The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 13, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Marriage of William A. Raub and
Gladys Louisa Joseph Rev. T. A.
Humphrey's Officiated.
The wrddlni; nt Wllllniii A. Itiiuu, of
317 .Tcffcrnon iivnntte, nnd Miss Gwlmlyfl
Lmilm .fiwuiili. of lf.S South Hyde Purl:
n venue, was solemnized nt noon yester
day nl Iho residence) or IteV. T. A.
lltiitiplii'pyp, imHloi- of tlio Plymouth
UaiiKromitlmiul I'hutch, on North Jlc
ncrcn nvenue.
The event wis niilotly rondiiototl, the
only jitlmulnntliplnc; tho bride's mother,
Mrs. Mary Joneph. The bride wtis bo-i-oinlUKly
nttlred In a traveling gown,
with hut to niiitrlt. Immediately rifter
the nuptial knot was lied, Mr, and Mrs.
ltimb left on n. wcddlna- trip to New
Vnrk and other places ot' Intel est.
The bride Is well known as a milliner,
and was at one time n member or the
firm or Jenkins, .Joseph & Davlcs. She
Is a member (if. the Plymouth Congre
gational chureli, Jiud Is held In high es
teem throuRhoul the elty, The groom
with his father, A, tt. liaub, Is cngiiKed
In the undertaking business, and has
been prominently Identliled with the
Thirteenth regiment for a number of
years, being tit present the eaptuin of
I'oinpany I..
Itoth have a bust of friends to con
gratulate them on the happy event.
Upon their return Mr. and Mrs, Itaub
will begin housekeeping In .the central
employed as a miner In the Continental,
had his side and hip Injured while at
work on Tuesday by being struck by a
falling rou.
.lames ,T. Orahani, of IWtf Tenth street,
n mine;4 In the Hampton, was dragged
beneath a car on Tuesday and sustained
severe bodily bruises.
Died in Xong' Island City.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mcllugli, who
reside at 1?20 Luzerne street, received
a telegram yesterday announcing the
death of their son, Frank McIIugh. nt
Long Island City. N. Y. Deceased had
been ill for some time, and was a fore
man for the Xew York unci Queen's
County Itallroad company, of which .1.
It. Heelem. formerly of this city, Is gen
eral manager.
McHugh was formerly in the employ
of the Seranton Hallway company, and
was well known In this city. He is sur
vived by bis wife and two small chil
dren. Funeral Director John K. Jtegan
went to Long Island City last night and
will return with the body tonight. The
funeral announcement will be made
Eecent Social Events.
Miss Annie Tougher. oC Jackson
streel, entertained a number of her
friends at a surprise party on Monday
Mis? Hue Peck, of Price street, gave
a card party at the home of her par
ents on Tuesday evening. Among the
guests .was Miss Long, of Plymouth.
Events of This Evening.
The Kiiluinlne dancing class, 11 now
organization, will hold Its opening
social In St. Pnut's hall this evening.
Itennle's orchestra, will play for them.
The lOpworth league or the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church will hold .a
business meeting this evening.
The West Side Hepublleun club will
hold it regular meeting this evening.
The Women's Holier corps will be en
tertained this evening at the home of
Mrs. George "W. Powell.
The Hellevno Loyal Crusaders will
meet In the mission school building this
A meeting of the Dodge Mine fund
will be held In D. D. Evans' hull this
A Plnnuehl social will bo held in the
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church on
Tuesday evening. November L'S.
Hew J. S. Wrlghtnour and family will
occupy the old Judge Ward home on
North Sumner avenue, lie will begin
his pastorate at the First Baptist
church on Sunday, December 7.
Special services will be held in the
AVashburn Street Presbyterian church
during the last week of November. De
cision day will be observed on Sunday,
November "0.
There will be a ueanut social at the
Young Women's Christian association
rooms next Saturday evening.
Don't Miss It.
He sure and read Mears & llagen'.s
advertisement on another page or this
Two Mine Accidents.
William Lewis, of Langstaff avenue,
Five stnitrps given away with
each bottle Of Dufour's French Tar
Miss Edith Thlrwell, of Wilkes-Barry,
lias returned home from a visit with
MUs Jennie Gleason, of Luzerne street.
Miss Mary Hughes, of Swetlund
street, attended the funeral of a rela
tive in Wllkes-Barre yesterday.
Arthur Wade, of Swetlnnd street, has
gone to Toronto, where lie will act as
treasurer for the international Text
Book company
Mrs. Stanley Ogllville, of Plymouth,
has returned home from a visit with
Mrs. Alfred Pike, of Thirteenth street.
Mrs. David J. Jenkins, of Jacks-on
street, is ill at her home.
Hohert Roberts, of South Main ave
nue, Is recovering from a severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. David Powell, of Ttundle
avenue, recently welcomed a new ar
rival at their home.
Hew and Mrs. Peter Huberts, of
Mahanoy City, have informed their
friends hero ot the advent ot u daugh
ter In their home.
Daniel Holmes, ot Cayuga street,
was arraigned before Alderman Myers
lust evening, on the charge of assault
and battery, preferred by John Mur
phy. Holmes since he hns received his
pay has been drinking and had been
going by his home and abusing his
wife because, she would not give liitn
money. Tuesday, Holmes came home
and abused his wife so shameful that
Murphy, Mrs. Holmes' brother, had a
warrant issued for his arrest. The al
derman held him In default ot WOO ball.
LOST In North Seranton, a bunch
of keys. Howard If left at Davis'
Drug store, West Market street.
The ladles of the Providence Pres
byterian church are making elaborate
preparations for their annual dinner
which will be served In the social
rooms of Hie church In the near fu
ture. A bazaar will also bo Included In
Hie features of the occasion.
The Shnmrock basket ball team has
changed the place of future conlllcts to
St. Mary's hall on West Market
street. On Friday evening they will
have the Pastimes of South Seranton
as their opponents.
Kdward Kane, the victim of the
shooting- affair on election night, Is
rapidly regaining strength, and will
be able to be about In a few days.
The ladles of St. John's mission will
conduct a rummage sale in the Oster
liout building on West Market street,
Patrick Jlaggerty. of Oak street,
spent yesterday in Avoca.
Mr. and .Mrs. Patrick Keegan, ot
Parker street, are rejoicing over the
ni rival of a baby girl.
Thomas Campbell, ot William street,
has accepted a position as timekeeper
at the Von Storch colliery of the Dela
ware and Hudson company.
.Tames AVoodmansoe, ot Warren
street, has returned from a live days'
stay at Deposit, N. Y., where he at
tended the funeral ot his sister.
Richard Reese, of Peckvllle, called on
Druggist W. W. Watklus, of Provi
dence road last evening.
The management of the North
Seranton bowling alleys have decided
to give the following prizes on Thanks
giving eve: First prize, for highest
score, a 20-pound turkey; second
prize, next to highest score, an 18
pound turkey: third prize, for highest
average in three consecutive games, an
IS-pound turkey. The contest is open
to all.
Concluded from Pago 7.1 "
Don't Miss It.
Be sure and read Mears & Haj
advertisement on another page of
en s
Our Semi-Annual Sale
i Of Housekeeping Linens
if Begins on Tuesday morning. There ought to be a welcome '
sound in this announcement to every housekeeper, for they know 5P
& by experience that it means a saving of just so much on every fe
2J yard or item bought in these departments while the sale con-
;g tlnues. St
Bleached Linen Table Damasks Si
; All new patterns and the best makes known to the trade. ?.
Worth. For. Worth. For.
58 in. Damasks. .. .28c 22c 72 In. Dainask.$1.00 $ .87',i 5"
58 in. Damnsks. . . .35c 25c 72 in. Damask. 1.12'i .98 Sf:
58 in. Damasks. .. .45c 35c 72 in. Damask. 1.25 1.12' g
58 in. Damasks. .. .50c 39c 72 In. Damask. 1.40 1.19
54 in. Damasks. .. ,59c 45c 72 in. Damask. 1.45 1.29 5
60 in. Damasks. .. .65c 55c 72 in. Damask. 1.50 1.39 S:
72 in. Damasks. .. .75c 59c 72 in. Damask . 1.65 1.50
68 in. Damasks. .. .75c 65c 72 in. Damask. 185 1,69 8P
72 in. Damasks. .. .85c 75c 72 in. Damask. 2.00 1,85 &
Heavy Linen Cream Damasks
50 in. Damasks. .. .25c 19c 60 in. Damnsks.. 50c 45c 25!
54 in. Damasks. .. .29c 22c 62 in. Damasks.. 50c 45c J5
60 in. Damasks.... 33c 25c Damasks .. 70c 69c
. . . , 70 in. Damasks.. 75c 67',.c ay.
00 in. Damasks.... 40c 31c other qualities proportion- 5s
58 in. Damasks. .. .45c 35c ately reduced.
TsVf Nankin Pfirc akn Doi4 '
In proportion to the above figures. We can match all of the S
better qualities in damasks. , 5
5-8 Linen Table Napkins begin at 49c the dozen.
Our regular S6.00 a dozen Napkins sell now at $4.50.
All Intermediate or higher grade qualities carry the same
discount during this sale.
Matchless Towel Bargains
jg Barbers' Towels. 14x26, 7c each. Dozen 75c.
All Linen Damask Towels, 1 6x31, worth 12'ceach, 9c: doz,$l.
:-S Heavy Huck Towels, regular 12j$c kind, each 9c: dozen $1.
$ All Linen Huck or Damask Towels worth 15c, 18c and 20c
each, about 200 dozen In all, extra special at, each, 12Wc.
1 All other towels correspondingly reduced during this great sale.
jf Crash Toweling Specials
Union Linen Crash Toweling, 6c kind, at 4c.
Heavy All Linen Scotch Crash, worth 12$c, at 8c.
Glass Toweling and other yard goods at correspondingly low prices
Remarkable Values in Bedspreads I
All large sizes and thoroughly good qualities
course, and some are fringed.
80c Bed Spreads at . , , , . , 79c
$1,15 Bed Spreads at,,,, 98c
$1.35 Bed Spreads at, , , ,$1,10
$1,50 Bed Spreads at, . , ,$1,29
$1,75 Bed Spreads at, , . .$1,50
$1.85 Bed Spreads nt. . . ,$1.59
$2.00 Bed Spreads at. , . .$1,75
$2.25 Bed Spreads nt..,.$185
$2.50 Bed, Spreads at. . . .$2.19
New patterns, of t:
$3.00 Bed Spreads at, . . ,$2.50
$3,50 Bed Spreads at, , . .$2.08
$4.00 Bed Spreads at, . . .$3.50
$4.50 Bed Spreads at, , . ,$4.00
$5.00 Bed Spreads at, , . ,$4,50
Pillow Cases, Sheets, Sheet
ings and all other kinds of
housekeeping linens at special
bargain pxlces.
1 Globe Warehouse!
!enwmw(f(f(fji $ I
Fully llttecn hundred people attended
what was known as a towel social, at
the Hickory Street Presbyterian parish
house last evening, and the affair was
a huge social and llnanclal success.
The parish house auditorium was used
for the reception and entertainment,
while in the basement, coffee and var
ious kinds of cakes were served to the
visitors. A short musical programme
was given by members of the congrega
tion and choir which was heartily en
cored. The affair will be repeated this
evening when the Choral union will
take part In the slngmgr. The arrange
ments are in charge of the Ladles' Aid
society and they are being warmly sup
ported by the Young People's society,
and the Sunday school teachers. The
rendition of the cantata, "The Hay
makers," which was to have been given
between Thanksgiving and Christmas,
lias been postponed for the present.
James Tuhlll, William Tuhlll, AV. S.
Mott, George Fenne, Paul Shorten,
George Phillips, and Charles Wlllard
liaVe returned from a pleasant eight
days hunting trip In the wilds of Pike
county. They were all well supplied
with game which included deer, wood
chuck, quail, and two wildcats, one ot
which put up quite a fight, as related
In tills column on Tuesday. The fight
ing cat, which weighs nearly twpnty
pounds, is the property of Paul Shorten,
who will have the hide mounted.
An Important meeting ot the Seran
ton Athletic club is called for tonight
when all members are urged to attend.
A reception and social for members
only, by the St. Aloysius Total Abstin
ence society will be held in Pharmacy
hall this evening.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "Xo cure,
no pay." For sain by all dealers.
Kim street at the intersection of Rem
ington avenue, where the sewer is be
ing placed, is at present blocked for
Word was brought to this side yes
terday that a large black bear was
lurking around .Moscow In the vicinity
of Brown's farm, and two local hunters,
Charles Jtoth and George Hartman
are going after him on Saturday.
A bowling match between the Mos
quitoes and Hutterlly teams Is schedul
ed to luke place this evening on the
Arlington's alleys.
He htirc and reud Mears & llagen'.s
advertisement on another page of this
Nxtensivo repairs at the old Neptune
I'higino house on Cedar avenue, has
made the building much more comfort -
anio io.' tne permanent men who are
required by the regulations to live there
The euchre party and social, which
was to take placo In St. John's hall
last evening was postponed, A basket
ball game Instead will be played this
The Star Social club and the newly
organized gun club, will meet at their
headquarteni U12 Plttstou avenue to.
morrow evening,
A well attended rehearsal of St.
Joint's church choir, who are preparing
special music for next Sunday's dedi
cation exercises, was held In the now
church basement last evening. Miss
Knto Iteardon, the leader, Is highly
gratllled with the result ot her tutorship.
refer to our reply to the statement Im
mediately preceding, and to state In nil
illlloni that assuming that I here has boon
an Increase! In the cost of living, It Is an
Increase which falls on all alike. In this,
the miner's circumstances are no worse
than those of others. There has been tt
general advance in wages in thu past two
years, and in this thu miner has shared hi
common with the other trades. Again
wo Jlud thu miner on relatively the. Hiimo
footing as others. A condition exists,
however, which makes the minor's condi
tion hi the labor world preferable to that
of flic followers of other occupations, In
that he retains to himself the opportunity
and pilvllogrf to Inurcaso hi his dally
wage by his own effort, to a much great
er extent than almost any other skilled
Highlit The wages of the anthracite
mine workers are so low that their
children nro prematurely forced into tlio
breakers and mills Instead ot being sup
ported and educated upon the earnings of
their parents.
I his statement wo deny absolutely.
AVhere the children of the miners arc
prematurely forced Into the breakers and
mills, It Is duo entirely to the disposition
ot the parents, for the fact remains that
many of our most prominent and prog
ressive and profcssloal and business men
have been miners themselves, or lira the
children of miners, and in their educa
tional qualifications they are easily tho
equals of their associates whoso start in
life was from other suroriiudlngs.
Ninth Wages are below the fair and
just earnings of mine workers In this In
dustry. This Is fully answered In our foregoing
answers to statements.
Tenth The ten-hour day Is detrimental
to the health, life, safety and well-being
of the mlno workers.
In answering this question we beg to
refer your honorable, commission again
to the paper marked exhibit A.
Whether ten hours work per day Is det
rimental to health, life and general safety.
Is a proposition which Is applicable to nil
avocations, and Is not confined to that
of mining nlonc. it Is a matter to be de
termined by statistical research and the
opinions of physlcans and actuaries.
Kleventh Shorter hours Improve the
physical, mental and moral condition of
tho workers.
A Sociological Question.
Tills is purely a sociological question
with which the coal operators have noth
ing to do. By this we do not desire to bo
understood as assuming an attitude of en
tire Indlffelence to the physical and moral
welfare of the mine workers, but we re
iterate that the proposition Is one which
sociologists are better quail lied to deal
with than business men. The operators'
concern in the controversy is to arrive at
a satisfactory basis upon which the min
ing of coal can bo proceeded with by the
payment of a fair rate of wages to the
mine workers.
Twelfth Shorter hours increase the in
tensity and efficiency of labor.
Another sociological question. Short
er hours also Increase the cost of produc
Thirteenth The tendency of national
and state governments, of organized
trades and of production generally, is to
ward shorter hours.
This Is the result of a nearly universal
disposition among men to work no more
than necessary in order to maintain such
standard of living as they tlnd most con
ducive to their own happiness.
Fourteenth A working day of eight
hours Is sufficiently long for the best in
terests of the working man and ot the
This is another sociological question.
1. Measurement by the legal ton wher
ever practicable is the only honest and
just system of measuring tlio earnings ot
the mine workers.
This is not a statement of fact, and it
must be admitted without argument that
It Is just as fair to mine coal liy measure
as by weight.
If a. legal ton was made the standard In
ascertaining the earning of the miners In
stead ot tile present practice of making
twenty-seven and one-half hundred
weight to thirty hundred weight the
.standard, It would not make the slightest
difference in the miner's pay, as he would
simply be paid by the hundred weight In
stead of by the ton.
Satisfies the tea taste bet
ter than any tea grown,
It is refreshing, invigorat
ing, healthful, pure and
economical, when you ask
for it you are at once
stamped as aj critical
judge of tea.
Ceylon and India Tea.
Sold only In Lead Packet.
50c. 60c, and 70c. Per Lb
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Penn Arenac
11 doctor It act uentlr on'tho toinach, liter
nd ktduefa ami lia nleaiH laiatlie. Tliia Uriak it
made from beiba, and la uraparad fur uae aa eaaily a
tea. Uia called l.uue'N Tra or
All druglUprb7 mall ;Scti. andlOcti. HujIMo
'las. I.oiiu'm laullly .llrdli'lliti uiqvm I bo
liawrl mcli ilu. In order to bo inulthy tuiail
novcuarj. Addrtaa, Boi Ud, U Ho, N. Y.
Question of a Ton.
2. 'When the operators sell or transport
coal It Is on the basis of n leiriil ton of
",2)0 pound.
Tho question at Issue In this controversy
Is whether tho miner is rcct-lvlng fair
wanes for the labor he performs, anil wo
submit that this question docs not enter
Into the controversy at nil.
il. Tho excessive ton was originally in
tended to compensate the operator for the
waste of the small .sines of coal which
were discarded, but which are now util
ized and sl, and therefore there Is no
present necessity for the use ot any other
than tlu lcsal ton.
This ututement has no beariner on the
attest Ion at Issue. If wo understand
aright, tho questions before your honor
able commission are to determine whether
the mine worker is receiving a fair and
just ro turn for Ills l.ibor. In tlio adjust
ment of this question we believe thut the
only points to. be considered are: (a)
The nature and character of tho work
performed; (b) The hours of employment;
(r) The wages paid, both with respect to
tlio cost ot living, anil In comparison with
tho rato of wuees paid to other skilled
These questions we have answered, hut
we again rcspectlfully submit that thu
above statement Is Irrelevant anil not u
question at Issue or of concern to tho
mine workers. We, however, might itote.
thai when this standard was established,
the market took from 20 to -10 per cent,
of lump coal nnd a largo percentage ot
grato coal, but.owlng to changes In meth
ods of burning, and the substitution oc
soft coal and coke In iron malting, tlm
demand for lump and grain coal has prac
tically disappeared, .Now we only havo
market for egg. stove, nut nnd the smal
ler sizes, The grinding down of thu lump
nnd tho grate to smaller sixes entail. iv
wasto equal to tho gain mndo by tha
selling of tho smaller sizes, As n matter
of fact, the. records of many companies
show that twenty-seven and one-halt
hundred weight to thirty hundred weight,
according to tho different kinds of coal Is
barely sufficient, owing io tho hrcukaga
In preparation and foreign substances sent
out In the car, which run from 20 to -tfl
per cent., to produce a ton of marketable
anthracite coal, Including pea mid buck
wheut. An Absurd Statement.
I, Tim adoption of this system would
rcmovo an Incentive, both to the opera,
tor and tho worker, to cheating and dis
honesty, nnd would allay jealousy among
the miners and prevent unjust discrimina
tion anil I'uvoiitlsni.
This as an absurd statement, mid docs
not enter Into tho question In coutroversy
nt nil. It Is as easy to cheat, If tho desire
to do so Is present, In weight its In mens,
me, and It Is impossible to keep it dis
honest niuu honest.
5. Tho change of tho present system to
tho ouo asked for would provo a strong
factor In allaying suspicion and discontent
among tho mine workers.
This Is simply .a repetition of a former
demand, and wo deslra to rtilerato as wo
have stated In cur answers to former do.
mauds, thut It Is a poorly disguised effort
on their part to secure an advance of 20
to 00 per cent. In tho prico for their labor
In addition to the demand for 20 per cent.
In wages which they have already made,
and thereby Increase a wage scale alreudy
above Unit of other employments requir
ing vustly greuter bklll and lutclllgciit'o
nnd yours of apprenticeship at extremely
low wages, as against a short term of
apprenticeship ut high wages required to
maku an cfllclcnt miner,
1. The anthracite mlno workers should
not bj compelled to inako or sign Indi
vidual agreements, but have tho tight to
form such organizations nnd choose such
agents and officers as they desire, to act
collectively instead of individually wher
ever thoy deem that their best Interests
are subserved thereby.
W do not deny the right or our em
ployes to organize for purposes of mutual
advantage and benellt to themselves, and
to act collectively when their best Inter
ests may be served thereby. But we do
deny tho right of any Interference with
the individual for the purpose of prevent
ing him from entering into any agreement
he may see lit for thu sale of his labor, a
right guaranteed him under the consti
tution of tho i'nlted States.
Absolutely Disputed.
2. Agreements between employers and
employes through worklngmens' organ
izations and the ordinary method of reg
ulating production and wages In the bit
uminous coal fleld and In other large in
dustries are benellcial, successful and in
keeping with the splilt of the times.
This is absolutely disputed by the oper
ators in the bituminous region.
!!. Unions of working men tend to better
discipline among the men and to tho im
provement of their physical, moral and
mental condition, and to tho preservation
of friendly relations between tho em
ployer and employe.
To the statement that labor imiuns Im
prove both thu morals and discipline of
their members, wo answer, that tills may
bo trim when applied to some organiza
tions. But when applied to the Miners'
Union as now conducted, we enter a most
emphatic denial, nnd propose to introduce
evidence showing that prior to the ad
vent of tho organization know ns the
United Mlno Workers of America, it was
considered hail form to kill or maim a
citizen who attempted to exercise the
light to sell his labor, guaranteed him
under the constitution of the United
States, We also propose to show thut the
vast number of brutal murders and beat
ings committed during thu past five
months show that the teachings ot the
Miners union has brought about such
moral obliquity as to viiusu Its mombers
to believe themselves justllled in those
acts of violence, and wo will provo that
the oflieers and tlio members of this union
hiivn juslllled this course by defending
both by counsel and by procuring ball
for those who have been guilty of these
atrocious acts. Ju regard to discipline,
wo offer to piove that tho dictation ot the
Miners' union as to whom we should hire,
ami particularly as to whum wu should
discharge, lias resulted In such absolute
and continued Insubordination of em
ployes In tho anthracite mines as to bring
about absolute reduction in efllcieney of
I rum Vi to 20 per cent. This can be con
clusively proven by tho dally production
per man us shown by thu mlno Inspector's
report of iV), ami compared to tlio same
production of 1001. These statistics In
somo Instances show a falling- off of 20
per cent,, entirely duo to lack of ability
to enforce discipline by dlsehMrgc.
Only Effective Method.
i. Kxpetienco shows that the trade
agreement Is the only effective method by
which It is possible to regulate, questions
arising between employer and employed
in largo Industries, and that a tradu
agreement Is thu only possible way to cs
tabllsh the relations between the em
ployer ami the wagu worker in the itu
tliraclto Held on a Just and permanent
basis, and as fur as possible to do nway
with any cause for the recurrence of such
difficulties ns thoso you now (the Anthra
cite, Coal Stklu Uommissluii) have been
called ill to settle.
We deny this stntemcut and offer to
show that for twenty years prior to the
advent of tho MtuhiV union, the miners
had been able to maintain a standard nt
hour wages higher than any other class
of employes without regard (o skill re
quired. Tills they luivo donn during long
periods of depression In business. Wo
will show that dining some of these pe
riods the bituminous miners havo been
forced to accept us low as om dollar per
day, while ut tho same lime tho men en
gaged In anthracite mining received from
lorty cents to one dollar per hour. AVo
will show that this scale of wages has
been maintained without thu help or as
sistance of any labor union or organiza
tion whatever, untl practically without
strikes or lockouts. We will also show
that since tlio advent of the Miners'
union we lutvu hud seven months ot com
plete, idleness, and many, many days and
weeks of Idleness ut Individual collieries
us the result of the attempt of the Miners'
union to manage and control the opera-
s Bazaar
sG. B?
Trade rG. B. J Mark
Won't Know
If You
Don't Come
To Our
Dress Goods
Sale, Too.
Like Success"
And our Dress Goods Sale
proves the truth of this axiom,
Here's wHat does It.
Dress Goods
Worth 25c the yard,
for 19c the yard
Dress Goods
Worth 50c the yard,
for 39c the yard
Dress Goods
Worth 75c the yard, '
for 59c the yard
Dress Goods
Worth 39c and 49c yd,
for 29c the yard
Dress Goods
Worth 65c to 75c yd,
for 49c the yard
Dress Goods
Worth $1 to $1.50 yd
for 79c the yard
What about the Handker
chief Sale? Nothing; except
that it is going on and the lots
are getting smaller. Just what
we expected, with such
prices on such Handkerchiefs f
Did you get yours ?
Port Wino.
Is not a mere luxury. If its quality is generous, it
is of the highest medicinal value.
All Port is not good Port. To reach the right
port, we are reliable pilots.
Triumph Brand Port is selected and
bottled under our direct supervision.
For moderate priced wine, it has no
The "Three Star" quality sells at
Per gallon, $1.50; per case, 5.00;
per bottle, 60c.
I' Pr3Vzrtett77WTT,
Q. 2974
Lyceum Theater, Tuesday "te. ,8thf
Soloist-August Spamith. Pianist.
TleUets, uOe, to $1,30. Dlugruui opens Saturday, Nov. 13, at V a, in.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Kcls, Lessee nnd Mnnngcr.
A. J. Duffy. Business Manager,
Fiidny Night, Nov. 14
Saturday Matinee and Night Nov. 15
Ami her superb company In Carina Jor-
ilnn'i. romantic tlrunut,
Presented on an elttliorato ecalo with
niMKiillk-euL seuni'ry.
Direction of Kdwanl C. While.
PniOKS-.M.itlnet'. 11.00, T3u.. We.. ?3c.
NlKhl. !.!. t.0U. "So., noc., '.'3e,
SentK on wile.
Academy of Music
M. Itels, Lessee nnd Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager,
3 Nights ttiWb Nov. 13,
(Miillnco l'Jvery Day.)
Lincoln J. Cinter'H Magnificent
I'l'OUIIt'tlOII ,
Willi tlio Kinlitfiit Herman Comedian,
Clins. A, (Karl) Gardner
And a CiimiK'tont Company of Players.
PIUOIJS Matinee. 15 untl 25 ccntH.
Night, 13, 85, 35 and 60 tents.
Matinees dally. Hliiillni; Tuesday.
Monday Night "Tlio Naval Cadet."
tors' business In thu matter of Idling ana
discharging men. We believe that we
will ho able to prove biich tremendous
losses of 1 1 to and money as to convince
your houoruule commission that
expedient to do any act which imv
tribute to Its continued existence,
The Dixie Theatn
Lessee and Manager,
Week of Nov. 10
Mr. nnd Mrs. Neil. Xttohflel
Mac nnd Elliott.
Maxwell nnd Dudley,
fTlie Great Spaulding.
Gubest Sisters.
Mac nnd Mac.
Will Tomkins.
In addition have retained
Xockhnrt's Elephants.
Ladle?, 10 centsi Men, Hi cents.
Grand Concerl
Lyceum Theatre,
Monday Evening, Noverubor 17tM
Prices 25c, 5-Jc, 7Sc, and ?1,00,
Diagram will open Friday, Nov. II.
V'liurtsduy, Friday Hnd Saturday,
NOV. U, U AND 13.
FKhc Brigadiers"
. i