this tube restored
to Its normal condition, healing will be
destroycU forever: nine cases out of ten
are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous
AA'c will give One Hundred Dollars Mr
any case of Deafness (caused hy catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's fa tun h
Cure. Send for circulars, free
F. .1. CHUNKY ,t CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Friday for the Boys
Did you ever visit this department on Friday? It's
quite the busiest spot in this store. Arrangements are al
ways made on this day to accommodate more than our usual
patronage seems to be the day chosen for selecting the
Boy's Clothes at this store, anyway. For this Friday we
show many novel suit designs that were not here last week.
They were received from the boys' tailors and opened up
yesterday. You'll find some in our Penn Avenue Window,
marked at these prices :
"VWfpp nitQ
YC3U v3U1L3
white silk soutache
we consider very
The average boy is just as particular about the
style of his clothes as his father. We've worked along
this line for many seasons, and these Overcoats we
show as a result. Such style and color combination
could not be secured from the manufacturer in the reg
ular way. We demanded certain qualities of cloth and
i suggested some change of design. In these two Over-
coat pictures you see the result. Don't you think they
show exclusive
show you these
da'. In tho mailer of. nccnlc effects tho
Bilgndiers nro probably lip to tlio average,
but llio "strictly original Ballro by Will
iam II, Hall," which opened tho per
formances yesterday contained the most
dieary collection of weather-beaten chest
nulB that linn ever been Included on ono
bill. Thero Is no question about the orlg
Innllly of most uf llio music. Nothing
llko It was ever before heard upon earth.
Tho olio, however, was excellent. Adc
lllia nonlllun, n talented soprano, gavu
several pleasing selections', AVIIIh and Bar
ron, appeared In nit exceedingly funny
sketch, and ilohn A. West, tho Brownie
minstrel, was as Interesting tin over, and
mine In for a large sharo of the applause.
Mildred Holland Tonight.
Mildred Holland, a great fuvorlto With
our patrons, comes to tho Lyceum to
night for tho opcnliiR of her annual en
gagement, which continues Saturday mat
inee and night. This time she will be Keen
In her new sumptuous production, "Tho
l.lly and tho l'rlnce," written by Carina
Jordan, urn! which was produced In Buf
falo last April, where It scored n brilliant
success. Manager Kdward C. AVhlto has
spared no expense In tho lavish manner
with which he has mounted tho play, nnd
It will surely prove lo bo ono of the most
satisfactory product Inns that has been
seen In this city.
Miss Holland has a part hi this play
well lltted to her undoubted talents, nnd
will give her. It anything, a far greater
opportunity for the display of tho same,
than she had In "The Tower Uehlnd lite
Myrkle-Harder Stock Co.
In speaking ot the Myrklo & Harder
Stock company, which opens a week's en
gagement nt the Academy Monday night
la "A Naval Cadet," the Independent
Times, of Streator, 111., says:
"The Myrklo & Harder company's pre
sentation of 'A Man ot Mystery' last
evening delighted an ntidienco which
packed the liouso and made standing room
in demand. The cast Is very much supe
rior to usual popular priced companies,
nnd the opening piece mndo a favorable
Impression. The bill for tonight Is 'Ups
and Downs ot Life,' with nn entire change
of specialties. The repertoire includes a
number of strong plays which will he pre
sented during the week."
The Philadelphia Orchestra.
The concert at the Lyceum on Tuesday
evening next, November 18, by the Phil
adelphia Symphony orchestra of slxty-tivo
pieces with Fritz Scliecl as conductor, is
a muslcnl event which should Interest ev
ery music lover In Scranton and vicinity.
An opportunity to hear such an orchestra
in this city Is a rare treat and the scries
of three concerts to ho given at the Ly
ceum should receive liberal support.
Anton Dvorak was ono ot llio few, per
haps tliu only great composer, who really
became sincerely attached to America
and Americans. When he ciimo to this
country, six or eight yenrs ago, lo assume
direction of one of the most Important of
American musical eonservatoroles he Im
mediately took a keen interest in our in-
Very neat,y
trimmed with
Blouse Suits
that we have proved
braid. The cloths
$1.75 and $2.50
treatment r rleased to C ttt
and many more, from.. P- Up
His Shoes
You can find many different kinds of shoes for the boy, but
very few of the different shoemakers give attention to the wearing
qualities of leather that are necessary. The "Little Gent" Shoe
we've been selling for the past two seasons, is made from selected
leathers that have proved their wear-resisting qualities. We're
building up quite a business on this Boys' Shoe, Don't you think
a trial pair would benefit the boy and you ?
The Little Gent Shoe Youth's Shoes
$1.00 to $2.50. $1.25 and $2.
slltutlons and our music. As nn evidence
or his sincerity, ho wroto "Tho New
World Symphony," which has bocomo ono
of tho most popular nnd delightful sym
phonies played either In this country or
nbroad, The "Now World" Is probably
the only well known symphony which in
distinctly nnd absolutely Atneilcan In
character. The Philadelphia, orchestra
will Introduce this as the first symphony
It will play during Its season of concerts
In this city, Frits'. School, the conductor
of tho bund, Is nn Intimate friend of
Dvorak's mid Is lit sympathy with Ids
music, and will give the four movements
nn adequate, lending. The diagram for
sale of seats opens tomorrow morning nt
9 o'clock.
"Rupert of"
"Rupert ot Henlzau," In which Hnrry
Lclghtou appears nt tho Lyceum next
week, will be given with all tho magnifi
cent scenic effects, costumes and enroful
attention to detail which marked tho orig
inal production nt tho Lyceum theater,
New York. Ill addition to Mr. Lclgllton,
a splendid company Is promised, nnd tho
performance will, without uny doubt, bo
n notable one,
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Nov. 13. A brunch ot tho
National Association of Retail Druggists
was formed nt Montrose on Monday. C.
E. Taylor was elected president and A.
Duvl, chairman of thu cxeeutlvo com
mittee. Miss Lillian Gilchrist, ot Lake Como,
Is visiting friends here.
Lafayetto Decker and .lohn Mcddleton
will open a meat market In the Osgood
building, Both these gentlemen were en
gineers for tho Hlllsldo Coal and Iron
company before tho strike.
Row John Norberry. of Connecticut,
lnst evening began revival services In
tho Methodist church. He Is n ninn of
exceptional power, and It n expected will
attract large congregations at each ser
vice. C. JL I.eonnul, of Afton, N. Y was
In town yesterdny.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honosdalo, Nov. 13. Filday evening, No
vember 21 is the date for the concert In
tho Baptist church.
Two littlo girls ot Honosdalo have
planned a concert for tho bcncilt of an
aged lady to be given In Music hall No
vember 28.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Randall D. Sayre, ot Jill
ford, Pa., have been spending a low days
with friends on Third street.
Tho Amity club will hold their annual
ball on Wednesday evening, November
26, In the armory.
The supper .given by the ladles ot the
Presbyterian cliurcli on Friday last netted
Asa K. Bryant is suffering from a se
vere accident which befell him on Sun
day. Ho fell a distance of ilfteen feet
striking on his foot, causing a com-
in strong twill
Serges cloth
And see if your Kidneys
are Diseased.
A very simple way todetermlno whether
your kidneys or bladder aro diseased is to
put some of your urlno in a glass tumbler
and let it stand 24 hours ; If It has n sedi
ment or a. cloudy, ropy or stringy nppenr
ance, If It is pale or discolored, you do not
need a physician to tell you that you are
in a dangerous condition, Dr. Dnvld
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy speedily
cures such serious symptoms ns pain in
back, inability to hold urine, a burning
scalding pnln in passing it, frequent de
Ire to urinate, especially nt night, and
tho Staining of linen by your urine.
The Rev. Aaron Coons, D.D., pastorof
"I most sincerely believe that Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
is tho best kidney, liver nnd blood
medicine made, and urgently recom
mend it, for I know by experience it
will do all that is claimed for it."
"Favorite Remedy" is a vegetable help
to the stomach and bowels in performing
their dutios properly. It overcomes and
permanently cures dyspepsia, indigestion
biliousness and rheumatism. It is abso
lutely harmless and purely vegetable. It
contains no narcotics or minerals in any
form, no dangerous stimulants, no mer
cury or poisons, and is the only kidney
medicine that does not constipate.
It is for salo by nil druggists In the
New SO Oont Slzo and the regular
f 1 .00 sir.e bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y.
Br. Daria K-nnedj'ii JIlc Kje Saltf for .11
iltcaaos or Inflammations of the Kje. 25c.
pound dislocation of tho ankle, forcing tho
bones through the flesh.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST Fur boa on Pine street,, from
Washington to 72S Mudtsou avenue.
Return to "US Mudlson avenue.
STRAYKD to the premises of Kvau
Reese, Second .street, Hlakely, a hound;
owner can have by describing same and
paying for advertisement.
STRAYKD away or stolen: red Irish set
ter, answers to namo of "Ned." Find
er will notify Clem Mursh and receive re
ward. LOST A watch fob with cold locket
attached. Finder will bo rewarded by
returning to 410 Wyoming avenue.
Only Half a Cnt a Word.
For Hont.
FOR UUNT-Flrst.eMRS RlnvnRisj best
part central city. Apply 315 JoiTeron
$18-For Rent Ten-room bouse! excellent
nclsbborlioort: nil modern Improve
ment!), on avenue, Apply to 11. r. Ham
ilton, 42G Spruce Htreet.
For Sale.
JUST ARRIVKO with a ear lpnil of
horses; koou worKorn una tnvorn;
welKht from eleven lo ilfteen hundred
pound. Several closely mulched teams.
Can bo peon nt !KII Raymond court. !'. M.
Genuine dlnmond In UK rlntr. k carat,
10; U carat, Tin; b carat rhiK, MX; hoop
llnu, live dlamontls, 1 carats, $a; dia
mond and ruby rhiff. $:'0; dlnmond litis,
tbrco Rtone.i, pure white, 114 carats, J'tf;
diamond rliur, two stones. IS carat, ?".0;
diamond stud, 1 Ml! cartfi, JMs three
diamonds nnd two rubles In rinjT. MO; Tlrt
any rlnpr, 1 curat, $C0; cat drops, 114 onrats,
$115; ladles' brooch, 1U carat. $50; ladles'
pin, carat, $tr; (rents' ring, nearly 7
carats (not n yellow stone). $000. Your
money back without arRiiment 1C not sat-Istied-.
Walter V. AVinton. Diamond Par
lor, Room GO", Jtenrs building.
KOR SAI.I0 One pulr ot gray mares, well
matched, weight 1300, sound and sen
tic, good dilvers nnd workers, sltiRlo or
double. Inquire of Manning Gillespie,
New Mllford, Pa.
I'"6R 8A1-.R-A. pair of well-matched Reld
lugs at S20 Green Rldgo street, city.
FOR SALE-About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glass front and
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers and shelves under
neath. May be seen at the office of Tho
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RRNT-Pleasant furnished front
room with small room off, use ot bath,
city steam. Apply :wt (Juiney avenue.
liOR RUNT A furnished room on second
floor front, $1..'0 week. f,:i.j Adams avo.
Wanted to Buy.
WANTED TO BUY A good saddle horse
that can ho used lor driving. " . a.
Sanford, Waveiiy, Pa.
Booms nnd Board.
PI.ICASANT rooms with board for four
or Ave young men. Inquire 'Sa Wash
ington avenue.
Business Opportunity.
and Lumber Company lins option on
very valuable coal and timber tract, in
Kveusville, Rline. Co.. Tonn., comprising
some 1,8)0 acres, according to geological
siirvev. It should contain at least 20,000,000
tons of coal, and tho land Is all covered
with heavy oak timber, tho coal is ot the
very best quality hl-bituminous, tho com
pany is now offerings its stock for salo
for a limited time prior to commencing
operations, at $."i.u0 per sharo, par value.
$10.00. Any ono wishing to purchase stock
at tho present price, can do so by apply
ing to S. N. Cullender, Coal Exchange.
$.'00 will buy a first class established busi
ness paying $2.1 weekly. Short hours;
will stand investigation. Address J. Sey
mour, Tribune olllce.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M,
Illbbard !i Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, II nnd 10
Broadway, New York. Established lSul.
Long Distance 'Phono 'JZSS Broad.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In
tho office of tho City Recorder by tlio
Director of the Department of Public
Works at I! o'clock p. m. on Monday, No
vember 21. 1D02, for tho furnishing and
laying of llvo-foot llagstono sidewalks on
Scranton street, from tlio D L. t W. R.
R. (Bloomsburg Division) to South Main
avenue, in accordance with specltieations
on llio at tho Bureau ot Engineering.
Tlio price per square foot must include
tlio necessary cutting and lining up to
six inches. Bidders must submit n price
per cubic yard for all cutting and tilling
above six inches.
Proposal blanks will bo furnished at
the Bureau of Engineering and no others
will bo accepted.
All proposals must bo llled with the City
Controller, ut his ofllco In tlio City Hull.
Scranton, Pa., not later than 2..'S0 o'clock
p. iu on Monday, November 24, lHO.'.
The City reserves the right to i eject any
or all bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,
Department of Public Works.
Scranton, Pa., Nov. 12, 100J.
AN ORDINANCE providing for the cut
ting of foot walks down to grade by
tho owners of property abutting on llio
following streets In tho Borough of
Section 1 Bo ordulned by tlio town
council of the Borough of Mooslc, and It
is hereby ordained by authority of tho
samo: ,
That all owners ot property abutting on
Main street or Wyoming avenue, trom
V.1 V." ...-...-. ... ... ......i i i. r
V. It. H. uriugo in iimj muu i.iuuukii ui
Mooslc, be dliccted and required to lower
and cut nil sidewalks to grade in front
of their respective properties, in accord
ance with the plans and specifications by
tho borough engineer, and now on tlio
with tlio borough clerk,
Section 2. That thirty days' notice shall
be given to each of tlio said owners of
property abutting on tho said streets
above mentioned, to lower their said foot
witlks to grade, as provided 111 the first
section of this ordinance. And In caso
said persons shall fall or refuso to comply
wllh thn requirements of this ordinance
within thu timo herein specllled, tho bo
rough of Mooslc shall cut down tlio paid
fontwulWs to grade, at its own proper ex
pense, nnd the said borough shall tlio a
lien for tho cost of llio samo, with tho
pounlty added as provided hy law.
Passed by said council tlio third day of
November, A. D, lWtt. .&
President of Council.
Borough Clerk,
AN ORDINANOl-; authorizing tlio Issue
ot bonds in tho Borough of Mooslc,
Bo it ordulned by tlio town council of
tho Horough of Mootlo uud It Is hereby
urdaiued by authority of tho snnie;
First That tho Borough of Mooslo shall
issuo bonds In Die sum of two thousand
(J2.000) dollars, the saino to bo iniiilo un
of twn bonds, tlio denomination of which
shall bo ono thousand ($1,000) dollars each,
thu samo to lie redeemed, one ut tho ex.
plratloii of six years, ami tho other nt tho
expiration of Jlvo (.) years respectively,
and both to bear Interest ut tlio rate of
live per centum per annum.
Second Tlio abovo Issue of bonds Is for
the puiposo of Increasing tho present
bonded Indebtedness, which Is four thou
sand UI.Ooo) dollars to tlio sum of six
thousand (Jo',000) dollars, and lo pay debts
nlreadv Incurred.
Third It Is hereby agreed, on tho part
of tho said borough, that tlio Mild bonds
shall bo sold to tho purchaser or taker
of tho sanity or bis usslgus freo from llio
payment by said purchaser nf uny tax or
taxes and that the said borough will as
sume iind uiidcrtako uud agree to pay tho
said tax or tuxes when tho samo shall
fall duo and payable.
Passed finally tho third day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1902.
President of Council.
Borough Clerk.
Spring Brook railway to .miii itoc:, aim
on Spring street from Butler's corners to
intersection of Saxo street, uud from
Ktrept nn S.ixo street to E, it .
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Thnn 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offlcss,
Wnnt AdvertisemontB Will Bo
Beceived at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 B. M.
Centrnl City
ALHERT SCIIUt.TZ, comer Mill
berry slreot and Webster nve.
West Side
CEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Mnln uvenue.
South Sernnton
FRED L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Mnln avenuo nnd Market
Green Bidgc
CHARLES P. JON12S, l.V,7 Dick
son nvenlie.
F, .1. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge
C. LORKNtf, corner Washington
iivenuo nnd Marlon street.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted.
WANTED Agents to sell ten and cot
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., alt Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wonted Male.
WANTED Five first class carpenters.
Apply to Scranton Glass Manufactur
ing Co., Mooslc.
WANTED Forty men at Tobyhunnn,
Pa., to work on grading for a rail
road switch and clearing a piece ot wood
land. Call at iW5 Meat's building, Toby
hnnna Creek Ice Co., C. C. Ferber, treas
urer. Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
with reference. Apply 72'J Madison
GIRL FOR general housework In small
family; references required. 511 Qulncy
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Mrs. A. B. Relpli, 411 Seventh
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, Insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants nnd manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
State age, experience, references Hist let
ter. Address, Suite 572. No. 10ul Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
WANTED By a good girl a place to ;lo
housework in small lanuiy wnere. me
washing is dono preferred. M. C. Trlb
upo ofllco.
A WOMAN wants a place to cook, or as
housekeeper, where she can have her
boy with her. Inquire at 310 Franklin
avenue, city.
SITUATION WANTED by young lady
stenographer. Address Agnes, Trib
une office.
For Sale or Bent.
FOR SALE OR RENT The 3-story brick
building, with boiler liouso attached,
and long row of sheds for horses, wng
ons. etc.; nlso railroad switch sultablo for
manufacturing purposes; lately occupied
by the Clock Tobacco Co. B. M. Winton,
Room No. 505, Menrs Building.
Money to Loan.
Quick, straight loans or Building and
Loan. At from I to ti per cent. Call on
N. V. Wnlker. SI 1-315 Connell building.
Tins'"" MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmnre,
launders shirts nt Re. eiicli and collars
and cuffs at 114c. each. Family washing,
I cents per pound.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono IS'il.
Ileal Estnto Exchange Bldg., 12ii Wash
ington avenuo.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
nell building,
building, Spruco street, Scianton.
DR. C. O. LAl'BACH, 113 WYOMING avo
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAGIJR & CO., 101 Connell Building.
Patent Attorneys.
PA It IN I O or the Globe.
Tho only licensed nnd equipped patent
solicitor In tho city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten
yeura' experience.
Rcplogrlc & Co., Wears UlUjr.
Hotels and Bestaurnnts.
tTE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK
lill uvonue, Rales leasonable.
P. '.lEGLF.R. Proprietor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Propilotor.
and cess pools; no odor; only improved
pumps used. A. B. Urlggs. propilotor.
Leave ordei 110 North .Main avenue,
or EU'k'i'H drgg store, corner Adams ami
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
uvc, Sernnton, infra, of Wire Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bags, Iwinu.
Warehouse, 130 Wuslilugtoii uvenue.
he bad hi Scranton ut tho news stand
of Reismau Bros., 40(i Spruco und 50.1
Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna
uve.J l. S. SchuUor, 211 Spriicu street.
Only Half a Cent a WorJ.
IN UK! Transfer of license ot Frank"
i.oitner to F. J, Crocktmbcrg. Court;
of Quarter Sessions of Lnckawanna coun
ty. No. UK). March Term, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that n rulo lo
show cnliso wns granted by tho court In
tho above stilted case on .Monday, Nov.
lo. liKtt, returnable Saturday, Nov, 22,
1!K)2, ut .0 o'clock u. m when all partlej
Interested tnny bo benrd.
Attorney for Rulo.
""' r a
dross Box UOO, city.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western
IN Effect Juno 1, 1002.
Trains leuvo Scruntnn for Now York-
At n.20, 0.03. 7.50 nnd lo.lo a. m. 12.10,
SAO, 3.:K p, in. For Now York and Phila
delphia 7.50. 10.10 n. m., nnd 12.10 und 3.83
p. in. For Goulilsboro At (1.10 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.15, (i.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.55, H.5I1
and 11.10 p, m. For Blnghnmton, Elmlm
mid way stilt Ions 10.25 n. m., 1.05 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuse und tltlcu 1.15 antt
0.22 u. m.; 1.55 p, m. Oswego, Syracuse
and L'tlca train at 0.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 n. m.: 1.03
and p. m. Nicholson ncconunodntlon,
4.00 and 11.1,3 p. m.
Bloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, ut 6.33 nnd 10.10 u, m.: 1.53 nnd .11
p. in. For Plymouth, ut 8.10 a. m.; S.41
und 0.05 p. m.
Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, 3.20.
fi.05, 10.10 n. m.; 3.40 and 3.35 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.15 und C.22 a. in.; 1.55, 6.50 and
11.10 p. m. For Elmlm nnd way stations-.
10.25 a. m. For Blnghnmton nnd way sta
lions, 0.00 u. in. Bloomsburg Division-
Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m, and CIO p. m.
Lehigh Valley Eailroad.
In Effect Juno 15, 1002.
Trains Leuvo Scranton
For Philadelphia and New York via D.
& 11. R. R nt 7.11. through Parlor Cap
and Day Coach Carbondale to New Yorlc
und 0.17 a. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, und 2.1S, 4.35 (Black;
Diamond Express), and 11.40 p. m. Sun
days, D. & 11. n. R., 1.5S. 9.17 a. m.
For White Haven, llnzleton and princi
pal points In the coal regions, via D. S
It. R. R., 7.11, 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. For.
Pottsvllle, 7.11 a. m.
For Bethlehem, Fusion, Reading, Hnr
rlsburg and principal intermediate sta
tions, via D. ,t IL R. R.. 7.11, 9.17 a. m.!
2.1S, 4.35 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
m. Sundays. D. & If. R. R., 9.38 a. m.
and 1.5S and 0.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Townndn. Elmlrn,
Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermedlata
stations via D L. & W. R. R 6.33 a. m.
and 1.5.". p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and nil points west via.
D. ,t II. II. B 12.03 p. m.; 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.10 p. m. Sun
days. D. & II. Tt. B., 12.03, 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or LchlgH
Valley Parlor cars on all trains between
Wllkcs-Barro und New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 29
Cortlnnd street. Now York.
CHARLES S. LEh:, Gen. Pass. Agt 28
Cortland street, New York.
A. AV. NONEMAClfER, DlV. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
Corrected to Sentombcr IB, 1002.
For tickets and Pullman reservation ap
ply to city ticket office, CO Public Square,
Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
' . 4
Central Eailroad of New Jersey.
Stations in New A'ork foot Liberty,
street and South Ferry. N. R.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mauch Chunk, AVhlte Haven, Ash
ley, AVllkes-Barre and Plttston at 7.30 .a.
in.. I p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through solid vestlbulo train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila
delphia with only ono change of cars for
Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and nil
principal points south and west.
For Avoca, Plttston und AVllkes-Barre,
1 p. m. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
For Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Ilnrrlsburg)
via Allentown, at 7.30 a, m., 1 p. m. and 1
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
For Tamaqua und Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.,
1 v. m. nud t p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent a
W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager.
C. M. HURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 16, 1902.
Trains leave Scranton 6.38 a. m week
days, through cstlhulc ttnin from
AVilkes-B.irre. Pullman buffet parlor car
und coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops nt principal Intermediate .sta
tions. Also. connects for Sunbury. Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wush
Ington and for Pittsburg and tho West.
0.17 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Har
ilsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, AVush
ington and Pittsburg and tho AVest.
1.12 p. m., week days. (Sundays. I.3S p.
m.), for Sunbury. ilurrlsburg, PhlladcN
iihia, Baltimore, AVasblngton and Pitts
burg nnd the West.
3.2S p. in., week days, through vestlhtila
truln from Wilkus-Barrc. Pullman buffet
parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia vlai
Pottsvllle. Stops at principal IntcrmedN
alo stations.
4.35 ji. in., week days, for llazlclon, Sun
bury, Hurilslnirg, Philadelphia and ntts
J. B. AVOOD. Gen, Pass Agt.
DelaAvnro nnd Hudson.
In Effect June 10. 1902.
Trains for Curbondal" leave Scranton aj, 7.:w, s.;irt, lo.i:; a. m.; 12.05, 1.12, 2.11.
3.511, 5.20, 6.23, S.2I. 9.15, 10.01 p. 111.; 12.1S,
1.3S a. in.
For Ilonosdule-C.ll, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 anJ
3.21) p. in.
For WllUes-I!arre-6.;:S. 7.11. 8.41. 9.17,
10.5.'! a. 11!.; 12.03, 1.12, 2.IS, 3.2S, (.35, 0.1P,
7.4S. 10.11, 11.10 . III.
For L. A'. It. It. Polnts-7.ll. 9.17 n. m.
SMS. 135 nnd 11.10 p. in.
For Puiinslvunlu It. R. Poluts-fi.3?,
9.47 u. in,; 1.12, 3.2S und 4.33 p. in.
For Albany nnd all points north-7.30 a.
m. und 3.56 p. m.
For Cnrlmiulnlo S.50. 11.33 a., m.;. 2.11,
3.56. 5.52 and 11,17 p. 111.
For willtcH-liurri MS a: m.; 12.03, 1.5.1,
3.2S. 6.32 uud 9.17 p. 111. "
Fur Albany nnd points nortli-3.56.p- in.
For Hoiii-hdiile i.uij u. rn.; 11. .'a arjjl 3 33
p. m. '
W. L. I'RYUR, D. P. A., ScrnulniftfPn.
Erie Bailroad Wyoming Division.
In Elfect September 15, 1902. "
Trains leuvo Scranton for New :York,,
Nowbuigh and Interiuedlato points.- nlso
for Huwley and local stations nt 7.20 a.
in. und 1.33 p. in. ,
For llouesdalo and Wlilto Mills nt 1.3
p. m.
Trains nrilvo at Scranton at 10.3S'a. in,
and 9.13 p. m.
New York, Ontario and Western.
Time table in effect Sunday. Sept. 2 10)2,
Leave Leave Arrival
Trains. Sernnton. P.irbondalo, Cadosla,
No. 1 II. loa. in. l.oOn. m,
No. 7 6 10 p. in.Ai.CarhiiudaloO.Jti p.m
l'iive Leave .vi-nva
Trains. Cudosla. Carbnudiilo. Sei'i&iton,
Nil. 6 6.50U.111. 7.25-n. Ill,
No. 2 2.15 p. in. 4.0up.m. 4.13 p.m.
Leave Leave 'Arrlvi
Trains. Seiunton. f'nrboiulale. Cadysla,
No. 0 s.lMu. in. 0.10a. m. 10.13a. n.
No. 3 i.() p. in. Ar.Carbondalo 7.45 p.m
Leave Leave Arrive.
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondnlo, Rcruntou,
No. i! 1.6" a. in. 7.23 a. 111.
No. 10..,. 1.30 p.m. 6.03 p. m. (J. 11 p. in.
Trains Now. 1 on week days, and fl on
Sundays connect for Now A'ork city, Mid
dlctown, Walton, Nurwich, Oneida, Os
wego und all points west.
Truln No. 6, with "Quaker City Ev
prcss" at Scrauion, via C. R. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia. Atlantic City. Baltimore,
Washington und Pennsylvania btal
See tlme-tnblo nnd consult ticket agent
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. Now A'ork".
' J, K. M'KX.SH, T, I A., Scranton, Pu,
I -,
Jbj- -. -A , J- i .