The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Intei esting Exercises at Honesdale.
Some oi the Instiuctois.
Special In the Pct.inlon Tribune
llonesd.ilo. Nov. II.- t - li in. -M un
ci. i Count Supetiuiendeiu David I..
Hovv'tr called to oidd- i lu. thirt.v-llllh
itiiiumi session or tin '.i i:e Ci'tuily
'IVui-hurt.' institute In the loun hnus-c.
Idvolloiial i'fi'l.Ph wpu iniultK'Kd liy
Itov. C. j. I'pu-y, tin- elei'tlo.'. of oiIIclim
Di. V.. !'. I'.mt'low ni'i liplcil tin lii.t
lit'ihid, hiiliji'it "X.itme Study .mil S.,k'iie," lie was lolloued
hy Huh. If. It. P.ittPiiKill. Mihfot-t. "The
Vliut anil hip How." Monday pvenliiH
tliP t'Otii t hou1-. w.i.-. Illlt'd to overflow
ing oe .ii'tounl ot' tin licluio ol Dr.
i:. l ) MiKC'low. .StlhlfCt, "The II.iuiiIm
ill .N.ituie," which illtisliated l) .1
Htt l eoiitltuti, .mil utis hlpthly liueii'-t-inir.
The liT-litnte oiencd ;it ! it ill. Tile
tl.ii . Aln.-k led h 1'iot. W.uMr-. imil i''ielM."t hy Ue. .I.uiu". 1.
V."IP. The Him period was oPeliiUd
h) lion. II. It. P.itteiiKll'. Stihjeet.
"Piiiiiary and Ad anted I.JliBiiap; "
Ml. l'aUPHKill 1.- a l.tpld speaker, lie
K.ue many eNainples lor taiiiit -peak-iiifr,
buti aimi'-iiifr mid In-ti m tlve.
Ho ilwolt on the nr '.I of lirnjior liiiiKinif;e
in the prlniHi k depailnipnt ol the pub
Ik sehonl-. .mi! ihe evil efl'eet-. ol" linlill.
Hi wtn- o' oupiI bv li of. 1.'. I.. Kemp.
Mibjeil ' meikaii Niittlialiviitioii."
AniuiiK Uii points dl'-Pii'-.Med wen1: The
nation i I ml1 of Aniei leant-,
liltor ; it it undeveloped and Kl'owlnR
nation- not jet complete, American
liatuiiilbatlon; the f'lvll war, etc.
nr the '.'is tP.iLlu-ii' In the county all
but l li im etnolled. Ml-s Cliaeo
Whitney Is pre.sldent for the Institute
i"hi Thursday nt 10 a. in, the r-eveuth
innual M'slon ol' the Wnyiie t'ouniy
Dlri'i iins' nt-oeiatlnn will meet in lilt!
IiIr'.i i hool loom. Or, lleniy I:. I'at
teisslll will address the dheeiois.
Bpeelal to the Siiautusi Tllltiinn.
Moiuuw.', No. 1.'. .Mr. ami Mi-. W.
(!. .loidai. and daughter, MildrPd, went
to Athens Kn tin day evening. Mr. Joi
dan returned .Monthly o eulus, w'hlle
his wife anil daughter will leniulu thcio
(i few daj-, .Mr,'H ftitlier Is be
inu' Heated In the 1'ackt.r hospital,
Hayie, lor eaiuer.
The death of Huuy C'lenions, an lined
imil eiy hlKhly eHtteined fientleinan,
occurred at his home, about one and
one-half inllen above this plate, Sun
day nlRlit, after a, nhort Illness, Tho
deceased was well past touiseoie yeais,
and wits tho oldest niPiiilier in tho Pies-
byterluu ehuifh here, IiuvIiik united
with it In is:; J, and had always been a
I'altlitul attendant at the chinch str
lits until a short time befoie hln
tleatli The ruurial w.ih held at IiIk late
home this aHcinoou at 'J n'docK.
Mr:' John S. Coin tilKht has been vis
ltliiK lelatlve.s lu Herauton.
I'liaile'i ', liiodhead, wlio has been
111 for sfM' weiKs with tjpholil fever,
is Inmimln:,'.
H. D, Htrinop. of tho Kiwiitth leuuun
of then Methodist Kpl.-copal chureli, led
tho Christian lhaeaor inectlui; at the
Presbyteiiini timn'i diuicluy evening:.
A riiuk'Ktuiii lei ul veil fiont V. D, n,
Aihej, wlio tect'iitly .stalled on a voy
ut?n to Jamalea announces the ship ui
llval of lihiisi'll ami wife, after a iouli
IMstsuse Thete seems to bp little Im
provement in Mr Aluey's health.
Mecsis Hprout and ihews-ter opened
An Oltl itnit Well-Tiled Remedy.
for chlldiea leetliluK, h the iireseilptlon of
one ot thu best tetiialo iihyslthum uud
liuihey In tho railed Bintes, and lias been
used Hlt; j. eats with neiei-mlllm; Suu
t'tt.s b- nil Hoiib of inotheis for their ehll
lren. Djilhlj,' the piocesn ot teulhlnj,' list
value In liiealculab e. It lelluven tho child
fi am naln. cures dluiihoea. Rilphiff In tho
bowels, ami w nil (pile y Kuinif 1,0am,
to the child It tests tho mother. 1'ikv,
cnty-llf ceil l a bottle.
"--.fif -Kri '. "fc iiiri
. '.:. .i'.V y .'... -,V ,,.V V .IMlll MHIH
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and tho
well-infoi med and to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
'al ..
W ..J, "V
Sa.r Fr a. rei scone I.
a!c by all druddista
the stin e puu'hused fiom II. II. Ford-,
ham last Monday 11101 nlng-, with pios
peets lor .in excellent pan image. Mr,
l''oidhaiP will lemaln with the new
III 111 until they aie lamlllar with the
bulnex, after which he and his family
will letnove to .Scranlou.
Van liu.iMhei't .Munger, of Hallstead,
sjient Suud.ij lnilontio-" as the suest
ul' his paientp, Mr", and Mrs. H. P. Man
ser. Plana Mnel. and Will tlult'um spent
Stiudaj In Hlnghamton.
L'. A. Noitb has removed bis barber
shop to looms over Heck's jjioeeiy
The Ithaca f'onset atoi y ol Musle
t'onttit 1 nnipnnj will appear at Village
hall, Tiitusday evening. Mis. Cora
tienting- I'haniot, one of the leading ait-is't.-.
in Hip compnnj', is a sister of Dr.
1;.. V. tlenunpr. ot this place, and has
sim iii'the (lunches of our town while
vi-Ii'mj help. The papeis ot vaiiotm
cities in which they have appealed
speak very highly of them.
Fpeii.fTto tlie Seianton Tiiliuue.
Hallslead, Nov. 1J. .Miss I?ertha
I'lshei entPitaluPd a number of her
tiieiub at a ping pong- p.nty Saturday
uvpiilng at her jileasanL home on Pine
The lemalns or Mi. H. D. P.111 ton weio
In ought heie Sunda.v, the tuncial ser
vlcis weic held In the IJaptlst church.
Interment In Hope Hill lemeter.v.
rfamue! Young: and ifp aie "moving
fiom l.ansdon Into Mih. O'Drien's house
on William stiPet. .Mr, Young- has ac
cepted a position lu the Chair factoiy.
Maltland Hays has left the employ
of the sill: mill to accept a position
wit 11 the D L. ,fc W. company.
James Hlniroll has moved his family
to Illnghaiutou.
Mr. and Mrs. Kive Biugltr aie mov
ing into the home on rhase avenue
leceutly vacated by Henty Halsey, who
has moved his family to Buffalo.
Mvy. .lames Fisk Is 111 at her home on
Chase avenue,
.Mrs. John Jones has returned fiom a
visit with her son in Seianton. She
was arcompanled by her graiuhlaush
tei. Marie Jones.
Mr. and Mis. a. J. Cieie and Mrs. G
W. Hleli, of the Presbyterian Sunday
school, were elected delegates to the
convention to be held lu I.awsvllle
Ceiitci, Filday and .Saturday.
.Mr. ami Mrs, Walter hurtou and
child! en of Cuiieinaug-h, are spending- a
lew days with Mr. Hurton's mother,
Mrs. n. K. King-.
Mis John Young and daughter,
Charily, of I.andon, visited fi lends In
town Monday.
Fireman Fauik Harvey was unite
seilously injured in the I)., h. &' w
yards at this place Saturday evening-'
Mis Fred Van Woriner and daugh
ter, I'.va, spent tho latter nmt nr i..u
week with Hinglianiton lelatlves,
A miiuher of the young- people pp.
joyed a slrawrldo to tho homo of Hcv
h. W. Cliuu-h In Upsonvllle, Tuesday
Special to tho Scranton Tilbtme.
Tunhliannock, Nov. 12, Jirs, John
Haniian, ot Kantlenke, is tho euesi of
her sister, Mrs. Louis F, Camp, at the
t'ltivor lesideneo on Second sheet.
Dlstilct Allot uey O. Smith Khmer
was a business ninu at Wllkes-Hurie
on Tuesday,
Wtieeno DPl'tie and Charles Stemples
huNc foinied a co-partneislilp under
the til in name of UpPuo sim .Stemples
and will open a meat niuiket t) ,le
building Aninerly occupied by the
WuiuniaUer agonc-y during the pies
cut week,
.Mrs. Clara McKown and daughter,
Joe. aie visltlncr the loimer's um 1 ..,.!!
iSilcKowu, at Waynesboio, this week.
.Mis. .Miu-y Fussett has been enter
talulnir friends Ironi sieimiinvi t i.-.
homo on West Tioga street.
Mrs. Corey Ivresky, who has been
fids G-ertUx?
cts pre'acs'arvtlyy
Acts BerxeiiciartlV
t sAfevi lyasyas-Laxart i Ve i
quality or substance. In the process ot
manufacturing figs arc used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy tha
genuine manufactured by the
PriceIfif ty lcert; bottle.".
ppy DlckiiiFon, leturned homo on Mon
day. Linn ('. Urake, of Bttcknell Univeis
ity, who was called heie on account
of the death of ills father. Attorney F.
F. Brake, returned ytsteidaj'.
Miss Nina Cat uey. of Pittston, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Luce, at
this place.
AV. I J. .Amis is visiting fi lends in
Seianton for seeial days this week.
The Catholic. Mutual 1'enevolent as
sociation will meet this evening.
The Hose company will meet in legu
lur session next Monday evening.
Mrs. Ueoigo Davis has returned
from WilkP.s-Uarre city hospital, where
she ipeently submitted to an operation
for the removal of seveial tumors in
the stomach.
Mis. Jean Blaekwell, of Lincoln Hill,
is recovering fiom a seiious illness.
Night school opened in No. 1 school
on Monday evening-. The teaeheis aie
Misses Winitied King and Mary
The death of Matthew J. Lorttts oc
elli red yesterday afternoon .11 the fam
ily lPsldonee in Moosle, after sulfeiiug
sever-U mouths ol rheumatism. De
ceased was bom in Ireland in IS37. He
came to this eouutij- when a nieie boy
and became interested in politlis in
the cltj of Scranton. He was elected
maj-or In 1ST-, shoilly after he moved
Ids family to Moosle. Besides ids wife,
he is survived lij- thiee daughters, Mis,
James Devine. ot Scranton: Mis. J.
J. Mcf'oiinlek and Sister M.irj- Mal
llipw, of the Immaculate Heart older,
and Matthew J., at home. He has two
brothei s in Seianton and two slsteis
in New York cit.v. The funeral will
take place on Satuulay 11101 niiig- at !i
o'clock. A leqtiiem mass will be cele
biated In St. Mary's chinch. Intet
ment will be lu Hyde Park.
The marriage of Miss Nellie MeAn
diew, of this town, and John McAn
drew, of Scraiilon, was solemnized In
St. Maiy's eliurch j-esloulaj- afternoon
by llev. T. T. Moirlson. The bride and
her sister, Miss AVlnllred, weie hand
somely attiied in steel blue, satin
gowns, with chllfon and appllipie trim
mings. The gioom was waited upon
by libs cousin, James Haggertj. Af
ter the ceremony a supper was served
at the home of the bride's mother. Mr.
and Mrs. Haggeily will lesldo In
.Mis. Benjamin Mc-aiynn and son left
this week for their home In West Vir
ginia, after several weeks visit heie.
Dr. W. H. Berge Is able to attend to
his duties as phj-.slelan and coroner,
after undergoing an operation for ap
pendicitis. ditTyea.
Special to the Seianton Tribune
Dtttyea, Nov. 12. Mis. Lamont is vis
iting at the home of her hi other, Will
lain Foote, of Wilkes-Banc.
Mrs, AV. Aninierman visited friends In
Moosle yesteiday,
Hatvey Oregoiy has ictuined home,
after a visit at Buffalo.
Miss May Nolan has returned home,
fitter an extended trip lu the southern
John Campbell Is seriously ill at the
home of his daughter, Mts. John
Miss Maggie Connelly Is III,
Soveial of our KpworthiniiH will at
tend tho convention at Mnoslc today,
Special Mrttlnee Today,
Tlio now comedy drama, "Tiio DaiK
est Hour." by Lincoln J, Caitei, which
will liu Been at tho Academy of Mush)
tor tlneo diijK commenting with a special
matinee today, conies heie fiom a pho
uomeiuilly successful inn in Chicago. The
company which will pioduco the pieeo la
thli city will be identically the same lu
personnel and elulioiato equipment as In
tho oilglunl company.
"The DaiUest 110111" serves a distinct
and highly commendublo put pose, for it
teaches In tho cleverest and most Inter
esting way Imaginable, ami in a tlimoiigh
ly up-to-date manner, the tiiilh of tho old
saying "Love will Uud a wu."
Those Elephants at Dixie.
Loeklmit'.s elephants aie diawlag im
mense now ds to the Dlxlu this week and
are delighting every 0110 as well. No such
wonderful art Iins bceh picsenlcd lu
Scraiilon befoie. Mr. nud Mrs. Llt,chaeld
piescnt a chaiuilng nirnl comedy sketch,
and tho great Spatildlug pctfotms the
most wonderful feats In hand balancing
ever seen In tills city. He Is a marvel.
The sketch Mac and Clint present en
titled "The New Minister," li good and
culls fin ih much ineilment.
"Tho Brlg-tulleis1' fit tho Star.
"The Ihlgnillcis," which will appear at
tho Star today Is 011 Its Tomtit tour and Is
nil exemplar tit Its kind. Tim show Is
certain to please the most fastidious. Tho
slogan, "it is to laugh," Is lived lit) to
kfiom the ilsc to the fall of the cilitnlu.
Stinting with a rollicking llrst prut en
titled "An Hxtin Session," and tei minut
ing with the lively skit, "A Night lu
Palis." It Is the embodiment of all that
goes to entertain, Hnlti pnrtq nie sniid
wlehed with an olio par rvrellenro, evoiy
number of which In a untune and capital
"show" In Itself.
Mildred Holland's New Play.
Fiom the picsent outlook one of the lin
poitaiif events of the eillient theatihiil
season will ho the appeal mice of Miss Mil
died Holland at the Lyceum Kildiiy and
Satuulay nights and Siitiuihiy inatluet,
lu her new and poweiful lomantlc pi educ
tion, "The Lily and tho Piiiiee," writ
ten with especial oIispi viiiipo of this ar
tist's emotional rptnllnes by Ciiilua Jor
dan. In the chniucler of "Aneda," with a
setting of Florentine giandeur and the
loiniinee of Hilly In the sixteenth eeutuij,
.Miss Holland sin pusses any of her pie
lous Hiieeesses Fiom a daliit love scene
in a gulden of loses, midst thu hick ling
ul llnwhig fountains, she passes with the
facility of an accomplished aetiess to the
sombre and giuesomo smrounillngs of the
liotoilous Inquisition chnmbci. Seats now
on sale.
Concert of the Choial Society.
At the Ljcetim Monday night the Seian
ton 1'nlted Cliiual society wil give a con
ceit beginning at SI", o'clock at whkh
the following pioguinime v.lll be leu
dercd. 1'AUT I'lIlST.
Choi us, "The Heavens A10 Telling,"
(I'lom the Oiatoila Cieallon.)
Mis. Briindige. V. I). Haus, V. 11. Win
rpi)nnd the T'ulted Chnh.
Pail Song, "When the Coin Is A'alng,"
The Sdmbeit Qnailette.
Dist Tenor, Tom Abinms; setond tenor,
Dan Jones: thst bass, J. T. Wntklns;
second buss, J. W. Jones.
Duet, "Cheoi fulness" Humbert
Mis. Buindage and Miss Via .limes.
Contialto Solo, "Storm and Sunshine,"
Mis. Boston AVIIIiams or Miss Anna
, Scuulon
Male Choi us, "The Spiing Ts Come,"
Competitive ut Biooklyn, Nov. '.'J.
The Seianton I'nited Men's Choi us.
T1I0, "Tl Ptego, O Pedie" Nicola
Miss Maltha Matthews, Mr. Bunnell, Ml.
Ulee, "DajhieaU" Baton Fanning
The Culted Choir.
Hillitone Solo Will W. AVatMlis
Sopiuuo Solo, "The Ua' Gitalin,"
A'lclor Harris
Jliss Bene Kami.
I'ait Song. "The Spanish Gypsy,"
Competitive at Biookhu. PiUe. $.!U0.
The Seianton United Ladles' Choir.
Duet, Uaiilone and Ba-siis, "The Liud
Is n Man of AVai" Handel
(Fiom the Oratotlo, Israel in Bgypt.J
Bantones, Will AV. Wntklns. William A.
Kelly, AVIIllam Bvans, David Be nou
and John T AVatkins. Bassos J. W.
Jones, 1'. II. AVaiien. Albeit Pilling,
AV111 A. Uolieils and Moses B. Morgan.
Klnnle, "Hnilod IIiut;agPi"..W. H. Paiker
'hit C Competitive Uhoius at
Plize. $1,000.
The Seianton 1'nlted Society.
Miss Floicneo II. Jtlchmoud, Pianist.
The advance sale of seats will open at
the Lyceum Filday morning. There will
bo a leheni.sal of the full choir at the
New Annul j Sunday at II p. in,
The Philadelphia Oichestra.
On TucMluy evening nest at the Ly
ceuin theater an oppoituultj- will be nt
l'oidetl the many lovets of line music to
hear the Philadelphia orche.stia which
with Fiilz Scliecl as conductor has
achieved a lepulation which pieces It on
n par with tho few great 01 chest ins uf
Aineiic.i. 11g11st Spanutli, pianist, ap
peals as soloist and as an aitlst receives
only piaKe Horn the leading ctltlcs. Tim
l.jteum should he lllleil on the occasion
of this the Hist of the seiles of cancel u
to he given bv this otehestia in Seianton.
The Philadelphia Bvenlug Telegi.iph said
leg.iidlng the lecenl (unceits given in
thai city:
".Mr. Si heel has eeitalnly accomplished
wondeis with tho Philadelphia oichestni.
ami no triio musle lover, delighting in
music t'oi Us own sake, no connoisseur ap
pi eclating the high accomplishments of
ninsteily skill, and no puhlle-sphitrd eit
iveu having an Intelligent undeistniidng
of the value of the peimanent oichestra,
will withhold fiom so competent a leadei,
the commendation lie bits so Lilly earned. '
NO'l'K'U Is hereby given that an nnnllc.i-
tlou will bo Hindu to the Governor of
Pennsylvania on the Ith day of December,
l'Ml, by Clmiles duPout Bieck, T, C. Von
Stoieb, i:. II. Council, Aithtir Dunn,
Geoigu II, Itlte and Fiank K, Donuell.v,
under thu Act of Assembly, entitled, "An
Act to piovldo tor the Incoiporatlou and
legiilatiou ot ceit.iin cot potations, up
pioved Apill JD, 1871, and the supplements
theieto, lor a charter of an intended
coipoiatlon to bo called tho Moriisou SHU
Munufiictiulug Company, thu ehiuacter
and object of which is tho manufactiiio
and sale of textile falnles, and tor that
pui pose to have, possess uud enjoy all the
lights, benefits, povvets and pilvllegs
(onferred by the said Act and its sup
plements. nici: & DONNni.i.Y.
the ofllce of the City Ueeoitler by the
Dbeetor of tho Depaitineut of Public
Walks nt M o'clock p, m. on Monday; No
vember l'I, IOoj, for tho furnishing and
laying of live-foot flagstone sidewalks 011
Seianton stieet, fiom tho 13., 1.. & AV It.
It, (liloomsburg Division) tu South Main
avenue, in accordance with specilliations
on file at the itiiienu of Knglneeiiug.
The piic-o per sipiaio foot must Include
tho uecessjtv cutting and filling up to
bi.- Inches Hiddeis must submit a ptico
per cubic yaid for all cutting and tilling
above six inches. blanks will bo furnished at
tho Hui can of ICnglneuiIng and uu othcis
will bo accepted,
All piopos.ils must bo filed with the City
Couti oiler, at bis-of III o lu tho City ttuil,
Set anion, Pa., not later than li.30 o'clock
p. m on Monday, November S, 1'Joj,
The t'ltv lescives thu light to (eject any
or all bids.
.IOIIN K. ROCilU. Dlteetor,
Dopuu incut of Publio Works.
Seianton, Pa. J TNov. Vi, VMl
HKALKD PROPOSALS will bo opened In
tho ofllcu of the City Recorder by thu
Diiector of the Depaitineut of. Public
Safely .it a o'clock p in., on Filday, No
vember K 1W.', for coal to lie dellveied
at tlie several Die nnd police houses In
this ilt; also at the City Gaibagu Cro
m.itoiy Ulddeis will bid on the follow
ing bkes. l.'gg, stove, chestnut, po.i and
buckwheat Coal must bo the best Qual
ity All bids shall bo Died with the City
Cautioner at his oflleo in (lie City Hull
not later than i o'clock p. 111.. Fiiduy. No.
vember 14, 190.', The sum of fifty ($50.00)
dollais in cash or certified cheek is to bo
onclobed with each bid, which sum shall
be foifelteil to the city in case of lofusal
01 omission on tho p.ut of the bidder 10
whom the coiitiacl is awaided to exe
cuto contract within ten dajs after the
awuidlng of the same,
Tho (itv iCbeives tho light to leject any
or all bids.
Dheitor lK'p.ulmeiit of Public Safety,
Scranton, Pa., Nov, C 1902.
Only Half a Cent .1 Word.
Heal Estate.
aaaj .
The house Is a substantial stone front structure. It Is large and
beautifully finished ; has four open fireplaces, together with largo set
plate glass mirrors, and In every way this house Is modern and unique
In Its appointments. It Is situated on a lot 72 f tx 1 8 1 ft., on Washing
ton avenue.
This Place Can
Be Bought for
Or owner will exchange for double house, centrally located.
Will Buy a
Property Listed
The demand for property In this lo
cation will make It worth $",00(1. It
Is an Investment wotth your con
sideiatlon. A Building Lot
For $400
This lot Is well situated, couvptil
it to the Wushlnpton avenue
stieet ear lino and will bo a bar
gain for somo ono wishing to build
a nice little home.
Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa,
Branch WANT
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALI3CRT SUIIfr1'55, coiner Mul-
beiry stieet and Webster ave.
OUSTAV P1C11K1., CM Adams
West Side-
GKO. W. JKNKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
Soutb Scranton
l'TtKD 1-. TERI'I'K, 7J'J Cedar
North Scranton
Oi;0. V. DAVIS, coiner North
Main avenue and Jlaikct
Gieen Ridge
(.1IAU1.ICS P. JON'i:S, 15r,7 Dick
son avi nue.
V. J JOHNS, OJO Gieen rtidgo
C. l.ORKXZ. coiner Washington
avenue and JIailon stieet.
W. II. ICNHPi'IOr., It'17 living
j. a bont: & son.
For Rent.
FOR ItKNT Fhst-el.iss storage; best
pai t cential city. Apply J11 Jelfer.ion
a cnuc.
FOR RI3NT Desk 100m privileges, In
cluding use of new Remington ma
chine. Connoll building. Addics D., Tilb
uiie ofllce.
FOR RUNT Dwelling house coiner of
Biyn aiuwr and l'.ulc .ivenue. Ten
dollais per inonth.
?1S ror Rent Ton-ioom houso; escellent
nclghboihood; all modem Improve
ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P. Ham
ilton, A26 Spruce street.
For Sale.
JUST ARRIVED with a ear load of
hoises; good wotkeis and dilveis:
weight liom eleven to flftteu bundled
pounds, Seve1.1l closely niiitched teams.
Cm bu seen at ;!! Raymond court, F. M.
Genuine diamond hi 1IIC ling, ',1 eaiat,
$1m; ',i c.trat, $1.; 'i eaiat ling, JJ8; hoop
ling, live diamonds, 1 V cut. its, $!.'; dia
mond and niby llug, $J0; dl.imond ling,
tliioe stones, fiiue white, 1.. caiats, JS",;
dlanionil ling, two stones, i eaiat, 30;
diamond stud. I I-1B tarts, W, thiee
diamonds and two 1 utiles lu ling. SIO; Tiff
any ling, I eaiat, 9U: e.udiops, Ha carats,
?11,',; Indies' btooeh. Pi carat. JW: Indies'
pin, r,a cuiat, $13: gents' llug. neaily 7
carats (not a yellow stone), $t,00, Your
money back without aigument if not sat
isfied. Walter W. Wlnton. Diamond Par
lor, Room b07, Meais building.
FOR SAl.i: Ono pair of grny mnres, well
matched, weight 230u, sound and gen
tle, good dilveis nnd woikeis, single or
double. Inuubo of Manning Gillespie,
New Milfoil!, Pa.
FOR SALE A pair or wnll-miitrhed geld
iiiBs at tC'u Gieen Hidgo stieet, city.
FOR SAI.i:-About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted wlih glass fiont and
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drnwois and shelves lind-V-nenth.
May be seen at tho office of The
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
I'OR RUNT A furnished 100m on second
lloor fiont, $1.M week, ill.", Adams ave.
Wanted to Buy.
WANTUD TO UI'V-A good wuldlo hois
that tan lie used tor d living. W. A.
S.iuloid, Wavcil.v, Pa
Rooms nnd Board.
Pl.KASANT looms with board for four
or live ouug men. inruuio su wash
ingtou avenue.
WAN'l'UD-Hiunll furnlbheit hotibo. Ad
dicts Ron uOO, city.
LOST A watch fob with gold lockot
attached. Finder will bo le warded by
icturiilng to 410 Wiomhig avenue.
Money to Loan,
Quick, stialght loans 01 llulldlug and
Loan. At from 1 to U per com. Call on
N. V Walker, .111.313 Connoll building.
No Order v
Accepted for IiC3
Than 10 Cents,
Real Estate.
$1 3,000
Will Buy a
12-Koom House
fiuO Block on
Quliicy Avenue
A Washington Ave.
BulltllitK Lot
An exceptionally good Investment
piopprty, as its location and size
makes it suitable for building a
store and home combined, it can
be put chased If taken at once, for
Heal Estato
Securities, Mortgages
IiOans Negotiated
Help Wanted.
WANTIID Agents to hell tea and 1 uf
leu to eonsumeis. I'nslllons peima
nent. Cli.unl t'liion Ten Co., Sll Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wonted Male.
WASTRD-Five lllst class cm penters.
Apply to Seianton Gl.tts Manilfaetiu
Ing Co., Moosle.
WASTED-All experienced man lu linen,
domestic nud wab goods, all com
munications stiictly confidential. Ad
dttss C. D. i:.. Tiibune of Ike.
WANTHD Vet ty men t Toblmnnii,
IM., to work on giartlng tor a iall
loacl .switch and clearing .1 piece of wood
land. Call at iJMu building, Toby
liunna Cieek Ice Co., C. C. Feibcr,
uier. Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A girl for geneial 1ioumwoiIc,
with leleience. Apply 7.'iJ 3ladlsun
GIIll, FOR hoiisevvoik in small
family; refeiences letiuhcd. .111 Quincy
WANTJ3D A good gill for geneial house
woik. .Mis. A. IJ. Relph, 411 Seventh
Agents Wanted.
IjAKOII CORPORATION wants energetic
Geneial Agent for this count. No
books, hisiiiiim e, or e.inv.i.sslng. A
(liiuliitnnce with merchants and munu
tactuteis necessary, Pcimnneiit. Bond.
State age, oxpeiicnte, lefeienees (list let
ter. Addiess, Suite u72, No. luul Chestnut
St.. Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
A WOMAN wants a place to took, or as
housekeepi r, wheie she e.111 have lift
boy with her. Infinite at Jio ri.mklin
nvenue, city.
stonogiaphei. Addiess Agues, Trib
une office,
expel lenced in stdiogi.iphy nud type
vviitlng; vviites good long baud; debt's
position ImniPdlately, Address ' caie
Tiibune office.
, For Sale or Rent.
FOR SALK OR RUNT The i'.-stoiy bifpk
building, with holler house- attached,
and long row of sheds lor hoises. wag
ons, etc ; also inilioad svviteli suitable lor
manufnetuilng purposes; latolv occupied
by tho Clock Tobacco Co R. M Wlnton,
Room No. 507, Meats Building.
Certified Public Accountant.
KDWARD C. SI'At'LDING, C. P. A.. 2.1
Tindeis' llulldlug. Old 'phone IS'lt.
Real Kstate Ijihungu llldg , l.M Wash
ington avenue,
Civil and Mining Enghiceis.
uell building.
DR, i;. C. lOlLUNRHRGnR, I'Afl.l
building, Spiiico stieet, Seianton.
DR. C. C. LAUllACII, II.-,Vv6"mI.NG avu
Five Insumnce.
SCHLAGUR & CO., 101 Council Uullillng
Patent Attorneys.
P AT E N TSlw?A."
Tho onlv liieut-ed and equipped patent
solicitor lu tho city. No i h.irgo fur lu-
foi matlon on patentability; over ten
yeais' opotleiicu
Heplojrle & Co,, Mcar.s IJLIg.
Hotol3 nnd Restamants.
Til?: CAFU, 123 and iTTrUANK-
tlll avenue, itaies leasomiiiie
t P ZIUGLKR, Piopilelnr.
scMtA.vmN 1 1 ousF nu aTmIT & xv.
l'.issenger defioi. Conducted on iho Uu
lope.iu ilun. Victor Koch, Piopilelor.
and cess pools, no odor; only iinpioved
pumps used 'A. I! Hilggs, piupilutoi
Leave outeis Uu North Main avenue,
ur Ulc-Ue a drug btoie, coiner Adams and
Mulboiiy, liuth telephones.
Wire Screens,
ave. Scranton, mini, of Who Sctecns.
plies, envelopes, paper bags, tvvlno
Wiuc-house, HO Wablilugton avenue.
bu had in Hcratitou at the news stand
01 Relsiimn ilros., Unj Spiueo and uu
Ltudeii; M. Noiton. :I22 Lackawauud
nve.; I S. Si-hutaer, 211 Spiiico stieet.
Only Half ,1 cnt a WarJ.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Wilto for our special mni
ltet lotlel-, I'-tco on upplltntlon. 9. AL
lllhlirud .t Co.. inembeis N, Y. Consoll
diilcd and Stock Uxchiiime, II and 48
Ihondvvay. New Voik. Kstnbllshed 1S1I.
Long Dlstnueo 'Phono 23SS llioad,
Wrf"V V-rf
THU MOIlUI, LAl'NDRy. Dttnmote,
liiunileis shlils nt Se. encti and collnn
nnd eiilTs at IHe each. Family washing,
1 1 cuts per pound,
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
IN lOrfeet .lime 1, 1IM2.
Tialns leave Seianton for Now Yolk
At I Ho, ,120, 5 OS. "Till and 10.10 a. m,; 12.10,
11.10. .1-13 p. in For New Ymk and Phllu
delplilit ".no, 10.111 11. in., and 12.10 and ;i"7
p. in. For (louklsbiiin At 0.10 p. m. For
Ktirr.iio 1 13, 1122 mid iioo 11 m.: 1 ... ono
and II in p. m l-'ur lllughaniton, Ulmlra
nnd way stations 10.23 11. 111.. 1,03 p. 111.
Pur Oswego, and Ftlta 1.13 and
0 22 11. ni ; 1,53 p. in Osvvctm. Sincusi
nnd I'tlca lialn ul 0.22 11. 111. dally, escept
Siindav. For Alontiose P no a. in.; J.o",
uud BWi p. in Nicholson ucciiminodiitlon
-1 1X1 and il.r, ) in.
niiioinxlitug Division Fur Noi-thiunber-liiuil,
at ti.::" uml 10 lu 11. in: 1. 33 and on
p in. For PI mouth, at ,S10 a. in.; .MO
mid DO", p ni.
Sunday Trains For New Voik, 1.30, 20.
0 03, loin u ui . ,110 nnd :M3 p. m. Foe
Uufl'nlo-1 13 and 0 22 11 111 . 133, 0 30 and
II 10 p. in. For Ulmlrn and vvii stations
III 2 in. 111. For Hhmlianiton uud wtiv stu
tlons, 0i a. ni. Mloomshiug Division
Leave Seianton, 10 10 a. in and 010 p. 111.
Lehigh Vnlley Raihond.
lu Llfcct .lime 13. I'siJ.
Tialns Leave Seianton
For Philadelphia uud New Yoik via D.
k M R. R, .it 7 11. tluougli Pallor Car
and D.iv Coach Caibonilale to New Y01 !c
and .0.17 11, m, with L V Coach C.uhoii
d.He to Plillndelphlti. and 2 1s, I :::, fRIack
Diamond Upiess). .mil n in p m. Suu
d.i.vs D. & 11. R R.. I 3S, n. 17 n . 111.
For White Haven,'tou and pilnel
pal points lu the, via D. .t
U. R It.. TU, :;is and IV, p. 111, For
Pottsvllle. 7 II a 111
For Bethlehem, U.u'tim, Reading, Ilnv
llsbiug and 1nlnclp.1l Intel mediate sla-
lli.t, ,.. I. ,. II r 1. - ,1 A T .. .-.
..,..-, . ,,, i.r, iv II, I. Ik., 1,11, if. II II. HI ,
2 IS, 4 S3 (Black Diamond Kxtness). 11.19 p.
in Siindavs. D. ,t H. R. R 0'!S a. 111.
and l.,-,s and 0.17 p m.
ror 1 iinijii.innoel;, TowaniU. uimlin,
lthae,i, Geneva and Intetmedliilo
.stations via D , L. .V. V R. R i!.:3 a. m.
and 1.33 p m.
1...... r, --., 1 ....M..t ..!
1 Ul v,.-IH-.l, KIJCIH-SICI , milllllU. .MIIK-
111.1 Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D & H. U. R. I2.a! p. m : y-2S (Uliick
Diamond U.pi e-s. 10 41. 11.10 p. in. Sun
dins. D. Ac II. It. R.. 12U!. 0.17 p. 111. pniior nun sleeping or i.eiugn
.....v.,, . ,1,1.11 , ui.t nil till 11,1111-, IJUIV.'II
Wllkes-Bane and New Yoik. Philadel
phia, BnlTalo nnd Suspension Bildge.
ROLLIN It. WILBUR. Gen. Supt.. 215
Cm tin nil stieet, New Yoik.
CIIARLUS S. LUU, Gen Pass. AsL. 25
C01 tl.ind stieet. New Yoik.
A. W NONUMACIIIOR, Dlv. Pass. Agt.,
South Uethlehem. P,i.
C01 1 octed to September 10, 1002.
For tkkets and Pullmnn le.sei vation up
il to city ticket offlre, CO Public Squnie,
WIIUts-R.tne, Pa.
Centrnl Railroad of New Jersey.
Stations in New Yoik font Liberty
stieet and South Feiiy, N. R
Tialns leave Scr.intoii for New Yoik,
Pliiladelpbki, Uiiston. Bethlehem, Allin
lown, M.iucli Chun'., White lluvcn. Ash
ley, WIlkes-Ban-e nnd Pittston at 7.20 .1.
111 . 1 11 m. and 4 p. in Sunday, 2.10 p. 111.
Quaker Cltv Uxptess leaves Ser.inton
7."i) a 111.. thioiigh solid vestibule tialn
with Pullman Ituffet Pallor Car for Phila
delphia with onlv one change of cais for
B.iltlmnie and Washington, U. C, nnd all points south and west.
For Avoe.i. PittMon and Wilkcs-Haiie,
1 11. 111 .mil 1 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
I'm- Long HI. nub. Glove, etc.,
7,;io 11 m ami 1 n. m.
For Rending. Lebanon and llarrlsbuirf
via Allenlowii, at 7..I0 a 111., 1 p. nt. and 1
P 111. Slllid.i, 2.10 p 111.
For T.imiKput uud Potlsville, 7 20 a. 111,
1 11. in and I i. 111.
For iate and tickets apply to agent at
W. ! HUSSLUR. Gen Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen Pass. Agt
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule in UlTei t .lune 10, 1!'ll2.
Trains le.ive Seiaiiliiu h ! 1. m wee'i
dins, thiough visilljiilc 11, ihi Hum
Wilkc-s-lJaiie. Pullman luilft pailoi e ir
and conches lit Pbll.idehitila, ln Pmts
vllle; .stuiis ut piluciiml iulei mediate stn
tloux AIsh eonneet.s for Snnbiiiy. Ilnr
lisburg, I'hll.iilelpbl.i n.iltimuie, Wnsh
Ingtou and lor Pit tubing and the West.
'J 17 a m . wi-ek iI.i.vh, i hi- Sunbiiry, llin
lisbiug, Phil idelphl 1. B.iltimme, ',n.i
Iligtou nnd Pltlsbuig nnd the Wot
142 p m, vviek davs, (Smidajs. I 3S p.
nil. fur Siiuliinv. Iliiirl-biug, Plillul'l
filil.i, B.ililinoii', Wiislilnglon and Pitts
bui: mid tin' i-st.
!! 2S p. Ill, Weik tl.i Mil ough vestibule
tiitln Horn Wilkes-li.uie biuret
11.11 lor cur nud ( ouches lu Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle Stops at pilnelpn! Inlnrinedl
ate stutloi.w
I "3 )i 111., weelvduvs. fur iilenn, Su.i
Inn. v. Hiii'iislniig, I'hllailelpliln and I'ltl".
.1 H. WOOD. G"li. Pass Ant.
Dclawaio and Hudson.
Ill Ufl'ect .lune 10. Pin.'
Tialns lor c.iiboud.ili le.ivi Si at
0.11. 7.;o, s.tu, in.i; a 111.; 120,, 1.12, 2.11.
'.V,. 3.2". 0 23i S,2I 0 13. 10 0 p in,,
1 ,'.s a. in.
For IIoiipmIiiIc 1. II, 10 11 a 111 ; 2.11 and
.3 .0 n 111.
For WilUfs-llaiie i,.& 7 11. II. 0.17.
lo 3.1 .1 111 . 12 0.1, I ,2. 2 In. .. 2 1,23. I..10.
7 Is. I'i.II, It. I'l p 111
l'oi- L. V. R R I'olntH 7 II. L'.i: 11. m.;
2 IS. I .;3 and II. I'i 11. 111
For Pennsvlviinln It R. Points n,
0 IT a. m ; 1 12, !.2S ami I ,V p m,
1'nr Albany and all points ninth T.Si, a.
m. and .130 11. 111
I'm Caibonilale-s 'ji, 11ii 11. m;,2,ll,
n.30. 3.32 and II 17 p. Ill tm
For Wilkes-Hal 1 e-H. IS a 111; 12.02,' 1 ,3.1,
".s, i;."2 and 'M7 p 111 "
For Albany and points not Hi .I.Sii.p 111.
For lloui'Mlnlu K.30 a. m ; 112.! apd !1.32
p m T
W L PRYOR, D l A.. Siltliilnn.-P.l
Eiie Railroad Wyoming Division,
lu UlTeet Seiteniber 13. IO112.
Tialns leave Si 1 union I'm New Yolk,
Newbutgh and Intel mediate points, also
lor lluwley and local st.itluits ut ",'20 a,
111. ami 1-Ti p m
Fur Honesilale and "White Mills .If 1.23
li in
Tialns aulve at Sirauton at leas .1. 111,
and '.1 13 p m. v
New Yoik, Ontario and Western.
Time table, hi effect Sunday. Sept' 2U, Nrt2,
."SUltlll ntu NP TI(,IN. t
Leave Leave Anlvn
TtiibiD. Seianton. Caibondnle. f'adosl.t.
No. I 11. bin 111. p, 111.
No, 7 010 p m.Ai-,Caibnnd.iliiu.iip rn
Leave l.c.ivo Ainvi
Tlilllis, Ciulosiu, Cai'boniliile. KcihhIoii.
No. ! ts rn a. fii.' "
No.-2 ... 2.13 p 111 I On p m I IVp m.
Leave Leave A.i'ilvi
Tialns. Ser.inton Caiboiidalc Cailosl.i.
No :i ... s.3na. 111. 0.10 11. in " lo 13 a. in.
Nu. .3 . .., 7 tmii m Ai Cm boiiihi In 7.43 p in
Leave Lc.ivo Ariivo
Trains CadoMu Caihond.ile. Seiuiiton,
No ii .. . 0 30 a. 111 7.23 a. m,
No pi p m 0 00 p 111. ii 15 p. in.
Tiaius Nes. 1 on week ilajs, and 0 on
Sundays connect lor New Y01L cltv, Mld
dletovvu, Walton, Norwich. Oueid.t, Os.
wego and all points vvet
Tiuln No, i), with '-OuaUer City ICv.
lu-css" at Seianton. via C It It of N. ,I
tor Phllmlclphla, Atlantic City, ruiltlmoie,
Washiiigtou and PeuusylvauU state
See tlmo-tablo and con-ult ticket aginh
for connections with oilier Hues.
J. C. ANDKRSON. G. P. A., Naw Yo.k.
J. U. .WULSIf. T. P. A., ScruntonPa, ,