The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 14, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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$ge cvattfon ri6mu
Published Dally Ktcrpt Sunday, by Ttaa Ti lbnn
Publlshtns; Company, at liny Cents a Month,
mvy s. muitAnn ....... kuito.
O. T. BYXJIKK Bl'dMKM Mamahm.
Entared t tin FoatofUca) at Seranton, a Htcomt
Claia Mall Matter.
When apnea will permit, The Tribune U
atlnnya Bind to print ahort lcttar from It
(rlendl bearing on out-rent tuples, Imt III
rule U (hat tlieaa mutt be algriied, for iiitb
llentlntii liy the vrrlter'e rent immet nml
the condition precedent to nccciitnnco la
tlmt nil contribution limit be subject to
rilltorlni revlelon.
The rollonlnr table shows tin price per luib cuch
insertion, kpitce to be Used wllhln one yean
linn of Dl""' 11111
DISPLAY triaii Winches .
f,0 Inches . . ,
too "
250 "
ISO) "
IWiO "
" l'
For cards of thanks, resolul Inns of condolnnee, ami
similar icmtrlhmlntu In Hie nature of advertising;,
Trio Tribune makes a chaw of ft cents A lino.
KCitAXTD.V, XOVHMHI'tt 11, lilt).'.
The nnny of I'ouiiwl at tlic sUtllte
lK'iiihms l lii'lllliint. Iittt the instill
tlillif? will bo to Kit al tin- tultli. That
In not always facilitated 1. nn nlmml
uiui' o: hillllitiit lauyciH.
A Test of Uovcrment.
W 1 111,1'' II limy eeptn tilte to
f.iy wlni I every Inli'lll
Ki'iil pri'ini timlei ."lands-,
Ht It imiy not be nniWs
jii"t now to tnililiiilt' l tin t the liuiir
iliff to Im-rIii In till" city today liefoiu
the itlithiiH'IU' ctilKf I'linitnliilnn 1'i'p-rc-ent"
:i liilior upnii who'-H' outcome
1 1M trtlM COlllllPI'lltlonf depend. HIP MUIIC of I1' l'lllllllpl,tllon!V
Lot U1- iinde. t.itnl them clt'iit I from
the lipnliinlliir.
Tliy M'i lint I" the question of
hoi'.r- nl' wink .mil amount of watfe..
ThS I- .i coinnit'icliil lMie, IiIiikIhk
upon niiMdy factutH.
i'vt'ty man who uuilti toi' lilie IhlnUh
he oukIU to mine. In a loin; nc
iiinlnliilH'" with nifii on p.i.v i oil- we
cull to mlnil but nnc cm option -.Mai'lln
l.,i('1U, hi illy clci k I'htially, too.
the mnn who p.i"i iloi'- nnl hkipp with
the in. in who wants. Thl illffeiPtRi' N anil i.innot be chaiiKi'il b any
( (iiiiiiil-hlon, though it imip1 pin-cuts
sci ion- nb-i.iclpv In .itlju-tincnt hi con
ttieiK'P mill ( ompioii.l-e. If theip weie
uothliiR fNp bpfoiv the .ltilhi.u Ite
sti ike commi'-slon than to ilotiile
whftlipr the mine woiUets oiirIu or
oiirIu not to Ret an uihaiii'e in WdRi'F,
we should I'ei'omineiitl rUIiib them the
licncllt of any doubt and IntliiiK Hie
5-jniIiatbetie public jiay moio for its
coal. It might Iipiipi ji.iy moie
I coal on a liaf-ls of peat c than pay
soldk'i.-, ik'putle- and the minieious
waste? and e.tia(.Ritni e-i of Indnstiial
W ill'.
But iindeilylim- the of
the aiitlii'.icltp situation Is a fundamen
tal issue of human llbeily whoso de
teiniinatlou. in time Inm liable, must
sooner or later test the vitality of
American Rovuiinient. The put tin op
yeais liue ltnes.sp,i in die liaul toul
Held1; an oiRanletl attempt to unily
the w.iRe-e.uiiiiig inteiests In Itself u
leB-itiniiite and, when uell-diuaed, a
beiielieent MMituie aloiiR the model illy
emphas'ii'ed lines of co-np"iation antl
consolidation, lint in the pios-ecullon
of this attPinpt denial h.m been wltlely
made ami enl'oi ceil, bj jiroiet-si-s in.
consistent with ell her libel t nr eiiuity,
of the llsht of imllvlduals to choose be
tween lo-upet itiou with oiRiiniiieit labor
anil iliilepeiidenie. I'or llnee
yeais this denial has been mii eessfully
estttblMied iiolwlthstaiitliiitr ii.s on
iliPt with coiisiituUtinitl miaianteesand
with Die ii it of Aiueikan
institmlon.s, Xn tiust has ( er iutiie(l
more iclentlessly lb,, snuil compeiitor
in bu.siueKs than the anlhiucite labor
combine has sought to compier or eo
tue waRe-eitineis not wIsIiIur to enioll
linder Its banner. -The liieldciitnl cinisp.
riueuces of this. K,t f, nia.sleiy liavp
been wlioknilt b(.coitliiR, intiinidatim
and oviiMeppliiR ol the bonnils ol good
cill!5Pii!lili. in place of ip.n e we have
had continual turmoil and tumult.
In In lei, then, the big tiueMiou be
foie I he loninil.s-siiui t simlj uimiehy
or eiullj pieall in thf toal Ileitis'.'
While It is humiliating to (fleet that
the HtuiiorlllPh of inn romtiiiiipiiI hud
to Mep outslilp the law to lind a iiiemiH
of ilPteiniiiiliiR this ipi.'.-Uoii, It Is .satis
factory to obseive the many hKns that
the membeis of the cMraoidluary till).
tinal summoned into being by the Im
pel Ions exigeuele.s or an Intoleinble sit
uation me wluilly alhe to the m.iR
ultude ol tin it tusk- and wholly dcdlcat
td to Its thoiough pifoimaiicc. They
undoiibtpilly icalle that the elfeci of
their iletei tiihiti t Inn of this nuPHtlon
will not be local to the coal Ileitis hut
must pioiountlly aftect the iiuuio of
Anunlcaii sotlety lluoiigh -H IiiIIupucp
upon similar tcutleniles In other placts.
In the lecoidershlp campalBii theiP
Isu'l iniich tlanger of Uicmiiiu,. seeking
the man,
Alllltary riurrlages.
IX lepoit (Jeneial I'oililu
sa..s that the pay of tht) jouiiser
ollhct.s of the in in) is ton small
and the cost of living, especially
In the IMiillpplnes, Is loo high f(. tfi
yotiiiSfr oillcei.s of the aimy to iniiiiy
upon mill uutlclpuiu ii life dcwild of
comniimphice iluincoili! iinxlety. Ho
thepelou- iitivlaea jouiir olliceis to bo
moie catitioiih in taking upon them
selves the lespouslblllij of nun i led life,
The advice, so liu as it is bused upon consldeiatloii!,, s sound. The
pay of a lieutenant or u captain In the
rcsular uun Is no moie than sulllclent
to piovlde himself w()i thtihp accessor
leh which IiIh inllltaiy siutloii apil social
lespoiiblbillty duinalid tn nuke life tol
erable. If he mai'iles anil has no pil
Vte melius, ho Is loiuuullcd to bhuio
with his wife ami uhildien a biuull in
come and muUe It ro u louser way Hunt
he -mjuIiI be expecietl to do in civil life.
Pioniotlou Is slow and errallc. Possibly
the cares of his family glow upon him
In an Indliect ratio to his prospect's.
At any into fits guitluatloii fiupi u
lower u a higher milk can, In tlino of
pfciice, be s-iiiigeil with mathematical
fcxuutiiese, whlio liis ivwonj-llty in
his relallon of Iniflbantl nntl rullifr In
liaiinpsliiRly iinrei lain.
Hut there flic ollipf iinil lofllor ion
sons limit tliem which ntore Hunt oiil
wolgli the pttiijeiitlnt considerations
which illcliite tlipm, One or thr nlotl
imultPd ihni'iti!tPilttlcn of the pt'cpent
time l the huge iimount of public nt
trillion given to the nmnliiRe iitic.tllon,
Koinu plillotopheis tulvoPiile rally innr
iIiikp us not iiioiely n .tarPRimril HBnliipt
youthful wuywMtdiit'f?, but the tuiblrtt
ItiKplialloli to sticcpfs. Olher Hot less
dogmiillcitlly asset t that early mnr
ihifipii are lmpiovldent of Impritdt'lit,
an the cusp iiuiv lip. The Philadelphia
Ledger IiisIhIh tlmt (lenunil CoiIiIii'h nil
vice In "bud." Hud It Is not, nor win II
In uny spiinp be regmded lit Unit light,
If It oris ut alt It N us u too sweeping
Rciieinllzutlott coming from such nil
ntithoi Unlive source. Our youiiK ofl1
teiM are not vowetl to a life of celibacy.
If they ninny young and upon .tilth
piotpecli nt the in my presents, lifter
all, their happiness will mainly depend
upon the choice thev nut he, There are
no e. Hemes of wealth or rank among
the oineei.t of our hi my nt theie are
among those of I'm ope. The pay of
our subaltern olllcei.t might be reason
ably higher without bringing' the nation
lo the veige of bnultiilptcy. Possibly
tfeneral t'orbln't purpose wnt less to
dlscotiiagp nuiirliiRp tliati to enlist pub
lic s.unputhy for a raise In pay.
Attorney ("Jeneral Klkln's decltlon to
hold no ofllce utitler the Heiinypackcp
admliiNtiatloii but to lesume apeisonat
attiualntaiice with hit family tloes
ci edit lo his political Judgment us well
u to hl.t domestic lilttlncts. J,et otheis
do the worrying- lor a while.
Aii Instructive Contrast.
WHHX .lacol) A. litis comes
to Soraiiton, Nov. 'Jl, to
lectin e In the Hlcyt le
club house he should be
giectetl by an audience whlth will em
body Sci . niton's pioverlilal hosjiitallty.
l''ew mcil living .ind not a gieat many
tlead haw done more leal sound, prac
tical good for their lellow men than
Jacob A. Itlis. and we ought to show
hint that we know it ami honor him tor
It. Then, too, .Mr. -llils Is entitled to a
dllferent Imptpsslon of Scullion than
he ippplveil In '77. as lie describes eiy
graphically in his inimitable book. "The
Malting ol an Anieilean." He, Alth a
friend, had been In Klmlra. on u lectin -lug
tout ami, encountering haul luck,
had had lo make his way back to Xew
Voik by eas stages. One of these
stage" lauded hint in .Scianton. and as
he was walking up Lackawanna ave
nue, inspecting the town, a mob came
one wa, a company of inllltlu another,
theie was shooting In the sued and
.Mi. lllls fiankly sajt that he muled
not to leai n the details.
That was a tjuaiter of a centuiy ago
not a long time, as hlstoiy is meas
ui ed, jet la it man woitdeilul things
have conic to pass, and none moie slg
nillcant in its way than that as Mr.
Itlls now comes to Scianton he will en
touuter, not aimed lioops and mob vio
lence, but a (omnilsbloit of Mibitiatlon,
appointed by his liieud, Theodoie
Hoosexelt, piesldent of the I'nited
Slate-, engaged In peacefully!ilng
Inlo the details anil merits of a great
labor distill bailee, under agieement
fioni both disputants to accept as blntl
hiR tlie dec Man which it shall leniltr.
I'o what extent In the intPivpnlng
yeais this wai in-heai ted but clem
ht ailed Untie, now made over Into one
of our best Aineiltans. has conti United
to the advance lit civilization which
lliis (outlast illustrates Is not to be
said Willi ceitainly, but any fair esti
mate of his woith and woik must t er
lallll at told to ,Iat ob A. Itlls a huge
i letllt towaid this end.
The aleitness with which Amei leans
In the Philippines watch every phase
of home opinion touceinlng the colonial
pioblPin is illustiated In the eop.Uug by
the Manila Times of Walter J. Bal
laid'.s tu Hi le In a lecent number of
The Tilbuae enillled. "A Lesson tiom
1'oito Itlco" The .Manila Times, by the
way, has beiomc a dally object lesson
of expansion, containing now eight
well-lllled pages ihat show both good
editing anil prosperity.
The lepoit 11 om Havana that the
Cuban olllt litis meditate denouncing the
IMait amendment and tin owing them
selves on the meicy of Huiope to mold
the i oiisetiuencts Is tei tuinly a tiluiriph
of yellow Journalism.
IJenJ.iniln Kldd, the author of "Social
Isolation," comes forwmd with the
statement Unit he btilleps South Africa
to be a ilcher tountiy than the I'nited
States. It Is possible that Henjamln
may be "klddln'."
The light lime to mat i y, UPiiunl
Coi bin, whether in the aimy or out, Is
when a lellow gels the consent of the
light woman.
It now only icinalus for some wilte-'tMU-up-lo-ouler
iltaiuatlst to piepme a
ji)-:'0-;iil reporttilre gem tor .Mollneux,
fiovcrnor Odcll Is kind hc-iilletl. He
Is willing lo let Tom Piatt reach his
political etui peacefully,
In a Hi ii. id stieet Hotel in i'lilliiilclphla
Senator Uuuv and some tiieutbi weiu in
the liubii of 'sitting In" at a tegului
weekly gaunt of poker, at one of which
Senium" IVliioso, ol IVimsyhanlu. was a
im.HO lookei-ou Alter w.ilching tho
ganie for an hour in two the junior beu.i
toi lunocpiilb leiu.ilkeil.
"PullnnH, I tlilnU i could play that
game If iu'il innke me out u schedule, of
points. ' They did so, and 1'euiose, wllh
lliu iiilck i.tuliilly willteii out In d out
of him, look it hand. As the time for
the jackpot uppi oached one of the pla-
I'll s.lltl.
t II open fin a dollar."
Peuriwo kCiiuiieit his hand, then looked
ihii'lullv over the lilies and llnallj asked
"What s all of one color?"
"A llnsli," he wjh told.
"I II lil.ij," ha iibseivcd,
Tho mail who opcueil peifuiictuilly bet
a i hip and. when the senator lalsod, then
"Its nil ytntis, Peniose," the latter wits
lokl, mid iht'ii, lib he diew tho pile to
wuut llui, somebody added; "Let's bee
what oti got, anyway."
'"They luuked, found two diamonds and
three hem Is mid saicastleully Inipilied;
"Didn't 5 u say ou hud a llushl"
"No; you t-ald It," leplled Peniose, add
ing hiKt'iiuoiisly: "1 don"t know much
ubotit the game, yon know, but I think
I like It'-UhUiiBO Cluonlc'Ic.
They Will Serve In Quarter Sessions
Court for the Week Beginning Dec.
15 Matters Tlmt Came Up for n
Henilng in OtphnnB' CourtCom
mon Plena Court Is Prnctlcnlly nt
nn End for the Week Miwrtnge
Licenses Tlmt Weie Ornnted Yes-teidny.
The following1 sixty petit Juiois wetc
diawn yesteriluy for the special week's
let in of nAiurtcr uettHlous court, which
opens Deceiiiber in:
Morgan Thomas, foieimiii, Cmboiitlale.
Theodoiu A. CoiiiipII, clbik, Scninton.
I. l' Megrtrgel, biukcr, Seiiinton.
Thmnns Uiake. fainier, Old 1''oirc.
A, I", Klnnneiy, foienmn, Soranton.
I''i!ilils lleckcr, ctilleclor. Scninton.
Cliniles Broiison, miller, Mooslc.
J. H. Stocker, iiift chant, .leiinvn.
C'liiiH, It. Ltudsa, bonkkeeper, Seintitou.
W. M. 'Weilemun, fmiiiei", Moc'ow.
Win. P. Htilsteuil, ex-general tnntinRei",
Win. P. Miilloy, eiiglneel, Ciilbonilale.
A. il, Tlioniiisoii, imiiiiiRPi', Setunloii.
.laeob Bedell, faimcr, itunsom.
H. D. IMvlc.s, uicichnnt, .leiinyn.
Timothy lliu le, ronti actor, Dutiniote.
Vl.inlc P. Klost, tlineltppper, Scianton.
Win. T. Colvlllc, ttoasmer, I'arbondale.
.lames B. Xenle, tuipprlntentlent, Scranloii.
J'llwaiil Cluikson. gent, (.'aibondalc.
Ilnydeu Hvnn, tllirclor, Scianton.
Stpwart llleseekei, bookkeeper, Sc'runttm,
Thomas K. Iliooks, boukkpeper, Scianton.
M. II. Iliilgutp. null estiito Seiaiilon.
John While, cletk, Scrnnton.
S. A. Dills, foienimi, Caiboinlnle
Patilck J. Casey, bicwer, Carbondnle.
M. L. Smith, gviiciul agent, Seinuton.
ilitmes Cnvglll, miner, IJIckion City.
Peter !'. Kinkier, lutmer fSleliliurn.
C (!. Win dell, fainier. Haknllle.
John Donovan, tleilt, Scianton.
l'iniik lipiucis, Uiugglst, Scianton.
Peter Davidson, fainier, Scianton.
Henry C Wallace, merchant, Seiaiitou.
I'dwaitl Hall, painter, Caiboudule.
Win. Hoodnian. iiiluer, Jeimyu.
Daniel A. Tewltsbiuj, cleik. Scrnnton.
Henjamln Lewis, minor. Fell township.
Autos Washer, es-foipiuaii, Dtminoie.
Oeoigp FtevnoliK caipenter, liCnton.
James Hutlel, hotel, Moosle
Robeit H I'piimnn, cleik. Scianton.
Thos. Cogrove, niippilnleiidPtit, Sibley.
(Icoigp ilult. Dlmmlck, cloik, Seranton,
Alfred Hunt, bunk cleik, Scinnlon.
D. K. Talor, gent., Scr.inton.
John T. Poller, met chant, Sciunton.
Arehb.ilil Coiutilght, gent.. Clink's (lieeii.
Win. Held, farmer, HaiiROm.
Philip Schiteffer, car lep.tlter, Sciniiton.
Waller Piltk, engliiecr, Cmbotulale.
Aiithew Cuiimiltigs, etighteer, Tavlor.
T. It. McClliitock, lloilst, Dunmoie.
John AV. AVhlle, supt,, Caiboudule.
A. C. Puller, secietiuy, Scianton.
Thos. M. Lindsay, gent.. Cmboiitlale.
C. H. 'Policy, chief cleik, Scianton.
John Owens, agent, Dnlton.
v Common Pleas Court.
The gi eater pail oC yestpiday was
taken up In ll&tening to the defense in
tlie case of Peter Bennett against John
W. Williams. It wms alleged by Will
lams and his witnesses that Bennett
was driving along the road recklessly
at the time of the accident and that he
was guilty of the negligence that
caused the accident. The case went to
the jury at ! o'clock.
A erdlet was lelurned eslerduy In
the case of the Cerealine Maniifactui-Ing-
company against tlie Anthracite
Beer company. The verdict was for the
defendant, and tho jury also found that
the plaintiff Is indebted to the defend
ant In the .sum of $JL'(S."S.
In the case of AV. .1. Han Is against
Paniel E. Hlanchaid. Charlps II. Hor
lon was ycsteiday appointed auditor to
disburse the lund In couit arising fiom
the sale of leal esUto by virtue of a
Oiphans' Couit Matteis.
In the Ot plains' couit, ypsteiday,
Judge A. A. Vosburg heaid audits in
the estate of Lawience P. McXally, and
the estate of Thomas. Young, deceased.
In the .McXally estate the dlstilbution
depends upon the constiuctlon of the
will, the winding of which is doubtful,
dllferent constructions being placed
upon it by pintles in interest. Chmles
If. Welles appealed for the account
ant, and T. P. Iloban for one of the
In the estate of Thomas Young, de
ceased, exceptions weie filed to the flist
and puitial net omit of Angpllnp G.
A'oung, the niliuliiIni.Uii.v. The main
contention made by the exceplnnt Is
that her chaige of MH as commissions
Is exoibltant, and that in view of tho
woi It Involved In the estate a charge of
tluee per cent., instead of ihe per cent.,
would be sulllclent. On the other hand,
It Is contended that five per cent, is n
pioper chai go and tho accountant
should be allow ed for It In this ease.
Considerable testimony was taken, and
Judge A'osbuig leserved his decision.
it. C. Heynolds uppeaip.d for the p
teptaiit, antl AV, W. Lathrop lor the
Yestet day's Marriage Licenses.
Heniy llusbeu Scimitin
Small Humphlt'.v Sumiton
AVIIIIatn V. AVetheilll Peeklllo
Mautl M. W'lllmd lVckvIlle
Andiow Holautl Scraulnn
Lena Sjczitk Scianton
St PaUlck'H Altar bo,s would like to
ihallfiigo any team under DO pounds to a
game of fool ball,
J K V. H H K ! H K K K Pi r. Pi t . .
Always reliable.
v Dickson
J Mill & Grain Co
Seranton and Olyphant.
k 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A - 'A A A A A A A A A A A v
We have now in stock tlie finest display
of these goods ever made in Seranton,
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles' They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
We Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Going to Buy at Once or Not.
Hill & Council,
the shelves toady for the Fall styles. It Is these fall styles on
which we have now reduced prices. In some patterns there is
for one room; In others, enough for two or three rooms. The assort
ment includes L'Ait Noveau, Floral, Verdure, Scenic, Damask and
Leather effects.
Every season produces its new
designs in floor coverings. Each
succeeeding' lino of patterns show
evidences of more care in design
ing and weaving. It has taken
months to gather together the ex
cellent assortment to which we
invite your attention today. We
are perfectly safe in saying that
never before has such a vareity
of rich patterns been shown on
any carpet floor of Seranton. You
can easily spend a whole day in
looking through this department,
and yet so carefully and sys
tematically are the various styles and qualities arranged, that, if
you have formed the slightest idea of the kind of floor covering
you desire, we can easily and quickly show it to you.
Williams &
Furniture, Curtains
with our clothing
with the best
illYUv cry
W Mi
VL H. Griffith Clothier
318 Lackawanna Ave., Seranton, Pa.
Washington Avenue
Tlie Usual
in Prices Have Been Made
As Is our custom at this season of
tho year, wo have reduced tho prices
on nil lines of Wall Paper. This Is
done In order to make room for the
new Spring styles that will he com
ing In soon. Our leduction sale' of
the early Summer cleaned up the en
tire stock of Spring patterns, leaving
and Draperies,
AT'y ".v.-,:-
'129 Wyoming Avenue.
We have demonstrated by our
stock of Men's Suits and Overcoats
this season, that the veri finest can
be improved on. Your needs are our
forethoughts; your satisfaction our
duty and pleasure, and your confi
dence our highest reward. We have
ploughed into the depths of possi
bilities turned to light new fash
ions, excelled excellencies which you
have had heretofore, and planted the
banner of perfection on hitherto un
trespassed ground. Get in touch
ideas and you will be in touch
To the Ladies of Seranton:
When tired searching for something new in Chil
dren's Fine Clothing, stop at GRIFFIN'S. You will find
what yon want,
$20.00 iVi GOLD
For a Christnias Present?
Twenty Christmas Presents
To He Olvcn ly The Scruntott TrlbHmc to tlic Children of
Scrnnton and Northeastern I'eiiiisylvunli.
une Present
One Present
One Present
Two Presents
Five Presents
Ten Presents
Total Twenty Presents
Junior Educational Contesi
A Contest In
Who Can Make the Alost
T-H-E H - O -
THIS IS much easier than
I lie brightest hoys and
in cash for making the
these letters. H is, lots of fun to think out the words and hunt
them up in the dictionary, and besides it will help you with your
spelling. You will be .surprised at the number of "different ways
these twelve letters can be used.
Rules of the Contest.
Presents will be given to the bovs or girls, whose parents
01 guardians arc .subscribers to THE TRIBUNE, building tlie
largest number of words out of the letters contained in "The
Uolnc Paper."
Xo letters must be used any more times than they appear
in these three words. As an example, only one "A" could be
used, but there might be two "IPs" or three "E's."
Only words defined in the MAIN PORTION of "Web
ster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1S!)S) will be al
lowed. Anv dictionary can be used, but in judging the contest
THE TRIBUNE will debar all words not fotuuim Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Ap
pendix" will not be allowed.
Obsolete words are admitted if defined in the dictionary.
Words spelled two or more Avays can be used but once.
Words with two or more definitions can be used but once.
No single letters counted as words except "A" and "O."
How to Write Your List.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Write very plainly ; if possible, use a typewriter.
Place the words alphabetically.
Write your name, age, address and number of words at the top
of your list.
Write the name of parent or guardian with whom you live and
who is a renular subscriber to THE TRIBUNE.
Fold the list DO NOT ROLL.
All letters of inquiry for information will be promptly an
swered. Address your list of words, or any question you wish
answered, to
S20.00 In OolM $20.00
0.00 in GoluV 10.00
5.00 Jn (lolilA 5.00
2.50 Knch . . . , 5.00
00 Each . . . . A 5.00
50c Each A 5.00
Word - Hultdltifir.
Words Out of the Letters In
M - E P-A-P-E-R
last year's contest, and
girls" will secure Christ
largest number of wdr
id twenty
5tmas Gifts!
t'drds out of!
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a thort course, nor in ntj count,
nor a cheap course, but the best education
to be lind. No other education b worth
(pending time and money on. II 7011 do,
write lor a catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
nhlfli olTcrs thoroueh preparation In thai
bnglncerln; and Chemical Profession u wclll
u the regular College courses.
nosular State Normal Courses nnd
Special Depui'tineiits of MiihIp, i;1ooii
tlun Ai t. Drawliiff. Stenography nnd
Tjtu'wiltlnB", strons College 1'iepara
tory Dep.utnicnt.
ItoiiKlIni; expenses Jl.,71 per week
PupIN mlmltiPil nt nny tlnio. AVIntep
Tei m opens Dec 'JOth. AVrlle for catn.
E. L. KEMP, A. M,
'1'. J I'osler.l'ies, i:itnerJ. Lnwnll.Ticas,
It J Vostei HUnley I Allwu.
Vice Picslilunt, Secrctnr)",
RooniB 1 nnd 2
Commonwealth Bldg,
Utile at Uooile and' ltuihdaU Works.
Lafllu & Rand Powder Co.'s
Ulsitrio lUttctlc), lllectrla Eiploderj, Ex.
plodin? Blasts, safety fuse.