The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Child's Eve-Sig
rarents mo tepponsiiiic t u
stein, of their child. AVnloli oit
fin- fiiiwim. for piitilnts nnd wltn
lie end oi looks nl a plcbW
book, does lie liold It loo iear
or loo fni? These llttlo tilngs
Biuw fnsttt Hum the child d In
many rusts win be nvereome If
dlscovennl In time.
Ycin mil!' sat! your child n
lifetime of stinln mid yenk sight.
Defects of Islon novniv dlnppenr m
or their ovv n accord md In most JO
I'H-irn H'l' " wl s.
I have
lti c
exhaustive 2
study of the eys. giving par
ticular attention" the exnmlnn
tlon und ticjitiiont of children's
eyes, both lniermnny and this
countiy. 1 'HI examine child
ren's ryes with the most pi on
reused meHinds and will preset I lie
glasses oyily w'heie absolutely
Ono- 'dhni ge coveis the oiithe
of examination, glasses
nnu frames.
331 Washington Aye.
Cotinfy Savings Bank
and Trlisf Company,
506 Sprur street.
Receives fa -A and
Deposits T I Up
in Sums of wards
and pays 3 per cent, in
terest thereon.
Ii. A. WATRES, Piesident.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
Wm r IfnlKtcTd, IL'veiolt Wnnen.
i: r. TCIngsluity. .August Robinson,
O S Johnson. Mos O'Bilen,
L A. Wnties.
is satisfied at our stoic.
We have extia inducements to offei
jou. We have jusl leeeived first ship
ment of New Wnll papeis for spiing,
1103 some cvy choice patterns nlo a
large as-jcu tment 01 Plctuie names
tn r.nlpct fiom Wo ln Ite oil to call
'and see how lar jour dnllui will go.
Jacobs & Fasold,
201) Washington Ave.
0000000 oooooooooo
0 "They Diaw Well." 0
' Morris' Magnet Cigars 8
X The best value for r. cents. 0
v Tiv ono and you will smokes no A
0 ther. X
0AII the loading lunmls of fie. V
cigars at Jl 7i per box, or e for 23c. A
A .The lnir-est nilcty ot Pipes and Y
A Tobaccos In town. v
E. C.
IVIUnrfla. o
The Cigar Man V
a 3S5 Washington Avenue.
at tw h
Reader ?
Wo can savo ou money on all
pcilodlcnls and mngiulnes f )0U
will call nt stoie. Tills mouth's
Vogue Just In. Alt-o thei latest
fashion plates and all mugiuhics
now on hand,
ew 'Phone, 43, 407 Spruce Street
In and About
The City
Contiact Signed.
The contract for hulldliiK the Meildlnu
street sewer which was let to Donohou ,V
O'Hojlo, was signed jcstcul.iy by the
This Is Donation Day,
Today Is donation day at the rioienco
Cilttentoi) home and the annual meeting
of the oiganizatlon will also he held today
nt 2 30 o'clock.
Foot Ball on Satuiday,
The foot ball teams of tho Tunkhnnnock
high school nnd St. Thomas colleso will
play at Athletic park Satuiday afternoon.
(Jame called at i o'clock.
Independents Won,
TJio postponed bowling gmuo between
tho Tndcpendents nnd tho North Bml team
on tho Klks' nllcjs, last nlRht, was won
by tho Independents by a scale of "iiS, 617,
T1T-C99, W, 731,
Automobile Races,
Theio will bo automobile races nt tho
Speedway agiiln on Satuiday afternoon,
Tho success of the ocnts of tho Inst tVo
Satttuhos Is iiF-3111 nnco that thcio will be
some lino spoilt
Sale for the Philadelphia Oichestra.
The sale of seats for the Philadelphia
oichcstni conceit to be given at the fy
cpum theater Tuesdiy oonlng net opens
tomoitow moinlne at 9 o'clock. Prices 75
( cuts to $1 Mi. t
Up to President Claik.
The stiret cir men have taken their np
pfal to Piesident Claik fiom tho decision
of Manager Slllttnau with refeicnco to
thelf gilevnnces. Nothing of moment was
clone at their meeting this inotnliig.
Bench Warmer Committed,
Alfied Woodfoid, of Tohyliaiinu, who
was uriested for sleeping on ono of tho
Couit iloiwo squnin lienchri, was com
mitted to Jail bv Police Mnglstintc AIII
lai for ten dnjs In default of a fine of J1.
Two Bankiuptcy Petitions.
llobeit Lewis Swenny, of Lchlghtou,
Cm lion county, tiled a petition in bank
iuptcy In the- United States couit jvstei
da. Ills llubllltles amount to JlL'.'i'lUS
and his assets, S1J.1V) DO. Joseph JI. Wood,
of Kutlaiid. Tioga county, nlso filed a
debtor's petition. Ills liabilities amount
to $.17",'J0, with no assets.
Bishop Spnulcllng's Lectin e.
The stle of beats for the lectin e by tha
lit. itcv. J. Tj. Spalding. D. V. ot Pool la,
III, on "Success," at the L.xceum theu
tci Sundnv night foi the beuullt of tho
Home of the flood Shcpheid, begins nt tho
bo of lit o this moinlng nt 9 o'clock. 'I ho
in lees aie: Lower floor. $1; In Irony, 73
and 50 cents; galleiv, .II cents.
Wanted in Lebanon.
Superintendent of Police Duv, Captain
Williams and Mounted Otilicr Peuy jis.
tcnlay iiftcinoon auested J. 13. lter and
T. P. Now ton, soap agents, on a wnirnut
Issued In Lebanon charging them with
lalo pietouses. The men weie nuetcd
at the Aillngton hotel and an nfllcfi Horn
Lcbiuun will come foi them todav.
Attested in Schenectady.
Supeilntendent of Pollie Diy lcceheil
woid last night fiom Sc!ionectad, X. V.,
to the cfiect that Dnmlnick nmko. of
Cniboudale, had bet n ouesltd then-,
lltuko was lecentlv Indicted foi commit
ting a assault nnd skipped Ills
bill just beloie his tilal. The county
authorities will make an effoit to hne
him otinihtcd.
Enjoyable Socinl Session.
One of the l.ngest attended nnd mot
thoinughlv cnloMible sessions which was
(vol conducted bv the Sci anion BU v i lo
club was held last night. Excellent
music was furnished h the l.awience oi
iliosti.i and a lunch was served In tlv
dining loom No legularinogiamme was
culled out hut spvpijI delightful bonis
wcie spont bv Hip membeis In social In -tcKoiiisp,
'j lie enteilainnient committee
which hid cli.iige or the affair compiises
the lollowlng mcinbcis: V. J. Revunlds,
W. U. Tloper. II. .1 Noitlnup. William
I'oid. II 15 rianklln. W. .7. Benjamin,
W. A. Biooks and P. II Gilff.
Gibbons Was Buncoed.
rl lie same l.pon-e.v ed gentlcmiii wlio
tiled to woik the Lackawanna Biowery
company on Wednesday night Hied the
same gimo on Dominick Gibbons, cleik
at tlio Lnckannnna Vnllcv House shoil
lv aflei vvnids and succeeded In putting It
thiougli successfullv. He came daiug
.iciOMi the sliect' fiom J. L Council -Co
's wholesale giorerv stole In his sldit
hleeves and with a pen behind his cm.
.Mi. Council, lie "lid. wanted a cheek I en
MO cashed and he pipsentPd a clieck foi amount f-igned with the llim's name
Olbbcins mid he would casli a peisonnl
check of Mr. Councils and the keen-cjed
gentleman dashed ncios tlio slieet again
and was back in live minutes with a
check for $11 signed ".I. L Council.' Ml.
millions him the money onlv to
discovei jcsteidav tint lie had been
Convention of the Eighth District
of Pennsylvania Was Hold in
Memoiial Hall Yesteiday.
Xluetv-une delegates icpic-enthiK the
cities and towns Included In the Kighth
dlstilct cf the Pennsjhnnia Woman's
llellef coips uttcMidecl Hie ninth nnnual
convention In this city vesteida,
which was held In Memoilal hall.
Mis. J. W., of Wllkes-Bnue,
the ictliing pioldent, called the con
vention to older, und after the pie
llininaiy woik was concluded, Mi.s.
Randolph Jones delivoied the addiess
ot welcome, which wus icsponded to
by Mis. Khtclht Hull, ot Wllkes-Dunc.
Olllceis. weie then elected as follows:
President, Mis.. T. H. Allen, of Sciau
ton; senior vice piesident, Mis. Ilai cl
ing, of Tunkhannock; junior vice
pichldcnt, Sli.s. Cnileton, of Carbondale;
hecietniy, Mis. l.oomls, of Scuinton:
ttenbuter, Mis. Uell, of AVllkes-Bmre.
The ofllceis weie liisfulleil by Mis. Pai
ker, of Wllkcs-Hniie.
During the iiftcinoon session the llt
unllstle wen It of the coips was eem
plllled by the memheis of Coips No. fiO
of this cltj. Mis. Gcoigo W. Powell,
of this city, sang an oilgtnal ode, which
vvns adopted us the mcinotlal hymn for
tho i:iKhth district.
In the evenliif? the membeis of Corps
No, il7, of Wllkes-Harie, weiu entei
talned nt the homo of Mi.s. Powell,
wheie singing, speaking, ictieshnifnts
and other featutes weie enjoyed,
Thoso pieseut weie:
Mlss 13. Loulbo Koote, Mis. J. W. Ho.
gait. Mis. Conner, Mis. 13stcl.i Hall, Mi.s
Kllzabeth Hod, Mis. Anna Stella, Mid.
Maino Itlvetman, Mis Anna Spiegel, Mis.
Maiy A. Bilggs, Jlis. Anna M, Wfltei
n tli. Mis. Saiali Swiitubnuk, .Mi s. HlUa.
Iielli Hall, Alls, Josephine ltnhb, Mis,
Maiy Long, Jlis, Slaiy Kelly. Mis .Miu,v
I'ndeivvood, Jlis Muigaret Uiovvu, Mis,
Catheiluu Pi Ice, Mt.4, Mlimiu Johnson,
All s Lucy Kommeiei', Mis, 1311aboth
.Mack, Mis. Mai la House, Mis. Maiy
(Jlosor, Mis, Anisic Uauett, Mis. Aimlu
Uowoy, Mis. Helen W. liniiips. Mis, Al
tliur Johiihou, Mis Marj 13, Haines, Mis,
Maiy Hauls, Mis. Jenkins, Mis, Huaiel
rind Mis. 11 Paiker
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question nrises in tho family
every day, Let us answer it today. Try
n delicious nnd healthful dessert, Pre.
pared in two minutes. No boiling I
Hakim?! auci Doinncr water anil set tc
cool, I'lavors: Lemon. Orance. Rasp
berry and Strawberry,
at your grocers to-day.
Get a package
lo cts.
Destroyed Property to the
Value of $9S,O0d Before
It Was Subdued.
Firemen of Oluuhant Were Unable
to Gone with ;lie Flames.
Is Supposed to Bo Due to the Explo
sion of Gas in the Basement of
the Stole of At he t ton
& Sutton.
A veiy consldeiable wait of the busi
ness section of OImiIiiuU boiough was
wiped out yestoulay morning by u tlio
which broke out In the basement ot
Atheitou A: Sutton's Heady Pay store,
and which would have moved a much
moie dlsnstious ccmflagiatlon than It
vvns hnd it not been for the timely ns-
Hlstunec tendeied by the Scranton Hie
depai tment alii ciitlcal moment. As It
was, the Hie vvns the laigesl that ever
occurred in 01 phunt, nnd the loss
amounts to S'i3,M)0,
The table of losses nnd the amount of
lnsui mice can led, as lnr ns could be
nseet lained. Is ns follows:
Losx. Insurance.
Atheitcin A Sutton,
building .fl.l.OiO Covered
Atheitou & Sultciii,
slock 4"(i00 Coveied
Dr. Price, fumMiliiRs.. 3J0
Luk.iwaniin Telephone
Co. pchansc l,OK) Coveted
John M. 3vans, build
ing Suet Covered
O'Bilen S- Cauoll, cigar
faptoiy 1 500 Coveted
Olvphant Ice companv,
ofllco 5'i0 Coveted
John M. Evans, build
ing .... : 1500 Coveted
Matthew Mackey. htiid
wai" L',"i $l,i0
Mis. Jane O'Bov le.bulld
ing 3,cjiM 'J,lW
Matthew Mackev, nov
elties 1,J0 7U0
Jlicli ltd Owens, hotel.. "00
John McAnclren, build
ing 3W' ll
Mary OBiien. shoes... 4 ono 1000
Best Bios, teas 7i 300
M. W. tliogau, hotel... 'Mi
P J. d'Doiinctl, build
ing 3 Oof) Covered
I. J. O'Donnell, hotel.. 300
lva Lindemnn, millin
ery tWO 2(0
John Hawk, household
effects 400
Mis Mniia Wluelti.
dwelling 2.TO 1,000
Harrv Spot, household
effects 201
John Taj lor, building.. HiO
If B. Matthewson, build
ing 200
Mis j, K. Stone, build
ing SOO Coveied
Mis L K. Stone, fui
ulttllP J00 Coveud
Joseph Sehultz, clotlilng 2.0W Coveied
Piiidcntial insurance
companv ""' Cuveied
111. Haivev Hi
John Llovd, building... 3'JO Coveied
Josppli Scliult. ladles'
furnishings In) Coveied
II. B Bush ding sune "00
Will Tiivloi, bulier
sliop Ml
Maiv J. Davis, candy.. 2'ia
Total W1.V0O
Cause of Tiae.
Tho os.ict iniisp of the flic Is un
known, bill the generally accepted the
oi y Is that it oiiglnatcil fiom an ex
plosion of gas In the basement of thp
Atherton store. This wns the largest
store in the liotough, and was located
nt Lackawanna and Willow stteets. It
was a thtee-storv building, IMkfiO feet
In size, and was heaily stocked with
merchandise of all kinds. Pait of the
second floor vvns occupied as nn office
by Dr. Pilce and by the Lackawnnnn
Telephone compui as a bianch px
changc. Behind the building vvns nn apparatus
for geneiating gas liom gasoline, for
illuminating pm poses. It is believed
that theie was n leak In the pipe cai ly
ing this gas through the basement und
that the escaping gas vvns Ignited by
the flic lu the lutnace and exploded.
At any late, time was a muflled ex
plosion In the basement lust befoie in
o'clock and the next minute It appealed
to be nil in tlnmes.
An alarm was turned In nnd the tin re
hoiough the companies weio at tho
hceno In fairly quick time. "When they
ni lived the Haines vvoic bursting
thiough the floor of the Atheitnn stoip,
und befoie any water could be tinned
on the whole lower llooi was a seeth
ing, i oai lug muss of flip. The thiee
sti earns which weie soon playing on the
blaze weie Ineffectual,
The entlin Atheitou building was
ufho befoie 10.K0 o'clock and the flumes
weie leaping II f teen feet Into the nlr
above Hip ioof. The small tvvo-stoty
building adjoining, owned by John M.
Kvnnb and occupied by O'Bilen & t'ar
i oil's cigar fiictoiy and the ofllce ot tho
Olyphant ice company, was soon ablaze
and the flumes weie eoniuuinlcatecl In
a slioit time t" Matthew Mackej's
luudvvuio stoto In the building niwi nil
joining. Sent Here for Help.
Chief John O'Mnlley, of the (lie de
pai tiiiout, hud in the inenntiuip tele,
phoned to this city for a steamer, and
Suppilnlendeut Koiber cllieeteel the
neneuil Phlnney I3nglue and the 1,1b
eit Hose company to pioceed to Oly
plmnt He dune up hlinsell ami tool;
peioonal command or the flie-ilghtlng
foi cos. Tho Oeneial Phlnney ho
enme exhausted when Dickson City was
leached nnd a team hail tn be hem
down fiom Olyphunt to bilnir the
steamer uu
When th SctiiHtou companies ar
rived at the scene the whole lei Miami
side of l.aikawnnna htieet fiom wil
low stieet to n point thiee bundled leet
east was ubla.e. The Atheitnn stoic
was almost totally deslioyed, und the
flames weie feeding on the Mackey
liaidvv.ue store, und on the two build
ings next adjoining, owned by Mis.
Jane O'Hoyle and John MeAndreiv, nnd
occupied by Muckey's novelty Mute,
Hlcharil Owens' hotel, Mary O'Ht leu's
shoe stoie, nest Ilios.' teu stoie and M.
W, G logon's saloon.
Gieat pointed tongues of fire weie
leaping acmss the stieet and licking
the fionts of the buildings on the other
tide. The entlio ftont of the Lloyd
To Keep Well. ,
It Is easy to keep well If wo would
only obseivo each day a few simple
lules of health.
The nil Impoi tnnt thing Is to keep
the stomach light nnd to do this It Is
not necessnty to diet or to follow a set
rule or bill ot fate. Such pampering
simply makes a eupilcloiiH appetite nnd
n feeling Hint ceitaln favorite ni tides
of food must be avoided.
Prof. Wlechold gives pretty good ad
vice on this subject! he so a: "t am
C8 yeuis old und have never had a
seilotis Illness, nnd nt the same time
my life has been lnigely an Indoor one,
but I eiuly discovered that the way
to keep healthy was to keep a healthy
stomiich, not by eating bran ctuckeis or
dieting of any sort; on the conttnry
I nlvvn.vs eat u hut my appetite cuives,
but daily for the past eight years I
have nude It a 'ptaetlce to take one
or two of Stuait's Djspepsla. Tablets
after cuch meal and I atttlbute my to
bust health for a' man ot my age to
the tegular dally use of the Stunt t's
My physician llrst advised me to use
litem because he said they weie per
fectly hatmless and were not a seeiet
patent medicine, but contnlned onlv the
natuial digestives, peptones nnd dMasto
nnd after using them a few weeks I
have never ceused to thank him for his
I honestly believe the habit ot taking
Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets after meals
is the teal health habit, because their
use brings health to the sick and ailing
nnd preset ves health to the well and
Men nnd women past fifty yeats of
age need a safe digestive after meals to
Insuie a pel feet digestion and to wnid
off dlfcease, and the safest, best known
and most w Idely used Is Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
They ate found In evciy well legu
lateel household fiom Maine to Califor
nia and in C.ieat Britain and Austialla
aie rapidly pushing their way Into pop
ular favor.
All diugglsts sell Stumt's Dvspepsla
Tablets, full slyed pkgs. at 30 cents,
and for a weak stomach a flftv cent
p-lcknge will often do ilfty dollais
woith of good.
building, directly neioss fiom the heoit
of the flic, wns all allie, nnd little in
cipient blazes weie spilnglng up nt
v.nlous points nil along the stieet for a
distance of a block.
It looked as If nothing could save the
ma lor pottlon of the town fiom de
stiuction, and piopeity ovvneis In all
diiections began to move their effects
fiom their stoies and dwellings. Super
intendent Peiber saw nt a glance that
the essential tiling to do was to check
the fuither .spread of the flames, lie
en tiered thiee sti earns connected with
the steamer and bi ought thein Into play
in the veiy storm centte of the fiie.
After a half-bom's haid work the
finy of the flames on the left-hand side
of the stieet was very materially abated
and all danger of a geneial destruction
of propei ty on the tight-hand side was
ov er.
Coucentiated Their Effoits.
It was lound impossible to save the
block ot piopeities In -which tho flie
oilginnted fiom total destruction, and
the firemen concentiated their atten
tion on the piopeities on the other side
of the stteet and in the iear, so that
bv 1.S0 o'clock all the flames had been
extinguished, and the Setanton com
panies left for homo.
All that remains of the fine buildings
In which tho fire first gained headway
Is a smouldeiing heap of chaired tim
bers. Inthe rear of the Atherton stoie
the handsome dvv piling of Mis. Muria
Wheeler wns totally de.stiojed by the
flames, as well as a small dwelling oc
cupied by Harry Spot. A number of
bains In the iear of the binned build
ings, and in very closp pioxlmlty to
them, escaped the (lames almost mir
aculously. The flames spiead ncross AYIlIovv
stieet nnd caught the two-story build
ing owned by P. J. O'Donnell and occu
pied by him ns a hotel, nnd by Miss
Ilia LlndPimnn as a nilllineiy stoie.
This building wns thoroughly gutted by
file and water, and will have to be en
tirely rebuilt.
The only building on the opposite side
of the street which wns badly damaged
by the flames was the threo-stoiy
flame stiucluio owned by John Llod
and occupied by H, U. Dush, the di ug
gist, and Joseph ti. Sehultz. The entire
fi out of this building was burned and
the stock of Mr. Sehultz badly damaged
by (lie and wnter. The latter also con
ducted a clothing stoie In the building
adinlnlng nnd tlio stock In this stoie
was almost completely ruined. Mrs. L.
K, Stone, who conducted a furnltuie
stoie, managed to save the greatest
pai t of her stock. The. offices of the
Piudentlnl Insuiance company and of
Dr. Harvey, In this building, wete badly
damaged by vvatei,
Losses to Stocks.
Those who sustnined slight losses to
the- stocks In their stoiej weie: II, n,
Matthew sou, who conducts a harness
shop; Will Tajlor, who runs a bin her
shop, nnd Maty .7. Davis, who conducts
a confectioneiy store. Several of the
windows In the Citizens' bank building,
now in com so of cnnstiuctluu, weie
biokeu, but the building itself was not
seilously damaged.
Miss Daisy Alexander, of this city,
the nuiig woman In c lunge of the
Lackawnnnn Telephone company's ex
c'haiigp.whlch was located in the Ather
ton building, displayed iPiiitukable ptes
ence of mind niter tho flat mlgiuatecl.
Whim .she learned that the building wns
on fire, Instead of miming lor a plate
of safety nt (list, llko the nullum y
pet son would do, she called up the
seveial file companies on the tele
phono niul notified the Sctniiton oflhe
of the flic. When she was leudy to
have the building the flames had seized
upon the itock oti tho fltst floor nnd
she was Just baiely enabled to leaih
the stieet In satety.
The limning of the telephone ex
cliuuge in evented seivieo between this
city, Oljphnnt nnd the adjoining towns
last night, but the telephone people
piomlso to line things In winking outer
tignlu tonight
The electilc light poles in fiont of the
binned bulldlnt's weie badly bunted
nnd a number of the wiles weie cut In
two, but t c pairs wete made with such
mpldlly that the Illuminating system
was again lu working outer last night,
Atheitou & Sutton, who sustained the
heaviest, have alieady announced
their Intention of le-bulldlng, Just as
soon tis their Insumnco Is adjusted,
An Old and Well-Tiled Remedy.
foi clilliiifii teething. Is tho pieseilptlon of
one or tlio next in biennis aim
muses lu tho I'nlted States, and has been
used sixty jears with iievet-falllng suc
cess bv millions of motheis lor tlieli clill
diPil Dining the piocc&s of teething its
nluo Is Incalculable It iclleves tho child
fiom pain, ciues dluiihoea. gilplng in tlio
bovvals. unci wind colic. By giving health
to tho child It icsts tho inuthei. I'Hce,
twonty-tlvo cents a bottle.
Does Not Like tne Manner in Which
J. P. aillcspio Wns Put on the City
Pay Rolls Now Measures That
Wne Introduced In Select Council
Lnst Night Consldciablo Amount
of Business Also Tinnsacted nt the
Meeting Held by Common Council.
The oullnatice piovldlng for the office
of ordinance Inspector was subjected to
another nnd particularly vlgoious at
tack by Selectman D. W. Vnughan at
last night's adjourned meeting of the
upper branch.
It appears that J. P. Gillespie Is now
nnd has been for severnl months exer
cising the duties ot this ofllce. He Is
on the pay-toll as a lnboier in the
street depni tment. Mr. Vnughan, after
J elating' this, proceeded to characteilze
this method of denting new offices ns
a "sneaking proposition" and "n sur
leptltlous tilck."
Mcssts. Vaughan, Iloss nnd Coyne
weie the only ones to vote against the
ordinance, nnd it passed thlul and fitiul
reading. The ordinance providing for
the payment of the cost of paving tlio
Intel section of Lackawanna and Adams
avenues nlso passed final leading. New
mensuies weie Intioduced as follows:
Mr. B.03S A lesolutlon exonciutlng the
Chiistlan. Picab.vteilan and Methodist chinches on North Main avenuo
fiom sewer assessments. Approved.
By Mr. Maloney A resolution lepeallng
the lesolutlon of November 10, 10, pio
vldlng that councils shall not settle out of
court nnv damage claims for amounts
gicaier than $100 Appioved.
By Sir. O'Bojle A lesolutlon lians
feitlng $4)40, fiom the appropriation for
electilc llitlits, 1001, to the fund for pay
ment of the clls shnio of the cost of the
Nineteenth District sovvet. Appiovcel.
A resolution was Intioduced by Chair
man Meirlmnn. of the stieets nnd
Inldges committee, declining It lo be
the opinion ot councils that a tempor
ary liildge, costing not moie than $000,
should be consttueted nt once at Ash
stieet, nnd suggesting that If theie Is
not money enough available for this
puipose, In the emergency fund, that
the diiector of public woiks apply to
councils for tiansfeis from other funds
sufficient to piovlde for the const! uo
tlon of the bilelge.
A communication was lecelved fiom
Diiector of Public Works Roche call
ing attention to the necessity of chang
ing the names of streets wheie dupli
cations have been found, and asking
that a committee be clothed with au
thority to deal witli the matter. The
communication was referied to the
streets and blidges committee, with
powerMo act.
Common Councilman II. 13. Paine
uttered a vlgoious protest at last
night's meeting of thp common branch
against granting extension of time to
sewer contractors, except In extraoidl
nary cases of emergency.
The discussion arose when a select
council resolution granting an exten
sion of five months to the contractors
for the Ash stteet sewer. In the Tenth
ward, came up for concunence. Mr.
Knoepfel, the councilman for the w.nd,
protested against the passage of the
lesolutlon, and said that theie was no
good excuse for a failuie to complete
the sewer within the oilglnal time limit.
A motion to adopt the lesolution was
put and it looked as if it would be car
lied, when Mr. Paine niose.
"It's about time we settled this tiling
once and for all," lie said. "It's about
time this city decides to make its eon
tractors live up to their contiact obli
gations nnd not keep contlnunlly ex
cusing them fiom doing whnt they -voluntarily
agree to do. I favor gmnting
an extension ot time to a conti actor In
a case of emeigency, If he can offer a
good excuse, hut this thing of letting
work diag on and then granting nn ex
tension for no reason at all, I do not
approve of."
Refened to Committee.
Mr. Paine moved that the resolution
be leferred to the sevvprs and dialns
committee for investigation, and the
motion was unanimously adopted.
The joint streets nnd bildges com
mittee repotted tluit it has selected the
end of Sandeison avenue as the best
location for the proposed new bridge
over the Lackawanna river, to replace
tha Kace street bildge, piovldlng a le
novval can be obtained of the options
foimerly seemed for the piopeity
which It will be necessary lo acciuho
for approaches, The repoit was le
celved and filed.
Mr. Graf piesented a petition signed
by a number of propel ty ovvneis on the
COO block ot Sanderson avenue, who ob
ject to what they teim the "enoimous"
sewer assessment, $0 J3 per lineal toot,
ehaiged up against them. They asked
the council to devise some feasible
method of sec tiling a i eduction of this
assessment. The petition was lefened
to the city solicitor.
The following new lesolutions wcie
intioduced nnd passed:
By Mr. Castorllne Dltectllig tho ie
moval of a projecting pipe on Gieen Itlclgo
street near Not lit Mnlu avenue: cxonei
allng the Couit Stieet Methodist 13pls
copal chinch trom the pamcnt of a piv
Ing assessment.
By I3van 13vnns Oidlnances piovldlng
for a tiapsfer of tcitaiu balances fiom
last jeai's nppiopilatlom lo pay the bal
ance due on the toad toller and to In
cioase this jear's appiopilatlou for the
lepalr of bildges and culvcitB. Mt. Pnhio
introduced an otilhianee piovldlng for tho
election of two electilc lights in the Ninth
On Thiid Rending-.
The following oi ellntinces weie passed
on thlul and final leading: Piovldlng
for tho It sue of $100,000 worth of bunds
to pay otf outstanding judgments; prn
vldlng tin the liibtullatlon of a bathtub
lu the I.llieity hose house; piovldlng
for two electtlo lights in the Thltteeiith
waul, for two lights in the Second
ward nnd for thico lights in the Se.
eiitcenth wind; lui leasing the saknics
of the city cleik and assistant elt
cleik fiom $1,300 and $1,'J00 to $J,000 und
$1,500 lespectlvcb; piovldlng for the
execution of a cnnliact with John V,
Hopewell lor furnishing COO copies of
council iiuimml; piovldlng for the
grading of Olhe slieet between llni
llhou unci Piescott uvenues; piovldlng
foi (ho laying of flagstone sidewalks on
poitlons of Hlekoty, Alder nnd lilieli
U was decided not to meet on the
next meeting night, which will be
Thanksglv lug.
Impoitant Changes
In tialu seivice on the Deljvvnte and
Hudson, taking effect Sunday, Novein
ber 10. Time-table showing changes can
be hnd at local ugents, Satuiday, No.
vember 13.
The exclusivcness of OUU Cut Glass slock
compels a distinction it's different.
Although wo havo the sole ngencv foi tills city for '
the famous "LIBB1JV" Cut Glass, wo mi i y a very
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SUGAR AND CREAM SET Beaut'fi Paern; generous
ts B.Tr.r.c cuttings; same as (fcr rr
two pieces. illustration qO.UU
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personal account is with the
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3 Per Cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts, whether
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On Matters of Importance f
O Buy Guaranteed Silks ?!
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Laces and Trimmings
Net to the linings comes the adornment of tho fabiic selected for the
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New customets tell us almost dally that they had 'no ides, such a line oC
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Children's Worsted Dresses
A pel feet linn of new "styles to hand jcstciday. Many novelties and
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tho 1 1 out. TUe-Miow lino Includes tho famous "Peter Thomson" models. No
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ing her childien's diesses made to measure after looking over our stock.
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The Satisfactory Store.
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The Values Are Incomparable.
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Lubricate Your
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Scientific methods
and save SIXTY P13 CKNT. of ex.
We make a specialty of pioper lu
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In times of stringency or
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Green Trading Stamps,
Done quickly nu J reasonably
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