,vS- ?'-' 'JT ,..' V " $. , .T ,. - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNti-FIUDAY, NOVJ)MJ3J3R 14 1902. .5 jrby The News of Carbondale, AVANTHI)An ofllee hoy. at the Carbon, ilnle 'tfi'rtllfir iif The Tllbtllic 111 tlm tlui-ko building. Apply to mininger after 9 It. 111. UOl'HIJ for lent on lllc street. Apply lllss Margaret Carroll, 12 Itlver street. CHANGE MADE IN SALE OP BURIAL LOTS No More Will Be Disposed of from Section Thnt Encroaches on Paths or Walks, In Mnplewood Cemetery. Superintendent Collins' Annunl Re port, nnd Election of Officers. At tlio unmiiil iilcetlng or lot-holders if Muplewood cemetery association In the L'oiuiiiou council ohiiinber, Weiliies liiy' night, n resolution wus adopted ngulnst tilt! practice or selling burial lota from sections Unit were reclaimed us wnlUs or paths. W. It. AVIIllaius, one or the lul -holders, clU'il Instiilices where person wore burled In lots Unit wore formerly path?. Thin blocked the oiiirance to other Knives, he said, inul was an Injustiee In (hi! owners of the latter. The sense of the lot-holders was against the prac tice, and the resolution condemning it ml forbidding It In the future wiih liniiuliiiously minuted. Superintendent Collins said, by way ot cxpliinnilon, that this had b"eii done In some ciim's, but not during the live years he was sixton. fteesi- Hughes was elecled chainiiall. ('. A. Kase acted as secretary. A. Kits- and .lohn K. ISoiif were ttminl imaisly re-elected trustees. William IT. Williams and James Smith wire ap pointed auditors for tin1 ensuing year. ISryce It. Illalr, 1'. .1. Foster, .lames TlioiiipMJii and It. U. Stuart weie ap point! d on a committee which was in structed to confer with the trustees wltli respect to the validity of the pres ent by-laws and to dialt new ones. If nccrsi-nry. Kiipf-iiiitonilcnt Collins presented his ii port for the year ending November I. It w.i accepted. It Is as follows: .Ib-eclvd for digging slaves and III I.eo A'allry,., Nebraska, Nov. 3. lie was born lit ls:i(l and lived In Carbon dale from boyhood' until 18(m, when he departed for the west, which wus since his home. He prospered there and wus In comfortable clrciiihsliiuee when sum moned hence. Mr. Moran will lie kindly remembered by ninny Cnrboiidallnns, who valued his friendship, ills trade hero was shoe making, which ho learned In the shop of Oniric 'Hafieii. Deceased wiih the lirolher of Constable Michael Moran, Contractor 1. it. Moran and P. T- Mor an. secretary of Columbia Hose company, Free O i st rib u tion sf!WKX!BS50s!0!KX!0!!!K!Bsswi!x!3wsojxK FOR TJIK llKJOGPI'l' 01? THOSE WHO HAVE NOT TESTED THE VIKTUE8 OP Dr. David Favorite Kennedy's Remedy for a Fit KM this city. Ask iiacrrui vaiue other woil; ::.V u.j Collected (in iisscsMiicnts iVi'j I.", Received lor grave lol.s sold 1H.". in) Amount due fi:r lots sold .", HI Anioimt due lor digging Braves.... II "." t'alil to I. II. Fran!;, tr usurer.... l.n" I.". Number in' luis -mid i'l 'I'lie annual ii-puit uf tli- lr-usiircr. I-'. II. I''iiilil. wnicli was read and in pl.il was as lulliiws: ii:i:it. Money ua Interest hi .M. .4 II. bunk H.'.iiJ.'i I.' City lionds Xns. I". I!i and Ln :;uu ui Cash 7:: ;; Cash frnin.supei Inti-uilent lor year. I.ns.". a Interest from M. .V: M. haul;, one year Interest on city bonds, one jcai Total CIlKDIT. T'aid on .".I urdcrs limn mmtcIi Cash In .M. .V At. hank City bonds N'os. p., hi and "ii. Cash balance til III "7 no .f !,."'-' il'i . .vft iiu . i.liS'i (.7 ::iii mi . ;v,o ::; Total ANOTHER DANCE. Autumn Social Monday Night Under Germania's Patronage. The (Jerniaaia Singing, society will entertain at an autuuin dance in (ier nianlri hall on North Main street, .Mon day evening. The social will marl; the opening of ' the. winter social season and will be sort tif a dedication of the hall, which has been re-dccoraled, and is now nioiH cheerful and inviting than ever. I'rur, Flrtli will piiixiilf. inusle. An uiiiuiiuueineiit or a social under i lie patronage or tin (;ei-niunlu I.- always an asMiraacc uf a royal gnml lime. An enjoyable evening I- ihndoic .tntlcl- paled, ' AT THE HOSPITAL. Mlchnsl Lnrkin, Who Lost an Arm. Somewhnt Improved. Michael l.arkin. of Carbondalc tmvu- nii, iios arm was cut on by an en ;lne while he lav asleep in the' Ontario and Western yard at Alaylleld. during Tuesday nlslll. ii soiu-nvhnt ini ' proved last night. Tile hospital sur seous do not tlilnl;, liowever, thai he Is yi-i out of danger. .lohn I .ester, a bridge carpenter, had 111? hand caught Ictweeii two Joiners and so b.nlly siiueezcil that ii was nec essary to amputate one of the lingers. The operation tool; paie at Ihncrgeiicy hospital. DIED IN THE WEST. John Moran, Brother of Constable Michael Moran, Passes Away. Word lias been received here or tile death of John Moran, a former carlnm daliau. Mr. Moran passed mvuy at his home CARBONDALIAN'S, STANDING IN UTAH The Suit Lake City Hertild Devotes n Half-Column Big Caption Article to Visit of WHHn.ni McHnle, n. Wealthy Mine Owner, to Cnrbon dnle A Hnlf-Brother of ex-Select Councllmnn Thomas Battle. William Mellule. half-brother or ex- Select Councilman Thomas Battle, or the West Side, Is back usaln In his far western home In Utah, after visiting In Carbondale, his early home, as related In The Tribune a few weeks riKo. Mr. Mel tale, on the occasion of ids return, was made the Mibjeet or n half column article, In the Salt Luke City Herald of last Saturday. The story is displayed under a bin caption on the llnanclal pase of the Herald. The prominence which Mr. McHnle enjoys In his adopted home Is Indicated by Hie elaborate notice of this dally. He Is re ferred to as "the veteran prospector and claim owner of 'Frisco, who has made a good chunk or money during the past year or two." These evidences or Mr. Mcllale's success and standing will he a source of satisfaction and pride to the inuiiy Carbondale associ ates of his youth and the numerous ad ditional friends that his attractive per sonality won on the oecuslou of his re cent visit to Carbondale. The story in the Salt Lake City Her ald contains a characteristic Interview 1'ioni .Mr. .McHnle. It Is as follows: William .Mellule, the veteran piospcelor and claim owner or Frisco. Jtciner coun ty, who has in.ule a booiI chunk nl' money dm Inn the past year or two, and who stands to make a ureal, deal more In the years to come, returned yesterday from ai extended visit to his olu home mar Seralilou, J'a., acciinipmded by bis son, II Is iwenty-tlnee years since Air. Alc llale left his old home lo seel: Ills I'ortunu la the wild and woolly west, ami he re lates that while he met any number of people whom he knew, and who recofcnlzed nun. many ot them, like himself, wera eiowdliii," old OKc. "I did all I could," s.ilil he, "lo impress everybody I met Willi the fuel Hint I Mali war a Kieat slate, and thai all kinds of money w-is to be made In I'ollowlnt: mlu i UK. I had to crack a few jokes, or course, and anioin;- oilier things I told Iheirt I rode all the way home in a palace ear. ami thai next time 1 proposed lo ou uipy a special train all by mysell'. "Hut. speaking seriously. I found a great many people already Interested in IMah mining enterprises, and any number mure who were looking for chances to in vect. 1 went as far as Boston, wheie 1 remained several days, and at every slop ping place and on every hand was lie sieged by people who wauled inl'ormalion loiieernlng the mining regions of this stale. I laid with me quite- a collection of riah oies ami the sample were worn smooth with handling. From all 1 saw and heard 1 am satisfied the tide lias only Just brgnn to roll this way." -Mr, Alcllale nnd his son will leave fur Frisco tonight and during the whiter they will go to work, assisted by a number of men lo be employed for the purpose, de veloping a big group of claims which Mr. Alcllale owns on the mountain dividing the Cm iih l'i inn (he Horn Silver. Mr. Module did not forget his Car bondale friends on his return, sending acceptable remembrances U a number. Among them was The Tribune man, who hearllly acknowledges Jlr. Mc llale's generous thoughtfiilnps.s. W!,i.?.l.W!fn.ml"nr wltli Kb merits, itriaitRPinctits havo been made t UISTKIUOTION of HAJIl'LK HOTT1.133, from I he. ding stores of th your driiBRlHt for a FIIKW IJOTTMa nnd convince yoiusolr of the wo of tills great cure for Kidney Disease, Female Weakness and the other conditions for which 11 f recommended, nnd for iiseu wiiii hiicii success m linn locality. Samples free at the following drug stores: Wllllum II, McGarrah, J H. It, lien wood &. Co., Matthews Bros, which It has been It. l'lielps, brook breaker, which they Inspected In every corner, and were then conducted to the coal storage at Anthracite park, which greatly Impressed them. Their guide was' Superintendent It. . Will iams, of Hie Ontario and Western. After taking luncheon at noon at Frank llrown's care, they left for Scranton. Foot TO RAISE FUNDS. Ball Give an Kickers to Entertainment. The foot ball team of the r'urbondnle ttltrh school 'ui,, n'l-onnMil mi onlu". talnment which will be given In the assembly room of the central school building on Wednesdiij evening tit.i. An entertaining programme will be offered.- and the patrnnage of the pub lic Is solicited in order to assure the success of the season's athletic sports which the students have planned as a means rif relaxation rroni the grind of study and for physical Improvement. The foot ball team will go to Susque hanna on Saturday, November TJ, to play the High school eleven there, and on Thanksgiving day the Honesdale team will come to this city. The enter tainment project, ir supported by the public, will defray the expenses of both games. AMUSEMENTS. day in Jcrmyn the utiests of Mrs. Alvtni Kmory, of Cemetery street. The Hit or Miss Cooking club were de lightfully entertained at the. home of Miss Jennie Itattenberg Tuesday evening. Tlio Jcttnyn Whist club were entertained last evening at the home of Atr. and Mrs. Theodore Townscnd at Carbondale. Mrs. Fllhu Nicholson, ot Dundaff, Is visiting relatives here, A number of our residents went to Oly pliant yesterday to witness the destructive conflagration, Oharles J'ottor is cnnllned to his homo on Second street. WH X Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center The best of its kind means the best your money can buy. We are spending your money and we are accountable for spend it to the best advantage. ' Women's Gloves The Jouvin INSTITUTE AT HONESDALE. A Week of Repertoire. The Ollle HallVjrd Slock company pre senting All" Hal ford, supported by a I'lrong company or dramatic and vaude ville entertainers, will open a week's en gagement al the Crnnd, .Monday night, Willi Wednesday and Saturday matinees. 'I hey will be seen In a repertoire of ar tistic productions. The plays lire all new, many of them being presented by no oili er popular priced organization. Miss Italford is well Known hi many sectloiH of the country, .lohn .1. Kirk, bee leading man, Is an effective actor and a close slidenl of Ills alt. The. vaude ville members of the company are said ti.be high class artists and givo a very pleasing entci talnment. The usual lj cent ladles' ticket will be issued for Mon day night. i OBITUARY. SIAIO.V 5CKI.I2NIK, who hud a large ac quaintance lu Simpson, passed away, Wednesday, after a long Illness. Ho was J5 years, married, and employed al the Xoithwest colliery. The funeral will talte plac! this forenoon. Hiuial will lie In the .(ireek Catholic cemetery at May-tleio. BURIAL IN UTICA. COST $L0II. Advice That Was Woith It. "I was omx' a slave to the coll'eo habit, ami became almost a conllnned . Invalid by drinking It," says .Mr. ;, j, ; Altken, of Whltlug. X. J. ! "I tried to break away from coffee, ', but every time 1 slopped, I buffered j from severe sick lieadaolies and for re- . lief went back to colVee again, only in . the end to sulfur from extreme nervous- 1 ness and severe bilious attacks. i "1 became so irritable that I made . lire miserable for my family and my- i self. Finally I went to .Now York to j consult a specialist. After thoroughly questioning; and examining me, he said . I must give up drinking coffee, as it ; had greatly undermined my health, and he further said that coffee killed moio pedpfe tlmn rum, t luuijhed at him, hut he 'said it was the truth and Hint in his , practice lie had t-een many evil effects from coffee drinking, (..-ViLL'd it was of no use to presiilbe for me, unless I gave up coitVe, ami .recommended that I use l'ostiim Food Coffee, which he highly recommended. He charged mo $12 for his advice, which I thought rather high priced m ihu time, but today I think It very cheap. I bought several pucknes of l'ostiim from the uroeer and It was the best day's work I ever did for myself. "I had a, pot of Postum made for my (supper that night; that was In the spring of 189S, ond I havo drank It ever tdnce with the best ot results to my health. fho sick headache and ner vousness I suffered from drinking cof fte havo entirely gone; I am never hill ous una have Increased In weight; I have u happier disposition and nut much "flW.I'W'euble company to my family, nad friends." , , , The Late John L. Gallands Taken to New York State. The late .lohn 1.. Oallauds, the popu lar Ontario and Western conductor, was taken to I 'licit, X. Y yesterday forenoon, over the road on which he ran, for Initial. The funeral services that preceded his departure were largely attended. Conspicuous in the. outpouring of friends were members of Carbondale lodge of .Masons and the Order or Hall way .Conductors'. Services moid con dueled In Trinity church by the rector, I'.ev. It. A. Sawyer. A delegation of .Masons ami railway men accompanied the deceased to I'lleu to conduct the services at the grave, The pull-hearers were: J. Ji. Stew art. Isaac Singer and II. O. I.ukely, of Carbondale lodge of .Masons, and Hlls wonl: .Meyers, .lames .Miller and John Milieu, of the Order of Hallway Con ductors. An exquisite floral pillow wus the remembrance of the conductors. Common Councilman. Sahm 111. Common Councilman Abe Sahm was taken suddenly ill on Wednesday. The physician who was called diagnosed tlio trouble as acute appendicitis.' Yesterday Sir. Sahm was able to be out for awhile, but last night there was a violent recur rence of the attack which compelled him to remain 111 bed hi his quarters in the Anthracite. An operation may lie neces sary to relieve him, unless the symptoms abate. Wedded at Scranton. Allss Intlkla Teresa .MoGuwan, ot the South Side, and Harry Bothnia n Lewis, were wedded lu Seranlou on Wednesday. Rev. Rogers Israel, lector of St. Luke's chinch, solemnized tlio nuptials. Jlr. and Mrs. Lewis have gone house keeping on Park street. The groom Is an employe ot Von Reek Brothers, and a member of the Red Jten, and is well known among the young men of the town. Postponed Until Tuesday. The meeting of K. K. lloudiick Hook and Ladder company, Xo. 4, scheduled for last night could not take place owing to the Illness of Common Councilman Abo L. Sahm, who Is foremost among the originators of tlio project . The, meeting will take place. Instead, on Tuesday evening nxt, at 7.110 In the Columbia Hose company's quarters. REV. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN, D. D, Cannot Come to Carbondale, as Was Earnestly Wished. It will be keen disappointment to tlio earnest wishes of many to hear that Rev. .1. Wilbur Chapman, I), I")., will not be able to coinu to Carbouilale to hold a series of one-day conferences on religious matters lu t lilts presbytery. Rev. Chillies Lee, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, bus been trying for months to secure I'Jr, Chapman's attendance. Ur. chapman, however, bus Just leslgned from his charge hi New York, to devote ids whole lime to the evangelistic work or the general assem bly's committee. The cliulrinau of this committee is John 11, converse, (if ii, 'Hahlwin Locomiulvi works, who gave ..i,uuu nisi year aim an equivalent sum .this year to further the work. Will Hold a Smoker. The Carpenters and Joiners of Carbon dale wilt hold an Important' meeting m their hall oa Salem avenue. Satin day evening, to which the attention of every number is especially directed. Aside from the business there will lie, a smoker and nodal lime which offer- an enjoyablo evening. The piesident urges the attend ance of everj member. Wayne County Teachers Listen to Eloquence of Leading Educators. Special to the Scranton Tribune! Honesdale, Nov. 13. There Is no abatement of Interest in the teachers' Institute. The newly-elected ofllccrs are: U. L. Hower, president; Mark Creasy and J. II. Kennedy, vice-presidents; H. II. Hounds, secretary; V. J. Xiles, treasurer; Professor Hart, ticket seller. Xo county in the state can pro duce a more attentive and liner look ing company of teachers than AVayne. With the exception of the giggling girls on the rear seats, strict attention Is given to Hie speakers. As one ot the speakers suld of the lady teachers: "They take off their hats and occupy front seats." Tuesday, at l.:!0 p. m Prof. Kemp spoke on "The Public School and Its Mission;" Dr. Rlgelow, on "Plant Lire." The last period was taken by Superin tendent Pattlngill, subject, "Gumption and Ouino." He said, in part: "Too much society life in the school and not too much study Is what breaks down the student. Gumption Is needed In the mnnngainciiL of a school. Teachers are not teachers, of children, but men and women of the future. AVhat a boy sows the man shall reap. The teachei wants tact, method, the spirit, the zeal, Hie what aim how." Rev. W. 11. Swift conducted the de votional exercise;-! Wednesday. The fol lowing subjects were discussed during the day: "A History Lesson Corre lated," by Superintendent Putlenglll; "Animal Life," Dr. Bigeiow; "Leonard and Gertrude," Prof. Kemp; "Outings in Fields, Forests and Meadows." Dr. Bigeloiv; "The School and the Labor Problem," Superintendent Patteuglll; "Geography and History," Prof. Kemp. The singing, under the direction of Prof. John T. Watklns, gives Inspir ation to the Institute. Thursday morning devotional exer cises were conducted by Rev. O. A. Place. He was followed by Dr. Hige low; subject, "Schoolroom and Labor atory AVork." Superintendent Patten gill Interested the audience with a con tinuation of his talk on "The School and Labor Problem." He advocated the Golden ltule of ye olden time, not the one used by David Ilarum. lie made many good points in the Interest of the labor question. The Golden Rule, co-operation, and the dignity of labor, were the three points that were ably presented and listened to attentively. Plot out the saloons and three-quarters of the labor problem will be solved. The maker the best In the world has the finest facllltleH for working. Tlio skins arc selected with the greatest care, and tlio filovi'M when finished pass through thu bauds of three or four different people It they show the slightest Imperfections they arc thrown aside. There is a great variety or beautiful colors from deep seal and golden brown, all through tlio brown family, Into the light tan, which Is almost a cream; from real beavers and modes, to the most delicate shades of mauve. Overscams, three metal clasps: pique sewn with two clasps, or pique sewn with one large pearl button. 0. $1.50 and $2 Pair Made-Up Muslins en il Connolly & Yallace's is the fashion center of this part of our country not only because it gets the styles first, but because it gets them right. Women's Norfolk Sliits Not since the Russian blouse came Into favor lias there been a style over which the whole world has gone wild like the Norfolk Jacket. Its loose, easy fitting lines and its In formality have appealed to hundreds of young girls nnd grown women, especlully In walking Hulls. Like most of the winter coats, Norfolks are growing longer. You can have your choice or a loose box back or half fitted though the latter style Is probably becom ing to more women. No material Is too line or good lo put Into Norfolks they are even being made of velveteen and fine broadcloth. And on the other hand no stun' is too rough or coarsely woven Indeed, the coarser the better for some of- the suits. u F.very sheet and pillow or bolster-case that you buy in this store has been torn, not cut. That means: The edge runs along a thread and the things will always be straight after they are laundered. "Cheap" muslins are often those that have been cut with the scissors Instead of being torn off any housekeeper knows how they pull out of shape and Htretch In points after they have boon through the wash. These are our own brand, put up under our name, of best standard muslin, good weight, soft finish. PILLOAV CASKS. SHKF.TS. il'xIJO l!!c lilixOU -ISu 4rix36 lie niixlW Mo dOxSG Lie 72x90 ".He 01x38 '....10c 72x9!) HSc sixoa nso .sixim c:;c fioxfio ii:io 80x09 fiSc To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets. This signature every box, L'ic. Dangerously 111. James l.ottus, of Powderly street, who lias been ill ot typhoid fever for several weeks, Is In a dangerous condition. PERSONAL MENTION. Julius Moses, of the hoard of directors or Kmurgenoy hospital, lias been in lliir rlsburg for seveial days on business con nected with that Institution. Misses Nellie Agnes Utile and May .Moflllt spent lust evening wth friends in Joi'inyn. r. 1.. liooilell, or Oueonla, .V. v., agent for llni "Two Sisters" cigar, Is making n business visit among his numerous euslo. iiuirs in tills city. ,j idimiySS a yfj eld. .Mrs. James llrady and Mrs. M. Wllder iniilh, of AYilkoH-Hniro, spent Wednes- FOOD FOR A YEAR. RUSSIAN ENGINEERS. Two Men from Czar's Land Inspect Conlbrook Breaker. Curboudule bud two distinguished visitors Wednesday, They weru Stephen Pantchoiiko, engineer of ways and com iiiunlcutlons to the Russian govern, incut, and director of tlio J. S, Pant, chenko paper mills and cual company at Rostoff-oiiTthe-Don, and Paul Tler senhausen. They are in this country on a tour of Inspection of the coal fields, as representatives or the czar. The re. Bulls ot their two months' observations will, when adopttd, revolutionise coal mining lu Russia, where there are no coal breakers, the, coal .being broken by the consumers, and where there la no washery process to screen the Immense culm piles,, the accumulations of years. The two Russians visited the Coal. Aleuts Milk. Nutter -8t? A eaetables ,........, , i i , i i , ... 300 lbs, -to qls. ............ 100 lbs, a 7 iloz, 500 ll)S, This lepresents a fait ration for one man for one year. Hut .some people eat and eat and yet grov thinner. This means a defective digestion and unsuitable food, To the notice of such persons we pre sent Scott's Kmulsion, famous for its tissue building. Your physician can tell you how it does it. We'll ca j you a litlb t ujr It fu Ilk. SCOTT t rOVN5,.4, Ftul.utet, XcwYoik. OLYPHANT. The .Invents Dancing class will hold their opening social in Mahnn's hall tills evening, instead of last evening, as an nounced lu yesterday's paper. The funeral of the late William AV1I Hams will take place from tlio home of Reese Moggs, In Dlakely, this afternoon at 2.20 o'clock, iiurlal will he made in i-iiiou cemetery. Howell, tip. -l-yenr-bld son of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllum R, Jones, of Rcll street, died 011 Wednesday night of peritonitis, lie was a bright child and a general favorite. The funeral will lie laid to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inteiinent will be made In I'nlon cemetery. iiinnuu Harris, of Susquehanna street, who Is employed as a miner in No, 2 colliery, was quite Imdly Injured about the hack by a full ot roof yeslerdaj morning. Dr. W. V. Jenkins Is attenu Ing him. Miss .Mary A. Kvuus, who has been lu Kurope fur tlm past two mouths, re turned home yesterday, Mrs, D. V, Harris has returned home, after mi extended vklt with Wilkes. Harre relatives. Miss Margaret l.ally, of Archliald, spent yesterday In town. Dr. L. Kelly Is spending the week at I'ort jervis. WAVUKLY. Oeorge Stelg is laying a stono sidewalk ill front of Ills place of business op dep'Jt street. Rev. V. V. Clark delivered one of a se ries of lectures at the Methudlst Hplsco pal church last Tuesday evening which was well attended and very Interesting. I'ostoflleo Inspector (Ionium was here lust Tuesday gathering facts In regaul to buiglars who entered tlio postoflice and drug storo on election night. Herman Colo Is repairing and painting Ills dwelling 011 Main street which lias gieatly Improved Its appearunee. lie also intends to i.iy a stone walk lu flout of his resilience. Mr, Simpson lias a laigo number uf men engaged hi electing the foundation for his summer residence, on Ids lot npnr Mr. Clulsty's. The woik 011 the Blair residence thm Is being creeled near Mr. Linen's, Is be ing rapidly pushed. A large number of men are employed, v .Mrs. Hr. Heilford, who has bepn resid ing hero fur the past summer, leiurned to Uliighuiuloii, X. V., yesterday, wIicib her daughter .Mrs. 1-Mward l.clghtou, 10-sldes. Silk Coats for Winter "Too shivery," said women when we first suggested the Idea. Hut lo overcome this we have taken the warmest, softest flannel and Interlined them until they are cozy and .comfortable for the coldest days. You wlll llnd them mostly lined with while tlicy can be slipped on over this most delicate gown without hurt. All lengths, short, medium and long, close littlng or Monte Carlo style. $25 to $85 Each Ladies' Handkerchiefs 9c These are hemstitched and scalloped, embroidered and drawn-work Handker chiefs, worth from 12'i to "0 cents each. Choice among them al !c each, or $1 a dozen. It's the best Handkerchief value we've seen In n. long time and should bo doubly appreciated at this time of the year the nearness of the Christinas season. ar jr Men's Collars and Shirts Two things every man in Scranton .and vicinity ought to know intimately: Our Dollar Dress Skirts Our 2for-25c Collars They have never yet been equaled manufacturers say so', candid and unbiased stores in other cities say so, men who have worn them say so. The Baby Store Sends out Its message caps and coats and never a fuller line or prettier tilings from which to buy. Every shelf is packed with bonnets wadded ones for winter. There are many kinds, colors and grades, ranging in price from 2."c to $10. The long coats for little babies are all white Bedford, cashmere, silk bengullne, taffeta and IDuchesse satin, from $1.75 to $17.p. Rich and Rare Silks It Is generally conceded by all who have S'een the silks wo have imported for this season's business that It Is a collection sur passing any that ever came to this city. Kvening silks, A'elvets, Novelty silks, Dress silks, from the famous fashion centers of the world. The beginning: of the social season, with the presentation of debutantes and the coming of November weddings, has brought the exclusive evening silks Into special notice. Connolly & Wall ace i 123-1 25-12M29 Washington Ave. MM H 0 ? 0M&. jninf Mfix 0J H i u 0 .r ixMM. P00i00a0irtref000apni0g0x0 pnpnp3jj'irmunaTMjim.pipv.mjivv.fi9.iiii.fivmM0H0i0J0K en in need Of anything in the line of optical goods we cau supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses ? Properly fitted by an expert .. optician, From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrip tion work and repairing. Mercereau & Connell, 1U2 Wyoming Avenue, 4 ! Ho recently seemed a position International Correspondence 1) ALTON". son, Air. and .Mr. r'runk Colvlu uud itobctt, ure vlditiag III New York. Attorney Uomuy and wfe, of Sluntrose, visited .Mr. and CWrs. Chailes l'urdy, In litlb pluce, Thursday, Louise, tlio 5-year-old daughter of Me, and .Mrs. I.eech. fell down tlio cellar tu Irs aliout two weeks agu, und sus tained iiijuifcs of the bruin. There Is gniat hopes of her lecovery. C. 1). Finn ias lemoved ids family to Heraiilou, lu I the Hchoolb. Large audiences arc lu atteudauco at Hid rcUval meetings now hi progicss in the .Methodist church, Hov. Ur. A. ,1. A'aii Clett, the pastor, Is III charge, and I, assisted by the Miming evangelist, I'ru feusor Hack. The meetings will probahly be continued throughout next week, uu Sunday u culms. Hcv. F. ,i. Caterer Is contemplating the beginning of two weeks' special meeting In the Six I'rln dple Uapllsi church. The folluwing ladles uf (lie Aid hoclefy of the liaptlal church served a supper in thu church uu 'Wednesday evening: .Mrs. Clayton Nortluui. .Mrs. fleorgo Nortimp, .Mis. II. V. Northup, Mrs. Joseph North up, .Mrs. C. W. .Mason, .Mrs. Kllssabvih Kinltli. The hum reullised wus $;i.l5. At thu llaptlst church on .Sunday morn, lug the pasior will preach on "Itnimliig to Obtain," und lu tlm evening on "Satan Hindering-" At tlio morning service alius Thomas will slag a solo, and )u thu evening a solo will be rendered by Mrs, W. I'. Jenkins. SCRANTOrrS BUSINESS HOUSES. THBSS ENTERPRISING DEAUEKS GAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. FOR SALE Hl'finiDS and WAOON'S of all Umlj; l.)o lli.ti-ci iiml llulldinir Lot nt li-ji-"iim UOltSCS ti.ll'li:i) ami fiHOOMI'.n at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Worki. SECURITY OUILDINQdSAVINasUVION Home Office, 203-;03 Jlc'ars nulldln;-. We aie injturliis: khaica each uamtli wliMi show a ntt gain to tin- invMur of about u per tent. Wo loan muiii-v. Wii al.u n.in I I'M. PAH) Mill K Mm.W per than-, inter cat payable si-iiu-amiiully. Al.lll.ltr llAl.b, Solitary. E. JOSEPH KUBTTE-L, far 611 lauluu-aiini aieiiup, tiisiiiufji'turtr ol Wile Screens i,f all ,md. (idly pu-pn, t K, tlio Hirlii',- H-uu'ii. Uf iiuLi.- alt Iwiuli ol poicli sirrtTH, etc. PETER STIPP, Iti'iienl Ci ntrai tor, builder and pcaler in Uu Idinii Stone. I .'.nu-iuui;' of tlju a ti. cully. Tvlvpliuiu- 2.VU. Olflip, 221 V.iliiii(!toii avenue THE SCRANTON VlTMFlEO BRICK AHOTILE MANUPAOTURINaOOMPANY Maker of IMvlns IlikV. etc. M. II Kale, (iinelal Salci Went, Ufllco 3.-J atiiKgl.-n uu-. WoiU al Nay Auk, Pa.. I'.. K W. It il en s Gloves, The $1.50 KM far $1 A full one dollar and a half's worth; at a saving of 50 cents on each pair. It Is a Cape Glove, lined with silk or ' uulined, dressed or undressed, soft i skins, modern backs, all sizes, and in all the popular colors, A real bar gain at $1.00 per pair. Each pair warranted. Quo of the best street gioves you ever saw for $1.00. Harry Whim Arrested. Special to tlio Scranton Tribune. SlroiidsliuiK. ,N'ov. 13.-1 Ian y Whim, of this town, was arrested this morning by Constable John .M. Decker, charged with stabbing AVulter Custard, of Marshall's Creek, at thu Uiekuw.iaua railroad depot oa Monday evening. ,v warrant wan sworn out for Whim on Wednesday bc- 413 Spruce Street, 300 Lackawanna Avenue. UJy'K UK I.Ml'OllTKD WOOL OLQVI3S, PLAIN OH FANCY, 50c. SUMMER RESORTS " " """ " itiantlc'cityT Ihs temperature at the AGNfiW. Un the Ueach, in Chelsea, Atlantic City, Wednesday Was 59", L'vcry appointment pf a modern Hotel. foro Justlco II. S. Drake, and when ar icstcd gnu hall for fVm for a K-urhi,; November 18, V
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